PnjQceedinXfí i Stít A n n u a l ftotitluueái Gonfjefi&Hce SeftUmùm* 23, 24, 25, ßwtHo&t, ß. e. 1964 ^u^cyuUl N O R T H W E S T TURFGRASS M E M B E R S H I P DUES Golf C o u r s e s — Less than 18 holes 18 holes or more Nursery, landscaping and ground spraying firms Architects and engineering firms Equipment and material supply firms Participating membership Associate membership All others Annual dues $20 40 20 20 20 10 5 20 Cemeteries— Less than 400 interments per annum 400 to 600 interments per annum 600 to 800 interments per annum More than 800 interments per annum 20 25 30 40 Park Departments— Less than 150 acres total area 150 acres or more 20 40 1. Annual Dues payable on or before M a y 15th each year. Dues are based on annual due date nonprorated. 2. Membership includes registration fee for one person at Annual Turf Conference. Other persons from member organization registration fee $5.00. 3. N O I N I T I A T I O N FEES A R E C H A R G E D . 4. Nonmembers may attend the annual Conference by paying $10.00 registration fee. For further information on dues, contact Northwest Turf Treasurer. It certainly has been a privilege to serve as your President of the Northwest Turfgrass Association during 1963-1964. I have been an active member since the Association was organized. It has been gratifying to watch the growth and progress of this organization down through the years. The Turfgrass Conference held in Burnaby, B.C. this past September had the largest attendance ever. A good share of the people attending said it was our best conference. It seems that each year our conferences have been bigger and better than the previous year. Each year more people are realizing that Turfgrass management is a complex and finite business. In order to keep pace with the changes, we have to take part in Conferencs and work shops; as attendance has grown in the past it will grow in the future. I would like to thank each Board member for their cooperation this past year and also to the committee chairman and my fellow officers. I know that the Association is in good hands with your new President Ken Putnam and I know that the Association will give him the good support that has been displayed in the past. Milt Bauman * Northwest Turfgrass Association OFFICERS 1964 Milt Bauman Ken Putnam Dick Haskell Roy L. Goss President Vice Pres. Treasurer Exec. Secy. 1965 Ken Putnam John Zoller Dick Haskell Roy L. Goss BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ken Putnam John Zoller Dick Haskell Henry W. Land Sr. Glen Proctor Manny Gueho Harvey Junor Johnny Harrison Jack Daniels Milt Bauman Seattle Golf and Country Club, Seattle, Wash. Eugene Country Club, Eugene, Oregon 1000 N.E. 135th St. Seattle, Wash. 98125 Tacoma Country and Golf Club, Tacoma, Wash. Rainier Golf and C. C., Seattle, Wash. Vancouver Golf and C. C., New Westminster, B.C. Portland Country Club, Portland, Oregon Hayden Lake Golf and C. C., Hayden Lake, Idaho Greenup Spray Service, Seattle, Wash. Overlake Golf and C. C., Medina, Wash. 1 TABLE OF C O N T E N T S Page Preventing POA Annual Infestations—A. J. Renney 3 The Ecology of POA Annua, Annual Bluegrass—Roy L. Goss 6 Limiting Factors in Selective Annual Bluegrass Control-Norman Goetze 13 Performance of Red Fescues from the Northwest—W. E. P. Davis 15 Turfgrass Varieties for the Interior of B. C.— Alastair McLean 19 Colonial Bentgrass on the West Coast—H. Vaartnou 21 Mowing, an Ecological Factor—J. R. Watson, Jr. 22 Irrigation needs of Sportsgrass Turf—R. H. Turley 26 Trends in Golf Architecture—W. H. B&ngeyfield 33 Effects of Enviroment, Ophiobolus on Composition of Turf—C. J. Gould 35 Amino Acid Nutrition and Turf Fungi—Neil Allan MacLean 40 Minor Element Nutrition of Turfgrass—D. J. Wort 47 Light Responses of Turf grasses—D. P. Ormrod 50 Effect of Herbicides on Turf—E. C. Hughes 51 The 1964 Turfgrass Conference Roundup—Donald A. Hogan 54 Northwest Turfgrass Association Membership 55 Northwest Turfgrass Conference Attendance 1964 59 PREVENTING POA A N N U A L INFESTATIONS A. J. Renney University of British Columbia Because of the extreme difficulty of selectively eliminating annual bluegrass from other turf grasses and because it so readily reinvades even when controlled it would seem to be extremely important for us to prevent this weedy grass from becoming established if this is at all possible. New approaches and new chemicals for control will aid a great deal, but we will always have to be on guard against reinfestations. An understanding of the nature of this weed and the ecological factors associated with its growth is necessary both for the development of useful preventative procedures and before control measures can be used with maximum effectiveness. When reviewing our knowledge of Poa annua we are immediately aware of the fact that more questions than answers occur, but even bringing to light some of the things we don't know may serve a useful purpose at this time. Initially then, let us say that we don't know for sure that Poa annua is an annual. Whenever greenhouse or coldframe investigations are set up using isolated plants not under mowing conditions comparable to those in established turf, our work at the University and that done at Saanichton supports the description of Poa annua as an annual. However, at the Agassiz Research Station perennial plants appear to occur in field turf plots and one authority in the mid western United States has observed that the weed acts as a perennial there. Associated with this concept of perennial habit is the observation made in several countries that stoloniferous growth accompanied by rooting at the nodes occurs, particularly in moist, fertile soils. Our studies have shown that 360 seeds per plant can be produced between May and August, but we have no records for other parts of the season, and seed production may continue all year in this climate. Counts made in Wales have shown that seeds of Poa annua as high as 30,000,000 per acre may exist on the surface layer of soil. The seeds are highly viable and do not exhibit the same dormancy after maturity as do those of Kentucky or Canada bluegrass. Adding these characteristics of many seeds per plant, little or no dormant period and high viability to the fact that this is the only known grass which can continue to produce seed under the low mowing heights which prevail on a golf green, we realize that we are faced with a formidable problem. If to this we also add the possibility of vegetative growth and perennial habit we compound the difficulty. Like other seeds, Poa annua requires moisture, warmth and oxygen to germinate. Thus it does not germinate under a compacted soil layer but rather near or at the surface. In addition it germinates in greatest numbers when light is available—one reason it invades broken or open soil so readily. The seed is small, light and inconspicuous and readily moved on machinery, the soles and other surfaces of shoes, in pant cuffs in water and probably in between the toes and on the hair of small animals. The other outstanding characteristic of Poa annua which may aid us is its shallow rooting habit. For the plant this is both a strength and a weakness. Annual bluegrass is able to invade and survive in conditions which would not support more desirable species. Conversely, in friable, deeper soils, and competing with well-established grasses of the more desirable types, Poa annua finds it much harder to colonize the area. Unfortunately. Poa annua and the bent grasses share very similar 3 ecological requirements and the problem from this weed species is often quite severe in bent grass turf. The shorter mowing practice suitable for bent grass turf, for example, is favourable to Poa annua as the suppression which might come from the shade associated with higher mowing is at a minimum. Disease has long been known as a factor in causing Poa annua to die out of turf areas. This susceptibility to disease is associated with the moist habitat just above the actual soil surface where mat develops. This area, which is largely composed of decaying organic material, is very favourable to the growth of micro-organisms. Poa annua has been observed to root almost entirely in this medium without the roots ever coming into contact with the actual soil. It may be true, unfortunately, that the use of fungicides could be prolonging the life of Poa annua. With some of the aforementioned factors in mind, what then can be done by way of prevention? I feel these can be briefly summarized under the following headings: Preseeding preparation Seed Management. There is no need for me to detail the preparation of a seedbed, but it should be emphasized that good preparation is doubly important where a problem with annual bluegrass is anticipated. Soil preparation and seeding practices resulting in uniform and complete coverage by the desired grass go a long way to reduce the establishment of Poa annua. As an important part of the preparation process, soil treatment with calcium cyanamid or one of the liquid fumigants is required to reduce the possiblity of infestation from soil borne seed or plants. Similarly soil used for top dressing after establishment of the turf should receive the same sterilizing treatment before being applied. Following in stitu treatment of soil or the application of treated top dressing material disturbance of the soil should be kept to the absolute minimum so that seeds from untreated soil zones are not brought to the surface to germinate. Are we seeding Poa annua innocently in the seed we buy? If all the seed we are allowed as "other crop seeds" in a grass sample was Poa annua maximum tolerances would permit the following under the Seeds Act of Canada. Table 9 (Fescues, ryegrasses etc.) Grade Poa annua tolerance Can. Reg. No. 1 5 seeds per oz. " Cert. No. 1 2% by weight No. 1 2% " No. 3 <5% " Table 10 (Bents and red top and blue grasses.) Here Poa annua is listed as a crop species. Can. Reg. No. 1 1% by weight No. 1 3% " No 3 '<5% " Table 12 (Lawn and turf grass mixtures.) Can. No. 1 Mixture 3% singly or 5% combined* by wt. " No. 2 " 5% " " 10% It must be emphasized that the attainment of these figures is highly improbable inasmuch as it is extremely unlikely that all of the "other 4 crop seeds" would be Poa armua. In Penncross bent 15 other weed species are usually represented and in Kentucky bluegrass 90 other weeds occur and 21 other crop seeds. Poa armua is classified under the "other crop seed" category in the Seeds Act of Canada. The Vancouver laboratory of the Plant Products Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, has furnished me with a considerable amount of information regarding the occurrence of Poa annua in grass seed. The 1963-64 crop has been broken down in detail to indicate the situation in a typical year. No seed of Poa annua was found in any of the following 9 grass types: Red top (64 samples), Highland bent (96 samples), Penncross bent (17 samples), Seaside bent (2 samples), Brown top bent (4 samples), Colonial bent (10 samples), Astoria bent (2 samples), Creeping red fescue (721 samples) and Chewings fescue (105 samples). However Poa annua did occur as a contaminant in seed of Perennial ryegrass (11 of 24 samples), Kentucky blue (7 of 25 samples), Merion blue (2 of 7 samples), Annual ryegrass (4 of 13 samples) and lawn grass mixtures (1 of 5 samples) in the 1963 crop. Over the period 1960-64. 138 samples of Kentucky bluegrass were analyzed of which 22 contained Poa annua and, in the same period, 148 samples of Merion blue were analyzed of which only 3 contained the weed seed. Thus it appears that annual bluegrass can be a contaminant of the ryegrasses, bluegrasses and lawn mixtures but does not appear to be a problem in red top, bents and the fescues. Size of seed would naturally have considerable bearing on these facts and Poa annua does appear in those samples which are similar to it in seed size and weight. What about prevention in established swards? It would appear that this is one of those cases where we know what should be done but the difficulties associated with trying to do it are almost insurmountable. We should keep bare areas to a minimum. No matter how little Poa annua seems to be growing on the fairways and in the rough we can always count on a seed source being close by. We should keep traffic to a minimum, particularly in damp weather. Both compaction which favours seed germination and dissemination of the seed are encouraged by traffic. Alternate routes, larger areas, restriction of traffic—these come to mind as aids but are easier to suggest than effect. Remove clippings. This is particularly important in areas where new infestations of Poa annua are developing so that spread can be restricted. However, we have noted that seed is set also below the level of the mower blade. Brushing the greens when the annual bluegrass is flowering has apparently aided in preventing seed set, particularly when this is accompanied by a thorough removal of clippings. Keep thatch to a minimum. Removing clippings will, of course, aid here. Aeration to encourage the growth of the desired species will also help it to compete against Poa annua. Scarification when practical may be used to remove the relatively high-crowned, shallow-rooted Poa annua before it can shed much seed. Similarly a complete chemical renovation using Paraquat or similar chemical mowers followed by reseeding may be the only practical method of preventing spread. The above suggestions, when used with the chemical control procedures which will be suggested by the next two speakers, should help in keeping infestations of Poa annua to a minimum. 5 THE ECOLOGY OF POA A N N U A , A N N U A L BLUEGRASS 1 By Roy L. Goss2 In 1886, Haeckel, a zoologist, defined ecology as the study of the reciprocal relations between organisms and their environment. Ecology, however, is usually subdivided into animal ecology and plant ecology. Plant ecology, according to ecologists, may be subdivided into Autecology, a study of the interrelations between the individual and its environment, and Synecology, a study of the structure, development, and causes of distribution of plant communities. Since environment is so important in the definition of ecology, we must consider this term more carefully. Environment can be broadly divided into three major divisions, namely: (1) climatic, (2) soil, and (3) biotic, such as symbiosis and parasitism. This paper shall be concerned specifically with some ecologic factors affecting the development of Poa annua (hereafter referred to as annual bluegrass) and likewise how these factors can be utilized in developing control measures for this plant. If we consider the three major factors above (climatic, soil, and biotic) as being the most important components of environment, let us examine them separately and assess their importance on annual bluegrass development and control. CLIMATIC FACTORS AFFECTING POA ANNUA DEVELOPMENT: A. TEMPERATURE—Annual bluegrass, as the name implies, is not a true annual. Under certain environmental conditions it behaves as a winter annual and otherwise as a perennial plant. A true winter annual is one that germinates in the fall, makes some development when conditions are favorable in the winter, then makes rapid early growth to physiological maturity in the early spring. If conditions remain optimum for continued growth, annual bluegrass may continue living from year to year in a perennial condition. Temperature is one of the most important factors permitting the perennial habit. In the southwest, south, and midwest, high summer temperatures usually eliminate annual bluegrass plants. For this reason, turfgrass areas with a high percentage composition of this weed result in dead areas and sparse stands in mid season. However, seasons are known where summer temperatures in the above areas remainded low enough for annual bluegrass to continue growth. Except under unusual condition, summer temperatures never become a limiting factor for perennial growth of annual bluegrass in the Pacific Northwest. Winter temperatures seem to play a less important role in annual bluegrass development than the summer conditions. Even so, fall germinated seedlings can fall victim to frozen, dessicated conditions in the midwest. Due to an abundance of seed, however, spring germination can rectify this problem. Mild winter conditions west of the Cascade Mountains can cause a rapid build-up of annual bluegrass since there is no winter mortality. 17 th Annual Pacific Northwest Turfgrass Conference, Burnaby, B.C., September 23, 1964. 3 Assistant Agronomist and Extension Specialist in Agronomy, Western Washington Experiment Station, Washington State University, Puyallup, Washington. 