« lMAY 1984 A PATCH Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association It’s hard to tell the difference be­ tween goosegrass and late-germinating crabgrass. But if you treat your turf with Chipco* RONSTAR* G herbicide, it makes no difference. RONSTAR gives excellent control of both, season-long... and it’s convenient to use, because there’s no leaching prob­ lem, no root pruning, and no problems with ornamental plantings. So, for the best control of grassy weeds, use RONSTAR. Rhône- Poulenc Inc., Agrochemical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08862. (> „I RHÔ NE POULENC Please read label carefully, and use only as directed "A PATCH OF GREEN” P u b l ¡ s h e d mont hl y by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Circulation: 1,250 Ted Woehrle, CGCS, Oakland Hills C.C. EDITOR P r i n t e d A t BLAKEMAN PRINTING COMPANY 31823 Utica Road Fraser, Michigan 48026 Phone: (313) 293-3540 MONTHLY ADVERTISING RATES D o u b le P a g e S p r e a d ............................................ $ 1 5 0 .0 0 B a c k O u t s i d e P a g e ................................................. 7 5 . 0 0 F u l l P a g e ......................................................................... 6 5 .0 0 H a l f P a g e ...................................................................... 4 0 .0 0 Q u a r te r P a g e ................................................................. 3 0 .0 0 E i g h th P a g e ................................................................. 1 5 .0 0 S i x t e e n t h P a g e ...............................................................1 0 .0 0 C l a s s i f i e d A d (p e r c o lu m n 7 .5 0 i n c h ) ................... D I S C O U N T R A T E : One Y e a r 10% N o t e : A d v e r t i s i n g f e e s m ay n o t be d e d u c te d from th e a b o v e r a t e s . I ìu TKm ìAì. AduentitvM- ■ ■ Century R ain-A id Dupont H i T eck Enterprises Lawn Equipment Corporation Lesco, Inc. Lebanon C hem ical Corporation W .F. M ille r Garden &. Equipment Oxford P eat Company Rhone-Poulenc Wm. F. Sell & Son, Inc. O.M. Scott 8i Sons T ire W holesalers, Inc. Turfgrass, Inc. T u rf Supplies, Inc. USS A gri-C hem icals W ilkie T u rf Equipment D iv is io n , Inc. MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT MICHAEL EDCERTON Meadowbrook Country Club 3066 Sesame Howell, Michigan 48843 Off. 349-3608 - Res. (517) 546-5927 VICE PRESIDENT KEVIN DUSHANE.CGCS B loomfield H ills Country Club 159 Willards Way Union Lake, Michigan 48085 Off. 642-0707 - Res. 698-2924 SECRETARY-TREASURER THOMAS MASON, JR. Birmingham Country Club 3640 Oriole Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 Off. 644-6320 - Res. 362-3201 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLEM WOLFROM Detroit Golf Club 530 Kendry Bloomfield H ills, Michigan 48013 Off. 345-4589 - Res. 334-0140 KEN DEBUSSCHER Wabeek Country Club 33128 Richard O. Drive Sterling Heights, Michigan 48077 Off. 857-7689 - Res. 268-4423 CHARLES GAIGE Lakelands Golf & Country Club 7390 Rickett Brighton, Michigan 48116 Off. 231-3003 - Res. 227-4617 CRAIG ROGGEMAN St. Clair Shores Country Club 22185 Masonic Blvd. St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48082 Off. 294-6170 - Res. 774-1394 DANIEL UZELAC Dominion Golf Club RR No. 1 Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada NOR 1LO Off. (519) 969-4350 - Res. (519) 969-4350 ED HEIN EM AN, C.G.C.S. Waters Edge Country Club 10531 Bellevue Grosse lie, Michigan 48138 Off. 675-0927 - Res. 753-4188 PRESIDENT EMERITUS BRUCE W OLFROM , CG Barton H ills Country Club 435 Stein Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Off. 662-8359 - Res. 663-9213 Development £ Management of Gaeumannomyces Patch BY J. M. VARGAS, JR., Principal Investigator Supporting Investigators: MSU Turf grass Faculty take all patch, presumably by reducing the soil pH (1,4). Symptoms: The symptoms initially appeared in patches of yellow turf. The grass in the center of these patches usually becomes bronze as it dies com­ pletely or becomes severly thinned. The bare or thin areas become filled with broadleaf weeds, creeping bent grass or later on with annual bluegrass again. The initial spots may be 1 to 6 inches in diameter, but may grow to a diameter of several feet over a period of years (8). The plants in the disease patches had short and very poorly developed root systems. Examination of the roots under a dissecting micro­ scope revealed dark cortical tissue inside the root and crowns from infection, and dark