Z NORTHERN MICHIGAN TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION ( C. E. “TUCK” TATE, PRESIDENT THOS. J. REED, SECRETARY-TINEAS. MICHAEL T. GARVALE, VICE-PRESIDENT 3733 APOLLO DRIVE Í TRAVERSE CITY. Ml. 49684 PHONE: 6,6/943-8433 TUESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1984 £ BOYNE HIGHLANDS RESORT Harbor Springs,_______ Michigan The above date and location are very special in that it is our eighth annual benefit day for THE MICHIGAN TURFGRASS FOUNDATION. M.T.F. finances almost 100$ of all turfgrass research being done in Michigan therefore we in the industry, as well as we the golfer^ that benefit by this research with better grasses should contribute something back into what we are enjoying. This is an opportunity to do so. Golf will be played on the Heather Course and starting times allocated, will be between the hours of 10:04 A.M. and 1:16 P.M. We would like our members to get on the phone and reserve starting times by calling 616/526-2171 extension 181 or 182. This will be a *Scramble" and the "Best Ball of the Foursome". Everyone will drive, then a choice of which ball everyone will hit from where that ball lies, this continues until everyone has holed out. if you can make up your own foursome, fine, and if not, please come and we will try to fit you into another group so that no one does not have a group to play with. We would appreciate if you are alone, please contact one of the members of the Board, who will try to see that you are placed with a group. The cost for this package, including dinner and cart will be $45.00 per person. This breaks down to $17.00 for your dinner of prime ribs of beef, $8.00 for | cart, $5.00 for golf and $15.00 donation to Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. If you are involved in turfgrass, the entire $45.00 is tax deductible, if you are a friend then you can deduct $15.00 from your income tax as M.T.F. is a 501(C)(3) deduction. You will be required to pay one fee when you register which will include what we have outlined. No one will be permitted to play golf and leave since this is mainly a benefit for M.T.F. We would like you to bring as many friends as you would like providing that you get a starting time. This is your responsibility and there will be no exceptions. Dinner will be served about 7:00 P.M. and we are fortunate in having as our speaker, the new President of G.C.S.A.A., Jim Timmerman from Orchard Lake, Michigan. There will be no business meeting because many will be out on the course late and only golf prizes will be given prior to introduction of our speaker. Speaking of prizes, we would appreciate all N.M.T.M.A. members to contact ttheir Pro Shop and see if they cannot come up with a prize to be given. We would also like to welcome our commercial people to contribute gifts, prizes or anything that might be appropriate or buy presents to players. We would appreciate your contacting Tuck Tate, 6l6/352-4101 of your intent so that we can give you or your firm the appropriate credit in our next newsletter, plus inform Michigan Turfgrass Foundation of your kindness. Any contribution is fully tax deductible under 501 (c)(3). We thank you for your help. Under separate cover, we are sending out to our members a brochure on this event hoping that if displayed in your Pro Shop, that it might help you to get people to come to this great golf course and donate to Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. HOW TO: Rebuild Eroding Bunker Foces by STANLEY J. ZONTEK Director, North-Central Region, USGA Green Section OW MANY TIMES have you visible and relatively easy and efficient cycles to badly contaminate and dirty H read a magazine article only to find very little new information to maintain, it does have some built-in maintenance problems. Foremost among them is erosion. Diagram I shows a passed your way? I hope when you finish reading this one, you’ll say, “Wow! Now cross section of this type of bunker. the sand. This detracts from the appear­ ance of the bunker. Also, this dirty sand has different playing characteristics, and dirty sand grows more weeds, too! there’s an idea I’m going to try!” You Water, whether from rainfall or irrigation see, this is a “how to” article: how to runoff, travels down a grassy sloped sur­ T IS NOT my intent to compare or rebuild and improve the shallow, eroding faces of sand bunkers. A fairly common problem on those face, into the bunker, through the sand on the face and to the native soil under­ neath. When the water hits this tight, I criticize different sand bunkei; designs. Rather, I would point out that there is a technique that can be utilized, within golf courses that have the newer, heavy native subsoil underlying the sand, certain limits, to reduce maintenance shallower-type sand bunkers of more it moves down the slope — carrying the and improve the appearance and play­ contemporary design occurs because, as sand with it and causing erosion. ability of this type of bunker design. originally constructed, these sand Under normal irrigation or rainfall, bunkers are radically different from little sand is moved. However, when Diagram II shows a plausible and the older, deeper and more classical heavy and intense rainfall occurs (as in practical solution to the problem. The bunkers with which we are familiar. thunderstorms), large amounts of sand underlying subsoil on the slope of