Northwest TURFGRASS TOPICS Vol. 26, No. 1 PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON April 1983 SPORTS FIELD SPRING MAINTENANCE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Your Board of Directors, with Executive Director Dr. Roy L. Goss, recently met at the Western Washington Research and Extension Center to make preparations for the Annual Conference to be held, this year, at Kah-Nee-Ta, on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, near Madras, Oregon. We hope to have an excellent program of interest to all of our members. We look forward to your attending with us on the dates of September 19 through September 22. Please make your plans to attend this educational event. And while mentioning members, our Secretary has informed us that a number of you have neglected to send in your dues for 1983. It is only by your continued support of our organization that we can continue with ongoing research projects which will benefit all those involved with turf use and maintenance in the Pacific Northwest. We would particularly encourage your donations, however much they might be, to assist us with important research projects. We will be in contact with those of you who may have forgotten to send in your dues to hopefully persuade you to continue to labor with us. Our membership represents a variety of turf interests. Many school districts, municipal park districts, sod growers, seed growers and seed processors, firms dealing in turf products, many individuals, golf courses, and others who may grow and maintain turfed areas, all are welcome as members and are invited to participate in our Field Days and our educational meetings and conferences. We may not have the solution to every problem, but we can certainly keep you up-to-date on what is going on in the Turf world. If you are already a member, pass the word along and help us gain new members. We want to be of service to all of you. Turfgrass Field Days at Puyallup Golf Superintendents Only — Tuesday, June 14 — All OtherTurf Interests — Wednesday, June 15 By Dr. Roy L. Goss After a long fall and winter of hard use and abuse, all sports fields require a number of maintenance practices to maintain high quality natural grass fields. In order to maintain the highest quality we can never ease up on all of the practices that promote good drainage, dense turf cover to resist compaction and to maintain smooth even surfaces. THATCH REMOVAL You may not feel that any significant level of thatch has accumulated on your sports field. However, extensive trampling by both flat soles and cleated shoes have punched into the surface or compressed a significant amount of dead organic material. It is extremely important that this be removed at least annually to prevent excessive build-ups in the surface. Excessive accumulation of organic debris can result in surface sealing, especially on sand fields, but just as seriously on natural soil fields and must be removed to allow rapid infiltration rates of water. These organic mats significantly increase the water holding capacity of the immediate surface as well as impeding rapid infiltration into the soil. This can result in rapid loss of the field under next year's play. This material should be removed with power rakes or specially built verticut machines or hammer—knife type mowers equipped with straight flails to remove as much as possible. AERIFICATION All heavily used fields should be thoroughly aerified prior to any overseeding operations. This can be done immediately following thatch removal. Aerification will help to eliminate surface compaction to a depth of 2-3 inches and will, likewise, enhance water infiltration rates. Aerifiers that punch holes every 4-6 inches are adequate for the job provided that the field is double, triple or even quadruple aerified in the spring. Subsequent to the overseeding and the establishment of the new grass in worn areas, aerification should be practiced 3 or 4 additional times before next fall. It isn't necessary to remove the soil cores. They can be broken up by dragging or by flailing and the grass tufts can be removed by sweeping after the soil has been knocked from the cores. RESEEDING All heavy wear areas should be liberally overseeded for the re-establishment of a dense stand of grass. A dense stand of grass is your major protection against excessive soil compaction. If large areas have become bare, you may overseed with a 50:50 mixture of turftype perennial ryegrasses and improved Kentucky bluegrass and seed at the rate of 4 lb per 1000 sq. ft. Kentucky bluegrasses are poor competitors if stand density had not been significantly reduced but may be somewhat