LETTER Golf Course Superintendents Association Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund - Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students. February 1993 Gary Luccini leads two lives on goif course, in TV booth March Meeting M o n d a y , M a r c h 22,1993 Franklin C.C., Franklin, M A Host Superintendent Gary Luecini 9 : 0 0 a.m. Board Meeting y 1 : 3 0 a.m. Regular Meeting 1 2 : 0 0 noon Lunch 1 : 0 0 p.m. Education Reservations Required Call by March 18, 1993 (617) 328-9479 You must pay by check - No Cash! Checks payable to GCSANE Gary Luccini has been superintendent at Franklin C.C. for 23 years. He graduated from Stockbridge in 1962 and was then assistant at Dedham C.C. for five years. Gary then built Pine Oaks in Easton, MA, a nine-hole course, before moving on to Franklin. In 19S9 he was a consultant to the Hale Irwin Golf Service in the building of New England C.C. Married to wife Kathy, they have two daughters (Cheryl, 20, and Beth 13) and two sons (Mike 22, and Brian 21). Both boys are in the turf management program at Stockbridge. In his spare time, Gary enjoys auto racing, golf, and hockey. He is the voice of Franklin High School Hockey on Cable Channel 10, coaches a highschool summer hockey league, and also for the spring Europa Cup. Directions to Franklin C.C.: From the north -12S South to 95 South to 495 North. Take Franklin-King Street exit. Take left at ramp and follow 1 -1 /2 miles to set of lights. Take arightand follow for two miles. **71ub is on the right. From the south - 495 to FrankinKing Street exit. Take right off ramp. Follow to set of lights and take a right. Club is two miles on right. Gary doing play-by-play Tiie day may not be long enough for Gary Luccini. The days, nights or the golf and hockey seasons, for that matter. For one tiling, Gary's the best golf course superintendent the Franklin Country Club ever had. His grooming touch is golden. Yet away from his vocational vortex, Gary is a star in another galaxy as the television voice of the Franklin High School hockey team. He even contends that life in the TV booth is a one-way street. "You bet I'm prejudiced," Luccini referred to his telecasting style on Franklin's public access cable, Channel 10. "Franklin High School hockey means everything to me. So, I call them the way any Franklin fan would see them." Luccini, an affable member of the golf course superintendents'profession, doesn'tpull any punches expressing his loyalty. After all, his brother, Bobby, coaches the Panthers who have been among the state's hockey powers since he took over the job 18 years ago. "Hey, what am I going to do?" Gary cracked. "Hassle my own brother? Noway. r OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. Besides, he does a great job with the kids. High school hockey's a big tiling around here and he's a big part of the reason for it. Somebody's gotta blow his hom." Of course, Gary's not aversed to tossing a dig or two at Bobby. "It's the power of the media," he explained. "I mean, I may be a bigger personality in town than he is. I remember being with him in a store once and a couple of ladies were nearby, I heard them say, "Isn't that Gary Luccini, the TV announcer? They didn't even know who Bobby was. Oh, by the way, he doesn't like to hear that story, but it's true." On a more serious note, Gary probably has done more to promote die success story of brother Bobby and the Pandiers than anyone in die Franklin area. And it's all volunteer work. He's in the center of the action when it comes to running raffles and other money-raising events to improve the image of Franklin High hockey. And just think, all this from an old pond skater. "I did all my playing for Franklin High on die football field and die basketball court," Gary said. "I played a little hockey, but it was stricdy pond stuff. I left die hockey-playing, die