A PATCH Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association BEARD coutcnON MOWER SALES,INC FOR A DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR TURF, C A L L ED STESNEY. TURF MANAGER. 811 WOODWARD HTS., FERNDALE, Ml 48220 (313) 541-4200 (313) 541-4660 2 MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION PRESID EN T MICHAEL EDGERTON Meadowbrook Country Club 3066 Sesame Howell, Michigan 48843 OH. 349-3608 - Res. (517) 546-5927 V IC E PRESID EN T KEVIN DUSHANE,CGCS Bloomfield H ills Country Club 159 Willards Way Union Lake, Michigan 48085 Off. 642-0707 - Res. 698-2924 SEC R ETA RY-TREA SU RER THOMAS MASON, JR. Birmingham Country Club 3640 Oriole Rd. Troy, Michigan 48084 Off. 644-6320 - Res. 362-3201 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLEM WOLFROM Detroit Golf Club 530 Kendry Bloom field H ills, Michigan 48013 Off. 345-4589 - Res. 334-0140 KEN DEBUSSCHER Wabeek Country Club 33128 Richard 0. Drive Sterling Heights, Michigan 48077 Off. 851-1689 - Res. 268-4423 CHARLES GAIGE Lakelands Golf & Country Club 7390 Rickett B righton, Michigan 48116 Off. 231-3003 - Res. 227-4617 CRAIG ROGGEMAN St. Clair Shores Country Club 22185 Masonic Blvd. St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48082 Off. 294-6170 - Res. 774-1394 DANIEL UZELAC Dominion Golf Club RR No. 1 Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada NOR 1LO O ff. (519) 969-4350 - Res. (519) 969-4350 ED HEINEMAN, C.G.C.S. Waters Edge Country Club 10531 Bellevue Grosse lie, Michigan 48138 Off. 675-0927 - Res. 753-4188 PR ESID EN T EM ERITUS BRUCE WOLFROM, CGCS Barton H ills Country Club 435 Stein Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Off. 662-8359 - Res. 663-9213 "A PATCH OF GREEN” Publ¡shed monthly by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Circulation: 1,250 Ted Woehrle, CGCS, Oakland Hills C.C. EDITOR Printed At BLAKEMAN PRINTING COMPANY 31823 Utica Road Fraser, Michigan 48026 Phone: (313) 293-3540 M O NTH LY A D VER TISIN G RATES D o u b le P a g e S p r e a d ............................................. $ 1 5 0 .0 0 B a c k O u t s i d e P a g e .................................................. 7 5 . 0 0 F u l l P a g e ........................................................................... 6 5 . 0 0 H a l f P a g e ........................................................................ 4 0 . 0 0 Q u a r t e r P a g e .................................................................. 3 0 . 0 0 E ig h t h P a g e .................................................................. 1 5 . 0 0 S i x t e e n t h P a g e ............................................................. 1 0 .0 0 C l a s s i f i e d A d (p e r c o l u m n 7 . 5 0 i n c h ) .................... D I S C O U N T R A T E : O ne Y e a r 10% N o t e : A d v e r t i s i n g f e e s m ay n o t be d e d u c t e d fro m th e a b o v e r a t e s . rfctventiAexA,- • Ailingham Corporation Armstrong Lawn 8» Tree Benham Chemicals Century Rain-Aid D & C Sales Golf Car Distributors Hi T e c k Enterprises Ideal Mower Sales Lawn Equipment Corporation Lesco, Inc. Lebanon Chemical Corporation W. F. M ille r Garden 8» Equipment Oxford Peat Company Rhone-Poulenc Wm. F. Sell 8» Sons, Inc. 0 . M. Scott 8« Sons T ire Wholesalers, Inc. Turfgrass, Inc. Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Wilkie T u rf Equipment D ivision, Inc. 3 Selecting and Handling Sand by PATRICK M. O’BRIEN Agronomist, Mid-Atlantic Region, USGA Green Section and DR. MARVIN H. FERGUSON President, Agri-Systems of Texas, Inc., Bryan, Texas “Where do I find a good bunker sand?” This question is frequently asked of USGA agronomists by golfers and golf course superintendents. No wonder! Finding and selecting a quality bunker and on your own is not easy. Furthermore, opinions vary about the playing qualities and appearances of different sands. The decision requires plenty of investigation. Historically, golf courses often pur­ chase a local inexpensive sand for bun­ kers. This sand, unfortunately, is not always suited for the purpose. All sands are not alike; they vary in size, shape, composition, color, and purity. This variability it possible to find almost anything in bunkers. Even today, many clubs simply cannot afford the high transportation costs of a more desirable sand. In some areas, particularly in the western states, good bunker sands are not always available. Fortunately, the sand itself is usually inexpensive. It is found just about everywhere. In fact, there is