LETTER April 2003 of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of Mew England, inc. ^ i Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund - Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students, immmmmmmm—mmmm Health crisis helps Brian Cowan learn how to shrug off the stresses of a superintendent The temperature seemed to have nowhere to go except the low 30s with the wind coming out of the northeast pushing along at a 20 mph clip. Heavy cloud cover crowded out any hope of sunlight and a rude dusting of two inches of snow capped the beginning of another miserable spring day at the Eastward Ho! Country Club. 'Weather could be better," Brian Cowan, course's 36-year superintendent, said in the remnants of his Maine accent. "Just went through the worst weather a Cape Cod winter can deliver. Worst since I've been around here, and spring's looking to be just as ornery. Let's see. This is Tuesday (April 8) and they're playing the New England PGA assistants championship here Thursday. I already told them they've got two options - golf carts or cross-country skis." Which meant Brian was in a pretty good mood for someone with a plateful of responsibility staring him down. On April 22, the boys from the New England PGA are scheduled to return to Eastward Ho! for a pro-am tournament. The following day, Brian hosts the GCSA of New England and the Golf Course Managers of Cape Cod, gathered for a joint meeting to kick off their "summer" slates. Fittingly, most of the occasional visitors to the area feel almost compelled to return, especially golfers. "That's why w e (superintendents) have these joint meetings and golf days with people from other parts of New England. The Cape has something special to offer even on these cold blustery days in spring. These days Cowan takes on the challenge of course grooming under less than ideal conditions with a reconstructed attitude. When he thinks the job might be coming down too hard on him, he shrugs it off and continues to count his blessings. His mind slips back in time to March i 8, 2002 when he suffered a heart attack and experienced some anxious moments before walking out of Brigham & Women's Hospital with an internal defibrillator in place to regulate what had been an erratic heartbeat. "Going through that gave me a new outlook on life," Brian said. "I try to be as positive as I can these days. I found out just how lucky I am to be here and how much I like the Cape and enjoy my position continued on page 2 INSIDE . . . s When I first returned to the job, it was on a restricted basis, but I did ail the things the doctors told me to do, and it paid off." Brian Cowan Eastward Ho! C.C. MUALÌMÌLLMUALAMÌÌÌM^AÌÌÌALÌ^ÌÌÌALÌMLL Page Calendar of Events . . 2 The Super Speaks Out . . . . . . 3 From the President . . . . . . . .4 4-Ball Tournament Pairings . . .4 2003 Turf Conference Recap . .5 G C S A N E News . .5 Divot Drift . .6 Host Superintendent Profile . . . 8 UiiAjdUMLkMÜnLltkLillÜäLlM Page 2 ÚLIÍIÜAÍ.ImíIL LUÚALáaLL continued from page I "aie CH»r PRESIDENT J a m e s R. Fitzroy, C G C S 3 5 7 W . Squantum Street, North Quincy, MA 0 2 1 7 1 617-328-1776 Fax 6 1 7 - 3 2 8 - 9 4 7 9 E-Mail: Jfitz39@rcn.com Presidents Golf Course VICE P R E S I D E N T Michael J. H e r m a n s o n 1 4 0 Ryan Street, Gardner, M A 0 1 4 4 0 978-632-2713 Fax 9 7 8 - 6 3 2 - 2 7 1 3 E - M a i l : Hermo68@hotmail.com Gardner Municipal Golf Course SECRETARY Ronald P. Dobosz, Jr. 1 1 3 7 Park Street, Stoughton, M A 0 2 0 7 2 781 -341 -8564 Fax 7 8 1 - 3 4 1 - 8 5 6 4 , *51 E-Mail: Rdobosz111@aol.com Cedar Hill Golf Course TREASURER Michael V. lacono, C G C S 5 0 Newton Street, W e s t o n , MA 0 2 4 9 3 781 -899-7913 Fax 7 8 1 - 6 4 7 - 0 6 0 2 E - M a i l : thebrook18@aol.com Pine Brook Country Club TRUSTEE Patrick S . Kriksceonaitis 4 L a k e m a n s Lane, Ipswich, MA 0 1 9 3 8 978-526-4600 Fax 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 3 3 3 E s s e x County Club TRUSTEE Jason S . A d a m s 11 Woodcrest Lane Blackstone, MA 0 1 5 0 4 781 -326-3801 Fax 7 8 1 - 3 2 6 - 3 8 0 1 E-Mail: Jayadams35@hotmail.com Norfolk Golf Club TRUSTEE R u s s e l l E. Heller 4 1 Clifford Street, Melrose, MA 0 2 1 2 6 617-983-2786 Fax 6 1 7 - 9 8 3 - 2 7 8 6 E-Mail: Rheller@gcsane.org Franklin Park Golf Course FINANCE CHAIRMAN Arthur Sllva, C G C S 3 5 Pennacook Road, T e w k s b u r y , M A 0 1 8 7 6 781 - 4 8 4 - 5 4 4 0 Fax 7 8 1 - 4 8 4 - 6 6 1 3 E-Mail: Silvacgcs@aoi.com Belmont Country Club GOLF CHAIRMAN David A. Comee 6 5 Marquette Street, Gardner, MA 0 1 4 4 0 978-297-1223 Fax 9 7 8 - 2 9 7 - 0 9 1 1 E - M a i l : Dcomee@hotmail.com T h e Winchendon Club EDUCATION CHAIRMAN Patrick J. Daly, C G C S P. O. B o x 2 2 8 4 , Framingham, M A 0 1 7 0 3 508-872-9790 Fax 5 0 8 - 8 7 2 - 5 3 9 3 E-Mail: Pat@framinghamcc.com Framingham Country Club N E W S L E T T E R CHAIRMAN Kenneth D. C r i m m i n g s , Jr. 1 0 1 Maple Lane, Northborough, M A 0 1 5 3 2 508-460-8933 Fax 5 0 8 - 4 6 0 - 8 9 4 3 E-Mail: Kcrlmmings@charter.net Marlborough Country Club PAST PRESIDENT Robert R u s z a l a 6 9 Gelinas Drive, Chicopee, M A 0 1 0 2 0 413-256-8654 Fax 4 1 3 - 2 5 6 - 8 6 5 4 E - M a i l : Hrcc40@aol.com Hickory Ridge Country Club EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Sharon K. Brownell P. O. B o x 5 6 6 , Mattapoisett, MA 0 2 7 3 9 508-758-6474 Fax 5 0 8 - 7 5 8 - 6 4 7 4 E - M a i l : Sbrownell@attbi.com NEWSLETTER G C S A N E Headquarters 3 0 0 Arnold Palmer Blvd., Norton, MA 0 2 7 6 6 Tel.: (800) 8 3 3 - 4 4 5 1 Fax: (508) 7 5 8 - 6 4 7 4 Web Site: www.gcsane.org Newsletter Editor . Contributing Editor B u s i n e s s Manager Kenneth Crimmings Gerry Finn Julie H e s t o n (E-Mail: Jeh25@aol.com) Any opinions expressed In this publication are those of the author and/or person quoted, and may not represent the position of GCSANE. Information contained In this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. liJiJ ilit i^l wlJ JJ iil.i.i-iillziiJiJ here at Eastward H o ! ! feel like I'm in the middle of a fresh new