real diing to Bobby. We really mixed it up, justlikemy sons. Mike played hockey in high school, Brian had more fun playing baseball and basketball." Gary, who's starting his 24di year of greening and grooming at Franklin C.C. always had die idea of being a sports broadcaster in continued on page 2 Page7as PRESIDENT Stephen A. Chiavaroli CGCS 6 Birch Street, Paxton, MA 01612 (H) 508-752-0031 • (W) 508-791-5373 Club Affiliation - Tatnuck C.C. continued from page 1 the back of his mind, from his junior high school days when he was glued to every word flowing from anotiier non-neutral play-byplay caller, die venerable Boston Bruins booster - Fred Cusick. However, Gary had to harness diat urge to get behind die mike while he developed his skills in die golf course superintendents' field after graduating from Stockbridge. Hiat was in 1962. Since tiien, Gary has built a layout (Pine Oaks in Easton), moved into the cat bird's seat at Franklin and served as a VICE PRESIDENT Edward L. Brearley 189 Matfield Street, W. Bridgewater, MA 02379 (H) 508-584-6568 • (W) 508-295-7010 Club Affiliation - Bay Pointe C.C. SECRETARY Robert DiRico, CGCS 326 Fuller Street, West Newton, MA 02165 (W) 617-527-6968 Club Affiliation - Brae Burn C.C. TREASURER Paul Jamrog P.O. Box 38, Belchartown, MA 01007 (H) 413-323-8519 • (W) 413-536-4195 Club Affiliation - The Orchards G.C. TRUSTEE John T. Hassett 110 Montgomery Avenue, Lowell, MA 01851 (W) 508-458-7300 Club Affiliation - Mount Pleasant C.C. TRUSTEE Eric E. Newell, CGCS 113 Cross Street, Hanover, MA 02339 (H) 617-826-7207 • (W) 617-878-5836 Club Affiliation - Rockland C.C. TRUSTEE Kevin F. Osgood 62 Maple Street, Hyde Park, MA 02136 (H) 617-364-4859 • (W) 617-254-0925 Club Affiliation - Newton Comm. G.C. FINANCE CHAIRMAN Robert Ruszala 69 Gelinas Drive, Chicopee, MA 01020 (H) 413-592-5780 • (W) 413-256-8654 Club Affiliation - Hickory Ridge G.C. GOLF CHAIRMAN James Fitzroy, CGCS 357 W. Squantum Street, N. Quincy, MA 02171 (H) 508-528-6956 • (W) 617-328-1776 Club Affiliation - Presidents G.C. EDUCATIONAL CHAIRMAN Richard Duggan, CGCS 93 Warren Avenue, Marlboro, MA 01752 (H) 508-485-6894 • (W) 508-369-0879 Club Affiliation - Concord C.C. NEWSLETTER CHAIRMAN James Reinertson 19 Main Street, Wayland, MA 01778 (H) 508-655-7415 • (W) 508-358-2250 Club Affiliation - Wayland C.C. PAST PRESIDENT Paul Miller, CGCS 1 Leicester Road, Marblehead, MA 0945 (H) 617-631-7910 • (W) 508-369-5704 Club Affiliation - Nashawtuc C.C. m T T H E Ne LETTER J a m e s Reinertson Newsletter Editor Paul J a m r o g Business Manager Matthew Crowther Associate Editor Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission as long as the true context is maintined. We would appreciate a credit line. At left is Gary Luccini, and at right is his brother Bobby who is closing in on his 300tli win. consultant in another venture (construction of the New England Country Club). Along die way, his personal and family life have flourished. Gary and his wife, Kadiy, have two daughters - Cheryl and Beth, in addition to sons Mike and Brian who aspire to superintendent careers of dieir own. Presendy, each are enrolled in turf programs at Stockbridge. So, witii everytiiing shipshape in diat direction, Gary looked for new horizons when the golf season began to unwind. That was nine years ago when die idea of upgrading media coverage of Franklin High hockey set die 1,000-watt bulbs in his head blinking. "I got together witii A1 Desper and we put a telecast plan in motion," Gary explained. "A1 would do all die technical work which meant he'd be manning die cameras and I'd provide die running commentary. We did our first game 011 a low-budget basis. It was an alumni game, fun stuff. Oh, low budget means we used borrowed equipment. We worked 011 that scale for a couple of seasons. Then, we went back to raffles." Which meant more fund-raising. It was