A D A T P U Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT MICHAEL EDCERTON Meadowbrook Country Club 3066 Sesame Howell, Michigan 48843 Off. 349-3608 - Res. (517) 546-5927 VICE PRESIDENT KEVIN DUSHANE,CGCS Bloomfield H ills Country Club 159 Willards Way Union Lake, Michigan 48085 Off. 642-0707 - Res. 698-2924 SECRETARY-TREASURER THOMAS MASON, JR. Birmingham Country Club 3640 Oriole Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 Off. 644-6320 - Res. 362-3201 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLEM Detroit Golf Club 530 Kendry Bloomfield H ills, Michigan 48013 Off. 345-4589 - Res. 334-0140 WOLFROM KEN DEBUSSCHER Wobeek Country Club 33128 Richard 0. Drive Sterling Heights, Michigan 48077 Off. 851-1689 - Res. 268-4423 CHARLES GAIGE Lakelands Golf & Country Club 7390 Rickett Brighton, Michigan 48116 Off. 231-3003 - Res. 227-4617 CRAIG ROGGEMAN St. Clair Shores Country Club 22185 Masonic Blvd. St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48082 Off. 294-6770 - Res. 774-1394 DANIEL UZELAC Dominion Golf Club RR No. 1 Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada NOR 1LO Off. (519) 969-4350 - Res. (519) 969-4350 ED HEIN EM AN, C.G.C.S. Waters Edge Country Club 10531 Bellevue Grosse lie, Michigan 48138 Off. 675-0927 - Res. 753-4788 PRESIDENT EMERITUS BRUCE Barton H ills Country Club 435 Stein Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Off. 662-8359 - Res. 663-9213 WOL FROM,CCCS "A PATCH OF GREEN” P u b l ¡ s h e d mo n t h l y by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Circulation: 1,250 Ted Woehrle, CGCS, Oakland H ills C.C. EDITOR P r i n t e d A t BLAKEMAN PRINTING COMPANY 31823 Utica Road Fraser, Michigan 48026 Phone: (313) 293-3540 MONTHLY ADVERTISING RATES Double Page S pread......................................$150.00 Back Outside P a g e .......................................... 75.00 F u 11 P age.............................................................. 65.00 H a lf P a g e ............................................................ 40.00 Quarter P a g e ....................................................... 30.00 Eighth P a g e ....................................................... 15.00 Sixteenth P a g e .................................................. 10.00 C la s s ifie d Ad (per column in c h )................ 7.50 DISCOUNT R A T E : One Year 10% Note: A d ve rtisin g fees may not be deducted from the above rates. /4etventcdend> * • Century R ain-A id D uPont G reat Lakes M inerals Co. H i T e c k Enterprises ideal Law n Mower Sales, Inc. Law n Equipm ent Corporation L esco , Inc. Lebanon C hem ical Corporation W .F. M ille r Garden 8i Equipm ent Oxford P e a t Company R hone-Poulenc Wm. F . Sell 8* Son, Inc. O.M . Scott & Sons T ire W holesalers, Inc. Tu rfg rass, Inc. T u rf Supplies, Inc. W ilkie Turf Equipm ent D iv is io n , In c. 2 TERSAN 1991 Put the proven performers control of brown patch, serious ^Daconil 2787 together for even better dollar spot and other diseases. Tersan® 1991 fungicide and Daconil 2787* fungicide are two of the most effec­ tive disease control products on the market. And now, these proven broad-spectrum fungicides are labeled for tank mixing. Together, they give you even better control of major turf diseases than either product used alone. You get improved control, yet without the problem of phytotoxicity com­ mon with some tank mixes. A Tersan 1991/Daconil 2787 tank mix will give you consistent performance against brown patch and dollar spot—the two most troublesome diseases on turf each summer. You’ll also get strong action on leaf spot and other important diseases. It’s the kind of performance superinten­ dents depend on when a quality course can’t be compromised. •Daconil 2787 is a registered trademark of Diamond Shamrock Corporation. Tank mixing brings other advantages, too. With Tersan 1991 in your tank, you get systemic action for protection from within the turf plant. Disease control is longer- lasting and is less affected by rainfall or frequent irrigation. Tank mixing fungi­ cides with different modes of action also reduces chances of benzimidazole resis­ tance. You help insure the long-term effec­ tiveness of Tersan 1991 in your disease control program. Thisyear, plan on using Tersan 