TUESDAY, MAY 17th, 1983 FRANK INGER, Secretary-Treas. Manistee Golf & Country Club 1 1 47 SANTO Manistee, Michigan TRAVERSE CITY, Ml. 49664 PHONE: 616-947-9274 Our first meeting for this 1903 season will be held at the above indicated location. This is a Tuesday, lunch will be available in the club house for those coining to play golf, may we suggest that you plan your day so that you will have time for your game, relation, and ready for dinner at 6:00 P.M. Our business meeting will follow dinner so that we can conclude early enough for all to get home at a reasonable hour. Mr. Mike Doan is the Golf Professional-Superintendent-Manager of this fine country club and he invites you to play this challenging golf course. It is one of the older golf courses in Northern Michigan and you will enjoy the beauty along Lake Michigan. Don’t forget however the two dollars needed to enter into our golf tournament so that you may take home a very nice prize, if-------- you play well. As usual, we are enclosing a postcard for you to return telling us that you will be there or not. This is necessary so that the Country Club will know how many will be there fore dinner. Again this year, we will give a prise $ for returning postcards, you do not have to be present to win, and the winner; will be drawn from the postcards received at the meeting. If you don't send in your postcard, you have no chance of winning so NOW make up your mind and mail that card. We are fortunate this year in having as our speaker, Mr. Robert A. Moore, President of Aquatrols Corporation of America. Bob is probably the outstanding authority on wetting agents in the country and if you have compaction problems, hard greens, dry spots on your fairways, water will not penetrate, this will be a fine time to get answers. The use of wetting agents or surfactants is getting larger every year and is now being distributed all over the world. Its use is not confined to golf courses alone but is being used more and more in nurseries, hot houses, labratories, farms and so forth with new plantings and crops. 1983 membership booklets have been mailed under separate cover by third class mail. You should have your copy by the time of our first meeting, however if per chance you do not, additional copies will be available. If you do not attend this first meeting, a copy can be procured by contacting either our Sec.-Treas. or Tuck Tate. Hemingers phone number is listed above and Tuck can be reached at 6l6/352-UlOl. We would be remiss if we did not tell you that this booklet was made possible only by the people that have advertised in it. Without their cooperation and help, there would be no membership booklet. We therefore suggest, that when you are contemplating your purchases for 1983, that you will keep these people uppermost in your mind in appreciation for their gracious cooperation. We also would like feedback on this publication and would welcome any suggestions to improve it. If you think something should be added or deleted, your suggestions would be appreciated. This year in particular, we would like someone to contribute their assistance in publication and/or our monthly notices which we send out. Anyone interested, please contact our editor "Tuck* Tate. Thanks. ENERGY. We can't afford Io waste it. SOILS AND HERBICIDES Department of Horticulture R.R. Romanowski and G.F. Warren Purdue University In agriculture we apply many of our herbicides 6. Chemical breakdown—is another factor to to the soil surface before weed emergence. It is consider for soil applied herbicides. Each very important to understand the many factors that herbicide has a certain pathway by which it is influence the activity of herbicides after they are converted into other compounds. This de­ applied to the soil surface. The following are some pends on soil moisture, temperature, micro­ ways in which soil herbicide activity is reduced. organisms, time, etc. It is a well established fact that some herbicides take a long time for 1. Volatilization—influences the activity of herb­ chemical decomposition and this can often icides in many ways. One important way is become a severe problem in soil carryover, the loss of herbicides from the soil surface (see separate sheet on Bio-persistence of as a vapor. The loss as vapor can result in a Herbicides in Soil). considerable reduction in effectiveness of a herbicide. Vapor losses of herbicides from The above discussion is given with the intent the soil surface may also cause damage to that it will serve only as an introduction to soil sensitive crops growing in an area. factors that influence herbicide activity. The fol­ 2. Leaching—is the movement dowpward of a lowing are some practical applications of the chemical in the soil profile. Leaching is in­ above information. fluenced both by properties of the herbicide and the properties of the soil. RELATIVE WEED CONTROL WITH SURFACE VS. 3. Adsorption—onto the soil particles, greatly SOIL INCORPORATED APPLICATIONS