LETTER Golf Course Superintendents Association Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund — Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students. NEXT MEETING Thursday, December 7,1989 Blae Hill Country Club 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 Noon After Lunch Director's meeting Regular meeting Lunch Educational, Session Host Superintendent— Dave Barber Reservations R e q u i r e d Call by December 2,1989 (617) 828-2000 Dave has been the course superintendent at Blue Hill C.C. since I j^jjr 1980. Prior to Blue Hill ^S Dave was superintenI dent at Wayland C.C. or 16 years. He is a ™ graduate of Stockbridge, Univ. of Mass, lives in Canton and has four children. Dave is past president of GCS ANE and has been a board member for 16 years. Directions to: From 128 take exit 2A (Rte. 138 Stougton) go to lstsetof lights and bear right (Washington St.) go approx. 1 mile and take aright on Pecunit St. (Sign will say BHCC) club is on the left approx. 3/4 mile. Special Thanks Hyannisport C.C. (Charles Passios) for donating $1288 to Research Fund also to Newton Commonwealth G.C. (Kevin Osgood) for a donation of $1200. OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. November 1989 Turf Research Tourney Basks in Success 1 urf Research Tourney Basks in Success They said it couldn't be done. However, they did it so well they plan to do it again, again and again. "Right," Paul Miller chirped after the first Turf Research Golf Tournament had rolled j ^ f g T j f e h up its tent and put itself flr | j M in storage for another t S S if • year. "This is something the doubters, the negative thinkers fed on. It used to be they could say we were all talk and no action. Then, all of a sudden, one day we said let's do it and here we are." Miller, who provides the superintendent's input in the greening of the Nashawtuc Country Club, is chairman of the NEGCSA turf research committee and was at the top of the blueprints where it was decided to tear off donations to the fund in big chunks by staging a golf tournament. "We're just starting to round off the returns," Miller gave an off the top of his head financial report. "Nothing's official yet, but it looks like we made in the vicinity of $12,000 with the tournament, raffle and other money-raising efforts attached to it. It's a good start but, hey, we can do better. In fact, that's going to be our theme with next year's event and those that follow. We always want to be better than we were the year before." The tournament response which consisted of 32 foursomes touring the Dedham Polo and Country Club course (naturally at its spiffy best at the urging of super Bob Mucciarone) added to the basic funding tool (straight donation) of $6,000. That brings the total for the year to around $ 18,000, a little less than Miller hoped to realize. "While the superintendents can't be blamed for taking bows over the success of the tournament, I think all of us have to take a second look at how much we didn't raise through club donations," Miller explained. "Our overall goal this year was $25,000. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't for lack of effort but for lack of participation. Thirty, that's all, clubs contributed $200 each." "Personally, I call that number a disgrace when you think that we represent 150 clubs in our association and that there arc many other clubs and courses out there with no ties to our group. We, the superintendents, are just going to have to do more in the way of selling the fund to our clubs. We have to make golfers understand how important turf research is." As for the tournament and the people making it all possible, Miller was virtually ecstatic over the cooperation he got from all sides of the sport, itself, and the entire golfing industry. "Naturally, we want to thank all those who played," he said. "And, of course, the same goes to the Dedham club for having us there. But there were individuals who worked above and beyond normal levels to make this a success." "Kip Tyler (Salem super) was one. He was in charge of communications, spreading