runner hyphae of a Gaeuman- CONTINUED PAGE 17 "F o r Land's Sake-'Use Peat" Gaeumannomyces patch or take-all patch formerly known as Ophiobolus patch, occurs in many regions of the United States, but has typically been associated with the Pacific Northwest. Monteith and Dahl in 1932 implicated the fungus as an occasional turfgrass pathogen (5). However, it was not until 1960 that the disease was actually confirmed on creeping bentgrass turf in western Washington (3). More recently, the disease has been reported on creeping bent grass turf in Rhode Island and in the Washington D.C., Maryland area (2, 6). We have made similar observa­ tions on newly seeded “Penncross” greens in Michigan, although the disease has never been very serious. Take all patch has been rekported to be most severe during wet years in poorly drained soil (7). In 1983, how­ ever, the Midwest had one of the warm­ est, driest summers on record. The disease is also most severe under condi­ tions of high soil pH and low phosphorus levels (1). But many of the soils on which the disease occurred this summer has high phosphorus levels although the soil pH’s were generally high which may have made the phosphorus unavai­ lable. Sulfur has been reported to re- duc the severity of take all patch (1,4) and is believed related to the effect of sulfur on the soil pH. The use of acidifying fertilizers, i.e. ammonium sulfate, has also reduced the severity of Hi TECK Enterprises LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Mechanical Tree Transplanters OXFORD FEAT CO. 1430 E. Drahner Rd. Oxford, Michigan 48051 PROCESSED PEAT Top Dressing Blends Custom Blending FREDLATTA 313/628*5991 M oving Trees up to 1 4 ” Trunk D iam eter C A LL FOR ESTIMATE (313) 229-4657 ’84 Conference in Review The 1984 GCSAA Conference and Show is over and on reflecting back it could be termed the premier event for the Association. Well over 8,000 at­ tendees participated in the educational program and the trade show. A Confer­ ence and Show such as this doesn’t just happen. Many long bours of work and planning go into the Conference by your dedicated GCSAA staff, but with­ out the help of members, industry people and friends of the Association this special occasion could not have happened. GCSAA sincerely thanks everyone for their interest and efforts that enabled the 55th International Turfgrass Conference and Show to be the success it was. The Conference week began at the Opening Session with a keynote ad­ dress given by prominent author and futurist, Dr. Leon Martel. Martel cover­ ed matters such as how population growth, food production, energy resour­ ces, raw material supplies and pollution will affect the golf course superintendent in the future. He also discussed ways golf course superintendents can plan realistically for the future in the context of their own specific environments. Also during the Opening Session several individuals were recognized for out­ standing service or effort on behalf of the Association and/or industry. GCSAA members Warren Bidwell and Keith Nisbet were presented with GCSAA’s Distinguished Service Award. Both are long-time members ofthe Association and have dedicated their lives to this profession. Please refer to the January issue of GOLF COURSE MANAGE­ MENT for detailed information on these two fine gentlemen. In addition to the presentation of the Distinguished Service Awards, the Leo Feser Award was presented to Gordon C. Witteveen, superintendent of the CONTINUED PAGE 16 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION? FILL IN THE QUESTIONAIRE BELOW AND MAIL TO: CLEM WOLFROM DETROIT GOLF CLUB 530 Kendry B loom field H ills , Ml 48013 O ff. 3 45 -4 58 9, Res. 3 3 4 -0 14 0 D A T E ____________________ N A M E ____________________________________________ ________________ _______ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ _ C IT Y ___________________________ S T A T E ______________ Z IP ___________ OR Y O U M A Y C O N T A C T T H E N E X T G O L F C O U R S E S U P P L I E R WHO C A L L O N Y O U A N D G I V E H I M T H E I N F O R M A T I O N N E E D E D F O R A P P L I C A T I O N . GOLF COURSE CONDITIONS J. M. Vargas; K. T. Payne Professors, Michigan State University Not since 1946 has heat stress been such a severe factor in turfgrass manage­ ment in Michigan. Under these pres­ sures, the challenge to those responsible for maintaining high quality turf is many times greater than under more nearly normal circumstances. The co­ operative efforts