start." Brian's renewed enthusiasm has expanded itself into energy due to his remarkable recovery. "When I first returned to the job, it was on a restricted basis, but I did all the things the doctors told me to do, and it paid off. Now I feel better than ever and I'm raring to go." That's why the winter that wouldn't quit in the spring put a little limp into the fast-break offense he hoped for, getting ready for the high season months of Eastward Ho!'s activity. We're about three weeks behind the pace I'd like to be at this time of year," Brian explained. "The snow is the real culprit. It prevents us from working outside. And the forecast isn't all that great. W e need sun. We've already cut twice, so there's a lot of life in the turf. It's just covered up. Funny, this past Sunday w e had 100 players in a tournament of local tradespeople. Two days later, we can't even see the fairways for the snow." Eastward Ho! is one of those courses with an endless season. Cowan reports that the club has a membership top heavy with people who follow the sun in the winter. However, there are others who stay on the Cape and play whenever they can get the weather to cooperate. "This year the cold and snow made it tough to enjoy winter golf, but the course got through it with a minimum of damage." Since his recovery, Brian has renewed his interest in the workings of his profession. He holds memberships in the New England, Cape Cod, and Rhode Island superintendents groups. In fact, he was president of the Cape Cod association in ! 979-80 and headed G C S A N E in 1982-83. "I like to participate in all the events that are of interest to golf course superintendents and the causes they support," he told. "I really have strong feelings for the rest of the guys, how they handle the job, and all the benevolent practices they get into. I also like to take my members to other courses, it's an educational tool for all of us." One of Brian's favorite getaways is the annual trek to Quechee, Vermont with a half-dozen club members to play in the "Coon Dog Invitational" hosted by Eastward Ho!'s Ed Crowell. They join other golfers from all over the Cape to raise scholarship funds for students interested in joining the veterinary s? profession. "I'm happy to participate in this great tournament which has helped deserving students by raising over $200,000 in its 20-year history," says Cowan. Away from his immediate responsibilities at the golf course and other efforts for the profession, Brian is proud and enamored of his wonderful family. Certainly, they're a reason for living... wife Joan, a registered medical technologist; son Chris, who works for R.E Morse & Sons; daughter Cheryl, who's in the restaurant business in Naples, Florida; and daughter Jennifer, a service manager for Merrill Lynch. "So, you see, I have a lot to be grateful for," added Brian. "It's a brand new day, a brand new golf year .. . and I'm thrilled to be part of it." GERRY FINN CALENDAR . . . April 23 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting Joint Meeting w/Cape Cod G C S A Eastward Ho! Country Ciub C h a t h a m , Mass. Supt. - Brian C o w a n M a y 12 Scholarship & Benevolence Tournament Wachusett Country Club W e s t Boylston, Mass. Supt. - M a t t h e w M a r r o n e J u n e 23 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting Shattuck G o i f C i u b jaffrey, N . H . Supt. - Paul Lautner July 28 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting Supt./Club Official T o u r n a m e n t L e B a r o n Hills C o u n t r y C l u b Lakeville, Mass. Supt. - M a r k Kllmm August 26 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting Individual Championship Marlborough C o u n t r y Club Marlborough, Mass. Supt. - K e n n e t h Crimmings Sept. 22 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting T o w n s e n d Ridge C o u n t r y C l u b T o w n s e n d , Mass. Supt. - D a v i d C o p e l a n d October 6 G C S A N E Monthly Meeting J u n i p e r Hills G o l f C o u r s e N o r t h b o r o u g h , Mass. Supt. - T h o m a s A c k l e y , C G C S November G C S A N E Monthly Meeting Annual 9-Hoie Meeting Norfolk Golf Club N o r f o l k , Mass. Supt. - J a s o n A d a m s ulLilJli .ilil-uili .ilJliji i.i jAtiláifiJi^i.iiJi-iai.f .i Jjtilí.i Page 2 "The Softer Speaks Out This m©nth?s questi©n(s): (1) Are you making adjustments in programs/products to combat anthracnose? We all know that we can use the lowest label rates for preventative treatments, as opposed the highest rates in a curative situation. How do you balance when to apply preventatively, as opposed to curatively? (2) What is your feedback on this year's conventions in Providence or Atlanta? Do you have any thoughts on the city of Atlanta, costs, courses, talks, hospitality suite, or trade shows? Stephen B. Tibbels, C G C S , Northeast Regional Superintendent, Valley C r e s t Golf C o u r s e Maintenance, Acushnet River Valley Golf Course: Regarding anthracnose, I have not experienced any problems with the disease at Acushnet. Although, through conversations with other superintendents ¿ p d educators, it appears as though ithracnose problems can be compounded by cultural practices such as mowing, top dressing, dragging, brushing, and possibly verti-cutting. In light of this, w e have made the following changes: ( I ) Particular attention is paid to quality of cut and reel maintenance. (2) Frequent topdressings are done at a rate which does not have to de drug or brushed in. (3) Dragging, brushing, and vertical cutting practices are terminated once air temperatures exceed 80 degrees F Our goal in making these "At the national I like to visit new vendors to view products new to the industry or new twists to old methods or equipment" ^ Stephen Tibbels, CGCS Acushnet River Valley G.C. changes is to maintain healthier plants with fewer instances of weakness during periods of stress from climate and play. THE SUPER SPEAKS I thought both conferences were wel! attended. At the national I like to visit new vendors to view