^•SN''•"ex % Update February, 1993 Vol. 22, No. 2 ^gers • The newsletter from the Northern Michigan Turf Managers Association GCSAA AFFILIATE MTF thanks Personal Safety in the Workplace: NMTMA for Donations NMTMA Educational Seminar, Feb. 8 On behalf of the Michi­ This year at NMTMA adds one more seminar to its educational program. Plan to attend gan Turfgrass Foundation, I Personal Safety in the Workplace on February 8 at the Grayling Holiday Inn. MDA would like to thank the recertification credits may be offered - pending approval of our educational agenda. Northern Michigan Turf Our guest speakers for the day will be Joe Hrinik, occupational safety consultant for the Managers Association for Michigan Department of Labor, and Jay Fitzgerald from Argus Supply Company. These your generous donation to­ gentlemen will discuss the regulations for safety in the workplace, present appropriate wards turfgrass research. safety gear, and discuss the purchase, use, and maintenance of the safety gear. Commitments from dedi­ The presentation will specifically cover: cated people like your or­ • respirators and cartridges (types, use, and re-use); ganization have made • eye protection (various types); Michigan State University • hearing protection (muffs v. plugs); and the Michigan Turfgrass • first aid kits (necessary supplies, and body fluids); Foundation recognized as • rubber boots and gloves (for pesticide use); one of the finest turf re­ • exposure to pesticides (exposure to body); search centers and educa­ • ergonomic apparatus (joints and back); tional centers in the coun­ • footwear (steel toes); try. • cholinesterase testing; Again, thank you. • and who is responsible for providing safety gear. Sincerely, Michigan Turf­ Registration will open at 8:30 a.m. the meeting will promptly begin at 9:00 a.m., grass Foundation, James Bo­ followed by lunch from 12-1 p.m., meeting from 1 to 3:30 p.m., and a questions and gart, President (Continued on next page) answer period from 3:30 to 4 p.m. Cost for the day will be $12.00 per person payable to NMTMA. This will cover Superintendent* meeting and lunch. We hope to see you there. Take this time to learn something, stay current with safety Position regulations, improve the safety record of your workplace, and help the golf industry set the pace for personal and environmental safety. Open: Hillsdale Golf & Country Club is seeking applicants Mark Your Calendar for 1993 March for a Golf Course Superin­ tendent effective immedi­ & April NMTMA Educational Mtngs. ately. HG & CC is a nine- (Note: topics are tentative -watch Turf Times for details). hole course. Position is salaried for twelve months, and reports March 9th will be our annual GAM/NMTMA seminar. This year we will meet at Mi- directly to the Club Manag­ chaywe. Topics will include: slow play, the American's with Disabilities Act, rinse pad er. construction; Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program; and Annual Bluegrass Control. Experience/Education- April 5th will be our first Superintendent/ Mechanic Mini-Conference to be held at the certified Golf Course Super- Grayling Holiday Inn. Topics will include: spring irrigation start up; oils and lubricants; (Continued on next page) sprayer calibration; painting equipment; pesticide toxicology; aerification; regulatory and legislative updates, and a panel discussion. “Represent your organization with class. Nice sport clothes are required for all golf outings no blue jeans, t-shirts and the like. Sweaters or jackets with ties are recommended for all dinners and meetings. Good golf etiquette, fairness and sportsmanship are expected at all golfing events." r NMTMA Financial Report and '92-93 Proposed Budget A MTF thanks NMTMA Cash Account/lncome Statement Year Ending October 31, 1992 ■91-92 ’91-92 (over)/ •92-93 Budget