J-)C • TU1RF TIME MONDAY, JULY 1OTH, 1989, LUNCHEON LAKEWOOD SHORES GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, INCORPORATED 7752 Cedar Lake Road, P. 0. Box 457, Oscoda, Mi. 48750 Volume 18 No. 5 Phone: (517) 739-2073 This will be a luncheon meeting so that everyone can get there , relax/ enjoy the educational session, play golf and get home at a reasonable time. This is an exceptional fine golf course, 18 holes and the club has a good reputation for serving excellent food. Craig Peters is the golf professional, Rick York is the golf course superintendent Starting times are not necessary because golf will begin after the luncheon meeting 11:00 A.M. - Cocktails 12:00 Noon - Luncheon 1:00 P.M. - Speaker Jerry Faubel CGCS Our speaker is Jerry Faubel, Vice-President of GCSAA and superintendent of Saginaw Country Club. His subject will be "Bunker Maintenance" which is dear to all of us and always a problem. Iam sure that he will also bring us up todate with what is new at Headquarters GCSAA and their move into the new headquarters building, which is now under construction. Directions for those that have not been at Lakeshore Woods are as follows; Club is located 4 miles north of Oscoda on Cedar Lake Road. Take M-72 east to F-41. Turn right, go approximately 10 miles to King's Corner Road, go left 5 miles to Cedar Lake Road, go right to Club House. Coming north, get on U.S. 23 into Oscoda. Turn left at Burger King, go mile to the next light which is Cedar Lake Road, turn right. The Club House is 3^ miles on the left. Any problems, contact the Club at the above telephone number. COST: Package $17.00 which includes \ cart, lunch and golf prizes. We must notify Lakeshore Woods of the number to prepare lunch for so please act IMMEDIATELY on the enclosed postcard. 'k'k'k-k-it'k'k'k'k-k'k-k-k-k'k-k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k-k-k'k ****** * ******* ********************************* Our next meeting date will be August 22nd, Alpena Golf Club (not to be confused with Alpena C. C.). The club is located at 1135 Golf Course Road. This is north of Alpena on U. S. 23. Further details will be forthcoming in our next "Turf Times". ************************************************************************* "HOLE-IN-ONE" WINNER Steve Hammon, Ass't 13TH ANNUAL Superintendent at TURF BENEFIT Crystal Downs C.C. took home a new "CLUB DAY CAR" for this feat. It was his first ever and it happened at a lovely Michaywe Lake Course event. Monday, June 12th, 1989 NORTHERN MICHIGAN TURF MANAGERS ASSOCIATION 3733 APOLLO DRIVE • TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN 49684 • 616-943-8343 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BEHIND THE GREENS A Monthly Message From Your Board by Kimberly Olson Thomas Brogger President Well think it's finally going to be summer (though anything could happen between now and when this letter Pau, Holmes Vice President printed). The cold weather is behind us and warmer days are here to stay. Wow! What a chilly spring. It was a Jonathon Scott, CGCS Immediate Past President little rainy at Michawye for the annual Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Fund raiser but it didn't dampen our spirits Directors Kimberly Olson Jeffrey Holmes and a good time was had by all. I would like to say Wm. Brent Nelson Thomas Courtemanche "thank you" to those who participated and a special Damian Kurkowskl Charles Menefee, CGCS "thank" goes to Jim Sparling, Mike Husby, the Michawye James OIII, CGCS David Sapp Robert Stelnhurst, CGCS staff, and Charlie Menefee for making it all happen. At this time, I would also like to write to you about Past Presidents Ed Karcheskl those nasty caterpillars we are still seeing around. C. E. “Tuck” Tate, CGCS David Longfleld, CGCS If you didn't attend the April meeting at Sylvan then you missed Dr. Dave Smitley, MSU entomology professor's Executive Secretary Thomas Reed presentation on the different types, what they look like, 3733 Apollo Dr. Traverse City, M, 49684 and how damaging they can each be. Phone 616-943-8343 The following information should help you to easily identify Editor which ones you may have and then be able to share that C. E. "Tuck” Tate P.O. Drawer 472 information with your members and guests: Frankfort, Ml 49635 Phone 616-352-4398 EASTERN TENT CATERPILLAR -white and blue stripe down center of back -lives in a tent -feeds on leaves of ornamentals and wild cherry -covers entire state -red moth lays eggs on branches- looks like silver -spray foliage with Sevin or burn tent if worms still in it -these caterpillars should have already pupated (continued on page 3) 2 (continued from page 2, CATERPILLARS) FOREST TENT CATERPILLAR -white spots down center of back -don't live in tents -feeds practically everything ie. maples, oak, birch, elm -covers area from Traverse City, to Central Mich, and up to Mackinaw -occurs in about a 10 year cycle with larger numbers and activity for two years , then dropping back over the next eight. -this caterpillar will be pupating soon. GYPSY MOTH -black and hairy with 5 red spots and 5 pair of white spots running down it's back -feeds on oak, birch and aspen. But will move into red maple, if none of these trees are available -feeds at night, tehn climbs down trunk during the day -found in Midland, Clare and surrounding counties -males are able to fly while females have wings but don't -yellow eggs