On The Banks of the Red Cedar

On the Banks of the Red Cedar provides online access to documents and audio visual materials related to the history of Michigan State University and in the broader context, the state of Michigan and the United States. Combining collections from the MSU Archives & Historical Collections, the MSU Libraries, the MSU Museum and other departments around campus, On the Banks provides a unified site where MSU faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the public can go to search for this historical information.

Located on the Red Cedar River in East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University was founded in 1855 by the State Legislature. The former Michigan Agricultural College became a University in 1955 and currently hosts over 49,000 students.

This collection is in the process of being migrated, and this site does not contain all materials. The entire On The Banks collection can be viewed at https://onthebanks.msu.edu/.

Content warning: Language and content in resource descriptions and collections may be biased, harmful, and oppressive due to the historical nature of the content.

Michigan State University Sesquicentennial Oral History Project (UA 3)
Michigan State University Sesquicentennial Oral...