of many golf course superintendents, green committee members, and industry and university research and extension personnel re­ sulted in minimizing the loss of turf. We would like to review here a number of the experiences of the summer, and indicate some of the lessons learned. A cold, wet spring retarded root growth and resulted in shallow rooting of turf­ grass plants. This predisposed sub­ sequent excessive damage where coring (aerifying) or vertical mowing of fairways was attempted. Those who had applied soluable nitrogen last November found shallow root systems to be a less im­ portant problem (since root develop­ ment is promoted by this practice). Because of interference with invitational tournaments as well as with normal play, many superintendents did not core greens and collars after warm, dry conditions returned in June. Given a July and August of more nearly normal cool temperatures, this would not have been as significant an omission as actual­ ly did result when the hot weather Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc. Phone: (313) 354-5644 TRUCK-CAR TRAILER MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRIAL Itili J UHIHMIH . A WHOLESALE PRICES TO COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS TIRES developed. There is a considerable compaction stress to which the collar of each green is subjected because of almost daily equipment pressures (i.e. turning of mowers). Consequently, collars should be cored at least as frequently as greens- if not more-in order to avoid loss of grass from compacted soil. Sand top dressing of greens is one of the most rapidly accepted management practices of the last decade. Properly used, this can result in improved control of putting speed, control of thatch development, less injury, more rapid recovery from ball marks and improved drainage. Ideally a sand ranging in particle size from .1 to .5 mm provides good water retention as well as adequate aeration and drainage in the root zone. The sand should be applied every three weeks during the growing season at a rate of about three cubic feet per 1000 square feet. At least initially, coring should be done a minimum of twice a year with the cores being removed. A number of instances have been observ­ ed where sand has been applied at less frequent intervals, and often in heavier amounts. This may lead to a layering effect, a perched water table, the deve­ lopment of Pythium at the soil-sand interface, or an anaeobic condition just CONTINUED PAGE 15 L E S C f for all your golf course needs. • Lescosan* • Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers • Chemicals • Seed • Equipment • Accessories ‘ Betasan — A registered trademark of Stauffer Chemical Company. (800) 321*5325 Nationwide LESCf) Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116 (800) 362-7413 In Ohio TERSAN 1991 Put the proven performers control of brown patch, serious T e r s a n ® 1991 fungicide and Daconil 2787* fungicide are two of the most effec­ tive disease control products on the market. And now, these proven broad-spectrum fungicides are labeled for tank mixing. Together, they give you even better control of major turf diseases than either product used alone. You get improved control, yet without the problem of phytotoxicity com­ mon with some tank mixes. A T e r s a n 1991/Daconil 2787 tank mix will give you consistent performance against brown patch and dollar spot—the two most troublesome diseases on turf each summer. You’ll also get strong action on leaf spot and other important diseases. It’s the kind of performance superinten­ dents depend on when a quality course can’t be compromised. ‘Daconil 2787 is a registered trademark of Diamond Shamrock Corporation. +Daconil 2787 together for even better dollar spot and other diseases. Thnk mixing brings other advantages, too. With T e r s a n 1991 in your tank, you get systemic action for protection from within the turf plant. Disease control is longer- lasting and is less affected by rainfall or frequent irrigation. Thnk mixing fungi­ cides with different modes of action also reduces chances of benzimidazole resis­ tance. You help insure the long-term effec­ tiveness of T e r s a n 1991 in your disease control program. Thisyear, plan on using T e r s a n 1991 in combination with Daconil 2787. It’s the tank mix turf diseases can’t match. With any chemical, follow labeling instructions and warnings carefully. Du Pont Agrichemicals DPLA-2-0-406 Some Ecological Principles of Turf Management by DR. DONALD B. WHITE Dep. of Horticultural Science and Landscape Architecture University of Minnesota This says we manage our turf to favor the plants we want while penalizing the plants we don’t want. Mowing, for ins­ tance, favors turfgrasses while penaliz­ ing young woody plants and most coarse weeds that can’t tolerate decapitation. The other principles are not definitions and are described below. 