TIC VERT INDIAN RIVER GOLFCLUB Vnlnmfi 17 No 8 OCTOBER 5th, 1988 4th ANNUAL "TUCK TATE" CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT The October meeting of the N.M.T.M.A. will be held Wednesday, October 5th, and will be the 4th Annual Tuck Tate Championship Golf Tournament, open to all members. Guests are also invited to Attend however they will not participate in the actual championship itself. Guests will however be able to participate in other prizes. The tournament is an individual, stroke play, with handicap event, so bring your handicap with you. It will be a "shot gun" start at 11:00 A.M. "Pat" Whitman is the host super­ intendent and Gene Maybank is the General Manager of Indian River. Telephone numbers there are 616/238-7011 for the club and 616/238-8261 is Pat's phone number. Cost of the package will, be $24.00 for the day. The breakdown is, $10.00 for cart, $2.00 for golf prizes and $12.00 for dinner. Lunch is available at the club house should anyone desire it and dinner will be served between 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. Indian River is 30 miles north of Gaylord on 1-75. When there take Straits highway, through town, cross I.R. bridge at the north end, then first left (Prospect changing to Chippewa), % mile to golf course. Ir/dian River Golf Club is member owned, and open to the public. The cdurse (originally Burt Lake Golf Club) was built in 1921, parts of which are still in play today. Many changes and renovations took place over the years, but fall of 1983, saw its greatest change with the clearing of timber for expansion to an 18 hole course. The new holes were designed and built by Golf Course Architect Warner Bowen and Pat Whitman. Some of the greens and tees on the old course have yet to be reconstructed to complete the project. Pat has been with the club since 1972 and became superintendent in 1977. Its a very interesting layout and something where your golfing skills are in demand. We are fortunate in being able to play this fine golf course. Æ»SWf*«W iSLAMtf Indian River Golf Club must know the number that will be there for dinner. We are enclosing our usual postcard for you to complete immediately so that we will have a count of hungry people. Please, get this off today. This will be our last scheduled meeting for 1988 however "Turf Times"will be coming to you through the winter months to bring you up to date. NORTHERN MICHIGAN TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION © EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3733 APOLLO DRIVE • TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN 49684 • 616-943-8343 * I Thomas Brogger BEHIND THE GREENS • President A Monthly Message From the Board by Tom Brogger, President Paul Holmes Vice President Hello again everyone and welcome to another report from "Behind the Greens". Sorry I missed you last month. It was a hectic time for me and not because I was playing.on the greens, as my rising Jonathon Scott, CGCS Immediate Past President handicap will attest. This has been a very demanding season for all of us in the Turf Industry, and as I look back, I can’t help but feel good about the high level of participation we have had at our monthly Directors meetings. More and more of us are using this opportunity to get away, Kimberly Olson relax and talk turf. I know I can honestly say there hasn't been a Jeffrey Holmes meeting I haven't either seen or heard something that was very benefi­ Wm. Brent Nelson cial to me in my job. Thomas Courtemanche Damian Kurkowskl Charles Menefee, CGCS Our next meeting at Indian River Golf Club is probably the most James OIH, CGCS important date on the entire NMTMA schedule. Not only is it the David Sapp Fourth Annual Tuck Tate Chapter Championship, but also is our meeting Robert Stelnhurst, CGCS where we elect Board of Directors to the four positions available this year. The more members in attendance that day, the more representa­ tive the election will be. Remember, anyone else who might want to run Past Presidents for the Board can be nominated from the floor on the day of the election. Ed Karcheskl All in all, it should make for a very exciting day, especially when you C. E. “Tuck” Tate, CGCS David Longfleld, CGCS consider the golf course, which in my opinion is one of the all around best in Northern Michigan. Come and see what I mean. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize those Executive Secretary Thomas Reed Board members who's terms are expiring this October. Tom Courtemanche, 3733 Apollo Dr. Charlie Menefee CGCS, Bob Steinhurst CGCS, Class A and Dave Sapp. Traverse City, Ml 49684 Class G, have spent these last two and three years working very hard Phone 616-943-8343 to make our organization the successful one that it is today. Dedication to their work and creativity in new ideas is part of what has made these gentlemen so valuable to our group. As president this past year, I have had the opportunity to interact with each of these individuals on several Editor C. E. “Tuck” Tate occasions and it has truly been my pleasure. On behalf of the entire P.O. Drawer 472 NMTMA, I would like to extend a