the The old style bunker design incorporated can be moved off bunker faces, and the bunker is dug out and removed to form a relatively flat sand base with grass golf course superintendent and his crew an approximate 90-degree angle between banks extending down to the sand. have the chore of hand-throwing or the bottom of the bunker and the edge The new style bunkers are much pushing the sand back up the slope of of the hazard. In essence, a vertical wall shallower (and even elevated for visibility the bunker. Besides being labor intensive, is formed from two feet to four feet in some cases) and have the sand extend­ the sand readily becomes contaminated high. The sand is replaced, matching ing or flashing up the bank. While this with subsoil, and it doesn’t take too the original design and slope of the type of bunker design is attractive, quite many of these washout / replacement bunker. The process is then complete. Figure I. Figure IL Bob Holmes, Superintendent at Bunkers constructed in this manner Another consideration is that deep Lafayette Country Club, Lafayette, will look better and the sand will sand on the face of the bunker tends to Indiana, illustrates this technique definitely stay in place better. This will be relatively soft and, under certain during the renovation of some of the reduce sand/soil contamination and conditions, golf balls may plug and even bunkers on his course: alleviate the seemingly endless job of bury on these faces. From a practical Step 1 (Figure I). The eroding bunker replacing washed-out sand after every and playable point of view, there is a face and its dirty and contaminated heavy rainfall. limit of approximately three to four feet sand are removed mechanically, and the on the depth of the sand. Within these bottom of the bunker is leveled and S WITH ALMOST everything we limits, however, this procedure seems squared off. To make the earth and sand removal quicker and easier, a small A do on a golf course, there are some to work very well. limitations to this program. For example, The old nagging problem of eroding frontloading tractor is used. there seems to be a limit on just how sand on bunker faces now has a relatively Step 2 (Figure II). An employee is deep a cut can be made and how far the simple solution. Where this rebuilding truing the cut and edge of the bank with sand can be pushed up the face of the and renovation technique has been a spade. Figure III. The finished job: a bunker. For one thing, this technique used, better looking and better playing clean, neat wall ready for sand replace­ requires substantial amounts of sand, sand bunkers have been built with ment. and the greater the elevation and cut, resulting lower maintenance costs. Step 3 (Figure IV). The completed job the more sand needed. Obviously, in Now after all, isn’t that what you were with the sand replaced, smoothed and areas where sand is expensive, this can really looking for? A new idea that raked. become an expensive project. works! MAY/JUNE 1983 recognized in the spring. Diseased roots, TAKE-ALL PATCH INFECTION stolons, etc. become dark brown to black and by JEFF MARROW the association of thin strands of runner hyphae can be a helpful tool. Accurate Jeff is presently a student at Pennsylvania diagnosis must be made in the lab to State University in the Turf Management determine the presence of tiny black fruiting Program and is interning at Minneapolis Golf bodies in the plant crown, typical of GGA. Club this year. The technical information in this article has been documented by Patricia These symptoms occur most frequently on Sander, a research associate at Penn State. Agrostis supp., but have recently been isolated on P. annua and P. pratensis. Last summer several Minneapolis area golf Research is continuing to determine the courses were beseiged by a new monster on the susceptibility of various turfgrasses with block — take-all patch (formerly Ophiobolus the eventual hope of resistant cultivars, but patch), causal organism Gaeumannomyces let it suffice to say, the bents are graminis var. avenae (herein GGA) . At presently the most susceptible. Moisture Minneapolis Golf Club yellow-green patches of plays a role in the spread of GGA and thus irregular diameter began appearing on the poorly drained areas, slopes and low spots fairways during the late spring but stopped can create conditions favorable for short of attacking the greens. These patches infection. It has been suggested that eventually turned a tan-brown and often increased N fertility can initially increase contained centers of living grass (frog-eyes) the possibility of infection but it seems the resembling Fusarium blight or wilt. The N also provides an escape mechanism for the plant by increasing root production which advent of hot, dry weather caused the patches to enlarge and coalesce creating an unsightly outweighs the predisposing of the plant to blemish in the affected areas. The GGA. The most important environmental application of several contact and systemic condition concerning GGA infection seems to fungicides failed to provide any effective be soil pH. Alkaline conditions increase the control and these factors pointed to the chance of infection while the addition of symptoms of take-all patch contamination. acidifying fertilizers can markedly suppress This article will review current information the activity of GGA. Liming