1991 in combination with Daconil 2787. It’s the tank mix turf diseases can’t match. With any chemical, follow labeling instmctioris and warnings carefully. (SMD Du Pont Agrichemicals DPLA-2-0-406 3 But if you treat your turf with Chipco* RONSTAR* G herbicide, it makes no difference. It’s hard to tell the difference be­ tween goosegrass and late-germinating crabgrass RO N STAR gives excellent control of both, season-long... and it’s convenient to use, because there’s no leaching prob­ lem, no root pruning, and no problems with ornamental plantings. So, for the best control of grassy weeds, use RO NSTAR. Rhône- Poulenc Inc., Agrochemical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08862. ( > „V RHÔNE-POULENC Please read label carefully, and use only as directed 4 Endophytic Fungi £ Biological Control of Insects in Turfgrasses BY Drs. Richard Hurley and C. Reed Funk Plant breeders are continually develop­ ing new plant varieties in which desir­ able characteristics and plant perform­ ance are optimized. Plant performance is a reflection of the sum total of many factors, including yield or productivity, appearance, vigor, resistance to weed invasion, recovery from injury, persis­ tence, and density, and can be enhanced by improving pest resistance and toler­ ance of herbicides, defoliation, heat and drought. Resistance to insect predation is an important factor in a plant’s perform­ ance. Consequently, plant breeders have sought to upgrade the insect resistance of important plant varieties. However, after a new variety providing insect resistance is developed, usually after years of painstaking breeding, insects may sooner or later evolve that are able to feed, without adverse effect, on the once insect-resistant plant. Thus, the ultimate grower of the new plant variety is faced with a number of alternatives. He can either await further develop­ ment of a new variety of pest-resistance plant, or turn either to chemical pesti­ cides or biological pest control. Generally, chemical pesticides are un­ duly expensive and quite frequently they have an objectionable environ­ mental impact. An alternative to the use of chemical pesticides is biological pest control. Perhaps the best known use of biological pest control is the well-publicized case of the screwworm fly. There, the dis­ covery that screwwork flies mated only once led to the method whereby large numbers of laboratory-bred male flies were sterilized by X-ray irradiation. By subsequently releasing these sterile males, the females with which they mated could lay only infertile eggs. Thus, by exploiting the known mating habits of a particular insect pest, its numbers were effectively curtailed. Another example of biological pest control includes the use of insect path­ ogens, such as certain lethal or debilita­ ting insect viruses. Because these viruses are generally host-specific, the targeted insect pest can be readily controlled without harming beneficial species. The advantages of biological control of insect pests are several. First, Biological controls are generally self-limiting; once numbers of the target species are re­ duced, so too are the biological controls. Second, biological pest controls are usually host-specific and do not attack desirable species. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, biological pest con­ trols are normally environmentally compatible, unlike chemical pesticides which may persist in the environment and kill indiscriminately. A “new” biological pest control has recently been recognized. Certain plants host symbiotic endophytic fungi which confer, among other things, an enhanced resistance to insect predation on the host plant. For example, in perennial rye-grasses, a positive association has been demonstrated between the pres­ ence of an endophytic fungus (literally, C O N TIN U ED NEXT PAGE Hi T E C K En terp rises LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Mechanical Tree Transplanters Moving Trees up to 14” Trunk Diameter CALL FOR ESTIMATE (313) 229-4657 5 a fungus living within its plant host) and resistance of the plant to attack by some of the most prevalent insect in­ festations encountered in the field - i.e., the sod webowrm, the bluegrass billbug, the Argentine stem weevil, the Southern