heart-felt Thank You to these Board Frankfort, Ml 49635 members, we have all certainly benefited through your efforts. Phone 616-352-4398 ******************************************************** For your information on nominees for the Board, under Class "A" are: Bob Aube, Alpena Golf Club, Brian Holmes, Alpena Country Club, Charles Menefee CGCS, Lost Lakes Wood Club, Mike Morris, Crystal Downs Country Club, Ray StAmour, Antrim Dells Golf Club and Bob Steinhurst, Jr. CGCS, West Branch Country Club. Vote for 3 only. Class "G" Jim Bogart of Turfgrass, Inc., Don Dupuis of John Deere and Ed S4 ney of Ideal Mower. Vote for 1 only. THE USGA TURFGRASS INFORMATION FILE GOES ON-LINE AUGUST 1,1988 AND NOW it is a reality! The world searchers and practitioners around the fessional in the field of turfgrass man­ /%of turfgrass professionals will world now have access to over 13,000 agement as a reference tool. It will Jl JLnever be quite the same. After research and informational entries become increasingly valuable as new four years of construction and develop­ stored in the TGIF computer. New categories are entered. Indeed, it is ment, TGIF(the USGA Green Section’s entries are added each week. designed to replace and update all the Turfgrass Information File) computer TGIF can be of significant help in informational filing cabinets now in at Michigan State University Library supporting the literature review process turfgrass managers’ offices. To the goes on-line on August 1, 1988. It will for researchers. It can be equally bene­ increasingly complex world of turfgrass support remote searching and electronic ficiai to the golf course superintendent, information management, TGIF offers message transmission. Turfgrass re­ green committee chairman, or any pro­ a practical and simple solution. (Below^Tl 'he Michigan State University Library housing the Turfgrass Information File. (Opposite page) A data retriever — remote personal computer with phone modem. '.HUIN ’* U "Àuîî-G '1 X‘';Â'z';v Mr. Peter Cookingham was our recent speaker at our ’JSGA GREEN SECTION RECORD last meeting at "TREETOPS". Peter is the Director of this Information Library and he invites you .to visit the library on your next trip to Michigan State University. His phone number is (517) 353-7209 3 Pruning Deciduous Trees by . Nancy Pierce Pruning Is a horticultural practice that Is as old as the history of civilized man. Ancient Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Chinese civilizations deve­ loped their own unique pruning styles— ranging from the Greek and Roman art of trimming plants Into unnatural, orna­ mental shapes (called topiary) to the Japanese art form of bonsai. Their prun­ ing skills and creativity helped to capture spur and preserve the very essence of each civilization’s culture. Despite its antiquity, or perhaps be­ cause of Its mysterious and fascinating water sprouts history, the purpose and proper proce­ dures of pruning are not well understood. lateral branch Today, pruning Is done for more practical ancreconomlcal reasons. Trees, shrubs scaffold branch and vines are pruned to eliminate dead anf diseased tissue, control and direct trunk growth, promote structural strength and to increase the yield of flowers and fruits on> crop bearing plants. A woody plant suckers will not require pruning unless It fits into one of these groups. Once you’ve decided which group a particular plant belongs [adapted from Hill, 1979) to, the ‘whens’ and ‘hows’ of pruning are simple. A Little Plant Biology Understanding the nature of plant parts •'“‘'.I-, .a ; ■' < rr 7 2 and how they will respond to different Figure 1. Parts of a deciduous tree. treatments Is the key to pruning with con­ fidence. In figure 1 the basic parts of a deciduous tree are shown. The trunk Is the main stem of the tree. The leader (or central branch) is a continuation of the trunk. Scaffold (or main) branches are when the others do. These are called lat­ The traditional time for pruning is late those which are joined to the trunk. Lat­ ent buds and they’re often found on the winter or early spring when the buds are eral branches arise from scaffold lower portion of a branch. They are much still dormant and the temperature is not branches. Spurs are short, compact twigs smaller than other lateral buds and won’t too cold. Pruning done during this time found on fruit trees on which flowers and break unless the wood above them is will elicit the most vigorous response In fruit are produced. These five types of damaged or removed. Flower buds ap­ most species. Although most deciduous branches form the structure of a decidu­ pear on spurs and can be either in a lat­ trees can be safely pruned anytime dur­ ous woody tree. The structure of a decid­ eral or terminal position. Adventitious ing the period between leaf-fall and spring uous tree is much more apparent in Its buds are found In unusual locations on a growth, pruning should not be attempted leafless state. stem or branch (i.e. they don’t follow the If the temperature drops below -7°C Buds are a critical component of prun­ regular pattern produced by the lateral (20° F) since dleback may