such an incalculable amount of sand in the world that geologists have a hard time accounting for it all. Trucking costs generally determine the final price. Today, purchasing sand for bunkers is routinely done, whether for replacing old contaminated sand, for new bunkers, or for dressing up a bunker with a thin layer for a tournament. Whatever the reason, several points should be con­ Hi TECK Enterprises LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Mechanical Tree Transplanters 4 sidered before making a purchase: 1. A one-gallon sample of each bunker sand under consideration should be sent to a physical soil testing laboratory. Although there are no consistent methods as yet developed for evaluating bunker sands, a few precise evaluations can be made. 2. The handing of a new bunker sand is important. Each delivery should be inspected for contamination. Upon ac­ ceptance, proper, clean storage of the sand is important. 3. Bunkers should be prepared to ac­ cept the new sand. The old sand should first be removed. The new sand will be come contaminated, otherwise, and lose its desirable properties. Bunker sand guidelines were developed by the Green Section, in 1974. Since 1948, considerable experience with test­ ing sand for putting green construction and topdressing has been achieved. The bunker guidelines were released in May, 1974, in GOLF JOURNAL and again in September, 1974, in the GRE­ EN SECTION RECORD. The guide­ lines are based on laboratory tests, practical work, and experience. The size, shape, purity, color and composition of bunker sands are emphasized. An experienced laboratory can evaluate these qualities. Judging Sand Size. Size is one of the most important CONTINUED PAGE 13 Moving Trees up to 14” Trunk Diameter CALL FOR ESTIMATE (313) 229-4657 It’s hard to tell the difference be­ tween goosegrass and late-germinating crabgrass. But if you treat your turf with Chipco* RONSTAR* G herbicide, it makes no difference. RONSTAR gives excellent control of both, season-long... and it’s convenient to use, because there’s no leaching prob­ lem, no root pruning, and no problems with ornamental plantings. So, for the best control of grassy weeds, use RONSTAR. Rhône- Poulenc Inc., Agrochemical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852. f o RHÛNe.POUŒNC 5 Please read label carefully, and use only as directed. COMPUTERS IN GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT President Associated Computer Consultants, Ine. by Mark DeYonker Computers as management tools are rapidly emerging in all industries; the golf course is no exception. Computer manufacturers and the professional soft­ ware firms have recognized a tremendous potential in the golf course industry. The reasons for this potential are similar to the needs of other industries, in that to make sound business decisions on a timely basis any businessman must have the information presented in a logical timely fashion. The “seat of the pants” and “gut feel” decision processes are obsolete and quickly becoming un­ acceptable to the business community. Hence, a management tool to assist the course manager (superintendent) is necessary, and that tool is a computer with quality software application pro­ grams. Since computer equipment costs have recently become extremely affordable, the course manager has an excellent opportunity to automate his manual accounting systems. Course Manager’s Environment Like every businessman the course manager is faced with increasing ac­ countability. Owners, committee members, board of directors, golfers, employees, and the government are all holding the manager accountable for their actions and business decisions. Adding to the increasing accountablity are the rising costs of labor. Maintenance, materials, equipment, taxes, supplies and utilities; all of which fall under the responsibility of the course manager. CONTINUED PAGE 9 4LLINGHANI CORPORATION DETROIT “A CRANE AND COM PRESSOR RENTAL SERVICE C O M PA N Y” Water lines must be blown out before freeze-ups cause extensive repairs. For portable air compressor rental call. . . (3 1 3 )4 4 4 -8 8 5 0 150 cfm - 1600 cfm MACHINES AVAILABLE C A LL ANYTIME - 24 HRS. DAY OR NIGHT 21250 W. 8 MILE RD. SOUTHFIELD, Ml 48075 6 TO RO S prinkler Problem s? If your 650,670,690 cause problems like... DONUTS • NOT ENOUGH DISTANCE • LEAKS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS Pick your Worst Problem area and try Gearshifter for 30 days If not Fully Satisfied return for Full