armyworm, and the chinch bug. In particular, perennial ryegrasses host­ ing an endophytic fungus are highly resistant to feeding of the larval stages of sod webworms. Plants lacking the endophytic fungus can sustain substan­ tial injury from feeding by sod webworm larvae. Resistance in ryegrasses hosting this fungus to feeding of the larval stages of the bluegrass billbug has also been observed. Also we have observed resistance to feeding by the chinch bug and others have observed resistance in ryegrasses hosting endophytic fungus to Argentine stem weevil. This endo­ phyte enhanced insect resistance in ryegrasses to three different orders of very prevalent chewing insects provided us with a broad-based mechanism for developing new plants having enhanced performance including resistance to these insects. The exact mechanism of this enhanced resistance to insect predation has not as yet been identified, although it is suspected that such resistance could involve the generation of chemicals toxic to insects feeding on plants con­ taining the endophytic fungi. These chemicals might be produced by the endophytic fungus or by the host plants themselves in response to the invading fungus. The latter mechanism may mediate a generalized resistance to insects feeding on plant parts having the highest concentrations of endo­ phytic fungi or their associated toxins. In addition to the observed resistance to predation by insects, plants hosting the endophytic fungus have displayed a certain enhanced performance which includes improved ecological fitness, a more attractive appearance, increased vigor, reduced weed invasion, more rapid recovery from injury, improved persistance, increased density, and ap­ parently greater stress tolerance. For example, in turf trials of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass varieties and single­ plant progenies established during the late summer of 1976 at North Bruns­ wick, New Jersey, those varieties con­ taining a high level of endophytic fungus showed dramatically improved perfor­ mance after seven years. Species tested tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne). These plants were more persistent, showed reduced crabgrass invasion, produced a higher yield, had greater vigor, and displayed an improved appearance. Much of this improved performance of these fungal-endophyte-hosting plants appears to be associated with improved stress tolerance, such as tolerance of herbicides, heat, drought, and defolia­ tion. Similar enhanced performance, includ­ ing resistance to the billbug and the chinch bug, has been observed for hard fescue and for chewings fescue. The particular endophytic fungus in­ volved in the above described insect resistance and enhanced performance in ryegrass has been provisionally des­ ignated the Lolium endophyte. A similar or identical endophyte fungus present within tall fescue has been identified as Epichloe typhina and was recently renamed Acremonium coenophialum. The life cycles of endophytic fungi have been studied in detail. The fungus begins within the seed of the host plant, adjacent to the aleurone layer. When the seed germinates, the fungus spreads into the endosperm, from which the developing embryo derives nutrient, and subsequently into the embryo or developing seedling. Apparently, as the seedling develops strengthening tissue and air spaces, the fungus is able to grow between the plant’s cells. In the mature plant, the fungus grows into the rhizomes, leaf seed tissue, flower stem, asnd seeds, but avoids penetration into the roots. As a prelude to the invasion of the fungus into its host’s developing seed, the fungus concentrates its mycelia in the flower stem. As the seed develops, the fungus grows into the seed adjacent to the aleurone layer, initially avoiding the embryo. Upon germination, invasion of the embryo begins, and the fungus life cycle continues as just described. When seeds are harvested and then stored for later use, care must be taken to store them under cold, dry conditions. Long-term storage (18 months or more) of fungal endophyte CONTINUED PAGE 10 6 \ ■ \ \ \ CHOICE CU IS MOWER SALES, INC FOR A DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR TURF, CALL ED STESNEY, TURF MANAGER. 