DECEMBEI Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association BEARD a u E c n o N "A PATCH OF GREEN” P u b l ¡ s h e d mo n t h l y by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Circulation: 1,250 Ted Woehrle, CGCS, Oakland Hills C.C. EDITOR P r i n t e d A t BLAKEMAN PRINTING COMPANY 31823 Utica Road Fraser, Michigan 48026 Phone: (313) 293-3540 MONTHLY ADVERTISING RATES D o u b le P a g e S p r e a d ..............................................$ 1 5 0 .0 0 B a c k O u t s i d e P a g e .................................................. 7 5 . 0 0 F u l l P a g e ........................................................................... 6 5 . 0 0 H a l f P a g e ........................................................................ 4 0 . 0 0 Q u a r te r P a g e .................................................................. 3 0 .0 0 E ig h th P a g e .................................................................. 1 5 . 0 0 S i x t e e n t h P a g e ............................................................. 1 0 . 0 0 C l a s s i f i e d A d ( p e r c o l u m n 7 . 5 0 i n c h ) .................... D I S C O U N T R A T E : O ne Y e a r 10% N o t e : A d v e r t i s i n g fe e s m ay n o t be d e d u c t e d fro m th e a b o v e r a t e s . rfcCventid&id' * * C e n tu ry R a i n - A i d D & C S a le s H i T e c k E n te r p r i s e s Id e a l M o w e r S a le s In d u s t ria l V e h i c l e S a le s , Inc. In te rn a ti o n a l I n d u s t r ie s , Inc. L a w n E q u ip m e n t C o rp o ra tio n L e s c o , Inc. W. F . M i l l e r G ard en & E q u ip m e n t O x fo rd P e a t C o m p a n y R h o n e -P o u le n c Wm. F . S e ll & Sons, Inc. T i r e W h o le s a le rs , Inc. T u r f g r a s s , Inc. S hem in N u r s e r ie s , Inc. W il k i e T u r f E q u ip m e n t D i v i s i o n , Inc. MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT MICHAEL EDCERTOH Meadowbrook Country Club 3066 Sesame Howell, Michigan 48843 Off. 349-3608 - Res. (517) 546-5927 VICE PRESIDENT KEVIN DUSHANE,CGCS B loom field Hills Country Club 159 Willards Way Union Lake, Michigan 48085 Off. 642-0707 - Res. 698-2924 SECRETARY-TREASURER THOMAS MASON, JR. Birmingham Country Club 3640 Oriole Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 Off. 644-6320 - Res. 362-3201 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLEM Detroit Golf Club 530 Kendry Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013 Off. 345-4589 - Res. 334-0140 WOLFROM KEN DEBUSSCHER Wabeek Country Club 33128 Richard 0. Drive Sterling Heights, Michigan 48077 Off. 851-1689 - Res. 268-4423 CHARLES GAIGE Lakelands Golf & Country Club 7390 Rickett Brighton, Michigan 48116 Off. 231-3003 - Res. 227-4617 CRAIG ROGGEMAN St. Clair Shores Country Club 22185 Masonic Blvd. St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48082 Off. 294-6170 - Res. 774-1394 DANIEL UZELAC Dominion Golf Club RR No. 1 Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada NOR 1 LO Off. (519) 969-4350 - Res. (519) 969-4350 ED HEIN EM AN, C.G.C.S. Waters Edge Country Club 10531 Bellevue Grosse lie, Michigan 48138 Off. 675-0927 - Res. 753-4188 PRESIDENT EMERITUS BRUCE WOLF ROM, CCCS Barton Hills Country Club 435 Stein Road Ann Arbor, Mi chi gan 48103 Off. 662-8359 - Res. 663-9213 “New Name - New Location” INDUSTRIAL VEHICLE SALES, INC. 361 S. SAGINAW (313) 338-1590 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 (FORMERLY GOLF CAR DISTRIBUTORS) CUSHMAN is our Business, Our only Business. SALES SERVICE LEASING AVOID THE RUSH!! SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON ALL REPAIRS GET TUNED UP FOR SPRING NOW! Call our Service Department and ask for Marv- (313) 338-1590 Offer Expires 3/15/85 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST It’s hard to tell the difference be­ tween goosegrass and late-germinating crabgrass But if you treat your turf with Chipco* RONSTAR* G herbicide, it makes no difference. RONSTAR gives excellent control of both, season-long... and it’s convenient to use, because there’s no leaching prob­ lem, no root pruning, and no problems with ornamental plantings. So, for the best control of grassy weeds, use RONSTAR. Rhône- Poulenc Inc., Agrochemical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 0885i 'RH Û NE POULENC Please read label carefully, and use only as directed 1984 At a Glance The Highs and Lows group. Our own We can look back at this past year as a busy fruitful year for the Michigan and Border Cities Golf Course Superin­ tendents Association. Through the