C. E. “TUCK" TATE, PRESIDENT FRANK HEMINGER, Seçretary-Treas. ED KARCHESKI, Vice President 1147 SANTO MbEARD TRAVERSE I rc CITY. Ml. 49684 CJftni COLLECTION We are .enclosing your I97U membership roster. In this edition there are several changes which we would like to bring to your attention. Members names are listed by alphabet rather than membership numbers. After each name will be members classification and his number. Also in parenthesis is some cases will be found the name of the wife of the member. This has been done to help other wives remember the gal that she met at the last social affair and not be embarrased. Several changes have been made in our By-Laws and a new membership classification established. This has been done so that we may attract people who can help our asso­ ciation and who would like to be associated with us like educators and scientists. In establishing meeting dates for 197^> we have tried to stay away from meeting dates at the same time? as those of the Western Michigan Golf Course Superintendents group as we have class G members wishing to attend both meetings. Our first meeting for 197U is May lHth, Traverse City Golf & Country Club. It will be held in conjunction with a Pro-Turf Seminar put on there by 0. M. Scott & Sons. Starting times will probably be in the letter of invitation by Scott & Sons that you will receive in the not too distant future. Scott has indicated that they will finish their meeting about 3’3O P. M. so that we may have a short business meeting. At the same time there will be a Board of j/ Directors meeting, so will you Board members please be available. June 18, meeting scheduled for West Branch Country Club, Dave Longfield, Superintendent. July 10, meeting scheduled for Cadillac Country Club, Orman Bishop, Superintendent. August 20, meeting scheduled for Garland Country Club, Nile Bunting, Superintendent. Sept. 10, Michigan State University Field Bay at Traverse City Golf & Country Club. Sept. 17, location open therefore we would like an invitation in the north or central area with the thought in mind that our meetings are distributed over a larger area of Northern Michigan. So------ your Board is open for suggestions. Oct. 1, Frankfort, Michigan with two golf courses involved. Crystal Downs Country Club and Frankfort Golf Club, Ronnie Haswell Superintendent at Crystal Downs and Tuck Tate at Frankfort. Final meeting will be our Social Meeting with gals in late October. Place and time to be established by Social Committee. Anyone with any suggestions on this affair should get in touch with the Committee and not wait until the night of the party. Members of Social Committee are listed in membership booklet. The G.C.S.A.A. Pesticide Semianar I, held last week, October 27 & 28th, was a very fine seminar and we were fortunate in that five of our members were present and two failed to show evidently from bad weather further north. Messers Radike, Frederickson, McDonald, Camp and Tate were present. At this Seminar it was brought out the need for understanding and beginning to work with the metric system. For we old duffers this is a radical change so we suggest that you get involved with it as early as possible plus buy a small hand calculator to do your conversions from inches, yards, acres to the metric system. In addition there is available a Pesticide Manual put out by the Cooperative Extension Service, Michigan State University, Extension Bulletin E-751 of the Farm Science Series. This is a manual that as golf course superintendents, we can hardly be without because it gives the classification, toxicities, formulations, handling and application of pesticides. Some of these chemicals are not to be fooled with or handled carelessly.. Handy ASA Quick Metric Conversion charts are free from American Society of Agronomy, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, Wis. 537U- These are cards small enough to carry in a shirt pocket and free in small quantities. Suggest that you get up to three, free.