$30,000 in Research Grant Funds Awarded by NTA Research grant funds totaling over $30,000 have been awarded to Oregon State University and Washington State University researchers for three research projects from the Northwest Turfgrass Association Research & Scholarship Fund. OSU (Corvallis), WSU/Research and Extension Center (Puyallup), WSU (Pullman), are recipients of funds. Grant requests this year totaled over $48,000. NTA Research and Scholarship Fund limitations precluded the NTA from granting any more than the $30,000. Below is a summary of the funding requested and awarded for the 1995-96 academic year: Institution or Company Proposal Title Proposal Researchers Funds Requested Grants Awarded Oregon State University Golf Course Turf Disease Diagnostic Survey Cook, T. Putnam, M. $12000 $12000 General Maintenance Support for Teaching Field Lab Cook, T. $6240 -0- On-line Subscription Hook-ups -MSU Turfgrass Information File- Cook, T. $500 $500* Evaluating Turfgrass Resistance, Fungicide Efficacy and Management Options for Control of fusarium and Typhula Diseases Johnston, W.J. Sitton, J. Bruehl, G. $12000 $12000 Turfgrass Evaluation of the US Kentucky Bluegrass Germplasm Collection Johnston, W.J. Nelson, M. Johnson, R. Simon, C. $11000 -0- On-line Subscription Hook-ups -MSU Turfgrass Information File- Johnston, W.J. $500 $500* Greenhouse Testing of Antagonistic Microorganisms for Suppression of Microdochium nivale and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae Stahnke, G.K. Chastagner, G.A. Foss, C. Brauen, S. $6068 $6000 On-line Subscription Hook-ups -MSU Turfgrass Information File- Brauen, S.E. $500 $500* Sub Totals $48808 $30000 (R&E) $1500 (TURF)* Totals $48808 $31500 Washington State University (Pullman) Washington State University (Puyallup) * MSU-TGIF subscription initially approved to begin the 93/94 academic year President's Message Time waits for no man and I am a testament to that. As the desk piles get shuffled from side to side I start catching myself longing for those quiet rainy fall days when office responsibilities suddenly become a priority I can enjoy. But this has been a very busy and Randy White interesting season that has been mostly kind to turf and great for hitting the beach. As turf professionals in the northwest we can look on the rest of the nation and be thankful for our location in the comer, away from the hurricanes and heat. The NTA has been fortunate to have had the labor of a new face in our organization. Tom McCarthy, superintendent of Indian Summer Golf and Country Club in Olympia, was instrumental in procuring his fine track for what was our first annual Columbia Cup golf tournament. He did the lion's share of the work and provided a format that netted the NTA over $3000 for research and scholarships. Indian Summer is always in perfect condition and a tough test of golf. This was a spikeless tournament with Soft Spikes providing sets for all. Greg Hall, superintendent of Fairwood Golf and Country Club in Renton, Washington, brought the course to its knees and ran away with a gross 70. Congratulations to our new reigning NTA champ. It was our intent to provide a venue in which turf professionals from throughout the northwest could take a day during the summer to come together for a time of competition and comraderie. And this was the case. My foursome included golfers from British Columbia, Oregon, southwest Washington and Puget Sound. Oregon golf course superintendents hired a bus and a few escaped the heat of eastern Washington to join in the affair. What got th eball rolling was Tom Christy's idea to begin a rivalry between those to the north against those to south of the Columbia River, much in the tradition of the Ryder Cup. This pilot tournament laid the ground work for future competitions at which we can share ideas and let off steam during an otherwise bucolic time of year. Those who attended this inaugural event will be sure to sign up next year. Those who missed this year, talk to anyone who was there and I'm sure we'll see you next time. Instrumental in the monetary success of the Columbia Cup was the generous support by Western Equipment, Pac West and Toro. With their contribution we were able to not only take in some money for R&S, but also do it first class. Thank you for your support In addition to the main sponsors, over $1500 in donations were taken at Indian Summer. Since I'm on donations for research and scholarships, let me thank those who have come forward in their support of the Turfgrass Universities Research Fund or TURF. This fledgling program will be a keystone for funding future research based on the support of the golfing community. The advisory committee that includes all the northwest golf associations is, and will be, the guiding force that takes our funding efforts onto a new level. If you have not heard of TURF or need additional information, call the NTA office. Approval has been given by the board of directors for grants and scholarships as requested by the R&S committee, chaired by Mike Erb. His committee has made recommendations to the board for grants to OSU and WSU totalling $30,000 and four scholarships of $1500 each, of which one was funded by a donation from Western Equipment Inc. The various conference committees have been putting together the finishing touches for what will be a great time in October. The golf tournament, educational program and location make Skamania Lodge an excellent site for this our 49th annual conference. Research Grant (cont. from page 1) All the research grants deal with issues relevant to today's problems and environmental concerns and have the potential of being beneficial to today's grounds manager. Promoting Turfgrass research is a major purpose of the NTA. Funds for grants are obtained through a direct voluntary solicitation campaign and various other events and activities designed to generate donations to the NTA Research and Scholarship Fund ( R & S Fund) and the NTA Turfgrass Universities Research Fund (TURF). Over the last