products new to the industry or new twists to oid methods or equipment. The Providence conference is an opportunity to talk with local vendors about additions to their product iines in preparation for the year's purchases. I also like the Providence conference because you get to visit with your peers within the N e w England Associations and renew some contacts with past employees. Thomas Colombo, C G C S , T h e Ridge Club: There is no question that my biggest concern on putting green turf is the persistence of basal crown rot of anthracnose. I have battled this disease on and off for the past two years on a handful of greens (50-60% poa/bent). I have thrown everything and a combination of ??????? at this disease with hit or miss results. It seems that the high rates of fungicides only go so far with little or no success once you have the disease, in reviewing my cultural practices, some of the things that I have implemented include: ( I ) Foliar feed 1/8 # N every other week in season. (2) Regular monitoring of nutrient levels via soil & tissue testing (keep the turf actively growing). (3) Monthly spiking/seeding of bent followed by light topd'ressing followed with a syringe cycle - no dragging! (4) Raising the hoc(? height-of-cut?) on affected greens slightly. Turf appears to respond to hoc adjustment better than anything else. Golfers, however don't appreciate the slower green speed. Hand mowing is a given. The bentgrass does not appear to be affected by the disease. I am going to dryject this spring to limit the mechanical traffic/damage on the surface. I sent out three plugs to Gail Schumann on March 25. The damage on the older tissue from the fall was still evident. The surrounding grass tissue was healthy with no active disease. I applied Edorse/ Ultrex two days later as a preventative. Endorse has shown some promise in recent studies. I feel, as did Dr. Schumann, that the cold freeze w e experienced this winter could be beneficial in terms of anthracnose activity this year. "It seems that the high rates of fungicides only go so far with little or no success once you have the disease." Thomas Colombo, CGCS The Ridge Club Page 2 l i i i i i.i i i i l i . i i J I i . H»méstÈÊà m.iUii.tli.iiiüi.iij^. •HaÉlMHMUMIMIMUU President praaad to report on winter schedule; sad to report the pasting of Philip tmmêy March 10 marked our last "winter" meeting of the year and over 130 members enjoyed a tour of the new William Connell Golf House and Museum as well as a tour of the maintenance facility at the T P C Boston course. The meeting was a fitting conclusion to our most successful winter schedule ever. Please join me in thanking Pat Daly and his Education Committee for a wonderful job setting up this phase of our meeting schedule. On a sad note, w e all mourn the passing of Philip I. Cassldy, CGCS. Phil was the longtime superintendent at the Weston Golf Club and was the G C S A N E President In 1948 and 1949. But our association will forever be in his debt for his efforts to hold the group together during World War II. One of my fondest items of memorabilia is a picture of Phil presenting me the Lawrence Dickinson Scholarship in 1968. It's not too early to send in your application to play in our Scholarship & Benevolence Tournament on May 12, 2003. This year we again take our event to the Wachusett Country Club. For those of you who haven't played In one of our events there, it is a fantastic Donald Ross course with spectacular views. Wachusett is truly a gem that doesn't get much FROM THE PRESIDENT notoriety inside of 128; but it has become one of my favorite courses. However, the most important reason for participating in this event is that the proceeds are available to assist our own members both in scholarships and benevolent aid when there is a time of need. And the Marrone family has priced the day very favorably for our association. Even if you play poorly, the prime rib dinner after golf will make the trip worthwhile. fe^e« Congratulations to Gary Sykes and the entire board of directors of the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference for another successful event. The speaking program was as good as any I've attended. Mike Ditka, the keynote speaker, was inspirational and entertaining, and the trade show outstanding. This has become one of the premiere regional events and a "don't miss" for everyone's calendar. Finally, on behalf of the entire board of directors, I hope everyone came through the winter without damage and has a great spring. James R. Fitzroy, C G C S President, G C S A N E » W f c ü 4-BaII O u ^ ^ - i o u n d ! & 2 / Quarter-Finals / Semi-Finals / Championship M a t c h ROUND 1 ROUND 2 QUARTER-FINAL SEMI-FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP LeCiair (9.4) -Snyder (8.2) (Bye) Anshewitz (8.8) - fitzroy (7.9) Phil (Cassidy) was the longtime superintendent at the Weston Golf Club and was the GCSANE President in 1948 and 1949. But our association will forever be in his debt for his efforts to hold the group together during World War II. .iliiliiliditiiiiiiJiiiili.l Favreau (20.9) - Gregg (3.i) Hogan (32.81 - Mcleod (21.h B. Luccini (8.7) - Mooradian (7.4) Crimmings ( 12.S) - Gulen (2.9) Duggan (7.6) - Hagle (9.4) — 2003 Hayes (8.9) - Healey ÌI0.0Ì CHAMPIONS Mackintosh (6.3) - Thys (11.3) Milenski (15.3)-Whitley (17.2) Berge (23.4) - Turner (17.0) Cornee (6.9) - Hermanson (7.8) D'Errico (19.4) - M. Luccini (5.9) Heller (17.8)- Stowe (15.2) Ruszala - Teschke mm l Keep The Course Green and Playable... Even on Service Days TTS ROTORS Efficient Water Management • Faster Field Servicing • Easily Accessible Components Hunter's new TTS Rotors are the industry's most popular new upgrade. Why? Because superintendents can now achieve efficient water management and "hassle-free" service days. All Hunter TTS Rotors are fully accessible from the top. The unique flange compartment contains the solenoid, solenoid connections, pilot valve and adjustable pressure regulator. The unitized inlet valve features one-step