the word. Jim Beane (Mt. Pleasant) and Paul Jamrog (The Continued on page 2 page 2 TURF RESEARCH TOURNEY Cont.from pg 1 Orchards) did a good job getting the raffle organized. Kevin Lyons (Turf Speciality) put his talents and effort to work in a successful sale of tee, green and hole sponsorships. Rich Cooper (UMass) had things under control in the nearest the pin contest and, of course, Dave Barber (Blue Hill) and Dennis Friel (Tom Irwin) tied the golfing and eating ends together very nicely. "The list of doers just goes on and on. How about Sawtcile Brothers and Country Club Enterprises? They got together along with the Dedham Polo C.C. and donated the golf carts players used in the tournament. The whole group just pitched in and made sure everything turned up right. As you can see, it was a team effort among the superintendents, commercial representatives and educators (Dr. Cooper). It was our first try and the organization in all phases really showed." Miller, who had no small part in the tournament as well as an ongoing concern for the well being of the Turf Research Fund, emphasizes that the overall winner is the golfing fraternity which benefits whenever improvements and innovations in the field are made. "That's why we (supers) have to keep banging away at our members about the importance of turf research," he added. "One day we'd like to make a donation that could open all kinds of new doors for the research people, maybe even get to the point where we raise enough money to provide new facilities to bolster the research effort. That's how big this thing can become." Whatever, those who said it couldn't be done are still feeding off the possibility in a way. But this time they're eating their words. Tasty or not, they're stuck with them. GERRY FINN PRESIDENT Richard Zepp, CGCS 27 F o w l e r Rd. N o r t h b r i d g e , MA 01534 H o m e P h o n e 508-234-8490 O f f i c e P h o n e 508-234-2533 Club Affiliation W h i t i n s v i l l e G.C. VICE PRESIDENT Paul M i l l e r , C G C S 1 L e i c e s t e r Rd. M a r b l e h e a d . MA 01945 H o m e P h o n e 617-631-7910 O f f i c e P h o n e 508-369-5704 Club Affiliation Nashawtuc C.C. The Super Speaks Out Welcome to The Super Speaks Out — a monthly feature which offers the golf course superintendent a forum to express his or her views on topics and issues relating to their profession. This m o n t h ' s continuing question: What is your reaction to the Turf Research Fund Golf Tournament as well as any ideas you may havefor promoting the importance of the fund and influencing greater donor participation: Doug Johnson, Sky M e a d o w Golf Club: "I'm really excited about the way the golf tournament turned out to be the successful undertaking a lot of people, even some of our own members, thought was a hopeless cause. "Of course, anything that beefs up the turf research program is worth all the effort that goes into i t For years we've been involved in turf research by channeling our donations through the national association. This way we keep our money at home and we take care of our own area's researching needs. "I think the superintendent should take a more active part in improving the club donation figures. I can' t see anything wrong in him going to his board of directors and asking that the club tack on a dollar or two for research in its dues structure. However, I can't see making it part of the superintendent's budget. In most cases it would be hidden under miscellaneous expense and leave itself open to query. "There's another idea we might explore. Since golfers are the chief beneficiaries of turf research, how about a state- SECRETARY S t e p h e n A. C h i a v a r o l i , CGCS 100 A i r p o r t Dr. W o r c e s t e r , MA 01602 H o m e P h o n e 508-752-0031 O f f i c e P h o n e 508-791-5373 Club Affiliation T a t n u c k C.C. TREASURER Thomas Schofield, CGCS 290 N o r t h Rd. S u d b u r y , MA 01776 H o m e P h o n e 508-443-3712 O f f i c e P h o n e 617-235-2487 Club Affiliation Wellesley C.C. wide push to get the MGA to add a dollar charge for research