nine years, NTA has donated over $235,230 to research here in the Pacific Northwest, thanks to the on-going commitment and contributions of NTA members and supporters. Northwest Turfgrass Conference October 9-12, 1995 » Skamania Lodge T H E M C G R E G O R COMPANY McGregor lawn and turf sprayers provide years of trouble-free service with a minimum of maintenance. McGregor Goose Neck sprayer is excellent for large areas of lawn and turf. Its low profile provides better stability and weight distribution; can be safely towed by a large range of vehicles; has quick and easy attachment and unhook. No lifting necessary, simply use the sturdy screw jack to raise and lower. Requires a minimum of employee training for operation. Integrity • Innovation • 1V1 PROPELL Distributing Premium Turf Fertilizer Expertise Dealer Inquiries Welcome 509-397-4360 800-727-9160 Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 2 NTA Awards $6,000 in Scholarships Four outstanding students have been selected, out of nine applicants, to receive $6,000 in NTA Scholarships for the 1995-96 academic year. Below is a summary of the scholarship awards for the 1995-96 academic year as approved by the Northwest Turfgrass Association Board of Directors. Institution pr çpmpeny Student Aoplicant Maior Year Aw?rd Oregon State Univers ity (6 applications) Michael J. Bjorvik. Horticulture Senior $1500 Richard J. Matteson Lanscp. & Turf Mgt. Senior $1500 Tim Putnam Mathew C. Nelson Turf Mgt. Crop & Soils (Turf Opt.) Junior Graduate $1500 $1500* Total $6000 Washington State University (Pullman) (3 applications) * Western Equipment Scholarship (Beginning with the 95/96 academic year, Western Equipment Distributors, Inc (with offices in Seattle and Spokane) established this ongoing scholarship to be administered by the Northwest Turfgrass Association.) Inaugural Columbia Cup Golf Tournament Raises $3000 for Research Over seventy golfers from Canada, Oregon and Washington participated in the inaugural Columbia Cup Golf Tournament for research at Indian Summer Golf and Country Club in July raising over $3000 for research. Thanks go to Tom McCarthy, Golf Course Superintendent at Indian Summer, for his organizational efforts and to Western Equipment Distributors, PAC-WEST Distributing and TORO for cosponsoring the tournament with the Northwest Turfgrass Association. Tournament results were as follows: INDIVIDUAL WINNERS Player Greg Hall Pleyer Norm Whitworth Tom McCarthy Jody Picconi Paul Winterbottom Michael Hilsenkopf Tom Johnson (ties decided by matching cards) KP & LONG DRIVE KE Matt Wilkinson Mike Madden Paul Winterbottom Gary Sayer U2 Mark Cupid Chris Gaughan Hple # 4 7 11 14 Hple # 9 16 STABLEFORD Pleyer George Walker Jody Picconi Bob Robinson Greg Crawford Kirk Anderson Larry Gilhuly Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 Prize $250 Prize $200 $150 $125 $100 $75 $50 Lew ççpre 70 Net Scpre 47 (1st net) 45 (2nd net) 40 (3rd net) 40 (4th net) 40 (5th net) 40 (6th net) Gross 29 29 12 18 12 34 Distance 6'9" 14'9" 710" 37" m 30 40 27 38 27 38 Consolidated SUDDIV J CO. * 7337 S.W. KABLE LANE TIGARD, OR 97224 (503) 620-7050 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR Prize $25 $25 $25 $25 Prize $25 $25 Hdco 0 12 14 19 17 4 3 Research & Scholarship Fund Receives Major Donations Major donations have been received recently for the Northwest Turfgrass Association Research & Scholarship Fund. During the recent Columbia Cup Golf Tournament, Western Equipment Distributors (Seattle and Spokane, WA), PAC-WEST Distributing (Wilsonville, OR) and TORO donated nearly $4,500 as cosponsors of the tournament. During the luncheon following the Columbia Cup Golf Tournament, a $1,000 donation from TURF-SEED, Inc. (Hubbard, OR) was presented to Mike Erb, Chairman of the NTA Research & Scholarship Committee. With the endorsement of nearly all of the major golfrelated organizations in the Pacific Northwest the Dollarper-golfer for TURF (Turfgrass Universities Research Fund) fund raising campaign announced in the last issue by NTA president Randy White is off to a fast start. Below is a list of the clubs and courses that have already committed to the Dollar-per-golfer for Turf for 1995: Tbrf troubled by diseases? One of the ProTurf® Fluid Fungicide products will help: • Fluid Fungicide prevents and controls dollar spot, brown patch, red leaf spot and pink snow mold • Fluid Fungicide II prevents and controls Pythium blight and damping off, brown patch and dollar spot • Fluid Fungicide III prevents and controls anthracnose, leaf spot, dollar spot, brown patch and pink snow mold S M I H ^PrrfRirt ^ ^ ^ 4 Rick Styer (206) 859-6610 Don Clemans (503)549-3933 Andrew Schenk (208) 772-0301 Tarn O'Shanter Golf & Country Club (women's golf) $75 Tom Corlett 1995 Turfgrass Conference Registration Packets Out Turfgrass University Research Fund (TURF) Contributions Received Scottsfluidfungicide line is what you need to fight turf diseases Course Dollars Superintendent Apple Tree Golf Course (men's club) $100 Jim Dusin Columbia Edgewater Country Club $450 Gordon Kiyokawa Everett Golf & Country Club $800 Randy White Mint Valley Golf Course (men's club) $200 Dave McDonald Riverside Golf & Country Club $475 Tom Christy \ By now, all NTA members and other interested parties should have received a Registrant Registration and Program Packet or a conference announcement for the 49th Northwest Turfgrass Conference scheduled to be held in Stevenson, Washington at the Skamania Lodge and Conference Center October 9-12, 1995. The first mailing of registration packets went out the middle of July and the final mailing, to those not already registered, goes out the middle of August. If, for any reason, you haven't received your registration packet and you would like one, call the NTA office. Enclosed in this issue of the newsletter is a copy of the conference Schedule of Events and Education Program. This year's conference is sure to be one of the best ever. Great, informative educational sessions: golf; tours-both educational