Actual under Proposed (Continued from front page) Beginning Cash: Budget On behalf of the Michigan Turjtfk General Fund Checking $12,357.16 grass Foundation, I want to expre ™ Special Checking: MTF $12,673.17 Savings $0.00 sincere appreciation for your gen­ Res. & Schol. Fund $0.00 erous pledge designated for the Total Cash: November 1 $25,000.00 $25,030.33 ($30.33) $25,000.00 Michigan Turfgrass Research En­ Income: dowment. This investment reflects Publications Advertising $12,000.00 $9,845.25 $2,154.75 $11,000.00 your dedication to long-term turf- Dues $7,000.00 $7,105.00 ($105.00) $7,000.00 Meetings (Gen. & Mini-conf.) $2,000.00 $4,498.00 ($2,498.00) $5,000.00 grass research and quality golf in MTF Fund Raiser $24,000.00 $23,894.00 $106.00 $24,000.00 Michigan. NMTMA Fund Raiser $7,500.00 $10,210.00 ($2,710.00) $9,500.00 Your support for this endow­ Christmas Party $5,486.70 ($5,486.70) $5,500.00 ment, to be established at Michi­ Soft Good Sales $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $600.00 ($600.00) $0.00 gan State, will enhance the level of Special Gifts $0.00 Interest Earned $900.00 $589.36 $310.64 $750.00 quality turfgrass research and edu­ Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 cation at MSU. We are indeed Total Income: $54,900.00 $62,228.31 ($7,328.31) $62,750.00 grateful for your partnership. Expenses: »■* I want you to know that the Secretarial $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 Board of the Michigan Turfgrass Speakers $1,000.00 $35.00 $965.00 $1,000.00 Meetings: General $500.00 $3,305.76 ($2,805.76) $3,500.00 Foundation appreciates your gene­ Mini-Conference $1,500.00 $1,178.40 $321.60 $1,500.00 rosity. MTF Fund Raiser $15,000.00 $11,174.42 $3,825.58 $12,000.00 Sincerely, Gordon LaFontaine, NMTMA Fund Raiser $4,000.00 $4,896.95 ($896.95) $5,000.00 Executive Director Christmas Party $500.00 $6,150.45 ($5,650.45) $6,200.00 Board Meetings $400.00 $529.55 ($129.55) $500.00 Research & Professional: Ger $300.00 $744.74 ($444.74) $800.00 MTF Donation $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 Superintendent GCSAA Donation $500.00 $300.00 $200.00 $500.00 NMTMA Scholarship $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Position Open: Awards & Recognition $500.00 $142.46 $357.54 $500.00 Office Supplies $1,000.00 $948.67 $51.33 $1,000.00 (Continued from front page) Postage & Mailing $2,200.00 $2,028.80 $171.20 $2,200.00 Membership Directory $4,000.00 $3,473.79 $526.21 $3,500.00 intendent certification is desiraW^ Newsletter $8,000.00 $6,291.15 $1,708.85 $6,500.00 but not mandatory. Golf course l^r Membership & Library Goods $1,000.00 $1,674.41 ($674.41) $2,000.00 perience will be considered in lieu Soft Goods $1,600.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $922.00 ($422.00) $1,000.00 of degree or certification. Insurance $500.00 Service Charges $200.00 $202.08 ($2.08) $200.00 Starting date of position- Club ($5,102.00) $100.00 Miscellaneous $100.00 $5,202.00 desires to have position filled and Legal and Accounting $250.00 $201.08 $48.92 $250.00 $62,901.71 ($6,351.71) $62,750.00 working not latèr than March 1, Total Expenses: $56,550.00 1993. ; ; Year End Cash: October 31 General Fund Checking $11,360.75 - Resumes must be received by Special Account: MTF $12,996.18 February 8, 1992: Hillsdale Golf & - Savings $0.00 Country Club, 1990 Ash-Te-Wette Res.& Schol. Fund $5,000.00 $0.00 Beach Road, Hillsdale, Ml 49242 Total Cash: Year End $24,356.93 $25,000.00 Northern Michigan Turf Managers Association /T JAN 25 C/O Tom Reed X HS SI 3733 Apollo Drive I933 Traverse City, Ml 49684 PFARD : MILLER WEST INC rCTlON BOX CLOSED RECYCLED UNABLE TO FORWARD PAPER RETURN TO SENDER ÎI { h 111 i i I h I h I ! u I ! j I i ! I u t ! Î n I {I j h f n ! 111 i h ! h u ! ! u t ? î hhiihhnhhf uiihthhth hshhiUfi tiuhhf