811 WOODWARD HTS., FERNDALE, Ml 48220 (313) 541-4200 (313) 541-4660 RANSOM ES 7 The Modern Superintendent By DAN JONES Late on afternoon while sitting at my desk reflect-in on the events that had taken place that day on the golf course, the door to my office opened and in walked a man with a briefcase. This is what transpired. Salesman - 1 am looking for Mr. Smith. Smith - I am John Smith. Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc. Phone: (313) 354-5644 TR U C K -C A R TRAILER Itili J UMROYIU. Ä M O TO R C YC LE INDUSTRIAL TIR ES WHOLESALE PRICES TO COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS Salesman I am John Doe from the ABC Chemical Company. I have some pro­ ducts that can really help you (he hands me a lucite paperweight with 5 coins embedded in it and starts opening his briefcase). Smith - 1 am not interested (I hand the paperweight back to the salesman). Salesman - May I ask why? Smith - Because your products are over priced for what you get. Salesman - I am a new salesman with the company. The old salesman didn’t treat you right. Let me prove that I can save you money. What products do you need? Smith - I am just starting my weed program. How much is 2,4-D? Salesman - What quantity? Smith - 30 gallon drum. Salesman - These prices are not for you. No sir. You get a real special price CONTINUED PAGE 17 Scotts most successful product i not available for sale only for advice and support... your ProTurf Tech Rep. ProTurf JIM BOGART Executive Technical Representative ProTurf Division O.M. SCOTT & SONS DAVID Technical ProTurf Division O.M. SCOTT & SONS 66 Gilbralter Road Rockford, Michigan 49341 Telephone: 616/866-9389 28319 Seven Oaks Farmington H ills, Michigan Telephone: 313/553-0095 8 Budgeting & Purchasing Important Factors in the Business of Golf Course Management I think we can assume that the majority of American Golf Course Superinten­ dents today share equal levels of agro­ nomic skills. It is apparent that the number of highly qualified turf managers in this country is increasing each year with better education and research. But if we are all good turf managers than what qualifies an individual to be an outstanding golf course superinten­ dent? I believe the answer lies in the competence of managerial and business skills that the superintendent has de­ veloped. In every part of the United States, the most sought after jobs, the best maintained golf courses, and natur­ ally the highest salaries are all going to the superintendent that has skills above and beyond Turfgrass Management. Those business skills include: (1) Per­ sonnel Mgmt.; (2) Basic Contract Law; (3) Public Relations; (4) Labor Rela­ tions; (5) Accounting; (6) Public Speak­ ing, (7) Business Management; (8) Bud­ geting; (9) Purchasing. Budgeting and purchasing are important C O N TIN U ED PAGE 14 L E S C f for all your golf course needs. • Lescosan* • Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers • Chemicals • Seed • Equipment • Accessories ‘ Betasan — A registered trademark of Stauffer Chemical Company. (800) 321-5325 Nationwide LESCf> Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116 (800) 362-7413 In Ohio ARE YOU INTERESTED IN JOINING THE M ICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION? FILL IN THE QUESTIONAIRE BELOW AND MAIL TO: CLEM WOLFROM DETROIT GOLF CLUB 530 Kendry Bloomfield H ills, Ml 48013 Off. 345-4589, Res. 334-0140 NAME __________ ____________________________________ _ ADDRESS _______ ____________________________________ D A TE C IT Y ....................................................... S T A T E _____________ _ Z IP ___________ OR Y O U M A Y C O N T A C T T H E N E X T G O L F C O U R S E S U P P L I E R WH O C A L L ON Y O U A N D G I V E H I M T H E I N F O R M A T I O N N E E D E D F O R A P P L I C A T I O N . 