masses are found on underside oftree limbs -spray foliage with Sevin now -these caterpillars will be reaching peak defoliation in early July THINGS TO REMEMBER: -less than 30 percent defoliation probably won't hurt the tree -two years of full defoliation can kill the tree -water and fertilizer will help your trees come back from defoliation If you are interested in more information on caterpillars or other insects, an excellent reading source would be: "INSECTS THAT FEED ON TREES AND SHRUBS", written by Johnson & Lyon Cornell University Press. "INSECT, WEED AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT" for common turfgrass, Bulletin E2178 has just been published and is available at the Bulletin Office, MSC, $1.65 and written by MSU Professors. Also available, "LANDSCAPE Cat-alert" MSU professors get together once each week and discuss current problems and research. This information is printed and sent out. Robin Rosenbaum is in charge of it Room 11 AG Hall MSU E. Lansing, Mi. 48824 $15.00 and you get all back issues. ************************************************************************* MICHIGAN TURFGRASS BENEFIT DAY 227 persons participated in this grand event in spite of rainy weather. It was one grand affair, well managed by the golf committee and the personnel at Michawye Hills. Probably the highlight of the affair was a "Hole-In-One" by Steve Hammon, Ass't Superintendent of Crystal Downs. By so doing, Steve won .a Club Car golf cart with all the trimmings. We hope that this will be the beginning of many more to come however many golfers go through life without ever achieving one "Hole-In-One. 3 IMPROVEMENT OF PQA ANNUA AND PQA SUPINA FOR GOLF TORF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Dr. Donald B. White St. Paul, Minnesota Principal Investigator 1988 Research Grant: $30,000 (fifth year of support) New materials were added to the program from Alabama, California, Texas, Rhode Island, and Minnesota. Several tall seeded accessions were collected in Northern Minnesota. Severe drought and heat conditions resulted in identification of stress tolerant strains of Poa annua and Poa supina. Summer dormancy mechanisms were observed in several materials in the field. All these materials were collected, increased and established in a new field space planting. Replicated plantings of 8 selections were established at 18 golf courses located in 16 different states for evaluation. Progeny testing is being conducted for heritability for materials up to the 7th generation from when received. Seed dormancy of up to 3 months was found in some biotypes. Stolons of Poa annua and Poa supina maintained viability throughout 24 weeks of cold storage. Chlorophyll (green color) was maintained in the dark cold storage in Poa annua for 12 weeks. Poa annua was separable from Poa supina and pedigree relationships were distinguishable in sane crosses and seifs. Papers on stolon storage, electrophoresis, reproductive biology in poas, and chemical suppression of flowering to maintain pure stands were or will be presented at Society meetings. Experiments demonstrated that Poa annua and Poa supina are resistant to the grass herbicide Sethoxydin. The "floral pic" technique for isolation and control of crossing performed equally well whether the carbon sources were sucrose or fructose sugar. Approximately 1,000 matings and seed collections were accomplished with the floral pic technique and analysis of resulting data is underway. Analysis of data indicates that, with some biotype, more than twice as much seed is produced frcm sib crossing as with seifs or crosses. This information is extremely important to developing a seed production system. Divergence - Incongruity (Barriers to crossing and hybridization) were found. The phenomena were found in materials that were collected from wide geographic areas. For instance, materials frcm Arizona will not cross with materials frcm western Canada and materials from New York did not cross as well as local materials with Canadian materials. Twenty-seven different esterases* were found in 54 Poa annua biotypes while 23 were displayed by 10 Poa supina biotypes, the electrophoretic gels of the 64 biotypes displayed 46 different esterase patterns. In addition to maintaining the vitality of the project, the work for 1989 will focus on seed production evaluations and problems and field evaluation of selected materials. *Esterase — any of a group of enzymes by whose action the hydrolysis of esters is accelerated. Ester — an organic compound, comparable to an (Credit: USGA Researc inorganic salt, formed by the reaction of an Summary 1988) acid and an alcohol. LOOKING FOR POA ANNUA THIS SUMMER Section 1 of I e at bI óhovv.nj median <*••-»«» io by HOWARD E. KAERWER trano rrù tt«4 ligHt DONALD B. WHITE Poa annua Bentgrass Because of close mowing, individual plants on greens may be a bit difficult to recognize. Often we do so based 4) LEAF COLOR. POA ANNUA leaves range from light on the belief that Poa annua plants are of a lighter green green to dark green. BENTGRASS leaves generally color than are bentgrass plants. This is not always true. are rather dark green. Through closer observation you may find Poa annua plants which are at least as dark as bentgrass. While the 5) LEAF SHININESS. POA ANNUA leaves are somewhat miscellaneous Poa annua population tends to bloom over shiny. BENTGRASS leaves tend to