1 6 In fact, some seed formation can be noted any month of the year in this area. B. MOISTURE—This factor is primary to growth and development of annual bluegrass. Droughty sites virtually eliminate this species. Due to a very shallow rooting habit, annual bluegrass must have a more or less constant supply of moisture in the uppermost soil layer. For this reason, it finds a Utopian condition in the Pacific Northwest, and particularly on golf course putting greens and protected north exposures. Annual bluegrass, however, does not require a soil moisture content higher than other grasses for its existence. Unfortunately, the mowing height of grasses for certain uses, such as putting and bowling greens and professionally maintained lawns results in decreased root systems of desirable grasses, causing water requirements to be roughly the same as annual bluegrass. Constant rain during the winter months on the Pacific Coast insures near ideal germination and development conditions for annual bluegrass over a long period of time. Likewise, these mild conditions encourage use of sport and recreational areas to the extent that permanent, desirable grasses may be placed in unfavorable competition. Excessive moisture in heavy soils and poorly drained soils also create conditions favorable for Poa annua. If soils contain an excess of fines (silt and clay), these can be brought to the surface by foot and mechanical traffic. Shallow rooting of all species usually results, and annual bluegrass is favored. And finally, saturated soils contain little or no oxygen, hence, surface rooting occurs. Many times, this condition is brought on by over-irrigation and is inexcusable for the most part. C. LIGHT—Most plants have a critical minimum light intensity for photosynthesis and other physiologic functions to occur. It has been quoted that grass requires about 420 foot candles of light for the conversion of nitrate nitrogen to other forms in the leaves of the plant. Not only are the physiologic functions of the plant closely regulated by light, but it also exerts many stimulating effects upon the differentiation of tissues and organs. It has been said that light is rivaled only by water in its influence upon the morphology and anatomy of plants. Light intensity can become a limiting factor in turfgrass management. There is always a greater intensity in dry climates than in humid. Hence, a great difference between areas east and west of the Cascade Mountains. Light intensity west of the Cascades becomes critical for plant growth beginning with the wet fall, winter and early spring months. Intensities of no more than 200 foot candles have been recorded in December in problem areas and values of 1000 F.C. are the exception rather than the rule on cloudy days. Trees, buildings, and topographic variations also reduce the amount of available light. Annual bluegrass can survive and produce viable seed under lower light intensities than any other turfgrass in the northwest. This is in evidence when we examine the botanical composition of turf under shade and on the north sides of buildings where light is mostly of the diffuse type and rarely any direct. Many commercial spray applicators have discovered to their sorrow that this change occurs in small areas. Often, annual bluegrass is killed outright by herbicides required to effectively eliminate broad leafed weeds while causing little or no damage to the desirable turfgrasses. Not only is this weed favored in these areas due to the light intensity, but a high moisture level is usually a concomitant factor. SOIL FACTORS AFFECTING POA ANNUA DEVELOPMENT: A. SOIL TEXTURE—Light soils (sandy) are droughty and heavy soils (loam, silt loam, etc.) are potentially wet soils. Well drained light soils can discourage the development of annual bluegrass and other shallow rooted species since the surface can be kept dry enough to be suboptimum for growth. These conditions will encourage deeper rooting of the normally deep rooted perennial species. What may be a light textured soil for one use may become a heavy one for another. As an example, athletic fields and putting greens would soon encounter problems with a sandy loam soil, whereas this is perhaps the most desirable soil for the average home lawn, cemetery, or golf course fairway. Sandy loam soils can contain 25% or more of combined silt and clay. Silt and clay particles contribute greatly to the water holding capacity of a soil and the higher the percentage in any given zone, the wetter the soil becomes. When excessive foot and machine traffic is induced on these heavier soils, the fines (silt, clay, organic matter, and even fine sand) may migrate to the surface layer causing a sealing condition and resulting in wet and soft conditions during rainy periods and after irrigation, and compacted slowly permeable conditions otherwise. For these reasons, annual bluegrass is favored under most maintenance programs especially during the wetter months west of the Cascades. The other extreme of a soil becoming too light can also occur and must be avoided whenever possible. Sands can be modified in their nutrient and water holding capacities by the addition of organic matter; but we must remember that organic matter can hold up to nine times its weight of water, which is more than silt and clay. B. STRUCTURE—The arrangement of soil particles denotes the structure of a soil. Since compaction, puddling, and other manipulations of soil can break or alter the structure, it becomes less of a factor in most turfgrass soils. In fact, sand is said to be single grained or has no structure. Hence, we are little concerned, in the surface of the soil especially. Compaction on most recreational and athletic areas usually does not occur deeper than 2-3 inches. Soils, then, should retain some structural characteristics of aggregation below this depth. The pitfalls of loss of structure and migration of fines as they affect annual bluegrass have been pointed out in the section under texture. BIOTIC FACTORS AFFECTING POA ANNUA DEVELOPMENT: Under this section, a multitude of factors could be introduced that would affect the development of annual bluegrass; however, we shall consider those most commonly encountered in management practices in the northwest. Unfortunately, most of these factors are caused by man and a few by other causes, as follows: A. ADAPTED GRASS VARIETIES—If the turfgrass manager does not plant the best adapted varieties for his locality, it is probable that reduced vigor will result in annual bluegrass invasion. As an example, Kentucky bluegrass planted west of the Cascade Mountains is replaced by annual bluegrass and bentgrass, usually, within 2 or 3 years. Also the Kentucky type bluegrasses are subject to rust and diseases, resulting in invasion. The fact that perennial bluegrasses go into a winter dormancy, allows annual bluegrass and the bents to dominate. Athletic (football) fields are particularly subject to annual bluegrass domination. Here again, the right species or variety for the area will help prevent this. For a good football turf, we must have a tough, durable, deep rooted, and a quick recovering grass to withstand this use (or abuse), particularly during the dormant season. 8 B. MOWING—This is perhaps one of the most contributing factors of Poa annua domination. The frequency of mowing has little effect on reseeding by the plants as reported by Dr. Youngner in California. This is due to the low to prostrate growth habit, allowing ample seed to be produced near the ground surface. The mowing height is more closely related to annual bluegrass domination, however. There is an optimum height at which most plants make their best growth in both shoots and roots. Any decrease in mowing height will favor annual bluegrass. This is particularly evident in closely mowed putting greens but is not nearly so bad in lawns which are mowed at V2 inch or higher, where the desirable grasses are bent and/or fescue. This becomes increasingly important with ryegrass and tall fescue on athletic fields. C. AERIFICATION, VERTICUTTING, AND LIGHT RENOVATION— Any mechanical injury that does not heal rapidly leaves invasion routes for annual bluegrass. This is especially true in areas where grasses are dormant during the winter months. Dr. Youngner has previously reported this in California. In fact, the recommended method of overseeding thin turfgrass areas in the northwest is to aerify, verticut, or lightly renovate the area, then broadcast a desirable grass seed to strengthen the stand. As is the case with Poa annua, ample seed is always available for colonizing bare or thin areas. D. EFFECT OF DISEASES—Fusarium patch, red thread, fairy ring, snow mold, and now ophiobolus patch inflict considerable damage to managed turfgrasses annually. Again, due to the abundance of annual bluegrass seed ready to fill in these bare areas, it can completely dominate if the diseases are not controlled. Experiments are currently underway to determine the disease effect more specifically. Fusarium patch, which is particularly severe in areas west of the Cascades, is most active during the favorable germination period of annual bluegrass. Likewise, a favorable period for the germination of this weed occurs in areas east of the Cascades following severe activity of snow mold. This does not imply that Poa annua is resistant to these two diseases for such is not true. In fact, it is equally as susceptible as any of the bentgrasses, but due to its prolificacy, it can replace other grasses, as well as itself. E. THE EFFECT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES—Turfgrass areas killed or severely injured by toxic substances are open to invasion by annual bluegrass. Some of these substances are fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. If the loss of turf is due to a fertilizer burn, the reinvading species should find fertile growth conditions, especially in the case of nitrogen. Another instance of a toxic substance may possibly occur as a toxin produced by Poa annua itself. It is possible that such a substance could exist and eliminate or reduce other species from becoming established. This phenomenon is referred to ecologically as aulibiosis, and is known to occur in numerous ways. If such a toxin is produced by annual bluegrass, then a positive control would be of increasing importance. PRE- EMERGENCE CONTROL, A CHEMICAL PROGRAM AFFECTING POA ANNUA DEVELOPMENT Attempts to control annual bluegrass with pre-emergence chemicals has been in progress for many years. Perhaps this approach in the control of this weed is an off-shoot of pre-emergence crab grass control. Dr. Daniel of Purdue reported good success in the control of annual bluegrass with arsenic materials, but found that under certain environmental stresses that desirable turf was severely injured or killed as well. Goss 9 has found that lead arsenate applications resulted in greater toxicity to bentgrass seedlings than to annual bluegrass. Furthermore, the effects of arsenic are more or less permanent in the soil and applications of this material as a regular practice should be discouraged or prevented. Armed with many of the foregoing facts, a research program has been in progress at the Western Washington Experiment Station at Puyallup, Washington, for the last four years in an effort to select chemicals known to have pre-emergence control properties. These materials were applied to plots in a plastic air supported green house that were planted to both bentgrass and annual bluegrass at intervals up to 9 weeks in duration. All experiments were terminated by 16 weeks at the latest. The following table illustrates the effectiveness of these materials in their control of annual bluegrass. The important factor to note is that in experiment No. 5, only Dacthal, Zytron, Trifluralin, Betasan, and Enide were used. The other materials were previously eliminated because of phytotoxicity to established turf or ineffectiveness of control. Since these data were recorded, additional trials have shown that Azak and one or two experimental materials are likewise showing considerable promise for pre-emergence control. The effect of pre-emergence herbicides on the control of annual bluegrass seedlings planted 1 day, 3, 6 and 9 weeks after treatment and rated 3 weeks after planting. Observed Annual Bluegrass Control Rate Lbs. (l=mone, 10=Complete) * Treatment A.I./A. Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 4 Exp. 5 Check h 1.0 1.0 1.0 c 1.0 c 1.0 1 g — f 3.8 2 Dacthal 3.5 g " — 5 8.3 c 7.8 e y> 9.5ab 10 9.0 b 8.3ab 9.3ab 8.5a 15 8.8 be 9.3ab 7.5 b 9.0ab 8.5a ft>» 20 8.3ab — 8.8 be Zytron 10 9.5ab 9.0 b 8.8 be 15 8.3ab 8.5 b 9.3a Dipropalin 5.8 d 8.3 cd (2% gran.) 4 7.5 b Dipropalin 6 (E.C.) 8.3ab 9.0ab Trifluralin 2 8.3 b 9.0a 4 7.8 b 15 Betasan 9.3a — 4 Enide 9.3a Casoron 2 8.0 b 4 10.0a 10.0a 9.3a . 6 Fenac 8.3 c 10.0a 7.8 b 10.0a 4 3.8 f 6.3 Neburon f Vegadex 4.8 ie 6 4.8 1.0 c g TBA 3 1.0 h g 1.0 3 1.0 Velsicol B h g 1.0 Dicryl 6 — — 1.5 c * Within any one column, means followed by the same letter do not differ at P = 0.05. The effect of these materials is predominantly one of root toxicity, especially to embryonic or primary roots. If no root system can extend — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 10 — — beyond the toxic soil layer, the plant may not die readily, but will certainly remain stunted and susceptible to death from environmental extremes. Any good pre-emergence control program must consider these important steps: 1. How long is the material toxic? Most are good for 9-14 weeks, however, Betasan has shown residual effect for 1 year. 2. When must the material be applied? Certainly, we must encompass the germination period of annual bluegrass. August 15 applications will cover the late summer and fall germinating plants, and February 15 will cover the spring period. If the material has a residual life of 12 weeks, then applications at both of these periods would be in order. The ones with longer residual effect may be used once yearly. 3. When is it safe to overseed? Only when you are sure the toxicity has gone. If the chemical is applied in February, no planting should be done before about June 1. 4. It is obvious that a good disease control program must be exercised if pre-emergence chemical control is practiced. Overseeding due to turf loss from diseases should be timed for the period of no chemical toxicity. 5. These materials appear to be safe in preliminary trials in establishing turf from stolons. This is apparently due to morphologically different roots as compared to seedling or embryonic roots. SUMMARY: There is no panacea nor sure-fire means of controlling Poa annua, but a knowledge of some of the factors such as climate, soil, and the biotic factor, including man, will aid materially in controlling this weed and promote better quality turf. Chemical control, here, as in other crops and other pests, appears to be our best approach today, but the use must be tempered with sound research, a good working knowledge, and a practical approach at all times. FERTILITY EFFECTS O N DISEASE DEVELOPMENT A great amount of work has been done over the past several years with the turfgrass diseases. A considerable amount of knowledge has been gained on the effect of fertilizers and other factors on disease development. In recent years work has been conducted through the Western Washington Experiment Station at Puyallup and papers have been published regarding the control of Fusarium Patch caused by the fungus Fusarium nivale (1). One of the studies incorporated into this experiment on the control of Fusarium Patch was the effect of Fertilizers both intensity and ratio upon the development of this disease. The results of these studies indicated that the level of nitrogen applications as well as the source of nitrogen could greatly influence the amount of disease development. In all cases the higher levels of nitrogen caused much more Fusarium development In these experiments it was also observed that when nitrogen was obtained from urea that more disease developed than when other sources of nitrogen were used. Likewise some of the organic source nitrogenous materials increased the amount of Fusarium development during the early fall. 11 THE EFFECT OF FERTILITY ON OPHIOBOLUS PATCH (Ophiobolus graminis) The fungus Ophiobolus graminis causing the disease Ophiobolus Patch was first identified in Washington in November, 1960 (2). Even though the disease was previously reported in England, it has not been a serious problem elsewhere in the United States according to literature. In fertilizer plots at the Western Washington Experiment Station, a variable intensity of Ophiobolus development was observed within the different fertilizer treatments. A closer watch was kept thereafter on the diseased area to determine what possible effects nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium could have upon the development of this disease. EFFECTS OF FERTILITY ON OPHIOBOLUS PATCH DEVELOPMENT Disease Rating Plot No. and Fertilizer Treatment January '62 September '62 4 7 1. 