9 Endophyte, cont. infected seed stored under normal stor­ age practices is known to give rise to plants free of endophyte; this is due to High Repell (GT-II) Pennant Regal Prelude Cowboy All *Star Premier Moderately High Moderate Diplomat Yorktown II WHEN PURCHASING SEED TO CONTAIN HIGH ENDOPHYTE LEVELS LOOK FOR THE FOLLOWING TAG TO INSURE PRESENCE OF THE ENDOPHYTE lost viability of the fungal endophyte. Endophyte levels in selected seed lots of ryegrass varieties: Palmer Pennfine Derby Delray Dasher Linn Low Gator Ranger Manhattan Omega Elka Citation Test date _ ENDOPHYTE ENHANCED PERFORMANCE “ When stored and used as directed seed of Repell Perennial Ryegrass will produce plants having endophyte enhanced performance. An endophyte is a fungus that lives within, but is not necessarily parasitic on, another plant. The presence of an endophytic fungus produces no known adverse effects to the host plant but provides many advantages which enhance turfgrass performance. In nature plants which contain the endophyte are able to survive insect attack. Resistance has been found to insects which typically feed on the lower stem and crown of plants as these areas normally have the highest concentration of the endophyte. Plants containing endophytic fungi have shown enhanced resistance to cutworms, sod webworms, armyworms, bill bug, Argentine stem weevil and chinch bugs. Transmitted by seed, plants which contain an endophyte may also provide improved stress tolerance and persistance compared to non-infected plants. Additionally, enhanced performance may include a more attractive appearance, increased vigor and density and more rapid recovery from injury. Repell Perennial Ryegrass was developed, produced and tested to insure that over 80% of the seed in this bag contained viable endophte at the date of testing. Endophyte viability will be significantly reduced by normal seed storage practices within 18 months. Cold storage (40) will prolong endophyte viability. To insure high endophyte viability seed should be stored under cool, dry conditions and used within nine months of the test . date. Ra in - Bir d Design Sprinklers Irrigation Supplies Drip Trickle Systems Service/lnstallation Help Century Rain Aid tu r f* a g»g r o w er»g o lf»c o m m e r c ia l* re$id e n t ia l 31691 Dequindre 22159 Telegraph Grand Valley Sprinkler 341 Lively Blvd. Madison Hts., Ml 48071 Southfield, Ml 48034 3400 Jefferson S.E. Elk Grove Village, IL60007 Century’s Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 313/588-2996 313/358-2996 616/452-3373 312/640-6660 10 TORO SAND PRO It's proved it's a "pro” in the traps. There's never been a machine quite like it. It rakes and conditions sand to give the whole course a dressy new look. Now it spikes greens; takes over fine grading, scarifying, shaping and contouring of seedbeds; edges around traps; incor- top dressing; breaks up aerifier cores. Altogether, the Sand Pro's as useful a machine as you can have around - and it's backed up by TORO people, by TORO parts and service and by our one year warranty. WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. 1050 Opdyke Road • P.O. Box 749 • Pontiac • Michigan • 48056 • 313/373-8800 Great Laibes Minerals Co. T ra p &■ T o p d res sin g S a n d s TDS - 50 CONTROLLED TO USGA SPECIFICATIONS TDS - 50 is a Free Flowing, Sterilized sand . . . proven ideal for topdressing and tee and green construction. Great Lakes' TopDressing sand is available in truckload quantities. Also available - Trap and Specialty Sands. 2855 COOLIDGE HWY. • TROY, Ml 48084 Telephone: 313/649-3700 12 GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION ASKS: I THE NO. 1 NAME IN W TO AUTOMATIC? WHY CONVERT To im prove your golf course A TORO automatic sprinkler system is one of the easi­ est, most economical ways to assure uniform greens and lush green grass all over your course. To attract and keep golfers A TORO system helps you provide even, healthy turf without wet areas . . . for good lies wherever the ball lands. To cut costs While going automatic may mean a fairly substantial in­ itial investment, that cost is usually amortized quickly... while you enjoy the benefits of an improved course and dramatic savings on water, labor, electricity and equip­ ment. Take one step at a tim e From the standpoint of installation, labor and equipment, it is most economical to convert your whole course at one time. However, you can use a "building block" ap­ proach, converting different segments of your course and paying as you go. Since your greens are probably your biggest problem, convert them first. Or do your tees and greens. Whatever you can afford now. Then, when you realize how much time, money and work an automatic system saves you, convert your