removal of the snap ring, valve, valve seat and rock screen. Routine service is fast and easy, and leaves the turf green and playable. See how Hunter can upgrade your course in affordable stages. Talk to your local Hunter distributor today about a free on-site consultation. ¡aSsES y Total Top Servicing Hunter G800 TTS Rotor The Most Popular Upgrade for Golf Courses H u n t e r Pi ium TTS Whether you are planning a major renovation - or specific site upgrades - Hunter TTS Rotors will give you the best value for your investment. Known for performance and water efficiency, Hunter TTS Rotors are at the top of the class in reliability and advanced features. there's a choice of fulL-circle or adjustable arcs. The Series also features a unique check-o-matic version that can be converted to support hydraulic installations. TTS rotors include an adjustable pressure regulator with internal downstream porting (electric models). Interchangeable, color-coded nozzles facilitate installation. TTS Top-Of-The-Line Features Here's The Details The TTS Series offers a wide range of flow and radius capabilities from short 20-foot radius coverage to powerful longdistance throws at up to 98 feet. All models are available as electric valve-in-head or check-o-matic, and New 835 • Totally Top Serviceable ° Concealed adjustable pressure regulator prevents tampering • Removable unitized valve and rock screen ® Patented Precision Distribution Control™ (G860 and G865) ensures efficiency at Low pressure ® Pressure Port™(G870, G880 and G990) deLivers uniform water coverage Adjustable arc • Ideal for use in tee boxes and short radius sites • 20' to 38' G860/865 Full circle and adjustable arc • Low pressure problem-solver • 51' to 57' New G990/995 Full circle and adjustable arc • Ultimate in long-distance coverage • 76' to 98' G870/875 Full circle and adjustable arc • Mid-range rotor with uniform coverage • 47' to 75' G880 Full circle • Uniform distribution over large areas • 67' to 88' Update An Aging System With Hunter KT Retro Rotors W Rotors ere's an economical "no dig" r —• solution to extending the p«®. life of aging Toro® sprinklers: convert them to a closed case head with Hunter RT Retro Rotors. The RT is a simple conversion kit that replaces the inner mechanisms of old Toros®. Five models now available with a wide range of nozzles. New G80RT Converts Toro® 1 1/2" Inlets G60RT/G65RT and G70RT/G75RT Convert 1" Inlets • Convert Toro® rotors: 630, 650, 660, 670, 680, 730, 750, 760, 780 ® Change Toro open case rotors to a closed case design • Full-circle and 40° to 360° adjustable arcs Visit The Hunter Golf Web Site View the complete Hunter Golf product line on our Web site at www.HunterGolf.com. You'll see up-to-date information on Hunter TTS Rotors, ES Rotors, central control systems, including Genesis and Vista with 3-D animated graphics, sprays, valves, plus decoders, weather stations and more. Free Irrigation Analysis Your local Hunter Golf distributor is ready to meet with you for a free course analysis or on-site demonstration of all Hunter Golf irrigation products. Give them a call today. A u t h o r i z e d Hunter GoLf Distributor mmmm IRRIGATION - WATER SYSTEMS CONNECTICUT E a s t Hartford, 80 T h o m a s St., 888-522-9182 •hinter G O L F Golf H d q t r s : Milford, 110 Raton Dr., 8 7 7 - 8 7 8 - 0 6 5 8 Page 2 LilJli.i JiitilliniJii.i JiJìlU -New England legfonal lyrfgrass Conference recap: Conference education a priority, says Gary SySces As many of you know, I have enjoyed being a part of the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference & Show each year for the last six years. There are many reasons and many people who create an interest in me to work on the show to continue to make it a great event. I have greatly enjoyed meeting many golf course superintendents, assistants, grounds managers, exhibitors, a few celebrities, students, many owners of businesses related to the turf industry and many others over the years who have an interest of one kind or another in turf. It has been fun! This year's show we feei went real well. Attendee numbers were about the same as last year (We were afraid the late dates and spring weather had the potential to hurt the attendance badly). Economics did take a bit of a toll finally, and booth numbers were down a bit from last year. Ve knew w e wouldn't grow every year! Many great comments have come my way since the show, and we appreciate all of them. A couple of items caught my attention, and I wanted to share some of them. Ever since I became involved eight years ago, a statement of advice for the show still rings true in my ears. "The Conference always needs to be first," was that bit of advice. The education that is available is what makes the show unique every year, and is what makes the attendees know they have to be there. "Build it and they will come!" in my book the trade show is actually part of the education program as well. I feel I learn a lot on the floor, and I enjoy being on the floor as much as a kid in a candy store. The trade show floor is a great place to acquire new ideas. This business is ever-changing, and a good turf professional has got to stay on top of his game. The combination of education and trade show is a great way to do that. When w e count heads in the education sessions or down on the show floor, w e ^ V n o w there are a lot of professionals who ¡so think this way, and 1 congratulate you on that. Seminars and sessions were in some cases overflowing. Trade show traffic looked busy and many exhibitors said they had a great show. I hope that everyone will continue to use the show as a resource. CONFERENCE NEWS The other thought i had was how surprised I was with Coach Ditka. His talk on the word 'ACE" was just what I needed to hear. Three very important factors in life, "attitude", "character," and "enthusiasm" can help make a person successful. Our business is very demanding and these three traits can put you over the top or hold you down. Some of us have all the tools w e will ever need, but do we use them? At the end of the day are w e content with "the man in the glass." A great message I thought, and w e hope that all those who were at the show this year gained something and left Providence feeling better for coming. W e plan on a even better event next year, just as w e plan on better turf each year. W e wish to thank all sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, and guests for participating in this year's show and conference. Here's to a prosperous growing season to all! G A R Y 5YK.ES Scholarship & Benevolence Chairman eiplalns importance ©f participation According to GCSAA data, the largest percentage of superintendents are in their 40s. Many of these people have families and children that are thinking about college. I have spoken with several superintendents that are astounded at the cost of higher education. With tuition as high as $30,000 a year, it is a wonder parents can make ends meet. G C S A N E is here to help. GCSANE NEWS As most of you know, G C S A N E awards scholarships to members' children each year. The award won't pay for an Ivy League school for a semester, but it will help take care of books and other necessities. Most likely fewer of you realize that G C S A N E provides benevolent aid to members. From time to time, personal issues arise that leave a person in dire straits. Over that past several years, our Benevolent Fund has aided many superintendents and their families. It is done quietly, but the results speak loud and clear to those in need. To finance these acts of goodwill, G C S A N E holds a golf tournament each year. Most of you know this and play in it regularly. The Scholarship & Benevolence Tournament is the sole fundraiser for the S&B Fund. Without the monies raised from this event, the fund would dry up and aid would disappear. How can you help? Play golf. Donate a prize for the raffle. It's as easy as that. The tournament this year will be held May ! 2 at Wachusett Country Club. Wachusett is a terrific Donald Ross course located just minutes from Route 2 and 1-290. It takes less than an hour to get there from Boston. It is a first-class event that Includes buffet lunch, a dinner of prime rib or swordfish, open bar, and 18 holes of championship golf. This is not an event to miss. So please register now. Sell all your raffle tickets. Donate that round of golf for four at your course. Help us raise money that may come back to you later. This event is for you and cannot be done without you. Please contact me if you need help. My number is (617) 983-2786 and my e-mail is rheller@gcsane.org. Thank you. Russell Heller Chairman, Scholarship & Benevolence Committee Page 2 DIVOT DRIFT.. seminars., job opportunities ...tournament results..Band golf miscellaneous items of interest t® the membership. course. Spanish speaking ability is a plus. Com0 arin@uiiceineritSe..edycatSonaS MEMBERSHIP Welcome N e w Members: Sean Keating, Assistant Superintendent, Oak Hill Country Club. INFORMATION Condolences go to David and Vickie Wallace and family on the recent passing of David's sister, Janet (Wallace) Huff. Condolences go to Ron Tumiskl and family on the recent passing of Ron's father, Charles Tumiski. POSITION OPENINGS Second Assistant Superintendent, Mt. Pleasant C o u n t r y Club, Boylston, Mass. Mt. Pleasant is a private, 18-hole William Mitchell design located In central Mass. Responsibilities include employee training and supervision; irrigation system operation and repair; and pesticide and fertilization application, with record-keeping, special construction projects, and involvement in all aspects of golf course maintenance. A turf certificate or two-year degree in turf-related field are preferred. Applicant must have a minimum of three years of experience in grounds maintenance, must obtain a Mass. pesticide license immediately, and have a valid drivers license. Compensation is commensurate with experience, and includes 8 0 % health insurance paid by club, 401(k), paid local and national dues, paid attendance to local seminars, golf privileges, and a paid off-season vacation. The position is available immediately. Piease send resume to: Todd Sauer, Golf Course Superintendent, Mount Pleasant Country Club, 369 Cross Street, Boylston, MA 01505; phone: (508) 869-2328. Third Assistant Superintendent, Willowbend Club, Mashpee, Mass. The third assistant will assist with training and supervision of staff of 35 and implement plant care applications program. Candidates should have an understanding of !PM principles and practices, team-building skills, and a desire to continue learning the golf management profession. Willowbend is a 27-hole, private, independently-owned golf and real estate development on Cape Cod. Willowbend hosts a PGA Celebrity charity event in June. W e are currently growing-in nine new holes slated to open this summer. Willowbend is operated by Willowbend Golf Management, which manages golf properties across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Qualifications include a turf degree or certificate and a current pesticide applicator's license. Individual should be career-minded, with two-to-five years of golf course maintenance experience, with a minimum of one season as spray applicator on a pensation is commensurate with experience, and includes medical insurance, 401 (k), optional dental insurance, uniforms, golf privileges, meal program, holidays, and two weeks vacation. Housing is a possibility. The position is available immediately. Please send resume to: Mark Casey, Superintendent, Willowbend, 100 Willowbend Drive, Mashpee, MA 02649; phone: (508) 5395436; fax: (508) 539-5230 or 5210; e-mail: willowbendgolf@juno.com. ¡irrigation Technician/Second Assistant Superintendent, Dedham Country and F o b Club, Dedham, Mass. Dedham Country and Polo Club is a private, 18-hole club that opened in ! 