PROCEEDINGS of tho THIRD ANNUAL TURF CONFERENCE hold on tho campus of tho STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON March 29 and 30, 1950 Foreword The 1950 Turf Conference was the third held at the State College of Washington» 3he first one was held during M a y , at the suggestion of four greenkeepers of golf courses - Wilfred Brusseau, John Harrison, Glenn Proctor, and Louis Schmidt» These men came to the College and told of the need of greenkeepers for information in developing and maintaining better turf» Following the pattern set b y the earlier conferences, the 1950 conference dealt with such topics as soils, irrigation, w e e d s , insect control, turf diseases, equipment, the care of trees, and laying out of golf courses» Featured speaker was Dr» ft» 0* Mott, Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University, and Secretary of the midwest Regional ffurf Fbundation» The program was planned particularly for golf course greenkeepers, superintendents of parks, and cemetery superintendents, but also for others interested in turf improvement® The conference was regional and people attended from Oregon, Montana, Yiyoming, Idaho, British Columbia, and Washington» Steps were taken to organize the Northwest Turf Association and the following Directors were elected* f E . P» Townsend, Edward Fluter, H» T» Abbott, Phil Page, Mavor S# Boyd, James 0 B r i a n , Glen Proctor, Milton Bauman, E . G . Schafer (Honorary), and Everett Potts» Many persons wanted the proceedings of the conference published so that the information would be available for reference» It has been impossible to get all of the talks and discussions that occurred, so this report is less complete than desired» Table of Contents Attendance 1 Maintenance of Power Equipment Used in Turf Management • « • W.# H* Johnson 3 I/hat A Golf Player Expects in Turf Conditioning, Roy Moe 7 Irrigation Practices • Aldert Molonaar Soil Structure, Aeration and Drainage t 9 G* 0 . Mott Soil Alkali on Turf Areas. 12 « • . 17 L . C . Wheeting Selection, Transplanting and Care of Trees for Golf Courses» Uillard Summers 20 Insect Control in Turf • H# C* Manis 25 John Harrison 20 Using Iron Sulphate as Weed Killer Control of Certain Turf Weeds with Chemicals • Lambert C# Erickson 3° Park Improvement through Bettor Turf P» M* Masters on 33 Old and Now Grasses for Turf Use in the Northwest• # • * » • J# L« Schwondiman 37 Notes 39 t .. Attendance list of the Third Annual Turf Conference held at the State College of Washington, March 29 and 30, 1$^50. Name Harold T . Abbott G. A . Amsbury F* M» Aueho C . A . Baker Milton Bauman Norris Beardsley Pat Bearss B* Bertrams on Mavor S , Boyd ltfb C . Brusseau W . K . Buckley Fred Calhoun Earl Carlson Henry G , Chambers Ray Coleman C* A. Cooley Robert Dickey Don Douglas Lambert C . Erickson Clifford Everhart Henry Fiske Bdward Fluter Maynard S» Grunder Arthur R» Gurkette John Harrison L . R» Hart C . S . Holton Joe Johnston !/• H* Johnson Sarfield Keane Ernest G* Kletz A . Vu Lange A l Law Thomas S . M* Lease Joe Leonard Vernon Macan Hubert C . Manis P» M# Masterson Frank G. Matthews Harold A* McMiller H . M . Mitchell Roy Moe Aldert Molenaar Bert Niles J . 0*Brian R* Olson Address Spokane, Washington Spokane, Washington Burquillam, B . C• Bremerton, Washington Kellogg, Idaho fpokane, Washington Billings, Montna Pullman, Washington Billings, Montana Spokane, Washington Colville, Washington Leavenworth, Washington Tacoma, Washington Spokane, Washington Maple Valley, Washington Spokane, Washington Helena, Montana Pullman, Washington Moscow, Idaho Spokane, Washington Helena, Montana Portland, Oregon Puyallup, Washington Seattle, Washington Hayden Lake, Idaho Leavenworth, Washington Pullman, Washington Pullman, Washington Pullman, Washington He1ena, Montana LaGrande, Oregon Spokane, Washington Pullman, Washington Great Falls, Montana Lev/is t o n , Idaho Victoria, B # C# Moscow, Idaho 1103 W . 5 k , Seattle, Washington Spokane, Washington Cheney, Washington H e l e n a , Montana Spokane, Washington Pullman, Washington Seattle, Washington No» Vancouver, Washington Bremerton, Washington Na rue Phil Page Evart R . Potts Glen Proctor Lov/ell C . Rasmus sen hm B . Reynold E . G . Schafer Louis Schmidt John L# Schwendiman C . Smith Loyd R . Storlie Charles L« Stover H# Strahl Willard S . Summers 0# P . i'ownsend Joe Virant Rolland Wade L# C* liheeting Sam Zook Address Spokane, Washington Sheridan, Wyoming Seattle, Washington Pullman, "Washington Sheridan, Wyoming Pullman, Washington Spokane, Washington Pullman, Washington Victoria, B# C . Spokane, Washington Seattle, "Washington Seattle, Washington Pullman, 1/ashing ton Gresham, Oregon Butte, Montana Walla W a l l a , Washington Pullman, Washington Pendleton, Oregon 3. MAINTENANCE OF POWER EQUIPMENT USED IN TURF MANAGEMENT W . H . Johnson, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering, The State College of Washington A question frequently asked by farmers is "How can I make m y tractors and machinery last longer?" Long life of equipment and power units is, of course, not the only important factor in a mechanized operation. Life of equipment certainly affects c o s t s . But other factors similarly are related to money spent or money saved in such operations. Other fixed costs would include taxes, housing, insurance, and interest on investment« Operational costs for power equipment would include fuel, repairs, and lubrication. Of these costs, the four generally comprising the greatest part of the t o t a l — d e p r e c i a t i o n , fual, repairs, and l u b r i c a t i o n — are all affected substantially by maintenacne. Although proper operation of equipment depends upon well trained, competent personnel, it has boon conclu» sively proved that well planned, detailed maintenance chocks w i l l assist personnel in doing a better job of keeping equipment on the line and ready for the j o b , and w i l l avoid costly time-consuming breakdowns* A detailed maintenance check sheet is good insurance against letting things slide, waiting until tomorrow a n d — i n the long r u n — s p e n d i n g money on repairs that shouldn*t havo had to be m a d e . An example of such a check sheet will be found in the instruction manual that should bo kept with each piece of equipment. Lot me elaborate on this 10 hour interval chock. I have heard the air cleaner called the "Achilles Heel" of an engine, fhis is a very good description, The internal combustion engine uses 90 per cent air and only 10 per cent fuel. This means, in the case of an ordinary four cylinder tractor using 1,000 gallons of fuel a year, nearly U5 tons of air would be drawn into the cylinders. For each gallon of fuel an engine uses, 9*000 gallons of air are u s e d . Since present day engines employ tolerances in thousandths of an inch, there will be severe and rapid wear if air cleaners are not functioning properly. Tests have shown that engines that can be expected to provido 3,000 hours of sorvico with air clcanor protection can bo ruined in as short a time as 15 hours in v e r y dusty conditions. The crankcaso of an engine needs to breath just as you and I. The move* ment of the pistons in an engine constantly displaces air. A plugged breather cap will intorfere with this pulsating of air in the crankcase and may result in back pressures which can cause failures of oil seals. On some engines, oil fumes from the crankcaso may find their w a y to parts of the ignition systom and cause failures. Crnnkcaso oil level should also bo chocked at the 10-hour interval, if the engine is using oil, check at a more frequent interval. For a specific tractor or power unit, tho instruction book may indicato other itans to bo checked at this interval, Lubrication fittings on machines may have oven more frequent intervals recommended and should certainly not be overlooked in a daily inspection of equipment, Often the compromise betweon the designer w h o may w a n t the best in lifetime sealed bearings, and the sales department of a manufacturer who must sell the product in open competition, will result in bearings which requiro more frequent servicing for touble-free performance* Using the same illuBtration, a tractor engine; a 120-hour check might be as follows: 1* Water pump inspected for leaks* If necessary tighten or replace« 2* Fan bolt c h o c k e d — p a r t i c u l a r l y if overheating has boon noticed* 3* Brakes i n s p e c t e d — t o o often not checked periodically, especially on units which have sovoral operators» ¿4.* Sodiment bowl cleaned, if necessary» 5* Change oil* Recommendations of manufacturers should bo followed, however, if a different schedule is indicated* But be regular unless a fixed schedule or interval system is u s e d — e r r o r s may be made either in roplacing perfectly good oil or in allowing oil to be operatod too long and not remain as offoctive a lubricant as it should bo* 6* Oil filters cleaned, so tho oil pump will supply enough lubricant to the bearings, 7* Tires need frequent and regular inspection. Correct inflation pressure affects tire wear very markedly. Grease or oil are also enemies of tiros. They destroy rubber. Chemicals used for weed control or fertilizers may be injurious to rubber tires and should be washed off promptly, 8* Battery chocked for water level* Refill with distilled water if low, 9 - 1 0 . Both the transmission and the final drive are very apt to be overlooked in ordinary operation if a maintenance check chart is not used* In addition to the 10- and 120-hour maintenance checks, a 2l;0-hour check should also bo m a d e . These items might be inspectod at this intervals 5. 1. Cylinder compression» This w i l l indicato any noed for major repairs on pistons and valves. 