20-0-0 2. 20-4-0 5 6 3. 20-4-4 6 6 4. 20-4-8 4 6 5. 0-0-0 0 1 6. 20-0-4 4 5 7. 20-0-8 5 5 8. 12-0-0 2 3 9. 12-0-4 2 2 10. 12-0-8 3 2 11. 12-4-0 2 2 12. 12-4-4 2 1 13. 12-4-8 3 0 14. 6-0-0 1 3 15. 6-0-4 0 0 16. 6-0-8 0 0 17. 6-4-0 1 0 18. 6-4-4 0 1 19. 6-4-8 2 2 Disease rated is Ophiobolus patch caused by Ophiobolus graminis. Ratings are from 1-10. A rating of 10 is severe, more than 40% of the plot being infected. From the table above it is obvious that the amount of nitrogen applied is the important factor in this case. Perhaps the source of nitrogen is just as important; however, source experiments have not been conducted at this time. The source of nitrogen in these experiments is from urea alone. Urea is being used since all fertilizer applications on these plots with the exception of phosphorus go on as spray treatments. As the rate of nitrogen application decreases so does the amount of infected or diseased area. When this disease first appeared it was even more pronounced on the higher fertilized plots. However, as time progresses the disease seems to become more generally widespread. FERTILITY EFFECTS ON RED THREAD (Corticimum fuciforme) DEVELOPMENT In trials conducted at Puyallup for two years, it has been shown that higher rates of nitrogen serve as good control measures for red thread during the growing season. Since this disease causes a leaf tip burning or browning effect, subsequent growth and removal of infected parts by clipping produces a desirable appearance. Nitrogen will produce 1 1 12 this growth effect as long as other elements are present in sufficient amounts. •This does not imply that no fungicidal or other controls are necessary, since the disease can become serious at times in the fall even on weli fertilized turf. However, a good fertilization program is important throughout the growing season. Conclusions There are no definite conclusions upon these studies at this time. An experiment is being set up currently to study Ophiobolus Patch in more detail. However, from two years of observation we can generally conclude that the higher the amount of nitrogen the greater the infection from Ophiobolus Patch will be particularly in the early stages of development. At this time there seems to be little interaction between phosphorus and potassium with nitrogen on the incidence of this disease, however, these factors will be investigated more thoroughly in the future. One interesting observation during the summer of 1962 has been the occurrence of white mold in certain plots throughout the fertilizer experiment. This white mold is believed to be caused by a Basidiomycete. Some problems of a rather serious nature are occurring along with this disease. These areas seem to be puffing more and are being scalped by the mower. Recovery is generally quite slow. The treatments affected worse in this case are number 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 18. It may be concluded here again that nutrition may be a factor in the development of this particular problem. 1. Fungicidal Tests For The Control Of Fusarium Patch Disease Of Turf by Gould, C. J., Goss, R.L., and Miller, V. L. Plant Disease Reporter 45:2, February, 1962. 2. Gould, C. J., Goss, R. L., and Eglitis, Maksis. Ophiobolus Patch Disease of Turf in Western Washington. Plant Disease Reporter 45:4 April, 1961. L I M I T I N G FACTORS IN SELECTIVE A N N U A L CONTROL BLUEGRASS By Norman Goetze Extension Farm Crops Specialist Presented at Northwest Turfgrass Conference Development of a desirable method for the selective control of annual bluegrass in desirable turf species is dependent upon using one or more of the principles of selective toxicity. Selective toxicity is defined as the practice of injuring one species of living matter without harming another species with which the first is in intimate contact. In the case of controlling annual bluegrass in turf, we would like to completely remove annual bluegrass without damage to the desirable turf species or any of the users of the turfgrass. Selective toxicity can be influenced by morphological differences between bluegrass and the other turfgrasses on the basis of differences in root growth, locations of growing points or depth of rooting. Physiological differences may be related to the presence or absence of the specific enzymes or by the presence of detoxifying agents in the resistant species. Periodicity of growth, especially in the case of annual bluegrass being an annual or a short lived perennial, allows the use of materials which are especially effective on emerging seedlings. The perfect annual bluegrass herbicide should be completely selective with absolutely no damage to other species. It should be long in residual activity and it should be equally active on all types of soil and climatic conditions found under turf conditions. Obviously, the perfect herbicide 13 will never be found, but there has been some recent research results which may be of interest. Much of the early annual bluegrass control results were obtained from research where soil active herbicides were sprayed on the bare surface and artificial populations of annual bluegrass were seeded prior to or immediately after application of the herbicides. There are dozens of chemicals which will control annual bluegrass under these conditions, but the results are not very typical of turf conditions. Very little turf is produced on bare soil with all annual bluegrass seed emerging over a short period of time. Some very promising annual bluegrass control methods have been developed in turfgrass seed fields. Most of these effective materials, such as the carbamates, substituted ureas, and triazines, do not cause any permanent damage to a stand of turf seed crops. They are applied at a season when top growth is not very active and minor damage is not objectionable in seed production. Much basic work on the ecological factors of soil type, rainfall distribution, exposure to high light intensity and soil inactivation by either ashes or organic matter, have been worked out. The early annual bluegrass control work under turf conditions showed that metallic arsenicals had greatest promise. These materials, when left on the surface of the soil, prevented the development of young seedlings of annual bluegrass. Lead arsenate was found to be more selective, but required heavier application rates than did calcium arsenate. Much damage has been experienced, especially to creeping bentgrass, from calcium arsenate. The substituted ureas, mainly diuron and neburon, have shown limited promise under turf conditions, but their selectivity is greatly influenced by soil type and temperatures. Much lower rates of application on sandier soils and in higher temperature areas could be tolerated. Richard Schwabauer completed studies in 1963 at Oregon State University on the interaction of soil mixtures and soil covers on the length of residual activity of several promising annual bluegrass herbicides. He found betasan to be least influenced by either soil type or soil cover and to have the best residual activity. Dacthal activity was influenced slightly by soil type and did not give as long residual activity. Four other materials gave excellent annual bluegrass control, but were either damaging to desirable turfgrass or were removed from development by the organizations developing them. In field trials during the 1963 season, Tom Neidlinger found diuron and betasan to give the best selective control of annual bluegrass in Kentucky bluegrass seed fields. Some damage to bluegrasses was incurred when surface water was impounded for a long period of time. Reasons for this damage have not been determined and additional plots are being established this season to investigate this problem. Diuron cannot safely be used on turfgrasses for reasons mentioned earlier. Dacthal caused slightly more damage than betasan and did not give as good selective control as betasan. Trifluralin gave excellent control of annual bluegrass but caused far too much damage to common Kentucky bluegrasses. In summary then, betasan is showing the best promise for control of annual bluegrass in turf conditions, at least on its length of residual activity and equal effectiveness under all soil conditions. Shorter residual life soil chemicals could be used if more were known about when annual bluegrass germinates. Present studies are pointing that annual bluegrass can germinate under almost all turf conditions in the northern Pacific region. In some laboratory trials, annual bluegrass 14 has been successfully germinated at 34°F, but of course the rate of germination is much lower. If the seeds can be kept adequately moist, it can also be germinated at temperatures as high as 90°F. When annual bluegrass actually germinates in the field has not been carefully determined under actual growing conditions. Some preliminary studies of this nature are now in progress. Additional work that is needed on annual bluegrass includes a comprehensive collection of strains of annual bluegrass. Preliminary evidence indicates that there are many different ecotypes of this species and that some of them would react quite differently when moved out of their natural habitat. Similar differences in reaction to selective herbicides might be predicted. P E R F O R M A N C E OF RED FESCUES FROM THE NORTHWEST W. E. P. Davis Experimental Farm, Canada Agriculture, Agassiz, B.C. The bulk of the creeping red fescue seed produced in Canada is grown in the Peace River region in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. It is generally considered that this seed originated from the variety "Olds", well-known for its winter hardiness. In turf trials at Agassiz, B.C. over a period of twelve years, Olds has shown considerable susceptibility to disease, in particular Red Thread, Corticium fusiforme (Berk.) Wakef. However, in seeding made in 1962 and 1963 this susceptibility appeared to be greatly reduced and the overall vigour of the turf improved. This change in the characteristics of turf from northern seed could be due to many things; to a general improvement in the seed being sown; to differences in seed lots produced in different parts of the Peace River region (ecotypes); or to seasonal conditions favourable to the production of seed from only one plant type within the seed fields in any one year. With these possibilities in mind, a study was undertaken at Agassiz, B. C. in 1963 with northern grown red fescue seed obtained (1) from seven commercial growers in the Peace River region. Materials and Methods The test area was roto-tilled out of a turf killed with 3 pounds per 100 sq. ft. of methyl bromide applied under plastic. The area was treated with 4.5 pounds of 2.5 percent Aldrin dust worked into the soil. Twentyfive pounds of a complete fertilizer (13-16-10) was applied and rototilled throughout the soil. The pH of the soil was approximately 6.2. The test was planted broadcast on September 3, 1963 at a rate of 4 pounds per 1000 sq. ft. The unreplicated plots were 10' x 10' comprising a total area of 20' x 60'. Twelve red fescues in all were seeded: 7 northern grown seed lots and 5 varieties. These were as follows, northern grown: Sexsmith I, Alta, Dawson Creek. B.C.; Sexsmith II, Alta., Valhala, Alta.; Ryecroft, Alta.; Rose Prairie, B.C.; Farmington, B.C. And varieties of red fescue: Reptans (Sweden), Polar (Sweden), Pennlawn, Duraturf, and Illahee. The latter three varieties were certified No. 1 seed. Yields of dry matter were obtained by weekly mowings of one swath per plot, with the same area being mown each week. The size of the swath was 1.8' x 10', and the mower was set at a height of 1 4". The amount of nitrogen removed in the clippings was determined by drying the grass at 100°C, grinding, and analyzing for nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method. Other agronomic data were obtained by means of either visual (1) Seed was obtained through the courtesy of Mr. D. W. Thompson, of the Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd., New Westminster, British Columbia. 1 15 / estimates or measurements. Fertilizer was applied with a Gandy spreader calibrated to spread at rates considered adequate in this area for good growth and healthy grass. Dates of application and amounts per 1000 sq. ft. are given in Table 1. To permit evaluation of disease infestation, particularly Red Thread, no fungicide was applied to the test area. Irrigation was not required due to the frequent rains over the mowing season. Table 1. Rates and Dates of Fertilizer * Applications to Turf at Agassiz, B.C. 1964. Pounds per 1000 sq. ft. N po Dates 2 5 K2O 1.6 2.6 2 March 19 .0 .0 1 April 15 1.0 .0 1 April 30 .0 .0 1 May 15 1.0 .0 1 June 1 .0 .0 1 June 20 1.0 .0 1 July 6 .0 .0 1 July 28 4.6 2.6 9 Total *A11 fertilizer was inorganic. Discussion and Conclusions The agronomic data presented in Table 2, while not replicated indicates to a marked degree the similarity between the fescues from the seven northern sources. The seedling vigour data obtained from assessments made 17 days after seeding and in 4 months' time displays not only this similarity but also the greater vigour of the 7 northern fescues in comparison to that of the 5 fescue varieties. These findings are substantiated by the height measurements taken in January, 1964. It should be stated that the two swedish varieties have not been tested previously at Agassiz, B.C. Thus, it is not known whether this is the normal vigour of these varieties or the exception. In the case of Pennlawn, previous trials displayed its vigour to be much greater than that of either Illahee or Duraturf. The weed ratings taken this fall reflect to a degree the bearing that vigour has on resistance to weed invasion. The exception to this was Pennlawn with the lowest weed invasion of the test. Sward density determined by removing plugs and counting tillers correlated very closely with density assessments made from the "feel" of the turf. Pennlawn had the densest turf, which might indicate a relationship between density and resistance to weed invasion. However, Polar also had a dense turf which, in view of its low resistance to weed invasion, does not bear out the previous statement. This latter variety had much finer tillers than the other fescues in the test and its growth, as is indicated by the dry matter data in Table 2, was slower. Which probably indicates that density and rapidity of growth or vigour are major factors relating to the weed resistance of a fescue variety. Regarding the 7 northern fescues, a marked similarity between them is indicated by the density data. This similarity extends to Duraturf, a selection out of the variety Olds. 16 The data for total dry matter and nitrogen in Table 2, again indicates the lack of a real difference among these northern fescues. The high dry matter production obtained from Pennlawn and Illahee represents the more normal vigour of these varieties than did the vigour ratings previously discussed. Table 2. Growth and seasonal data for c.r.f. turf at Agassiz, B.C. 1963 and 1964. Yield Fescue Vigour Height Weeds Density ( A p r 8 - A u g l l ) sources or 9-20-64 1-10-64 1-10-64 9-17-64 8-12-64 DryM. N. varieties (0-9) (0-9) (inches) (0-9) Tillers Lbs./lOOO sq. ft. I. 73 108 4.0 3.6 3.0 9 Sexsmith, Alta. 8 Dawson Creek 73 108 4.0 2.75 6.0 8 6 B.C. 11. 105 72 4.0 6.0 2.50 8 Sexsmith, Alta. 5 103 5.0 78 4.0 2.25 8 Valhalla, Alta. 6 73 107 4.1 2.75 5.0 8 Ryecroft, Alta 6 Ross Prairie, 4.0 68 4.7 106 9 2.25 7 B.C. 6.0 73 106 2.75 3.9 6 Farmington, B.C. 7 60 106 2.37 8.0 4.0 6 Sweden Reptans 3 121 93 1.25 7.0 3.6 4 Sweden Polar 2 2 134 112 4.3 2 1.50 6 Pennlawn 75 5 103 3.8 2.0 Duraturf 5 8 3 81 112 4 5 1.50 4.3 Illahee 0-low, 9-high Tillers per 2" x 2" plug, average of 12 plugs. The disease, Red Thread, failed to establish itself in these plots even though the disease was present on turf in close proximity to the test area. Thus, no data could be collected on the response of the northern fescues to disease, which was one of the main reasons for establishing the test. The color of the plots varied little over the mowing season and differences between the 12 fescues were so slight that it was of no great significance. However, looking at the data in Table 3, it can be seen that the amount of nitrogen removed in the clipping was never equal to the nitrogen applied at any one fertilizing interval. This, at a first glance would indicate that the rate of nitrogen applied was in excess of the requirements of the plants. But, at no time during the mowing season did the turf reach the desirable full, dark green color indicative of high nitrogen fertility. Furthermore, the weekly mowing data for dry matter (not presented) indicated a fall off in yield of dry matter and in most instances a decline in the percentage of nitrogen in the clippings. This would suggest that nitrogen was not in excess but was being leached by rain or for some reason not available to the turf. 