and entertaining; scrumptious food; fun entertainment; an opportunity to renewal old acquaintances; and, all in a resort setting. What more can you ask for? We look forward to seeing you there. Conference "Motivational" Speaker Deals with Change The "motivational" speaker at the conference will be Dr. Lawrence C. Helms of Western Training Systems, a nationally recognized management and sales training corporation. Larry is a nationally respected and recognized expert in the field of personal development programs. He holds a Ph. D. from the University of Michigan and a postdoctoral certificate in management from Harvard University. He is also a former Fulbright Scholar with three books and numerous articles to his credit. He has been called an "edu-trainer" and Tuntastic" for his unique ability to mix good, clean humor and professional stage magic with his serious training messages. His programs are definitely NOT dry lectures, but rather exciting learning experiences that result in over 70% of his annual business being repeat clients. Those of you that attended the Northwest Turfgrass Conference in Sunriver a few years ago will remember the excellent job Larry did at that conference. Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 4 NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 49TH Northwest Turfgrass Conference SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY, October 8 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Conference Center Lobby Registration 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Meadow Board Room Board of Directors Meeting 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Meadow Board Room Board of Directors Dinner 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Cascade Locks Ballroom Special Session- Dr. Larry Helms "Child Birth Order" or "Dream Interpretation" WEDNESDAY, October 11 6:00 am Restaurant Open for Breakfast (no host) MONDAY, October 9 6:30 am - 6:55 am Conference Center Lobby Wake-up Beverage Service (hosted) 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Conference Center Lobby Registration 7:00 am - 11:05 am Cascade Locks Ballroom General Education Sessions 9:00 am (shotgun start)- 4:00 pm Golf Course Pro Shop R.L. Goss Golf Tournament for Research 9:00 am - 2:45 pm Conference Center Lobby Companion Event-Mt. Hood (assembly area) Scenic Railroad Excursion 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm Conference Center Lobby Bonneville Dam & Locks Landscape (assembly Redevelopment and Man-made Wetland Tour area) 11:10 am - 11:45 am Cascade Locks Ballroom Member Annual Business Meeting & Elections 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Conference Center Lobby Registration 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Stevenson A & B Get Acquainted Reception (hosted) Golf Tournament Prizes and Chris Alpine Comedy Hour TUESDAY, October 10 6:00 am Restaurant Open for Breakfast (no host) 6:30 am - 12:00 noon Conference Center Lobby Registration 6:30 am - 6:55 am Conference Center Lobby Wake-up Beverage Service (hosted) 7:00 am - 7:10 am Cascade Locks Ballroom Opening Session 7:10 am - 11:15 am Cascade Locks Ballroom General Education Sessions 11:15 am - 12:45 pm Luncheon Buffet (no host) Stevenson A 11:45 am - 1:00 pm Barbeque Area Lunch Barbeque (no host) 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Meadow Room 1995-96 Board of Directors Meeting & Lunch (hosted) 1:00 pm - 1:55 pm Cascade Locks Ballroom General Education Sessions 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.. Meadow Room Past Presidents, Presenters & Sponsors Reception (hosted) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Conference Center Lobby & Annual Banquet & Program (no host) Stevenson B, C & D THURSDAY, October 12 6:00 am Restaurant Opens Open for Breakfast (no host) 6:30 am - 6:55 am Conference Center Lobby Wake-up Beverage Service (hosted) 11:30 am - 12:45 pm Meadow Room Allied Associations & Universities Research Luncheon (hosted) 7:00 am - 11:05 am Cascade Locks Ballroom General Education Sessions 12:45 pm - 1:55 pm Cascade Locks Ballroom General Education Sessions 11:05 pm - 11:15 pm Cascade Locks Ballroom Closing Session NORTHWEST TURFG 49TH Northwest Tu EDUCATION Tuesday, October 10 Wednesday, October 11 GENERAL SESSION A-l Randy White, Moderator Cascade Locks Ballroom NTA President 7:10 am - 8:05 am Controlled Release Fertilizers: Do All Polymer Coated Products Give the Same Response in an Integrated Management System? Mr. Thomas W. Cook, Associate Professor Oregon State University GENERAL SESSION B-l Cascade Locks Ballroom 7:00 am - 7:55 am The Challenge Cup Soccer on Dr. John N. Roe Michigan State Ì GENERAL SESSION A-ll Tom Christy, Moderator Cascade Locks Ballroom NTA Past President 8:10 am - 9:05 am Identification, IPM and Potential Biocontrols of Summer Patch and Take-all Patch Diseases Dr. Henry T. Wilkinson, Professor University of Illinois -BreakGENERAL SESSION A-lll Jim Dusin, Moderator Cascade Locks Ballroom NTA Secretary 9:20 am -10:15 am Use of Crumb Rubber from Used Tires to Improve Conditions in High Traffic Areas Dr. John N. Rogers, Assistant Professor Michigan State University GENERAL SESSION A-IV Cascade Locks Ballroom 10:20 am -11:15 am Irrigation-Make It a Friend of the Environment Mr. Carl Kuhn, P.E., Owner Kuhn Associates -Lunch- Don Clemans, Moderator NTA Treasurer GENERAL SESSION A-V Mike Erb, Moderator Cascade Locks Ballroom NTA Board Director 12:45 pm -1:40 pm Balancing Environmental Concerns and Use of Pesticides with Playing Condition Reality (Comparison of Environmental Pressures in Eastern & Western U.S.) Mr. Robert Senseman, Northeastern Region Agronomist United States Golf Association Green Section GENERAL SESSION A-VI Jim Connolly, Moderator Cascade Locks Ballroom NTA Board Director 1:45 pm - 2:40 pm Sand vs. Soil: How to Develop a Functional and Maintainable Soccer Complex While Limiting Pesticide Inputs Mr. Thomas W. Cook, Associate Professor Oregon State University GENERAL SESSION B-ll Cascade Locks