LETTER Golf Course Superintendente Associati©!! Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund - Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students. OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. December 1996 Tísrf CQnfsrmce f © go regional in '98; cooperation of many paves the way Sf anything, the decade of the 1990s has shown an overactive propensity for change. And if anything mirrors that tendency, it's the nonstop pursuit of perfection in expanding educational opportunities for members of the golf course superintendent profession. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the Massachusetts Turf Conference is on the move again. This is the big move from local to regional status. Make way for the New England Regional Turf Conference and show! The initial offering unfolds the first week of March, 1998 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence. The regional level caps an evolution for the Mass. Conference. It began to materialize 18 months ago when the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England assumed leadership in operating an educational endeavor that had flourished for more than 40 years in the western end of the Bay State. In this Issue ... Page Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . The End of the Line (Photos!) 2 . . . 3 From the Editor Ouimet 4 Fund News . GCSANE News . Divot Drift Host Superintendent 4 5 6 Profile . . . . 8 An administrative change was accompanied by a change in conference sites, from the Springfield Civic Center to the Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston. Chip Brearley, then GCSANE president and a prime force in effecting the association's move to a stronger position in conference involvement, explained that the change from Springfield to Boston and alteration of the conference dates from March to January were product of the times. "We're just keeping up with the future," Brearley described the situation. "The same theme applies now," he referred to the regional twist the event has taken. "In the back of everybody's minds was the thought that the conference should be presented on a regional basis. It took a lot of meetings, a lot of idea exchanges to bring this about. It's just where we ought to be. I'm not sure but our conference, when it gets going a little over a year from now, will be the fifth largest of its kind in the country." The regional setup smacks of heavy golf course superintendent flavor. The superintendent associations of all New England states, will be steering the mechanics of the conference, along with representation from the Sports Turf Management and Mass. Lawn Care Professional fields. There also will be input from the various turf equipment and service industry companies, most important because it was that group absorbing much of the expense, being part of socalled local turf conferences and shows. .LU^TÉLIL^IIÉLI^ÜII.I^I.IU^Á.IUÁIILLI.I^IU^ÉILJ^INU^ÉILT.L^^^^^LIJ^ÉÉIUIIUAIITI^.TIJ fff think it's great for everyone. M©st definitely this was our goal at the beginning. We had to respect and appreciate the strain the splitconferences had on the overall industry. They (vendors) were stretched out too thin. Our n e t revenue potential is way up there." Bob DiRico President, GCSANE "They (vendors) were a big factor in consolidating all of the split-conference efforts into one offering," explained Brearley, who serves as co-chairman of the regional organizing group with Gary Sykes of Rhode Island. "It really wasn't fair to have the equipment and service people running around from one site to the next when it was more practical and economically sound to bring all of us together." continued on page 2 ¡ÁÉUT.TU¿A*I ..LI AJ IIII .^OULIÀU ¿NI^UI .I Page 2 ,iiUilaii,ijiUi,iiJi.i.ilJiiitJi.lidiiiiiii»iL,ljdil.i UiMiUUàiÀiâÀLmÀiâiiÀàlmmi^ 3S PRESIDENT Robert DIRloo, CGCS' 326 Fuller Street, West Newton, MA 0216S 617-527-6968 Brae Burn Country Club VICE PRESIDENT Kevin F. Osgood 14 Inman Lane, Foxborough, MA 02035 617-630-1950 Newton Commonwealth Golf Course SECRETARY James Fltzroy, CGCS* 357 W. Squantum Street, North Quincy, MA 02171 617-328-1776 Presidents Golf Course TREASURER Robert Ruszala 69 Gellnas Drive, Chicopes, MA 01020 413-256-8654 Hickory Ridge Country Club TRUSTEE John T. Hassett 110 Montgomery Avenue, Lowell, MA 01851 508-458-7300 Mount Pleasant Golf Course TRUSTEE Scott Reynolds 543 Dedham Street, Newton Centre, MA 02159 617-244-7741 Charles River Country Club TRUSTEE Charles T. Passlos, CGCS* P. O. Box 392, Hyannisport, MA 02647-0392 508-775-5116 Hyannisport Club FINANCE CHAIRMAN James B. Conant, CGCS* 