'This somewhat preliminary work with the northern red fescues, while showing the uniformity of seed from the 7 sources, does not prove or disprove the possibility of a seasonal influence on the type of seed produced in this or other regions in any one year. Furthermore, to study this factor more fully, seed from a given source should be obtained yearly and tested over a period of five or more years in row plantings as well as under a mowing regime. This, to determine the genotypic response of the variety to enviroment. 2 1 TT 1 2 17 g e u $ g? g? ff S § p w ^ g (D 5d o W <¡ ff O ffD^ O ff fD (5 Hi >£ 3 ff3 Wo 00 ff P — t(w co o o to -o OD 4» Ol -o p OD -3 p pi Ol OD 'co OD OD OD co 4b co OD HJ co CtoO to to 'toto OD o Ol o -a co 4b o ss ò d o 0)tr-3 — i> co o e H* o a> to o o Hb HJ « w fD fD •-Í 4 Io o o co 3 Ht» «-H a Hb fD co o 3 fD p Hb Hb o Hi «rt» tr fD »3 en to 4* «o ö Ol OD Ol o> Ol Ü1 Ol Ol Ol Ol OD en s CO Ol H CO <1 *-o Ol < ! 4b g to to ff. Dì 3 o r-b ^ w o l-J. ora (D 3 S! en bi I-4 to 00 I-» <1 O00D 00 OD 4* to H-4 4 4 4 ho H-1 bi oo bo I—4 ü ö H4 o 00 4b 4b OD <1 P O CO © CO o -3 CO CO <1 CO CO co co © co co co c o c o © © co co © oo cji i-*acoP^o o WMOOOcoOOOOOJOW^^^IOJOOO^iOOOHUlCO^lMOJ^CO^ai 3' T I Io oI oI o cm |_i MM ISMMMMMHH 3 CO Oi CO CO CO CO ' 1 O' CCOO CCOO COCO©H-© CCOO CCJIO — t©*CfinDOCOp© m n ih. CO CO ki M fn ( COOOCOCO©©4^CJIH-COOO©OO©4^OOCOCO^CJICJICOCO©©CO4^COCOCO OOOl—»(-»K-'OOI—'OOOOOOOOOl—»H-»!— H-»H-'OOOOH-'Ot—'Oi-.. p©o x OWOHHHCOOOOOlOlHCOCOCOHOO^HHOOO^^OOOOMOia WOWMOiOJlOCOMMOOlOOOCOroCAJOiCOCOW^I^^COWW^^^M C4^O l o 4^ Oh]pO o^J m o 00 • ©CO ooo o HPHH t•-4 ^4^>-*i *l-i »-H4 p CCOO 4^- CCOO I— COot—©cooo-oi©oi©>-. CO-d-JOJOlhMWCOMOO COH-»O OCO^^WMOMMMOI CO -OoCO h-Oi MWCOCO W^ODS C O © © C O C 4^cococo-a^^ucocoh-'o O O C O C O C OO 4^cocococni—^-aoiw HOHOOCOCO^ -a-J^OiOiHffiWOOlO ooooo 1 CJI 1 1 1 oI— CO 1 K* o I-» ^ 4*CJI CO CO to CO 4^ 29 w . fDHb n> cm p o" 5>s: 3 H-b Ul c 1-4 V. The influence of irrigation treatments on total dry matter yield of clippings. Grams per plot. 1963 1962 Irrigation treatments Clay loam Sandy loam Clay loam Sandy loam 690 575 V2 inch 1308 1128 % inch 609 502 1188 1286 1 inch 660 482 1243 1047 681 1% inches 484 1215 998 L.S.D. 44 91 N.S. N.S. C of V. 2.3 2.5 3.9 2.3 The influence of irrigation treatments on visual turf quality ratings* 1962 1963 Irrigation treatments Clay loam Sandy loam Clay loam Sandy loam V2 inch 7.50 7.33 7.58 7.92 % inch 6.42 6.17 7.50 7.86 1 inch 6.83 6.50 7.75 7.79 inches 7.17 6.91 7.66 7.15 *'Turf quality rated 1-10, with 10 highest The influence of irrigation treatments on the mean percentage of moisture in the soil from 0-12 inch depth. Irrigation treatments V2 inch % inch 1 inch l /4 inches L.S.D. C. of V. x 1962 Clay loam Sandy loam 13.66 12.02 14.90 7.13 12.71 6.97 12.46 6.67 N.S. 2.22 5.58 8.26 30 1963 Clay loam Sandy loam 18.00 13.02 16.44 11.32 14.22 9.88 13.63 9.55 3.11 1.71 6.24 4.80 % Soil moisture Pd N r c-1 3CDOl o CO- d p Ch ^Cl- > QTQ »: CO S96I&e\o ui airqsiotu ^uaojod •su01p3g11.iT o; joud uiBox 32 to Ol T R E N D S IN GOLF A R C H I T E C T U R E W. H. Bengeyfield USGA Green Section, P.O. Box 567, Garden Grove, Calif. Perhaps the most misused term in golf is the word "green". How often have you heard someone incorrectly refer to the Greens Superintendent, Greens Chairman or even the RCGA or USGA Greens Section? Actually, the word "greens" is concerned only with the putting green on a golf course. The term "green" refers to the whole golf course. "Through the green" is that area from the tee to the green itself, excluding the bunkers. Therefore, the correct terminology is Green Superintendent, Green Chairman and Green Section. This leads nicely into our topic of "Trends in Golf Architecture". I'm sure the Royal Canadian Golf Association and the USGA Green Section is concerned with everything that takes place "through the green" and this includes golf architecture as well. The USGA is becoming seriously concerned with a disturbing trend in golf architecture today. At a time when golf courses are being built so rapidly, it is inevitable that many incompetents and unqualified individuals will become active in the business of golf course design. After all, anyone who considers himself a fair golfer, a fair turfgrass man or has some type of artistic sense—might well believe that he is also a qualified golf course architect. I can cite dozens of examples where the architect through haste, through lack of supervision, through lack of knowledge, through indifference, and in some cases through greed, has left a golf club with built in problems which will surely show up at a later date. In many cases, the golf course superintendent is blamed for lack of maintenance skill when the difficulty develops. We are concerned because the architect's clients later become USGA members. Surely the future will hold a great interest on our part in the area of golf architecture. Let me cite an outstanding example of this dangerous trend in golf course building today. This past summer a feature article on a "young and promising golf course architect" appeared in one of the major newspapers in Texas. During the interview, the featured golf architect was asked, "How much formal education does it take to become a golf course architect?" "None," replied the young man, "If you know enough bull-dozer operators. It just takes practical knowledge." This is indicative of the attitudes of many of those who call themselves architects today. The statement about an architect needing no education unfortunately reflects the thinking of many people in business. Furthermore, this feeling is propagated by architects who are regarded as capable and well trained, but who all too often do not offer much of a target of excellence for the novices to shoot for. If I had been called on to give this talk a few years ago, I'm afraid it would have been almost entirely 'anti-architect'. Today however, the story is different. I have found it is far easier to criticize an architect than it is to expose yourself to the actual problem of golf course design and construction. This is not easy work—if it is to be done correctly. A few years ago I was visiting with a noted western golf course architect. When asked why so many poor courses, both in design and construction, were being built today, he had an enlightening answer: "You have a client or a prospective one. He has 130 acres and he wants you to design a championship 18-hole layout that is 7,000 yards 33 long. He then wants you to design it around 80 home building sites on the property, a clubhouse with adequate parking, roads, a driving range, a lake and some service facilities as well. And he wants the course built for $200,000 including an automatic irrigation system! "Of course, it can't be done but if I don't take the job, someone else will and I've got just as much interest in economics as the next person." Sometimes, we just don't undertand or expose ourselves to other fellows viewpoint. He has to make a living too and the client gets just about what he pays for. So let's be honest about it: Even the well trained and well known people in the business frequently do jobs very poorly. After all, you cannot build a cheap palace. Some other examples of this trend in design may interest you. The following are true stories: Within the past year, a fairly new course was chosen for a major tournament in 1965. The designer is a student of the game and highly respected. Yet, somewhere along the line, there was a failure in engineering with respect to a small creek running through the property. Consequently, ever since the course has been opened, the maintenance crew has been involved in raising greens, raising fairways and creating new drainage ways to the creek. All this in an effort to keep silt off of the low fairways and greens. It's a great golf course—if it doesn't rain! Each year the USGA Green Section receives a number of "trouble calls" due to built in problems. For example, we have experienced the following situations in the past year: 1. Two trouble calls relating to putting green soils and poor drainage. 2. One trouble call concerned with a poorly designed irrigation layout that has just been completed. 3. One trouble call from a new course where a few greens were built in a pocketed area. 4. A serious problem with trap or bunker drainage. Adequate drainage was not provided by the architect. All of these from new courses that are less than five years old. Marvin Ferguson of the USGA Green Section tells of this true experience in the recent past. One of the clubs he visits decided to redesign a hole on their course. The tee did not come out quite right. Upon inquiring, he learned that the architect had left the job after telling the bull-dozer operator to "go over on the side of that hill by the oak tree and shape up a tee." The bull-dozer operator went to the golf course superintendent, after the architect had left, and asked, "What's a tee?" Two years ago I experienced an "architectural problem" on a new course in the west. The 'architect' was retained to lay out 18 holes. He placed the center stakes marking the first tee, the first fairway, the first green and so on around the course. Before earth moving was started, the course representatives took a tour of the area with him. The first hole was supposed to measure somewhere near 500 yards. It looked a bit long to one of the officials and he later returned to measure it for himself. It turned out to be over 650 yards long! So it seems we are constantly second guessing and trying to correct the mistakes made by some so-called golf course architects. Something must be done and, thankfully steps are being taken. The American Society of Golf Course Architects, the National Golf Foundation and interested Golf Associations are becoming directly concerned with the problem. What makes a good golf course? It's a hard thing to define, yet anyone who plays golf at all has a definite liking for certain courses. They are 34 fun to play, they are interesting, they are challenging and they are beautiful. It's the job of architects to discover and utilize every feature of a piece of property or to manufacture features that will make a course interesting and appealing. A noted architect once said, "The ideal course should demand alertness of mind as well as playing skill. If it does not, the player never senses the enjoyment in meeting the series of tests and challenges a golf course should offer." "Trends in Golf Architecture" is such a tremendous subject that we could dwell on for an entire month, perhaps a year. There are certain references available from the USGA and, should you be interested, we would be happy to send them to you. For the purposes of this discussion however, let us summarize by saying that one of the major trends in golf architecture today is toward mediocrity in the principles of construction and design. It is a trend that can—yes, must be checked. EFFECTS OF E N V I R O N M E N T A N D OPHIOBOLUS O N THE C O M P O S I T I O N OF TURF Charles J. Gould* Ecology has been defined as the study of mutual relations among organisms and their environment. Insofar as turf is concerned, one of the main environmental factors consists of microorganisms. The inocuous and benficial organisms usually outnumber and suppress the parasitic ones, although the latter frequently get the upper hand. When this occurs, turfgrasses are weakened and/or destroyed. Then the way is paved for such weeds as annual bluegrass (Poa annua), chickweed (Stellaria and Cerastium spp.), pearlwort (Sagina sp.), dandelion (Taraxcum officinale), and clover (Trifolium sp.) to take over. The importance of annual bluegress in the Northwest has been demonstrated by the amount of time devoted to it in the opening session of this Conference. It is the predominant grass on most greens in the Pacific Northwest, although only bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) was originally planted. Annual bluegrass is also a major component of other types of turf in this region. What has brought about this shift from bent to annual bluegrass? For several years some of us have believed that diseases can be blamed for much of the invasion by various weeds. Now we are beginning to get some concrete evidence. Let's consider some recent data from plots on which Roy Goss, Vern Miller and I are testing fungicides. Sod of Colonial Bent was laid in these plots at our experiment station at Puyallup in the fall of 1961. Fungicidal applications were begun in the spring of 1962 and continued at 3 week intervals except during the dry summer and cold winter months. On September 11, 1964, Dr. Goss estimated the percentage of bent in the untreated plots at 41% as contrasted with 81% in the plots with the best fungicidal treatment. We believe that most of this decrease of 59% in bent in two years was caused by parasitic fungi, particularly Fusarium nivale. At the rate the bent is disappearing only traces would likely remain if the check plots were left untreated for another two years. Bent is very susceptible to Fusarium. The diseased areas have been invaded mostly by annual bluegrass and pearlwort. Some strains of annual blue* Plant Pathologist, Washington State University, Western Washington Experiment Station, Puyallup, Washington. 35 grass are susceptible to Fusarium, while some appear to be resistant— but all strains apparently are capable of very rapid reinvasion of the dead or thinned areas. Pearlwort is apparently resistant to this fungus. Bent is also killed or weakened by Fusarium in higher cut turf of fairways, lawns and parks. These areas are then invaded by annual bluegrass, chickweed, and clover, and by increased growth of fuscue (Festuca sp.), if the latter was present in the original mixture. Bents may be attacked by other fungi, including Ophiobolus graminis var. avenae, which we now consider to be a major disease of highcut turf in the Northwest. This fungus has been reported from British Columbia and California, samples have been received from Oregon, and we have observed it in eastern Washington. The disease is very widespread in western Washington but is often overlooked in high-cut turf since other grasses and weeds fill in spots where bent is killed by the fungus. This 'new' disease has been here for a long time probably, but it wasn't recognized before 1960. However, it is also possible that general shifts in such cultural practices as fertilization and liming have encouraged its development. Because Ophiobolus Patch now appears to be of major importance and because we haven't discussed it in detail at previous conferences, it is appropriate to use it as an example in demonstrating both the importance of a fungus parasite as an ecologic factor affecting turfgrasses and the effect of environment on parasites. Some of the following comments on Ophiobolus concern its attack on wheat, when comparable data for turfgrasses are not available. On wheat and other cereals the disease is worldwide and is called "Take-All." OPHIOBOLUS PATCH Symptoms On putting green turf the disease at first resembles Fusarium Patch in the development of a small brown dead area, but even at this stage there are some differences. An active Ophiobolus patch is often bright brown, or bleached, or sometimes has a reddish tinge as contrasted to the dull brown, greenish-brown, or blackish-brown color of Fusarium Patch. In addition, as it grows, Ophiobolus kills the roots and crown so the plants can be easily pulled up, whereas Fusarium initially kills only the tops. Prolonged attacks by Fusarium may result in eventual death of the roots. Fusarium sometimes affects an area up to 6" wide, but this is unusual on putting greens and the original grass or annual bluegrass normally refills the centers of such spots quickly. 