thin. Therefore, overseeding with turftype perennial ryegrass alone will generally give better results. It would be advisable to topdress the reseeded areas with approximately 3/16 inch of medium fine sand to hasten germination and establishment. Remember that it is extremely important to keep the surface continually moist during the germination procedure after which the frequency of water can be reduced to normal management practices. (continued Page 3, column 1) Pictured from left to right Alvin G. Law, Glen Proctor, John Harrison, Wilfred Brusseau, Louis Schmidt. Photographed at Hawaiian Luau Banquet, Northwest Turfgrass C o n f e r e n c e , S e p t e m b e r 2 2 , 1971. IN REMEMBRANCE OF WILFRED BRUSSEAU IN REMEMBRANCE OF LOUIS SCHMIDT Wilfred Brusseau was born April 23, 1897, at Brainerd, Minnesota. He passed away at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Spokane, Washington, on December 29, 1982. Funeral services were conducted for Louis Schmidt at St. Jude's Catholic Church in Redmond, Washington on March 30, 1983. Louie was born May 11, 1912 and died on March 26, 1983 in Seattle, Washington. Louie's surviving immediate family include his wife, Flora, who resides in Redmond, two sons, Dick and Ray, and two daughters, Eleanor and Judy. Louie spent 42 years providing tender loving care to golf courses throughout his career and was superintendent of three of the Pacific Northwest's finest golf courses. He started his career as a golf course superintendent at Indian Canyon in 1941 and retired from that course and the Spokane Parks Department in 1965. Prior to 1941 he had worked under Bill Sutherton who was superintendent at Spokane Golf and Country Club. Although Louie retired in 1965, the golf course was still in his blood so he took over as superintendent of Inglewood in 1965 and stayed there until 1968. The founders of Sahalee Golf and Country Club were highly impressed with Louie's background and ability, and hired him to supervise the construction and subsequent maintenance of Sahalee Golf and Country Club. Louie maintained Sahalee in excellent condition until 1977 when he retired the second time. Louie decided that after 42 years that was about enough and he wanted to spend some leisure time doing the things he hadn't had time to do before. This included some travel with Flora and a host of other enjoyable activities. Louie Schmidt was one of the five original golf course superintendents who formed the Northwest Turfgrass Association. Besides Louie, there were Bill Sutherton, Wilfred Brusseau, Glen Proctor and John Harrison. Louie always encouraged research and education through the Northwest Turfgrass Association and was a strong supporter of research and extension programs throughout the Pacific Northwest. Louie was justifiably awarded a lifetime honorary membership in the Northwest Turfgrass Association when he retired in 1977. Louie was always a gentleman and freely gave his friendship and advice to young people on the way up. Not only did his two sons, Dick and Ray, follow in his footsteps, but a good number of our golf superintendents today trained under Louie Schmidt. Louie was an excellent golfer and few, if any, of his friends and associates could ever take a dime off him on the golf course. We will all miss Louie but it is gratifying to look back on the contributions that he made to the advancement of turfgrass management and better golfing conditions for everyone's pleasure. Wilfred met his wife Rosa in 1918 while in the U.S. Army Infantry Medical Corp. They were married in Spokane and spent a lifetime together in Spokane. They had three sons, all of whom served in World War II. Wilfred is survived by his wife Rosa at the home, two sons, Lloyd and Roy, both of Priest River, Idaho, a sister, Alma Bell, of McMinnville, Oregon, and five grandchildren, several nephews and nieces and great grandchildren. Wilfred worked as golf course superintendent for over 20 years at the Down River Spokane Municipal Golf Course from which he retired some 20 years ago. In the late 1940's Wilfred Brusseau, Johnny Harrison, Glen Proctor and Louis Schmidt, all golf course superintendents in the Spokane and Hay den Lake, Idaho area enlisted the aid of A1 Law and Dean of the College of Agriculture Schafer in organizing the present Northwest Turfgrass Association. As a tribute to Wilfred Brusseau, he is pictured above with the initial group who started our Turfgrass Association. Wilfred Brusseau strongly supported the Inland Empire Association of Golf Course Superintendents and the Northwest Turfgrass Association through his active years, and was awarded life-time memberships in both the Inland