2. Spark plugs. Cleaned, carefully inspected, and the clearance sot. Automotive engineers say an inefficient spark plug-~one not providing a clean, uniform spark for the proper d u r a t i o n — c a n waste as much as 1 gallon of fuol in 10. 3» Radiator flushed» U. Breaker points. Cleaned if necessary. 5. Ignition cable. If badly w o r n , replace i t . 6. Front wheel bearings repacked. 7. Clearance of the valve tappets* 8. Fuel strainer in the carburetor and in the fuel pump cleaned» 9« The air cleaner screen. If d i r t y , clean i t . This type of periodic checkup will go a long w a y toward preventing trouble. All of these operations suggested for an engine are relatively simple operations.and are jobs which would take very little time. But to put such a plan into practice, you need accurate information on hours of operation of equipment. These same principles of preventative maintenance can be applied to machinery. If several operators used the same machine, for example, the relatively small amount of time spent to prepare a d a i l y , w o o k l y , and possibly monthly, maintenance check list should pay off big dividends in lowered repair c o s t s . Make check lists for equipment by uxam.i»ing the instruction manual provided with the machine. Both power units and machinery have one other characteristic in common® This is an annual cycle of u s e . It includos some prolonged interval during the year when the equipment is not used. Good storage for equipment when it is idle is a wise investment. If stored machinery must be exposed to moisture, investigate the use of commercial rust proof compounds. Such materials are now available in grades suited to outside use or for application to machinery undor c o v e r . Some of these compounds need to be brushed on. Othors may be sprayed on w i t h an ordinary insect spray g u n . Equipment having sharp cutting edges such as some types of harrows, discs, and reciprocating or cylinder type mowing machines should have wearing edges protected. They then w i l l remain sharp and ready to use» Fertilizer distributing machinery is also subjoct to rust and corrodation. Those preventive moasures will give excellent protection« M "How can I make m y t r a c t O and equipment last longor? Pour things. First, scheduled maintenance of all power units and oquipmont. Second,1 employment of careful, skilled operators. T h i r d , follow manufacturers recommendation for service. Know the instruction book for your equipment. Fourth, careful storage and protection of equipment during the idle part of the year. VJHAT A GOLFER EXPECTS IN COURSE CONDITIONING Roy M o o , Golf Professional Spokano Country Club Tho groonskeopors and tho golf professionals both want to help the golf or enjoy his game. Youi* interest is in the conditioning of the course« Lot me assure you that it helps the professional untold measures w h e n tho course is carefully groomed» A golfor who is upsot because of the course w i l l not be able to play his regular game» The golfer who starts out to play golf on tho first too expects an ordorly too not cluttered with rubbish» Provide a suitable receptacle conveniently located for disposing of candy wrappers, ball wrappers, etc» He also expects a bucket of clqar water w i t h a cloan towel to wash golf balls and a sturdy painted bench to sit on while waiting to tee off» Lino too markers up for tho placement of tho drive» This is very important and should bo carefully done» Markers should be moved every day to reduce wear spots on tho teo» Every too should havo a sign stating tho number of the hole, yardage, and par if possible» Teos should be even and firm under foot» This is a big holp in hitting the toe shots far and straight» The grass on the toes should not be too long» Otherwiso, it interferes with control of the too shot» Tho player may sky his tee shots or, if tho grass gets between tho ball and the club faco, the shot may go astray» The golfor expects tho fairways to b e green and have as few woods as possible» Have grass that leaves the ball sotting up» A ball that nestles in grass will slido off the club faco and give the player trouble in control* ling tho shot» Sink holos should be leveled off so that the ball can bo hit squarely» Tho course should be watered at night or early morning so as not to interfore with play» Tho golfor expects tho rough to be short enough. Long rough makes the ball too hard to find and ^l.lows up play» Trim branches of trees overhanging near tho ground and remove dead branches» Tho golfer expects tho traps to have plenty of fine sand» bo raked and tho banks trimmed» Thoy should Tho golfer expects a green to have a free putting surface» This enables him to stroke the ball» A heavy matted surface makes it difficult to hold the line and to judge the distance» A grainy green is the worst bugaboo of tho golfor» The green must be soft onough to hold a shot, because tho golfer prides himself in boing able to put stop on tho ball when it hits the green» However, it should not be so soft that golfers leave footprints on the green aftor putting» 8. Have the cups-in a fair place for putting» Koop thorn from knolls or v 0 oxtrome slopes« ^ n them often» That w i l l koep the putting surface truer« Tho golfer expects the aprons to the greens to bo fairly level and to be cut a little shorter than the fairways. Thon ho knows his ball is not going to hit an unsoen bump or heavy bunch of grass« In closing, f it is a good idea for the greenkoepor to play golf and thus loarn tho golfer s problems firsthand» IRRIGATION PRACTICES Aldort Molenaar, Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering The State College of Washington Irrigation is the artificial application of water to soils whenever rainfall becomes insufficient to meet the full moisture requirements of the growing plants. Effective irrigation depends on an understanding, or at least an appreciation, of fundamental soil, moisturo, and plant relationships. Soil plays a very important part in irrigation. Evory capacity to retain moisturo, but some w i l l retain more than texture mainly determines how much wator can be stored in a refers to the various-sized particles making up a soil. It for classifying soil as a sandy, silty, or clay soil. soil has a others. Soil s o i l . Texture servos as a basis In a broad senso, the moisture occurrring in a soil may be classified in relation to plant growth as unavailable, available, or excoss. From the standpoint of the soil itself, moisture occurs in the following forms: Hygroscopic W a t e r . Moisturo hold so closely and w i t h such great force by the soil particles that it is entirely unavailable to the plants.. Capillary Water« Moisturo hold in thin films around the soil grains and in wodges botweon the grains. Most of this is water available to plants. Capillary wator cannot bo removed b y drainago. It loaves the soil by evaporation from near the surfaco and as moisture used by the growing plants. Gravitational W a t e r . Water in the soil in excoss of maximum capillary capacity. It is free to move through tho soil pores by gravity. In well-drained soils, this wator usually moves too rapidly to be considered a soil moisturo property. Wheno^or moisturo is applied to a soil, either as rainfall or as irrigation w a t o r , it tends to sink into the soil due to the combined forces of gravity and capillarity. Tho capillary capacity of tho surface layer is quickly reached. Additional wator applied penctratos doepor into the soil and brings tho moisture content of successive layors up to capillary capacity. Tho most moisture a soil will hold against the !t 11 force of gravity is tho maximum capillary capacity of fiold capacity. Plants growing on a soil will remove most of tho capillary w a t e r . Yihen plants wilt permanently, the available moisturo has been used u p . Tho porcontage of moisturo remaining in the soil whon wilting occurs is called tho permanent wilting percentage of the soil. B o t h field capacity and permanent wilting percentage v a r y in different s o i l s . In c o a r s o , sandy soils they are b o t h lowor than in tho finer-toxtured silt and cl&y l o a m s . Generally, the available rango is considerably greater in soils of fine t e x t u r e . In the irrigation of well-drained soils, the capillary or available water is of major c o n c e r n . The amount of this water held in a unit depth of soil depends on the texturo of tho soil* Total useful storage capacity in any particular soil, however, depends on the depth of the rootzone of the c r o p . Turf is shallow-rooted. The major concentration of tho roots probably occurs in the top i|. or 6 inchos of the s o i l . The problem, therefore, ie to keep these roots supplied w i t h m o i s t u r e . This calls for froquont irrigation in tho summer m o n t h s . Somo authorities suggost that a g o o d , hoalthy turf requires 1 inch of water applied once a w e e k . T h e y suggost that the rate of water application to turf should not oxcoed l/b inch per h o u r . If applied faster, run-off m a y occur. The 1 inch of wator requirod per w e o k c a n fall in the form of r a i n , or it can bo applied mechanically b y sprinkling. Tho capacity of tho sprinkler system must be ample to supply sufficient wator w i t h o u t r a i n . One inch of water 1 acre is tho equivalent of 27,150 gallons. Moro and more interest is being shown in irrigation of fairways. The average 18-holo golf courso has fourteen fairways, averaging 300 yards long and about 6 0 feet w i d e — a p p r o x i m a t e l y 52 acres of f a i r w a y . (Usually there are no fairways on the four shorter holes.) One inch of wator of 52 acres will require approximately 1,1+159 0 0 0 gallons of wator w e e k l y . The usual practice is to do the sprinkling in a little over 7 hours per n i g h t , 7 days a w e e k . If a sprinkler system were operated 50 hours per