920 with bentgrass/poa greens, tees and fairways. Dedham Country and Polo Club is seeking a highly-motivated individual to maintain a Toro Network 8000 irrigation system and assist in the daily operation of the goif course. Salary is negotiable on the basis of experience and qualifications. Also included are housing; health and dental insurance; 401 (k) plan; paid annua! vacation; association dues; and golfing privileges. The position is open until filled. Please send resume to: The Dedham Country and Polo Club, David j. Ferrantino, Director of Golf Course and Grounds Operations, 124 Country Club Road, Dedham, MA 02026. Second Assistant Superintendent, The Milt o n - H o o s i c C i u b , C a n t o n , Mass. T h e Milton-Hoosic is a private, 9-hole course in Canton, Mass. Duties include staff supervision; fertilizing and pesticide application; irrigation system repair and operation; daily set-up; and mowing. A minimum of a two-year degree is preferred, but will train qualified winter school certificate holders. Applicant must have or have the ability to obtain a Mass. pesticide license. Compensation is comensurate with experience, and includes i 0 0 % individual health insurance, GCSAA dues, uniform, and golf privileges. The position is open until filled. Please send resume to: Stephen R. Gregg, Golf Course Superintendent, The Milton-Hoosic Club, 70 Green Lodge Street, Canton, MA 02021; fax: (781) 828-3220; office: (781) 828-2953; e-mail: sgreggl3@aol.com. Second Assistant Superintendent, Walpole Country Club, Walpole, Mass. Applicant must have a minimum of a two-year degree in turf management or related field; a minimum of one year of goif course related experience; and a Mass. pesticide applicator's license. The position involves general golf course maintenance, including, but not limited to, course set-up, pesticide and fertilizer applications, irrigation repair, project management, and record-keeping. This is an excellent career opportunity for an individual seeking to prepare for the first assistant position. Compensation is negotiable, and includes health, dental, and life insurance; 401 (k); paid vacation; uniforms; association dues; and loca! conference expenses. Housing is possible. The position is open until filled. Please send resume to: Mark Gagne, Golf Course Superintendent, P.O. Box 186, Walpole, MA 02081; fax: (508) 668-9969; e-msH:mgagne@walpolecc.com. S e c o n d Assistant S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , Bass Rocks Golf Club, Gloucester, Mass. The individual will be a key player in the operation, assisting the superintendent and first assistant, and will share these responsibilities and others: pesticide/fertilizer applications; irrigation system operation and maintenance; and supervising and training seasonal employees. The candidate should have desire to excel in the turf industry and have an enthusiastic outlook on learning all aspects of turf maintenance operations. The individual will attend Greens Committee meetings and be an integral part of the turf management team. Bass Rocks is an architecturally unique, 107-year old property with frequent ocean views. A turf degree or certificate and current pesticide applicator's license is required. Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits include medical insurance, golf privileges, two weeks vacation after first year, membership in GCSAA and local associations, and paid attendance at New England Turf Conference. The position is open until filled. Piease send resume to Patty Knaggs, Golf Course Superintendent, Bass Rocks Golf Club, P.O. Box 303, Gloucester, MA 01930; phone: (978) 283-7774; fax (978) 283-0977; email: majormpk@shore.net. Park Maintenance/Irrigation Specialist, City of N e w t o n Parks and Recreation Dept., Newton, Mass. Individual will be responsible for supervising and working with small work crews involved in construction, repair, and maintenance of department's irrigation systems. Work includes directing and assisting work crews, ensuring for the quality and completeness of work performed, and assisting in the overall efficiency of project operations. Position assists in department snow and ice removal operations. Candidate should have three-to-five years of experience in recreation or athletic field maintenance or general plumbing maintenance. An associates degree is preferred. Salary is W-10, $!7.35/hour. Benefits include health and dental insurance, education incentives, retirement plan, and deferred compensation. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2003. Please send resúmelo Karen Kelly, Employment Coordinator, Human Resources D e p a r t m e n t , N e w t o n City Hall, i 000 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton Centre, MA 02458. Page rlLliidL^idUiidL.ilUUJiidlJihl^ A Please Patronize these FRIENDS of the R n l/T.,^ U . A-OK Turf Equipment Inc. 1357 Main St., Coventry, Rl 02816-8435 Articulator, Terra Topper, Greens Groomer brush, & used equipment. Mike Cornicelli-(401) 826-2584 A.A. Will Materials Corp. 168 Washington St., Stoughton, MA 02072-1748 Top dressing & bunker sand, decorative stone, landscape materials, wholesale nursery stock. Charlie Downing, Mike Read - (800) 4-AA-WILL Accusoils Country Golf, Inc. 4852 Westchester Dr., Traverse City, Ml 49684 Golf course construction 8, reconstruction; specialists in Donald Ross courses. Jerry Deemer-(616) 947-5751 I >_ r » _ U f* •: a a Lazaro's Golf Course Supplies & Accessories I Snagwood Rd., Foster, Rl 02825 Distributor of Reelcraft products & inventor of the Direct Underground Maintenance Syringing System. Manny Mihailides - (401) 647-0550 LBSCO Inc. 20005 Lake Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116 Ron Tumiski, Mike Donohue - (800) 321-5325 104WymanRd„ Braintree, MA 02184 OSHA and EPA compliance services & training. Ron Smith - (781) 848-5978 OHT Golf Services 71 Concord St, P. O. Box 127, N. Reading, MA 01864 Water supply specialists; wells & pumping equipment. (781)933-3210 5 Timberwood Rd., #108, Goffstown, NH 03045 Professional stump chipping service. Brendan McQuade - (603) 625-4165 McNulty Construction Corp. Tee S Green Sod, Inc. Miller Golf Construction Tom Irwin