to its handicap card program? I can see a lot of money rolling in if we could get the golfers directly involved. "Personally, I think the superintendent's input at his club should be through his board and not a member-to-member contact effort. Let the board members pass the word. "Regardless of how we do it, I'm convinced turf research and its funding should be the No. 1 priority of the superintendent. This thing is long overdue. The easiest thing to do would be rest on our laurels after the tournament's success but it would also be the worst thing. We have to stay on top of this one, year-in and yearout." Bill Spence, The Country Club: "Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to be part of the research fund tourney but I think it's an excellent idea. This is one area (research) where we have to be concerned because I can see a lot of changes ahead, changes whose acceptance will be facilitated if research results in improved maintenance methods. "We're direct donors, meaning that The Country Club has made the Turf Research fund part of its annual budget. That's not a hard development to understand because most ground chairmen are sensitive to the need for technological TRUSTEE Kip Tyler, C G C S P.O. Box 671 P e a b o d y , MA 01960 Home Phone 508-745-8089 Office Phone 508-532-2236 Club Affiliation Salem C.C. Continued on page 3 -NEW MEMBERSWelcome & Congratulations to Eric B. Lamont, Assistant Brae Burn C.C. Michael Videtta, Regular Norwood, C.C. TRUSTEE C h a r l e s T. Passios, C G C S 218 C a m e l b a c k Rd. M a r s t o n M i l l s , MA 02648 Home Phone 508-420-3210 O f f i c e P h o n e 508-775-5116 Club Affiliation Hyannisport Club TRUSTEE E d w a r d L. B r e a r l y 189 M a t f i e l d St. W. B r i d g e w a t e r , MA 02379 Home Phone 508-584-6568 Office Phone 508-295-7010 Club Affiliation Bay P o i n t e C.C. Page 3 T H E SUPER SPEAKS OUT Cont.from pg 2 improvement and they pass that concern on to their fellow members. "The proof of research's importance is the fact that research is responsible for most of the top-grade conditions we're able to present members playing at private clubs and those who play at public courses. "There are a lot of environmental problems around that eventually will affect the way we can and can't condition golf courses. For one thing, use of water is going to be one big hangup for us. That's why it's so essential to find grasses that resist the effect of restrictions influenced by environmental factors. "We're also headed to that point where golfers must take a second look at the game and realize that consistency in course conditioning may not come as easily as it does now. If there isn't any counteraction to conditioning restrictions, they may have to live with conditions that aren 't uniform, ones they're not accustomed to live with. "All of this, of course, relates to turf research and the large part it will play in grooming golf courses. I'm all for i t All of us have to be." Dick Zepp, Whitinsville Golf Club: "This is one of my favorite subjects because I'm convinced we, as golf course superintendents, have to take the lead, the front line in promoting turf research. "The tournament was the kind of thing we have to put on the front burner. It was a huge success because the people behind it did a great job of putting it together and making it work. That's one successful tournament down and many more to go. "I am disappointed with the direct appeal part of our fund-raising project. In fact, I still find it hard to believe there wasn't 100 percent participation. I have to blame us, the superintendents, for this. Apparently, we didn't do a good selling job. We have to go back to the people on our club boards and explain that research benefits everyone in golf but mostly the golfer. "The superintendent's direct involvement in the research fund is the reason we thought the raffle at the tournament would turn over a nice return. My idea on that was to have our (NEGCSA) members push the raffle' tickets and push them hard. My motto was and will be, 'if you don't sell 'em, buy 