Empire Association of Golf Course Superintendents at the Northwest Turfgrass Association. NORM WHITWORTH LTD. TURF PRODUCTS P.O. BOX 31 GLADSTONE. RESIDENCE OREGON (503) 9 7 0 2 7 6 5 9 - 2 9 1 9 consultant FERTILIZERS, BARK PRODUCTS. CHEMICALS, TURF-SEEDS Sports Fields, (continued from page 1, column 2) 9 FERTILIZATION PROGRAMS Fertilization programs will vary somewhat with respect to soil texture. Sand fields require smaller but more frequent applications of fertilizer whereas those built on native soils can withstand longer periods but heavier applications when applied. In general, good quality grass sports fields should receive approximately 3/4 lb of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft per growing month. This would equate to 6-8 lb of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft in western Washington and 4-6 lb per 1000 sq ft in eastern Washington. We must also employ some common sense in our fertilization programs. If the grass is green and growing and has adequate density, delay fertilization until the first signs of some color decrease before adding additional fertilizer. Our goals should be to maintain minimum fertility levels while not sacrificing density and quality. Sand fields will require a complete spectrum of plant nutrients. In general, fertilizers supplying nutrients in a 6-1-4 or 3-1-2 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium supplying the amounts of nitrogen indicated above will produce high quality fields. It is important to maintain adequate levels of trace minerals or micronutrients on sand fields as well. In general, one or two light applications of trace minerals will suffice. It is important also to maintain at least 3 lbs of elemental sulfur per 1000 sq ft from all fertilizer sources on sand fields. Natural soil fields can usually get by on one-half to two-thirds this amount. Calcium and magnesium can be supplied from dolomitic limestone and when soil tests indicate a need for magnesium, then dolomite would be the best choice. On established fields do not apply any sort of lime at rates exceeding 40-50 lb per 1000 sq ft. (continued page 6, column 2) COMPENDIUM OF TURFGRASS DISEASES Dr. Richard W. Smiley, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, has published a new turfgrass disease book entitled, Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases. This book is authoritative, easy to understand and comprehensive. It is fully illustrated with 185 color plates and more than 65 illustrations including drawings depicting the life cycle for 14 of the most troublesome infectious pathogens found on turfgrasses. It is ideal for anyone involved in the field of turfgrass management. This book is available through APS Books, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55121. As of January 15, 1983, the book was valued at $12, but may be somewhat different now. J .A. Jack & Sons IMPERIAL AGLIME you need CALCIUM for Turf Vigor Full Fertilizer Utilization Improved pH Sacked or Complete Spreading service SOLD by HEMPHILL BROTHERS, INC. SEATTLE 762-7622 BESTTurf Gold with features never before available in a single fertilizer. BEST Turf Gold has all the advantages of a non-burn fertilizer, plus Sulfur Coated Urea. You get a controlledrelease 32% nitrogen plant food containing 24% water insoluble and 8% water soluble nitrogen. TURF GOLD's high sulfur content gives a remarkable improvement in the color, density, composition, and drought tolerance of turfgrasses. You can apply TURF GOLD without worry of fertilizer bum. Release of elements is controlled for 48 to 72 hours, or until thoroughly washed off by water. You get results with BEST Contact your BEST Products Distributor today. • Nulife Fertilizer Co Bob Pirie X ^ o m a WA Brian stueve 206-272-5171 • Pacific Agro Renton, WA 206-228-6565 Ken McKenzie • HJ Stoll & Sons Norm Whitworth Portland, OR 503-235-8946 (BEST) BEST PRODUCTS Western Division, Box 267 Lathrop, CA 95330 (209) 858-2541 Northwest Region Res Ph. (206) 256-5375 19329 N.W. 112th St. Brush Prairie, WA 98606 NORTHWEST TURFGRASS CONFERENCE AT KAH-NEE-TA September 20-22, 1983, are the dates for the 37th Northwest Turfgrass Conference at Kah-Nee-Ta, Warm Springs Resort, at Warm Springs, Oregon. This area is in the high desert plateau region of north-centeral Oregon, slightly northwest of Madras, which is the nearest larger town. President Dick Malpass, Gary Sayre, and Ray McElhoe and their wives recently spent a weekend there to scout the place and check out facilities for conference. They came back with a very favorable report, and that it would be a most enjoyable and excellent site for an educational conference, as