NORTHERN MICHIGAN TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION FRAN EMINGER, Secretary-Treas. C. E. "TUCK" TATE, President ED KARCHESKI, Vice President ChîŸ] 1147 SANTO TRAVERSE CITY, Ml. 49684 "beard COLLECTION PHONE: 616-947-9274 The next meeting of our Association will be held on Wednesday, July 10th, 1974, at The Cadillac Country Club, Cadillac, Michigan. The exact location of Cadillac Country Club is on the south side of Lake Mitchell on M-55» just west of M-115. Coming from the south or east, remember that M-55 and M-115 run together in this area so the turn off on M-55 would be to the left going west. Cadillac Country Club was started in 1910 with 9 holes and is one of the oldest clubs in this northern area. In the early years, members of the club farmed potatoes to help earn money to keep the club going. After World War II, in 1948, it was decided to add another 9 holes and construction was then started, fininshlng the back 9 holes in 1950. Located on the club property between the 2nd and 4th fairways are three large burial mounds which many people visit each year. It is not known which tribe the Indians burled there were members of. The club is a serai-private country club having 400 members with watered fairways. A continuous improving program seems to be constantly in progress and in 1973-74, the club house and lounge were completely remodeled. At the present time anew pro Shop is being constructed and will contain 3000 square feet. On the course, holes on the back 9 are being redesigned and worked on at the present time. Mr. Thomas Wiseman is the President of Cadillac C.C. and there are two Greens Chairmen, Dr. John Cannon and Mr. John Shone. Mr. Orman Bishop, a former Board Member of N.M.T.M.A. is the Superintendent manicuring this fine 18 hole layout, Mr. Walt Tamulis, is tb golf professional and a member of the P.G.A. and Mr. Norman Pdtter is the Club Manager. Should you wish to play golf, Mr. Orman Bishop extends to you an lnvation to play his beautiful golf course. Again one word of caution if you wish to play golf, please arrange your time not to miss the "Happy Hour" but be ready to be at your table for dinner at 6:45 P. M. Anyone coming specifically for dinner and the meeting that follows, we will be prompt so that our program is on time. On Golf ——— something new —— a golf committee headed by Mr. Chuck Johnson will collect one buck before teeing off for your participation in —— our first golfing event of our association. For our educational program, we will have Roger Murray and Gene Dice of the Department of Parks & Recreation, Michigan State, who will give us all the details on the survey their Department made last summer on "Profit Oriented Golf Courses Within Michigan*’. This should prove very interesting in as much as many of our members were a part of this survey. In addition and to follow up on the golf movies, we will have two short films, "Pitching & Chipping" plus "Putting". These will complete the films by National Golf Foundation and take away any more excuses for not being able to get out of a sand trap or three putting. We must know if you are coming for dinner and so Inform Cadillac Country Club. So before you put this letter away, please complete the enclosed stamped, self addressed post card, stating your intentions DC' IT NOW. ■' ■ 6 August 20th, is the date of our next meeting and is scheduled for Garland Golf Club, Lewiston, with "Snuffy" Bunting as our host Superintendent. Sept. 10th, is Michigan State Field Day at Traverse City Golf & Country Club, starting at 9-00 A.M. Please keep your calendar clear for this event end think about giving a bit of your time to help parking and setting up booths. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Very few in our Association are aware of what is going on with G.C.S.A.A. therefore we will give you some details. The 46th Annual Turfgrass Conference and Show will be held at New Orleans, Louisana February 16-21, 1975. Prior to this conference, there will be the G.C.S.A.A. Golf Tournament at Pensacola, Florida, on February 13 and 14th. The courses to be played are the Santa Rosa Shores Golf Course and the U.S. Naval Station Country Club. A womans tournament will be held at the same time at the Pensacola Country Club. The theme of this Conference will be, "Preparing for Change .... ...Together". In addition to the regular educational program at this Conference, it will be augmented by two GCSAA seminars prior to the official opening. The two day seminars, Management I - Financial Decision Making and Pesticide I - principles of Chemical Usage, will be offered on a separate reglsteration basis Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 15 and 16. At the same time, anyone wishing to take the "Certification" examination can do so if your application is processed in advance of the Conference. While all this is about 8 months away now is the time to start thinking about your plans for attending and getting reservations. One cannot wait for the last minute and expect things to fall in place. "One thing at a time and all things in succession, that which grows slowly endures", (author unknown) Pat Williams, ex-Director of Education of the P.G.A. told GCSAA members at Houston that to create professionalism, it requires continuing education, training and experience. Only these things can elevate a superintendent to his rightful rank of a professional man. We are in a changing time. G.C.S.A.A. has available the following pamphlets which are being constantly revised: "You and GCSAA" - new and being printed» "Your Next Step...GCSAA Certification Program" - new and available. "Seeking a New Position. How to ..." - new and being written "How to Employ a Golf Course Superintendent" - new and being written. "Public Relations Handbook" - revised and available. "Careers in Turf* new and being written. "OSHA Guide" and accompanlng "all About OSHA" - new and available. Government Relations - GCSAA has maintained personal contact with EPA, OSHA and members of Congress in order to keep abreast of the latest laws and regulations that affect our Industry. We are actively expressing our position on behalf of the golf course superintendent on pertinent issues. Send that postcard in Immediately telling us that you will be at Cadillac Country Club and bring along a neighbor that should be a member of our Association. THANKS