'em'. In other words, since most of us make a respectable living from the game, it's time for the superintendent to dig into his own pocket to strengthen the fund. "Right now, we're talking about a $25,000 annual goal. That's realistic but I'd like to think it's only a start. We should go on from there—to more participation and more ambitious goals. All of us made this thing work. Now, let's see if we have the stuff to make it work better." GOLF CHAIRMAN Robert DiRico 185 H e m e n w a y St. M a r l b o r o , MA 01752 Home Phone 508-485-2605 Office Phone 617-244-0680 Club Affiliation Brae B u r n C . C . Hyannisport Club Green Chairman & Superintendent 1st Gross Mt. Pleasant C.C. (Lowell) Jack Hassett, S. Poremba 1st Net -POSITION OPENING- Superintendent Pleasant Valley Country Club Sutton, MA 01527 3rd Net Woodland G.C. Norman Mucciarnoe, Art Simpson 4th Net 1990 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Don Hearn—Chairman Jack Hassett, Art Washburn Kip Tyler, Steve Chiavaroli EDUCATIONAL CHAIRMAN R o n a l d E. M i l e n s k i , C G C S 65 R o c k y P o n d Rd. P r i n c e t o n , MA 01541 H o m e P h o n e 508-464-5312 O f f i c e Phone 508-779-6911 Club Affiliation The International NEWSLETTER CHAIRMAN Ronald Kirkman 25 G r e e n St. N e e d h a m , M A 02192 H o m e P h o n e 617-444-8412 O f f i c e Phone 617-444-5548 Club Affiliation Needham C.C. PAST PRESIDENT David Barber. CGCS 145 D e d h a m St. C a n t o n , MA 02021 Home Phone 617-828-7266 Office Phone 617-828-6540 Club Affiliation B l u e H i l l C.C. Hickory Ridge C.C. Bob Ruszalla, Bill Shumway Long Drive - Mel O'Kelly - Marshfield C.C. Closest to Pin - Fran Marini - Halifax C.C. Closest to Pin - Jack Hassett - Mt. Pleasant C.C. (Lowell) Mt. Pleasant G.C. (Lowell) 1st Net Ron Kirkman, Needham Art Silva, Belmont Dick Zepp, Whitinsville Steve Chiavaroli, Tatnuck 2nd Net Orrin Ellis, Nahant Paul Miller, Nashawtuc Norm Mucciarone, Woodland Kip Tyler, Salem 3rd Net Jack Hassett, Mt. Pleasant (Lowell) Bob DiRico, Brae Bum Jeff Carlson, Ocean Edge Alan Anderson, Winding Brook Turf 4th Net Eric Lamont Brae Burn Mike Cornicelli, C&J Equipment John Lenhart, Sawtelle Keith Gavin, Pinebrook Privately owned 18-hole golf course. PGA Toursite since 1965. Reese Jones designing additional 9 holes. Contact: Mr. Ted Mingolla, (508) 865-4441 Needham G.C. Ron Kirkman, Jim Cotter 2nd Net Nabasett lake C.C. Art Miller (Lost to Needham G. C. by F . Couggee matching of Cards) GERRY FINN v FINANCE CHAIRMAN Paul J a m r o g Box 642, S i l v e r w o o d T e r r a c e S. H a d l e y , M A 01075 H o m e P h o n e 413-538-7567 Office Phone 413-536-4195 Club Affiliation The Orchards G.C. Tournament Results Long Drive - Mike Cornicelli Closest to Pin - Jack Hassett J Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. _ Please patronize FRIENDS OF THE ASSOCIATION Agway Inc. Greg Moore Rep. Box 507 Sterling, MA Fertilizer, Seed, Chemicals 800-225-CROP (MA) 617-422-7614 Allan Lawnmower Co., inc. 197 Main St., Agawam, MA 01001 Professional Turf Equip.-Ransomes/ Bobcat, Salsco, Hustler, Tractors Albert S. McLean, Territory Rep. Eugene S. McLean, Sales Manager Baker Golf Cars 40 Wklker Street Swansea, MA 02777 508-379-0092 Reps, Ray Chadwick, Paul Littlejohn Bartlett Tree Experts Tree Maintenance, Fertilization & Consulting 153 Rumford Avenue Newton, MA 02166 Carl DeSimone (617) 969-5990 The Bordon Company Maynard, MA, Tel: 508-897-2571 Sales Rep. Jack Borden Bulk Limestone Dealer Boston Irrigation Company Dsdham, MA John Rarney - Paul Kenyon, 617-461-1560 Robin Hayes, 617-477-4423 Distributor of Irrigation Supplies and Accessories The Cardinals, inc. 166 River Road, P.O. Box 520 Unionville, CT 06085 Golf Course & Landscape Supplies John Callahan 203-673-3699 C & J Equipment, Inc. 188 Main Street Wilmington, MA 01887 John Deere Golf & Turf Equipment 508-658-2022—Eric Oman, Mike Cornicelli, Kevin O'Donnell •Geoffrey S. Cornish & Brian Silva Golf Course Architects Fiddlers Green, Amherst, MA 01002 Country Club Enterprises, Inc. Club Car Golf Cars Carryalls/Utility Cars P.O. Box 400 W. Falmouth, MA 