latter is new in principle, and as demonstrated in the rough, did a fine job of cutting. The main tournament in the afternoon was a best ball, with each greenkeeper having as his partner a club official from his club. Net awards went to: 312 Mt. P l e a s a n t St., Fall River, Mass. M. O'Grady and D. Whiteside, 75-9-66. G. West and P. Squire, 84-11-73. JAMES McCORMACK . Business Mgr. P. Cassidy and F. Whitton, 88-12-76. 450 William St., S t o n e h a m , Mass. A medal tournament was also held for those without partners. Prizes here to: June. 1936 Vol. 8, No. 6 went N. Sperandio, 82-14-68. W. Howe, 79-6-73. TO THE JUNE BRIDE M. McDonoigh, 89-16-73. This NEWSLETTER is published monthly by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent free to its members and their Green's Chairmen. Subscription price ten cents a copy, or a dollar a year. GUY C. WEST Editor Marriage is the most important conn-act ever entered by two individuals. It creates a new social entity, the family. Marriage not only defines the relation of the consorts to each other but also their status in society. It imposes duties and responsibilities, not only mutually between the contracting parties but to their descendants. As the basis of the laws of inheritance, it is one of the foundations of property rights; and the whole system of the rights and obligations which constitute marriage has been laid down by traditions, which equal in age if they do not antedate the earliest traditions which have long since crystalized into our common law. No ritual as ancient as this can have failed to accumulate superstition through which man has struggled on his march toward civilization. Each and every attendant rite, the groomsman, the bride's cake, the rice, the wedding gift, has its symbolical significance. The bridal bouquet, the ring, the bridesmaid, the march down the aisle, even the slipper thrown after the bride, are all a tribute to some remote ancestor who saw in these some definite function essential to insure success and happiness. —The Thread of Life. JUNE MEETING NORTH LEAVES RHODE ISLAND Prof. H. F. A. North, for six and a half years Asst. Agronomist at zhe Rhode Island State College, left there last month to take over new duties as assistant to Dr. Monteith in the Green Section of the U. S. G. A., taking the place formerly occupied by Ken Welt;n. We of New England are very • t: lose North, who had endeared himself to all turf men, but we feel sure that our loss will be the gain of the Green Section, and hence of the country at large. During his stay at Rhode Island, North was in charge of the turf experimental plots and the turf experiments, and published in 1934 a very fine bulletin on bent grass management. The success of the annual Field Days for greenkeepers in May of the last few years has largely been due to his efforts. For the last few years, he also acted as Secretary of the R. I. Greenkeepers Association. The annual John Shanahan Memorial Tournament will be held at the Brae Burn Country Club, West Newton, Mass. on July 20th. This is the greenkeeper-pro best ball tournament for the New England Championship. You should be there with your pro! The June meeting was held at the Rhode Island Country Club, West Barrington, R. I. on June 1st. In the late Congratulations to the Lloyd Stotts morning there was a demonstration of of the Meadowbrook Golf Club on the the Ideal power putting green mower recent arrival of their first "ray of sunand the Buck Horn Power mower. This shine", a baby girl! THE GREENKEEPER'S REPORT ANNUAL by Everett J. Pyle Most greenkeepers keep records of one kind or another. Some find time merely to keep account of the hours their men work. Many keep detailed cost accounts and can tell just how much money was spent cutting greens or raking traps during the season. It is a common practice for some greenkeepers to keep accurate records of top dressings, fertilizer treatments, application of fungicides, insecticides and ^ K chemical weed eradieators for each green. Although I feel that sometimes this is overdone, it is evident that many greenkeepers neglect this all-important part of their job. During the year, the greenkeeper should make notes or keep records sufficient for him to formulate an intelligent annual report. Reason for Annual Report Annual reports, carefully prepared, are the history of the improvements and maintenance practices on the course and are valuable references for the rclub and the greenkeeper alike. Many club members, in the routine of their vocations, are in the habit of measuring progress and the ability of those who are responsible for that progress through the reading of reports of one kind or another. Therefore, when a greenkeeper presents an annual report to his greens chairman, he is probably employing the very best medium to focus the attention of his chairman and the club members on the work he is doing. ^^ The preparation of his annual report will give the greenkeeper a great opportunity to review his season's work; to realize some of the mistakes he has made (for which, however, there is no place in his report); to obtain added satisfaction from the problems he has successfully solved; to find a joy in the fact- that he made definite progress in doing his job well. The annual report might be submitted in the winter when the course is closed and when some of the members may be wondering why they are still paying