successful, too, because in no time die Franklin Pantiiers were being telecast on a professional level which caught die appro1—^ ing eyes of an ever-increasing audience. "I tiiink diey (viewers) like the way I call a game and conduct interviews witii coaches and players," Gary continued. "Ijusttry to be myself. There are no put-ons. Just straight talk. I don't butter up anybody. That way die fans can identify witii the program. It's really working." Franklin High hockey telecasts really have become a family affair with die recent addition of Brian as a cameraman and occasional fill-in for Gary behind die mike. "I don't like to miss many games," Gary interjected. "Brian's got a knack for tiiis tiling. Hey, I want him to follow in my footsteps, all right, but my legs aren't gone yet." The Veteran's Memorial Rink in Franklin is Gary's work home away from his regular stand at the Franklin Country Club. In fact, Gary was instrumental in building a first-class facility (press box) at die rink. It and die TV productions are die envy of surrounding, local town sports programs. "Everytiiing has turned out just fink? > Gary concluded. "What's best about it is that Kadiy has been behind me 100 percent. It's nice having the whole family involved, sharing the same interests. It's what life's all about. The good life, that is, and I'm certainly living it." GERRY FINN Calendar March 1,2,3 Mass. Turf Conference March 18 USGA Green Section Regional Meeting Colonial Hilton Lynnfield, MA March 22 Franklin Country Clu' Franklin, MA Regular Meeting ilkLiiiditiikiÉi J a v / Page7as -The Super Speaks Out: This month's question: Does the coming of winter mean the end of day-today responsibilities at your club and course or are other services on the agenda when the golf season stops to take a breather? Dora H e a r n , Weston Golf Club: "Although Dick Duggan, Concord Country "Plowing. activity Club: That's the spills. T h a t d o u b l e d the maintenance hours, necessitating another c o n v e r s i o n , this one f r o m oil to g a s . A n d that did the trick. "Regard- does slow down some- only w o r d f o r it and w e less, there's no q u i c k f i x to s n o w p l o w i n g when w e w h a t w i t h the c h a n g e got hit early this y e a r got hit l i k e w e did in D e c e m b e r . W e w e r e a snow in w e a t h e r , it d o e s n ' t (December). belt in o u r s e l v e s - 4 0 inches of the stuff. Oh, we're m e a n that the c a n d l e g o e s o u t in the course golf superinten- dent's w i n d o w . " H e r e , the d a i l y s c h e d u l e u s u a l l y i s f i l l e d with o f f - s e a s o n chores i n v o l v i n g equipment r e v i t a l i z a t i o n a n d a n y o t h e r w o r k that m i g h t b e I never k n e w w e had so m a n y also a t w o - m a n s n o w r e m o v a l operation. There- parking lots. " T h i s isn't f o r e , I didn't h a v e to w o r r y about filling m y winter to say t h a t o u r m e m b e r s hours." p a c k it in f o r the winter " O n e additional j o l t a c c o m p a n i e d that big in matter of getting their outdoor e x e r c i s e . O n the storm. T h e s n o w w a s so h e a v y it c a u s e d a scotch contrary, there are three paddle courts, a f e w pine to f a l l onto the w i r e section of one court. That skating ponds and a cross-country skiing pro- p o p p e d a light and n i g h t i m e p l a y w a s on hold f o r a spell. Incidents l i k e that p r o v e there's never a gram. of a less pressing nature w h e n course mainten a n c e is g i v e n f u l l attention. H o w e v e r , t w o o t h e r i t e m s c o m e into f o c u s d u r i n g the w i n t e r . mini-oil W e have four platform tennis ( p a d d l e ) c o u r t s to t a k e c a r e o f a n d there's dull m o m e n t around the golf course ... even in the "This isn't to say that our members pack it in for the winter in matter of getting their outdoor exercise." a l w a y s the u n p r e d i c t a b l e w e a t h e r d i c t a t i n g h o w d e a d of w i n t e r . " D a v e Heroian, M y o p i a H u n t Club: " P a d d l e tennis is very Dick Duggan tuch s n o w - p l o w i n g i s n e c e s s a r y to k e e p c l u b big here, s o keeping up roads open. P a d d l e court maintenance consists "Fortunately, maintenance of these facilities has with maintenance and o f k e e p i n g the h e a t i n g s y s t e m s o n o u r three been taken o v e r b y other parties. I guess m y o n l y i m p r o v e m e n t s to the a l u m i n u m c o u r t s in w o r k i n g o r d e r a n d p r o v i d - first-hand playing ing s n o w - c l e a r i n g s e r v i c e ( s n o w b l o w e r s , s h o v - rope the greens to k e e p skiers o f f them. H o w e v e r , m u c h a m a j o r part of I h a v e to admit that they respect those boundary m y winter schedule. e l s ) o n the f o u r t h c o u r t w h i c h i s w o o d e n . "Here, the daily schedule usually is filled with off-season chores involving equipment revitalization and any other work that might be of a less pressing nature when the course maintenance is given full attention." Don Hearn T h e a l u m i n u m courts d r a w their heat ( s n o w clearing purposes) f r o m propane gas b l o w e r s that are a c t i v a t e d b y t w o s e t s o f t i m e r s . The shorter t i m e r ( o n e h o u r ) c a n b e a c t i v a t e d b y p l a y e r s a n d p r o b a b l y g e t s the m o s t u s e s i n c e courts can i c e o v e r e v e n in s n o w l e s s but d a m p weather. Keeping the r o a d s o p e n i s a top priority since our m e m b e r s h i p is v e r y active. F o r e x a m p l e , the b i g D e c e m b e r s t o r m d u m p e d 1 8 to 2 0 i n c h e s . i n e d f r o m the d a y b e f o r e , w a s s t a g e d u n d e r " H o w d i d w e d o it? Seven f u l l - t i m e c r e w m e m b e r s m a n n e d the p l o w s a n d didn't stop until all the r o a d s w e r e c l e a r . " a r e a is v e r y lines and c o n f i n e their tracking to the open s p a c e s . " O f course, that's in It's a g o o d thing the skating and paddle upkeep is addition to the r e g u l a r o f f - s e a s o n responsibilities in other hands. L i k e I said, p l o w i n g k e e p s t h e m a n l i k e k e e p i n g r o a d s c l e a r of s n o w , not to mention a hours mounting in winter, especially w h e n storms l o c k e r r o o m p r o j e c t w h i c h takes up the remainder like that D e c e m b e r w h o p p e r p l u g the roads and of the w o r k i n g hours. B u t b a c k to paddle. Pres- parking lots." ently (early J a n u a r y ) w e ' r e redoing the lighting s y s t e m . M y role is to o v e r s e e the operation and zero in on the r e f i n e m e n t s that w i l l c o m e in handy Steve Chiavaroli, w h e n repairs are needed. Tatnuk Country Club: " A c t u a l l y , I ' v e been v e r y c l o s e to the paddle " P a d d l e tennis is the big program. thing around here in the W e h a v e three courts, all aluminum. T w o o f them are originals, about 1 0 years old, and winter, and f o r a while, the third w a s installed three years ago. Personal taking care of them w a s i n v o l v e m e n t i n c l u d e d setting up a site, testing f o r a problem. p r o p e r f o o t i n g locations and installing the foot- " A b o u t 1 0 years ago, ings." our two co urts w e r e con- " O h , y e s . M y c r e w a l s o w a s b u s y recently, verted f r o m w o o d e n to m e t a l with oil fired s p a c e heaters used to clear i c e and s n o w . T h e p r o b l e m w a s the oil. W h e n spigots w e r e inadvertently left on, it triggered That w a s on a Saturday. T w e n t y - f o u r h o u r s later a p a d d l e event, postideal conditions. i n v o l v e m e n t in those activities is to "Regardless, there's