2. “All Plants are different in response to the major growth factors (light, water, nutrients, air) and mowing”. The differences allow us the opport­ unity to manage the copetition. Another example with mowing is that most turfgrasses respond to regular mowing in a way that increases the population of tillers. The turf becomes more dense, It is often useful to take a non-tradi- tional view of our turf situations. A new perspective often results in some new ideas. My objective is to apply ecologi­ cal principles to turf management that may give some insights into why things happen in the turfgrass community. I’ve added a few principles to my list and hope that they are useful to you as guideposts in examining problems and developing programs. 1. The first principle is really a definition. It is my definition of Turf Management: “Turf management is the management of competition between desirable (turf- grasses, trees, etc.) and undesirable (weeds, etc.) vegetation”. USS Vertagreen®.. A product for all reasons the most professional and econom ical results. You know you can depend on U SS V ertagreen. Call your distributor today! @ Agri-Chemicals Division of United States Steel RO Box 1685. Atlanta. Georgia 30301 capturing more light and crowding out or not allowing other plants to become established. 3. “There is and optimum set of condi­ tions when considering the major growth factors, under which any plant type will be most productive and competitive”. If we can discern the optimum level for light, water, nutrients, soil, air, mowing, etc., for the plants we desire and main­ tain these conditions, then our turf will always be functioning at the best level of quality. An important note here is that optimum is not meant to be maxi­ mum condition can only be maintained briefly and then a recovery period is required to bring things back to a sustainable condition (which some might call normal). It is something like running as fast as you can for as long as you can. The longer you run, the longer it takes to recover and catch your breath. Optimum means the best or most favor­ able condition for continued reprod­ ucible performance. The lesson for us is that if we drive our turf as hard as it can go (say by mowing as close as possible) it will sooner or later fail and the harder it has been driven (the closer it has been mowed) the longer it will take to recover. 4. “There are limits of tolerance related to conditions under which turf can grow”. Shade and non-shade tolerant grasses offer an example. There is a minimum amount of light under which ‘Baron’ Kentucky bluegrass can maintain competitive growth. If the minimum is exceeded, ‘Baron’ will not be able to compete with say ‘Glade’ which (is different) utilizes light more efficiently and tolerates lower light levels. Another example is that elite type Kentucky bluegrasses tolerate a lower mowing height than common Kentucky blue- grasses. Lower the height of cut and you eliminate the “Common” types. Lower it some more and you eliminate the “Elite” types and end up with poa annua or bentgrass. 5. “There are interactions between growth factors and we must realize that when we change one condition we change them all”. An example might be if we increase irrigation, we increase leaching potential CONTINUED PAGE 14 690 SERIES ROTARY SPRINKLER SPECIAL FEATURES Positive Spring Retraction Minimizes tampering and accidents by pulling nozzle and cap down out of the way of people and mowers when watering is done. Strong spring discourages vandals. Rugged Cycoiac® Case Almost indestructible engineering plastic has tre­ mendous impact resistance, won’t rust, corrode or dis­ integrate because of time or water-carried minerals. Long-Life Gear Drive Rotation drive gears are vacuum-packed with grease and isolated from water stream for long, trouble-free life. Valve-ln-Head Models All the advantages of head-by-head control at a much lower cost than valve-under-head installations. Cus­ tomize watering to fit turf use, topography and soil. Multi-cycle for wind or runoff problems, frost control, dew removal without low-head drainage. Available for hydraulic normally open, hydraulic normally closed or 24-volt electric systems. Valve accessible through top of head. WILKIE TORO IRRIGATION DIVISION Checkomatic Models Stops low head drainage in block systems with spring-loaded check valve in base of sprinkler. Manual Override Allows normally closed and electric valve-in-head models to be turned on manually or be cancelled out of automatic program. Pressure Regulation For more equal water distribution over large areas. Compensates for large pressure differentials. Regu­ lates pressure to nozzles on normally closed and elec­ tric valve-in-head models. 