well as ample recreation. Facilities include 150 rooms at the main lodge plus some cottages with 1 and 2 bedrooms and cooking facilities, ample area for parking for R V's and tepee accommodations for slightly lower rent. There are natural hot springs for restoring your pizazz, libido, or whatever you want them to do, hiking trails, bike trails, horseback riding, tennis courts, river rafting and a beautiful, challenging 18-hole golf course. The Warm Spring's Indians excel in their Indian-style cooked salmon and Indian fry bread—all salmon lovers should find a gourmet's delight. The resort is holding the block of rooms until the end of July, so it will be necessary to make your reservations early to be assured of a room at the location. Remember, the nearest town with other accommodations is some 30-40 miles distance. Reservations, pre-registration and all information with regard to rooms, etc., will be mailed to you in early July. All committees are busily working on educational program, ladies program, golf tournament competition and other activities for the conference. We promise a very informative educational session which will be held in the same format as we have been practicing for the last few years. All sessions will begin by 8:30 a.m., and will run until 1 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and will terminate at Thursday noon. All persons wishing to play golf or play in the golf tournament should be checked in by Sunday night, September 18 for the golf tournament on Monday morning September 19. Conference registration will be going on during the afternoon of the 19th and each morning thereafter. We have had a guarantee of warm, sunny cloudless weather and a pleasant stay for everyone. Golf Course Architecture Irrigation System Engineering Turfgrass Management Consultation THOMSON WOLVERIDGE FREAM & ASSOC. r ^ L —1 L ^ J 3820 Sebastopol Road, P.O. Box 1823, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Tele: (707) 526-7190 MELBOURNE NAGOYA ZURICH TENTATIVE LADIES' PROGRAM FOR 37th NORTHWEST TURFGRASS CONFERENCE Nancy McElhoe, Pam Sayre, and Frances Malpass have proposed thefollowing tentative schedulefor ladies at Kah-Nee- Ta: Monday, September 19—Champagne brunch and Indian fashion show. Tuesday morning—Ladie's golf tournament or slide presentation on the Warm Springs area for those not playing golf. Tuesday p.m.—Interior design and decorating and golf awards for the ladies. Wednesday morning—'Stress'panel discussion. Thursday morning—Cooking with herbs and roots. Nancy McElhoe says, "We would like to encourage all the ladies to register and participate in this year's program. We look forward to meeting all of you and hope everyone will consider playing golf this year. Let's just go out and have fun. " rTur^Bquipm mobile service TURF & TORO MOBILE SERVICE 20224 80th So. Kent TORO 762-7242 INTRODUCING YOUR NTA DIRECTORS Jim Connolly was born April 25, 1956 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is married and he and his wife reside at North 5003 Madison, Spokane, Washington 99208. He can be reached by phone at (509) 326-5002. Jim was elected to the Board of Directors at the 36th Northwest Turfgrass Conference at Yakima, Washington, in September 1982. Jim got his teeth into turfgrass management beginning in 1974 where he worked 4 years on the Washington State University golf course and received training under various professors and research workers in all aspects of golf course maintenance. He trained as an assistant golf course superintendent while researching the field of turfgrass and landscape agriculture. Jim served as assistant golf course superintendent at Yakima Golf and Country Club from July 1978 to July 1979. While assistant at Yakima Jim had the responsibility for supervision of a 10-man crew and winter maintenance. From July 1979 to July 1980 Jim was superintendent of the 18-hole McNary Golf Course at Umatilla, Oregon, and was responsible for all phases of management. He became highly i familiar with irrigation practices and personnel management. From July 1980 to present Jim has been a sales representative for Turfgo Northwest, and his duties include selling a large line of turfgrass maintenance products, soil sampling and testing, disease identification, developing fertilizer and fungicide programs for over 100 Northwest accounts. Jim's technical and practical background should make him well qualified in this area. Director Connolly holds membership in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Inland Empire Association of Golf Course Superintendents, Northwest Turfgrass Association, Spokane Hockey Association, Washington State University