Refund. LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICES < B u ckn er9GEARSHIFTER — Install in Minutes without Disturbing Case FULL LINE ol Buckner PRODUCTS and PARTS . . . It If A [f jaP BRONZE ROTARY POP-UP •:V' VALVES *? fl W n f| ' *4K if Ö QUICK COUPLER VALVES AND KEYS IMPACT SPRINKLERS W m g S S lIS lB C Q T u r f Jim Vince (313) 398-9552 Jim Sage (616) 452-3373 Bob Neumaier (313) 588-2992 if\ Ben Taliaferro (313) 588-2922 Jon Rittman (313) 358-2994 7 SAVE ON GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT PARTS LOW PRICES I TORO RYAN MOTT EXCEL JACOBSEN ROSEMAN ROGERS OLATHE TO FIT HAHN-WESTPOINT PAR AIDE JOHN DEERE NATIONAL CUSHMAN RANSOMES FORD YAZOO NEW PARTS G O O D Y E A R * B ELTS* TIRES *GREENSAIRE PARTS * REELS * BEARINGS * STEERING CABLES AND MORE IN MICHIGAN C A LL TOLL FREE - 1-800 824-8769 Wixom M i 4 8 0 9 6 PHONE 3 I 3 684-0680 8 Computers, cont. Much of the success of the manager’s responses is a result of keeping accurate records. Without them, it is nearly impossible to stay abreast of the oc­ curences in his club or course. The ability to track and coordinate all of these costs items is becoming increas­ ingly difficult, which makes accounting of records more critical to the succes­ sful manager. Adding the situation presented by tighter budgets, restricted cash flow, and dynamic industry changes makes the importance of good sound accounting and timely management reporting not only essential but vital to the survival of any course manager. Computers with quality industry related software programs can become an in­ tegral part of the manager’s day to day business. Course Manager’s Challenge Making sound business decisions in a timely fashion, staying abreast of in­ dustry updates and changes, and (of course) maintaining course standards are challenges in themselves. However, the course manager must also succes­ sfully manage the 5 M’s; Men. Machines, Materials, Money, and Mother Earth, Your are promoted, demoted, hired or fired on the basis of how well you manage Mother Earth. The other 4 M’s can be assets or obstacles to your management of Mother Earth. If not properly controlled and allocated, they may be your demise. Good control of them can make your management tasks and decisions vastly easier. Where Computers Fit It may surprise you as a course manager that there are software programs de­ signed and available today to assist you in keeping solid accounting records and producing beneficial managerial reports. The following course manager industry software is available on the market today: * Labor Hours Accounting is a series of programs to track the employees time by course/area/function performed. Assists the manager in manpower plan­ ning, employee utilization, work sched­ ules and equipment buying decisions. Properly programmed it can assist the manager in determining potential prob­ lems areas on the course, equipment, and employees. * Vehicle Maintenance Scheduling and CONTINUED PAGE 12 Scotts most successful product is only for advice and support... your ProTurf Tech Rep. JIM BOGART Executive Technical Representative ProTurf Division O.M. SCOTT & SONS DAVID SAPP Technical Representative ProTurf Division O.M. SCOTT & SONS 66 Gilbralter Road Rockford, Michigan 49341 Telephone: 616/866-9389 28319 Seven Oaks Farmington H ills, Michigan 48018 Telephone: 313/553-0095 9 Plant a fairway. Overseed with winter rye. Fertilze a green. V T 3 takes care of the watering. Automatically. We save Toro VT3 a green thumb. For example, if the seed gets dry when you’re planting a new area or overseeding an old one, you’ll have to start over again. That's one reason we gave the VT3 central programmer up to 30 random start times per day. You can use half a dozen or so on that new seed and have plenty left over for the rest of the course. Or say you're feeding greens and need watering to flush the fertilizer off the grass and into the roots. You can punch in the new running times and schedules you need on up to six stations. Then, when the job is done, VT3 goes back to normal operation. Automatically. What’s more, any Toro VT3 satellite will operate on its own — independent of the central programmer — when you want it to. That way you can take control of a temporary localized irrigation need right on the spot. A weather eye on the system and an eye on the weather. VT3 always keeps you posted on what's going on. For example, digital displays give you the next start time all the time. Even if it's next week. And while you