Ballroom 8:00 am - 8:55 am Managing Char Dr. Larry C. He Western Trainine -Break- GENERAL SESSION B-lll Cascade Locks Ballroom 9:10 am -10:05 am Managing Char Dr. Larry C. He Western Trainine GENERAL SESSION B- IV Cascade Locks Ballroom 10:10 pm -11:05 pm Dealing with PI Don't Want Ch« Mr. Larry Gilhuly United States G Green Section ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Cascade Locks Ballroom 11:10 am-11:45 am 1994-95 Annual Election of Boa Mr. Randy White Northwest Turfgi -Lunch- GENERAL SESSION B-V Cascade Locks Ballroom 1:00 pm -1:25 pm Evaluation of C Bluegrasses fo Turfgrass Use Mr. Matt Nelson Washington Stal GENERAL SESSION B-VI Cascade Locks Ballroom 1:30 pm -1:55 pm Screening for F Control of Take Fusarium Patcl Dr. Gwen K. Sta Washington Stal ìRASS ASSOCIATION rfgrass Conference PROGRAM Thursday, October 12 Chris Gaughn, Moderator NTA Board Director of Creating World Grass Inside the Silverdome jers, Assistant Professor Jniversity Kay Kinyon, Moderator NTA Board Director ige ms, President ) Systems Kay Kinyon, Moderator NTA Board Director ige (continued) ms, President ) Systems GENERAL SESSION C-l Jim Connolly, Moderator Stevenson Ballroom NTA Board Director 7:00 am - 7:55 am How Soils and IPM Influence Disease Development on Turfgrasses Dr. Henry T. Wilkinson, Professor University of Illinois GENERAL SESSION C-ll Mike Erb, Moderator NTA Board Director Stevenson Ballroom 8:00 am - 8:55 am The Golfer's Golf Course Expectations and Concerns Mr. Jim Gibbons, Executive Director Oregon Golf Association Mr. John Bodenhamer, Executive Director Washington State Golf Association & Pacific Northwest Golf Association -Break- Tom Christy, Moderator NTA Vice President ayers That inge , Western Region Director Dlf Association Randy White, Moderator NTA President Report and rd Directors i, CGCS, President ass Association Jim Dusin, Moderator NTA Secretary iverse Kentucky r Potential M.S. Candidate e University/Pullman Don Clemans, Moderator NTA Treasurer Potential Biological -all Patch and l Diseases hnke, Associate Professor e University/Puyallup Chris Gaughn, Moderator GENERAL SESSION C-lll NTA Board Director Stevenson Ballroom IPM Effects on Microbial Populations 9:10 am -10:05 am of Golf Course Putting Greens (Turfgrass Underworld or Life in the Root Zone) Dr. F. Bryan Holl, Professor University of British Columbia GENERAL SESSION C-IV Kay Kinyon, Moderator NTA Board Director Stevenson Ballroom Environmental Answers to IPM 10:10 am -11:05 am Strategies Still Lead to More IPM Questions Mr. Larry Gilhuly, Director United States Golf Association Western Region, Green Section CLOSING SESSION Stevenson Ballroom 11:05 am - 11:15 am Randy White, Moderator NTA President Conference Wrap-up Mr. Tom Christy, CGCS, Vice President Northwest Turfgrass Association NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 49th Northwest Turfgrass Conference PROGRAM SYNOPSIS Sunday, October 8 (preconference) 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Registration Open Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors Dinner Conference Center Lobby Meadow Board Room Meadow Board Room Monday, October 9 8:00 am - 12:00 noon 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Registration Open R.L. Goss Golf Tournament for Research (shotgun start) Bonneville Dam Landscape Redevelopment & Man-made Wetland Tour Registration Open Get Acquainted Reception & and Chris Alpine Comedy Hour Conference Center Lobby Golf Course Conference Center Lobby (assembly area) Conference Center Lobby Stevenson A & B Tuesday, October 10 6:30 am - 12:00 noon 7:00 am - 7:10 am 7:10 am - 11:15 am 11:30 am - 12:45 pm 12:45 pm - 1:55 pm 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Registration Open Opening Session General Education Sessions Allied Associations & Universities Research Luncheon General Education Sessions Special Session-Dr. Larry Helms "Child Birth Order" or "Dream Interpretation" Conference Center Lobby Cascade Locks Ballroom Cascade Locks Ballroom Meadow Room Cascade Locks Ballroom Cascade Locks Ballroom Wednesday, October 11 7:00 am - 11:05 am 9:00 am - 2:45 pm 11:10 am-11:45 am 11:45 am - 12:45 am 1:00 pm -1:55 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm General Education Sessions Companion Event-Mt. Hood Scenic Railroad Excursion Member Annual Business Meeting & Elections 1994-95 Board of Directors Organizational Meeting & Lunch General Education Sessions Cascade Locks Ballroom Conference Center Lobby (assembly area) Cascade Locks Ballroom Past Presidents, Presenters & Sponsors Reception Annual Banquet & Program Meadow Room Meadow Room Cascade Locks Ballroom Conference Center Lobby & Stevenson B, C & D Thursday, October 12 7:00 am - 11:05 am 11:05 am - 11:15 am General Education Sessions Closing Session Cascade Locks Ballroom Cascade Locks Ballroom ANNOUNCEMENT AND INVITATION FOR THE OCTOBER 9-12, 1995 NORTHWEST TURFGRASS CONFERENCE SKAMANIA LODGE AND CONFERENCE CENTER (In The Columbia Gorge) Stevenson, Washington The Board of Directors of the Northwest Turfgrass Association (NTA) extends a cordial invitation to the members of the association, their colleagues, employees, companions, friends and others interested in the turfgrass industry in the Pacific Northwest to attend and participate in the 49th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. Research and development information provided by national and international turfgrass and ornamental experts; the annual golf tournament; turf facilties and ornamentals tours; and a variety of networking opportunities are some of the major components of the conference. Other events include the annual business meeting of the association and election of board directors; an excellent companions program; and a number of social activities designed for everyone. Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, Washington in the Columbia River Gorge will be the conference site for the hundreds of golf course superintendents; parks, cemetery, school and other grounds maintenance personnel; professional consultants; landscape and lawn care personnel; equipment and product suppliers; research and extension staff; and others involved in the turfgrass industry from throughout the Pacific Northwest who will assemble for the premiere professional development conference. Sponsored by Northwest Turfgrass Association P.O. Box 1367 Olympia, Washington 98507 (206) 754-0825 DIRECTORY N O R T H W E S T TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Offiaai Publication of The Northwest Turfgrass Assocaiton P.O. Box 1367 • Olympia. Washington 96507 ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM ADVERTISER INFORMATION (please print or type) Company Name Address City and State Zip Code Company Advertising Contact Name Phone ( ) ADVERTISEMENT SIZE Please check the size of ad you are ordering: • Full Page $300.00 • 3/4 Page $250.00 • 1/2 Page $210.00 • 1/4 Page $160.00 • Business Card $120.00 • Inside Cover $350.00 ADVERTISEMENT COPY AND PAYMENT We must require that all advertising copy be submitted camera-ready. Please return a check or money order for your advertisement order with a completed "Advertisement Order Form" to: NTA, P.O. Box 1367, Olympia, WA 98507. Make checks or money orders payable (U.S. Dollars) to: Northwest Turfgrass Association. ADVERTISEMENT INFORMATION General Information: The DIRECTORY of the NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION is an 80 page directory published annually by the Northwest Turfgrass Association. The association has members through out the northwestern United States and southern British Columbia (Canada). Circulation: The directory fields, campus and school care, farm implement and materials; and golf course circulation includes over 600 managers of golf courses, parks, cemeteries, sports grounds, etc.; representatives of various industry-related companies e.g. lawn machinery, irrigation system, chemical, fertilizer, and maintenance supply and architects, landscape architects and contractors, and others. Size: 8 1/2" x 11720 column inches per page/2 columns per page (10M x 3 1/2H). Conditions: The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors or omissions. The advertiser assumes liability for the content of his/her advertisement and any claims that may arise therefrom against the publisher. Terms of Payment: Unless otherwise approved, payment for all advertising orders is due and payable with all advertising orders. Payment (U.S. Dollars) should be made to the Northwest Turfgrass Association; P.O. Box 1367. Olympia, WA 98507. General Policy: The rates quoted herein apply to camera-ready ad copy. We must require that all advertising copy be submitted camera-ready. The Northwest Turfgrass Association reserves the right to revise, alter, limit or reject at its option any advertisement which may be deemed misleading or objectionable in any way. A composition charge will be made for advertising setup and killed without insertion. A charge will also be made for extensive changes in an advertisement after it has been set according to original instructions. Closing/Cancellation Dates: Advertising orders will be accepted up to the last day of September. Cancellations must be made in writing prior to the closing date. Advertising Rates: Inside Cover $350; Full Page $300, 3/4 Page $250; 1/2 Page $210; 1/4 Page $160; Business Card $120. Publication Dates: The directory will be published following the annual conference. Advertising Submission: Camera-ready ad copy and payment should be submitted to the Northwest Turfgrass Association, P.O. Box 1367, Olympia. WA 98507. H ^ k NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION ^ RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION Do not write in this space L J TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION AMOUNT: • $100 • $200 • $400 • $_ Please return original copy of this statement with your remittance (U.S. Funds) to: NTA R & S Donation Information Member Name Title LAST FIRST MIOOLE INITIAL Business/Employer/University Address City/State Phone ( Zip Code. ) We are committed to promoting excellence in research and education programs that make northwest turfgrass facilities including Golf Courses, Parks, Cemeteries, Athletic and Play Fields, Education Campuses, Commercial Office and Industrial Grounds, Residential (single and multi-family) Lawns and Grounds, and others the best in the world. THE NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND IS A CHARITABLE TRUST REGISTERED AND ADMINISTERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. ALL DONATIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS, GIFTS, AND BEQUESTS HAVE BEEN DETERMINED TO BE TAX DEDUCTIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND TO: NTA RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND SUPPORTERS FROM: NTA Research and Scholarship Fund Trustees Intimately involved with turfgrass management, we realize more than most, that today's turfgrass quality is the result of knowledge and technological gains resulting from research and education accompanied by hard work and effort. We owe our thanks to those who gave their time and money to make the research and education possible, for without them we would have to rely on our own slow trial and error methods. Few of us are independently capable of nor prepared to conduct the research or develop the education programs necessary to keep the industry on the leading edge. Recognizing this, the Northwest Turfgrass Association created a research and scholarship fund to help make it possible for each of us to participate significantly in the advancement of present and future knowledge. Through this fund, each of us can financially contribute to industry research and education advancements. On the reverse side you will find a contribution form to assist you and your employer in responding as quickly as possible. Please make checks payable to " N T A Research and Scholarship Fund" and mail it with a copy of the contribution form to: NTA • P.O. Box 1367 • Olympia, WA 