can increase the on GGA and summarize the symptoms, possibility of infection, especially when environmental conditions and possible control fine particles are used. The smaller of take-all patch. particles create a more rapid rise in the pH, but the effects are often not seen for 1-3 years after liming. Take-all patch infection begins during cool The control of take-all patch can be wet periods, through roots, stolons and difficult and frustrating. None of the stems, but disease centers become noticeable commercially available fungicides have proven during the warmer periods of late spring. It effective either in preventative or curative can be spread by equipment, wind, water or applications. The only proven effective plant to plant contact through runnerbyphae. control has been the application of some form These yellow- green patches turn from tan to of sulfur, predominantly ammonium sulfate. bronze and often resemble Fusarium blight. Studies in Washington state where GGA has Under high temperature stress these areas can been prevalent have shown suppression of enlarge and often infected areas will become take-all patch using 4 appl. of (NH4)2SO4 at noticeable that were not previously 6 lbs./M for home lawns. These rates must be modified for the area being managed, i.e. ¡putting greens - 3 lbs./M in 6- 8 appl./season. Maintaining proper fertility ‘Remember, a plant is a living thing, and levels and a balanced irrigation program will should be treated accordingly. Unlike most create the least favorable environment for GGA. Promising new systemics are currently living things, it has no way to make its being developed but as of yet none have been needs known other than its appearance, registered for use and, therefore, the best recourse is an attempt at control through which will reflect the kind of treatment it acidifying fertilizers. In light of this information, it seems the receives from its guardian—you!” infections at Minneapolis Golf Club were the handiwork of GGA. As mentioned earlier the —Author Unknown E continued on next nagp infections stopped short of the greens, possibly due to the higher maintenance WHY DO SUPERINTENDENTS program they receive. This program includes BELONG TO GCSAA? increased fungicide applications, but more They are proud of their profession and want to improve it. importantly the application of sulfur They recognize that a strong organization can better (granular) and sul-po-mag after aerification. represent the combined interests of the profession Since the soil and irrigation water are through its unified voice. slightly alkaline, this would create They are convinced that professional growth can best favorable conditions for GGA infection, and be achieved through the union of similarly minded colleagues. coupled with lower maintenance could explain They realize that their active participation in the why the disease was confined to the fairways. Association can shape the future of their profession. «.The infections occurred in low areas and on They have discovered that the Association’s activi­ slopes (correlating to the moisture factor) ties, programs and publications can keep them abreast but was not universal. More research is of the latest technological information. They believe that a strong Association can streng­ needed into this new dilemma and the then their regional and local turf organizations and conditions surrounding its incidence. Until programs. effective chemical can be developed, the best They understand that their personal participation can recourse to prevent infection seems to be assist other superintendents and the turfgrass industry. sound cultural practices and experimental They know that the resources of a vast organization can only act to increase their professional stature, applications of acidifying fertilizers. knowledge and abilities. Otherwise dust off the Ouija board and They appreciate the opportunities they will have to practice, practice, practice. attend national and regional educational assemblies, Credit:Hole Notes developed to meet their specific needs. A certain woman had four husbands. The first was a banker; the second a theatrical producer; the third, a minister; and the fourth, a funeral director. A friend remarked that she had demonstrated the old saying, “One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go.” Sunshine Magazine THE REGISTER. Friday. October 21. 1983 PALMER’S FAMED PUTT-PUTT HAS PULL By Larry Guest, Orlando Sentinel Formulate in your mind’s eye that hallowed "We have a certain parenthood feeling about the golfing portrait of Arnold Palmer and his ageless tractor,” said Dick Westman, and executive with sidekick, the ancient tractor of Latrobe (Pa.) the Houston advertising agency that produces the Country Club. You know, of course, those old Pennzoil commercials. Westman agrees any parts have been kept healthy all these decades outside exploitation of the tractor would be a thanks in part to a steady diet of Pennzoil. The old subliminal plug for Pennzoil, but insists there is a parts of the tractor, that is, Arnie prefers other greater concern for maintaining ‘‘the integrity of liquids. what we've set up in the public’s eye.” What you probably don’t know is that the 35 Though the claim seems shaky to Toro and year-old tractor that still chugs about Latrobe C.C. Palmer, they have agreed to comply. Toro explains performing its