fairways. WILKIE U Titrf Equipment Division, Inc. 1050 Opdyke Road • P.0. Box 749 • Pontiac • Michigan • 48056 • 313/373-8800 13 Shaw's Turf Food Shaw's Greens Food Here. Powder Blue Here. Blue Chip Sulfate of Potash C. I. L. Urea Iron Sulfate Sulfur Coated Urea U.S.S. Vertagreen U.S.S. Vertagreen U.S.S. Vertagreen U.S.S. Vertagreen U.S.S. Vertagreen 28-5-8 With S.C.U. 30-0-10 60% Org. N. 38-0-0 Sprayable 38-0-0 Slow, no burn. 0-0-50 Soluble 46-0-0 Plastic bags Cures Chlorosis 32-0-0 Slow Release 10-6-4 Budget Priced 16-8-8 All-Mineral 12-4-8 25% U.F.N. 18- 19- 4-10 50% U.F.N. 5-9 48% U.F.N. Budgeting & Purchasing, cont. elements in the business of golf course management. Each year the golf course superintendent either prepares or helps to prepare his budget for maintenance and improvement of the golf course. Four basic principles in budget pre­ paration should be followed: 1. A budget should be based on a long range plan. Using the basis of long range planning we can look at the condition of the golf course and evaluate what we have, where we want to be, and what it will take to get there. 2. A budget should be based on a stated objective. A stated objectived may be written in the foreword of a budget. A stated objective should eli­ minate any grey areas and define the level of excellence a club desires. If you want a top conditioned golf course state that fact and prepare a budget accordingly. If you want an average golf course then state that fact and prepare a budget and maintenance program with moderation. It is important to realize that on a scale of 1 to 10 we cannot operate a golf course with a playing condition of 10 with a budget rating of 6. Inversely, if a club is spend­ ing money ckomparable to the better clubs in their area it should show in the high quality of playing conditions. 3. A budget should fit into the guide­ lines of the total club fiscal picture. In most cases the golf course is only one part of the total club budget. Be aware of total income and expenses of your entire club. All departments must work together to achieve the standards desired by the membership. 4. A budget should be consistant with other comparable clubs in your area. It is difficult to compare budgets but club members do it all of the time. Open the lines of communication among your peers and discuss your golf course as a business. Once the needs of your golf course are established and converted into a finan­ cial forcast of dollars and cents, the next step in the budgeting process is the presentation. The presentation of the budget is usually done on both the Green Committee and the Board of Directors levels. The following items are helpful in the presentation: 1. Be prepared. Know your budget. If there are any questions be prepared to CONTINUED PAGE 16 S c c fijd C e à , Let’s Talk Fertilizers! We stock the Proven Best. KEN, DAVE, GEOFF & CINDY WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR ORDER 6900 Pardee Rd. Taylor, Ml 48180 (313) 291-1200 14 TO RO S p rin kler Problem s? If your 650, 670,690 cause problems like... D O N U T S • N O T E N O U G H D I S T A N C E • L E A K S E X P E N S I V E R E P A IR S Pick your WORST PROBLEM area and try GEARSHIFTER for 30 DAYS During our “If you aren’t FULLY SATISFIED return for FULL REFUND offer’’ AT LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICES 10094 for TORO 650, 670 0n|y Special $50.00 Reg. Price $80.00 10114 for TORO 690 Only S p e c ia l $75.00 Reg. Price $130.00 Easy, fast . . . just minutes to install! < B uckner GEARSHIFTER Gear Drive Mechanism Install in Minutes without Disturbing Case "Serving You" ORDER TO DAY - WE’LL SHIP TODAY - CALL TODAY . . . Jim Vince (313) 398-9552 Bob N eum aier (313) 588-2992 Ben Taliaferro (313) 588-2992 Jim Sage (616) 452-3373 Jon Rittman (313) 358-2994 15 Budgeting & Purchasing, cont. answer them intelligently and confi­ dently. A well prepared budget will speak for itself. 