98507 Your contribution is tax deductible and the fund is administered in accordance with the Charitable Trust Act of the State of Washington. Buy a share today in better turfgrass for tomorrow. NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Northwest Turfgrass Conference RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP (TAX FUND RAISING DEDUCTIBLE) SPONSOR PROGRAM Turf grounds maintenance and irrigation suppliers and other interested parties are invited to become a S p o n s o r of an activity or event during the N o r t h w e s t Turfgrass C o n f e r e n c e conducted annually by the Northwest Turfgrass Association. Around 300-400 golf course, park, sports facility, lawn grounds maintenance and ornamental professionals and suppliers interested in the latest turfgrass-related research and developments are usually in attendance. The purpose of the S p o n s o r P r o g r a m is to provide industry suppliers with an opportunity for tax d e d u c t i b l e advertisement of their services and, at the same time, through the reduction in conference costs, free-up conference receipts for funding research activity and scholarships. During the very successful trial year of the S p o n s o r P r o g r a m , the focus was on golf tee sponsorship during the preconference R.L. Goss Golf Tournament for Research. Sponsors had a professionally-constructed, multi-color sign of their company logo and name at a tee plus a reproduction of the tee sign on a sponsor sign board that was displayed at all the major events during the conference. The program has since been expanded to include a variety of conference-related sponsor opportunities, in addition to golf tees. Sponsor opportunities now include: Golf Te e S Honoraria/Expenses Events Overall (preconference" R.L. Goss Golf Tournament for Research") (Preconference Seminar and Conference Presenters; Conference Key Note Speaker; Conference Entertainment) (Preconference Event Luncheon; Presenters/Past Presidents Reception; Get Acquainted Reception; Annual Meeting Breakfast; University Advisory Group Luncheon; GCSA Advisory Group Luncheon; Women in Turf Breakfast; T.U.R.F. Program Advisory Council Luncheon; Coffee/Refreshment Breaks; et. al) (Overall Conference Support) Sponsors will receive recognition for their sponsorship in the form of signage at an event, if appropriate; complimentary admission for two supplier representatives to the conference get-acquainted reception; recognition throughout the conference; and, recognition throughout the year in the N o r t h w e s t Turfgrass T o p i c s newsletter. Northwest Turfgrass Conference SPONSOR PROGRAM SIGN-UP FORM Sponsor/Business : (name) Sponsor/Business: (p.o. box, street or route number) (zip) (state) "(city F Sponsor Contact: Phone: ( ) (name) We want to be a conference sponsor as checked below: (Payment will be required prior to the conference.) * * $500 18 available) Golf Tee Sign at $500 3 available) Golf Tournament Beverage Service and Lunches $500 3 available) Keynote $500 3 available) Presenter Travel and Lodging $500 5 available) Break Beverage Service $500 1 available) Allied Associations and Universities Research Luncheon $500 1 available) Board Dinner and Luncheon $500 2 available) Reception for Presenters/Past $500 8 available) Get Acquainted $500 9 available) Annual Banquet & Program $ 5 0 0 no limit) 3 sponsors already committed R.L. Goss Golf Tournament Speaker Presidents/Sponsors Reception Conference Underwriter-Overall Support NOTE: Camera-ready Art or P.M.T. of the sponsor logo is required for all signs. Return Completed Form To: NTA P.O. Box 1367 Olympia, WA 98507 A former collegiate debate and interpretive speech champion, Larry delivers his messages in an exciting inspirational style. He is regarded by many as the best all-around speaker on the West Coast today. Larry's two-hour presentation Wednesday morning during the conference, as well as his companion program later that same day are "musts" for conference-goer's, spouses and/or companions, alike. His two-hour presentation will be on the subject of "Managing Change." This is a practical program that explores the mental barriers we create when faced with change and presents practical concrete methods to manage change. Suppliers Invited To Be 1995 Conference Sponsors Turf grounds maintenance and irrigation suppliers and others are being invited to become a financial Sponsor of an activity or event during the 49th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. The goal of the "Sponsor Program" is to provide industry suppliers with an opportunity for tax deductible advertising and, at the same time, through the reduction in conference costs, raise funds for research and scholarships. This year golf tees, honoraria, events and/or the overall conference will be available for sponsors. In exchange for a tax deductible donation, Golf Tee, Honoraria, Event and Overall Conference Sponsors will be recognized with a very professionally done multicolored reproduction of the their company logo on the conference Sponsor Board displayed at various sessions and events during the conference. Golf Tee Sponsors and Event Sponsors will have their sign displayed on the golf course or at the event they sponsor and on the Sponsor Board. In addition, all sponsors are recognized in each issue of the NTA Northwest Turfgrass Topics during the year following the conference. A Sponsor Program Sign-up Form is enclosed. Conference Housing Reservations Deadline Nearing Remember that lodging reservations for the 1995 conference headquarters hotel, Skamania Lodge, must be made directly with the lodge by calling-toll free 1 -800221-7117 before September 8,1995. The block of rooms research grants to OSU and WSU and $5,000 in scholarships to OSU and WSU students. The success of the annual fund raising campaign is a key factor in the level of support NTA can provide to these efforts and donations are running behind schedule as of this date. Intimately involved with Turfgrass management, we realize more than