'The Ophiobolus fungus, however, usually continues spreading in an ever-increasing circle, killing the bent and often annual bluegrass as it grows. It spreads most rapidly at warm temperatures. In a small scale test at the Western Washington Experiment Station we placed naturally diseased turf (a mixture of Colonial bent and annual bluegrass) in illuminated growth chambers at different constant temperatures. Under these conditions the fungus spread (or at least the symptoms developed) at a rate of 4" a month at 51° as compared with a spread of 18" a month at 77°. Under normal outdoor conditions in western Washington the circles usually increase about six inches in diameter a year. The fungus also spreads in a circular pattern in fairway or lawn-type turf, killing the bent as it grows. However, the dead areas or circles in such turf are not usually as noticeable as they are in putting greens, since resistant fescues and partially resistant annual bluegrasses are usually present and remain essentially undamaged or quickly invade the open areas. Consequently, the infected area is thinned but is seldom completely bare. But the thinning does open the way for invasion by annual bluegrass and other weeds. 36 Hosis Bentgrasses are very susceptible but fescues are resistant to Ophiobolus under our conditions. Reports indicate that the reverse may be true in other areas. It must be remembered, however, that different strains of this fungus exist which may differ in their preference of hosts. The only strain that we have identified in our turf is apparently the type that also attacks oats (Ophiobolus graminis Sacc var. avenae E. M. Turner). Annual bluegrass is reported to be somewhat susceptible to this Ophiobolus, but other species of bluegrasses are less susceptible. Infection Most Ophiobolus is probably spread by transportation of diseased leaves and stems on mowing machines. This movement, of course, could occur at any time of the year. However, the fungus may also be spread by ascospores (which function as "seeds") that develop in late fall in small black flask-shaped bodies (perithecia) on the base of grass stems or on roots. As soon as the fungus becomes established in a plant it can spread from plant to plant by growing along the roots. It apparently does not grow very far through the soil in the absence of grass or other susceptible roots. New infections in turf usually appear in late spring, enlarge rapidly in the summer if moisture is adequate, and continue enlarging slowly during the fall. The spots remain relatively quiescent during the coldest part of the winter and during dry summers. Margins of the advancing rings are usually 1-3 inches wide and bright brown in color when the fungus is actively spreading. Later the dead areas become dull brown or bleached and during the winter turn light grey as the dead grass becomes matted. Partially-infected plants may remain green or lightgreen during cool moist periods in the spring or summer but turn brown in a few hours or days during hot dry weather which puts the plants under a heavy water stress. Factors Affecting Infection Soil Type—Attacks on wheat have occurred in many different types of soils, but they are usually most severe on light sandy ones (2). The fungus can attack in heavy soils if other conditions are optimal for the pathogen. We haven't studied this factor yet but assume that the response of turfgrasses would be similar. Moisture—Heavy attacks on wheat have occurred in both Europe and the United States following unusually wet periods. Sprague (10) reported that the Take-All disease on wheat was very severe in the Pacific Northwest in 1948—a year of heavy rainfall in the spring and early summer. Reports from England also indicate that Ophiobolus Patch is most severe on turfgrasses following unusually wet periods. The fungus is suppressed, however, in excessively wet soils where aeration is poor. In such cases a high carbon dioxide content of air in the soil apparently retards growth of the fungus along roots (2). Temperature—The fungus grows most rapidly in culture at 73 to 75° F, but most crown infection of wheat occurs at temperatures of 54 to 61° F (2). Observations in western Washington indicate that Ophiobolus spreads most rapidly under warm conditions, if the moisture supply is adequate. Nutrition—Ophiobolus attacks wheat most often in soils in which the nutrition is low or unbalanced (2). Likewise, the disease has been noticed most often in grass which suffers from malnutrition, such as unfertilized fairways. However, a high level of nitrogen has increased disease loss in wheat if the nitrogen was unbalanced in relation to phosphorus. On infested soils low in phosphorus but optimum for nitrogen the disease 37 losses in wheat have been reduced in proportion to the amount of phosphorus added. Garrett (2) has shown that addition of nitrogen often gives control in wheat during the current growing season, apparently because roots develop faster than the fungus. However, if sufficient food is available for fungus survival, attack on the subsequent crop may be greater than if no nitrogen were used. Because turfgrasses are perennial, their nutrition is complicated, and procedures that might work for wheat will not necessarily work for turf. Relatively high rates of nitrogen are required for good growth of grasses. The age of turf also appears to be a complicating factor. In cooperative tests with Dr. Goss on plots planted in 1959 the disease was first noticed in June, 1960. By January, 1961, it was slightly less on low nitrogen and low potash plots than on other plots. By September, 1961, the low nitrogen plots were definitely superior to the high nitrogen plots. However, counts made on September 21, 1964 indicate that the effect of nitrogen has become less important and that the relative beneficial influence of both phosphorus and potash has increased as the turf has become older. pH—The disease most often occurs on wheat grown in alkaline soils (2). Smith (9) reports that in England the fungus usually affects turfgrasses under neutral or near-neutral conditions. His observations and tests indicate that a pH of 5 is about the breaking point and any pH above 5.5 is dangerous. The upper V2 or 1" is apparently the crucial zone. In long term fertilizer experiments at the Sports Turf Research Institute in England, the disease occurred on all plots treated with calcium nitrate or sodium nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen. These materials made the soil less acid, whereas both ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate made the soil more acid and less disease was present. Smith has stated (9) that the disease does not always follow liming. When fungus attack does occur after liming, it may take 1 to 3 years for the onset of severe symptoms and these begin to decline within 2 to 3 years. Symptoms may disappear suddenly (9). The disease has also been seen, although in mild form, where no lime or fertilizers have been applied for ten years (8). Disease losses increased as the particle size of lime decreased in Smith's tests. He recommended that if lime is needed, it should be of a slowly dissolving type (either large grains or other slowly dissolving types), and applied uniformly at an exact rate. The action of lime may be one of absorbing carbon dioxide, the absence of which permits the runner hyphae of the fungus to spread more rapidly along roots (9). Organic Matter and Soil Microorganisms—The Ophiobolus strain that attacks wheat is a poor saprophyte and must have susceptible roots or stems in order to survive. Without such food it perishes in a few months so that rotation is an effective means of control. Presumably the same would be true of turf, but we can seldom rotate turfgrasses. Therefore, we must seek other approaches. Clark (1) has reported that such organic substances as fresh chicken manure and alfalfa tops have given excellent control of the disease in wheat. In view of this it would probably be worthwhile to test such a material as sewage sludge to see if similar results might be obtained on turf. The action of the chicken manure and alfalfa mentioned above may be due to: increased nutrition (an increase in nitrate nitrogen and available phosphorus was reported); an increase in carbon dioxide which inhibits growth of the fungus along roots; antagonistic microbial action; or, most likely, to a combination of these factors. Ludwig (6), Garrett (2) and others have shown that many microorganisms in the soil can compete with or antagonize the Ophiobolus 38 fungus. One of the most common of these is Trichoderma viride which shows similar action against many other soil-borne parasites. When such beneficial organisms are eliminated, as by fumigation of soil with methyl bromide, attacks of turfgrasses by Ophiobolus often increase. CONTROL Based upon reports in the literature plus our observations and experience in western Washington, the following points are suggested as guides in attempts to control this fungus. Moisture—Although nothing can be done to control rainfall, adequate drainage should be provided. Irrigation should also be adequate but not excessive. Nutrition—A well balanced program must be followed. Nitrogen should be adequate but not excessive. Avoid letting the available phosphorus level drop. Include potash to provide resistance to Fusarium and perhaps Ophiobolus. Ammonium sulfate has been given good control of Ophiobolus in our tests in Washington to date and has been reported effective in England and in Australia. Ammonium phosphate has also provided good control in the two latter countries. pH—Apply lime cautiously. For the best Ophiobolus control, keep the pH below 5.5 and preferably around 5 if the turf is severely infected. Use acidifying fertilizers (such as ammonium sulfate), if necessary. If lime applications must be made, use slowly dissolving types. Apply lime uniformly and exactly at the rate recommended on the basis of a soil analysis. Organic matter—Keep its level high. One reason why the disease is more severe on many fairways than on most other turf areas may be because recently planted fairways are usually low in organic material, while old fairways are often undernourished and unbalanced in nutrition. Insecticides—Ophiobolus was reduced on wheat in England by chlorinated hydrocarbons at 18 lbs. active per acre with heptachlor being most effective followed by aldrin, dieldrin and chlordane, which was toxic (7). Similar results were obtained in Europe at 89 lbs. per acre with chlordane, aldrin, and lindane (4). Chlordane appears promising on turf in tests underway at the Western Washington Experiment Station. Fungicides—Some of the organic mercuries were partially effective on turf in England (5, 9) and phenyl mercuric acetate has been partially effective in Washington (3). Recent results at the Western Washington Experiment Station indicate that a very finely-ground mixture of mercurous and mercuric chloride (Caloclor is being used in our tests) may be superior to phenyl mercuric acetate. Conclusions Because of the many factors involved, it is unlikely that there will be any simple solution to this widespread and destructive disease. The more we study any turfgrass disease, the more complicated we find it to be—with constantly changing interactions between the hosts and environmental or ecological factors. We have just begun to scratch the surface in understanding these. We hope to find time to scratch deeper in the years to come. My thanks to the Northwest Turf Assoc. and Oregon Turf Managers Assoc. whose dollars are helping us do some of this scratching. Literature Cited: 1. CLARK, FRANCIS E. 1942. Experiments toward the control of the Take-All disease of wheat and the Phymatotrichum Root Rot of cotton. U.S.D.A. Tech. Bui. No. 835. 2. GARRET, S. D. 1956. Biology of Root-Infecting Fungi. University 39 Press, Cambridge. 252 p. 3. GOULD, C. J., ROY L. GOSS, AND MAKSIS EGLITIS. 1961. Ophiobolus Patch disease of turf in western Washington. Plant Disease Reptr. 45 (4): 296 & 297. 4. GROSSMAN, F., AND D. STECKHAN. 1960. Side effects of some insecticides on pathogenic soil fungi. Z. PflKrankh. 67(1): 7-19. 5. JACKSON, NOEL. 1958. Ophiobolus Patch disease fungicide trial, 1958. J. Sports Turf Res. Inst. April, 1958. pp. 459-461. 6. LUDWIG, R. A., AND A. W. HENRY. 1944. Studies on the microbiology of recontaminated sterilized soil in relation to its infestation with Ophiobolus graminis Sacc. Canad. J. Res 21(11-Sec. C) : 343-350. 7. SLOPE, D. B., AND F. T. LAST. 1963. Effects of some chlorinated hydrocarbons on the development of Take-all of wheat. Plant Pathology 12(1): 37-39. 8. SMITH, J. DREW. 1956. Fungi and turf diseases. J. Sports Turf Res. Inst. 9 (32): 180-203. 9. SMITH, J. DREW. 1959. Fungal diseases of turf grasses. Pub. by Sports Turf Res. Inst. 81 p. 10. SPRAGUE, RODERICK. 1950. Diseases of cereals and grasses in North America. Ronald Press Co., New York. 436 p. A M I N O A C I D N U T R I T I O N A N D TURF FUNGI By Neil Allan MacLean University of British Columbia A recent report by C. J. Gould entitled "Turf-Grass Disease Problems in North America" indicates that there are a number of diseases affecting turf in North America. The report also indicates that some diseases affect turf in all turf growing areas of North America, i.e., some diseases are common to all parts of North America. However, it would appear that these common diseases that appear in all turf growing areas of North America may be very important in one area and relatively unimportant in another area. The report also shows that some diseases occur in some areas but not at all in other areas. There are a number of reasons for the presence or absence of a disease as there are a number of reasons for the severity of the disease. Grass species show varying degrees of resistance or susceptibility to organisms causing disease. The degree of resistance or susceptibility may be controlled by the genes and is therefore genetic in nature, and is usually inherited. The degree of resistance or susceptibility may also be affected by the environment. Such factors in the environment as moisture, temperature, soil pH, light, and C(X> content may determine the severity of a disease or even determine whether that disease will occur or not. One factor of the envionment that has a direct as well as an indirect bearing on the incidence and severity of a disease is the nutritional factor. Organisms as well as the hosts they attack are affected by the kinds and amounts of nutrients present. We in plant pathology at the University of British Columbia are interested in the nutritional requirements of fungi and it is on one phase of this work that I would like to report today. It should be noted that the work we have done has been done in the laboratory only and with only pure cultures of the fungi involved. Before discussing some of the results of our work I would like to mention some of the factors affecting nutrition of fungi and, in particular, the nutrition of soil fungi. 