w e o k (3,000 m i n u t e s ) , tho pumping rate would need to bo 1+72 gallons per m i n u t e . It is apparent that an average golf course m a y require a pump v/ith a capacity of about 500 gallons per minute for fairway w a t e r i n g . A flat course w i l l require 100 to 115 pounds per square inch pressure(230 to 266 feet) at tho p u m p . A hilly course m a y require as much as 180 pounds (l+lU feet) of pump pressure. Single stage centrifugal pumps can be used for heads up to 300 f e e t . higher h e a d s , it is desirable to go to multistage p u m p s . For Tho cost of a complete fairway irrigation system m a y run somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000, depending on quantity of pipe and fittings needed and the size and type of pumping plant requirod. Cost of operating an irrigation system for golf courses varies considera b l y . A survey of clubs in the Chicago area showed that it was costing them from $2,000 to §3J°00 a year forfairway sprinkling. The equipment and facilities needed for the irrigation of fairways, parks, airports, and cemeteries usually include a buried pipe distribution system. The w a y turf in those public areas is used generally precludes the use of portable surface pipe such as that often used in the irrigation of pastures and farm c r o p s . A permanently installed system requires much more pipe than the portable installation, and is therefore much more expensive to put i n . Once installed, however, the labor requirements for operating the permanent system are much loss. SOIL STRUCTURE, AERATION, AND DRAINAGE G . O . M o t t , Professor of Agronomy Purdue University First of all, let us discuss the requirements for healthy grass. A continuous supply of oxygen has to be provided for most grass roots of our turf areas in order to maintain a healthy t u r f . A water-logged s o i l — c o n taining more water than needed for the best growth of grass r o o t s — u s u a l l y means that the oxygen supply in the soil will become critically deficient for the growth of grass r o o t s . These waterlogged soils may be due to poor construction of the turf a r e a , non-functioning t i l e , or to a water table which is too close to the surface of the soil. Many of the difficulties encountered today by the turf superintendent can be traced to poor aeration and a lack of adequate drainage. Turf grasses short on oxygen for a long period of time are unhealthy. This leads to diseased turf and many other difficulties. Algao are found growing on many turf areas. The growth of this green scum on our soils is frequently caused by waterlogged •onditions. Alga© do not grow on soils which are well drained and which absorb water readily. On putting greens which are mowed frequently and whore many of us make daily application of irrigation water, tho surface soils are kept constantly above their "field c a p a c i t y " — t h e most moisture neodod for tho growth of grass roots. The microorganisms--bacteria, the fungi, and the m o l d — a r e frequently inhibited in their growth by an excess of w a t e r . And perhaps the growth of microorganisms producing toxic substances in the soil w i l l be encouraged by an oxygen deficiency. In other w o r d s , it is highly essential to maintain a healthy well-aerated soil, not only to assure healthy growth of the grass but also to have a healthy condition for the growth of tho proper microorganisms in tho soil. As all of you know, the grass plant depends on a continual supply of plant nutrients. Somo of these are released from the soil complex by microorganisms. For example, there are certain microorganisms that convert ammonia and complex nitrogen compounds to nitrates available to the grass plants. Under certain waterlogged conditions, we actually m a y get a reversal of this process. Then the nitrates ordinarily prosent in a well-aerated soil are converted to other nitrogenous compounds, which may be unavailable or actually toxic to the grass plants. A high concentration of nitrites may actually be one of the main causes of sunscald and may be very injurious to some turf grasses. f Another effect of insufficient oxygen was discovered in D r . Hoagland s laboratory a number of years ago at the University of California. He found that potash was not readily absorbed by plants whore there was a deficiency of oxygen, even though enough potash was available in the soil solution. In the Middle W e s t , we have found sovcral instances whore grasses on putting greens, for example, lacked potash even though there was plenty in the soil* The soils wore badly waterlogged and wore not able to absorb the potash from the soil solution® Spraying on a very weak solution of muriate of potash helped some of these cases® Apparently the plants were able to absorb some of this potash through the leaves or through the surface feeding roots. This, of course, is just a temporary w a y of taking care of the situation. A permanent solution would be to provide better aeration so that the potash available in the soil becomes more readily available to the plants. The reasons for poor aeration are m a n y , A few are* The use of heavy clay soils in the original construction of a putting green or the use of a top dressing high in clay content frequently results in an impervious layer of soil. Thus leads to the development of a water table that w i l l prevent proper aeration and drainage of the soil. This condition prevails here in tho Northw e s t , A compacted zone of soil on the surface has boon known to prevent tho absorption of w a t e r , even under high rainfall conditions. This makos it extremely difficult to maintain turf because of a very shallow root system development. Here wo may find tho thin layer of surface soil waterlogged* A short time later, it may be entirely too dry for tho growth of the grasses* This is a condition that frequently prevails on putting greens where we have the so-called "dry spots," This is very puzzling to many greonkeepers, because these areas are dry in spite of tho heavy watering or heavy rainfall. Another frequent situation on turf areas, and one less w o l l understood, is the presence of a layer of various porous materials such as sand, gravel, cinders, or other similar materials within a few inches of tho surface. Most of us have been led to believe that a layer of porous material.aids drainage of our soils on turf areas. This may or may not be the c a s e . All of you who are familiar w i t h tho maintenance of turf on golf courses are very familiar with tho building up of a soil profile through annual applications of top dressing. No doubt you have seen numerous cases where layers of sand, clay, and other materials are built up very close to the surface of your putting greens* In some cases, theso layers are as much as l/2 to 1 inch thick* What happons to such greens? If two sponges are saturated with water and allowed to drain suspended on a ringstand until no more water drips from them, then w o would say in soil terms they were at their maxiumum water holding capacity. They aro saturated w i t h w a t e r . Now if you place one of these sponges on top of the other so that they just touch each other, water begins to drip from the bottom of the lower one* Yíhy does this happen? The same forces of nature are acting upon these water-saturated sponges as previously® Yes, tho forces are the same except now with one sponge above the other wo have water columns, or capillaries, extending up through both sponges« Now these columns are twice as long« Just as a long piece of string is heavier than a short piece, so are these long capillaries heavier» Tho sponges cannot hold tho water in those longer columns and i't runs out the bottom, thereby reducing the water content of tho upper sponge» In the same w a y a continuous column of water in tho soil to a depth of 1 foot will draw down the water content of the surface 6 inches of soil to a greater extent than if thero wore only tho 6 inchos of soil thoro with a sand layer directly underneath it» This bettor drainage effected by a longer water column or deeper soil may be just enough to provide tho additional bit of aeration that is so vital to the successful root development of your turf» The thing wo must remember is that a layer of s a n d , gravel or other coarse matorial carrios off only tho gravitational water which will run through and not bo held by tho surface soil» The water will movo neither downward nor upward by capillary action through the soil profile broken b y a layer of coarse material» It is possible to have 1 or more inches of good top soil on a putting green almost continuously waterlogged because a sand layer is closo to tho surface» Tho only water going into the sand layer is that in excess of tho maximum waterholding capacity of tho surface» (For good root growth, the wot soil should drain quickly to its field capacity, thereby providing adequate aeration») Where the coarse material is to be found close to the surface, you will find tho root zono of the grasses to be entirely in the surface soil. There will be no deep penotration of tho roots through a waterlogged zone, and the grasses will be entirely dependent upon the top most soil for their supply of moisture. This is one of tho underlying causes of sunscald and the so-called dry spots that occur frequently on putting greens» Coarse materials such as sand or gravel do have a place in the construction of turf areas» But layors of those materials should be a t a sufficient dopth so as not to intercept the capillary pull in the surface 12 to 18 inches» Porous materials are oxtremely valuable around the tile drainage system, because they afford a collecting fcatain for tho water to enter into the tile, This means, therefore, that the coarse material should bo used for back filling a