most, that today's Turfgrass quality is the result of knowledge and technological gains resulting from research and education accompanied by hard work and effort. We owe our thanks today to those who gave their time and money to make the research and education possible yesterday. Hopefully future generations will be able to say the same about us. If you haven't gotten your donation in yet for this year, we can use your help now. Donation forms have been mailed to members and industry supporters and a copy is enclosed. Donations are tax deductible and those contributing to the research and scholarship fund are recognized in the annual Directory of the Northwest Turfgrass Association Buy a share today in better Turfgrass for tomorrow. Annual Budget Adopted for 95/96 The NTA Board of Directors has approved a 123,000 dollar budget for the fiscal year July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996. The budget breaks down as follows: Research 50,000 (1) Scholarship 5,000 (1) Conference 27,000 (2) Publications 8,000 (2) Operations 33,000 (3) (1) Source of funds-R&S and TURF donations, Golf Tournaments and Sponsorships (2) Source of funds-Registrations and Advertising (3) Source of funds-Dues The association's net worth history is as follows: fiscal year ending 91/92-$103,000; 92/93-$105,000; and, 93/94-$92,000. The net worth for the 94/95 fiscal year has yet to be determined. and the reduced rates will be available only until that date. 1995 Research and Scholarship Fund Raising Campaign Continues Randy White, NTA President, and Mike Erb, NTA Research and Scholarship Fund Committee Chairperson, remind us that the 1995 Research and Scholarship Fund Raising Campaign is still underway. For the last few years NTA has annually given out over $30,000 in Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 Association Membership Continues to Grow Membership in the Northwest Turfgrass Association continues to grow in a healthy, steady manner. Member Year 1985 1990 1995 No. of Members 225 415 455 (mid year) 5 Association Directory Remodeling Under Consideration 1995/96 Board Director Nominations and Elections The NTA Board of Directors is considering authorizing a major change in what has been known as the "Directory of the Northwest Turfgrass Association." The directory has historically been organized with an alphabetical listing of association members by name with a cross reference alphabetical listing by employer. One change being considered would be to reorganize the content to sections and/or listings of members alphabetically by type of turf management speciality e.g. golf course superintendents, parks/municipal, school district employees, et al. An additional change being considered is to expand the directory to include all golf courses in the region whether they have a member in the association or not. Let us know what you thoughts are about these proposed changes and whether or not they would be of any benefit to you. The terms of three NTA Board Directors, Thomas A. Christy, CGCS (Golf Course Superintendent, Riverside Golf & Country Club-Portland, Oregon), Donald A. Clemans, CGCS (Sales Representative, The Scott Company-Sisters, Oregon), and John W. Monson, CGCS (Facilities Manager, Seattle Seahawks-Kirkland, Washington) expire this year. Christy and Monson are completing three year terms and Clemans a one year term. All three directors are eligible for renomination and reelection. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Immediate past president Thomas A. Christy, has begun work compiling a slate of nominees for these board director positions. Board director candidates may be nominated either of two ways: 1) by recommendation of the nominating committee, or 2) by nomination from the "floor" during the annual meeting of the active members of the association. Individuals interested in having someone (including them self) considered by the nominating committee should send the name to Tom Christy, Chairman, NTA Nominating Committee, P.O. Box 1367, Olympia, WA 98507. A Final Thank You To The 1994 Conference Sponsors We want to extend a final thank you to the 1994 Northwest Turfgrass Conference Sponsors. Through their participation we were able to increase our Research and Scholarship Fund and, as a result, provide more funding support to OSU and WSU for research and scholarships. PGA 1994 Northwest Turfgrass Conference Sponsors The companies listed below deserve our special thanks and appreciation for being "Sponsors" of the 1994 Northwest Turfgrass Conference. Sponsors' donations go for research funds and scholarships. Aquatrols Corp. of America Country Club Sales, Inc. Evergro Sales, Inc. Farwest Equipment & Supply JR Simplot/Best Fertilizer Landa, Inc. Norm Whitworth, Ltd. Northwest Outdoor Equipment, Inc. O.M. Scott & Sons Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Assn. Pac-West Distributing Pacific Calcium, Inc. Rainbird Sales, Inc. Tee-2-Green Corp. The Chas. H. Lilly Co. United Horticultural Supply United Pipe and Supply Company, Inc. Western Equipment Distributors, Inc. West. Wa. Golf Course Supers. Assn. Wilbur Ellis Co. 6 Cherry Hill, NJ Kent, WA Kirkland, WA Portland, OR Bothell, WA Portland, OR Oak Grove, OR Clackamas, OR Citrus Heights, CA Vancouver, WA Wilsonville, OR Beaverton, OR Gresham, OR Hubbard, OR Portland, OR Salem, OR Portland, OR Kent, WA Tacoma, WA Auburn, WA Series Valves A great value. Heavy-duty PVC valves may be used in globe or angle configuration. Inlet sizes of 1", l ' A " and 2" with manual internal bleed. Filtered pilot flow. Flows from 2-150GPM and pressures of 15-150 PSI. RA/N^B/RD For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l A u t h o r i z e d Rain B i r d D i s t r i b u t o r Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 6 Annual Directory Advertising Being Accepted Names In The News Advertising is currently being accepted for the association directory for the coming year. The directory, scheduled for publication in the fall, may take on a new configuration and