strong leadership of our President and his Board of Directors we have once again experienced many rewarding moments. The accomplishments and highlights are listed here for everyone to digest and be proud of your as­ sociation. The year started with a meeting in January at Bay Pointe Golf Club, Rick York, host Superintendent. The meet­ ing was held to discuss the upcoming meeting in Las Vegas of the GCSAA. Later that month we traveled to the National Convention and attended the largest conference in the history of the Association. The Michigan and Border Cities came away from the meeting a proud Jim Timmerman of Orchard Lake Country Club was elected President of the 6000 member organization on February 1st. JANUARY also found us traveling to East Lansing for our annual MSU Turf Conference the Michigan Foundation, Bruce Wolfrom, President. Record breaking crowds filled the meeting rooms at Long’s Convention center. Gordie Lafontaine won the “Merit­ orious Service Award.” An award well deserved for all of his leadership and hard work. February 22 we journeyed to Salt River Golf Club, Glenn Korhorn, host Superintendent, where we held our Superintendent. Walter Wilkie en­ lightened us with his great presenta­ Hi TECK Enterprises sponsored Turfgrass tion on the “One Minute Manager.” If you missed this one, you missed one of the best. Coupled with this meeting was our annual bowling extravaganza. On March 10th we ventured over to the Detroit Golf Club, Clem Wolfrom, host superintendent, where we held our an­ nual joint meeting with the Golf Asso­ ciation of Michigan. This combined meeting with the GAM is fast becom- ming the premier meeting of the year. Subjects that are of great interest to the local association are discussed in great detail. The interest runs high and these meetings are well attended by Club officials from all areas of the state. On April 17th we co-sponsored a- nother great meeting in conjunction with the Club Managers Association of Michigan and the Professional Golfers Association of Michigan and the Pro­ fessional Golfers Association to honor several of Golfdoms leaders from the State of Michigan. Helping us in this endeavor was the Golf Association of Michigan. The new Executive Director of the GAM was also introduced that night at Oakland Hills C.C. and he is Jeff Rivard. The three people honored that night were our own Jim Timmerman, President of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, “Buzz Johnston”, reelect­ ed Director of the Club Managers Association of America, Club Manager of Orchard Lake Country Club (the same club Jim comes from) and Roger VanDyke, Golf Professional from the Flint Golf Club, who served as a dis- by LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Mechanical Tree Transplanters CONTINUED PAGE 9 Moving Trees up to 14” Trunk Diameter CALL FOR ESTIMATE (313) 229-4657 MOWER SALES, INC FOR A DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR TURF, CALL ED STESNEY, TURF MANAGER. 811 WOODWARD HTS., FERNDALE, Ml 48220 (313) 541-4200 (313) 541-4660 Half of Clubs use GM Concept gerial improvement in these areas: operating the club within budget, on a business-like basis; developing new programs and renovating facilities; ex­ panding the club’s membership base. The NCA also surveyed a select group of club managers across the country who reported they were sensitive to the problem of manager turnover. They pinpointed these problems: lack of board/manager high turnover on club boards, poorly de­ fined managerial responsibilities, too many inexperienced managers in the field. Club Management, Nov. 1984 Nearly half the private membership clubs in the U.S. adhere to the general manager concept of club management, according to a recent survey of chief elected club officials by the National Club Association. The chief elected officials overwhelm­ ingly reported that their managers en­ joyed highly satisfactory relationships with club officers and board members. Managers were employed an average of five years by the clubs surveyed. The officials’ top priority in terms of a club’s progress and development was obtaining a qualified club manager. They emphasized the need for mana­ An efficient pump for every Golf Course need . . . cooperation, ■ TROUBLE SHOOTING /P U M P SIZING ■ COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS ■ PUMP REPAIR ■ REPAIR PARTS C E N T U R Y Rain Aid 31691 Dequindre Madison Hts., Ml 48071 313/588-2992 22159 Telegraph Southfield, Ml 48034 313/358-2994 3400 Jefferson S.E. Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 616/452-3373 Sisco Turf 1312 N. Campbell Royal Oak, Ml 48067 313/398-9552 ON GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT PARTS TORO RYAN MOTT EXCEL JACOBSEN ROSEMAN ROGERS OLATHE TO FIT HAHN-WESTPOINT PAR AIDE JOHN DEERE NATIONAL CUSHMAN RANSOMES FORD YAZOO NEW PARTS G O O D Y E A R * BELTS * TIRES *GREENSAIRE PARTS * REELS * BEARINGS * STEERING CABLES AND MORE IN MICHIGAN CALL TOLL FREE - 1-800 824-8769 YOUR DEALER IS: SALES 230*1 Charm s Road Wixom Mi 4 8 0 9 6 P H O N E 3 I 3 6 84-0683 trict Vice President of the Executive Committee of the PGA of America. These three men were honored and preseented with placques for their hard work and leadership abilities. Congratulations. April 25th, we crossed the Border and went to Beach Grove Golf and Country Club, Ron Heeson, host Superinten­ dent, where we joined our Canadian friends for our annual joint meeting. This was our first warm and sunny day of the season and we all enjoyed play­ ing the course and the fine dinner before sitting down to a lecture by Robert Clark, who spoke on, “Every­ thing you always wanted to know about flowers”. A great subject for that time of year. Later that month on the 30th we went to Pine Lake Country Club for the “Jerry Gill Benefit” where over three hundred of Jerry’s friends gathered to show their appreciation for his leader­ ship in our profession he, projected in the years that he served on the various committees and all of the Chairs that he filled on his way up to the Presi­ dency of our Association. Over $30,000.00 was collected and present­ ed to Jerry and his family that night. Money that will help defray some of the expenses incurred since his illness be­ gan last October. We are proud of you Jerry and we hope you will be back in full swing with us in the near future. Back to the Detroit Golf Club on the 7th of May to hold our third annual fund raiser for the Special Olympics. A Texas Scramble golf Tournament was held with Nick Panasiuk and his son Bob along with Don Merrifield and Tom Pearce winning the honors that day. Lunch and dinner were served at which time a check for $4,337.00 was presented to the Special Olympics. Another feat that we can all be proud of. Not all of 1984 was filled with happi­ ness. On May 17th we were all sadden­ ed with that Clarence Wolfrom, Sr. had passed away. Clarence was the Dean of all the Super­ the news intendents of Michigan. He had spent his last 53 years as Superintendent of the Maple Lane Golf Club. He was loved and admired by the entire golfing community for his profound and un­ canny ability to forsee the future and the needs of the profession. Because of his leadership he was responsible for the formation of the Michigan Turf- grass Foundation and he served for over 25 years on the Board of Directors of the Michigan and Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association during its formative years. He was selected the Chairman of the National Conference and Show Committee in 1948 when Detroit hosted the Con­ ference at the old Book Cadillac Hotel. Because of his service to the golfing community he was presented with the 50th Anniversary Outstanding Service Award by the GCSAA and he also received the Meritorious Service Award of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. He will sorely be missed by all of us. Another sad note that took place about that same time was the word that Mike Edgerton had suffered the loss of his right arm in an accident. He was able to come back to work in just two short weeks and it appears that his loss is only a physical one but his willingness to conquer his handicap is an inspira­ tion to the rest of us. Our thanks to you Mike for showing the rest of us what life is all about. On June 4th we went to Knollwood Country Club, Marty Miller, host Superintendent, for a day of pleasur­ able golf, a great lunch and presenta­ tion on “Retirement” by a panel of Clem Wolfrom, Marty Miller and guest speaker, Warren Bidwell, retired golf Course Superintendent of Olympia Fields Country Club, Chicago. Some interesting thoughts were presented and they were able to promote some stimulating conversation. This subject needs to be explored in future meet­ ings of the Association. June 25th was the date for the meeting at the Wabeek Country Club, Ken DeBusscher, host Superintendent. CONTINUED PAGE 15 WE AT WILKIE TURF EQUIPMENT DIVISION, INC. WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY DURING THIS SPECIAL TIME OF THE YEAR, TO EXTEND OUR HEARTFELT GRATITUDE TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HELPED TO MAKE THIS OUR BESI YEAR EVER. WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT AND CONFIDENCE, WE WOULD NOT HAVE ENJOYED THE SUCCESS WE DID THIS YEAR. WE PLEDGE TO YOU, OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS, OUR CONTINUED EFFORT TO MAKE 1985 AN EVEN BETTER YEAR FOR ALL OF US. THANKING YOU SINCERELY, WILKIE TURF EQUIPMENT DIVISION, INC. Michael Brannigan Wins Green Blazer Michael Brannnigan, Wilkie Turf Equipment Division, Inc., Senior Turf Products Representative was honored at the Toro Company’s recent Commercial Products Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Michael received the prestigious “Green Blazer Award” for sales excellence. This award is given annually to one representative per district (there are six), who meets the stringent parameters for selection. These parameters include things such as sales volume, sales increase versus last year, product mix, customer mix and overall dedication to service to customers. Michael is a six-year veteran at the Wilkie organization and has led the company in commercial product sales for the past five years. He resides in Union Lake, Michigan with his wife Margaret and son Nathan. Shown here congratulating Michael after his acceptance are Walter J. Wilkie, Pres­ ident of Wilkie Turf Equipment Division, Inc., and Kurt Kraly, Commercial Products Manager, Wilkie Turf Equipment Division, Inc. wm.F.seii & son,ine. SINCE 1923 RENTAL SALES - SERVICE “Foot and wheel traffic on frozen grass causes the grass to turn brown and die. Ice crystals within the grass blades are distorted and rupture living cells, caus­ ing death.” When the frost is thawed by the sun, the greens remain overly wet for a short time. In this condition foot traffic can cause severe damage by breaking roots, creating compaction, and foot­ printing so badly that pleasurable put­ ting is not possible.” Tractors Equipment I f ★ SW EEPERS * LOADERS A T R E N C H E R S * M OW ERS * ROTARY CUTTERS * BACK HOE DIGGERS * BACK FILL BLADES * POST HOLE DIGGERS JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT ✓ p / / O Q O C I H i T allJ IS j t J t- 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR 1 MILE SOUTH OF EUREKA Complete line of MotifkjI Hondling 4 Form Equipment ‘‘Every effort is made to keep the course continuously playable, but when Nature fails to cooperate and bring frost or floods we have no choice but to limit play. The understanding and consideration of the members are greatly appreciated.” With 27 field-proven formulas we may have more solutions than you have problems. LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 P.O. BOX 500 SERVING ALL OF MICHIGAN! (313) 348-8110 the professional’s partner T h e Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division P.O. Box 119 Maumee, Ohio 43537 Ohio: 800-472-3220 Outside Ohio: 800-537-3870 Our best to you! The late Clarence Wolfrom, center, and his proud sons - Clem, left and Bruce. IN THE PRESIDENT'S SUITE — Left to Right: Ted Woehrle, President Jim Timmerman, Kevin Dushane, Tom Mason, Bruce Wolfrom S & e n U t t 'J tu M & U e A , % FORMERLY TURF SUPPLIES, INC. tc,. Let’s Talk Weed Killers! We stock the Proven Best. Roundup 1-5 gal — No Residue in Soil Sideswipe HHS-1 00— Roundup Applicator Dow Formula 401-55 gal — 46%2-4-D Acid MCPP-K-4 5-55 gal — Clover Chickweed cntl. Banvel 4S 1 gal - D icamba -creeping weeds T r i mec 1 -3 0 ga I — Sy nerg ist ic Effect Trimec (Bent) 1-5 gal — Bentgrass Formula Super D Weedone 1-55 2-4-D plus Dicamba Adjumecl gal — Increased Weed Control Foam Fighter 1 qt — 2 squirts control foam Vapam5 gal — Soil Fumigant Dacthal 75 WP24# — Crab, pre-emerge Hyvar X.L. 1-30gal — All vegetation kill KEN, DAVE, & GEOFF WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR ORDER 6900 Pardee Rd. Taylor, Ml 48180 (313) 291-1200 Golf and a meeting about “Time Management” a movie and discussion. By now we were well into the middle of a three month drought and we were all beginning to show signs of frustration because it just wouldn’t rain. Some of us traveled down to Toledo on July 5-8 to watch the Jammie Farr Toledo Classic at the Glengary Golf and Country Club, Don Ratcliff, host Superintendent, to find out that while we were suffering from a lack of water he was having problems with too much water. The golf tournament was part of the ladies tour and they were holding this event as a charity for the Ronald McDonald House. On July 23rd we went to Franklin Hills Country Club for golf and later in the day we all