daily duties is a Toro. Naturally, it doesn’t like its chances in a conflict that might Toro would love for you to know that. What better lead Palmer to choose between Toro and his testimonial than revealing the world’s most long-running association with Pennzoil. famous old tractor is a Toro. But when Toro Considering the growth of the tractor’s fame, it signed Palmer to do a series ol commercials that seeems only a matter ol time before some fan will air next spring, it ran into a problem. It seems asks the tractor to sign an Arnie doll. According to Pennzoil is claiming sonething called “Celebrity Palmer aide Don Giffin, tourists already have equity” in the tractor and doesn’t want it appearing sought out the club to have snapshots made with in other commercials. the renowned machine. True, Arnie owns the darned thing. And, true, Giffin was asked if the tractor has a dressing Toro built it. But Pennzoil says it made the tractor room. “No,” he said. “Why, some nights it even famous and does not want its new star has to sit out.” overexposed. 5 EVERYTHING YOU DID NOT WANT TO down with its’ forepaws, bracing the body with its hind feet KNOW ABOUT MOLES and chews it from the front end backwards. A single mole Twill tell you about those pesky little buggers. They have will eat 40 to 80 lbs. of food per year. It does not need to drink a name; the corr.mon mole and they belong to the Mammalion when feeding on worms, as they are 85% water. - classification; order of Insectívora and family Tolpidae and The moles have no natural enemies except possibly man their general species of T Micrura. But, what I REALLY call and then only when he leaves a wooded area and trespasses them would make Abdulla, the camel driver blush!’’ into lawns, parks, and golf courses. There is a long list of The mole is not very big; about 5Y< inches long and has remedies to rid moles but most of them are old folklore. But a cylindrical body with a club-shaped tail. The female is slight­ as a personal note, I think at one time or another, I have tried ly smaller and they have a long snout which is rather pointed. them all with various degrees of results. The examples are: Moles have small eyes that are hidden in the fur; an internal Drowning: Not practical because of the length and depth ear that is no more than a ridge. The head and snout have of runs; you can have water in a lot of places where you don't long bristles. need it. The fur is velvet and very soft to the touch. Usually, it is Carbon Monoxide & Other Gnu: again, due to runs, gas dark gray to almost black; although, moles have been found can be all over and create some problems, especially on that were grey-yellow, orange, cream, or white. Ladies' Day. All four limbs are short and enclosed within the skin of the Strychnine Treated Worms: somewhat effective but you body. The limbs are well foreward; the front paws are broad do not know if you really got him or if he moved. with 5 toes and an extra crescent bone, giving even greater Polson Peanuts: moles will avoid these because they breadth Each toe has a strong claw; the hind feet are small recognize that the run has been disturbed and also they do by comparison but not as weak as they are usually described. not normally eat peanuts. Moles are solitary and are seldom seen together except Trapping: somewhat effective, but care must be used in at maturing times when females will build a nest from 18 in­ setting trap: mole can recognize run has been disturbed. ches to 3 feet below the surface and will stack it with dead Physically Catching: being at the run when mole is work­ grass and leaves. They usually mate during late March and ing; kicking him out of the run, then killing. After getting a early April and the litter is born in 5 to 6 weeks. They are blind, mole out of the run. don't stand there and admire him; just naked, and pink in color and start getting their fur in 2 to 3 that quick, he can be back into the ground and gone. I feel weeks There are usually 3 to 4 moles in a litter but there this is the best way. can be as many as 7 and as few as 2. Young moles leave Dtstractors: windmills or anything that will cause vibra­ the nest at 5 to 6 weeks and go out on their own. They become tions; the moles extreme sense of touch will sense the vibra­ sexually mature at 10 to 11 months old. tions and move to another area. The mole is a restless creature and will alternately rest, Chemical Distraction: Spraying barrier strips with an in­ feed and hunt every 3’/2 to 4 hours It is quite common for secticide using 1V2 rate and 6 to 10 feet wide; the mole them to be tunneling right after sun-up, right after noon and doesn’t like the taste and will move on and will not cross it at sunset. if it is wide enough. Their natural habitat is the forest or woodland areas but John Stephensen, CQCS they will seek any place that may offer food. They live almost wholly underground, seldom coming to the surface and when they do, it is only for short spells and they are looking for a Verticutting: Here To Stay new run. Their chief senses are smell and hearing and they have an extraordinary sense of touch at a distance. They can pick Thirteen years ago when I entered the golf course up the slightest of vibrations. profession, verticutting was sparingly done. Usually Surface runs are primarily for feeding and hunting and they during the first mowing in the spring, it