40 As I have mentioned the results that will be reported are the results of laboratory experiments with pure cultures of fungi. However, as Garrett in his text "Soil Fungi and Soil Fertility" mentions, "such studies of single organisms in pure culture are an obvious and essential prerequisite for understanding their behaviour in the complex microbial community of the soil. But although this is an essential first step to understanding, it is a first step only; micro-organisms may behave only one way in pure culture, and in another way in a mixed community in which factors of association and competition come into play". Other speakers on this program have referred to ecology as that branch of biology that is concerned with the study of mixed communities of organisms in relation to the habitat in which they live. It is with fungi and their habitats that we will be concerned. Plant Pathologists usually refer to the habitat or place of growth as the substrate. In the laboratory the substrate is more commonly referred to as the medium upon which the organisms grow. Professor Lilly of West Virginia University lists some of the problems that arise when a fungus is cultivated and studied in the laboratory. "What medium should be used, natural, synthetic, semisynthetic, liquid or solid agar? What carbon and nitrogen sources should be used, and at what concentration? Should vitamins be added? Will the pH of the medium be critical, and how can it be maintained at desired levels? Should media be sterilized by autoclaving, or filtration, or by the use of a fumigant such as propylene oxide? How can maximum sporulation be obtained or how can certain species and isolates be induced to sporulate? How should growth and sporulation be measured? Should the cultures be grown in light or darkness or alternating light and darkness? What temperature should be used? How much variation exists among isolates of the same species?" All of these questions should be considered in the light of the question as to what is the purpose of the study. The substrates used in our studies were all synthetic and were liquid, semi-liquid and solid. Studies using natural media are now underway. Experiments have been conducted in both the light and the dark and alternating light and dark. Various nitrogen sources have been used but the emphasis has been on media containing one amino acid or combinations of amino acids. Why the emphasis on amino acids? Garrett (1956, p. 34) suggests substrates for soil fungi may be defined as: "living or dead, virgin or partially decomposed plant or animal tissues lying in or on the soil, or soluble products diffusing therefrom." For most of the year, even in temperate climates with a winter season, fresh substrates for soil-micro-organisms are continuously being provided by animals and plants, as well as the dead cells of other microorganisms. Animals migrate through and over the soil, sloughing off tissues and excreting while still alive and making a final disposition in favour of their microbial legatees when death at last overtakes them. The roots of plants grow through the soil and while still alive they are continuously excreting small but significant amounts of sugars, amino acids and other organic materials which support an epiphytic root surface microflora and outside of that a rhizosphere microflora (Garrett, 1963). In addition to this work by Garrett; Brink, Snyder, Wilhelm and many others have reported the replacement of old and dying roots with new young vigorous roots in crops such as turf, beans, strawberries, etc. Most of these workers have also reported the secretion of substances from the roots, among them amino acids, that aid in fungus growth on the root or that most important area around the root. Excised tissues and the dead sloughed off portions of the roots become sources of food for fungi and other soil micro-organisms. Using these habitats and sources of food supply the organisms causing disease can now move into the plant 41 (providing other conditions are present for successful penetration and infection) where similar and other sources of nutrients are available. When organisms in the soil die, they too release various kinds and amounts of nutrients, among them amino acids, thus providing sources of nutrients for continued growth. When a length of fungal hypha or a bacterial cell has exhausted its zone of enzymatic erosion, then it cannot obtain any more of the energy-supplying carbon compounds to support life and so it dies. Nitrogen in various forms is then made available to further cellular growth. The paramount role of nitrogen in this process has been emphasized because nitrogen is the mineral nutrient required in largest amount and therefore most likely to be in short supply. Stanier (1953) has stated: "Microbial environments (and microbial substrates or habitats) are micro-environments (and micro-substrates or habitats) (parentheses are mine), hundreds or even thousands of which be concealed from the gross ecological eye in any gram of soil. A single cellulose fibre provides a specialized environment with its own characteristic microflora yet may occupy a volume of not more than a cubic millimeter." This abbreviated discussion of substrates or habitats, the importance of micro-environments and the role of released nutrients from dead and dying tissues and organisms indicate, at least to some degree, the reason for our interest in amino acids and sources of nutrition. In a series of previous initial laboratory experiments conducted by MacLean and Woolliams and from an extensive review of the literature it was found that not all amino acids supported growth of the same organism to the same degree. Not all amino acid supported growth, in fact, some amino acids suppressed growth. In general we found the single amino acid media to fall in three categories: 1. Those amino acids that supported fungus growth. 2. Those amino acids that had no effect on fungus growth. 3. Those amino acids that suppressed fungua growth. It was with the third group that we became, interested. Experiments were designed incorporating groups of the amino acids instead of single amino acids. We were interested to know that if we incorporated two or more amino acids from group 1, would we get a further suppression of fungus growth? We also incorporated amino acids from group 1 with amino acids from group 2 and group 3 and noted the fungus growth. Again we were interested in finding out if one group of amino acids would act as a suppressant on the other groups. The results are given for the effects of certain amino acids on the growth of Fusarium nivale and Corticium fuciforme. Summary Studies on the ability of the two turf pathogens, Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Synder and Hansen and Corticium fuciforme Berk.Wakef. to grow on synthetic basal media using a single amino acid, and combinations of two or more amino acids showed distinct inhibitory or stimulatory effects. Combinations of two or three amino acids in some cases tended to stimulate growth, suggesting that the inhibitory effects of certain amino acids in combination with other amino acids was reduced. All the growth regulators at 0.01 g./l. concentration inhibited the growth of Corticium fuciforme. Fusarium nivale was also inhibited, but to a somewhat lesser extent by most of the growth regulators. 2,4dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid, naphthalene acetic acid, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxypropionic acid, and gibberellic acid stimulated growth of the Fusarium organism. 42 Questions that now arise: 1. Can we adjust growth of fungi to our advantage by incorporating amino acids in the soil or can we adjust growth of organisms on the above-ground parts of the plant by spraying diseased areas? 2. What would be the effect on the plant if it were sprayed with amino acids? Are they in other words phytotoxic? 3. If the released amino acids are in effect supporting fungus growth, is there any way we can get rid of them by breaking them down, by tying them up, or hydrolysing them into other compounds? 4. Are we increasing or adding to our disease problem by adding weed killers or growth stimulators? Trial 1A Growth of Fusarium nivale on basal medium plus single amino acids and water agar (2 g./l. conc. amino acids). Growth in diameter (cm.) after 5 days. Treatment Growth No. Amino acid added dia. Density Pigm. 13 DL—lysine HC1 1 6.00 0.917 2.33 24 no. N—source 2 6.17 0.50 0.00 4 DL—oz—amino N-butyric acid 3 6.43 1.50 1.66 15 DL—norleuci ne 4 6.84 1.50 1.00 7 L—glutamic acid 5 7.10 2.00 3.16 12 L—leucine 6 7.35 1.33 1.00 6 L—cystine 7 7.58 1.00 0.66 19 DL—threonine 8 7.58 1.83 1.66 14 L—methionine 9 8.00 1.33 0.66 11 DL—isoleusine 10 8.08 2.00 1.66 8 L—glycine 11 8.25 2.33 2.00 9 L—histidine HC1 12 8.34 2.165 2.00 2 L—alanine 13 8.43 2.50 3.00 23 L—cysteine HC1 14 8.50 0.917 0.33 18 L—serine 15 8.50 2.33 2.33 16 L—phenylalanine 16 8.50 2.00 2.66 10 L—hydroxy—proline 17 8.58 1.83 2.66 22 DL—valine 18 8.58 2.00 1.66 21 L—tryosine 19 8.84 1.25 1.00 1 Control Sodium nitrate 20 9.00 4.34 4.34 20 L—tryptophane 21 9.17 2.165 1.00 3 L—arginine HC1 22 9.35 2.33 2.66 5 L—aspartic acid 23 9.57 2.50 2.00 17 L—proline 24 10.00 2.66 2.66 Trial IB Growth of Corticium fuciforme on basal media and water agar and single amino acids (0.2 g./l. concentrations). Growth in cm. diameter after 25 days. Growth Treatment Nitrogen source Order dia. in cm. L—cystine 6 1 0.000 7 L—glutamic acid 2 0.000 10 L—hydroxy—proline 3 0.000 13 DL—lysine HC1 4 0.000 14 L—methionine 5 0.000 21 L—tryosine 6 0.000 15 DL—norleucine 7 0.033 16 L—phenylalanine 8 0.050 19 DL—threonine 0 0.050 43 0.050 10 L—tryptophane 0.100 DL—oz—amino-N-butyric acid 11 0.100 12 L—glycine 0.100 13 L—leucine 14 0.100 L—proline 0.133 15 Control 1 Sodium nitrate 16 0.133 DL—valine 17 0.150 L—histidine HC1 18 0.166 L—arginine HC1 19 0.166 L—aspartic acid 20 0.233 Control II no. N. source 0.250 21 L—alanine 0.350 22 L—serine 0.500 DL—isoleucine 23 24 1.330 L—cysteine Trial 2A Growth of Fusarium nivale on basal media, water agar, and single amino acids (1.07 g./l. concentration). Growth in cm. diameter after 7 days. dia (cm.) Treatment Amino Acids Added growth Density Pgm. Order 14 L—methionine 3.87 1.77 1 1.66 24 no N—source 4.34 0.367 2 0.00 4.64 18 L—serine 1.63 2.00 3 4 DL—oz—amino-N-butyric acid 5.17 1.40 4 1.66 9 L—Histidine HC1 6.14 1.06 1.33 5 1 Control I Sodium nitrate 6.17 1.23 1.23 6 6.17 15 DL—norleucine 1.80 7 2.00 8 L—glycine 6.52 1.66 8 2.66 10 L—hydroxy—proline 6.67 1.70 3.00 9 2 L—alanine 7.00 1.86 2.66 10 12 L—leucine 7.34 1.96 2.43 11 11 DL—isoleucine 7.54 1.26 1.66 12 19 DL—threonine 7.67 1.20 1.33 13 22 DL—valine 7.67 14 1.70 2.33 13 DL—lysine HC1 7.84 0.868 1.00 15 16 L—phenylalanine 7.84 2.00 1.33 16 20 L—tryptophane 9.00 1.40 2.66 17 17 L—proline 9.00 1.50 1.77 18 21 L—tyrosine 9.00 1.96 2.33 19 \ 3 L—arginine HC1 5 L—aspartic acid \ did not allow the water 6 L—cystine to solidify 7 L—glutamic acid // agar Trial 2B Growth of Corticium juciforme on basal media, water agar & single amino acids (1.07 g./l. concentration). Growth in cm. diameter after 25 days. dia. cm. Treatment Amino acids added growth Density Pigm. Order 0.80 1.10 — 1 1 Control I Sodium nitrate 1.30 1.0 — 2 24 Control II No. N. source 1.36 1.66 — 3 13 DL—Lysine HC1. 0.50 — 4 4 DL—oz—amino-N-butyric acid 1.40 1.73 1.03 — 5 20 L—tryptophane 20 4 8 12 17 1 22 9 3 5 24 2 18 11 23 44 18 19 16 8 15 10 14 11 12 22 21 2 17 9 3 6 7 23 0.96 0.63 0.63 0.40 1.00 0.76 1.13 1.23 0.66 0.63 0.66 1.10 0.76 1.20 1.83 1.90 1.93 2.06 2.10 2.13 2.20 2.40 2.43 2.50 2.50 2.80 3.06 3.23 L—serine DL—threonine L—phenylalanine L—glycine DL—norleucine L—hydroxy—proline L—methionine DL—isoleucine L—Leucine DL—valine L—tyrosine L—alanine L—proline L—histidine HC1. L—arginine HC1. L—cystoe° ^ L—glutamic acid L—cysteine HC1., H 0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ^ ^ solidify as / ^ ' / Trial 3A Fusarium nivale grown on combinations of 3 amino acids, plus basal media & water agar initial pH of 7. Amino acid source being 0.2 g./l. growth in cm. diameter after 7 days. Combination dia. in No. Treatment Order cm. Density Pigm. 13 DL—norleucine & DL—amino—N 1 4.125 1.85 1.25 —butyric acid & L—hydroxy—proline 12 Control I sodium nitrate 2 4.30 0.475 1.875 L—leucine plus L—aspartic acid 5 & L—tyrosine 3 4.625 3.75 0.00 L—serine & L—cysteine & L 1 methionine 4 4.89 1.70 2.00 L—histidine & L—lysine HC1 & 6 L—arginine 5 5.175 2.00 1.00 L—methionine & L—serine & 4 L—phenylalanine 6 5.30 2.05 1.00 L—alanine & L—arginine & 9 L—cystine 7 6.50 2.05 1.00 L—isoleucine & L—glutamic acid 8 & DL—oz—amino-N-butyric acid 8 6.74 1.775 1.75 L—serine & L—phenylalanine & 2 L—tryptophane 9 7.00 2.20 1.375 L—aspartic acid & L—valine & 11 L—cysteine 10 7.50 1.825 1.50 L—tryptophane & L—Threonine 3 & L—glycine 11 7.64 2.05 0.750 L—tryptophane & L—lysine HC1 10 & L—proline 12 7.88 1.875 1.00 Control II, no nitrogen source, 14 distilled water & water agar 13 8.75 2.125 1.00 L—proline, & L—cystine & 7 L—valine 14 9.00 2.125 0.75 Trial 3B Corticium fuciforme grown on combinations of 3 amino acids, plus basal media, initial pH 7, 0.2 g./l. concentration amino acid source. Gain in dry weight after 25 days. a n 2 45 a a r m e d i a Final Combination Dry wt. pigm. Growth pH of No. Treatments Order mgm. rating rating media L—tryptophane & L—lysine 5.26 1 0.76 0.00 0.1 4 & L—histidine L—leucine & L—glutamic 5.55 2 0.90 0.00 1.0 5 acid & L—serine L—lysine & L—histidine & 3 1.03 3.00 2.00 5.60 6 L—leucine L—serine & L—tyrosine & 4 1.10 0.00 1.00 5.63 7 L—threonine 14 Control II no nitrogen source 5 2.26 0.00 1.00 5.80 L—phenylalanine & DL —oz—amino-N-butyric 6 2.40 2.00 3.00 6.15 9 acid & L—valine brown DL—norleucine & L—cystine 13 DL—amino—N—butyric acid 7 2.70 2.00 1.50 5.65 L—methionine & L—glycine 8 2.90 0.00 1.00 5.66 3 & L—isoleucine L—aspartic acid & 9 3.26 0.00 1.00 5.85 8 L—arginine & water L—alanine & distilled H,0 & 10 4.10 0.00 1.00 5.85 11 L—cystine DL—x—amino—N— black butyric acid & 10 L—valine & sodium nitrate 11 5.73 0.00 2.00 6.016 12 Sodium nitrate Control No. II 12 6.90 0.00 3.00 5.55 L—cysteine, & L—methionine 2 & L—isoleucine 13 11.56 4.00 8.00 5.725 L—cysteine & L—methionine 14 27.93 5.00 10.00 5.616 1 & L—glycine Trial 4A Growth of Fusarium nivale on basal media contain single growth regulator (0.01 g./l. concentration). Increase in dry weight after 7 days. Dry wt. Treatment Order Growth regulator number mycelium mgm. 1 11 3—(2 furyl) acrylic acid (Kinetin) 1.3 3.4 9 2 3—indole propionic acid 8.9 3 p—chlorophenoxy acetic acid 2 4 ethyl—3—indole acetate 9.5 13 B—naphthoxy—acetic acid 12.0 5 10 13.8 6 3—indole butyric acid 8 7 O—chlorophenoxy acetic acid 3 14.9 2—4—5 trichlorophenoxy acetic acid 8 17.8 1 9 3—indole acetic acid 21.0 15 oz—naphthalene acetamide 10 12 22.9 11 maleic acid hydrazide 5 29.8 12 Control 38.9 16 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 13 7 45.6 14 naphthalene acetic acid 14 84.2 15 2,4,5 trichlorophenoxy propionic acid 6 85.0 16 gibberellic acid (10%) K. salt. 4 101.3 Trial 4B Growth of Corticium fucijorme on basal media containing single growth regulators. (0.01 g./l. conc.) All of the growth regulators inhibited growth at the 0.01 g./l. concentration. 46 M I N O R ELEMENT N U T R I T I O N OF TURF GRASS D. J. Wort Dept. of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver About 40 chemical elements have been shown to occur in plants and of these about 14 are present in appreciable quantities. The kind of plant and the composition of the soil determine the proportion of each of the various elements absorbed. Fifteen elements are "essential" and must be present in order that the plant may successfully complete its life cycle. Based upon the amounts required by the plant these essential elements are grouped as Major (Macro) and Minor (Micro). The former group includes C, H, O, N, S, P, K, Ca, and Mg. The latter group which is to be considered in this paper, includes Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, and Mo. All of the mineral elements come from the soil and, with the exception of N, are derived from the parent rock. The N of the air is fixed by bacteria which may be free in the soil or intimately associated with the roots of such plants as clover and alder. The activity of these bacteria is slowed if the pH of the soil falls below 5.5 or if a lack of Mo exists. It should be emphasized that the total amount of an element in the soil may be of little importance. Availablity is the important feature as far as the plant is concerned. It is possible for the top 6 inches of soil to contain 20 tons of iron (as Fe 0 ) per acre and the plants growing on the soil may suffer from Fe deficiency. It is evident that any factor which influences availability of the elements is important in turf grass nutrition. The assessment of the nutrient status of a soil requires determination of exchangeable (available) rather than total content of the elements. Those elements which are present in the soil solution may be readily absorbed by roots and also may be readily leached from the soil. Elements may be adsorbed on the surfaces of the colloidal soil particles such as clay and organic matter. In order to become available in the soil solution these elements must be displaced from the particles by another ion of the same charge, e.g. H+. This may be illustrated by an equation: Clay - + 2H+ = Clay - + + Ca++ \ ++ \+\H Ca H The reaction is reversible. The C a + + released may now be absorbed by the plant or leached away. The soil may become acid because of the large number of H+ ions adsorbed by the colloidal particles. Methods other than this "Cation Exchange" may also result in the exchange of ions. The available elements in the soil solution diffuse rapidly and reversibly into the intercellular spaces and cell walls of the root epidermis and cortex and then more slowly and irreversibly (or slowly reversibly) into and through the living cytoplasm of the cells. For this latter part of the path to be traversed energy is necessary. Since 1840 when the mineral theory of plant nutrition was enunciated by Liebig, much attention has been given methods of determining the mineral needs of plants. Five types of methods are used to determine mineral deficiencies. 1) Chemical analysis of plants. The leaves are the most satisfactory parts for analysis. Petioles may be used for quick tissue tests for N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, and Zn. Numerous precautions must be taken in the selection of the leaves. Ordinary methods of analysis are quite slow and the modern trend is to spectrographic and polarographic methods. The 2 3 spectrographs method is fast and allows the simultaneous determination of a large number of elements. 