no quick fix to snow plowing when we get hit like we did in December." increasing the s i z e of the p a d d l e w a r m i n g hut. H e a t i n g there is d o n e with natural gas, heating on the courts is d i v i d e d b e t w e e n o i l (two courts) and p r o p a n e gas. S i n c e p r o p a n e is preferred, I'd like to w o r k a c o n v e r s i o n item into m y next budget. " P a d d l e m a i n t e n a n c e , then, gets h e a v y attention here. It's winter, all right, but w e ' r e into an endless s e a s o n as f a r as k e e p i n g things in the best p o s s i b l e condition f o r o u r m e m b e r s h i p . " Steve Chiavaroli GERRY FINN Page7as 1993 G.C.S.A.N.E. Board Of Directors Left to Right: Trustee, John Hassett; Vice President, Edward Brearley; Past President, Paul Miller; President Steve Chiavaroli; Trustee, Eric Newell; Secretary, BobDiRico; Trustee, Kevin Osgood; Golf Chairman, James Fitzroy; Finance Chairman, Robert Ruszala; Not in photo: Educational Chairman, Richard Duggan and Newsletter Chairman, James Reinertson. 1993 Meeting Schedule April 20 Poquoy Brook GC May 10 TBA June 7 Thompson Club June 28 Franklin C.C. Superintendent/Chairman July 19 Concord C.C. Championship August 9 Thorny Lea September 13 Hatherly C.C. Member / Member September 27 Willowbend Research October 4 (Rain Date) November 1 Needham G.C. 1 Page7as Tra/7/ (Dickinson ScftoCorsftip Mwards Louis Peter Bettencourt 1570 Main Road • Westport, MA 02790 $500.00 Mark Daly 15 Burton Street • Boston, MA 02135 $500.00 Richard H. Gniadek 67 Elaine Drive • Pittsfield, MA 01201 $1,000.00 Paul C. Hallock 25 Elm Street • Marlboro, MA 01752 $1,000.00 Robert Hartley III 114 Aword Place • So. Hadley, MA 01075 $500.00 Norman Raymond Lafaille 90 Chestnut Street • Spencer, MA 01562 $500.00 Dennis O'Kane 100 Hoyt Street $1,000.00 William B. Leger 657 Worester St., Apt. 1607 Southbridge, MA 01550 $1,000.00 Robert S. Reichert Sherman Drive • S. Deerfield, MA 01373 $500.00 Michael Luccini 115 Forest Street • Franklin, MA 02038 $1,000.00 Jonathan Miller 1 Leicester Road • Marblehead, MA 01945 $1,000.00 Peter Nystrom 12 Settler's Path • Sandwich, MA 02563 $500.00 Robert Varanka 25 Edgemont Street • Springfield, MA 01109 $1,000.00 Jonathan Zuk 86 Webster Street • Unionville, Ct 06085 $500.00 SchoCorships roiCf 6 e given at the [Massachusetts Turf Conference ' Pictures from the Anaheim Convention Left - J.P. Roberts Company, one of the New England companies with an exhibit booth. Middle - Outside the Convention Center. Right - Convention Center. Page7as Annual Meeting in January at the FraHMWC^C^ On Left Joe Rybka, CGCS receives his twenty-five year pin. On the right is Golf Chairman James Fitzroy handing out 1992 Golf Tournament Awards. DIVOT DRIFT ...announcements...educational seminars...job opportunities...tournament results...and miscellaneous items ofinterest to the membership. POSITION AVAILABLE Golf Course/Assistant Superintndent: Tatnuck C.C., full-time position. Please send letter of application and full resume to Steven Chiavaroli, CGCS, Tatnuck C.C., 6 Birch Street, Paxton, MA 01612. MEMBERSHIP New Members: Michael Lebaron, Assistant, Indian Ridge C.C., Andover, MA; Scott A. Hurt, Assistant, Myopia Hunt Club, So. Hamilton, MA; Robert Page, Affiliate, Fairway Design & Illustration, Hardwick, MA; Ronald Smith, Affiliate, Sports Club Management, Braintree, MA. Proposed New Members: Greg Frederick, Affiliate, Nardo ne Sand & Gravel; Kevin Killoy, Associate Member, Guabug C.C. CONGRATULATIONS Joseph Rybka, CGCS Arthur Washburn Thomas Schofield, CGCS for receiving a twenty-five year pin GOV'T RELATIONS Eric Newell attended 1993's Government Relations Seminar in Anaheim on January 25th. For those of you interested, he has information on how to deal with the news media; pros and cons to pre-emption; wetland issues, and posting and notification