2-Speed, 60 -120 Models For more even precipitation over area covered by single-row fairway configuration. Runs at half speed in non-overlap areas. 2-Speed, 180° Models For more even precipitation where only a selected area is covered by an overlap, such as is often found on greens. Runs at half speed on the half circle where there is no overlap. T\irf Equipment Division, Inc. 1050 OPDYKE ROAD P.O. BOX 749 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48056 (313) 373-8800 6 BLADE RECOIL START 5 BLADE RECOIL START 6 BLADE ELECTRIC START 5 BLADE ELECTRIC START 6 BLADE TEEMOWER - DISTRIBUTED BY - WILKIE Ttorf Equipment Division, ine. 1050 OPDYKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48057 (313) 373-8800 TORO O TT E R B IN E ® Fountains w ill m ake your m em bers proud of th e ir b eau tifu l G olf C ourse. OTHER BENEFITS: • Clean Up Algae Problems — Save Chemical Costs. • Reduce Pond and Lake Odor • Enhance Natural Life — To Reduce Fish Kill. Also applicable for Parks and Lake Residents. Century Rain Aid East — Jon Rittman North - Jim Vince West — Jim Sage (313) 358-2992 313/398-9552 616/452-3373 Rain Bird Design Sprinklers Irrigation Supplies Drip Trickle S ystem s S ervice/lnstallation Century Rain Aid turf*ag*grow er*golf*commercial*residential 31691 Dequindre 22159 Telegraph Grand Valley Sprinkler 341 Lively Blvd. Madison Hts., Ml 48071 Southfield, Ml 48034 3400 Jefferson S.E. Elk Grove Village, IL60007 Century’s 312/640-6660 the professional's partner' T h e ^ E E S * Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division P.O. Box 119 Maumee, Ohio 43537 Ohio: 800-472-3220 Outside Ohio: 800-537-3870 313/588*2996 313/358-2996 Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 616/452-3373 With 27 field-proven formulas we may have more solutions than you have problems. Distributed by: j t O L . LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 ;* P.O. BOX 500 SERVING ALL OF MICHIGAN! (313) 348-8110 NATURAL TARGET PRUNING MBCGCSA, To friends and Colleagues of the For the last 4V2 years I’vebeen selling forTuco. I’ve covered our specialty Lines in the farm market, and also the golfcourse and Lawn Care Business. This teritory of two-plus states has offered me the opportunity to meet alot of people and learn alot about Golf Course and Farms. As of April 1,1984, I have accepted a position with a Nationally Known Agri­ cultural Chemical Company and will now concentrate solely in Agronomic field Crops. My new job will encompass Sixteen counties in southern michigan which allows me the flexibility to be home more evenings. It’s not easy saying “good bye” to a group that has given me much support, encouragement and friendship. You a “Classy bunch” of individuals and I’m proud I had the opportunity to be acquainted with you. I personally feal my life is “fuller” for what I have gained from the turfgrass industry. I hope you will give my successor the same grac­ iousness that you have always shown me. I’ll be staying at my present residence so I hope to hear and see you in the future, or be a guest at an outing! May your grass stay forever green. My best to you allIn sincere appreciation, RUSS TILLER Ecological Principles, cont. (interaction of water with nutrients) and decrease air in the soil (interaction with oxygen and soil) and can change the pH, etc. The more we understand interactions the easier it will be to manage turfgrasses. 6. “There is an accumulation affect associated with constant or regular treatment applications”. If we constantly mow elite Kentucky bluegrasses at the normal height for common Kentucky bluegrasses, the ef­ fect will likely be to accumulate exces­ sive organic matter, thatch. If we contin­ ually apply lime when it is not needed it will accumulate a higher pH which may lead to reduced availability of some nutrients. If we regularly mow a putting green at the lower limit of tolerance, the effect will likely be to accumulate a continuing reduction in not only top growth, but also root growth and con­ sequently accumulate an increased susceptability to drought and wear damage. 