2) Field and poi trials. The effect of withholding or adding minerals to the soil may be shown by field or pot trials. The method is often very useful and is essentially practical. The cause and remedy are simultaneously indicated. Wrong conclusions may be drawn however. For example, the addition of sulfur to a soil deficient in Mn and Fe may result in a growth stimulus, not because the soil is deficient in sulfur but because the acidifying action of the sulfur frees the bound Mn and Fe. 3) Soil analysis. Analysis should indicate the available or exchangeable ions. Chemical and biological methods may be employed. The latter have been used to indicate the status of K, P, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mo, and B. Recently rapid "color tests" have been used. Unfortunately soil analyses are expensive, and require costly equipment. The results need skillful interpretation. 4) Plant injection and spray. This method was used originally for the detection of trace element deficiencies in trees. Solutions of mineral salts are injected into leaves or stems or applied as sprays to the foliage. Spraying methods have the great merit of simplicity and are good for all sorts of crops. Usually the results become clearly visible in one or two weeks. 5) Visual diagnosis. Deficiencies are recognized by specific symptoms usually associated with the foliage. These are determined in the first instance by growing the plants in nutrient solutions deficient in one or more nutrient elements. Usually the signs are distinct but where they are not, special indicator plants may be grown. Diagnosis is usually obtained by the use of two different methods. The visual diagnosis is used in combination with one other. Each of the six minor elements is discussed briefly below. Iron (Fe) The deficiency of Fe in soils is seldom a limiting factor. The element is more available in acid soils and it has been suggested that the best way of correcting Fe deficiency is a treatment of the soil to lower its pH. The addition of lime to a soil may decrease the availability of Fe. Although the iron is usually in the ferric form when it is taken into the plant it must be changed to the ferrous state to be active. Manganese is essential for this change. An iron deficiency results in chlorosis of young leaves with the principal veins remaining darker green. Because it is one of the most immobile of the elements it is not moved from the older leaves. Iron functions within the plant as a part of enzymes of respiration and energy supply and as a part of the chlorophyll-protein complex. It may be supplied as ferrous sulfate or in the chelated form. The sulfate has been found to improve the color of turf grass and to be useful for the control of such diseases as mildew and fusarium. Moss is also controlled by its application to the grass. Manganese (Mn) Manganese is required in very low amounts and like iron, it is relatively immobile within the plant. It too is likely to be deficient in alkaline soils and the acidity governs the amount available. A lack of Mn gives chlorosis of the young leaves accompanied by necrotic spots. The element is involved in the oxidation-reduction of iron particularly and in some way is related to chlorophyll synthesis. Photosynthesis is inhibited in the absence of Mn and recent evidence suggests it is involved in that part of photosynthesis responsible for the evolution of oxygen. The application of manganese sulfate sprays has given a marked im48 provement in grass color but was without effect on the yield. Boron (B) Most species require less than one part per million boron in the nutrient solution. It may be deficient in soils to which lime has been applied since calcium converts the boron to a nonavailable form. Injury due to over-liming may indeed be caused by the consequent unavailability of boron. This element is not readily mobile within the plant and oddly enough there may be an injurious excess in the lower leaves and at the same time the apical meristems may show B deficiency symptoms. Deficiency symptoms include constriction of the bases of leaves followed by decomposition. While the element may be essential for translocation of sugar in the plant its major function is concerned with the maturation and differentiation of cells. Boron has been added to grass but the results are too variable to show if the effect was favorable or not. Zinc (Zn) Zinc is required in very low concentrations and may become highly toxic if the concentration rises. It functions as part of the enzyme suffering from Zn deficience are dwarfed. Other deficiency symptoms protein. Since it is also required for the biosynthesis of tryptophane, from which the plant growth hormone indoleacetic acid is derived, plants suffering from y,n deficience are dwarfed. Other deficiency symptoms incluse abnormally small new leaves mottled with yellow, deformed root tips, and failure of seed formation. Copper (Cu) Copper is highly toxic except at low concentrations. Its absence may not result in distinct color characteristics but the leaves may take on a bleached appearance. The element is a constituent of respiratory enzymes and is essential for chlorphyll formation, perhaps through protein synthesis. Molybdenum (Mo) This element is required in the smallest amount—one part in 100,000,000 of nutrient solution. It is involved in the reduction of nitrates to ammonia and the further formation of amino acids and proteins. Nitrogen fixing bacteria require Mo and through their action the element has an effect on the nitrogen supply in the soil. Mo deficient tomato plants convert less inorganic phosphorus to the organic form. Mo deficiency is characterized by yellowing and curling of young leaves and finally all leaves become mottled. The chlorotic areas become puffed and the leaves curl inwards. Application of one oz. per acre has increased crops in various areas. When nutrition literature is examined little information concerning turf grass is found. The consensus may be summed up in the statement "By and large, deficiency diseases, other than occasional iron troubles, are seldom reported for turf grass". The reader may find "The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies in plants" by T. Wallace an interesting and informative book. It is published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. Another booklet "Trace element problems in nature" issued by the Botany Department, University of Cape Town, is easy to read and tells a lot in its few pages. 49 LIGHT RESPONSES OF TURFGRASSES D. P. Ormrod, University of B.C. 1964 Northwest Turfgrass Conference. September 25, 1964 There are four essentials for the growth of turfgrass. These are heat, moisture, nutrients, and light. The light requirement is principally for the process of photosynthesis by which carbon dioxide from the air and water are converted to sugars in the plant when bright light falls on pigment chlorophyll. There are also several other plant processes which require light. The light used by plants is referred to as white or visible light and has a colour spectrum of wavelengths ranging from about 400 to about 750 millimicrons, with colours ranging from violet to blue to green to yellow to red. Ultraviolet is harmful to plants and infrared is heat energy. While the human eye perceives light energy with only one pigment, visual purple, absorbing light principally in the green and grading off to violet and red, the plant perceives light by several different pigment systems absorbing light in several different regions of the spectrum. For example, chlorophyll a, the most abundant chlorophyll pigment, has a peak absorption in the blue region and another in the red region. It' is interesting to note that green light is most effective on the human eye but hardly absorbed at all by the chlorophyll, being reflected or transmitted, causing the chlorophyll to appear green. The plant processes affected by light are directly connected with many different growth and development features of plants. Chlorophyll a synthesis is triggered by a light sensitive system which has a primary peak in the orange-red and a secondary peak in the blue. The chlorophyll then becomes active in photosynthesis with resultant dry matter production but in this case the peak photosynthesis activity is in the blue with the secondary peak in the red. Phototropism, the bending of plants toward the light, is triggered by pigments which only absorb light in the violet to blue regions. The recently discovered pigment photochrome has been found to have two forms. One absorbs in the red region and causes the induction of leaf enlargement, rhizome formation, flower initiation and development, and many other growth and development features. The other form absorbs in the far-red or infrared region and causes reversal of the same processes induced by the pigment form absorbing in the red. Some processes like photosynthesis require high light intensity while others can operate at lower energy or intensity levels. The normal source of light is from the sun. Open sunlight has a more or less uniform spectral colour distribution from the blue through to the infrared. Light energy is thus provided for photosynthesis, phototropism and other light processes and there is an approximately equal balance of red and far-red phytochrome effects. On the other hand, if artificial light is used for plant propagation, the spectral colour distribution is not uniform. Fluorescent lights have a peak in the yelloworange region and have much lower energy in the blue and red. Tungsten or incandescent lights have low energy in the blue and a uniform increase of energy on into the infrared. Tungsten lights have a much higher heat energy production than fluorescent. For a reasonably uniffirm light simulating sunlight, fluorescent lights are usually combined with tungsten lights. If sunlight passes through leaves the spectral colour distribution is drastically changed. The blue and red portions are aibsorbed and the transmitted light is relatively higher in the green. It is relatively less effective in photosynthesis in subsequent leaves struck by the light and is relatively higher in far-red phytochrome activity. Light measurement may be by either one of two different ways. Weather stations use the Eppley pyrheliometer which converts light energy to heat energy and absorbs uniformly from violet through to infrared. On the other hand, light meters with selenium cells absorb light with a maximum in the green extending into the blue and red and can be made to estimate visual purple or human sight effectiveness with a "viscor" or visual corrected filter. The Eppley is thus more desirable for 50 measurement of light energy for plant processes while the selenium cells are more useful for lighting for humans. Probably the most serious problem in turfgrass related to light is that of the shaded lawn. The area under trees may appear to be light and airy but the light intensity and colour distribution will be unsatisfactory for grass growth. If the trees have an open leaf arrangement there may be sufficient sunlight coming through to support healthy grass. A figure of two hours sunlight per day has been suggested as the minimum for grass growth. There are also marked seasonal variations in potential hours of sunlight and in the density of tree leaves which should be considered. Plant growth form may be quite different in shade or partial shade because of the different balance of colour in the light. Mowing patterns should possibly differ in shade because of this. Trees can be trimmed or removed if excess shade is a problem. The most shade tolerant species should be used and other ground cover species may be used in extreme cases. Light also has an effect on the wilting of grass. It indirectly causes more shooting or tillering of the grass plants. Some species are particularly responsive to light in that tillering is directly related to light intensity. Also mowing practice should be such that sufficient leaf surface remains for adequate photosynthesis to provide sugar energy for plant metabolism and growth. Again, there are great differences among species in the minimum amount of leaf which must be left for adequate growth. Light also has an affect on the wilting of grass. It indirectly causes the leaf stomata to open with resultant greatly increased evaporation of leaf water and subsequent wilting unless there is adequate soil moisture and rapid translocation of water to the leaves. Experiments have shown conclusively that wilting is much more rapid in bright artificial light or sunlight. Activities like placing stolons or transplanting sod should therefore be done at night, if possible. Also mowing might be generally more satisfactory if done at night, except that the piling of dewy clippings should be avoided. Another effect or light is related to the length of the day or photoperiod. The principal process affected by photoperiod is that of seed-head formation, for which only low light intensities are required. Grass species normally head in late spring or early summer but under a normal mowing regime good lawn species do not have a chance to head. The seasonal variations which may occur in grasses are probably related in part to photoperiod, however, and with the advent of night golf it will be interesting to see if plant form differs near the lighting fixtures where there will be an artificially long photoperiod. Light also has other known effects. For example, insect activity in lawns may be a function of light intensity and photoperiod. Further turf research may show even more light responses of turfgrasses. EFFECT OF HERBICIDES O N SPEEDWELL (Veronica persica) O N TURF E. C. Hughes B.C. Department of Agriculture During July 24-27 a series of duplicate 100 sq. ft. herbicide treatments were applied on severe infestation of speedwell on a primarily bluegrass (Poa sp.) turf. Weather was warm and sunny, followed by rains. Soil type was sandy loam. All treatments excepting Zytron & dicamba granular, were applied with a knapsack in 100 g.p.a. water using a pressure of 30 p.s.i. Treatments and results obtained from an average rating on September 8 were as follows— Chemical Rate/A % Control Chemical Rate/A % Control Tordon 1 lb/A 75 % C 3470 51b 99 % 2 " 99 % Kilmore 2 1b 12.5% 3 " 99 % " 31b 52 % 51 40 % Killex 2 lb 5 % 1 " 31b 62.5% 2 " 7.5% 25 % 90 % Tordon 101 2 lb 7.5 " 80 % Tordon 101 3 lb 10 " 99 % . >> 85 % Celatox % lb 99 % 15 " Zytron 88.5% 11/2 lb 30 % (granular) 7.5 " 35 % Diphenamid 4 lb 45 % 10.0 " a 62.5% 61b 72.5% 15 " 25 % Dicamba E.C. 2 1b CMPP ester 3 " 72.5% ii 87.5% " 4 lb 4 " 81 % 5 % Dicamba gran 2 lb Supertox 2 " 10 % 50 % " 4 lb 2 " 25 % *MBC 102 a ii 0 Betasan 15 lb 3 " 52.5% 0 30 lb Endothal 94 % 1.9 " ii ii 2.8 " 96.5% *Mixed phenoxypropionic & phenoxyacetic acids At the higher rates Tordon, Zytron granular, endothal, kilmore, diphenamid, dicamba and C 3470 caused grass injury ranging from 15-40%. Slight grass injury occurred from lower rates of Tordon, CMPP, Killex, Tordon 101 and Celatox. Diphenamid and Zytron did not affect daisy or buttercup. Chickweed recovery was rapid in the endothal plots. MBC 102 was effective on lawn daisy at the higher rate. (Contributed by the B. C. Department of Agriculture, New Westminster, B.C.) To be entered in Research Report by Mr. R. M. Adamson, Experimental Farm, Saanichton, B.C. Copy sent to E. S. Molberg, Saskatchewan. Silvex >> Zytron E.C. » EFFECT OF HERBICIDES O N L A W N D A I S Y (Bellis Perennis) I N ESTABLISHED TURF Sprayed July 10, 1963 E. C. Hughes 100 sq. ft. plots treated on the above date were assessed August 15, 1963 and reported upon in the 1963 Research report, Western section, N.W.C. On May 5, 1964, those plots were reassessed. Treatments of 2-CMPP (alone and in combination), Zytron and Silvex had generally lost their effectiveness. Dicamba was partially effective at the 2 lb/A rate. Tordon was outstanding in effectiveness. Ratings of note were as follows. Grass growth was normal. Daisy Daisy Chemical Rate/A % Control Chemical Rate/A % Control * Tordon 8 oz/A 60% Dicamba lib 10% 16 oz 95% 20% l%lb 1.51b 20% 50% 21b 21b 50% (Contributed by the B. C. Department of Agriculture, New Westminster, B. C.) To be entered in Research Report by Mr. R. M. Adamson, Experimental Farm, Saanichton, B.C. EFFECT OF HERBICIDES O N SPEEDWELL (Veronica oersica) IN TURF. Sprayed July 3, 1963 E. C. Hughes 100 sq. ft. plots treated on the above date were assessed August 15, 1963, and reported upon in the 1963 Research report, Western section, N.W.C. On May- 5, 1964, these-plots were reassessed. Complete or nearly complete recovery of speedwell occurred. Plots of sprays containing 52 2-CMPP (alone or in combination), Dicamba, Silvex, Endothal or Tordon. Zytron (DMPA) applied as a spray was outstanding in its residual control as indicated below. Chemical Rate/A % Control Speedwell DMPA 10 lb 75% 15 lb 95% Recovery of grass in these plots indicated a tendency to coarser species but this may be due to very dense speedwell growth initially crowding out the finer species however. (Contributed by the B. C. Department of Agriculture, New Westminster, B. C.) To be entered in Research Report by Mr. R. M. Adamson, Experimental Farm, Saanichton, B.C. Copy sent to E. S. Molberg, Saskatchewan. EFFECT OF HERBICIDES O N ESTABLISHED TURF. QUEEN'S PARK E. C. Hughes On July 23, 1964, during sunny warm weather, 100 sq. ft. duplicate plots of established turf, primarily bluegrass (poa sp.) with some mixed bentgrass (Agrostis sp), was sprayed at 80 g.p.a. water using various herbicides, soil type was sandy loam. Weeds present were primarily narrow and broad leaved plantain (Plantago sp.) black medic (Medicago lupulina), false dandelion (Hypochoeris radicata) a white clover (Trofolium repens) with some daisy (Bellis perennis). A fertilizer mix 20— 10—5 at 120 lbs. and 240 lbs./A, supplying 1 lb. and 2 lb. 2,4-D amine/A was also compared. Results were as follows as rated September 6th. % % % % Weed Grass Weed Grass Chemical Rate/A Control Injury Chemical Rate/A Control Injury 2,4-D ester 16 oz 0 0 80 151b 0 Betasan >> 0 32 oz 0 93.5 30 lb 5 2,4-DB ester 24 oz 0 2 oz 90 Tordon 60 0 >> Tordon 101 16 oz 4 oz 97.5 0 99.5 5 >> MCPA 16 oz 99.5 0 8 oz 72.5 0 32 oz 12 oz 100 5 82.5 0 » *RD 7693 4 oz 12.5 16 oz 100 5 0 8 oz Dicamba 16 oz 85 30 0 >> Dacamine 4D 8 oz 32 oz 94.5 5 50 0 *H 430 16 oz 97.5 16 oz 65 7.5 0 H 32 oz 98.5 10.0 Silvex 16 oz 70 32 oz 95 Killex 16 oz 96.5 a 32 oz 97.5 5 *NPHa 112 16 oz 80 32 oz 99 Supertax 16 oz 93.5 *H 430—Combination of 2,4-D, 32 oz 98 5 2-MCPP & dicamba *MBC 102 16 oz 95.5 it *NPH 112—mixture of 2-MCPP 32 oz 99.5 5 & 2,4-D 2-MCPP 16 oz 95 / *RD 7693—coded Weed-feed Fert. 120 lb 45 *MBC 102—mixed phenoxypro240 lb 37.5 pionic & phenoxyacetic acids In general Tordon was excellent on all weeds, dicamba was ineffective on plantain, 2-MCPP ester and compounds containing 2 MCPP at lower rates were somewhat ineffective on false dandelion and daisy. 