College of Agriculture Alumni Association. He also holds a Washington State Pesticide Consultant license and a Washington Pesticide Applicator license. Editor's note of caution: Sand baggers beware—Jim plays to a 7 handicap on the golf course. Since Jim is from Pittsburgh the editor neglected to learn if he is a master of the Pittsburgh persimmon. MEET THE FAMILY Come meet the m e m b e r s of the growing the Pickseed Family name W e re choosy Pickseed family of fine grass seeds and proud of itf Rigorous testing and They're all achievers evaluation assures that each strong and gaming f R ^ e a c h n e w variety meets recognition in the grass 1 I w H i ^ l r , 111) h i g h Pickseed standards seed industry for indivbefore it's ready for a public idual quality and performance It's introduction The Pickseed family name not every grass seed that gets to bear an assurance of quality from us to you PICK^IEIEIQ) PICKSEED WEST Inc. PO Bo« 888 Tangenl OR 97389 ( 503)926-8886 Si LILLY/MILLER Portland 256-4600 NORTHWEST MOWERS, INC. Controlled Release FERTILIZERS also SEEDS & CHEMICALS Seattle 762-0818 Spokane 922-3333 FERTILIZERS TURF CHEMICALS and FERTILIZERS FUNGICIDES - HERBICIDES SOIL AMENDMENTS JACOBSEN 542-7484 926 North 165th St. Seattle, Wash. 98133 TACOMA 272-5171 1424 Thorne Road Tacoma, Wash. 98421 SEATTLE 622-3228 Sports Fields (continuedfrom page 3) IRRIGATION PRACTICES The turfgrass strength, density and durability of your fields are significantly affected by irrigation practices. In general, one to two irrigations per week are generally satisfactory on deep sand profiled fields even during the hottest summer months, provided the root zone is thoroughly moistened with each application. Without a doubt, natural soil fields with adequate rooting profile can get by one week and possible more without irrigation. This should not be a hit-or-miss program. You should use a soil probe regularly to determine the remaining soil moisture and use this as a judgment for irrigation. Placing the turfgrass plants under slight stress from time to time will help stimulate a deep and well developed rooting system. Excessive water will definitely reduce the root system. MOWING Regular mowing at a uniform year around height will enhance turfgrass quality. All sports fields should be mowed twice weekly. Clipping removal is optional, but there will be times with weekly mowing that some clippings may have to be removed. Clippings from well nourished fields will recycle significant amounts of fertilizer back to the grass plants and reduce fertilizer requirements. You may wish to remove the clippings for aesthetic purposes. In general, the foregoing discussion, for the most part, is well adapted to the repair and maintenance of almost any turfgrass area whether it be on apron approaches and tees on golf courses or in parks. You must modify certain treatments to conform to the use of the turfgrass area but the basic requirements are near the same. Sand topdressing on a light, frequent basis will significantly improve inferior quality or maintain high quality. Aprons and tees on golf courses can be significantly improved through increased topdressing programs. A few golf courses in North America are even practicing sand topdressing on entire fairways. It is your responsibility to bite off as much as you can afford. It's hard to tell the difference between goosegrass and late-germinating crabgrass. But if you treat your turf with Chipco RONSTAR* G herbicide, it makes no difference. RONSTAR gives excellent control of both, season-long... and it's convenient to use, because there's no leaching problem, no root pruning, and no problems with ornamental plantings. So, for the best control of grassy weeds, use RONSTAR. RhonePoulenc Inc., Agrochemical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 06862 A Full Line of Specialities & Varieties of Turf Seed for the Golf Course and Sod Farm. Wholesale Seeds and Garden Supplies —CUSHMAN — Complete TURF - CARE Trucksters can: System AERATE — T O P DRESS — SPIKE PUGET SOUND SEED CO., INC. SPRAY — D U M P — H A U L We Service What We Sell! 1120 West Ewing • Seattle, WA 98119 • 282-2077 y SUNSET NORTHWEST 1919 - 120th Ave N.E. — Bellevue, WA 98005 (206) 455-5640 SOD WHITWORTH POWERS L A W N S — TEES — A P R O N S BEAUTIFUL — DURABLE TURFGRASS CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD. Ask us for price FOB Sumner or your location P.O. BOX 31 GLADSTONE, OR 97027 (503) 655-2919 1981 S.W. MAPLELEAFRD. LAKE OSWEGO. OR 97034 (503) 635-5369 Emerald Turfgrass Farms RT. 1, BOX 146A, UN 3-1003 SUMNER, WASH. 98390 VE 8-9911 LET US S P R A Y EFFECTIVELY Cumberland Valley Turf Dr. Roy L. Goss In a previous issue of Northwest Turfgrass Topics we published information provided by Dr. Paul Sartoretto (W. A. Cleary Corporation) with respect to chemical incompatibilities of pesticides. He has established four general rules that should be considered before tank mixing two or more pesticides. 