606 River Road, Marstons Mills, MA 02648-1735 508-362-1136 Kings Way Golf Club GOLF CHAIRMAN Michael J. Hermanson 100 Eaton Street, Gardner, MA 01440 508-632-2713 Gardner Municipal Golf Course EDUCATION CHAIRMAN Michael V. lacono, CGCS* 42 Newton Street, Weston, MA 02193-2399 617-899-7913 Pine Brook Country Club NEWSLETTER CHAIRMAN Michael Nagle, CGCS* 51 Lincoln Avenue, Holden, MA 01520 508-853-6574 Worcester Country Club PAST PRESIDENT Edward L. Brearley 189 Matfleld Street, West Brldgewater, MA 02379 508-584-6568 *denotes Certified Golf Course Superintendent NEWSLETTER Newsletter Editor . . M i c h a s ! F. N a g l e , C Q C S Contributing Editor G e r r y Finn Business Manager Robert Ruszala Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission as long as the true context is maintained. W e would appreciate a credit line. .ILIIIULIIUUIIIIIIRT^LIIULI,!^ Weiv@ just keeping up with the future ... I'm not sur© but our conference, when it gets going a little over s year from now, will be the fifth-large it ©fits kind in i he count ry." Chip Brearley Co-Chairman, N.E. Turf Grass Foundation continued from page 1 The regional production will be grouped into sponsorship of the New England Turf Grass Foundation, a spinoff corporation made up of the superintendents and other groups putting on the show. The next major item on the agenda is seeking a show manager. Then, it's off to lining u p a program. Joining Brearley and Sykes in getting over the show's organizational hurdle were Mark Richards, Mike lacono, and Jim Conant. They sifted t h r o u g h the pros and cons of the project and seem to have emerged with the educational outlet everyone hoped for in the first place. During their discussions, the site of the first regional presentation turned into consideration of two cities, Providence and Boston. "There were pluses for both sites," Brearley disclosed. "After all, how can anyone question the convention possibilities of Boston? However, when all was said and done, and the air cleared, Providence got the nod. Why? Mostly economics. Boston is nice, but very, very expensive." This doesn't mean the regional show is locked in there. "We are leaving ourselves open for the future," Brearley added. "We have visions of moving things to other sites. But for now we're very satisfied with Providence. The convention center is a new (two-year-old) facility, and everything is within reach. We think everyone will like it." Certainly, it has gained the approval of GCSANE president Bob DiRico, who lends energy and enthusiasm to every promising superintendents' venture. "I think it's great for everyone," DiRico noted. "Most definitely this was our goal at the beginning. We had to respect and appreciate the strain the splitconferences had on the overall industry. They (vendors) were stretched out too thin. Our net revenue potential is way up there." Net revenue is another integral part of the proceedings. All profits will be channeled to one project - turf research. Plus, it will be the superintendents' profession to administer, meaning a turfgrass foundation will oversee the disbursement of all monies. Research cutbacks appear to be a way of the academic world these days, and turf research has suffered because of them. The success of the regional show should correct that situation. In the meantime, the last of the splintered conferences will on as scheduled: Rhode Island's show in December and the Mass. Turf Conference next month in Boston. After that (with the exception of an isolated event in Maine), the New England Turf Conference and Show will have the playing field to itself. "This is how the f u t u r e looks for us now," Brearley quipped. "Not too far down the road it will be the present. We had to go regional. It was the right thing to do." GERRY FINN Calendar December 15 GCSANE Christmas Party Brae Burn Country Club W. Newton, Mass. January 9 1997 GCSANE Annual Meeting Brae Burn Country Club West Newton, Mass. Jan. 13-15, Mass. Turf Conference 1997 Hynes Convention Center Boston, Mass. Feb. 6-12, 68th GCSAA International 1997 Golf Course Conference and Show Las Vegas, Nevada March 12 GCSANE Monthly Meeting Dean Junior College Franklin, Mass. Page The end of the line . . . As I leave The Newsletter as chairman and editor, certain things must be done. Files sent to the new chairman, files thrown out - and that includes photographs of a number of individuals. I thought I'd share a few of these with our readers. After all, it's Christmas time! I don't believe he fancies his picture being taken! If you need XXXL, do not try f© wear XXL! His family must fee proud! Here's a fellow who falls asleep standing up - smiling. Look. .. twins! Papa Smurf (left) and Bernie iN f,:,., ./VV / .. -•* _ M Boy! Am I happy!!! RFIILLDLHDLLRFULLLIIUI.IULHILLLLI Yeah, I iznow. it's just Coke. ILLIILULIALIUULLIAL^^^ 91 -A// ; Jmm SS ¡i had S® wait for fancy party to start teething. S@ what! a 2 2 Page From the Editor A message fk@m the editor: T h i s is it! The last issue of The Newsletter that I'll be editor and chairman of! Although the last several months have dragged a bit, the three years I've been associated with this publication have been very good. I'm not suggesting that thinking of an original feature article and a subject for "Super Speaks Out" and collecting pertinent articles for the body of The Newsletter and writing "Divot Drift" and trying to take a few snapshots at meetings and getting a meeting postcard out on time have been easy. None of it has been easy. But, it has been satisfying. I've been fortunate to have the support of a great board and membership that values a monthly publication. I've also leaned on several past newsletter chairmen for advice or feedback and for that I'm grateful. The Newsletter had a good layout and format when I was elected chairman, so all 1 really had to do was provide information to fill the pages. Gerry Finn, who writes all of the feature articles and "Super Speaks Out", has done a great job. He makes all of the phone calls to individuals for interviews to write the stories and, believe me, it's a lot of work. Sheila and Russ Johnson and especially Reg Bacon of Zip Type Service - the company that prints our publication - have been terrific to work with. Reg was the one who made several design changes to the pages helping to highlight our features. His extensive background in this business and his originality have helped to make The Newsletter something to look forward to each month. We tried to make some significant changes with The Newsletter, some were successful, some weren't. Advertising, in the form of inserts that would not affect the content of our publication, was approved for Friends of the Association. Although there were some objections initially, we went ahead with the newsletter name contest Even though I would have liked to have seen an original title for our publication, we, as a group, decided to stick with The Newsletter as its name. We no longer have to rely on The Newsletter for meeting information. A postcard is If 3 could wish for me thing for The Newsletter committee, it would be mere membership involvement." Mike Nagle Editor, The Newsletter now sent to all regular, assistant, retired and affiliate members of our association detailing the times, cost, and directions for each meeting. If I could wish for one thing for The Newsletter committee, it would be more membership involvement If this is to continue to be an informative, interesting, Is it! and successful publication, it will require the efforts of more than just a few people. Send in an article that may be pertinent for our association. Better yet, try writing one! You just may find that it's not that difficult to do! If you hear of information for "Divot Drift", call the editor with it. I was always racking my brain for new feature articles or a question for "Super Speaks Out". If you think of anything along those lines, let the committee know. In short, just try to get involved. If each member of this association sent in one article or had one thought for a feature per year, we would have more than enough information for The Newsletter for years to come! Finally, I hope you have enjoyed or at least been satisfied with The Newsletter for the last three years. If you have, I've done my job. MIKE NAGLE, Editor, The Newsletter of the GCSANE Ouimet Fund News Arnold Palmer in Boston Jan. 2 to receive Francis Ouimet Award A r n o l d Palmer will be the guest speaker and will receive the Francis Ouimet Award for Lifelong Contributions to Golf at the Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund's 48th Annual Banquet on Thursday, January 2, 1997 at the Sheraton-Boston Hotel. "Arnold Palmer's contributions to golf are extraordinary. This is the first time we have awarded a 'Francis Ouimet Award' and I can think of no one more deserving of the recognition than Arnie. We believe that Francis Ouimet first popularized golf in this country with his stunning upset win in the 1913 US Open. However, Arnold Palmer made the game an American pastime with his dominance of the professional tour and magnetic personality. This is indeed a moment of history for us. We are very proud to have him, and deeply indebted to Dick Connolly for arranging Mr. Palmer's visit," said Stephen Buckley, Ouimet Fund President. Paine Webber will be the presenting sponsor. Brian Leary, weekend anchor and Evening co-anchor of WCVB-TV in Boston, will be the master of ceremonies. The Ouimet "Student Speaker" will be named shortly. Tickets for the event will be priced at $95, and various sponsorship packages will be available. The Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund was founded in 1949, and since that time has awarded over $7.8 Million in needbased college tuition assistance to over 3300 young people who have given three years "service to golf' as caddies or helpers in pro shop or course superintendent operations in Massachusetts. The fund is awarding a record $525,000 to 263 student in 1996-97. The Ouimet Fund is a 501 (c) (3) organization and is considered the "Golf Charity of Massachusetts." Please call The Ouimet Fund at (617) 891-6400 for information. PageS mMâMààââiàààmiÀm L.IÜXL.ILJÜJIIIRIIIIIIIRFL.IMII., GCSANE News Amendements, bylaws, cbmg^B, & g proposed for GCSANE book of bylaws T h e following are the proposed bylaw amendments, proposed bylaws, and clerical updates/changes for the GCSANE bylaw book: Clerical updates and changes for the bylaw book ares (1) Add The Presidents, page 2: Edward L. Brearley, 1994 -1995; and Robert F. DiRico, 1996 -1997. (2) Add to History, page 5: "In 1993, the Association established the Scholarship and Benevolence fund. This fund offers assistance in time of need and scholarships to its members' families." "In 1995, the Thomas Schofield Scholarship was established. This award, established in memory of the long time treasurer of the Association, is awarded to a deserving student." "In 1996 the Association became the sponsor and organizer of the Massachusetts Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show. (3) Change, Section 2, Classes of Membership: 1. There shall be seven classes of membership: Regular, Associate, Assistant, Honorary, Life, Affiliate, and Student. (Note: all the above additions are not changes to bylaws.) Proposed bylaw amendments are: Article IY, Membership, Section 8, paragraph 1, page 9: (1.) An affiliate mem ber is a person employed by a company that is a "Friend of the Association". He or she shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote and hold office, (la.) A Friend of the Association is a company that sells a product or provides a service that is used in the maintenance of a golf course. The initiation fee and annual dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors. Article VIII, Committee, Section 2 Standing committees, paragraph 1, page 18: (1.) The Standing Committees shall be as follows: a. Membership, b. Finance, c. Educational, d. Golf, e. Newsletter, f. Welfare, g. Employment, h. Publicity, i. Turf Research, j. Scholarship and Benevolence. GCSANE News Tony Coranci f© receive GCSANE Distinguished Service Award A n t h o n y B. (Tony) Caranci, longtime golf course superintendent at Ledgemont Country Club, Seekonk, Mass., will receive the Distinguished Service Award from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England at the 66th Massachusetts Turf Conference in Boston on Monday, January 13. Everyone who registers for the conference is welcome to attend this award ceremony, which will be held during the cocktail reception on the 4th floor ballroom at the Marriot-Copley Place Hotel. Tony, born and raised in Providence, R.I., is in his 41st year at Ledgemont as superintendent. He is a 1957 graduate of the Winter Turf School at UMass. Prior to Ledgemont, Tony was the golf course superintendent at Louisquisset C.C. His tenure there was interrupted by the Korean Conflict, in which he served two years. He held positions on the boards and was president of both the GCSANE (1968-69) and the RIGCSA (1957), and has also served on the Mass. Turf Conference Committee. Tony and his wife of 37 years, Matilda, reside in North Providence. We all look forward to January 13 for this special night. Article VIII, Committee, Section 3 Duties and Responsibilities, paragraph 10, page 22: (10.) Scholarship and Benevolence Committee - This committee will consist of the following seven members: The President of GCSA of New England, Immediate Past President, three members of the Welfare committee, and two Affiliate members. The purpose of this committee shall be: (a.) Establish and maintain a Scholarship and Benevolence fund to support scholarships and financial aid. (b.) Grant need-based undergraduate college aid to immediate family members of the GCSA of New England, (c.) Grant financial aid to GCSA of New England members a n d / o r immediate family in emergency situations, (d.) The award of Scholarships and Financial aid from this fund shall be determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The following amendments a r e needed to comply with t h e new Affiliation Agreement and recommendations of GCSAA's legal counsel: Add to Article IV, Membership, Section 1, page 8: (7.) Effective July 7, 1997, each applicant for Regular of Associate membership must present to the Membership Committee an application for membership or evidence of membership with the GCSAA. Article V, Government, Section 1, page 12: The Officers of the association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer elected as provided in Article VI. All officers of the association shall also by Class A or B members of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Article V, Government, Section 2, page 12: The association shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of the aforementioned officers, three Trustees, the chairman of the Finance committee, Educational committee, Golf committee, Newsletter committee and the immediate Past President, all of whom shall be regular members of the association and a majority of whom shall be continued on page 5 Page 6 .LIII II IIUMML GCSANE bylaws continued from page 5 regular members of the association and a majority of whom shall be Class A or B members of the Golf course Superintendents Association of America. They shall be elected for a term of one year, excepting the Trustees. Article III, T h e Association's Code of Ethics, Section 1, p a r a g r a p h 3 , page 7: Delete this paragraph (paragraph 4 will become 3). Article XIV, indemnification, page 2 4 (This is a new bylaw.): The Association shall indemnify any and all persons who serve or who have served at any time as officers or directors, and their respective heirs, paid administrators, successors and assigns, against any and all expenses, including amounts paid u p o n judgments, counsel fees and amounts paid in settlement (before or after suit is commenced), actually necessarily incurred by such person in connection with t h e defense or settlement or any claim, action, suit or proceeding in which they, or any of them are made parties, or a party, or which may be asserted against them or any of thern, by reason of being, or having been, an office or director of this Association, except in relation to matters as to which any such officer or director, or former officer or director, shall be adjudged in any action, suit or proceeding to be liable for those acts and omissions arising out of his or her willful misfeasance. Such indemnification shall be in addition to any other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled including such immunities under any law, bylaw agreement, or otherwise. Article XV, Dissolution, page 2 5 (This is a new bylaw.): In the event of the dissolution of the Association, after all liabilities and responsibilities have been met, its assets shall be distributed in accordance with Internal Revenue code concerning its exempt status or in accordance with State law. The decision of distribution shall be made by the Board of Directors. Article VII, duties of Officers, Direct o r s , Trustees, and Auditors, Section 4 duties of t h e T r e a s u r e r , p a r a g r a p h 5 , p a g e 15: (5.) Issue annual membership cards to paid up members, send statements to delinquent members in accordance with Article IV, Section 11 paragraph 1, and notify the Directors of all delinq u e n t members in arrears more than five months. Article VII, Duties of Officers, Direct o r s , T r u s t e e s , and Auditors, Section 5 B o a r d of Directors, p a r a g r a p h 3 b , page 15: (b.) To hear and determine charges made against any member, full and final authority being hereby granted, to reprimand, to suspend, and to expel any member in accordance with Article IV, section 12, paragraph 1. Article VIII, Committee, Section 3 Duties and Responsibilities, p a r a g r a p h 7a: (a.) Maintain an active file of information pertaining to golf course superintendents positions open and a list of association members seeking positions. DIVO ¡1 DRiFT...announcements...educational seminars...job ...tournament results...and miscellaneous items of interest to the MEMBERSHIP Proposed for Membership: Dana Hancock, Regular, Tara Ferncroft C.C., Danvers, Mass.; Daniel Uhlman, Assistant, Westborough C.C., Westborough, Mass.; Richard Gagnon, Assistant, Saiem C.C., Peabody, Mass.; Eric Anderson, Assistant, Salem C.C., Peabody, Mass.; Richard Francis, Regular, Miiford C.C., Milford, Mass. Welcome New Members: James Whitley, Regular, Maynard Country Club, Maynard, Mass.; Gregory Carr, Regular, George Wright Golf Course, Hyde Park, Mass.; Deneen Mackintosh, Assistant, Twin Hills Country Club, Longmeadow, Mass.; James Barr, Assistant, Larry Gannon Municipal G.G., Lynn, Mass.; Keith Savage, Affiliate, Larchmont Engineering, Lexington, Mass. TOURNAMENT RESULTS Nabnasset Lake 4-Person Scramble Nov. 4, 1997 1st Gross: Carl Tesche, Tim Keating, Chuck Bramhall, & Dave (The Newsletter) Barber 2nd Gross: David Stowe, Kevin Osgood, Dennis Friel, & Joe Pianna 3rd Gross: Greg Frederick, Brian Linnehan, Palmer Whitney, & Doug Preston INFORMATION A special raffle will be held at the Annual Meeting at Brae Burn C.C. to benefit the family of Chicopee C.C. golf pro Mark Jamrog, who lost his life in an automobile accident in November. He leaves a wife and an infant daughter. Mark was the brother of Paul Jamrog, golf course superintendent at Metacomet C.C. in Rhode Island. The prize for the raffle will be two round-trip airline tickets to Florida. Let's make sure everyone in Massachusetts that is a licensed pesticide applicator gets their renewals into the Mass. Pesticide Bureau before Jan. 1, 1997. The penalty for being late is a loss of your license and having to take the exam all over again! On Tuesday, January 9, 1997, the Northeastern Weed Science Society will present a symposium on the biology and management of important turf and ornamental weeds. This program will be held at the Newport Marriot Hotel in Newport, R.I. from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. This program will include a new products update. For registration information, contact Kathleen Carroll, UMass Extension, at (413) 545-0895. Mass. Torf Conference pre-registratlon is available until Dec. 30,1996. Take advantage of this to save $$$! All speakers and topics look excellent! We hope to see all of our members in Boston Jan. 13-15, 1997. opportunities membership. MEETING NOTES Thanks to Artie Miller, manager John Cupo, golf professional Tom Thibeault, and the rest of the staff at Nabnasset Lake for a great job as hosts of the November meeting. POSITIONS AVAILABLE Golf Course Superintendent - Country Club of Pittsfield, Pittsfield, Mass. Send resumes by December 31,1996 to: Country Club of Pittsfield, c/o Mr. James Tremblay, P.O. Box 538, Pittsfield, MA 01202-0538. Assistant Superintendent - Easton Country Club, South Easton, Mass. Must have minimum two-year degree in turf management, and Mass. Pesticide Applicators license in Cat. 37. Send resumes to Eric Brown, Easton Country Club, P. O. Box 257, South Easton, MA 02375. Corcoran Jennison Hospitality Management is accepting resumes for both Assistant Superintendent and Head Mechanic at The Widow's Walk Golf Course, Scituate, Mass. and The Olde Scotland Links Golf Course, Bridgewater, Mass. Send resumes by January 31, 1997 to: Mr. Jeffrey Carlson, c/o Corcoran Jennison Hospitality Management, 832 Villages Drive, Brewster, MA 02631. Positions are available in March, 1997. Page Please patronize these FRIENDS of the ASSOCIATION Advanced Agronomic Services, Inc. 91 Day St., Leominster, MA 01453 Deep-tine aerification, core aerification, overseeding, and irrigation services. Jim Favreau - (508) 840-0432 fe-OK Turf Equipment 9 Leuba Road, Coventry, Rl 02816 New England Articulator dealer, Greens Groomer Brush, & used equipment. Mike Comicelli-(401) 826-2584 AA Will Materials Corporation 168 Washington St., Stoughton, MA 02072 Top dressing & bunker sand, loam, decorative stone, & landscape materials. Est. 1886. Frank Will, Dan Graziano, Kevin LaPorte 1-800-4-AAWILL Agriturf, ins. 59 Dwight St., Hatfield, MA 01038 Fertilizer, seed, and chemicals for turf. 1-800-346-5048 Aiians Seel Store, Inc. Specializing in quality seed and related golf course maintenance supplies. Gregg Allen-(401) 294-2722 (car phone-(508) 577-1001) Baker Golf Cars 40 Walker St., Swansea, MA 02777 Steve Founier, Doug Hooper (508) 379-0092 Bartiet! Tree Experts 153 Rumford Ave., Newton, MA 02166 Tree maintenance, fertilization & consulting. (617) 969-5990 l a y e r Corporation 118 Eilery Ave., Middletown, Ri 02842 Baylaton, Merit, Dylox, Tempo, Nemacur. Brad Herman - (401) 846-3515; FAX (401) 846-8012 T h e Borden Company Maynard, MA Bulk limestone dealer. Jack Borden - (508) 897-2571 Boston irrigation Company Dedham, MA Distributor, irrigation supplies & accessories. John Ramey, Paul Kenyon, Robert Barbati (617) 461-1560 The Cardinals, inc. 166 River Rd„ P. 0. Box 520 Unionville, CT 06085 Golf course & landscape supplies. John Callahan - (203) 673-3699 Cedar Lawn Tree Service, inc. 32 Nickerson Road, Ashland, MA 01721 Pruning, fertilization, removal, and professional care. William P. Maley - (508) 881-2622 Elanco Products Company 31 Old Town Trail, Namagansett, Rl 02882 Bob Scott-(401) 376-7290 F.D.I., inc. (Fairway Design Illustration) 55 Railroad Ave., Warren, Rl 02885 Custom granite signs & markers. Joseph K. Martin, Robert Page (401) 245-7890 or 1 -800-358-8337 Gold Star Wholesale Nursery & Sod Farm Bill Thompson Lexington, MA-(617) 861-1111 Canterbury, NH - (603) 783-4717 The Chartes 0. Hart Seed Co. P. 0. Box 9169, Weathersfield, CT 06109 Roy Sibiey, Dick Gurski 1-800-326-HART Hartney Greymont 433 Chestnut St., Needham, MA 02192 Tree care, landscape consruction, consulting, Mark J. Tobin-(617) 444-1227 International Golf Construction Co. 5 Purcell Rd„ Arlington, MA 02174 Golf course construction. Antonios Paganis (617) 648-2351 or (508) 428-3022 Irrigation Management & Services 21 Lakeview Ave., Natick, MA 01760-4252 irrigation consultation, design & system evaluation. Bob Healey, ASIC, CID - (508) 653-0625 Tom Irwin, Inc. 11B A St., Burlington, MA Jack Petersen, Wayne Ripley, Dennis Friel Paul Skafas, Chris Petersen 1-800-582-5959 Ken Jones Tire Co. Worcester, MA Distributor of tires tor lawn & garden, trucks, cars, industrial equipment, and golf carts. Gerry Jones - (508) 755-5255 Landmark Construction 42 ChamockSt., Beverly, MA 01915 Tee/bunker shaping & remodeling, cart path work, drainage, tree planting, 6 landscape construction our specialty. Daniel Champion - (617) 927-5052 Larchmont Eng. & Irrig. Co. Larchmont Lane, Lexington, MA 02173 Keith Savage-(517) 862-2550 The Lawn Co., inc. P. O. Box 1540, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Fertilizers & pest controls applied; fairway aeration & slice seeding, Tom Fair - 1-800-660-TURF Geoffrey S. Cornish & Brian Sitva Golf Course Architects Fiddlers Green, Amherst, MA 01002 Lasare's Golf Course Accessories dba Hammond Paint & Chem. Co., inc. 738 Main St., Suite 223, Waltham, MA 02154 Joseph Lazara - (617) 647-3361 Country Club Enterprises, inc. P. 0. Box 820, Cataumet, MA 02534 Club Car golf cars, carryalls, utility cars. Jim Casey, Dave Farina, Ed Maguire (508) 563-2284 LESCO, inc. 20005 Lake Rd„ Rocky River, 0H 44116 Ron Tumiski, Mike Donohue 1-800-321-5325 Country Golf, Inc. 4852 Westchester Dr., Traverse City, Ml 49684 Golf course construction & reconstruction; specialists in Donald Ross courses. Jerry Deemer- (616) 947-5751 Michael Drake Constuction, inc. 240 Walnut Street, Framingham, MA 01701 Golf course reconstruction; professional shaper. Michael Drake-(508) 875-8247 Doering Equipment P.O. Box N, Franklin, MA 02038 Distributor of John Deere golf & turf equipment. Mark Doering - (508) 520-3629 Loft's Seed 22 Lantern Lane, Exeter, Ri 02822 Victoria Wallace - 1 -800-648-7333 Lycott Environmental Research, Inc. 600 Chariton St., Southbridge, MA 01550 Environmental consulting services: lake & pond management, wetland studies, site assessments, & laboratory analysis. Lee Lyman, president - 1-800-462-8211 D.L Mater Co. Box 127, Concord St., N. Reading 01864 Water supply specialists; water wells & pumping equipment. (617)933-3210 McNulty Construction Corp. 19 Turner Rd., P.O. Box 3218 Framingham, MA 01701 Asphalt paving of cart paths, walkways, and parking areas. John McNulty-(508) 879-8875 Sodso, Inc. P.O. Box 2, Slocum, Rl 02877 Matt Faherty, Pat Hogan Bluegrass/Fescue, Bluegrass/Rye, Bluegrass/Fescue/Rye, Bentgrass 1-800-341-6900 Meoo Environmental!, Inc. 1119 Washington St., Weymouth, MA 02189 Installation of UST/AST, pump/tank upgrades, and oil/water separator installation. Greg Murphy-(617)331-6446 Sports Club Management 104 Wyman Rd., Braintree, MA 02184 Hazcom and right-to-know compliance implementation. Ron Smith-(617) 848-5978 Modern Aeration Service, inc. 212 Kendrick St., Newton, MA 02158 Featuring water injection aeration. Kevin Osgood-(617) 630-1950 Dahn TiSsbei Professional Golf Services d/b/a/Weed & Feed, Inc. 20 Clark Lane, Marshfield, MA 02050 Specialists in golf course construction and irrigation installation. We also offer a wire tracing service. (617) 837-3503, FAX (517) 834-2392 Modern Tractor & Truck Service, Inc. 400 Pine St., Seekonk, MA 02771 Holliston sand/loam topdressing mixture, . J / 2 * or 1/8" screened loam, underground tank removal, Convault aboveground fuel tank, Steven S. Howitt - (508) 761-5554 R.F. Morse & Sons, Inc. W. Wareham, MA 02576 Larry Anshewitz, Jack Cronin, Christopher Cowan (508) 295-1553 Nardone Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. 