7. “One shot treatments do not accum­ ulate affects but tend to move things off center only briefly. Usually the tendency is for the situation to return to the original condition”. It is comforting to remember that nature is forgiving in many ways (just don’t make the same mistake twice) and grass often grows in spite of us. Applica­ tion of this principle allows us, for example, to mow shorter than is desired occassionally, say for overseeding, with­ out doing a great deal of lasting damage. Conversely we must realize that in order to really change things we usually need to establish a program for continu­ ing application of the change factor. 8. “When things are not going right, an effective strategy is to identify the factor or condition furthest from the optimum and correct it first”. This is a very important principle be­ cause it adds incentive to learn the others and occassionally allows us to perform seemingly magical things. The reason is that all factors interact and when the furthest from the optimum is corrected it usually interacts to shift responses to all the other factors closer to the optimum. There are several more principles that are applicable to turf management sit­ uations. Maybe the best one to end with is 9) “If things are working well, don’t fix them”. Best wishes for a good year in turf. Course Conditions, cont. below the surface. Any of these could be detrimental to healthy growth of the grass plant. In addition to high temperatures, many parts of Michigan experienced extended periods without rainfall. Under these conditions the inadequate distribution patterns of improperly designed irriga­ tion systems became “abundantly clear” The lesson learned in this instance is identifying where correction of water distribution is indicated, and where slicing or spiking and the adding of wetting agents may be called for in 1984 to improve water penetration. The rains of late July and August came often as cloudbursts and in large a- mounts. Poorly drained fairway areas often could not be mowed for several days with resulting tall growth of grass. Scalping of these areas was common if the cutting height was not reduced in steps - a practice not often popular with impatient golfers. The heavy rains, combined with high temperatures, resulted in conditions conductive to the development of an- thracnose and Pythium blight. While the former is common in Michigan, Pythium is usually a disease of more southern climates. Development is ex­ acerbated by standing, water, and good management will result in identifying and improving drainage in low lying areas to reduce potential scald, suf­ focation, or Pythium in future seasons. It is important for the superintendent to have a readily available source of proper fungicides as Pythium spreads very rapidly. In more nearly normal seasons, the cooler nights of mid-August bring relief to cool season turfgrass species. Tem­ perature remained high at this time in 1983, and promoted the development of a disease not previously identified with turfgrass in Michigan. This disease, known as “Take-all” in wheat, is caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces, for­ merly called Ophiobolus, and is referred to as “Take-all patch” in turf. Super­ intendents who had followed proper management practices were unable to control this new disease. Thus far, no cultural or chemical control has been identified; but your dollars provided for research through the GAM and the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation sup­ port efforts to develop solutions, as they have with anthracnose and Toronto bacterial wilt. Scotts most successful product is not available for sale... only for advice and support... your ProTurf Tech Rep. JIM BOGART Executive Technical Representative ProTurf D ivision O.M. SCOTT & SONS DAVID SAPP Technical Representative ProTurf D ivision O.M. SCOTT & SONS 66 G ilbralter Road Rockford, Michigan 49341 Telephone: 616/866-9389 28319 Seven Oaks Farmington H ills , Michigan 48018 Telephone: 313/553-0095 ìfy\ greenskeeper ìkeei ountr/ E lub Professional Turf Products — Homogenous Granulation — High Methylene Ureas (W.I.N.) — Balanced Feeding — Fits Your Budget oser F e rtiliz e rs A railibi» include : C.C. 18-4-10 C.C. 18-5-9 C.C. 19-4—4/Dure ban Leb. F«ert.