WITH influences the activity of herbicides. Adsorp­ RAINFALL OR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION WITHIN tion will prevent a herbicide from moving A FEW DAYS AFTER APPLICATION through the soil; however, it can also bind a herbicide to a soil particle so that it will not Better on be available to control weeds. The following soil surface factors are important in adsorption on the soil: DC PA (Dacthal) A. Herbicide factors chloropropham (Chloro IPC) 1. Nature of the herbicide linuron (Lorox) 2. Solubility of the herbicide in the soil dinoseb solution. B. Soil Factors 1. Organic matter—is the most important variable in soil adsorption. Herbicide About the adsorption is directly related to the Same amount of organic matter in the soil. Higher rates of herbicides must be used on soils high in organic matter. diphenamid (Enide) 2. Texture—can be important in soil ad­ atrazine (AAtrex) sorption. Clay soils adsorb higher naptalam (Alanap) amounts of herbicides than sandy soils. bensulide (Prefar, Betasan) 4. Microbial—degradation of herbicides also in­ aiachlor (Lasso) fluences the soil residual of herbicides. Soil microrganisms as algae, fungi, and bacteria can use herbicides as food for energy and Better incorporated growth. Some herbicides are readily decom­ with soil posed by soil microrganisms, whereas others resist decomposition. EPTC (Eptam) 5. Photodecomposition—can be Important in re­ butylate (Sutan) ducing the effectiveness of herbicides. Photo­ pebulate (Tillam) decomposition is the breakdown of a herbi­ vernolate (Vernam) cide by light. The breakdown by light can be trifluralin (Treflan) especially important when herbicides remain benefln (Balan) on the soil surface for extended periods of isopropalin ( Paa r I an) time. The movement into the soil by rainfall dichlobenil (Casoron) or Irrigation will often reduce decomposition by light. 2 MOVEMENT OF HERBICIDES IN PLANTS R.R. Romanowski and G.F. Warren Department of Horticulture Purdue University An understanding of the movement of herbicides ments along with the water supply. The xylem in plants will be of assistance under field condi­ may be compared to water conducting pipes tions to obtain better kill of unwanted weeds made of steel or plastic. The xylem is nonliving, species. More herbicides will become available in hence some very toxic materials can pass the future that will be sprayed over crop plants to through without injuring the xylem system, remove existing weed populations. As more selec­ some herbicides applied to leaves will move only tive post-emergence sprays become available it toward the tips of leaves in the xylem along with will be important to follow exacting directions as the movement of water. regards use. Undoubtedly, lower rates of some Phloem. Certain herbicides move in the phloem selective post-emergence herbicides will be applied and xylem. One of the important features of more frequently. This principle alone merits a dis­ 2, 4-D dalapon (Dowpon or Basfapon) and gly­ cussion of the movement of herbicides in plants. phosate (Roundup) is this ability to be trans­ Once an herbicide has penetrated the leaf or the ported in the phloem. Applications to the leaves root surface, there may be barriers to its move­ can thus move to the roots of plants. Phloem ment to the site of the action. A number of herbi­ movement is associated with sugar transport, cides are absorbed or otherwise inactivated in the therefore, good light conditions are helpful. roots or leaves and do not move to the other parts Also, it is very important not to kill the leaf and of the plant. Assuming the herbicide is not im­ stem tissues rapidly since transport is via living mobilized in the leaf or root, it moves in the plant tissue. Rapid foliage kill will result in poor primarily by one or both of two routes. These transport and poor root kill. Sometimes two or routes are generally referred to as xylem and three doses of an herbicide of this type will give phloem. The movement of herbicides taken up via better results than a large dose that kills too the soil generally moves via the xylem and those rapidly. applied to above ground parts of plants generally move via phloem and/or xylem tissues. A summary of the movement of certain herbi­ Xylem. Some herbicides that are applied to cides in plants are contained in the attached the soil generally move in xylem conducting ele­ table. GENERAL MOVEMENT PATTERNS OF HERBICIDES IN PLANTS (ALL WILL VARY WITH SPECIES) Applied to Foliage Move in Phloem Move only Little or ne and xylem in xylem 2,4-D atrazine (AAtrex) chloramben (Amiben) MCPA prometryn (Caparol) dinoseb (Permerge or Sinox 2,4,5-T metribuzin (Sencor, Lexone) diquat (Diquat) silvex monuron (Telvar) paraquat (Paraquat) picloram (Tordon) diuron (Karmex) chlorpropham (Furloe) dicamba (Banvel D) linuron (Lorox) nitrofen (TOK) amitrole (Aminotriazole) fluometuron (Cotoran) dalapon (Dowpon, Basfapon) bromaci! (Hyvar X) glyphosate (Roundup) Terbacil (Sinbar) MSMA DSMA Applied to Soil Movement In Move readily xylem restricted in xylem 2,4-D atrazine (AAtrex) bromacit (Hyvar X) 2,4,5-T simazine (Princep) terbacil (Sinbar) chloramben (Amiben) prometryn (Caparol) amitrole (Aminotriazole) metribuzin (Sencor, Lexone) dalapon (Dowpon, Basfapon) Little or no monuron (Telvar) TCA movement diuron (Karmex) chlorpropham (Chloro IPC) dinoseb (Premerge or Sinox PE) fluometuron (Cotoran) EPTC (Eptam) DCPA (Dacthal) •inuron (Lorox) picloram (Tordon) trifluralin (Treflan) dicamba (Banvel D) nitrofen (TOK) . . (Continued) 3 RELATIVE WEED CONTROL WITH GRANULAR VS. SPRAY APPLICATIONS TO THE SOIL SURFACE Spray usually About the Granular usually batter same better atrazine (AAtrex) naptalam (Alanap) EPTC (Eptam) simazine (Princep) CDAA (Randox) vernolate (Vernam) DCPA (Dacthal) propachlor (Ramrod, Bexton) butylate (Sutan) alachlor (Lasso) pebulate (Tillam) chloramben (Amiben) CDEC (Vegadex) dichlobenil (Casoron) RELATIVE LEACHING OF HERBICIDES IN SOIL (Compiled from research at Purdue and from the literature) A. Readily leached in all soils, CDAA (Randox) dalapon (Dowpon, Basfapon) propachlor (Ramrod, Bexton) TCA B. Readily leached in low organic, sandy soils but with some resistance to movement in others, dinoseb chloramben (Amiben)* bromacil (Hyvar X) dicamba (Banvel terbacil (Sinbar) 2,3,6-TBA metribuzin (Sencor, Lexone) C. Readily leached in low organic, sandy soils but considerable resistance to movement in other soils. 2,4-D* atrazine (AAtrex) naptalam (Alanap) simazine (Princep) picloram (Tprdon) propazine (Milogard) D. Moderate movement in low organic, sandy soils but little or none in others. alachlor (Lasso) diphenamid (Enide) monuron (Telvar) EPTC (Eptam) E. Only slight movement in low organic, sandy soils and essentially none in others. diuron (Karmex) DCPA (Dacthal) linuron (Lorox) dlclobenil (Casoron) vernolate (Vernam) bensulide (Prefar, Betasan) butylate (Sutan) benefin (Balan) chlorpropham (Chloro IPC, Furloe) trifluralin (Treflan) prometyrn (Caparol) napropamide (Devrinol) terbutryn (Igran) nitrofen (TOK) oxyfluorfen (Goal) ‘Esters of these are less teachable than the amine or inorganic salt formations. BIO-PERSISTENCE OF HERBICIDES IN SOIL Approximate length of herblcldal activity under normal summer conditions in Indiana at dosages used for selective weed control In crops. Less than one month 2,4-D chlorpropham (Furloe) CDAA* (Randox) naptalam (Alanâp) EPTC (Eptam) propachlor* (Ramrod or Bexton) cyanazine (Bladex) butylate (Sutan + ) dalapon* (Dowpon or Basfapon) dinoseb (Peremrge or Sinox PE) perbulate (Tillam) TCA* (Sodium TCA) propham (Chem-Hoe) vernolate (Vernam) nitrofen (TOK) cdec (Vegadex) glyphosate (Roundup) (Continued) U BIO-PERSISTENCE OF HERBICIDES continued One to three months Three to six months More than six months chloramben* (Amiben) atrazine (AAtrex) 2,3,6-TBA* dicamba* (Banvel) propazine (Milogard) picloram (Tordon) linuron (Lorox) diuron (Karmex) simazine (Princep) metribuzin (Lexone or Sencor) monuron (Telvar) promentone (Pramitol) chlorbromuron (Bromex or Maloran) trifluralin* * (Treflan) bromacll (Hyvar X) chloroxuron (Tenoran, Norex) isopropalin (Paarlan) terbacil (Sinbar) DCPA (Dacthal) oryzalin (Surtían) napropamide (Devrlnol) alachlor (Lasso) bensulide (Prefar) (Batasan) pyrazon (Pyramin) diphenamid* (Enlde) prometryn (Caparol) dichlobenil (Casoron) benefin (Balan) *ln low organic matter soils these herbicides may “Breaks down faster under excessive soil have a shorter residual life if excessive rainfall moisture conditions, occurs since they are readily leached. Reprint Indiana G.C.S. Newsletter GOLFER’S ETIQUETTE The farmer killed a pig and hung it up for the night, intending to “When to the links you go butcher it in the morning, but the next day it was gone. He didn’t tell a There are certain things to know. soul about it, and nothing happened for more than two months. Then, Never talk or hum or sing When a golfer starts to swing. another farmer who lived down the road came by and asked, “By the way, Josh, did you ever find who out stole your pig? ’ ’ Never let your shadow fall “Nope,” said Josh, “not till just now.” Across another’s putting ball. Never doubt an opponent’s score, You saw 6 but mark it 4! Never kick one from the rough, Play it fair when luck is tough. .The instructor of the class in mechanics spoke to one of his students: Never cheat in deepest wood, “I am putting this rivet in the correct position; when I nod my head, hit it God is watching, so be good. real hard with your hammer.” The student did and the instructor woke Never raise your voice or swear up the next day in the hospital. When you top or fan the air. Never, even as a joke, Fail to count each single stroke. Don’t improve a hanging lie “Accidentally’’ - on the sly. In a sand trap, it’s a rub, CLEANING CONTAMINATED CLOTHING Never, never ground your club. Pesticides are great tor getting rid ot unwanted weeds and insects, but they aren t very good