result. Some ing. A terminal bud Is always found at the buds) and their formation Is often the deciduous trees (like birch and maples) tip of a stem or branch and Its direction of result of some injury. Severe cutting will should be pruned in late winter as they growth Is upwards or outwards. Lateral stimulate adventitious buds to break tend to ‘bleed’ profusely In the spring. buds are found along the length of stems forming ‘suckers’ and ‘water sprouts’. Evergreens will be set back the least If and branches in a distinct pattern. Lat­ they are pruned just before spring eral “buds develop Into either leaves or When To Prune growth occurs. branches depending on the size of the The time of year Is Important In determin­ Pruning after spring growth has oc­ plant. Some lateral buds do not break ing how the plant will respond to pruning. curred will have a general dwarfing effect 4 (Continued on page 5) Pruning Deciduous Trees the more sound the structure. Cut any For a tree with sufficient clearance to (continued) walk or drive a golf cart under, remove all branches you want to keep back if on the plant. This type of pruning is they are longerthan the leader. This may branches that join the trunk at a height of required when a plant has outgrown its have to be repeated for the first few years about 7 feet or lower. This cannot be allotted space —indicating that perhaps until the natural shape of the tree is done until the tree is a little older and will a more suitable plant could have been established. still have 3 or 4 scaffold branches remain­ chosen for that area. Summer pruning ing after the lower branches are removed. Once this 'necessary’ cutting is done, usually encourages the plant to produce you can start pruning to train the tree to new growth to replace only that which meet its intended purpose (see figure 2). Pruning Mature Trees has been removed. Pruning too late in the Pruning mature trees is a difficult, poten­ Take a good look at it and identify the summer can be dangerous as the new tially dangerous and time-consuming job. leader, scaffold and lateral branches. If growth seldom has time to harden before you want an airy tree with a lot of open If at all possible, prune trees when they frost arrives. space, remove or shorten most of the are young to avoid the problems encoun­ Some trees that bloom on year-old lateral branches and leave the scaffold tered when working on large trees. How­ wood must be pruned after spring bloom branches with their terminal buds intact. ever, many golf courses have trees on if a maximum yield of flowers is important. them that are older than the course itself. You’ve retained the length of the main Removing year-old wood bearing flower branches while directing their growth While most are probably just fine, some buds in the spring will naturally result in a outward. may have become lopsided, too dense, very disappointing bloom. The publica­ To produce a denser, more compact diseased or damaged over the years. tions listed at the end of this article exam­ Before attempting to correct these prob­ tree, cut all lateral and scaffold branches ines summer pruning in more detail. lems remember that large trees form back to half their length. Removing the The remainder of this discussion will strong architectural lines and it’s well terminal bud in this manner will result in focus on the response of deciduous trees worth the investment in time to stand the cut branches becoming stronger and to early spring pruning. back and think before cutting branches the tree will develop into a more com­ pact shape. off in a haphazard manner. Try to retain Response of Plant Parts to Pruning Usually, the growth resulting from prun­ ing trees properly is very easy to predict. Removing a segment of stem or branch that bears a terminal bud will stimulate one or more lateral buds on that branch to develop when spring arrives. The end result oi removing a terminal bud is a denser,¿bushier plant. Removing lateral branches will en­ courage growth at the terminal end of the mother branch or stem. The end result will be a taller, more open tree. Pruning Young Trees The earlier you can start to shape and train the growth of a tree, the less atten­ tion it will need in later years when large branches increase the difficulty of prun­ ing and large wounds increase the chance of infection. Ideally, a young tree should be pruned the same day it’s transplanted (normally done in the spring). During the transplanting operation, root injury is likely to occur leaving less roots to sup­ port the same amount of above ground tissue. Resistthe temptation to preserve every branch —pruning about 1/3 of the top growth away will result in a tree that will quickly outgrow one that has not been pruned. If you have a good idea of the future use of the tree, deciding where to trim off the excess third is easy. First, start with weak or broken branches and any bran­ ches that will eventually criss-cross. Never remove the leader as this will result in a stunted squatty tree not true to type. Any branches that angle up too closely to the trunk should also be removed. As the tiae grows, sharp