+1.5* O ftanol Spraymble 33-0-16 LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1-800-637-2101 P.O. Box 647 DarmBe, IL 61832 P.O. Box 180 Lebanon. PA 17042 u i m . F . s e i i & S o n , I n c . SINCE 1923 RENTAL SALES - SERVICE A SWEEPERS * LOADERS * TRENCHERS A MOWERS * ROTARY CUTTERS * BACK HOE DIGGERS * BACK FILL BLADES * POST HOLE DIGGERS JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT 282-5100 Complete Line of Motefial Handling & Farm Equipment 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR 1 MILE SOUTH OF EUREKA Board of Trade CC, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. The Leo Feser Award is presented to a golf course superin­ tendent and GCSAA member who has, within the past year, authored the article in GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT magazine that is judged to have been the most outstanding superintendent- written article. Witteveen is a regular contributor to the magazine and his primary submission this past year was “Fine Bowling Greens: Fast and Flat,” September 1983. The Opening Session is also chosen as the time to recognize outstanding news­ letters published by GCSAA Affiliated Chapters. Winners for 1983 were: 10 Overall Best Carolinas GCSA Newsletter, Dr. Landon C. Miller, editor The Florida Green, Florida GCSA, Dan Jones, editor Three Rivers Green, Greater Pittsburgh GCSA, Joseph G. Baidy, editor A Patch of Green Michigan & Border Cities GCSA, Ted Woehrle, editor Mississippi Turfgrass Association Newsletter, Dr. Don Blasingame, editor Gateway Green, Mississippi Valley GCSA, Dennis J. Barron, editor Turf Talk, New Hampshire GCSA, Ray Richard, editor The Greener Side, New Jersey GCSA, Ed Walsh, editor Rocky Mountain Reporter, Rocky Mountain GCSA, Mike Hair, editor The Mountain State Greensletter, West Virginia GCSA, James Taylor Sr., editor Best Masthead Design Cactus Clippings, Cactus and Pine GCSA, Paul McGinnis & John Beckwith, editors Best Cover Florida Green, Florida GCSA, Dan Jones, editor Best Use of Spot Color Connecticut Clippings, Connecticut GCSA, Greg Wojick, editor Best Original Editorial Content Florida Green, Florida GCSA, Dan Jones, editor Best Format and Readability Turf Talk, New Hampshire GCSA, Ray Richard, editor Best “Limited Resources” Product Mississippi Turfgrass Association CONTINUED PAGE 18 nomyces-like fungus lengthwise on the exterior of the roots. Recent Developments: In recent years, our laboratory has received occasional turf samples from midwestern states that were infected with Gaeuman -nomyces-like organisms. This August, numerous annual bluegrass samples were received from eastern, mid-central and midwestern states infected with this organism. Annual bluegrass is the major component of golf course fair­ ways in the northern* United States, wheather it is desirable or not. A disease like “take all patch” destroyed large areas on many annual bluegrass fair­ ways this summer and since no known control was available many superinten­ dents felt their jobs were in jeopardy. This research proposal is being submit­ ted for funds to try and identify the organisms involved, predict the environ­ mental conditions under which the dis­ ease occurs, and to find cultural or chemical means of managing it. Proposal Modeling: There is no real quantitative data concerning the environmental con­ ditions leading to the development of “take all patch’*. Does it start in the cool weather and remain a minor disease until the soil and/or air environment changes? Does it infect and become a severe problem in a short time? What are the environmental conditions under which it occurs? In short, there are many questions to be answered. The best way to do this is to develop a mathematical prediction model for the occurrence of the disease. The air tem­ perature, humidity and rainfally will be monitored along with the soil tem­ perature and soil moisture in developing the model. The positive identification of the organism or organisms involved in this disease will be determined as part of this study. Cultural: Sulfur - While the addition of sulfur has been implicated in reduc­ ing the severity of the disease, no research has been done to determine if the effect is directly on the fungus or the soil pH or both. This will be deter­ mined both in the laboratory and in the greenhouse experiments. Phosphorus - High phosphorus has CONTINUED NEXT PAGE \V \V Serving you better 7" - • - - With Q U A LITY---- MALLINCKRODT LEWIS FORE PAR CLEARY COUNTRY CLUB CHICOPEE Upjohn FOX