the greenkeeper. What a fine opportunity there is here to make a detailed record of the work done during the closed season—overhauling . machinery, painting, repairing, keeping drains open, removing ice from the greens, pruning and transplanting trees, etc. After all, you can't blame any member for wanting to know where his money goes. It is the greenkeeper who neglects to keep that member informed who is at fault. C o n t e n t s * of t h e R e p o r t The annual report depends for its substance upon the records of one kind or another, which have been kept by the greenkeeper during the year. A well-kept diary will be of great assistance to him. From these detailed records, he should be able to prepare an interesting and informative report. The Year's Maintenance Program might be the first item in the body of the report. This could be sub-divided into the following: General Consideration, Greens, Tees, Fairways, Traps, etc. Any innovations in the program should be mentioned and the reasons stated. Some idea of the amount of work done about the club house, parking grounds or tennis courts might be given. How often were the greens cut, top dressed, fertilized, etc? What has been done on the tees and fairways? What has been the procedure in regard to traps and rough? These items have value as future references and if put into the annual report, they can be easily located at a moment's notice. The next item in the report could be Improvements and Construction: The installation of new drains, the filling-in of traps, enlarging greens and tees, improvements in the water system, landscaping, etc. should be recorded here. It is true that most of this work done on the course is known to the greens committee and noticed by most of the club members as they play the course. To some, it might seem unnecessary to mention these projects in the report. However, as. the months go by, improvements made on the course become dim in the memories of those who pay the bills and the greenkeeper certainly wants to impress upon the members the fact that they have received full value for their money. Photographs taken before and after changes and improvements tell the story even better than words and the opportunity to include them in the report should not be overlooked. The greenkeeper should take the initiative as to the future of the course whether this involves changes in the maintenance policy or necessary improvements. The annual report gives him the best opportunity of presenting Lis recommendations to his chairman in a business-like manner. His recommendations may or may not be adopted, but his interest in the future development of the club and the initiative displayed will most certainly. he appreciated. Probably the most important part of the greenkeeper's report is that concerning finances. What is the budget and how is the money spent? This particular section of the report is so interesting to the members that I like to place it near the end so that some of the other material will have a better chance of being read. If the budget is specific as to the amounts allocated for labor, equipment, seed, fertilizer, etc., the report of expenditures should utilize these exact divisions. But even if the budget is a lump sum or simply divided into labor and materials, the greenkeeper should show just how the money was expended. The items in his financial report might include labor, equipment and tools, seed, fertilizer, fungicides, insecticides, water, lights and power, gas and oil, buildings, roads, etc. These divisions are for maintenance only. Improvements and new construction should appear u n d e r t h a t h e a d i n g , and it is always advisable to show these expenditures apart from those for purely maintenance work. The greenkeeper who, because of his better knowledge gained through experience, study, and an intimate acquaintance with research work, uses a more economical fungicide or a better, yet cheaper, fertilizer mixture, will watch with interest the decreasing amounts spent for these items in his budget and so will the greens chairman. If costs of the various operations on the course have been kept and charts or diagrams made, these could be included in the report. The distribution of costs is a study in itself, but one well worth while on many courses. Such a study gives the greenkeeper facts and figures with which to back up his recommendations. M e t h o d of P r e s e n t a t i o n Forty percent of the effectiveness of an annual report depends upon the method of presentation. Attention must be given to the following: (1) Organize your material in a logical manner by placing it under the proper headings, as I have tried to point out. (2) Be certain that your information is stated correctly. (3) Have the report typewritten by the best typist you can find—poor typing makes 'a messy and amateurish-looking job. (4) Make two copies and be sure to keep one. (5) Enclose the report in some simple cover so it will hold together in a book or pamphlet form, as this will give to it the appearance of completeness and permanence. To me, it seems to be a part of the greenkeeper's job to prepare a written record of each year's work and to present it to his chairman as an annual report. To do this, it is necessary for him to keep records of his work as he goes along, to select and organize his ^immaterial, and to render it in a proper * manner. When the job is