angled branches will produce a weak crotch which will probably split sometime during the life of Figure 2. Dotted lines Indicate where to prune for the desired effect. the tfee. Generally, the wider the angle, (Credit qreenmaster ) 5. . (Continurd on page To Golf or Not To Golf... Pruning Deciduous Trees by Joseph Charbonneau (continued) though suggest that a slanting cut should How can one be in the golf course maintenance be made close to but beyond the branch collar (figure 3). If the branch collar is not business and not play the game at all? To me it would be visible, cut slightly beyond an imaginary like growing a garden and not tasting the vegetables at line that would join the upper and lower harvest time. points of the branch attachment. The golf course maintenance person, be it Branches pruned in this manner leave superintendent or salesperson must understand this basic a smaller wound to heal then if the branch concept. To do the job completely, you must consider the were cut flush to the trunk and there is less chance of injury to the cambium. Do maintenance aspect as well as the golfer’s aspect. We all not leave a large stub however, as it will know the importance of the maintenance position but not rot and be susceptible to diseases which everyone realizes the golfer’s view of our courses. The can spread throughout the tree. only way to understand the golfer’s view is to PLAY! Pruning large branches may injure the By driving around the maintenance roads, a tree if not done properly, since the weight of branch may cause it to break before superintendent sees only one view. A golf course certainly the cut is complete, tearing away large looks different from behind a Cushman steering wheel pieces of bark with it or even splitting the than behind a golf club. I think a good policy to establish tree. To prevent this, a 3-cut method is would be to play your course once a week with your golf used as shown in figure 4. The first cut is professional and greens chairman. Not only would you made about 6-12 inches away from the trunk or mother branch, beginning at the get another perspective of your course, but you would bottom and cutting upwards about 1/3 of also be opening the channels of communication with the way through. A second, downward them. cut is made about 1 inch above the first Another priority the superintendent must consider is cut until the limb breaks off. The stub is playing other golf courses. One way this is made possible then removed as described in the pro­ ceeding paragraph. is by attending monthly superintendent meetings. By Hopefully this article has at least en­ playing different courses, much can be learned from couraged you to examine your decidu­ observing what your peers are doing. Strengths and ous trees a little closer and decide if any weaknesses can be noted and applied to your home of them could profit from some intelli­ course. Unfortunately, in our association only about half gent pruning. By no means have I com­ pletely covered the topic of pruning, and of the membership take advantage of this important I’ve included a small list of publications opportunity. dealing with the topic in more detail. Two It is my recommendation that not only of these books (All About Pruning and superintendents participate, but salespeople as well. By Pruning Handbook) give a general over­ playing golf, salespeople would observe first hand, the view of pruning and then discuss trees and shrubs on an individual basis. Both effectivness of their product lines. of these can be found in any book store Although time and ability may be factors and all the books in the list can be found contributing to the lack of play by superintendents and in your public library. salespeople, I feel they are not good excuses. It is As a final point, pruning will not improve worthwhile to make the time and scoring is not the most the growth or health of a tree if other cultural practices are missing. Just like important point of golf to be concerned with. As stated turf, trees require proper irrigation and before, ^you must experience the game to be well-rounded drainage and good nutrition. These, professionally. along with pruning when necessary, will So I will leave you with your decision. To golf or not contribute greatly to the overall health of to golf... your deciduous ornamentals. Clark. D.E. (ed). 1980. Pruning Handbook. Lane Publishing If you have a wood burning stove or Co., Menlo Park, California. (A Sunset Publication). fireplace, this should interest you: Harris, R.W. 1983. Aboriculture. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englwood Cliffs, New Jersey. Beechwood fires are bright and clear Hill, L. 1979. Pruning Simplified. Rodale Press. Emmaus, If the logs are kept a year. Pennsylvania. Knowles, R.H. 1977. The Pruning Manual—Publication 1505. Chestnut’s only good, they say Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. If for long it’s laid away. Pirone, P.P. 1972. Tree Maintenance. Oxford University Press, Birch and Fir logs burn too fast. New York. Smith, S.W. (ed). 