2. Neatness counts. Be sure that your budget is typewritten and easily under­ stood by your members. I suggest that you mail a copy to the necessary mem­ bers for their perusal prior to the date of a meeting. Use visual aids, if neces­ sary, to explain items in the budget. This might include slides, charts, graphs, blueprints, etc. 3. Personal appearance. When you are presenting a budget show your members that you are a businessman in the way you dress. Once your budget has been approved shoot for 98% accurancy. Although the golf course superintendent is dependent upon weather conditions to establish his annual expenditures, a good super­ intendent can stay within 2% over or under his forecasted figures. Labor continues to be our single largest ex­ penditure in golf course maintenance. Other large accounts include the pur­ chase of chemicals, materials, parts, and expendable supplies. The purchasing of the aforementioned items is an area where we, as purchasing agents, can save our golf courses thou­ sands of dollars each year. The best example is a recent set of price quotes on chemicals which showed a price variance of as much as 30% for specific items. With golf courses spending bet­ ween $30,000 and $100,000 annually on chemicals and supplies it is our job to get the proper materials, to do the proper job, for the best price. The following guidelines will help in purchasing: 1. Know the materials you will need. Using past records and current research results, develop a program for the up­ coming year and forecast the types and amounts of material you will need. 2. Develop a purchasing strategy relative to the club’s financial position. Be aware of early order discounts and early payment discounts. Be sure that your payments for purchases fit into the cash flow of the club comfortably. 3. Shop around and compare prices. Buy only reputable products from reput­ able distributors. Send out a list of materials you are purchasing and let the distributors that you deal with With 27 field-proven formulas we may have more solutions than you have problems. Distributed by: LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 P.O. BOX 500 SERVING ALL OF MICHIGAN! (313) 348-8110 the professional's partner T h e ^ E E S * Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division P.O. Box 119 Maumee, Ohio 43537 Ohio: 800-472-3220 Outside Ohio: 800-537-3870 16 quote you a price. If you are not currently doing this, the results will shock you! Prices for identical products may vary a great deal between different distribu­ tors. For further help in budget preparation refer to The Budget Process on a Golf Course available from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. When purchasing items such as chemicals, fertilizers, paint, repair parts, etc. shop around and spend your clubs’ money as if it were your own. Add to your foundation of agronomic skills and manage your golf course like a business - it is one. Bruce R. Williams, Bob O’Link G.C. Modern Superintendent, cont. (he starts writing a lot of figures on a piece of paper). How does $6.48 a gallon sound. Smith - Good, I am paying $7.15 a gallon from XYZ Company. I am going to stop the conversation here to illustrate a point. Which company would you buy from? ABC? Sounds logical doesn’t it. The cost per gallon is 10 less. That will really help you control your budget (the manager has been on your tail lately about costs) which is running considerably over. Should a superintendent place an order at this point? Let’s listen to the rest of the conversation to find out. Salesman - How many drums should I send out? Smit - How many pounds of 2,4-D are in a gallon? Salesman - Ah - Let’s see - It will cover 10.000 square feet. Smith - 1 don’t care about your recom­ mended rate. How many pounds of active ingredient per gallon? Salesman - (Looking at sample label) 10.000 square feet sure is a lot for one gallon. Smith - There it is at the bottom of the label: * lA pound of 2,4-D per gallon. The product I am buying from XYZ Company has 4 pounds per gallon. That means your product costs 16 times more. (See figure 1.) Salesman - How about liquid fertilizer. I can let you have it in 55 gallon lots for $6.50 a gallon. Smith - 1 use liquid fertilizer on my golf course and I’m paying 50C a gallon for — Homogenous Granulation —High Methylene Ureas (W.I.N.) — Balanced Feeding — Fits Your Budget Aval lib i* »r F a rti U sera include: C.C. 18-4-10 C.C. 18-5-9 C.C. 19-4-4/Dur»ban Leb. Fert.