be somewhat an extended time period, some plants may bloom once duller in appearance and you may notice a "dusty" or not at all. Many plants are not distinguishable from look to the top side of the leaf. their neighbors and look similar. Some plants may be identifiable for only a few days or weeks. Others may be 6) STOLENS. Stolens are unlikely on POA ANNUA recognizable throughout the season. plants growing at greens mowing heights. Spreading occurs through short, near the surface connections A short description of those characteristics which will which soon rot off leaving each crown as a separate help you distinguish Poa annua from bentgrass growing plant throughout most of the year. BENTGRASS on greens is covered below: plants will usually sprout stolens and spread by this means across the surface of a green. 1) LEAF TIP. POA ANNUA leaves have blunt (boat shaped) tips. BENTGRASS leaf tips are tapered and 7) TILLERS PER CROWN. From late spring throughout sharply pointed. summer, POA ANNUA plants appear as groups of similar independent tillers growing together in a rela­ tively roundish configuration. During early spring and fall you may find two or more crowns still connected b O A't - -5 H A pe d together. However, the connections soon rot off leav­ ing each crowns and tiller independent of the others. Poa annua Bentgrass Some plants spread more rapidly than do others but not as rapidly as do bent plants. BENTGRASS plants 2) TOP SIDE OF BLADE AND LEAF SHEATH. Young usually will have several tillers growing from a single POA ANNUA leaves will be folded and V-shaped. The crown throughout the year. upper leaf sheaths will also be folded and flattish in appearance and feel. BENTGRASS leaves are not 8) SEED HEADS. POA ANNUA plants may or may not folded. The emerging young leaves and the upper have seed heads showing. Many plants bloom most sheath will be rolled and round. After emergence from of the spring and into the summer. Others produce the sheath, the blades are flat. seed heads for a short time and may bloom only once during the season. A few will not send up seed heads when mowed at greens heights. BENTGRASS does not produce seed heads on greens. Folded Poa annua Bentgrass 3) VEINATION-TOP OF LEAVES. POA ANNUA has one prominent midrib running up the center of the leaves. Side veins are not easily distinguished. When held to light you may be able to see a translucent light-line running either side of the midrib. BENTGRASS leaves OBTAINED A do not have a noticeable central midrib. Instead you should be able to spot multiple ridges (veins) running NEW MEMBER? lengthwise uniformly across the width of the leaves. 7 , IDENTIFY AND CONTROL POISON IVY Poison ivy has been particularly vigorous and through. As the vines grow through hedges or shrubs, use widespread this season; it is well-adapted to many long-handled pruning shears to cut the plants off at ground locations. Each poison ivy leaf is composed of three richly level. When new growth appears beneath the desirable green, glossy leaflets. The tips of the leaflets are usually plants, it can be treated without harming other foliage. pointed, and their margins are often coarsley toothed. Herbicides kill poison ivy best when applied to leaves that have just reached full size. Old, well-established poison Where poison ivy can climb trees, fence posts or other ivy may require repeated treatment. structures it becomes a vigourus vine. Where there is no support, it sprawls to become a ground cover; in some Credit: University of Missouri conditions, it becomes woody and shrubby. In this form Cooperative Extension Service it is sometimes called poison oak, although poison oak is a different, but closely related plant. Poison ivy usually has smooth white berries; poison oak has slightly hairy white berries with small, warty projections on them. Poison ivy and poison oak are sometimes confused with ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT a shrubby trifoliate wild plant known as fragrant sumac. One of the easiest ways to tell poison ivy and fragrant WANTED BY sumac apart is to crush a leaf; fragrant sumac is quite aromatic and poison ivy has no distinctive odor. Be sure Michael Giuffre, Phone Only to wear gloves when performing this test. 313/441-2182 TPC Dearborn Poison ivy plants are difficult to kill. Cutting off existing plants will not provide control because poison ivy develops Call Only 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM extensive underground runners. For this reason, digging will not work. Herbicides, such as amitrole and 2,4-D are the best solution, but ones designed to kill poison ivy will also kill the plants that poison ivy grows around and The annual GCSAA conven­ by virtually every supplier in the busi­ tion is the biggest show on earth for ness. And it’s a learning experience, golf course management professionals. too, with sessions and presentations It’s your chance to meet your by leading industry specialists, peers from all over the world, exchange progressive fellow superintendents views, make invaluable contacts and discover what’s new in techniques, and outstanding university researchers. JïFj equipment, products and theory. Once a year it’s the one place It’s the largest trade show in to be for anybody who cares about WE KEEP GOLF GREEN. golf course management, with booths keeping golf green. 913-841-2240 8 '■"'ll your postcard, NOW