issues. DID YOU KNOW? That our golf champion Greg Misddoulakis knocked in a hole-in-one at the Walt Disney Golf Course. BYLAW CHANGE CURRENT ARTICLE IV - Section 5 Assistant Members Any member's assistant, employed at a golf course, that is under the direct superivision of a member, shall have the right to become an assistant member, but shall not have the right to vote or to hold office. He shall pay such initiation fee and annual dues as established by the Association. The member shall be responsible for the conduct and all indebtedness incurred by any assistant member in his immediate employ. PROPOSED ARTICLE IV - Section 5 Assistant Members An Assistant Member shall be employed by a golf course as an Assistant to tire Golf Course Superintendent. He shall have all of the priveleges of the Association but shall not have the right to vote or hold-C office. He shall pay such intitiation fee and annual dues as established by the Association. Page 7 ¿lease Patronize These FRIENDS OF THE ASSOCIATION A-OK Turf Equipment e Boulder Dr.. Coventry, Rl 02816 Buy & sell used turf equipment Mike Cornicelli (401) 826-2584 AA Will Mate dels Corp. 168 Washington St., Stoughton, MA 02072 Top dressing, sand, loam, trap sand, decorative stone, landscape materials Est. 1886- 1-800-4-AAWILL Agrlturt, Inc. 59 Dwight St., Hatfield, MA 01038 Fertilizer, seed, and chemicals for turf 1-800-824-2474 Baker Golf Cera 40 Walker St., Swansea, MA 02777 (508) 379-0092 Reps, Ray Chadwick, Bob Kinyoun Bartlatl Tree Experts Tree Maintenance, Fertiiization & Consulting 153 Rumford Ave., Newton, MA 02166 (617) 969-5990 The Bordon Company Maynard, MA, Tel: (508) 897-2571 Sales Rep. Jack Borden Buik Limestone Dealer Boston Irrigation Company Dedham, MA John Ramey, Paul Kenyon (617) 461-1560 Distributor of Irrigation Supplies and Accessories irrigation Maintenance ft Service 21 Lakeview Ave., Natick, MA, (508) 653-0625 Irrigation consultation, design, and system evaluation - Bob Healey, ASIC Indite P. O. Box 1082, Scarborough, ME 04070 (207) 883-5799 Bob Brennan - Bruce Budrow - Mark Secore Read Sand & Gravel, Inc. 171 VFW Dr., Rockland, MA 02370 Topdressing; root-zone mixes; bunker sand; 3/4 & 3/8 screened loams; cart path matls.; mulch; drainage stone Joe Farina, 1-800-660-2955 John's Tree ft Landscape Company Tree & Landscape Experts All employees certified & insured John P. Re, 617-739-7760 Larchmonf Eng. ft Irrig. Co. Larchmont Lane, Lexington, MA 02173 (617) 862-2550 The Lawn Co. Inc. P.O. 1540, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Tom Fair, 1-800-660-TURF Fertilizers & Pest Controls Applied Fairway Aeration & Slice Seeding Geoffrey S. Comlsh & Brian Sihra Golf Course Architects Fiddlers Green, Amherst, MA 01002 LESCO Inc. 20005 Lake Rd„ Rocky River, OH 44116 Ron Tumiski, Rep. - Mike Donahue, Rep. 800-321-5325 Country Club Enterprises, Inc. Club Car Golf Cars, Carryalls/Utility Cars P.O. Box 400, W. Falmouth, MA 02574 (508) 563-2284 Loft's Seed 20 Beck Rd., Arlington, MA 02174 Victoria Wallace, Rep. Chester Drake ft Sons, inc. 222 Walnut St., Framingham, MA 01701 Golf Course Construction (508) 875-7929 The Magovem Co., Inc. 27 Lawnacre Road Windsor Locks. CT 06096 Tel: 800-243-7718 or (203) 623-2508 Lew Varga, Rep. Gold Star Wholesale Nursery & Sod Farm Bill Thompson Lexington, MA, (617) 861-1111 Canterbury, NH, (603) 783-4717 Goil Direction Associates 54 N. Grove St., Foxboro, MA 02035 Goif forms designed to meet the industry's specialized record keeping requirements. Nora Berard, (508) 543-9822 Hammond ft Tllton, Inc. P.O. Box 30, Exit 35W off I95 Fairfield, ME 04937 Tel: (207) 453-7131 John Deere Golf ft Turf Equipment Contact: Gary Hammond The Charles C. Hart Seed Co. P.O. Box 9169, Weathersfield, CT 06109 1-800-326-HART Roy Sibley, (203) 376-9525 Don Whinnem, (603) 692-5097 Dick Gurski (413) 543-2777 Hunt and Hulteen, inc. Custom