done, however, he will have compiled information of much value to his chairman and to himself. F E E D I N G T U R F E A R L Y IS B E S T It is said that, whenever the mean temperature rises above 4 5 . grass starts to grow, whether in Maine or Florida. It is also known that grass really grows in the sense of spreading out and making deep roots during cool, moist weather of Spring and Fall. Too much importance cannot be placed upon feeding turf early, in order that ample nutrients may be .available when the turf needs this aid, for it is at this time that your grass will establish itself to withstand the battle with encroaching weeds that germinate and grow when the temperature gets above 65°. This same higher temperature tends to hinder and retard turf. Most weeds, like most gangsters, are cowards when cornered. Fertilizer, properly selected and opportunely applied, is the best weed eliminator there is, bar none. Nearly all soils are low in Nitrogen in the Spring. It is one of Nature's fancies to exhaust this important plant food, either by consumption by the plant during the previous season, by leaching or by evaporation. It is gone and must be replaced if good healthy turf is to be maintained. In replacing this nutriment, considerable thought should be given to the nature and availability of the Nitrogen used. Chemical or inorganic Nitrogen is quickly available and stimulates growth -within a few days. It has value as a quick stimulant, but it should not constitute the whole source of Nitrogen supply, for its quick solubility and availability also means quick exhaustion. Organic Nitrogen is more slowly made available, and various sources of this element become available to the plant at intervals. This means what the automobile manufacturer would term "con tinuous power". By the time one source of Nitrogen is exhausted, another begins to function. Some organic nitrogen is known as "water-soluble", others as "water-insoluble". This does not mean that all "water-insoluble" Nitrogen is of no value, but merely that much of it will become available after the "watersoluble" supply has been used up. It is our opinion that the Nitrogen content of a complete plant food for turf should contain approximately 1-3 chemical (inorganic) Nitrogen for immediate effect, 1-3 "water-soluble" material, and 1-3 slowly liberated Nitrogen. Such a formula gives an uninterrupted food supply throughout the entire growing season if applied early, and this should be almost all used up by the time hot weather sets in, when the turf should be in good condition to meet all comers in the form of weeds, the seeds of which are ever present in practically all soils. Often it happens that soils become so acid that the bacterial action necessary to break down plant foods is lacking. When this occurs, no plant food is made available to the plants. Check your soil for this. It may save you money and many headaches. —Turf Topics. CRAB GRASS A M a j o r A n n u a l E n e m y t o All L o v e r s of F i n e T u r f In a nation-wide survey Crab Grass was rated second only to the Dandelion as the greatest lawn pest. It appears to be indigenous to soils of all types and is a problem which has never been conclusively solved to the satisfaction of all. There are two species of this weed known as Large and Small Crab Grass. Both are annuals appearing as broadleaved grasses in mid-June, and very annoying as "wiregrass" in August and September. The large type is distinguished from the small by its hairy sheath and toothed ligule (that shelflike appendage found at the base of each blade). The sheath of the latter is glabrous or smooth and the liguile is entire. They are rapid growers and fast and heavy feeders. Due to their very fibrous root system they absorb a great deal of moisture and grow well during warm weather in either acid or alkaline soils. The lawn mower is the greatest distributor of seed, although quantities may be brought into a given area with top-dressing, or blown in from adjaeent lawns or fields. Don't doctor the grass! As yet, no satisfactory control-spray has been discovered. Many materials have been experimented with in varying solutions and compounds, and those which have proved successful in eliminating the pest have destroyed all other vegetation also. Authorities of the U. S. D. A. and State Experiment Stations recommend crowding out Crab Grass with grasses of a desirable and basic nature. This method will cut down from 70 to 80 per cent of the weed in one year and is confirmed by many practical greenkeepers. The following program of elimination is based entirely upon the growing stages of the plant: Throughout the latter part of June and during July one may distinguish the Crab Grass seedlings from the desirable grasses by their flat, sparsely hairy, wavy-margined blades which are about one-quarter inch wide with sharply pointed tips. D i g g i n g o u t a t t h i s s t a g e of g r o w t h is t h e m o s t s a t i s f a c t o r y m e t h o d of r i d d a n c e , and a practice to continue. All plant material removed should be dried at once and burned, for se^ds sometimes mature after the plants are uprooted. This caution holds true also with the next procedure. The fact that this pest is an annual emphasizes the need to catch and destroy all seed-heads before they have an opportunity to mature and drop their seed. At the time one observes the tendency of these plants