Inc. DGM Systems D.L. Matter Co. Allen's Seed Store ins. Michael Drake Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 3218, Framingham, MA 01705 Asphalt paving of cart paths, walkways, parking areas; imprinted asphalt. John McNulty - (508) 879-8875 EZGQ/Texfrom 1 Leicester Rd., Marblehead, MA 01945 Golf course construction & renovation. Jonathon Miller-(781) 631-2030 693 S. County Trail, Exeter, Rl 02822 Specializing in quality seed and related goif course maintenance supplies. Gregg Allen - (800) 527-3898 240 Walnut St., Framingham, MA 01702 Goif course reconstruction; professional shaper. Michael Drake - (508) 875-8247 Agresource. Inc. 30 Peace Pipe Terrace, Smithfield, Rl 02917 (401)419-7409 The Andersons Technologies, inc. Armstrong Golf Architects, LLC 76 S. New Boston Rd„ Francestown, NH 02043 Golf course design & renovation. (603) 547-3132 Bay State Fertilizer/MWRA 100 First Ave., Boston, MA 02129 Manufacturer & supplier of dry organic fertilizers. Kristen Patneaude - (617) 788-4437 Bayer Environmental Science Bayleton, Compass, Dylox, Merit, Nemacur Tempo. Jim Santoro - (508) 679-4797 The Borden Company 114 Summer St., Maynard, MA 01754 Bulk limestone dealer. Jack Borden - (978) 897-2571 Boston irrigation Supply Company 60 Sturgis Way, Dedham, MA 02026 Distributor, irrigation supplies 8, accesson'es. Andy Langlois, J . Anderson III, Ron Milenski (800) 225-8006 Bourke & Lannery Turf Care dba "DryJect" 48 Hardwick Terrace, Brighton, MA 02135 Aerification & filling of holes with dry material in one pass on greens, tees, or problem spots on fairways. Rory Bourke - (617) 779-8873 The Cardinals, Inc. 166 River R d , P.O. Box 520, Unionville, CT 06085 Golf course and landscape supplies. John Callahan, Dennis Friel - (800) 861-6256 Cavicchio Landscape Supply, inc. 110 Codjer Lane, Sudbury, MA 01776 Annuals, perennials, garden mums, ground covers, ioam, and mulch. Darren Young - (978) 443-7177 Cedar Lawn Tree Service, Inc. 32 Nickerson Rd., Ashland, MA 01721 Pruning, fertilization, removal, & professional care. William P. Maley - (508) 881-2622 Ciccarelli Landscaping Woburn, MA 01801 Reverse rototilllng, cultivating. (781) 938-5055 F A Bartlett Tree Expert Go. 640 Hale St., Beverly Farms, MA 01915 Complete tree care, landscape design 8. construction, disease control, long-range planning. Ben Staples - (978) 927-1590 Gold Star Nursery & Sad Farm 250 West Rd., Canterbury, NH 03224-2127 Growers of turtgrass and ornamentals. Malcolm McPhail Lexington, MA-(781) 861-1111 Canterbury, NH - (603) 783-4717 GPS New Engiand Mapping 39 Cedar St., Cohasset, MA 02025 Precise irrigation & drainage as-builts; wire tracking & electrical repairs. Greg Albanese - (781) 789-1166 Greeno, Inc. 2-352 Main St., Concord, MA 01742 Tree transplanting, landscape construction, 8. masoniy. Kevin Mulcahy - (800) 439-7244 Charles C. Hart Seed Co., Inc. P. O. Box 9169, Wethersfield, CT 06109 Roy Sibley, Dick Gurski, Robin Hayes (800) 326-HART Hartney Greymont 433 Chestnut St., Needham, MA 02492 Tree care, landscape construction, consulting. MarkTobin-(781) 444-1227 iTollision Sand Co., inc. P. O. Box 1168, Trfft Rd„ Slatersville, Rl 02876 USGA-recommeoded sands, root-zone mixes, bunker & topdressing, agesot, compost stone-dust & pea-stone Bob Chalifour, CGCS (ret.) - (401) 766-5010 international Golf Construction Co. 5 Purcell Rd., Arlington, MA 02474 Golf course construction. Antonios Paganis - (781) 648-2351; (508) 428-3022 t i i U i i i i ^ M L M i t i ^ Norfolk Power Equipment, ins. North Shore Hydroseeding 20 Wenham St., Danvers, MA 01923 Hydroseeding, erosion control, & tree services. Brian King - (978) 762-8737 Partac Peat Corporation Kelsey Park, Great Meadows, NJ 07838 Heat treated topdressing, golf hole targets, turf blankets, other specialty golf supplies. Jim Kelsey - (800) 247-2326 Prescription Turf Services, Inc. P. O. Box 39, Middleton, MA 01949 Deep-tine and hydro-injection services, custom fertilizer & pesticide applications, fairway aeration, topdressing operations. (978) 777-1663 Putnam Pips Corp. 90 Elm St., Hopkinton, MA 01748 Underground water, sewer, & drain piping sales. 6 distribution. 24-hour service. Eiiiot Putnam, David Putnam, Eli Potty - (508) 435-3090 R.A.D. Corp. 269 Hanover St., Hanover, MA 02339 Golf course construction, greens, tees, bunkers, drainage, earth-moving, ponds, & water features. Robert M. Delmonico - (781) 826-2800 Rotondo Precast 2910 Dranefirid Rd., Lakeland, FL 33811 Ray Duffy - (800) 995-8720, (860) 646-0259 151 Old Farms Road, Avon, CT 06001 Precast concrete buildings for chemical & equipment storage. Fully-equipped restroom buildings also available. Bob Anania - (860) 673-3291 Irrigation Management & Services Sawtelle Brothers, Inc. International Turf Applicators Cornish, Silva, & Mungeum, Inc. P. 0. Box 820, Cataumet, MA 02534 Club Car golf cars, Carryall utility vehicles. Dave Farina, Dann Eddy, Darren Orr (800) 662-2585 Nardone Sand and Gravel, inc. 5 Cushing Dr., Wrentham, MA 02093 Sales, service, rentals, leasing, Kubota tractors (508) 384-0011 275 Wells St., Greenfield, MA 01301 Club Car golf, turf, transportation, 8i utility cars. James Bemier - (800) 287-0955 71 -73 Chandler St., Worcester, MA 01613 Distributor of tires for lawn 8. garden, trucks, cars, industrial equipment, and goit cars. Gerry Jones-(508) 755-5255 Country Club Enterprises R.F. Morse & Sons, Inc. 22 Cranberry Hwy., Wareham, MA 02576 Larry Anshewitz, Jack Cronin, Chris Cowan, Doug Dondero - (508) 295-1553 Golf Cart Services, Inc. Clean Quest 207 N. Main St., Uxbridge, MA 01569 Golf course architects. (508) 278-3407 S.V. Moffett Co., Inc. 33 Thruway Park Dr., W. Henrietta, NY 14586 Commercial turf & irrigation equipment. Bill Stinson-(716) 334-0100 37 Power Rd., Westford, MA 01886 Topdressing sand & mixes, bunker sands, root-zone mixes, ioam, cart path materials, drainage stone. Greg Frederick - (978) 692-8221 21 LakeviewAve., Natick, MA 01760 Irrigation consultation, design, and system evaluation. Bob Healey, ASIC, CID - (508) 653-0625 P. 0. Box 