VALLEY Chipco diam ond shamrock Yankee cyclone PBI Gordon Aquatrols Turfgrass Products PanaSea SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 Phon«: Areo 313 437-1427 GENE JOHANNINGSMEIER IN MEMORIAM William (Old Bill) Lyons, innovator, entrepreneur, agronomist and long-time member of N.O.G.C.S.A. passed away this past December. Bill was the owner-operator of Lyons Den Golf Course in Canal Fulton. He first entered golf as a manager in the 1920’s, spent a number of years as superintendent of Firestone Country Club before constructing his own golf course. His many contributions to golf have included extensive turfgrass research projects. He had been a prolific con­ tributor to various turf publications, Participant in scores of seminars and workshops. He was one off public golfs most beloved and respected spokesmen. Bill was the first selection to receive the National Golf Foundation’s Out­ standing Service Award, inaugurated this past year. '84 Conference, cont. Newletter, Dr. Don Blasingame, editor The Conference came to a fitting finish at the annual Banquet and Show. The highlight of the evening was the present­ ation, by Arnold Palmer, of the “Old Tom” Morris Award to Bob Hope. Palmer and Hope are long time friends and their congenial bantering back and forth added a special dimension to an already exciting evening. Gaeumonnomyces, cont. been associated with disease reduction. The exact effect of phosphorus on disease development will be determined in the laboratory and in the field. Chemical: The systemic fungicides may offer the best hope of chemical management because of their internal mode of action. The newer systemic fungicides will be screened in the labor­ atory, greenhouse and in the field in an attempt to identify those fungicides with the greatest efficacy. Fungicides may be economical to apply once the occurrences of “take all patch” can be accurately predicted. Let’s Talk Weed Killers! We stock the Proven Best. Roundup 1-5 gal — No Res ¡due in Soil Sideswipe HHS-1 0 0 — Roundup Appl icator Dow Formula 401-55 gal — 46% 2-4-D Acid MCPP-K-4 5-55 gal — Clover Chickweed cntl. Banvel 4S 1 gal - D icamba -creeping weeds Trimec 1-30gal — Synergistic Effect Trimec (Bent) 1-5 gal — Bentgrass Formula Super D Weedone 1-55 2-4-D plus Dicamba Adjumec 1 gal — Increased Weed Control Foam Fighter 1 qt — 2 squirts control foam Vapam 5 gal — Soil Fumigant D acthal 75 WP24# — Crab, pre-emerge H yvarX .L. 1-30gal — A ll vegetation k ill KEN, DAVE, GEOFF & CINDY WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR ORDER 6900 Pardee Rd. Taylor, Ml 48180 (313) 291-1200 HOWARD COMMERCIAL TURF EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL 60” MOWER The Howard 60” Commercial Mower with forward mounted cutting head affords maximum visibility, non-tracking per­ formance and unparalleled trimming capabilities around and under bushes, chains, guard rails, picnic tables, etc. By having your cutting head out in front, independently attached, you can actually see the mower following the contour of the ground, not the tractor. The Howard Commercial Mower with hydrostatic transmission enables you to set your cutting speed to an infinite range, between the speeds of 0 and 6.2 M.P.H., depending on your m ow ing conditions. The heavy duty transmission and differential allows for a responsive, yet smdoth, operating forward and reverse action in open or congested areas. The transmission is backed by the strongest warranty in the field. The outstanding versatility of our tractor is evidenced by the attachments which are available. The attachments are quick change and may be run off our live P.T.O. LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION NOVI, MICH. 48050 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD P.0. BOX 500 (313) 348-8110 2 NEW JA C O B SEN TURF PRODUCTS T -2 0 0 0 FEATURES* 2,0 00 lb. cap acity; attachm ents to convert to a mini dumper, aerator, seed­ er, spreader, top dresser and sprayer. T -1 0 0 0 FEATURES- 1,000 lb. c ap acity; autom atic- type transm issio n, steering w h eel, a ir­ cooled engine, tubular steel chassis and diam ond p late body and cargo panels. A bove standard on T-2000 also.W.F. Miller Equipment Company 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 "A Patch of Green” 31823 U T IC A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC H IG A N 48026 TEXAS a ° 1 Lm& CR0P SCIEKCES IEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY ST^ I0 N * TEXAS » JAHRS beard 77840 BEARD COU.ECDON