President’s Message Well here we go again, Congratulations to Jon ment that the Northern Michigan the beginning of a new season. Maddem on his election win as Superintendents have for con­ The snow is melting and the em­ secretary/treasurer of the tinuing their education. ployees are calling, checking on GCSAA. For all of us who cam­ The ski-doo has logged their spring schedules. My paigned heavily for you in New over 3,000 miles this year, with President’s Message is over due Orleans last year, this ones for no break downs. It may have one again and Scott is getting impa­ you Jon. more ride in it before I put it tient to get the Turf Times out.... The Professional Devel­ away for the year. Any takers, he's been ready for a month! opment Initiative (PDI) passed give me a call! I promise to stay The mini conference is by 75% vote in Dallas. The rec­ on the trail. loaded with lots of great topics ommended bylaw changes will and speakers. For those of you take affect as of July 1, 2003. I hope the winter has treated you who haven't made plans to come, Check out the GCSAA Web site well, and your spring and sum­ do so now, as this will be a for more information - mer are even better. great one to attend. Craig There was a great turn Hoffman and Doug Kendzorski out at Marsh Ridge for the Green side up, have really out done themselves GCSAA/Textron sponsored Dan Bissonette this year. seminars. It shows the involve­ New NMTMA Event Cancellation Policy If you are not able to attend an NMTMA event that you have pre-registered for, you must contact the event facility no later than two hours before the scheduled event is to begin. You WILL be billed the FULL registration price upon failure to cancel your reservation. This event will be posted on all NMTMA event flyers, membership direc­ tory and newsletters. Program and Golf Committee, Mike Normand , Jim Bluck, Steve Hammon BEARD