1978. All About Pruning. Chevron Chemical Blaze up bright and do not last. Company, San Francisco, California. (An Ortho Elm wood burns like churchyard mold, Publication). Taylor, J.R. 1979. Pruning Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Even the very flames are cold! Vines—Publication 483. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Poplar gives a bitter smoke, and Food, Toronto. Fills your eyes and makes you choke. Applewood will scent your room Nancy Pierce is a turf researcher, working with With an incense like perfume. Dr. Jack Eggens, at the University of Guelph Oak and Maple, if dry and old, Will keep away from winter cold. But ash wood wet and ash wood dry Credit; Greenmaster C.G.S.A. A. kinr can warm his slippers by! I 6 Fall Planting and and thawing. This damage is characterized by vertical splits and or a loosening of the bark from the trunk. During periods Transplanting of Trees of wet, rainy weather the practice of wrapping can be delayed, or substituted by a burlap screen placed a short distance from Howard Pidduck, Cornell Uniuersity the tree. Under no circumstances should the first wrappiing Fall planting can extend the work season and offer the be left on indefinitely, but should also be removed within the grounds manager the opportunity to improve the landscape first year. Failure to remove it can cause girding as the trunk during the time of reduced work loads. There are some basic continues to expand. rules of good plant care that must be observed before any Eighth, little or no fertilizer need be added if the soil used planting program can be successful. to backfil has resonable nutrient levels as determined by a First, provide a soil media suitable for good plant growth, previous soil sample. Small amounts of phosphorus and devoid of rubble and road salts, yet capable of anchoring the potash can be added (V* cup per bushel of soil) if desired. tree firmly. Never place the fertilizer in the hole so that it can come in Second, provide adequate water to encourage root growth direct contact with the exposed roots. Nitrogen based fertilizers during the fall, before winter freeze up. Watering should also need not be used as they promote top growth. New growth aid in the setting of the soil and reduce the chance of large in the crown is to be avoided. air pockets, which tend to dry out the roots, creating a Ninth, The success of failure of all plantings often can be barrier to the movement of soil moisture by capillary action. attributed to the planting depth. Although some species may Overwatering or excessive repeated watering can lead to survive for short times with minor grade changes. NEVER drowning, the suffocation of the roots by water completely change the depth at planting time. The rule here is “plant filing the open porous spaces between the soil particles. The at the same depth to which it has been growing”. loss of soil oxygen is as much a detriment as the lack of water. Care should be used when transplanting to firmly tamp the Third, choose species best suited to the landscape site most soil so that no large air pockets persist around or under the able to survive fall planting. These include Norway and sugar soil ball. These same pockets can exist when using the pointed maples, sycamores, red and pin oaks, lindens, ginko (maiden tree spades to excavate the planting hole. hair), horsechestnuts and almost all of the conifers. Avoid exposure to open, severely windy sites. These are best left Credit: Hole Notes to a spring-time planting. Root systems with a thick fleshy covering as a rule, are best planted in the spring. Example of these are dogwoods, tulip trees, magnolia, yellowood, sweetgum, beech, birch and tupelo. 1 Fourth, nursery grown trees that have been root pruned the ■' "■ with Ruby Ingraham year before and have had the crown properly shaped offer “Friendship needs no symbol, the best hope of survival. Selecting forest grown trees requires Or vow to make it whole; It’s just a sacred covenant an exceptionally large root ball, disproportionate with the That’s locked within the soul; crown in order to assure sufficient roots to support the top. It knows no creed or station, Larger equipment is then required to complete the move, Or thought of gain or fame, making it more expensive plus making it a riskier process. For what it does is sacred, And is done in Friendship’s name.” Fifth, staking the tree securely is often overlooked or omitted. It is necessary to stop or reduce movement of the crown which flexes the tree, creating a cavity around the base of the tree at the soil line. Water can then collect in the cavity, freeze, and destroy the bark, thus interrupting the cam­ On Risk bium flow at the soil line, resulting in death of the plant. Mechanical damage is also caused to the root system as the To laugh is to risk appearing the fool crown flexes, resulting in slower establishment, or may cause To weep is to risk appearing sentimental the tree to tip and expose the roots. Staking systems can vary To reach out for another is to risk but success is best accomplished when two or three hardwood involvement stakes are utilized. Stakes are placed on more than one side To expose feelings is to risk