tile, but should not come closer to the surface of the soil than 12 to 15 inches» The remainder of the b a c k fill should be good soil of the type which has adequate drainage characteristics. This soil also should maintain a plentiful supply of oxygen for tho best root growth» A tile drain .go system carries off only the gravitational water, or that water which is in excess of the soils water-holding capacity. It is therefore highly essentail to maintain an active drainage system and one w h i c h m l l take cai*e of tho excess v/ater» Otherwise, the water w i l l roplace the air supply in the s o i l . Tile properly spaced and installed can bo very effective in providing for proper aeration of tho surface» If, on tho othor hand, an impervious layor or a layor of coarse material has been allowed to develop in a turf soil, then water may never reach the tile or the tile w i l l bo ineffective in f reducing the moisture content of the surface to its optimum level. It d o e s n t make much difference just how good the surface soil may be if the water column is broken. The free water or the gravitational water does not ha-ge an opportunity to get to the tile drainage system or s-omo other natural drainage. I have boon on putting greens during the rainy season in the Middle West where excellent tile drainage systems were not carrying any w a t e r , merely because of faulty conditions above the t i l e . If your course is dependent upon a tile drainage system, I would suggest that you make certain that these drains are functioning properly in removing tho excess w a t e r . Otherwise you may have developed a condition in tho surface of your putting green which prevents tho water from reaching tho tile. The logical question follows, "How can tho situation be remedied whore you havo some of the conditions that I have just mentioned?" The "spikor" and other similar tools havo been used in the past w i t h varying degrees of success. A more recent piece of equipment is the "aerifier," which w i l l remove rapidly cores of soil to a dopth of 5 to 6 inches. This equipment also cultivates soil beneath the turf and provides butter aeration than is obtained with the spiker. The removal of plugs or cores of soil permits air to enter the soil and also frequently permits more rapid absorption of water and plant material. On putting greens, whore top dressing is necessary, use a top dressing with a moderatoly high sand content to permit continued access of air into the soil. If the layers developed by repeated top dressings over a period of years are not moro than 5 or 6 inches deep, then tho aerifior is a valuable tool for providing aeration and moro adequate drainage. Tihere tho layering of soil is more than 5 or 6 inches deep,, more drastic measures are needed. It may bo nocessary to remove the turf in as thin a layer as possible and then to mix thoroughly tho layers resulting from the prior top dressings before re-laying tho sod. Depending upon the material prosont in the layers of top dressing, it may or may not bo necessary to add any other soil amendment, such as sand, poat or other materials. It is very important, however, that tho resulting mixture should have adequate drainage characteristics assuring an adequate air supply to tho grasses. During this overhauling is an excellent time to m'x into tho soil any hoavy fertilizer treatments that may be dosirahle to oncourago vigorous growth of tho grass. Our efforts to overcome the conditions which we have described here have not been completely successful from tho standpoint of a cut and dried method of improvement. Each area has its own soil and moisture conditions, its own maintenance practices, a n d — t h e human element being what it i s — i t s particular corroctive measures. Examine your soils moro critically with regard to the drainage and aoration factor. You w i l l be able to solve some of these problems in a moro intelligent manner by considering the aeration and moisturh requirements of your turf. Remember that a deep-rooted turf usually moans a healthy turf» A deep-rooted turf cannot bo developed except whore tho soil conditions are optimum from tho standpoint of soil structure, aoration, plant food, and all tho other factors which make for a healthy soil. Many thousands of dollars in maintenance can be saved through decreased costs of fertilizer, chemical disease control, and top dressings if you will give adequate attention to those soil conditions. Improve your soil conditions, and you will improve your playing conditions, Y/hich are tho prime requisites of our club player. Ho pays the bill, give him tho best for his m o n e y . SOIL ALKALI ON TURF AREAS L* C . l//heoting, Research Professor of Soils The State College of Washington "Alkali soils" is an old expression used to dosignato soil which had become less productive because it contains too much salt« In modern language, we use "saline" and "alkali" to express the soil conditions in a more precise w a y . Salino soils are the ones containing an excess of salts. Alkali soils are those with a harmful amount of sodium in the clay complex. Alkali soils may also have excessive amounts of salt, ^hon they aro called saline-alkali soils. Sometimes even acid-alkali soils m a y occur, though rarely. Soils may bo alkaline in reaction without being eithor salino or alkali soils. Plant symptoms indicating a possible alkali condition are* browning and ofton death of the tissue at the loaf tips; a slow growth of distorted character and, in severe cases, complete killing of the p l a n t s — e s p e c i a l l y during the hotter, drier periods of the y e a r . These symptoms are sometimes mistaken for a disease of some k i n d . Usually examinations of the locality will show that seepage v/ater or clogged drains has encouraged the accumulation of salty materials at the footslopos of hills immediately below irrigation ditches or in the low spots in the fairways and greens. Poorly drained areas aro likely to accumulate salts. Sometimes the accumulation is encouraged by not watering such areas, sinco they aro thought to be wot enough at all times anyway. In regions of the Northwest with a low annual rainfall, there is a greater possibility of salt accumulation when irrigation is started than is the case in the more moist coastal areas. Alkali and saline soils tend to limit the species of plant that will grow. Their presence can be taken as an indication of unfavorable conditions. V/hore do Alkali Salts Come From? The major part of a soil consists of minerals and rocks in various sizes and stagos of d e c a y . Most of it is silica, the chief constituent of window g l a s s . Attached to the silica are the basic substances such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, together with variable amounts of aluminum and iron. The mineral part of a soil can be expressed in a formula as followst ¿ C a • Mg • K • Na # Fe • Al • (SiO V/hen organic remains of the plants growing on the soil begin to decay, acid compounds such as carbonic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and even hydrochloric acid aro produced. M 0 r e o v o r , sulphuric acid and nitric acid may come to tho soil as a result of the rainwater dissolving gases frori the atmosphero. In any event, the soil minerals are attacked by these acid compounds and tho bases dissolve to form salts« In this w a y Ca may join with carbonic acid and make CaCOj (limestone)» Calcium w i l l also combine with sulphuric acid to make CaCOj^ (gypsum)» Similarly, Ca(NO^)s and CaClg may bo formed» This process occurs with each of the other bases and a series of magnesium salts and of potash and sodium salts is produced» This process is called weathering and takes placo naturally and constantly in all mineral soils» Under sufficient rainfall (plus snowfall), these salts disappear from the soil in the drainage waters and eventually reach tho sea to make it salty» Under low precipitation, however, the salty products of weathering may not bo removed from the soil profile» Or they m a y be transported over short distances to low ground where they accumulate» This is how alkali soils are produced» Usually, the amount of salt in a soil under arid conditions is small enough to permit plant growth, because the weathering activity is low when the soil is dry and seldom results in em accumulation of salt within the profile that will make the soil unproductive. To develop a saline soil that is unproductive, it generally takes some process of gathering together in one place of tho salts produced in a considerable volume of soil. Seepage waters carry the salts into low pockets and foot slopes whore tho water evaporates and leaves the saline material» Thus, poor drainage contributes to the development of salty soils» TJhat are Excessive Amounts? Several workers have set up limits to separate saline and non-saline soils. A common figure much quoted is 0.2 per c e n t . Crops vary greatly in their resistance to salt concentration and any one value is not always satisfactory. Tho present standard for an alkali soil is when moro than 15 per cent of the clay bases is sodium. The reason sodium is so important is that it destroys the good physical properties of soils. Potassium acts in a similar w a y . The U . S , Salinity Laboratory has published a chart showing the relationship between salt concentration and crop growth as follows: 0.28% 2800 ppm 0 All Crops Thrive 0.56% 5600 ppm Sensitive Crops Suffer Tolerant Crops Grow 1.0% 10,000 ppm All Crops Growth Restricted, Yield Poor W h a t To Do About Alkali Sinco tho chief contributing factor in the accumulation of harmful quantatives of salt is poor drainage, the first step in reclamation should be to improve drainage, Y/hero seepage occurs on foots lopes, the use of intercepting drains is recommended. When a high