2,4-D ester at 16 oz/A gave poor control of clover. The fertilizer 2,4-D mix was effective mainly on plantain but was markedly inferior to foliar 53 sprays. Tordon was the most effective treatment on daisy followed by dicamba and 2-MCPP combinations. (Contributed by the B. C. Department of Agriculture, New Westminster, B. C.) To be entered in Research Report by Mr. R. M. Adamson, Experimental Farm, Saanichton. Copy sent to Mr. E. S. Molberg, Saskatchewan. THE 1964 TURFGRASS CONFERENCE R O U N D U P " T H E ECOLOGY OF T U R F G R A S S " By Donald A. Hogan One definition of ecology could be stated as the study of biology concerning the relationship of living organisms and their environment in plant and animal life. We have heard of the slang phrases, "You can't beat city hall," or, "If you can't beat them, join them," or, as Dr. Daubenmire so aptly stated, "You can't win a fight with nature." Most speakers have pointed to environment and conditions favorable for the growth of turfgrass or, conversely, unfavorable for undesirable plants, diseases, and so forth when exercising control. In many instances, the speakers infer that turfgrass maintained for purposes of sports utilization or with the requirement of supporting traffic is an artificial culture, as Dr. Neil MacLean expressed this morning. Recommendations included the soil that serves as a media for turfgrass life be prepared on the basis of a laboratory formula of compounded materials. Increased use of areas, for example roadways, require current adequate treatment to support the demands placed upon them. Certainly in turf maintenance there is a need which commands consideration of the fundamentals of natural environment and timing to achieve the best results within a reasonable budget when applying management practices. Possibly, this is exactly what Dr. Goss meant when he posed the question, "Are we growing as good a turf as we know how to?" A simple observation as mentioned by Mr. Dick Turley that adequate fertilization program was the most successful control for red thread at their experiment station. Certainly, we have heard of this basic theory before. When exchanging ideas, considering the results of research work, or applying recommendations, many times turf managers take action without adapting this to their specific situation or conditions. Frequently failure results and the manager criticizes the research program immediately, without analyzing his circumstance and adjusting accordingly like a responsible professional person should. This leads to a point frequently used by the managers, "Research and recommendations may be alright for another area, but my conditions are different." To this our travels to many varied parts of the United States and Canada point out that the following is true: While conditions differ between the various geographical locations requiring locally adapted turfgrass maintenance practices, the basic fundamentals of good management do not differ. There seems to be occasions of differences of opinion between educators and research people as to which approach should be pursued. The ecologic consideration might suggest that balance is the most significant factor. Certainly, the correct environment along with natural habitat conditions must be attempted within the limits of the specific restrictions that affect the turf manager. Discriminate chemical utilization dictated by circumstances of unnatural environment or excessive use of an area along with time limitations on the results, also, is an important part of good turfgrass maintenance. Therefore, it is generally agreed that research, knowledge, experience, and intelligence must be combined to result in a successful turf maintenance program and the ecological factors must never be violated or disregarded. 54 M E M B E R S OF N O R T H W E S T TURFGRASS A S S O C I A T I O N A-l Spray Service Agate Beach Golf Course Astoria G & C Club Broadmoor Golf Club Blue Lakes Golf Course The Bentley Co. Bellingham Golf & Country Club Bellevue Lawn R. P. Baltz & Sons Capilano G & C Club City of American Falls Cabinet View Country Club Cedarcrest Golf Course Clarkston Golf & Country Club College Golf Course Couer d'Alene Club Columbia-Edgewater Country Club The Dalles Country Club Dow Chemical Co. Diamond Alkali Co. Early Bird Spray and Garden Service Elks Golf & Country Club Enumclaw Golf 6c Country Club Eugene Country Club Everett Legion Memorial Golf Course Everett G 6c C Club Evergreen Memorial Park Fircrest Golf Club J. E. Fisher Faulkner Spray Service Forest Lawn Cemetery 520 S. 53rd St. Box 1416 2340 Broadmoor Dr. Box 127 4126 Airport Way 3729 Meridian St. 311 16th S. E. 9817 E. Burnside St. 420 Southborough Dr. Box 441 Rt. 1 Tacoma, Wash. 98403 Newport, Oregon Astoria, Oregon Seattle, Wash. 98102 Twin Falls, Idaho Seattle, Wash. 98108 Bellingham, Wash. Bellevue, Wash. Portland, Oregon 97216 West Vancouver, B. C., Canada American Falls, Idaho Libby, Montana Marysville, Wash.. Box 72 Box 2446 Clarkston, Wash. Parkland, Wash. Hayden Lake, Idaho 2137 N.E. Brighton Rd. 307 Broad St. 3945 S.W. 57th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 The Dalles, Oregon Seattle, Wash. 98101 Portland, Oregon 1523 63rd St. Box 187 Box 599 Everett, Wash. 98202 Selah, Wash. Enumclaw, Wash. 255 Country Club Rd. Eugene, Oregon Everett, Wash. Box 146 Everett, Wash. 11111 Aurora Ave. N. Seattle, Wash. 98133 6520 Regents Blvd. Tacoma, Wash. Box 654A Issaquah, Wash. 2820 S. 150th Seattle, Wash. 98188 5409 Kitsap Way Box 1279B Bremerton, Wash. 55 Forest Lawn Inc, Ft. Lewis Golf Course Floral Hills, Inc. H. D. Fowler, Inc. General Spray Service of Magnolia Glendale Country Club Glendoveer Golf Course Grays Harbor Country Club Greenup Spray Service Greenwood Memorial Terrace Co. John S. Haines Hemphill Bros. Inc. Hercules Powder Co. Hillcrest Country Club Don Hogan John Holms Inglewood Country Club Jacklin Seed Co. Jackson Park Golf Course Jefferson Golf Course Johns-Manville Kelso Elks Golf Club Kitsap Golf & Country Club Lasco Industries 6701 30th AVES. W. Seattle, Wash. 98106 Rt. 3 Ft. Lewis, Wash. Alderwood Manor, Wash. 409 Filbert Rd. 13440 S.E. 30th St. Ave. S.W.Bellevue, Wash. 98004 1031 N.E. 114th Box 797 14015 N.E. Glisan St. Rt. 1 12437 1st. Ave. S.W. Seattle, Wash. Bellvue, Wash. Portland, Oregon Aberdeen, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 4700 E. Oregon Rt. 201 Boren Ave. N. Bellingham, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98109 San Francisco, Calif. Boise, Idaho Seattle, Wash. 98108 Fairbanks, Alaska Kenmore, Wash. Dishman, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98125 Seattle, Wash. 98144 Box 1083 9060 37th Ave. S. Box 1196 Rt. 6 8803 E. Spague 1000 N.E. 135th St. 4101 Beacon Ave. S. Box 247 Box 3971 1561 Chapin Road 17716-21st. S. N.E. Kelso, Wash. Bremerton, Wash. Montebello, Calif. Seattle, Wash. 98155 Lewiston Golf & Country Club Lewiston, Idaho Liberty Lake Golf Club Box 235 Liberty Lake, Wash. Lilly Co. 1900 Alaska Way Seattle, Wash. 98101 Longview G & C Club Box 1075 Longview, Wash. McChord Air Force Golf Course McChord, Wash. Manito G & C Club Box 8025 Manito Station Spokane, Wash. Mitchell Lumber Co. Box 555 338-An. State St. Lake Oswego, Oregon Miller Products Co. 7737 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon Mountain View Memorial Park 4100 Steilacoom Blvd. S.W.Tacoma, Wash. 98409 Mount Vew Cemetery Box 632 Walla Walla, Wash. Mt. Si Golf Course Box 68 North Bend, Wash. Moses Lake Golf Course T. K. Nanto P.O. Box 1694 Moses Lake, Wash. 56 Northwest Mower 7710 24th N.W. Olympia Country & Golf Club Box 1063 Overlake Golf Club Box 97 Oswego Lake Country Club 20 Iron Mt. Blvd. Pacific Equipment Co. 1001 S. lackson St. Peace Portal Golf Club 190 King George Hwy. Portland Golf Club 5900 Scholls Ferry Road Prineville Golf Club 133 E. 3rd St. Pullman Golf Club 1235 College Station Rainier G & C Club 1856 S. 112th St. Ramsey Waite Co. Box 5173 Rogue Valley G & C Club Box 427 Roseburg Golf Club Rt. 2 Royal Oaks Country Club 8917 N.E. 4th Plain Rd. Salishan Beach Golf Club Sand Point Country Club 8333 55th Ave. N.E. O. M. Scott & Sons Box 327 Seattle Golf Club 145th N. and N. Greenwood Seattle Park Dept. 100 Dexter Ave. N. Shelton - Bayshore Golf Club P.O. Box 89 Shoreline School District No. 412 N. E. 158th and 20th N.E. Ed Short Co. 6th Ave. S. Spokane Country Club Rt. 5 Spokane Park Dept. (City of Spokane) 504 City Hall Sumner Cemetery Box 55 Sunset Hills Memorial Park Box 561, Loyd Stitt 321 W. Prairie Tacoma Country & Golf Club Gravelly Lake Drive S.W. Tacoma Seed So. Box 468 Taylor, Pearson & Carson, Ltd. 1100 Venables St. Three Lakes Public Coif Course Box 234 Tri-City Golf Club Box 456 Turfco Industries Inc. 1340 N. Northlake Way City of Twin Falls Box 867 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. 4000 1st Ave. S. Veterans Memorial Golf Club Croydon Wagner Box 3417 Wandemere Golf Club Rt. 5 57 Seattle, Wash. 98107 Olympia, Wash. Medina, Wash. Oswego, Oregon Seattle, Wash. 98104 White Rock, B.C. Canada Portland, Oregon 97219 Prineville, Ore. Pullman, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98188 Eugene Oregon Medford, Oregon Roseburg, Oregon Vancouver, Wash. Gleneden, Oregon Seattle, Wash. 98105 Salem, Oregon Seattle, Wash. 98177 Seattle, Wash. 98109 Shelton, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98125 Seattle, Wash. 98104 Spokane, Wash, Spokane, Wash. Sumner, Wash. Bellevue, Wash. Wheaton, 111. Tacoma, Wash. 98499 Tacoma, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Canada Wenatchee, Wash. Kenewick, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98103 Twin Falls, Idaho Seattle, Wash. 98104 Walla Walla, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. 98499 Spokane, Wash. C. R. Walters Co. City of Walla Walla Walla Walla Country Club Box 523 Turf and Toro Supply Co. 1200 Stewart Ave. West Seattle Golf Course 4470-35th Ave. S.W. Waverley Country Club 1100 S.E. Waverley Dr. Wellington Hills Golf Club Wenatchee Golf & Country Club Box 1479, Western Golf Course Supply 1240 S.E. 12th Ave. Western Plastics Corp. 3110 Ruston Way Norman H. Woods Box 204, Station A Morton Chemical Co. 1620 S.W. Custer St. Velsicol Co. 76 Anza Ct. New Meadow Lark Country Club Western Farmers Association 201 Eliot W. Yakima, Metropolitan District ofP.O. Box 171 Vancouver Golf Club 58 Bothell, Wash. Walla Walla, Wash. Walla Walla, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 98101 Seattle, Wash 98106 Portland, Oregon 97222 Woodinville, Wash. Wenatchee, Wash. Portland, Oregon Tacoma, Wash. 98402 Vancouver, B. C. Canada Portland, Oregon Fairfield, California Great Falls, Montana Seattle, Wash. 98119 Yakima, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Canada A T T E N D A N C E A T 1964 N O R T H W E S T TURFGRASS CONFERENCE Milt Allen R. Ashworth R. Bailey Harvey Banks Clayton Bauman, Milt Bauman Norris Beardsley Heinz Berger Allen Blair Andy Brice Roscoe Brown Russell Brown, Jim Bugai Jack Bytelaar Dr. V. Brink L. Butterworth John Carper, Jack Chase Art Clancy Dave Clark Virgil Clark C. Clement Bob Cockburn Ron Cole W. Crane Jack Cronin Len Collett Jim Crook Reg. J. Crowe Enumclaw, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Burnaby, B. C. Bremerton, Wash. Kirkland, Wash. Kirkland, Wash,. Spokane, Wash. W. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Richland, Wash. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Victoria, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Everett, Wash. Vancouver B. C. Everett, Wash. Fairfield, Calif. Richmond, B. C. West Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Norm DeChambeau Graham Drew R. H. Dennis Don Dye Jim Dickie Jack Daniels Harold Drobott Bothell, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. West Vancouver, B. C. N. Portland, Oregon N. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Richmond, B. C. A. F. Ellis J. D. Evans Cliff Everhart Victoria, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Spokane, Wash. 59 N. H. Fallis Bernie Fischer Max Fletchall Paul Florence Ed Fluter Bud Fraser Russ Fouts Les Foster Vancouver, B. C. Boise, Idaho Salem, Oregon Salem, Oregon Portland, Oregon Whalley, B. C. Albany Oregon Richmond, B. C. Bill Gabel Frank Gavan Ron Getchell Dick Gettle L. Gleason Manny Gueho Walla Walla, Wash. Victoria, B. C. Salem, Oregon Bellingham, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. John Halse J. E. Hancock John Harrison George Harvey Dick Haskell Henry, Hofseth Don Hogan Neale Honeybourne Jim Hughes Dave Hulo Thompson Hayward John Haines Carl Hansen Vancouver, B. C. New Westminster, B. C. Hayden Lake, Idaho Astoria, Oregon Seattle Wash. Richmond, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Kamloops, B. C. Fresno, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Bellingham, Wash. San Francisco, Calif. Ron Johnstone Vancouver, B. C. Tom Keel Heinz Knodler Carl Kuhn Roseburg, Oregon Richmond, B. C. Bellevue, Wash. Henry Land Jr. Dean Latimer George Lawton Howard Lufkin Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Olympia, Wash. Seattle, Wash. C. J. Mackay Sam McCallum Gordon McKay Don McLeod Roy Maling Art Marston Vancouver, B. C. Langley, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Richmond, B, - C. Seattle, Wash. 60 E. McCready Ken McKenzie A. L. McLeod R. W. Malpass Nicholas Metal A. Miller A. Mitchell Don Miller R. Murphy Ken Morrison Vancouver, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C. Eugene, Oregon Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. N. Surrey, B. C. Seattle, Wash. Sardis, B. C. Pullman, Wash. Doug Oliphant Richard Oliphant Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon W. Peltzer Robert Pierson Jim Porterfield Glen Proctor Larry Proctor Ken Putnam Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Salem, Oregon Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Seattle, Wash. Byron Reed Clarence Ripley Jim Rivers Chen Rowe Robbie Robinson E. T. Rodway Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash. Nanaimo, B. C. Tacoma, Wash. Toronto, Canada Vancouver, B. C. Louie Schmidt Lloyd Scott R. Schwabauer Hans Seidlitz Jack Schultz J. Sinker H. Smith John Snook Bob Staib Tim Steenberger Loyd Stitt Paul Stockstad Mike St. Jacque Merrill Street Spokane, Wash. Seattle, Wash. Eugene, Oregon Richmond, B. C. Vancouver, B .C. W. Vancouver, B. C. W. Vancouver, B. C. San Francisco, Calif. Burnaby, B. C. Wheaton, 111. Burnaby, B. C . Seattle, Wash. Seattle, Wash. David Tait Tommy Thorpe Norman Theberge Myron Tucker Vancouver. B. C. Victoria, B. C. Haney, B. C. Boise, Idaho 61 F. Verkerk A. van der Pauw Kelowna, B. C. Haney, B. C. Mr. Weddle John Wainscott Joe Ward K. M. Warner A. L. Warner Bernard Wellenbrink Sidney White W. Wisby Norman H. Woods Spokane, Wash. Saanichton, B. C. Christmas Valley, Oregon Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. The Dalles, Oregon Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. John Zoller Eugene, Oregon 62