exposing and aligned to protect the tree from the force of the prevail­ ing wind. Wires should never completely circle the trunk and your true self should always be covered with a length of old garden hose, To place your ideas, your dreams before thus preventing any injury to the trunk of the tree. The larger the world is to risk loss trees need the added support of the three wire system To live is to risk dying placed equally about the trunk, fastened at least halfway up To hope is to risk despair the main stem and far enough at the base to be beyond the To try at all is to risk failure rootball. A 45 degree angle for the supporting wires is best. But to risk we must Sixth, enough cannot be said for the practice of mulching Because the greatest hazard in life is to fall planted tree. Mulching aids in preserving the soil risk nothing temperatures, giving a longer period of time for roots to The man, the woman, who risks nothing establish themselves before winter freeze up. Moisture is re­ does nothing tained and weeds are reduced during the followng growing has nothing season, thus improving the appearance of the planting. is nothing. Seventh, wrapping the trunk with burlap or a special paper tree wrap protects the trunk from damage through freezing Anonymous The Northern Michigan Turf Managers Association operates on a fiscal year. The fiscal year begins November 1st and ends on October 31, therefore everyone will owe dues beginning with the new year. An invoice will be sent to you however you can make the job of your fellow associate a little easier by sending your check to our Executive Secretary Tom Reed. If you have any question as to the amount, please ask Tom or one of the members of the Board. We appreciate your cooperation. ************************************************************************** TREETOPS FUND RAISER The 9:30 A.M. shotgun start at Treetops on September 14th, was a great success in every way. A good crowd showed up and starting time was met without difficulty. The game was ”2 better balls of foursome" and was played from the "BLUE" tees. This editor does not have the names of the members of the three teams that were the winners. Sorry, however the winner of "closest to the pin" was Jim Bogart and the "long drive" was won by Kimberly Olsen. Treetops is planning on starting another 18 holes which will be designed by Robert Trent Jones. *************************************************************************** A bit of history by the Executive Secretary of the Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Ass'n, retired University of Georgia Professor and friend to turfgtass. TURF TALK FROM ‘OLD KOZ’ | The obituary reads — Dr. Everett Stanley Luttrell, 72, of 225 Terrell Drive, died Tuesday, July 5. A seemingly simple, routine, explanation of the departure from I this earth of a person. Yet, this was no ordinary person. ’ All professions have their heroes. Golf course superintendents can look up to ' Colonel John Morley, O.J. Noer, Herb Graffis, Professors, H. Burton Musser and i L.F. Dickinson, Joe Valentine, and others. As happens so many times some per­ sons never get the recognition they deserve for their accomplishments. It is my in­ tent that that will not happen to Luttrell. Turfgrass management owes much to Lutt, as all of us affectionately called him. He was a peerless scientist. Actually, he was a mycologist (he studied fungi) who specialized in placing these organisms in their proper taxonomic niches. He further specialized in the group of fungi which can cause golf course superintendents im­ mense headaches, the group for many years known as the Helminthosporiums. His work laid the foundation for the present division and arrangement of this group of turfgrass pathogens into Bipolaris, Dreschlera and Exserohilum. However, as important as that work may have been, the contributions he made to me personally and to the turf field in general was his support and encourage­ ment in my work on spring dead spot of bermuda grass and especially in suppor­ ting me in the promotion of two national seminars, both held in Athens, on this then very important turfgrass disease. Even though he was only an acting head of the Department of Plant Pathology and Plant Genetics, he was the only person of two in an administrative position at the University of Georgia at that time who recognized the importance of turfgrass. The other administrator was Robert S. Wheeler, but then, that’s another story. The turfgrass industry in Georgia, and elsewhere, owes much to Everett S. Lut­ trell not only for his pioneering work in identifying the idiosyncracies of turfgrass pathogens but also in his support of turf as a viable segment affecting society. So George M. Kozelnicky, Exec. Sec. Iong> Lutt- We miss y°u! Executive Office Park, Suite 101 2500 W. Broad Street Athens, Ga.. 30606 *************************************************************************** Please return your postcard on the 4th Annual Tuck Tate Golf Tournament and to vote for the new directors that will be a big part in the future of your Association. You cannot direct your future by staying at home.