water table in a low area is present, a drain is needed. Drainage is always the first step. It will do no good to add fertilizers or amendments to an undrained salt-saturated s o i l . Secondly, when tosts show a saline soil, excessive irrigation alone will dissolve the salt and carry it away in the drains. W h e n an alkali-saline soil is to bo treated, it may also require the application of sulphur or gypsum to get the leach water through tho soil, Tho uso of all methods of improving the organic matter supply must be encouraged. For tho first season after reclamation is started, the more salt-tolerant grassos should be grown, AS the salt concentration goes d o w n , a wider choice is available. Tillage to open up tho soil and permit deeper penetration of the loach water helps. Great care is necessary, however, to avoid working heavy soils when w o t . For grasslands, flood irrigation may be more s a t i s f a c e tory than furrow irrigation. SELECTION, TRANSPLANTING, AND CARE OF TREES FOR GOLF COURSES Willard S* Summers, Landscape Architoct Tho Stato Collego of Y/ashington The selection of trees for the golf course should be made with three things in minds (l) use or purposo, (2) growing conditions, and (3) maintenance® Tho uses of troos are mainly: (l) screens or background planting, (2) shado with opon spaces beneath, and (3) indicators of changes in direction or possibly a hazard* Almost any of the native trees common to the particular area nay be used for screens and background plantings« Some of thoso that do best in climates found in tho Pacific Northwest are* !• 2, 3« Acer ginnala - Amur maple Acer negundo - boxeldor .¿cor rubrum - scarlot maple Acer Saccharum - hard or sugar maple 5* Acer psoudoplatanus - sycamore maple 6 . Betula populifolia - Native white birch 7% Caragana arborescons - Siberian pea tree 8 . Crataegus mollia - Hawthorn 9# Juniperus virginiana - red cedar 1 0 . Larix decidua - Europan larch lit Morus alba - white mulberry 12* Picoa canadensis - Picoa glauca - white spruce 13. Picea excolsa - Norway spruce ll±* Pinus strobus - white pine 15® Pinus rosinosa - r.od pine 16« Pinus rigida - pitch pino 17* Pinus sylvostris - Scotch pine 18. Populus alba - white poplar 19. Populus deltoidos - northern cottonwood 20» Prunus serotina - wild black cherry 21* Salix alba - vitellina - golden willow 22* Salix fragilis - crack willow 23* Thuja occidentalis - American arbor-vitao 2i|* Tsuga canadensis - Canadian hamclock Shade trees with high branches* 1* iicor platanoides - Norway maple 2* Platanus acerifolia - London plane treo 3* Quercus rubra - rod oak !{.* Quercus velutina - black oak 5« Tilia cordata - European linden 6. 7« 8. 9» 10. 11. 12. 13* 1 i;. 15. 16. 17* 18. 19« 20. 21. 22. 23* 2U. Tilia Arnoricana - American lindon Quorcus Robur - English oak Ailanthus glandulosa (fomalo) troe-of-hoaven Ginkgo biloba - ginkgo or maidonhair troo Gloditsia triananthos inormis - thornloss honoylocust Quorcus palustris - pin oak Quorcus coccinoa - scarlot oak Ulmus Americana - Amorican olm Ulmus campostirs - English olm Fraxinus Arnoricana - whito ash ücor saccharum - hard maplo Aesculus galabra - Ohio buckeyo Carya ovata - hickory Coltis occidontalifi - hackborry Castanoa dentata - chestnut Fraxinus lancoolata - groon ash Jaglans nigra - black walnut Liquidambar styraciflua - sweot gum Pinus strobus - whito pine Forest trees for mass planting. 1. 2. 3. U. 5» 6. 7» 8. 9« 10. 11. 12. 13® 15. 16. 17• 18. 19. 20. Acor saccharum - hard naplo Acor saccharinum - silvor maple Acor platanoides - Norway maplo Betula lutea - yellow birch Carpinus caroliniana - ironwood Carya glabra - pignut Castanoa dontata - American chestnut Fraxinus Americana - white ash Fraxinus lancoolata - green ash Juglans cinerea - butternut Morus alba - whito mulberry Morus rubra - rod mulberry Pinus strobus - white pine Pinus sylvestris - Scotch pine Prunus serotina - wild black cherry Quorcus alba - white oak Quorcus velutina - black oak Quorcus robur - English oak Robinia psoudacacia - common locust Tilia ümoricana - American linden If maintenance is a problem, avoid trees in tho opon areas that have littar of various kinds, such ass 1. 2. Catalpa bignonioides - common catalpa Juglans nigra - black walnut 3» U. 5. 6. 7. 8« 9» Gymnocladus dioica - Kentucky coffoc troo Gloditsia triacanthos - honey locust Ailanthus r.ltissima - troc of hoavcn Salix fragilis t* crack willow Diospyros virginiana - pcrsinmon Platanus occidontalis - sycamore sonatinas Aosulus hippocastana - horsochestnut »BAHSPUHTIHG Tho succoss of a transplanted troc depends nainly on the caro exercised when tho tree is moved to its first location. Remember the following points: 1. 2» 3. ij. 5. Mark out a circle in tho sod twice as large as tho troe r o o t s . Romove the sod for use on another part of your grounds. Spread a canvas on the lawn to kocp sod from being filled with soil, Plant 1 inch deeper than previously planted. Keep tho good soil in a separate pile. It is too valuable to mix with the poor subsoil. 6 . Sometimes add a layor of woll-decayod manure or commercial fertilizer. 7« Prune roots to removo damaged parts and freshen root cuts. 8 . Hold tree in place and gradually place good soil about its roots. (Be sure that treo is hold in position formerly occupied in the nursery as to direction or orientation.) 9* Tramp the soil about the roots as it is added. 10. lihen tho hole is three-quarters full, fill remainder of hole with water* 1 1 . Continue to add soil, leaving it loose on t o p . 12. It may be w o l l to make a ridge around tho base of the t r o o . 13» Trim tho tree back about half to two-thirds to offsot the loss of roots, li*. Do not trim tho leader in tho oaks. 15. Wrap the trunk with burlap as a preventive of sun scald. 16. Stake the troo with a strong stake. CiJRE OF TREES FEEDING - Yftien the loaves of tho troo are undersized and discolored (yellowish or brown), tho foliage is thin or sparse, the tips of the branches aro dying back and tho treo is full of doad branches, tho tree needs feeding* Most trees may be successfully f o d , and should be fed at least every 5 yoars. A quick rule to find how much to feed a troe is to add the height of the troe in feet, the spread of the treo in foot, and tho circumforonco of the trunk in inches. This sum will give tho number of pounds of fertilizer n e e d e d . Tho type of fertilizer used depends upon the soil conditions and may best be determined by a soil t e s t . However, a 10-6-Ij. commercial fertilizor w i l l satisfy the demands of most t r o e s . In feeding trees, find tho drip of the troo (on the ground under tho tips of the branches) and dig holes 2 inchos in diameter 12 to 18 inches deep slanted in toward the tree at tho bottom, and from 18 inches to 2 feet apart around tho tree« If one circle around the tree is not enough to use up the fertilizer, then use concentric circles around tho tree« Pill the holes not closer than 2 inches of the t o p . Then fill t h a t 2 inches with soil. PRUNING - Pruning is done for several roasons: 1. 2. 3. 5. m To At To To To shape the tree and to facilitate traffic of vehicles and m a n . planting time to offset the loss of roots. promoto vigor and hoalthfulnoss and to prolong thoir lives. modify flowering. make plants grow: in a w a y bust suited to our purpose. 2h. CURE OF EVERGREENS In many instances evergreens need more care. that pertain particularly to evergreens. The following are pointers PRUNING 1. General - Remove dead and diseased w o o d . Make cuts in early spring or winter for use inside as decorations. Should include 1- and 2-year growth. 2. Tall Upright Plants - ^ever remove entire branch - preserve tapering symetry. May remove terminal buds to control height, develop side buds, and therofore make plant more dense. 3® Informal Junipers - Prune to keep within bounds. Cut long branches just abovo a vigorous side shoot in second- or thire-year w o o d s . Avoid having all branchos same length. I4. Mugo Pines - Prune b y removing terminal buds of stronger branchos to keep the plant dense and within b o u n d s . 5. Yews, Arbor-Vitaos, and Junipers - M a y bo sheared to form an even growth. Shear ivhon new growth appears. CULTIVATION 1. Keep cultivated 1 foot beyond branches for at least 2 years to conserve moisture and aid in weed control. 2. May use peat moss or other mulch. 3. Be sure to water thoroughly overy 10 days. U* M u l c h — p a r t i c u l a r l y for w i n t e r — 6 inches deep. or branches. f But d o n t contact trees SOIL REQUIREMENTS Do best in loose, sandy loam, that is woll drained. Except for Larch and arbor-vitae, evergreens will not grow whon soil is w e t , soggy, or poorly drained. FERTILIZATION OF EVERGREENS 1. 2. 