to extend themselves and produce spikelets, it is a wise plan to allow the lawn or turf area to become tall (3 inches), then clip closely, using a grass catcher. Further mowing operation should be preceded by a roughing up of all prostrate seed-heads to allow for a maximum catch of the fruiting bodies. Destroy the catch effectively, as already prescribed. Crab Grass dies at first frost. When this occurs pull out the plants with iron rakes; then dry and burn them. Early the following spring, about two months before their reappearance, the combat must be renewed. About mid-April feed the turf. This will not only strengthen each individual plant and encourage the basic grasses to extend themselves into a thicker sod, but will act at a time when Crab Grass is dormant and can reap no benefit from it. It is common knowledge that a healthy growing turf will usually crowd out any weed. The persistence of Crab Grass is acknowledged in the fact that seed will live in the soil for years, and when one can visualize a Crab Grass plant producing as many as 200,000 visable seeds, he begins to understand why this enemy cannot possibly be eliminated in one year's time. Patience and diligence of purpose are necessary factors toward accomplishing this goal. Having started the program, keep on. Halting means loss of past effort and more Crab Grass. —Turf Topics. RHODE ISLAND FIELD DAY The seventh annual Greenkeepers Field Day was held at the Rhode Island State College on May 27th. Late morning was devoted to registration and a trip to the experimental plots under the direction of Dr. T. E. Odland. The many experiments being conducted on these fine turf plots again proved of interest to all present. Following lunch, two short talks were followed by a period of discussion. Guy C. West, Editor of the NEWSLETTER brought greetings from the greenkeepers. He said that golf seemed to be on the upgrade, with many clubs reporting an increase in membership and hence an income. He stressed that this increase in income should be spent in the proper places, and not thrown carelessly here and there to suit the whims of various committees. He urged each greenkeeper to go on record to his greens committee with his recommendations as to where more money is most urgently needed. With the reduced budgets of the past few years, it is imperative that when more money is available that it be used wisely. The next speaker was Prof. Lawrence S. Dickinson of the Mass. State College. Prof. Dickinson discussed various errors of some greenkeepers. The first error is to think that there is any panacea, that any one treatment will be right for all greens, tees and fairways. Error No. 2 is that some greenkeepers modify when they tell how to care about anything, but expect a specific cure when they ask advice. Greenkeepers are held in check by chairmen, many changes in chairmen; chairmen press for cure; error No. 3. Greenkeeping is a very queer kind of agricultural practice. The farmer and gardener make soil conditions right and then select the kind of crop they want and erradicate all others, also rotate their crops; because of these methods the farmer has a long range of tolerance. The greenkeeper raises one crop, hopes to raise it for 25-30 years, raises it by trying to make conditions right for one plant. Such practice requires great skill—"to farm back-side to". There are many reasons to believe that bent grasses will grow best in nearly neutral conditions, but this makes conditions best for all kinds of plants. Bents are more tolerant of acid conditions. A study of the limits of tolerance of all factors in greenkeeping, and a study of the ranges of tolerance is of the utmost importance. The failure to study ranges of tolerance as well as the limits is error No. 4. It is possible that we do not need much more science at present; we need to consolidate the science we already have, and fit what we know to our needs. Experimental stations so aptly fitted with personnel as the R. I. Station should continue investigational work, and others should undertake the task of consolidating what science we already have. There is a need for greenkeepers to be put more on their own; they are capable of being on their own. Possibly some research men have been at fault in passing out information too easily, greenkeepers have been lazy in solving problems by using information passed out. Research men should not feed greenkeepers too much; their job is to' help the greenkeepers to use scientific facts already found out. Rhode Island and a few other stations must keep on finding out new facts; there is still plenty more experimental work to be done. Demonstrations of some golf course equipment and golf for those who wished at the Narragansett Golf Club completed the day's program. PREVENT BROWN PATCH DO THE JOB RIGHT WITH BUCKNER SPRINKLERS L e a d i n g Turf Authorities declare that M e r c u r y is the effective ingredient for control of Brown Patch. Our M i x t u r e , 2-3 Calomel, 1-3 Corrosive Sublimate, is endorsed. PFIZER MERCURIAL MIXTURE C o n t a i n s 81 % M e r c u r y Write for circular Chas. Pfizer & Co,, Inc. 81 M a i d e n L a n e — N e w York, N. Y. NEW ENGLAND GROWN Winter-hardy, A c o m p l e t e s t o c k o n h a n d a t all times. W r i t e for a fully illustrated B U C K N E R booklet. Hovey & Company 130 Broad St.—Boston, Mass. Han. 1454 The SILVER KING Tractor Acclimated BENT SEED for New England Golf Courses D i r e c t f r o m t h e f a r m s of A. N. PECKHAM K I N G S T O N , R . I. combines low first cost, low maintenance cost, low gasoline and oil consumption, high speed and great power. Investigate. Catalog and prices upon request. The Silver King POWER LAWN MOWER SERVICE COMPANY 15 T e n n e y Court, Somerville, Mass. Somerset 0504-W Following the discussion period, the annual meeting of the R. I. Greenkeepers Association was held and the following officers elected for the coming year: Pres., R. W. Peckham; Treas., Martin Greene; Sec., T. E. Odland. The following letter sent in by Chan Baker of F. H. Woodruff & Sons, is of interest. Mr. William H. Woodruff recently unearthed a number of very old newspapers among which was a copy of the New England Farmer for March 31st, 1855 and in going through the advertisements we found the following which we thought might be of interest to you for publishing in the News Letter. The ads read as follows: GRASS SEEDS The subscribers offer for sale at lowest cash prices, the largest and best selected stock of Grass Seeds in the country, at wholesale and retail. White Dutch Clover Seed, imported direct from Holland Large Red Dutch, imported direct from Holland Penn and Ohio Large Sapling, Vermont Lucerne or French Clover. Herds Grass Red Top, Southern and Northern Fowl Meadow Blue Grass R. I. Fine Top Orchard Grass Fine Mixed Lawn, Rye Grass Sweet Vernal, Rye Grass Meadow Fescue, Rye Grass English and Italian Rye Grass RUGGLES, NOURSE, MASON & CO. Quincy Hall Agricultural Warehouse (over the market) Boston, March 10, 1855 W h e n a country club seeks the s e r v i c e s of a g r e e n k e e p e r it is f a c e d w i t h t h e t e d i o u s t a s k of investigating the records and refere n c e s of n u m e r o u s a p p l i c a n t s , m a n y of w h o m l a c k t h e p r o p e r qualifications. Our E m p l o y m e n t Committee offers a h a p p y solution to this problem by placing the country club in c o n t a c t t h r u w r i t t e n a p p l i c a tion or personal interview, with m e n w h o s e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s fit t h e m for the particular position to be filled. G u y C. W e s t , C h r . NOURSE & COMPANY No. 9 and 13 Commercial Street, Boston (foot of South Market Street) March 17, 1855—1 mo. GRASS SEEDS The subscribers have for sale, at the lowest cash prices, a good stock of pure Grass Seeds, consisting in part of Northern Clover, Ohio Clover, Penn. Clover, White Clover, Lucerne or French Clover, Northern Herdsgrass, Western Herdsgrass, Northern Red Top, Southern Red Top, Rhode Island Fine Red Top, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Fine Mixed Grasses for Lawns. NOURSE & COMPANY No. 9 and 13 Commercial Street, Boston (foot of South Market Street) March 17, 1855—2 mo J Big men grow by their mistakes. Others make the same mistakes again. Controlled imagination is a great CLOVER SEED productive force. The subscribers have just received a choice lot of pure Northern Clover Seed, raised by the Ebenezer Society. We can warrant this Seed to be free from wise decision counts for more all foul seeds, and of the large growth thanOneweeks of blind activity. or Sapling Clover. —from "Brown Patch". THE SPREADER YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING SPECIFICATIONS Hopper Capacity 3 cubic ft. F e e d Roller only 3 in. a b o v e g r o u n d W i d t h o v e r all 4 ft. G r a d u a t e d feed scale W i d t h of s p r e a d 3 6 i n . N e t w g t . of m a c h i n e 1 2 5 lbs. W i d t h of w h e e l s 4 in. S h i p p i n g w g t . 175 lbs. Direct gear drive Price (F.O.B. Cleveland) $,59.50 R e g a r d l e s s of wthat k i n d of m a t e r i a l y o u a r e u s i n g o n y o u r G o l f Greens, F a i r w a y s , Lawns, etc., to o b t a i n the desired results, the m a t e r i a l s m u s t b e a p p l i e d e v e n l y in t h e r e c o m m e n d e d a m o u n t s . T h e A L L P U R P O S E S P R E A D E R w a s d e s i g n e d a n d b u i l t t o d o tile work with more accuracy than any other method. I t s " F i n g e r T o u c h C o n t r o l " is p o s i t i v e c o n t r o l , e l i m i n a t i n g t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of b u r n a t t h e s t a r t a n d finish l i n e s f r o m e x c e s s f e r t i l i z e r a s l e f t by most Spreaders. W h e t h e r you are seeding, fertilizing or top dressing the A L L P U R P O S E S P R E A D E R will m e e t y o u r m o s t e x a c t i n g d e m a n d s . G r a s s s e e d c a n b e a p p l i e d a s l i g h t a s 3 lbs. p e r 1 0 0 0 s q u a r e f t . — i d e a l f o r s o w i n g B e n t s e e d o n G o l f G r e e n s . T o p d r e s s i n g c a n b e a p p l i e d as h e a v y as desired. T h e A L L P U R P O S E S P R E A D E R is n o t j u s t a f e w p i e c e s of t i n s t u c k t o g e t h e r b u t is b u i l t f o r h e a v y d u t y w i t h t h e p r e c i s i o n of fine w o r k m a n s h i p a n d h a s s u c h f e a t u r e s a s t r i p l e roll a g i t a t i o n — n o p a c k i n g of m a t e r i a l — full width feed no clogging accurate quantity control insuring proper application and other excellent features. T h e A L L P U R P O S E S P R E A D E R will h a n d l e t h e f o l l o w i n g m a t e r i a l s w i t h e q u a l s u c c e s s , as w e l l a s a n y o t h e r s of s i m i l a r n a t u r e : — G r a s