for humans Chemicals are frequently spilled during mixing, Being An Editor . .. and it is sometimes impossible to Keep them from drift .hg back on the operator during application Because Gelling out this magazine,is no picnic li we print jokes, people say we are silly. pesticides can enter the body through the skin, proper II we don't they say we are too serious. care m the laundry room is vital II we slick to the ollice all day. A recent study by researchers at Iowa State Umver We ought to be around hustling mater sity Ames showed that normal laundering is sufficient ial.. ?u remove 99 8 to 99 9 percent of the chemicals Sample II v.e go out and try to hustle, fabnes consisting of heavy cotton denim and a poly We ought lo be on the job in the ollice. ester cotton blend chambray were contaminated with If we don't piint contributions, Atrazine a herbicide, and Thimet, an insecticide, then We don't ajtpreciale genius; washed and dried using normal household procedures And il we do print them, the paper is Clothing worn while applying pesticides should be filled with junkl kept separate from other clothing and washed daily, II we edit the other follew's write-ups using the following procedure we’re loo ciilical; 1 Store contaminated clothing in a plastic bag to II we don't we're asleep. await laundering or put them directly into the ma If we slip things from oilier papers We are too lazy lo write ourselves chme after they are removed If we don’t we are stuck on our stuff. 2 Use ho< water 140 degrees Fahrenheit, with the Now, like as not, some guy will say machine set tor normal or full water level We swiped this from some magazine.* 3 Add recommended amount of heavy-duty phos phate based detergent •We did! 4 Dry the clothes thoroughly in an automatic dryer at me regular tabnc setting Make sure no pesticides are left in the washer by running the empty machine through the complete laundering cycle, using detergent FOREFRONT Praise is priceless—-and costless. 5 Hidden Valley, Contact Mr. Pat Duffy, 517/732-5101, P. 0. Box 556, Gaylord, Michigan U9735. Hidden Valley is both a fine golf course but is also well known as an outstanding ski resort. Details of position are not available. The turfgrass program at M.S.U. is planning to expand their telephone "hotline" for this coming growing season. The Turfgrass Management Update was recorded on a weekly basis in 1982. The various turf problems which were addressed and the management suggestions which were supplied were limited in scope because of the limited number of people available to observe current turf problems. This year they hope to draw on people in the field as a resource to stay on top of developing disease and insect problems more efficiently. This "hot line" service will begin on April Uth and continue through the growing season. Professional turf managers may get this service by calling 517/355-5221. Extension personnel may contact this number or through COMNET system. If further information is needed, please contact: Dr. Paul E. Rieke 515/355-0266 Dr. Jos. M. Vargas 517/353-9082 Shawn McBurney 517/353-9022 Our next meeting will be at the beautiful Garland Golf Club, Lewiston, on June 15th. This will be the 7th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Benefit Day, so start thinking about bring your own foursome or groups to participate. This tournament will be a "BETTER BALL OF U SCRAMBLE". Dave Longfield, golf course superintendent at Garland, promises a real treat and one of the finest tests of golf in Northern Michigan. SO-------- act now and start putting your group together for a fine day. Many golf course superintendents find in the spring that they have equipment which they either did not us last year or just want to sell. If you have anything that you would like to dispose of, we would be happy to include these items in our next letter however, you must advise our editor "Tuck" Tate. A brief description on a note would be the best way of advising him. You may or may not quote price or prices whatever route you feel best. A better word for self-confidence is God-confidence. Duncan Stuart The person who can laugh with life has developed deep roots with confidence and faith—faith in oneself, A very little boy came home dejected from his first day at school. in people and in the world, “Ain’t goin’ tomorrow, ” he said'. as contrasted to negative “Why not, dear?” ideas with distrust and “Well, I can’t read ‘n’ I can’t write ‘n’ they won’t let me talk—so discouragement. what’s the use?” Democritus The Kleinknecht Encyclopedia There are only a very few that have not paid their 1983 dues as yet. We would appreciate those few who have not, if you would mail your check to our Secretary-Treas. Frank Heminger. If any of you that have paid and have not received your 1983 membership card which is "orange", please let “Tuck" Tate know so that this error can be corrected. The POSTCARD on our Manistee Country Club meeting, May 17th, send it TODAY. Thanks. 6