3. Soil tost is b e s t . Require pH 6.0 - 6.5# Make soil acid by adding 10-6~i4 fertilizer at the rate of l/2 to 1 pound per plant, twice a y e a r . Shrubby typo specimen trees 2 to 2 l/2 pounds per 1 inch of trunk diameter. INSECT CONTROL IN TURF H . C . Manis, Entomologist University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho Vie aro fortunate here in the Northwest in having very few sorious pest in turf» There are, however, a number of insects which do causo sono darnago to lawns, golf greens, and fairways» Probably tho most serious aro the tv/o species of white grubs wo have« The adults are commonly called tho 10-lined Juno beetle and the carrot or muck beetle» The 10-linod June beetle has a 3 yoar life cycle» Tho carrot beetle has a 1 year cycle® Both species cause similar damage. They feed on the root system of grasses of all kinds» Ordinarily first sign or damage is tho appearance of irregular dead areas in the turf» The grubs cut the roots off underneath at a depth of about 1 l/2 inches to 2 inches. \/hon such turf is rolled b a c k , large white grubs with brown heads will be found. ./mother pest of turf which does similar damage is tho bluograss billbug. The adult billbugs havo snout-like mouth parts and fairly small. Tho larvao or grubs are small and white with brown heads, and will be found fairly close to the soil surface. Billbugs also cause turf t o dry out in irregular areas. Sod webworns aro the young or larval stage of small moths» Tho larvae food upon the leaves of tho grass» First signs of injury aro closely croppod areas which gradually take on a ragged, unhealthy appearance» Large areas f may be killed o u t . Severe injury often takes place in a few d a y s time» Close examination of such areas will reveal webbing and tunnels or burrows made out of bits of dirt and debris and lined with silk. Tho young larvao or caterpillars stay inside these tunnels most of the time and come out only long enough to cut off a blade of grass and d r a g it back inside of the tunnol. The larvao aro very active, quite slonder, and covered with a fine hairy coating. The adults are small moths which can be found hiding in grass or weeds in the daytime. When disturbed, they fly short distances fairly close to the ground» To prevent serious injury from webworms, control measures must be applied immediately or as soon after the damage is noticed as possible» For the control of white grubs, billbugs, and sod webworms, DDT or chlordane can be u s e d . They can be applied dry to tho turf or mixed in wator and sprayed on the turf. For grub-proofing an establishgd turf^ usoi Material DDT Chlordane Per cent 5 Amount of Material Per 1000 Square Foot Por Acro 10 lbs. 10 50 5 10 50 5 1 1+-5 2-2 5-7 lbs. lbs. lbs. 1/2 lbs. ouncos 500 250 50 200 100 20 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. To control sod webworms, the application should bo made immediately. For the control of whito grubs and billbugs, a spring or fall application is usually preferable« It is wasteful to make applications to areas having no immediate danger of insect damage« But it is important to make applications before extensive damage results from an existing infestation« In applying the materials to tho turf, a uniform distribution is essential * Pre-mixing 1 - , 5*"# or 10- pound quantities with one or two pails of dry scroened sand or loam w i l l provide more bulk for easier distribution by hand« A hand fertilizer distributor can be used in adjusting the material in proper amounts by making test runs over measured areas« If kept agitated to prevent settling out, tho wettable power can be placed in 5 gallons or other convenient amounts of water and then sprayed or sprinkled over the aroa« Thoroughly wash tho insecticide into the turf immediately after its applica~ tion to hasten the time when it becomes effective and to remove any possible danger to pets and children« Other loss important insects that nay occasionally cause damage to turf aro collembola or springtails, grasshoppers, cutworms, mole crickets, falso chinch bugs, ar.d ants« A H of these pests can be readily controlled by the o r application of a 5 V cont chlordane dust at the rate of about 20 to 25 pounds per aero« Or the infested area can bo sprayed w i t h chlordane, using a regular row-crop spray rig« Angleworms, although usually considered vory bonoficial, occasionally may be somewhat of a problem on lawns—particularly on golf greens« In working tho soil, angleworms or night crawlers come to the surface and build up small mounds of earth« This makes l a w n s — a n d particularly golf greons — vory rough. Usually the damage is most severe on lawns in tho spring and early summer« However, on golf greens or fairways that are kept well'-watered, angleworms will w o r k throughout the spring, summer, and fall« V/here angleworms are a definite problem and you desire to get rid of t h e m , they can be controlled by the application of mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate). Mercuric chloride can be applied in dry f o r m , or mixed with water and applied as a spray, or sprinkled on the area to be treated« In using the material, mix 2 to 3 ounces of finoly ground crystals with 2 cubic feet of dry sand and scatter evenly over tho 1000-squaro-foot area« Or dissolve 3 ouncos in 50 gallons of water and apply to a 1000-square-foot area* In making tho application, the soil should bo moistened prior to treatment so that the water will soak in quickly and so that tho worms will be attracted to the surface« It should n o t , however, be loaded w i t h water» Immediately following the application, wash tho material into the ground by generous watering or sprinkling* Dead angleworms found on the soil surface following such soil treatment should bo removed immediately to prevent poisoning of birds» Q» Can angleworms be controlled by applications of arsenate of load? A* Apparently so 9 tJhcre lead arsonate is applied for grub control or sod webworm control, angleworms do not cause trouble» Q» How do you control ants in lawns? A« Use chlordane» Locate the ant hills and apply the chlordane there* If the nests cannot bo located, tho entire area should be dustod or sprayod» Use 5 P°r cent chlordane dust at the rate of 20 pounds per a c r e , or spray the area with L|. pounds of L\0 per cent chlordane wettablo pov/der in 100 gallons of water» One application will usually last for a month or more» Q» How can grasshoppers be controlled? A» Use chlordane or toxaphene either as baits, sprays or dusts» Probably the o r most practical method is to dust with 5 V cent chlordane or 10 per cent toxaphene at the rate of 30 and 20 pounds per aero, respectively. Y/hore grasshoppers are migrating in from adjoining wastelands, treating a 3 0 — or l|0-foot strip along the area of migration will usually be all that is necessary» USING IRON SULPHATE AS A YffiED KILLER John Harrison, Groenkeepor Haydon Lako Golf Courso, Haydon L a k e , Idaho In 19U7* I used a solution of 2,1+-D on the greens at the Haydon Lake Golf Club and did an excellent job of killing dandelion and plantain. In I9U8, pearlwort started to show up in small spots all over most of the greens. W&otfc*rthis was due to the weakening of tho best grass by the application of 2 o r the result of a wot season, I could not bo sure. In 19^9* there was a rapid development in the size of the patches of the pearlwort. I had tho choice of trying toc*fc it out and patch the greens or trying some other treatment such as dusting or spraying. A greonskoopor in Vancouver, B . C . told M r . Rucker of Spokane that he had used iron sulphate to control pearlwort. I had used it in about 1935 to control clovor in greens and practically all the pearlwort disappeared. At the time I thought it was the result of treating with mercury and arsenate of lead. I bought a i+OO-pound barrel of iron sulphate at »0I4. l/2 cents per pound when bought in barrel quantities. It costs about .18 cents in lesser amounts. Using a power sprayer and 100 pounds of iron sulphate to 100 gallons of w$ter, I covered five greens of about 5*000 square feet oach. I found tho best w a y to get the iron sulphate into solution was to knock the bottom out of a water pail and crisscross the hole at tho bottom with four pieces of hay w i r e . Then put a piece of window screen in the bottom of the p a i l . Put this pail in the filler ho].e of your power sprayer, fill tho pail with iron sulphate, and w a s h it through the screen with water from a hose. You can dissolve 100 pounds of iron sulphate with about 75 gallons of w a t e r . Thon add enough water to make up tho 100 gallons of solution. Best results come from spraying on a warm or hot d a y . Don't water the gr^ss for 1 d a y . The grass and weeds w i l l turn black in several hours. In a few d a y s , the black w i l l turn into a beautiful dark green. The treatment killed flantain, dandelion, chickweed, yarrow, and 75 per cent of tho pearlwort. The grasses, including tho bents, wore n o t injured. There's lots of grass in the pearlwort. This will spread and eventually heal the spot where the pearlwort w a s . I think that with two treatments a year apart, a green will be quite free of pearlwort. In 1935* I added about 20 pounds of ammonia sulphate to 100 pounds of iron sulphate. It gives the grass a little b o o s t . I think that 5 pounds of iron sulphate per 1,000 square feet would not bw too* strong. Throe pounds would be as mild a solution as would do any g o o d . If you use a hand sprayer it is a good plan to mark off your groens w i t h string so you have a 3 - or Ij.