02574 508-563-2284 THE Chester Drake & Sons, ins. 222 Walnut Street Framingham, MA 01701 Golf Course Construction 508-875-7929 Elanco Products Company Stephen C. Dolirsak 31 Old Town Trail Narragansett, Rl 02882 401-789-9017 Gold Star Sod Farms, Inc. Sod & Pine Bark Mulch Canterbury, N.H. 603-783-4717 Lexington, MA 617-861-1111 Greenway Irrigation Company Irrigation, Drainage, Wire Laying P.O. Box 8157 East Lynn, MA 01904 John Murphy 617-595-3010 Steve Murphy 617-598-6917 Hammond & Tilton, Inc. P.O. Box 30, Exit 35W off I95 Fairfield, ME 04937 • , - , Tel: (207)453-7131 John Deere Golf & Turf Equipment Contact: Gary Hammond The Charles C. Hart Seed Co. P.O. Box 9169 Weathersfield. Conn. 06109 I -800-326-HART Roy Sibley, (203) 376-9525 Don Whinnem (603) 692-5097 Holliston Sand Co. Inc. Lowland Street Holliston, MA 01746 Sand for Topdressing & Bunkers International Golf Const. Co. Antonios Paganis, Rep. 5 Purcell Rd„ Arlington, MA 02174 Golf Course Construction 617-648-2351 or 508-428-3022 Torn Irwin, Inc. I I B A St., Burlington, MA Jack Peterson Dennis Friel Phone: 617-938-1751 Wayne Ripley Larchmont Eng. & Irrig. Co. Larchmont Lane Lexington, MA 02173 617-862-2550 •Lesco Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, OH 44116 Ron Tumiski, Rep., Mike Donahue, Rep. 800-825-3726 NEWSLETTER RONALD W. KIRKMAN Newsletter Editor KIP TYLER CGCS Associate Editor THOMAS SCHOFIELD CGCS Business Manager GERRY FINN Contributing Editor •Loft's Saad 20 Beck Road Arlington, MA 02174 Victoria Wallace, Rep. The Magovern Co., inc. 27 Lawnacre Road Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Tel.: 800-243-7718 or 203-623-2508 Lew Varga, Rep. *D.L Maher Box 127, Concord Street N. Reading, MA 01864 Mobay Chemical Co. Greg Ellis 67 Primrose Drive Warwick, Rl 02818 R.F. Morse & Sons Inc. W. Wareham, MA 02576 508-295-1553 Reps., Larry Anshewitz, Jack Cronin •Nardona Sand & Gravel Co. Inc. 37 Power Road Westford, MA 01886_ _ _______ 508-692-8221 i Specializing in Topdressing Sand Ner-Am Chemical Co. Wilmington, Delaware David Sylvester, Rep. 203-828-8905 Norfolk Power Equip., Inc. 194 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056 508-528-3120 Don Reynolds, Rep. Old Fox Chemical Inc. Fertilizers-Seeds-Turf-Chemicals 66 Valley Street E. Providence, R.I. 02914 Partac Golf Course Top Dressing Kelsey Park Great Meadows, N.J. 07838 Jim Kelsey, 1-800-247-2326 P.I.E. Supply Co. Dedicated to sales and service of quality irrigation equipment. (203) 878-0658 John Lensing (401) 246-0864 for your irrigation needs. Read Sand & Gravel, inc. 171 VFW Drive, Rockland, MA 02370 Top Dressg Loam; Sand, concrete and brick; Stone, crushed, washed, colored; Same day service, Sat. deliveries. John A. Moon, Sales Mgr 617-878-2955 Return to: RONALD W. KIRKMAN 25 GREEN STREET NEEDHAM, MA 02192 FIRST CLASS Sawtelle Bros. 65 Glenn Street Lawrence, MA 01843 508-682-9296 Scott Associates, inc. 60 Water Street Clinton, MA 01510 508-365-6341 Pumps-Sales, Service installation, Vertical Turbine Pumps Specialists Scotts Pro-Turf Div. Allan Cumps, Regional Director Rep. Scott Brown 401-294-3606 Rep. Richard Forni 413-534-8896 Steiner Turf Equipment Sales & Service, Vernons, Inc. 13 School Street Danvers, MA 01923 Dick Leigh, (508) 774-4410 Stormy Acres Putting green quality sod grown on a fumigated sand base West Haven, Vermont 05743 Kevin Gun, 802-265-3046 Sudbury Nurseries, Inc. 381 Maynard Road Sudbury, MA 01716 508-443-2021 Wholesale growers of trees and shrubs Tuckahoa Turf Farms Inc. Exeter, R.I. Litchfield, N.H. West Suffield, CT 800-556-6985 Largest Producer of Penncross in New England Owen Regan Turf inc. South County Trail Slocum, Rl 02877 Rep. Bruce Roberts Turf Products Corp. 7 Coppage Drive Worcester, MA 01603 508-791-2091 T u r f Specialty Inc. 60 Merrimac Street Hooksett, N.H. 03106 Turf & Ornamental Supplies 1-800-228-6656 Bob Flanagan, Kevin Lyons, Dave Schermerhorn, Ed Wiacek '(PhUit5uW6d8lVie Troll-Dickinson Architect 17 Walker Road Topsfield^MA 01983 First Class Mail U.S. POSTAGE PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 52848