1102, Southbury, CT 06488 Distributors of the Landa Water system for treating wash water, Safety Storage chemical buildings, & Octaflex portable wash pads. Steven Burnett, Michael Wende - (800) 521-5585 Sodco Inc. P. 0. Box 2, Slocum, Rl 02877 Bluegrass/Fescue, Bluegrass/Rye, Bluegrass/Fescue/ Rye, Bentgrass. Sean Moran, Pat Hogan - (800) 341-6900 dba Weed 8, Feed, Inc. 20 Clark Lane, Marshfield, MA 02050 Golf course renovation & construction in all areas: bunkers, tees, greens, drainage, irrigation, 8. cart paths. Dahn Tibbett, Chip Breartey - (781) 837-3503 26 Waite Ave., S. Hadley, MA 01075 Manufacturer of fertilizer & control products. Rick Fomi- (413) 534-8896 ASSOCIATION : dba Hammond Paint and Chemical Co., Inc. 738 Main S t , Suite 223, Waltham, MA 02154 Complete line of golf course accessories; Standard, Par Aide, Eagie One. Joe Lazaro - (781) 647-3361 P.O. Box 1125, Carver, MA 02330 Topdressing sand & mixes, divot mix, greens 8c tees, root zone mix, bunker sand, cart path mix, stablizer, & greens care analysis. Joe Farina, Frank Santos - (866) 222-6644 100 Main St., Amesbury, MA 01913 Tim Gould, Guy Travers (800)313-3320, (978) 388-5110 I P....« _. n - l i Ken Jones Tire, Inc. Larchmont Engineering & Irrigation I I Larchmont Lane, Lexington, MA 02420-4483 Marc Utera- (781)862-2550 Landmark Construction P.O. Box 662, Winchester, MA 01890 Tee/bunker shaping & remodeling, cart paths, Drainage, tree planting, landscape construction. Daniel Champion - (781) 729-3250 65 Glenn St., Lawrence, MA 01843 Larry Bunn,, Jim Favreau, John Lenhart, Ai Vadala, George Wise - (800) 999-8873 S B I Turf Services 65 Glenn St., Lawrence, MA 01843 Deep-tine, core, & water-injection aerification, DOL & Verti-Seed overseeding, irrigation services. (800) 999-TURF Shawnmark Industries, Inc. P. 0. Box 8966, Warwick, R! 02999 Matt Howland-(401) 295-1673 Simplot Partners, Inc. 15 Londonderry Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053 Turf & ornamental supplies. Chuck Bramhali, Mike Kroian, Mike Nagle, Jim Wierzbicki - (800) 228-6656 Sports Club Management Stumps Are Us P.O. Box 418, Exeter, Rl 02822 Bentgrass, Bluegrass, & Blue/Fescue sod. Dave Wallace-(401) 789-8177 Scott McLeod-(401) 641-3814 11 A St., Burlington, MA 01803 Turf management products. Jack Petersen, Paul Skafas, Rob Larson, Chris Petersen, Greg Misodoulakis, Mike Fontaine (800) 582-5959 Tuckahoe Turf Farms, Inc. P. 0. Box 167, Wood River Junction, Rl 02894 Chris Beasley - (800) 556-6985 1'urfgrass Environmental Consulting 47 Falmouth Road, Longmeadow, MA 01106 IPM plans for permit projects, wildlife enhancement projects, & water quality monitoring programs. John Bresnahan - (413) 565-5340 TurtLinks. Inc. 16 Kane Industrial Dr., Hudson, MA 01749 Distributor of quality fertilzer, grass seed, 6 control products for the golf course industry. Kevin Lyons, Scott Mackintosh, Jim Cohen (866) 567-9221 Turf Enhancement Enterprises 6 Jessica J Dr., Miilbury, MA 01527 Floratine products, Precision Small Engine Co., Douglas Rollers, Trion Lifts. Tom Fox-(508) 865-9150 TurfNet Associates, Inc. 21 Brandywine Rd., Skillman, NJ 08558 Culling edge communcatkm forthe goif course itidusky. Peter McCormick - (800) 314-7929 Turf Products Corp. 157 Moody Rd., Enfield, CT 06082 Distributors of Toro irrigation & maintenance equipment and other golf-related products. Tim Berge, Paul Hallock, Rick Moulton, Mike Turner (800) 243-4355 United Horticultural Supply 18 Legate Hill Rd., Sterling, MA 01564 Fertilizer, seed, chemicals, & IPM. Glenn Larabee, Bruce Chapman, Mark Miller (800) 224-4440 Varnay Bros. Sand & Gravel 79 Hartford Ave., Bellingham, MA 02019 Concrete golf cart paths. Kenneth Mooradian - (800) 441-7373 Waterflowers Ecological Design 116 North Street, North Reading, MA 01864 Environmental audits, planning/design, & permits for all environmental details. Terry Bastian - (978) 664-8059 Winding Brook Turf Farm Wethersfield, CT06109 Peter DeBrusk - (800) 243-0232 Winfield Nursery, Inc. 1700 Mountain Rd., W. Suffield, CT 06093 Wholesale nursery supplies, including fertilizer, grass seed, turf control products, and landscaping trees 8. shrubs. Joe Trosky - (860) 668-5225 Philip Wogam S George F. Sargent, J r . 17 Walker Rd.. Topsfield, MA 01983 Goif course architects. (978) 887-3672 Zip Type Printing Services, Inc. 50 Kent Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 Design, printing, mailing, advertising specialties. Sheila Johnson - (978) 462-9358 2 Page 2 i-itiliU U.lìIÙALIMÌLLMLIMÌLAL Meet Host Superintendent Matthew Marrone^ Wachusett C.C. T h e Golf Course Superintendents Association of N e w England is very proud to hold the 2003 Scholarship & Benevolence Tournament at Wachusett Country Club in West Boylston, Massachusetts. O u r hosts for the day will be Matt Marrone and the Marrone Family, w h o have successfully owned and operated this club since 1938. Matt Marrone is a third-generation golf course superintendent at Wachusett C.C., and has been the superintendent there since 1994. Previously his father, Donald Marrone, jr., and his grandfather, Donald Marrone, Sr., served as superin- liait tendents. Matt credits everything he has learned in the business to these t w o men. Par: 7z Regular Yardage: 6170 Ladies Yardage: (Rating: 70.0) 5573 H e continues to learn each day from his father, Donald, jr., who currently manages the club. Championship Yardage: (Rating: 74.6) 6567 Wachusett C.C. Facts: Tees (yardage and type): HOST PROFILE Superintendent: . . . . Matthew Marrone Golf Professional: Tim Bishop Number of Members: Terrain:. . . . . . . . Architect: Year Organized: 375 Hilltop, fairly open Donald Ross 1927 Greens (yardage & type): (Rating: 71.7) 3 acres Bent Poa . . . . 2.5 acres Bent, Rye, Poa Fairways (acres and type): . . . 25 acres Roughs (acres and type): Carts: Bent, Rye, Poa . . . . 40 acres Blue, Fescue Club Car Electric UMàLmkLlMàu 99Z70 V N 'uojJON pjEA9|nog J3Uj|Ed p f o u j y qq£ :OI u j n j a y S8W10 ISUId 19 -ON yuusd Vl/M ']JodÀjnqM9N Q 1 Wei aBejsod 'STI HEW ssEio i s j y m u a i