-foot lane to follow. This v/ill eliminate skipping and double dosing. Iron sulphato immediately rusts any netal with which it cones in contact. You should wash out your sprayer at the end of the day and each time you finish« There seems to be nothing that will counteract this rusting« CONTROL OF CERTAIN TURF HEEDS W I T H CHEMICALS Lambert C . Erickson, Associate Agronomist in Wood Research University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho Since that eventful day in 19^4-5* when the publicity on the miracle weed killer, 2,U-D, was released, more progress has been made on weed control than in all preceding history. For a t last w e realized we could do something about w e e d s . Since that time, weed control has becono a science comparable with othor phases of agricultural science. In fact, this field is developing so rapidly that no one individual can be fully informed on all phases and, of c o u r s e , any one i n d i v i d u a l s experiments contribute only a small segment to the larger f i e l d . W o are finding the answer to some of our weed probloms. Dandelion, the universal lawn w e e d , is of course a nation-wido lawn problem. Studies on dandelion control have been going ever since 191*6, There is a very important secondary reason for studying the control of dandelion. Its root system is such that results from the toxic effects of herbicides can be measured and dotocted much more accurately than w i t h plants having complex root systems. Accordingly, information gained in dandelion control experiments can be transposed to apply to plants more difficult to test. Use tho dandelion as a test plant. It will servo as a partial measure of how you might expect tho herbicide to react systemically to another p l a n t . We started out to test the reaction of dandelion to some of the following factors: 1, 2, 3, U« 5, 6, Amount of 2,lHD or othor herbicides required to kill dandelions, Comparative efficiency of various 2,U~D compounds and herbicides, Effects of date (season) of treatment, Efficiency of horbicide-fertilizor mixtures, Efficiency of dust applications and liquid sprays* Influence of soil fertility levels upon toxic efficiency of 2,i¿-D, Here are some of tho results of thoso experimentsi 1, September 2,1;-D treatments are more efficient than May treatments. Example: On one set of plots, we had thirty-three plants per square yard on May 15 before treating. On September 1, we had ninety-ono plants perc r square yard on this same area despite the fact wo had killed about 90 P cent of the original dandelions. Why? Because we had created great open spaces which dandelion seedlings soon filled. W e had not applied a fertilizer to stimulate the grass in filling these spaces left vacant b y the dying dandelions. On the September treated plots, we had ninety-one dandelions per square yard a t the time of treatment« On the following May 15, wo had ten plants per squaro yard. On September 1, wo had twenty-three plants« These results demonstrate that most dandelion seeds germinate in late spring and early summer, and that bluegrass does most of its sproading in early spring or late fall« Therefore, do not leave midsummer vacant spaces in a lawn unless you can keep grass growing vigorously« 2« Me found that there was little consistent difference between the efficiency of the various chemical compositions of 2,i|.~D« I" refer to the aminos, the esters, and the inorganic salts« All tho common materials on the market a t the present time are highly acceptable« But do not use the esters on areas adjacent to shrubbery or flowers« Those standard esters are volatile and injury can result because their vapors move around« 3« Our experiments have indicated that rates of l/2 to 1 pound of 2,U-D per acre are required to get a good dandelion kill* The avorage bluegrass lawn owner in Idaho will probably got most satisfactory results applying 1 pound per acre« On small areas, the application rate will be 2 teaspoons of i+0 per pent amine 2,U-D per squaro rod of lawn, or about 7 teaspoons per 1,000 square feet of lawn« In all instances, the spray rate is governed by the amount of water the sprayer requires to cover the area twice« U* Vie found the liquid spray treatments to bo more successful than dust treatments of 2,i+-D. Lawns aro! no place to be spreading dusts that may injure your own or your noighbor s ornamentals. 5« The problem of tho relationship of soil fertility to tho toxicity of 2,ij.-D to plants still remains to be answered« Since w e do not have the answers we are recommending that the fertilizers be applied w e l l in advance of tho 2,14.-0 treatment so that tho grasses will fill in tho open spaces left b y the dying weeds« By repeated treatments over a period of 2 to 3 years, wo have been able to eradicate two weeds commonly classed as resistant—mouse-eared chickweod and yarrow« Common chickweed is not difficult to control, but the abundant soon supply where such patches have been makes several applications necossary before any results become real and lasting. During the next year, you will read and hear more about new chemicals. There is great activity in this field at the present time and undoubtedly we will see some improved and new materials replacing some that have b y now bocome old standards. There is a renewed effort to find uses for the British relative of 2,i|-D called Metrhoxone. Our results indicato that Methoxone is less injurious to grains but is also less efficient in killing w o o d s . Tho two potential grass killers, TCA and IPC, are still with us* A t the present time, neither are good enough to recommend nor bad enough to throw away« 1 Several so-called "reverse sélectives * are being workod w i t h . Among these are Maleic hydrazide, dichloral u r e a , and ethyl zanthate. Where and if any of these will fit into weed control will not be determined for some t i m e . A recent real contribution is tho addition of the t w o chemicals mercuric phenol and potassium cyanate for killing crabgrass in lawns. Some mercuric phenols have boon fortified with 2,U-D to aid in killing crabgrass seedlings and also to remove some broad leaved weeds simultaneously. Since 2,U~D is toxic to very young grass seedlings, it alone will control crahgrass. Tho problem is that several applications are requirod in short succession, and this becomes hazardous to the lawn grasses. Regxxrdloss of what treatments are usod, numerous ro-applications are usually necessary to obtain crabgrass control» If you are inclined to use any of these so-called now materials, it is advisable to use some of the following guidepostsj a» b» c. d. Obtain all the information available 011 tho subject» Take no 0110 man as full authority» Treat only a small area» Choose a location where hazards of aftereffects can bo hold to a mininun. Read the directions on the containers. Make your calculations w e l l in advance of treating. It gives you more time to discover errors. Check your information with your State College. Let them w o r k with you on what you are doing» PARK IMPROVEMENT THROUGH BETTER TURF P . M . Masterson, Soattlo Park Dopartmont Soattlo park system is comprised of approximately 3>600 acres, at least two-thirds of which is in t u r f . Turf is grown in various types of soil ranging from heavy clay to pure sand. All this soil is slightly acid, averaging pH 6 . Before sowing any grass sood or preparing the seed bod, the park departm e n t s technical staff puts in adequate drainage and irrigation facilities. The department believes in adequate irrigation and it is installing s e m i * automatic systems in all of the now plantings. Hose systems are bocoming obsolete. Vie have found snap-on hoads quito adequate, being spaced at to 60 foot intervals. Seven or eight to a battery on a 2-inch line works out w e l l . There are several types of sprinkler heads that have proved very good, such as the Thompson, Bucknor, and Economy. A Seattle man has invented an automatic valve that turns those batteries of sprinklers on arid off at choson intervals. The only largo installation of full automatic sprinklors is at the Woodland Park Zoo, where the attendants cannot ontor the animal p e n s . The Seattle Park Department believes in permanent sprinkler systems. Tho cost of maintaining inadequate irrigation facilities can prove very expensive. All new installations are carefully mapped and rocorded for future roferonco. This saves much wasted effort in probing for lost water lines due to chango of porsonnol. LAViNS IN PaRKS Grass forms the setting for the landscape picture. It is important to choose tho seed carofully in ordor to have a lawn that is a complement to the over-all picture. After assuring proper drainage, wo prepare tho soed bed 3 to ij. inches deep. The ideal soil condition in this top layer is a light sandy soil, high in organic content. Different mixturos of grass seed for varying conditions aro: TERRACES-SLOPES SHADE Kentucky bluo Alto foscuo Crested dogtail ko% ho% 20% Rhodo Island bent Crostod dogtail Canada blue Kentucky blue SANDY SOILS I* o% 25% 25% Wo Kentucky bluo Creeping bent Rhode Island bent Fine leaved foscuo 25% W 30% 15% REGULAR LkiJN B luegrass kOfo Rod crooping fcscuo 20$ Colonial bont 20$ Red top 20$ In preparation of tho sood b o d , w o don't uso peat soil» There is danger of toxic soil poisoning if it is not properly airod» We havo found 9 0 to 125 pounds of grass seed per acre sufficient» In regards to feeding, tho organic fertilizers are preferable in open lawae» Through the cooperation of the Seattle Engineering Department, we are able to obtain prepared sludge in sufficient quantities to take care of most of our fertilizer needs in the parks» We use J00 pounds to tho acre on open lawns If we use an inorganic fertilizer, we limit it to 200 pounds to the acre» We have had very little weed sood contamination in the use of organic fertilizer» Proper cutting height for regular lawns is 1 l/2 to 2 inches» Have good mowing equipment. Avoid complicated machinery» The more gadgets a mower has the more things that can go wrong» Sturdy construction and availablility of spare parts are very important» A l s o , have a first class man operating your tractors and mowers» The finest equipment in the world will not stand up under abuse» It pays to hatre the operator of a gang mower respons ible for its care» Vie allow him 15 minutes before quitting time to check over his moivers and to see that they are properly lubricated and adjusted» Construction and Maintenance of Bowling Greens; A t Jefferson Park, we have a double bowling greon, each one measuring 120 x 120 feet» This allows us to keep one in perfect playing condition at all times without inconveniencing the players when fertilizing or top dressing» Those greens have boon in operation for a year and are drawing much favorable comment» They were constructed on a gravely hilltop, allowing for good natural drainage» During the heaviest rain, there is very littlo water visible on the surface of the greens. Around the sides of tho greens, about 12 inches below tho surface we made a concrete wall with bolts protruding» This allowed us to bolt