s S e e d s , F e r t i l i z e r , S u l p h a t e of A m m o n i a , A r s e n a t e of L e a d , G r o u n d L i m e , B i c h l o r i d e of M e r c u r y , S e m e s a n , B a r b a k 2 1 1 & X X , M i l o r g a n i t e , S a n d , Calomel, Calo-Clor, Humus, Nu-Green, Cottonseed Meal, Bone Meal, Vigoro, Mowrah Meal, Agrico and T O P D R E S S I N G F O R G R E E N S , FAIRWAYS, LAWNS. N o t e : — W i l l h a n d l e M o i s t P r e p a r e d T o p Soil a p p l y i n g 3 5 0 l b s . p e r 1 0 0 0 s q u a r e f t . of m a t e r i a l w e i g h i n g 7 0 lbs. p e r c u b i c f t . IDEAL MOWER SALEVand SERVICE Ideal Power and Fairway Mowers—Golf Course Equipment 111 Cypress Street—Boston, Massachusetts Telephone Beacon 2898-2899 SPECIAL LAWN DAY PROGRAM FARM AND HOME WEEK Massachusetts State College —- Amherst, Massachusetts Thursday, July 30—StocIAridge Hall R. 20 The entire programme deals with the practical management of fine turf grasses, and although a subject may appear to be of a technical nature, each discussion will be developed for the benefit of professional and private turf growers. Dr. T. E. Oclland of the Rhode Island Experiment Station and Dr. Howard B. Sprague of the New Jersey Experiment Station are both nationally known turf experts and the day should be of interest and value to the home owner, estate, park, golf course and cemetery superintendents. The "round robin" idea which was considered very successful last year will be tried again this year. Each speaker will take 15 minutes to present the subject and 5 minutes will be allowed for discussion. The schedule will be strictly followed. 10.00 A. M. Introduction 1. 10.05 A. M. Soil water and its relationship to the grass plant 10.25 A. M. Artificial watering of fine turf 10.45 A. M. The fungus and how it works 11.05 A. M. The desirable range of soil acidity 11.25 A. M. Conditions favorable for weed growth 11.45 A. M. Fifteen minutes with the lawn mower 12.05 P. M. Discussion of the common grass fungi 12.25 P. M. Vegetative indications of plant food deficiencies L. S. Dickinson Dr. H. B. Sprague L. S. Dickinson E. Klaucke Dr. T. E. Odland Dr. H. B. Sprague L. S. Dickinson E. Klaucke Dr. T. E. Odland 12.45 P. M. Luncheon at the College Cafeteria 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2.00 P. M. Fundamentalsi in the control of turf weeds Dr. H. B. Sprague 2.20 P. M. Duration of efficiency of various L. S. Dickinson fertilizers E. Klaucke 2.40 P. M. What happens inside a grass blade Dr. T. E. Odland 3.00 P. M. Turf Insects and controls Dr. H. B. Sprague 3.20 P. M. Changing the soil structure L. S. Dickinson 3.40 P. M. Lawn Management facts THE SIGN OF GOOD SEEDS Blue Grasses, Colonial Bent, Seaside Bent, Velvet—B. P. I. 14276 and Highland, New Crop Chewings Fescue, Fine Leaved Fescue, Red Top and all Fine Grasses. CLEAN WEED-FREE HIGH VIABILITY GRASS SEED DIVISION F® I f , W o o d r u f f & S o o ® MILFORO, CONN. ANTUBE The first practical ant control for use on putting greens. Though for many years a most vexing problem, Antube has made it elementary. A few minutes weekly routine stops the most difficult infestations. It is now a standard maintenance product in over a thousand clubs throughout the country. You take NO RISK when buying Antube. A box of one dozen COUNTRY CLUB SIZE is $9.25. Use a tube. If not satisfied with results, return 11 and owe nothing. Two DROPPER attachments in each dozen box prevents any waste and cuts application time in half. Start Antube control early THE ONE DROP Less trouble later on 'Trade W"" 1 ANT KILLER Distributed by NEW ENGLAND TORO COMPANY 1X21 W a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t , W e s t N e w t o n , M a s s . R e a d the ads as well as t h e news. TRAINING THE GREENSMAN Good Work Depends Upon Good Men By Robert S. Greenfield Reprinted from (THE PACIFIC GREENKEEPER) While a golf course superintendent's job is one that calls for his closest personal attention at all times, he can avoid to a great extent many small petty details that would steal away his time if he has a well-trained maintenance crew. Unfortunately labor on a golf course is classified as unskilled. Greenkeepers are supposed to be able to hire a man, put him to work, and guarantee a good job, but it has been my experience that the new man is more of a liability than an asset. In breaking in new men a knowledge of the game of golf and its rules, written and unwritten, should be the first thing instilled in them. I believe that a knowledge of the game is essential before a man is safe if left alone on a golf course. Let us assume that the new man has been educated to the point where he does not question the sanity of a golfer who demands absolute silence while he is playing a stroke, and knows it is a little dangerous to head across a fairway while players are approaching, or in other words can get a fair day's work done without being a nuisance to the players. The next step in his education is the care of greens. To teach a man to be a good greensman requires patience, particularly in regard to the matter of weeding; it seems to be weakness of human nature to take the easiest path, and this weakness crops out very prominently when the pursuit of the wary weed is involved. Some years back. I had the misfortune to suffer yearly infestation of Bermuda grass in my greens. Although I kept up a regular weeding schedule I did not seem to be