include all golf course superintendents In the region. The directory will be a must for suppliers depend on advertising to help get their message out. Advertising order forms are enclosed. Inquiries should be directed to the NTA staff at the NTA office (206) 754-0825 and. Laura Strehlau recently joined Evergro Sales, Inc. as technical sales representative. Laura will be working with landscapers, cemeteries, parks and other customers while Steve Houghton will continue servicing golf courses. Peter Jacobsen was the inaugural winner of the Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Association's "Peter Jacobsen Award." The award was established to recognize contributions beyond expectations to the betterment of golf. Thomas Christy has been recognized with the "Superintendent of the Year Award" by the Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Association. ••••• Most of Oregon Gets New Telephone Area Code Here we go again! Now it's Oregon's turn, though. Much of Oregon is in for a new telephone area code, according to U.S. West Communications. The northwest portion of the state from Astoria to Salem will continue to be assigned the 503 area code while the rest of the state will be assigned the new area code 541. Folks will be encouraged to being using the new 541 telephone area code beginning November 5, 1995 with the intent that it will become mandatory June 30, 1996. Those of us in Washington who are still experiencing the "joys" of having their area code changed wish our Oregonian colleagues all the best. J.A. J a c k & S o n s • V IMPERIAL AGLIME For Raising Soil pH and Full Fertilizer Utilization, Especially Phosphorous & Potassium. Ground Fine (over 80% passing 100 mesh) 97% Neutralizing Power Calcium Carbonate Equivalent of 97 SOLO by H E M P H I L L B R O T H E R S . I N C . SEATTLE 762-7622 Norm Whitworth Turf Products Your Northwest source for these quality hrf-Seed products: Tall Fescue Norm 'The Chief Whitworth Olympic / Apache / Bonanza Monarch / Tomahawk (5DX) Murietta / Silverado / Safari Eldorado / Olympic II Thathalawn Blend MowLess Blend Confederate Blend Perennial Ryegrass Citation II / Sunrye (246) Birdie II/CBS II Blend Navajo / Manhattan II * Charger / Quickstart Alliance Blend E M Hard Fescue Aurora * E Fine Fescue Shadow * / Fortress Shademaster Bighorn Sheeps Fescue E Kentucky Bluegrass Columbia / Midnight / 4 Aces Challenger / Blacksburg Voyager / Galaxy Blend Creeping Bentgrass Penncross / Penneagle PennLinks / Pennway Blend PennTho Certified Blend Bloomers® Wildflower Mix *with endophyte Norm Whitworth Ltd. PO Box 68314 Oak Grove, OR 97268 503-650-3639 Turfgrass Topics/Summer 1995 7 Calendar of Events 1994-95 Board of Directors PRESIDENT DIRECTOR B-1 Randy H. Whlt«, C G C S Golf Course Superintendent EVERETT GOLF & C O U N T R Y CLUB P.O. Box 2300 Everett, WA 98203 Phone: 206-353-7028 SECRETARY DIRECTOR B-2 James W. Dusln Greenkeeper APPLE TREE GOLF C O U R S E 8804 Occidental Ave. Yakima, WA 98903 Phone: 509-965-9844 VICE PRESIDENT & PAST PRESIDENT DIRECTOR A-1 T h o m a s A. Christy, C G C S Golf Course Superintendent RIVERSIDE GOLF & C O U N T R Y CLUB 8105 NE 33rd Drive Portland, OR 97211 Phone: 503-288-3471 TREASURER DIRECTOR A-2 Donald A. Clemans, CGCS, CPAg Sales Representative O.M. SCOTT & SONS 14437 Pole Court Sisters, OR 97759 Work: 503-549-3933 DIRECTOR C-1 Jamee E. Connolly Senior Technical Agronomist JACKLIN GOLF 5300 W. Riverbend Ave. Post Falls, ID 83854-9499 Phone: 208-773-7581 DIRECTOR C-2 Chris P. Gaughan Golf Course Greenkeeper EUGENE COUNTRY CLUB 255 Country Club Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 503-344-9772 DIRECTOR A-3 John W. Monson, C G C S Facilities Manager SEATTLE SEAHAWKS 11220 NE 53rd. St. Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone: 206-827-9777 STAFF Blair Patrick, CAE Executive Director NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1367 Olympia, WA 98507-1367 Phone: 206-754-0825 DIRECTOR B-3 Michael W. Erb Sales Representative WILBUR ELLIS COMPANY 1521 15th St. N W # 5 Auburn, WA 98001-3504 Phone: 206-448-1869 DIRECTOR C - 3 Kay B. Kinyon Parks Superintendent CITY OF LAKE O S W E G O P.O. Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Phone: 503-635-0280 STAFF Jerry Crabill Administrative Assistant N O R T H W E S T TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1367 Olympia, WA 98507-1367 Phone: 206-754-0825 NORTHWEST TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION FI § II III l September 20, 1995 PLCAA Workshop"What Can You Do For Your Customers Today" (Portland) Contact: (800) 458-3466 October 8, 1995 NTA Board Meeting Contact: (206) 754-0825 October 9-12, 1995 49th Annual NTA Northwest Turfgrass Conference Contact: (206) 754-0825 October 11, 1995 49th Annual NTA Meeting of the Members Contact: (206) 754-0825 January 25, 1996 IEGCSA Inland Northwest Turf & Landscape Show (Spokane, WA) Contact: (509) 535-8305 February — , 1996 67th Annual GCSAA International Golf Course Conference (Orlando, FL) Contact: (800) 472-7878 February 24-28, 1996 33rd Annual WCTA Annual Conference (Victory, BC) Contact: (604) 467-2564 March 2-5, 1996 47th CGSA Conference (Vancouver, BC) Contact: (905) 602-1958 -Pesticide Recertification Programs InformationIn Oregon, contact OSU Department of Agricultural Chemistry (503) 737-1811 and, in Washington, contact WSU Conferences & Institutes (509) 335-2946. ADVERTISING/EDITORIAL DEADLINE 15th of December, March June and September ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED 1 11 i l| Eç ± CO ro a> © 5 £ ra C - c O. C £ £ 1 PT 1 IF* 1 11 ? F | | É ¡<<2 Z 2 S3 I I*i I ip I f I« |81 THOMAS COOK NY95 > 1273 Instructor OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY HORTICULTURE DEPT. #4017 ALS CORVALLIS OR 97331-7304 3 CE 3 « O ¡0 5 ÏÊC <>/ ® C © e P.O. Box 1367 Olympia, Washington 98507 3 & "o Address Corrections: If address is wrong in any respect, please correct the above label and return it to the NTA office. NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 385 OLYMPIA, WA