went to Buddy’s Pizzeria for some great pizza and just plain relaxa­ tion and fraternization. By now the season is really wearing us down and a good pizza and beer with friends goes a long way to returning to sanity. Back to Bay Pointe Golf Club on August 2, for the Sixth Annual “The Invitational” the Michigan PGA Junior Golf Fund, The Michigan Turf grass Foundation in co­ operating with the Fuller Brothers and the support of the Michigan and Border Cities Golf Course Superin­ tendents Association and the PGA. To date this prestigious event has genera­ ted over $75,000.00 for the turfgrass foundation and The Junior Golf Fund. The money is split equally. Our many thanks go out to the Fuller Brothers and their generosity for hosting this great event. August 9-12 was the date for the “Buick Open” at the Warwick Hills and Country Club of Flint, Ron Brandon, host Superintendent. This was the event that showed the world the type of golf course that can be maintained in Michigan. We were all proud of the condition of the course and some of the players thought that perhaps the PGA may have been a little hasty earlier in the summer, when they declared the Butler National Club as the best sponsored by CONTINUED NEXT PAGE course on the tour. Many felt that the Warwick Hills Club was the best condi­ tioned Course of the 1984 season. Anyway, Ron, Congratulations! On August 20th we went to Indian- wood Golf Club, Pete Scholz, host Superintendent for a Joint meeting with the Club Managers Association. This was a first and hopefully we will continue holding this meeting because of the importance to the well being of the two groups. August 28 we took our families to the Burroughs Farm for the annual Picnic. Fun was had by all. Special thanks to Jim Vlassis and his crew for making this one of the fun events of the year. Pictures to follow. There were 140 in attendence. September 6th was the date for the annual Field Day at MSU. The Hancock Center was the site for the turf plots and all the research work that is being done by the University staff, headed by Dr. Bruce Branham. Much valuable work is being done and some exciting results have been obtained. Reports on these findings will appear in future issues of the Patch of Green. A new idea was born at this meeting when it was decided to hold an equip­ ment Auction. Some real buys were available. A large tent was erected for lunch and in case of poor weather. Suppliers were also able to display their goods and merchandise in booths on the perimeter of the show space. It was a great day and a great idea. Back to Burroughs Farm on Sep­ tember 17 for an organizational meet­ ing for the upcoming Golf Day. Jim Vlassis, host Superintendent. The 19th. annual Golf Day Benefit was held on the 1 st. day of October. Twenty Clubs hosted this event by allowing several foursomes to play their courses with golf carts available for players. After they finished their games they all retired to Bay Pionte Golf Club for dinner and the awarding of prizes. A total of about $9,000.00 was contribut- CONTINUED NEXT COLUMN Finally - A lubricant that does more than penetrate and displace water - IT KEEPS IT AWAY! T»9* goes on — and stays on — thin and clear. INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O. Box 8086 IT'S SEROIUS CORROSION PROTECTION ^Trademark & Technology — the Boeing Co. (313) 661-0077 W. Bloom field, Ml 48304 Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc. TRAILER Phone, (313) 354-5644 TRUCK-CAR • MOTORCYCLE A INDUSTRIAL < « ■ LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT TIRES TIRES ¡h|| J LESCf for all your golf course needs. Lescosan* Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers Chemicals Seed Equipment Accessories ‘ Betasan — A registered trademark of Stauffer Chemical Company. LESCf Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116 (800) 362-7413 In Ohio (800) 321-5325 Nationwide 'For Land's Sake-'Use Peat" OXFOJ® PEAT CO, 1430 E. Drahner Rd. Oxford, Michigan 48051 PROCESSED PEAT Top Dressing Blends Custom Blending FRED LATTA 313/628-5991 second ed to the Michigan Turfgrass Foun­ dation. This brings our total charitable contributions for the year of 1984 to a little over $43,000.00. An effort to be proud of. This association is still the finest in the entire United States. Our annual meeting was held on the 17th. of October at the Maple Lane Golf Club. The Roehl family hosted the meeting. The annual elections were held and these are the results: Reelected to his second term as Presi­ dent was Mike Edgerton, Superinten­ dent, Meadowbrook Country Club, Northville, Mich. Also reelected to their terms were Kevin Dushane Vice President and Tom Mason Secretary Treasurer. Kevin is the Superitendent of Bloom­ field Hills Country Club, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and Tom is the Super­ intendent of Birmingham Country Club, Birmingham, Michigan. Newly elected members to the Board of Directors are Ed Heineman, Super­ intendent of Waters Edge Country Club, New Boston, Mich, and Jon Maddern, City of Farmington Hills Golf Course. These two will serve three year terms. Those remaining on the Board for two more years are; Ken DeBusscher, Superintendent, Wabeek Country Club and Daniel Uzelac, Dominion Golf Club, Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada and those with one year remaining are Charles Gaige, Lakelands Golf Club, and Craig Roggerman, St. Clair Shores Country Club. The President Emeritus Bruce Wolfrom remains for one more year. Clem Wolfrom is the only member retiring from the Board. He has served for twenty five years and has been through the Presidency on two separate occasions. Thanks Clem for all of your devotion and hard work. We all appreciate it a great deal. Because of people like you we are what we are today. We would also like to thank the Detroit Golf Club for their generosity in sharing you with us for all these years. The highlight of the Evening included the presentation of the 6th annual Clarence Wolfrom Golf Classic trophy the Chairs including long to Tom Mason, and this was followed by a very generous presentation of $2,000.00 by the Roehl family of Maple Lane to the Michigan State University and the Hancock Research Center. To recieve this gift in behalf of the University were Drs. Paul Rieke and Joe Vargas. The money is to be used to furnish the lab room and this room to be called “The C.H. Wolfrom Sr. Room” in memory of Clarence Wolfrom, time Superintendent of Maple Lane who passed away in May of this year. Present during the ceremony were Clem and Bruce Wolfrom the proud sons of Clarence. Clarence was an early supporter of the MTF and he continued to support the progress of the foundation through the realization of the Hancock Center. He was present at the Ground Breaking Ceremony in 1981. Also at the annual meeting the Board decided that they would initiate a $500.00 scholarship program for a deserving four year student studying turfgrass maintenance at MSU. OTHER NEWS . . . Once again Dan Uzelac has gone above and beyond the call of duty with his support of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. This year he collected $564.00 at a special fund raising day at his club and presented the foundation with a check for that amount. (In U.S. currency too!) Thanks Dan. The annual softball tournament be­ tween Century Rain Aid and the Michigan and Border Cities was played on September 12th and as in the past the Superintendents were too much for the hard hitting team from Century. The stakes were high this year and after the dust settled the losers presented the Superintendents a check for $500.00 which was turned over the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. Our to Ernie Hodas and his gang at Century. The Golf Team for the National Tournament was announced at the annual meeting. The team this year from consists of: Jay Delcamp, thanks to is the CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Oakland University’s Katke Golf Course; Fritz McMullen, Forest Lake Country Club; Clem Wolfrom, Detroit Golf Club; George Prieskorn, Kensington Park. Phil Savage and Jim Popp recently announced their retirement and the sale of Turf Supplies, Inc. to the Shemin Nurseries. We wish these two friends a lot of luck in their retirement and we hope to see more of them now that they will be able to spend some time enjoying life. Val Martino will still be handling the golf course end of the business as the manager. Jerry and Friends at the Jerry G ill Benefit. Tom Unversagt, left. President Club Managers and Mike Edgerton, Presi­ dent MBCGCSA. President GCSAA (1984), Jim Timmerman. Season’s Greetings AND ALL GOOD WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Best Wishes for the Coming Season W.F. Miller Equipment Company BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. TELEPHO NE: (313) 647-7700 "A Patch of Green” 31823 U T IC A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC H IG A N 48026 COILECTION DEPT, SOIL & CROP SCIENCES TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ATTN: DR. JAMRS BEARD 77840