making any progress until I discovered that the men, when my back was turned, merely were cutting off the runners and leaving the roots to multiply the runners one hundredfold. I put an end to this business by discharging the offenders and starting a system whereby I inspected the weeds each man had pulled each day. If there was not a large proportion of roots in the day's takings, there was the devil to pay. The greenkeeper who has a weed problem like that which I have described will do well to investigate his men's weed pulling methods, as it is extremely hard to get men who have enough patience to do a proper job of weeding. In the matter of mowing greens, particularly as applied to hand mowers, the average man left to himself will never push his mower up a slope, so it is necessary that he be taught the necessity of mowing north and south, and east and west on alternate days in order to help prevent the tendency of turf to run one way. On some greens, particularly on short holes, carelessness on the part of the man repairing ball gouges in the turf can be very annoying to the players and will not add to the greenkeeper's prestige. This simple little operation of filling in the gouges can be done well just as easily as it is often done badly. A properly trained man will never dump his grass clippings in a conspicuous place, nor allow clippings to fall from the catcher through trying to make another trip with the mower when the catcher is already full. These are but small things but they spoil the appearance of a golf course to a marked degree. When a man is trained to the point in which he will do the work on the greens in the correct manner described, he is valuable and should be rated as such. Go the limit to get him a fair return for his s k i l l e d labor; if dull time call for cutting down on your crew, hang on to the greensmen. By giving a man so many greens to take care of, always the same greens, always the same operations, responsibility is fixed on that man. If he is the right kind he will do his best under such a condition; any other system means that one man does not know from one day to the next what work he will be called upon to do; if work is not done properly, there is no method of fixing the blame, and the careless worker corrupts the good ones. What applies to the greens crew applies to every other department of the golf course. The greenkeeper should be experienced in every phgge of upkeep work and should insist that everything being done must be done big way. If he is up to his job, the greenkeeper's men will respect him and bo-operate with him. ; . t -VM THE PENNSYLVANIA • W H E T H E R it be the creation of a fine S U PER ROLLER pair of shoes or the making of a fine putting surface, machine.. M GREENS-MOWER there is no substitute for the handwork of an expe- 'Z Proved in competitive tests on numerous golf courses all over the rienced craftsman. As a matter of fact, practically all E3 world as the precision machine for the championship courses in the country maintain , the creation of the finest possible 'fl putting greens. . . . H i g h - s p e e d their smooth ribless greens with hand-pushed lawn cylinder with 8 blades of finest steel. Interchangeable mowers. . . . And as the fine bootmaker uses the best Ml rollers. Cylinder runs aluminum in dustpossible tools, so the better greenskeepers use the finest proof, self-aligning ball bearings. SEND FOR C A T A L O G COMPLETE LINE OF " T H E W O R L D ' S OF L A W N LAWN MOWER WORKS PRIMOS MOST MOWERS" PENNA. Train of three cut gears are dustprotected. Alemite lubrication. Width of cut is 18 inches, height can be regulated to cut between Vfi and l'/s inches. Stay-Tite Handle. Stay-Tite Handle A good workman requires good tools. Mowers should be adjusted and sharpened before they go out on the course. If trouble develops in equipment on the job, no attempt at repairs should be made except by a competent man who should be available always if he is going to be of any value. If a club cannot afford a regular repair man, the greenkeeper should be able to make necessary adjustments himself. One last suggestion is in regard to the personal habits of the crew. Razors are comparatively cheap and men on the course should be made to understand that two or three days' growth of beard will not be tolerated; also, that work on the course is not so dirty that greasy overalls are necessary. A dirty slovenly crew reflects on the greenkeeper and is out of place on the golf course. "SCALD" AND LEAF SPOT DISEASES S c a l d of B e n t G r a s s by H. F. A. North "Scald" has been found by some authorities to be due to a particular fungus. The study of the disease is rather recent and control measures have not been satisfactorily worked out. Identification—Scald usually appears as rather large irregular discolored patches. It is usually worse near the center and gradually less severe towards the margin. The grass at first takes on a purplish or bluish tinge, with the leaves rolled and shrivelled as though suffering from lack of water or as grass clippings might appear in the first stages of wilting. The spread of the disease is usually very rapid. The wilting of large areas may develop in one day. Unless very promptly checked turf may be badly injured. Control measures for Scald—(1) Resistant varieties—From the data obtained in the one season when an attack was recorded in the experimental