fertilizer applications, shade tree spraying & pruning, irrigation, landscape design & construction Bob Mann - 1-800-696-3363 (in MA); 508-580-1062 P.I.E. Supply Co. Dedicated to sales and service of quality irrigation equipment. (203) 878-0658 Frank Santos, (508) 420-0755 tor your irrigation needs. Pro-Lawn Products Inc. 24 Jonathan Rd, W. Greenwich, Rl 02817 Specializing in turt & ornamental needs Contact Mike Kroian, (401) 397-8880 lazaro's Golf Course Accessories dba Hammond Paint & Chem. Co., Inc. 738 Main/Suite 223, Waltham, MA 02154 Joseph Lazaro, (617) 647-3361 F.D.I., Inc. (Fairway Design a Illustration) 55 Railroad Ave., Warren, R! 02885 Custom Granite Signs & Markers Joseph K. Martin (401) 245-7890 or 800-358-8337 Partac Goll Course Top-Dresslng Kelsey Park, Great Meadows, NJ 07838 Jim Kelsey 800-247-2326, (908) 637-4191 Heat treated top-dressing, golf hole targets turt blankets, and other specialty golf supplies. Tent Irwin, Inc. 11B A St.. Burlington, MA 800-582-5959 Jack Petersen (508) 256^296 - Wayne Ripley (508) 252-6507 Dennis Friel (617) 938-1751 - Paul Skatas (603) 889-7177 Chris Petersen (617) 262-7586 Tbo Cardinals, Inc. 166 River Rd„ P.O. Box 520 Unionvilie, CT 06085 Golf Course & Landscape Supplies John Callahan (203) 673-3699 Banco Products Compsny Stephen C. Dolinak 31 Old Town Trail, Narragansett, Rl 02882 (401) 789-9017 e?' International Goif Const. Co. Antonios Paganis. Rep. 5 Purcell Rd„ Arlington, MA 02174 Golf Course Construction (617) 648-2351 or (508) 428-3022 O.L Maher Co. Box 127, Concord St., N. Reading, MA 01864 (617) 933-3210 Water Supply Specialists Water Wells & Pumping Equipment Moss Natural P. O. Box 363, Westminster, MA 01473 Tel: 508-874-0744 Manufacturers and suppliers of organic compost, enriched topsoil, and custom planting mixes. Miles Specialty Products Greg Ellis, Rep. (401) 884-2071 67 Primrose Dr., E. Greenwich, Rl 02818 Bayleton, Dyrene, Dylox, Oftanol, Nemacur Modem Aeration Service, inc. 62 Maple St., Boston, MA 02136 Featuring water injection aeration Kevin Osgood, (617) 254-0925 Modem Tractor ft Track Service, Inc. 400 Pine St., Seekonk, MA 02771 Topdressing, W or W screened loam, underground tank removal, "convault" aboveground fuel tank, Steven S. Howitt, (508) 761-5554 R.F. Morse ft Sons Inc. W. Wareham, MA 02576 (508) 295-1553 Reps., Larry Anshewitz, Jack Cronin Wardens Sand ft Gravel Co. Inc. 37 Power Rd„ Westford, MA 01886 (508) 692-8221 Specializing in Topdressing Sand Nor-Am Chemical Co. Wilmington, Delaware David Sylvester, Rep. (203) 828-8905 Riverside Kawasaki Mule 5slea 2 Union Square, Somervilie, MA (617) 628-6400 Sales, service, parts - on site demos avail., ail purpose mute utility vehicles J. P. Roberts Co. Technical Resource Catalog Survey-Weather-Testing-Meas.ft Diag. Equip. Barbara Piantedosi. (508) 456-6886 Safety Storage Inc. Prefabricated pesticide storage bldgs. gas & oil, storage cabinets 86 Sanderson Ave., Lynn, MA 01902 (617) 599-5490 Sawtelie Bros. 65 Glenn St., Lawrence, MA 01843 (508) 682-9296 Scotts Pro-Turf Div. Allan Cumps, Regional Dir. Rep. Scott Brown, (401) 294-3606 Rep. Richard Forni, (413) 534-8896 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Complete Hort. and Irrig. Supply Ctr. Hudson, MA 01749 Ron Diramio, 1-800-274-3646 Tee and Green Sod Inc. Bentgrass, bluegrass and blue/fescue sod Dave Wallace. Exeter, Rl 02822 (401) 789-8177/office — (401) 295-1870/home Turf Enhancement Enterprises Featuring Fioratine Products, Precision Smaii Engine Co. 6 Trion Lifts Tom Fox - (508) 865-9150 Turf Products Corp. 7 Coppage Dr., Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 791-2091 Turf Specialty inc. 15 Londonderry Rd.. Londonderry, NH 03053 Turf & Ornamental Supplies 1-800-228-6656 Bob Flanagan, Kevin Lyons, Dave Schermerhorn, John Lensing White Turf, inc. - Barre, MA Irrigation contractor - Pump specialist (508) 355-6777 