was used to help can travel at a rate of 7 to 8 inches a minute. When in an stand up the grass plant which had been lying down all area they have as many as 3 layers of tunnels; surface, as winter. I think that in the last few years, with pressure mentioned, another at 3 to 6 inches below the surface (also being put on the superintendent for faster, tournament for feeding), and then a set 18 to 20 inches below for resting. There is no pattern for these tunnels. They seek the path of conditioned greens, verticutting has evolved as a widely least resistance or if the soil is distasteful, they will go in used practice for better grooming. another direction A mole can cover anywhere from % to 4 By setting your vertical cutting units so they are just acres with intersecting tunnels. When not digging, he can barely touching the surface of the turf they will stand up move rapidly through these tunnels, using a swimlike method. any of the grass blades which have been lying down not It can move equally well either backwards or forewards. When being cut by your mower. The result is a smooth even a large mound is seen in an area of a surface run, this is surface. Followed by regular mowing it will hardly be usually a nesting or resting area and may be a vertical tun­ noticed what you’ve actually done. If your club has two nel to as much as 3 feet in depth. triplex greens mowers this can easily be accomplished The mole eats insects, wirworms, cutworms, grubs, etc., without inconvenience to the golfers. however, its principle food is earthworms It cannot survive We all know that thatch has ruined many a good golf more than a few hours without feeding and when earthworms green, but by verticutting on a regular schedule of once a are plentiful it may store them It bites off the tip of the worm’s head. With its four teeth it twists the worm into a knot and week, thatch can be reduced, allowing better penetration pushes it Into a cavity in the soil. These stores can sometimes of water, fertilizer, and chemicals. include hundreds, even thousands of earthworms Should the Over the years many ideas have come and gone, but mole not need them, the worms In time regrow their heads 6 it’s safe to say, verticutting is here to stay. and burrow away. When eating a worm, the mole holds it James Kurpt^ka credit; Our Collaborator Suppression of Poa Annua Seed Heads The following observations should be noted: by Bill Gaydosh, Superintendent > 1. The application should be made early in April or when turf Edgewood Country Club, River Vale, New Jersey is first greening up. This is important since seed heads develop During the fall of 1979, trial applications of Embark were almost at the same time that the poa annua starts to grow. made to try to supress poa annua seed heads in the forthcoming 2. It is necessary to make sure that the sprayer is calibrated spring. I have always been a user of growth retardants such as correctly, with new nozzles on the boom. Make sure all screens Maintain, and MH30 around trees, steep banks and stream are clean inasmuch as any misses will be extremely visible. banks, to help eliminate hand work on the golf course. 3. Spray when there is dew on the turf, or use some type of When Embark was introduced by the 3M Company, it was marking system so there will be no misses during application. claimed that it would stop seed head production in any plant, so 4. When the grass plant starts to come out of the chemical I became interested in attempting to supress seed heads on poa reaction around the end of May, the plant has excellent color annua with this product. and growth. No fertilizer should be applied at this time or any Applications were made at a rate of 16 ozs. per acre on differ­ other time during the procedure. ent fairways on the golf course during the middle of November, 5. If leaf spot is a problem or blue grass varieties are being 1979. The treated turf discolored badly, and in the spring of treated, a fungicide must be applied. The treated turf is more 1980 there were very little seed heads but also there was some susceptible to leaf spot at this time. turf loss in the treated areas, which was mostly poa annua. 6. If low wet fairways are a problem an application of Em­ During the middle of November 1980, application of 12 ozs. bark at the 8 oz. rate will not only reduce seed heads, but will and 8 ozs. were applied. There was the same discoloration but in also eliminate 50 to 70% of mowing required in these areas. the spring of 1981 there were many seed heads in the treated 7. The grass does seem healthier in June when there is no areas. The loss of turf was not as great as with the 16 oz. rate. It longer any reduction in growth. was decided to switch to a spring application during the follow­ In closing, the treatments to date have worked well, and our ing season. program will be expanded in 1984. In early April, 1982, applications of 12 ozs., 8 ozs. and 4 ozs. of Embark per acre, were applied to different fairways on the Credit: Tee to Green golf course. The 12 oz. and 8 oz. rates looked extremely good. There was just slight discoloration in the beginning, but within two weeks these areas looked greener than the untreated areas MURPHY’S LAWS and had no seed heads. The 4 oz. rate did have some seed heads I In any field of pseudo scientific endeavor, any* • and did not look as good as the areas treated with the