on ¡4 x 12 inches removable planks for sidewalls» Bowling greens have to be perfectly level. Tho only W a y w e could do this was by placing 1 x U inch boards at 20 inch intervals across the greens and filling between w i t h soil. Then wo ran a straight edge down each section. It is much like the leveling of a sidewalk. Wo did not remove these wood strips until aftor tho grass was w e l l established. Grass seed mixture for those greens was 60 per cent chewing fescue and ¡4.0 per cent colonial b e n t . Cutting height desirable on a bowling green is 3/l6 of an inch. To obtain an oven bowling green surface, there is a tendency to over-roll the greens» This should bo discouraged. It packs the surface and limits the growth. Football Fields1 Seattle has one major football field in the park system. It is located in west Seattle. The field is rounded in the middle to allow for surface drainage. Our experience loads me to believe a sowing of straight seaside bont or straight creeping fescue makes the best football t u r f . These grasses are q u i o k healing and allow for good footing for the players. Irrigation is taken care of by pressure is sufficient to pull this This method is quite satisfactory. on a football field without risk of a traveling rainmaker sprinkler. Water sprinkler tho entire length of tho f i e l d . Naturally you cannot put sprinkler heads injury to the players. Three fertilizations a season are sufficient on this field. height of grass is 1 inch. Cutting Golf Courses: Grass seed mixtures for golf courses: Roughs - Canadian b l u e , sheep fescue Fairways - 60% Arlington bent, $0% creeping fescue, 20% Kentucky blue Tees * Creeping bont, Alta fescue and Poanna Greens - 60% Colonial bent and chewing fescue We sow very heavily on the greens. In fact, about 75 pounds to every 5,000 square feet. This discourages weed growth. A few facts that stand out in the use of 2,U~D. It is best to apply it when the temperature is about 60 degrees, 011 a windless d a y . Pressure on the pump should be from 1+0 to 50 pounds. We have found chlordane very effective on rodents. The advent of caddy carts has created a problem that should be rectified in future construction of golf courses« Narrow wheels on the carts cut the turf around tho greens--especially whore there is only one exit from the greens« This has become so prevalent around Seattle that there is some talk of barring caddy carts« However, I feol this problem could be minimized b y having several exits from every green« Control of traffic on the golf courses in Seattle also is quite a problem« Uniformed patrolmen are stationed at each course to speed up play« Since we try to make the golf courses self-sustaining, wo must limit our patrolling. However, by spot checking methods, wo can keep control of our play« Signs on tho golf courses are very important, but the public usually pays very little attention to them« By having a humorous cartoon on each sign, we have gotten pe oplo to notice them and obey t h e m . Seattle has expanded into the driving range field. We've found it appeals to the golfers and it has proved a good source of revenue. * % OLD AND NElI GRASSES FOR TURF USE IN THE NORTH!/EST J . L . Schwendiman, Manager Soil Conservation Service Nursery Pullman, Washington The soil conservation nurseries of the Northwest have, in cooperation with other Federal and State agencies, tested some 10,000 grasses and legumes for conservation use since 1935» Many superior plants, including turf grasses, were found. They were riot all hay or pasture grasses. Some produced good ground c o v e r , some were heavy root producers, others withstood alkali or wore adapted to low capability lands. The common grasses need Class I land for best performance. This is also true of old turf grasses. The principal turf grasses^-Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrasses, and red f e s c u e s — d i d not do an adequate job on Class III, IV, and V I land. For turf use on good land, these grasses have been improved. There are now many named varieties. "Delta" and "b-27" Kentucky bluograss are being propagated. "Ueibulls primo," "Fylking," "Svalof 120," and "Kenon" are in various stages of increase. Still others are being tested. To the old Rhode Island, Seasido, and Highland bentgrasses have been added some new varieties and a whole new group of creeping bentgrasses, such as C-J. Arlington, C-7 Cohansy, C-15 Toronto, C-19 Congressional, C-27 Arlington, and others. Many of these propagate only vegetatively. To the creeping f red fescues have come "Olds," a Canadian strain; "S-59/ a Tie Is h strain; and "Illahee," and "Rainier," west coast varieties. These new varieties are specifically adapted, require excellent culture, and for the most part still need Class I sites. On golf tees and greens where areas are small, it is possible to modify the soil or culture so Class I grasses can be u s e d . On fairways, parks, airport runways, ditchbanks, roadsides, and extensive areas turfed for erosion control, soil modification is less possible. There inherontly tough grasses must be u s e d . It is important to fit the capability of the grass to the capability of the land and the intended culture. * ^ » Trials on the Pullman Soil Conservation Service Nursery have shown that root production of a grass is important in building soil, resisting w o a r , providing adequate ground cover, and stopping erosion. The factors which produce a healthy top growth also produco good root growth» Good fertility, good drainage, and restricted removal of top growth increase root production. From pure stand and mixture soudings, wo have found that nitrogen stimulates root growth about tho same as it docs top growth. Most grasses produco more roots under moderate rainfall in a dryland area than under irrigation. Tho frequency and amount of irrigation helps dotermine root growth. Prostrate or semieroct and sod-forming grassos withstand clipping bettor than those of an erect growth habit« Reduction in vigor and root growth is proportional to the number o f , tho interval betwoen, and the closeness of clippings« Dwarf and log-growing grasses are ideal for low cover because close and frequent cutting does not upsot thorn. Each grass species has its own roottop ratio for any given set of conditions. Somo outstanding grasses suitable for rough turf in the Northwest have been or are under test« For v/ater logg.nd soils and poorly drained areas use meadow foxtail, creeping meadow foxtail, or alta fescuo, which has wider range of moisture adaptat i o n . On wet acid soils, stay with the creeping bontgrasses. On Class I soils whore adequate water is available, good drainage occurs, and there are no specific restrictions, use improved disease-resistant strains of tho class I g r a s s e s — K o n t u c k y bluograss, bontgrasses, or creeping red fescues. For dry-land sites of 10 to 20 inches of rainfall on Class III to V I soil, use some of tho proven conservation grasses of which crested wheatgrass is tho most common. Russian wildryo gives equally good ground cover and stays green longer into the summer. There have been added two heavy root-producing strains of sheep fescue. A dwarf variety with short basal loaves produced in 6 years nearly 9 tons of roots in the surface 8 inches of soil. Clipping close every time plants reached an 8-inch height reduced root accumulation by 30 per c e n t . Another strain called hard fescuo which o grows tailor produced almost 8 r tons of roots but showed a reduction of 50 V cent in root growth w h e n clipped. Hard fescue seeded 50-50 w i t h crested wheatgrass will give complete ground cover and suppress tho crested wheatgrass within 3 years. Sherman big bluegrass grows well on dry soils. It is drouth escaping. It matures early and reseods itself. A new bunch typo Canada bluegrass gives excellent cover on low fertility soils in 15- to 20-inch rainfall areas. Some excellent dryland sod-forming grasses ares pubescent wheatgrass, which is strictly a low fertility level conservation grass; and streambank wheatgrass, which gives a dense, smooth, fine turf on dry sites. It gives good cover without production and requires little c a r e . For sand dunes, Volga wildrye has been developed for inland sites. American and European boachgrass are better adapted for coastal dunes. These throe grasses are all propagated and used vegetatively. Using these new and old adapted s p e c i e s — t h o proper capability grass 011 its respective land capability class with good cultural practices--it should bo possible to have better turfs and more complete conservation than ever before. Notes Others who contributed to the program arci Wilson Compton, President, State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington A . Vernon Macan, Golf Architect, Victoria, B» C. Km T . Abbott, Superintendent of Parks, Spokane, Washington J# C» Khott, Director of Institute of Agricultural Sciences, The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington E . J , Kroizinger, State Extension A g e n t , Agricultural Extension Service, The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington Glen Proctor, Greenkeepor, Rainier Golf C l u b , Seattle, Washington Alvin G . Law, Assistant Professor, Farm Crops, the State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington The following persons were chairmen for the different sessions of the conferencet E . G . Schäfer, assistant Dean, College of Agriculture, the State College of Washington", Pullman, Washington B . R . Bertramson, Chairman, Department of Agronomy, the State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington C« S . H o l t o n , U . S . Department of Agriculture, Pullman, Washington Lowell W* Rasmussen, Assistant Agronomist, The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington