TURF CLIPPINGS MAY MEETING: We had another good turnout at Ridgewood Country Club at our May meeting. It was a little windy but not too cold as the sun was out all day. I am sure everybody enjoyed playing the course. There weren't any gross scores in the 70's so you know the course was played long. Larry Munther had low net for the day. We had a very excellent meal and it was followed by an excellent talk from our guest speaker Prof. Evan Lemley of Rutgers (shot a nice gross score of 82). He spoke on how we might improve our communications with our members and greens committee. He also stressed better planning, more of it and long range planning along with how a plan should be set-up. It all got the group thinking and asking questions after the talk. Bob Kapherr presented his Chairman DrBump who he thought was the best chairman he had ever had. Let's hope we can make it back to Ridgewood again. NJGCSA HAPPENINGS: Dave McGhee has left Oak Hill for a club outisde of Phila. Bill Caputi is leaving Bamm Hollow so they say. Bob Kapherr and Al Caravela were in sick bay for a few days. Our Dear Friend and honorary member Prof. Korbobo had a heart attack, and is still recovering. Not only was Red Williams a little upset about newspaper coverage of a Pro Amateur Tournament held at North Jersey but also the pros. This Spring has produced more Helminthosporium, rusts, ptyhium than normal. Also Mr. Chinohbug is out extremely early so watch out! They have been seen in North Jersey near the middle of the month of May. Our Secretary is a proud Pop. We hope to have more of the blazers by the joint meeting at Quaker Ridge. Sebby DeFalco had one on at Ridgewood. It looked pretty sharp. We hope to start on our directory as soon as we get the last of the red hot dues spenders. Field Day of NJGCSA will probably be in early October. A date will soon be sent out. The New Jersey GCSA Supt. Pro Tournament will be on Sept. 27th at Colonia. If anybody has any items for sale or is looking for a piece of equipment please contact Don Marshall or Turf Clippings. Jim McNally had a small plane crash on one of his tees. Pilot was killed instantly. Your not even safe on a golf course anymore. Let's all try to make it up to Quaker Ridge, for the joint meeting with Metropolitan. It should be a great meeting. See you there on June 22 nd. Yours for better turf, Garry Crothers, Charlie McCrea