1. Never tank mix emulsifiable insecticide concentrates. 2. Mix only one soluble chemical such as emulsifiable concentrates, solubles or soluble powder formulations with any number of insolubles such as wettable powders and flowable formulations. 3. When mixing two soluble chemicals with or without insolubles, the rate of each soluble should be halved to avoid phytotoxicity. If three solubles are tank mixed, the dosage of each soluble chemical should be reduced to one-third the recommended rate. 4. Soluble fertilizers and trace elements can be added individually or mixed provided the amount will not exceed one oz. solid material per gallon of tank spray mix. In order to determine tank mix compatibility you should test the compatibility of a tank mix yourself. Two steps are important as follows: Step 1 involves placing a mixture of the precise dosage of pesticide plus the proper volume of water in a quart glass jar for 30 minutes. If the chemical separates or settle out it is not wise to use the mixture. Regardless of the results in step 1, step 2 should be carried out if the material is at all sprayable. In step 2 the mixture is applied to a turfgrass area, preferably during adverse conditions such as heat and moisture stress and overlapped to determine phytotoxicity. A minimum ^of 48 hours should elapse before the response can be properly bvaluated. According to Miller and Wilkenson, 1980, the order 'of mixing pesticides of different formulations is as follows: Wettable powders first, flowables second, solubles third, powders fourth, surfactants fifth, emulsifiable concentrates last. Always remember that pesticides should be placed into a tank that has been filled with water and with the agitator running. BE SAFE! CVT Professional Turf Growers Supplying Top Quality •Sod Call Us For Prices (206) 825-5266 Forklift Deliveries 45533 - 212th Ave. S.E. Enumclaw, Wa. 98022 Turf Farm 683-6725 Route 3. Box 186 Sequim, Washington 98382 INSTANT SOD LAWNS See us for poa-free sod grown on washed sand. Ideal for golf course and athletic field use. TURF TYPE TALL FESCUES (Editors note: The following information was taken from Turf Tech published by Turf Seed Incorporated, Halsey, Oregon) BALTZ & SON CO. 817 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97216 Jacobsen — Cushman Standard — Par Aide Golf cars - New & Used Complete line of Turf Equipment and supplies 256-1453 In the last few years consumers have shown a tremendous interest in the new lower growing finer textured darker colored tall fescue varieties. Falcon, Olympic and Rebel were the first varieties of turf type tall fescues to call on the market. Other new varieties such as Adventure, Jaguar, and Finelawn I followed. All of these new varieties appear to have considerable or better heat and drought tolerance than Kentucky 31, and are better turf forming varieties. A surprising feature of the new tall fescues is their ability to perform as well or better in the shade than other cool season grasses. In a shade environment, tall fescues tend to develop finer leaf texture and maintain density. In our trials (Hubbard, Oregon) and in trial results coming in from around the country, Olympic appears to have an edge in shade tolerance over other varieties. Olympic is also performing extremely well in demonstration lawns put out in cooperation with the Texas A & M Extension Service in Dallas, Texas. ml ri I THINKING ABOUT CHANGING YOUR SPRAYER? JON VOIER Go John Bean! 9 2 Years Of Dependable Sprayers. I HAND PUMP TYPE SPRAYER USED IN SPRING OF 1870 1 JOHN BEAN DEALER NORTHWEST MALSBARY(206) 283-5340 WE SERVICE MORE 2232 - 15th AVENUE WEST SEATTLE, WASHINGTON M119 SALES and SERVICE AUTHORIZED JOHN BEAN DEALER t hh Ma I nN Ww Mh Ma t VwV eC ' ' H.P. PUMPS & PARTS SPRAYERS - A C C E S S O R I E S sell Scotts most successful product is not available for saleonly for advice and support... your ProTurf lech Rep. Ben Malikowski Mike Kendall Thayne Loendorf Executive Technical Representative Technical Representative Technical Representative O.M. Scott & Sons ProTurf Division ProTurf Division O.M. Scott & Sons ProTurf Division O.M. Scott & Sons P.O. Box 18128 Spokane. Washington 99208 Telephone: 509 483-8099 112-8760 Blundell Road Richmond. British Columbia Canada V6Y IKI Telephone: 604 273-4127 3014 N.E. 135 Avenue Vancouver, Washington 98662 Telephone: 206 254-6172