putting green plats, it seems that the creeping bents such as Washington and Metropolitan were the most likely to be attacked. (2) Chemicals for control— It has been found that Bordeaux mixture as used for spraying potatoes or fruit trees will check this disease. CAUTION: It is recommended not to use this spray more than once or at most twice during a season as the copper from the spray may accumulate in the soil and become toxic or poisonous to the grass. (3) Cultural practices which appear to reduce Scald, (a) The use of limestone to neutralize the excessive acidity of the soil, (b) The sparing use of fertilizers, especially in hot muggy weather, or when seeding a new lawn or putting green. Leaf Spot of Kentucky Blue Grass (Helminthosporium vagans). This is a fungus disease found to be troublesome on Kentucky Blue Grass. Identification—A reddish cast of Kentucky Blue Grass often develops during warm summer weather in addition to a natural browning which may be due to drought. Upon close inspection the tinge or red will be found associated with a browning of small areas of the blades. Usually, unless the spot covers the entire width of the leaf, there will be two similar spots one on each side of the mid-vein. The fungus often attacks and kills the parts of the leaf as they are emerging. Badly diseased turf rapidly becomes open and unthrifty. The means for control thus far are limited to cultural practices such as the use of organic or slowly available nitrogen in the fertilizer and cutting the grass high. The use of well rotted manure or such fertilizer as cottonseed meal applied in spring or fall has been found desirable in the experimental lawn plats. The heighth of cut should be at least 1 to IV2 inches. "Common sense is at the core of every true success." "How to get facts is your problem. Theory seldom leads to sound decisions." "No man who can lead others will ever starve to death." Seasonable Protection for the Greens at Moderate Cost Use Special Semesan and secure dependable brown patch protection. Special Semesan contains two organic mercuries. One. p o u n d t r e a t s 6,000 s q u a r e feet of t u r f . Saves in labor for application. Easier on sprayer parts. 5 lbs., $ 1 0 . 0 0 — 2 5 lbs., $ 4 2 . 5 0 — 1 0 0 lbs., $ 1 0 5 . 0 0 W e also have available t h r o u g h o u t t h e season f o r i m m e d i a t e s h i p m e n t B a y e r - S e m e s a n N u G r e e n ; also r e g u l a r S e m e s a n . These a r e established a n d known remedies f o r brown patch. Free pamphlets available o n brown patch prevention and control. 85 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Tested Seeds, Florida Humus and V. C. Fairway Fertilizer The Largest Seed House in New England. No Cutting Unit Stands the Gaff Like a Worthington It i s not t h a t the m o w e r u n i t s are e x t r a heavy. T h e y actually weigh loss-; t h a n some. Their durability lies i n their constructipn. T h e w a y t h e y a r e perfectly balanced w i t h a n equal distribution of the w e i g h t o n both driving' wheels. Also t h e V - s h a p e d herring-bone reels t h a t h a v e a n even f o u r point c o n t a c t w i t h t h e k n i f e a t a l l M a i n Office: STROUDSBURG, PA. times. W e a r o n reel i s even, making' cutting' even r i g h t o u t t o t h e very end of each blade. W h e e l s h a v e d e m o u n t a b l e rims, costing only $1. each for replacements. W i t h other m o w e r s you h a v e to buy entire wheel costing $6. W o r t h i n g t o n saves you $5. each time. gtori owfcr mpanw- Boston 1 STATE Office: STREET The advertisers pay f o r your N E W S L E T T E R ; deal with them. Perfection Sprinkler® The constant, rapidly increasing Popularity of Perfection Sprinklers expresses t h e profound appreciation of t h e p u b l i c f o r a S p r i n k l e r t h a t will really satisfy. Perfections really d o t h e j o b of irrigating a s it should b e done, they give LARGE — SLOW — EVEN DISTRIBUTION over t h e entire sprinkled area. Perfections a r e so perfect in t h e a b o v e r e s p e c t s t h a t i t is impossible t o flood, r e g a r d l e s s of h o w long a P e r f e c tion is l e f t r u n n i n g , a n d a d e m o n s t r a t i o n will e a s i l y s h o w t h a t t h e y g i v e t h e greatest possible coverage on any given pressure. Perfections a r e simple, they require n o Grease, n o special a d j u s t m e n t s for varying pressures—they just keep right o n operating perfectly without special attention. PERFECTIONS REALLY SATISFY. T r y a P e r f e c t i o n first. Y o u ' l l b e s u r prised. You'll like P e r f e c t i o n s b e t t e r t h a n any sprinkler you ever saw. You'll b e just another Perfection Booster. T h e r e is a p e r f e c t i o n f o r every need, from t h e High P r e s s u r e size t o c o v e r u p t o 200 ft. circle, in 10 different sizes a n d prices t o o p e r a t e on different pressures a n d for different purposes, down to t h e No. H D J r . a H e a v y Duty Perfection f o r coverage f r o m 6 t o 3 5 f t . circle according t o the adjustment of p r e s s u r e ( n o t s p r i n k l e r ) . Ask us for demonstration, or f r e e trial, n o obligation, but w e promise y o u that y o u ' l l b u y P e r f e c t i o n s if you t r y a Perfection. Distributed b y IN ew England Toro Co T 1121 W A S H I N G T O N S T R E E T , W E S T N E W T O N , MASS. Newton North 7900—West Newton 1658 f