higher thing that can go wrong, will go wrong. rates. II Left to themselves, things always go from had to In early April, 1983, ten acres of fairways were treated with worse. the 8 oz. per acre rate of Embark, along with two tees and the back of one green. The results were quite drastic. There were no III If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that wifi go wrong is the one that seed heads in the treated areas, and the contrast between treated wM do the most damage. and untreated areas was like night and day! These treatments worked so well that all fifty acres of fairways and three acres of IV Mother nature always sides with the hidden flaw. tees will be treated in 1984. V If everything seems to be going weN, you have obviously overlooked something or somebody. Mark your calendar for July 9th, 1984 as our next meeting will be at HIDDEN VALLEY, Gaylord. ##############**############################*###*##*################### Wear your Northern Mich. Turf Mgrs Ass’n emblem. Pickering shirts in four colors (white,green,powder blue,yellow) are available from our Sec.-Treas. Tom Reed at $20.00 Including tax. Ask to see the samples when he is in your area with his big van. ♦it-*#*##**#*####******####*#*****##*#****#####*#**##*##«*##«##*#*###### * * * * * An economist is a fellow who thinks he knows The saleslady was trying to interest the young house­ more about money than a man who has it. wife in an egg timer. "Your hubby’s eggs will be just ♦ ♦ * * * right if you use this" said the saleslady. "But I don’t need it" answered the young wife, because One day as I sat musing, sad and lonely, a friend came up Joe likes his eggs exactly the way I do them. I just look and said: "Cheer up. things could be worse." So I cheered up; through our kitchen window at the traffic lights on the and sure enough, things aid get worse/ corner and give them three greens and two reds/’ j , *1..II♦ III IV * V * * ♦ * * * * 7 "40 YEARS OF LOVE" On March l6, 1984, Walter J. Nagorskl, Northern Mich. Turf Mgr. member was given a recognition dinner at the Hale Koa Hotel, Ft. DeRussey, on Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii. The theme was "40 Years of Love” which represented the nearly 40 years that Walter has worked with the array In the area of golf. The banquet room was beautifully appointed In red, white and blue, with the head table and other tables decorated with red and white carnations. The event was fun filled and highlighted by a 15 minute professional slide show on Walter "Mitty" Nagorskl.” This slide show was a work of art and delighted one and all in attendance. It covered Walter’s role as a golf pro, playing the tour and particularly his key role as the Grounds Superintendent for the three golf courses. It was also on video tape, so that when Walter comes to our northland in 1985» we may all see it at one of our meetings. Naturally a program of this nature had to include a ”roast" and they did up Walter real good. There were 325 present and 75 turned away well wishers, a real interested group to honor Walter."Roasters” included Dr. Charles Murdock from the Hawaii Turfgrass Association; Earl Howard from the Aloha Section, P.G.A.; Major General Herb Wolff, former commander in Hawaii; and General Fred Weyand, former Chief of Staff of the Army. The "roast" lasted one hour and it was a smash hit. Walter was recogonized at the event with the following: - Resolution by the Council of the City and County of Honolulu. -Commander’s Award and medal for civilian service to the United States Array Support Command, Hawaii. - Certificate of Achievement from the United States Army Western Command (the major command in Hawaii). - Gold PGA Hamilton quartz watch from the Aloha Section, P.G.A. - Plaque from the Junior Golf Ass’n, Hawaii for Walter’s support to Junior Golf over the years. Incidently, Walter started the first Junior golf program in Hawaii back in 1946; he called it the "Ice Cream and Soda Pop Open". - Video Cassette Recorder and monetary gift from the assembled crowd. It did not mention that with the Commanders award, came a very sizeable increase in salary, which even Walter liked and in his closing remarks of the "roast", Walter said that there is a difference in these two professions which he has, Professional and Superintendent. The responsibility is much greater as a superintendent. Keeping the golf courses in excellent playing conditions, entails planning, budgeting, instruction and knowledge of pesticides and fertilizers. A never ending education by reading, conf­ erences and seminars. Our enviorraent is a sacred gift. We Must proteot it for the future. I know our operations have become more efficient with greater expertise. Expertise has been defined as doing the right things and efficiency has been defined as doing the things right. This was a very unusual even! or a very special person. ##♦#***##♦***###*#***###**##■» #******###*##*##*#*##***#***#***#**#* It is with a sad heart that we rppor£‘3he passing of Clarence Wolfrom, Sr. CGCS, Superintendent at MaplecibaneNGolf for 52 years. He has cont­ ributed much to turfgrass in Michigan and has trained many superintendents now holding that position. He was past president of many turfgrass groups among them being Mich.-Border Cities and Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. ******************************** 8 ***********************************