-M.55É O ftanol S prajabl# 33-0-16 LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1-800-637-2101 P.O. Box 647 DertvBk, IL 61832 V__________________ J wm.F.Seli sson.inc. SINCE 1923 Complete line of Material Handling & Farm Equipment RENTAL SALES - SERVICE ★ SWEEPERS * LOADERS * TRENCHERS* MOWERS * ROTARY CUTTERS * BACK HOE DIGGERS * BACK FILL BLADES * POST HOLE DIGGERS JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT 282-5100 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR 1 MILE SOUTH OF EUREKA 17 Modern Superintendent, cont. it. Now if you will excuse me I am very busy. Salesman - But my product covers 25,000 square feet. Smith - 1 said I am very busy. Good day. Has this ever happened to you? Sure it has, we have all experienced this situa­ tion. How do you stand up to these salesmen? How can you be sure which salesman to buy from? First, do not accept “free” gifts from salesmen. Do not deal with any company that will not give you a catalog. Do know how to read a label (both chemical and fertilizer) and insist on seeing the label before purchasing. Do not purchase if the concentration of active ingredient is not listed on the label. Compare prices of 2 or 3 compaines before purchasing. Lastly, always consider service and reputation of the supplier. Deal with good reputable companies that belong to the South Florida Golf Course Super­ intendents Association. They support our organization financially, we should support them with our business. During these troubled times, manage­ ment is looking to the golf course superintendent to give him the best golf course for least dollar. Can we fill the role? I would like to leave you with this one thought. Are you ashamed to have other superintendent look in your chemical room? ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 2,4-D Co. Co. XYZ ABC 0.25 Pounds Material/Gallon................................. Cost Per Gallon............................................. $7.15 $ 6.48 Cost/Pound Active Ing................................. $1.79 $25.92 Cost/Acre (V i pound)................................. $ .89 $12.96 Difference Cost/Acre..................................... 16009; - 4.0 ",For Land's Sake-'Use Peat'' OXFORD PEAT to 1430 E. Drahner Rd. Oxford, Michigan 48051 PROCESSED PEAT Top Dressing Blends Custom Blending FRED LATTA 313/628-5991 18 r Serving you better ••-A With Q U A LITY ---- MALLINCKRODT LEWIS FORE PAR CLEARY COUNTRY CLUB CHICOPEE Upjohn FOX VALLEY Chipco d ia m o n d sh a m r o c k Yankee c y c l o n e PBI Gordon Aquatrols Turfgrass Products PanaSea SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 Phon. Arto 313 437-1427 G EN E JOHANNINGSMEIER SPRAY-PRO 4 -Wheel Self-Propelled Sprayer Compact size easy maneuverability! Big size capacity and coverage! Just over 9 feet long, yet it carries a 160 gallon polytank with patented Hahn jet agitation. 16 ft. 3-section folding boom with 20 nozzles for precision application of liquid fertilizer, pesticide, fungicide, and weed control. Centrifugal pump: 100 p .s.i.. Max. 55 g.p.m. Max. High pressure piston pump and hand gun optional for trees, shrubs, or brush control. 16 h.p. Kohler cast iron engine and 3-speed transmission. Hydraulic brakes, automotive steering. Hahn has 33 years experience building self-propelled sprayers. This one is designed for your business. Sold and Serviced by LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 P.0. BOX 500 (313) 348-8110 19 Jacobsen Trap King II and Scarifier Blade. The Trap King II gives great raking results as well as providing substantial savings in two important areas, time and money. One man on a Trap King can do the work of five men using hand rakes. Lateral raking motion gives better control and smoother follow while turning in tight and confined areas. Three forward speeds, one reverse, for various conditions. Scarifier/Push Blade accessory easily mounts on undercarriage. Breaks up hard surface crust, levels low spots, prevents weed build-up, and softens playing surfaces of baseball infields. W.F. MillerGarden&Lawn Equipment Company B IR M IN G H A M , M IC H IG A N 48011 1593 S. W OODW ARD A V E . T E L E P H O N E : (3 1 3 ) 6 4 7 -7 7 0 0 "A Patch of Green” 31 8 23 U T IC A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC H IG A N 48026 D E PT , S O IL & CROP SCIENCES TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 ATTN; D ll, JAMES HEARD