37 Power Rd., Westford, MA 01886 Topdressing sand & mixes, bunker sands, root-zone mixes, loam, cart path materials, drainage stone. Greg Frederick - (508) 692-8221, (617) 648-6222 Agr-Evo U.S.A. Co. Wilmington, Delaware David Sylvester - (203) 828-8905 Partac Golf Course Top-Dressing Keisey Part, Great Meadows, NJ 07838 Heat treated top-dressing, golf hole targets, turf blankets, and other specialty golf supplies. Jim Keisey- 1-800-247-2326, (908) 637-4191 P.I.E. Supply Co. For your irrigation needs; dedicated to sales and service of quality irrigation equipment. Greg Albanese - (617) 964-8533 (phone/fax) Prescription Turf Services, inc. Complete deep-line and hydro-injection services, custom fertilizer and pesticide applications, fairway aeration, and top dressing operations. Scott McCoy-(508) 777-1663 Pro-Lawn Products, Inc. 24 Johnathan Rd., W. Greenwich, Rl 02817 Specializing in turf & ornamental needs. (401)397-8880 Read Sand & Gravel, Inc. 171 VFW Dr., Rockland, MA 02370 Topdressing, root-zone mixes, bunker sand, 3/4 & 3/8 screened loams, cart path materials, mulch, drainage stone. Joe Farina- 1-800-660-2955 J.P. Roberts Co. Technical resource catalog; survey-weathertesting-measurement & diagnostic equipment. Barbara Piantedosi - (508) 456-6886 Sani-Mate Supply, Inc. 88 Shrewsbury St., Worcester, MA Distributor, Karcher hot high pressure equipment & bulk detergents, sales, service, rentals Barry Hackett - (508) 752-8888 Sawtsile Bros. 65 Glenn St., Lawrence, MA 01843 Bob Brown, Larry Bunn, Mike Hannigan, Frank Higgins, John Lenhart (508) 682-9296 Sootts Pra-Tur! Div. Dick Warner, Regional Director Randy Hamilton - (508) 528-4642 Richard Fomi-(413) 534-8896 Tee and Green Sod, Inc. Exeter, Rl 02822 Bentgrass, Bluegrass and Blue/Fescue sod. Dave Wallace, Robin Hayes (401) 789-8177 Tuckahoe Turf Farms, inc. Richmond, Rl Chris Beasley - 1-800-556-6985 Turf Enhancement Enterprises Featuring Floratine Products, Precision Small Engine Co. & Trion Lifts. Tom Fox-(508) 865-9150 TurfNet Associates, Inc. 21 Brandywine Road, Skillman, NJ 08558 Communication, information, market intelligence. Peter L. McCormick -1-800-314-7929 Turf Products Corp. 157 Moody Road, Enfield, CT 06082 Distributors of Toro irrigation and maintenance equipment, lightning detection systems, and other golf-related products. Irrigation products: Tim Berge & Palmer Whitney; Commercial products: Ed Fallow, Rick Moulton, & John Winskowicz; (860) 763-3581 Turf Specialty, Inc. 15 Londonderry Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053 Turf & ornamental supplies. Scott Mackintosh, Kevin Lyons, Dave Schermerhorn, John Lensing 1-800-228-6656 United Horticultural Supply P.O. Box 7, Sodus, NY 14551 Fertilizer, seed, chemicals, and IPM. Glen Larabee - (508) 223-4931 Bruce Chapman - (401) 885-5245 Varney Bros. Sand, Gravel & Concrete Bellingham, MA Concrete golf cart paths. Kenneth Mooradian - 1-800-441-7373 Winfield Nursery 1320 Mountain Rd., Suffield, CT 06109 Wholesale nursery trees & shrubs. Jeff Rogers Philip Wogan & George F. Sargent, Jr. Golf Course Architects 17 Waiker Rd., Topsfield, MA 01983 (508) 887-3672 Zip Type Service 50 Kent St., Newburyport, MA 01950 Design, printing, mailing, advertising specialties. Sheila Johnson - (508) 462-9358 2 Paged Host Superintendent Profile Meet host superintendent B&b M&iihew^ Marshfield C.C. O u r host for the December meeting of the GCSANE was Bob Matthews, CGCS. Bob has been the golf course superintendent at Marshfield Country Club since 1988. Prior to that, he was superintendent at Fox Run C.C. on Long Island, N.Y., for five years. Bob became a Certified Golf Course Superintendent in 1982. He is a graduate of Stockbridge, Class of 1973. Bob and his wife, Robin, along with sons Eric (15) and Sean (12), reside in Marshfield. incidentally, Eric is about to attain scouting's highest rank: Eagle Scout! Bob has been one of the pioneers of birding, championing the merits of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program in this area. He also is a youth hockey coach, and scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 101 in Marshfield. Bob has served on the education committee of the GCSANE, and was recently voted in as a board director of the Golf Course Managers Association of Cape Cod. In his free time Bob enjoys sailing, skiing, and golf. We appreciated the opportunity to have our December meeting at Marshfield Country Club. £6170 V W ' N Q 1 S 3 M A V O Y X W D 06I 3SDOH DLOD sswia :oj ujnjay ISUSJ 19 ON LIIIIJAD BJQ 'UODAJNQM8N a I ¥ D E6EISOD 'ST! [IEYJ SSBIO ISJY H a i i a t /wakj