Winding Brook Turf Farm, Inc. 240 Griswold Rd., Wetherstleld, CT 06109 800-243-0232, Alan Anderson Wlntleld Nursery 1320 Mountain Rd., West Suffield, CT 06093 Jetf Rogers (wholesale nursery trees & shrubs) Philip Wogan Golf Course Architecture 17 Walker Rd., Topsfield, MA 01983 Page7as Friends of the Association Fairway Design and Illustration, Inc. Fairway Design and Illustration, Inc. (FDI), is New Englands only granite manufacturer servicing the golf industry. With the advent of increased competition and financial concerns about ongoing maintenance expenses die granite marking systems FDI provide are making more and more sense for golf superintendents. Each New England golf course is a blend of artistry, endurance, and practicality. Granites inanimate nature adapts to each course in a remarkably lively fashion. This unique relationship explores the permanence of granite and begins to address the concerns of vandalism, replacement, and upkeep. FDI president Joseph Martin created this important service for New England golf courses because of his love of golf and his relationship with the 65 year old Medici family business, Warren Memorial. Guido Medici began his family monument business as a sculptor and artisan. Son Don and grandson Tom have nurtured the original concept from Guido and established shops in Warren and Warwick, Rhode Island. There are generations of experience and understanding of granite and its applications at Warren Memorial and FDI. FDI has chosen to spend time forming relationships with golf course superintendents in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and northern New England. Robert Charney of Scituate, MA. and Robert Page of Hardwick, MA., have been visiting golf courses, understanding the specific marking needs of each facility and offering customized solutions. It is clear that general marking can be accomplished in a similar fashion on most courses. There are major climate differences that impact on the installation of FDI products. For instance a 150 yard fairway marker on Cape Cod is installed differently than in Berkshire County where frost can ran 4 feet deep. This understanding has placed FDI in a position to relate to superintendents concerns on the golf course and to understand the history of marking needs. FDI offers a variety of granite applications. Surface level yardage markers from each tee box or in each fairway are suggested in 6"x6"x4" or 12"xl2"x4" sizes. Mowers can roll directly over the surface and little trimming is necessary for markers to remain visible and assist in speed of play. Tee signs are adapted in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are upright 14"x60"x4" beauties with hole illustration, club logo, and yardage instruction. Also a variety of slant faced map type plates are held on pedestals and show the beauty of each golf hole. Again granite is usually seen as a gray stone with memories of lost loved ones. Not so for FDI. Rose, Dakota Mahogany, Black, and Green colors are available as well as two different shades of gray. The beauty of granite is certainly expressed through the combination of color and artistry. "The creation of FDI is in direct relation to the local needs of golf courses in New England," states Joseph Martin. "We have a strong service history at FDI and listen to each superintendents needs. Mail ordering signs and markers need not be the norm anymore. FDI is committed to personally walking through each step from design ^ installation. We feel proud to be members of the Golf Course Superintendents of New England and look forward to meeting with each of you in our travels." The FDI home office can be reached at 1 -800-358-8337 or 401-245-7890, Fax 401-245-0971. James Reinertson FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE 96 Main Street Wayland, MA 01778 THE Pi NEWOvETTER PÂSD PERMIT NO. 365 FRAMINGHAM, MA