keep an eye on the system, VT3 is watching the weather. If it rains enough to water the course, it shuts itself off and waits for you to push the reset button. A single wire is par for the course. VT3 does all these things through a single control wire connecting the central unit with the satellites. So you buy and bury only a sixth of the wire you would use with an ordinary system. That means installation of the VT3 costs a lot less than you might have guessed. You don't have to be a great golf course to have a great golf course. Give your players fair and honest fairways and fine greens and they'll forgive you if you're not Augusta National or Pebble Beach. Carefully controlled watering can do a lot toward that end. That's what VT3 gives you. And thanks to the miracle of modern electronics, it gives it to you at a price that w on’t put any golf course in the hole. WILKIE TUrf Equipment Division, Inc. 1050 OPDYKE ROAD P.O. BOX 749 (313) 373-8800 10 TORO Toro Debris Handling Two machines Equipment Makes cleaning a breeze With the Toro Vacuum/ Blower you can clean up to a quarter- acre in less than an hour. The 5-horsepower vacuum has a 30" vacuum head that rakes in leaves, twigs, and even cans. For better vacuum action, it has a fle xib le rubber lip on the vacuum head and seven height ad­ justments. The heavy duty bag can handle seven bushels and has a sturdy metal zipper. The vacuum is available in hand-propelled or self-propelled models, and with an optional attachment, hitches to the back of a tractor or rider-mower. WILKIE Both Toro vacuum models can be converted to a leaf blower in about 5 minutes - without costly optional equipment or tools. Just take off the vacuum head, attach the special discharge chute, rotate the impeller housing, and raking becomes a breeze! A s a blower, it uses a 100 M .P.H . " je t stream” to blow damp or dry debris into an ea sily bagged pile. The air discharge chute converts to straight ahead or side use, too. And, there’ s an optional hose kit to get in and out of . . . corners and tight places. The two and only Toro Vacuum/Blower. It’ s a product of over 60 years of experience in lawn maintenance equipment. Turf Equipment Division, htc. 7050 OPDYKE ROAD P.O. BOX 749 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48056 (313) 373-8800 11 schedules, * Word Processing can help the manager with coorespondence and proposal pre­ paration. The professional image is becoming more important to the man­ ager; word processing can effectively enchance the manager’s communication ability. * General Accounting, such as accounts receivable, payroll, general ledger, and accounts payable are readily available from many sources throughout the country. Other applications available in the near future range from energy management to disease forecasting and diagnosis. Computers, cont. Costing can assist the manager in devel­ oping productive cost saving preventive maintenance identifying logical replacement of equipment, and aiding in renting vs. buying equipment decisions. * Inventory Control can help reduce expediting costs, and lower premium prices on out-of-stock situations by providing the manager with reports showing current below minimum stock­ ing levels. * Budget Tracking and Status will aid the manager in budget planning, iden­ tifying budget over-runs, and projecting budgets. Can be critical in planning and status decisions. * Diary Logging and Retrival can keep the manager abreast of upcoming per­ tinent events such as golf outings, work schedules, and projects. Can aid the manager in tracking absenteeism, tar­ diness, and injury occourences. * Computerized Irrigation Manage­ ment can assist the manager in planning logical, timely watering to increase course effect as well as maximizing water and energy usage. An efficient pump for every Golf Course need . . . Never say you’re feeling great when you go in for your annual check-up. Some doctors take that as a personal A deficit is when you have less than you had when you had nothing. COMPUTERS IN GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT - Continued in next month's P.O.G. challenge. ■ PUMP REPAIR ■ COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS ■ TROUBLE SHOOTING/PUMP SIZING ■ REPAIR PARTS CENTURY Rain Aid 31691 Dequindre Madison Hts., Ml 48071 31 3/58 8-2 992 22159 Telegraph Southfield, Ml 48034 31 3/35 8-2 994 Century’s Grand Valley Sprinkler 3400 Jefferson S.E. Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 6 1 6/45 2-3 373 12 " For Land’s Sake-'Use OXFORD ? m CO. 1430 E. Drahner Rd. Oxford, Michigan 48051 COMPANY PROCESSED PEAT Top Dressing Blends Custom Blending FRED LATTA 313/628-5991 LESCf for all your golf course needs. • Lescosan* • Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers • Chemicals • Seed • Equipment • Accessories ‘ Betasan — A registered trademark of Stauffer Chemical Company. LESCf> Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116 (800) 362-7413 In Ohio (800) 321-5325 Nationwide BENHAM ^ C H E M ICALS for all your C H EM IC A L needs PAR EX & VERTAGREEN fertilizers HERBICIDES FUNGICIDES INSECTICIDES W ETTING AGENTS 3190 M artin Road Walled Lake,Ml 4 8 0 8 8 31 3 -6 2 4 -3 SCO 13 Sand, cont. properties of solid materials. Determin­ ing the particle size distribution of a representative sand sample is fairly precise. Sand particles between lA to 1 millimeter are recommended for bun­ kers. Larger or smaller sands have disadvantages in playability and main­ tenance. The playability of a sand is significantly determined by its particle size. The correct particle size distribution gives the golfer the option of playing either an explosion or pick shot in dry condi­ tions. Sand of this size will provide a variety of lies, depending on the incom­ ing trajectory, velocity, ball angle of entry, and moisture content of the sand. In general, low incoming shots, which have a high velocity, tend to bury. High shots, which enter at near perpendicular angles, will produce “fried egg” lies; i.e., the ball penetrates into the sand and leaves a ring of sand around itself. Most importantly, when playing the bunker shot from either fairway or greenside bunkers, sand in this particle range gives the golfer the sensation of feel and finesse. The same particle-size distribution in each bunker is important to uniform playability. The sand range recommended is iden­ tical to the sand specified for putting greens and topdressing if the very fine sands (below1^ millimeter) are screened and removed. This alleviates many maintenance problems. Sand is fre­ quently blasted onto putting greens, especially at courses where bunkers are closer than 12 feet to greens. This sand will filter through the grass blades and be out of sight, except when it is wet and the particles stick together. This helps speed play, since less time will be spent brushing sand from the line of putt. Also, explosion shots will, in effect, topdress the green with the same range of sand particle size as that recommended for construction and top­ dressing, thereby eliminating dissimilar sands on the surface. Laboratory testing is essential to ensure proper particle size distribution. Even if a specific sand grade such as “mason,” “brick,” “glass,” or “concrete” sand is used and is supposed to contain lA to 1 millimeter size particles, it may also contain other particle sizes smaller than lA millimeter or larger than 1 milli- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Sand, cont. meter. On a board scale, these sand names are absolutely meaningless because of their great variability in particle sizes. The names may only be important locally if there is good quality control and the particle size range has been determined. Never consider a dune sand for bunkers. The particle size distribution is too narrow. Dune sands in all parts of the world tend to be in the Vs to V* millimeter mean size or range. Only very fine sands are easily windblown. Ideally, a minimum of 75 percent of the Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc. 19240 W att Eight Mile Southfield. Mich. 40075 (H Olk W»tl X totWI.M W.H) TRAILER TRUCK-CAR MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRIAL LAWN & GA R D E N E Q U IP M E N T TIR E S TIRES 1 bunker sand should be in the lA to V2 millimeter range. In fact, some experts prefer all the sand particles in this range. However, particles between V2 and 1 millimeter are included to help prevent wind erosion and compaction. A mixture of different size particles appears to set up better than those of uniform size. There are areas, however, where wind velocity is a severe problem and a higher percentage of larger and heavier particles (between 1 and V2 millimeters) are recommended. Common sense must be used in this instance. This is the only exception in the particle size guidelines. Purity. A good bunker sand is clean. It will not contain impurities, such as silt, clay, coarse sand, or gravel. Usually bunker sands are washed to remove silt and clay, and screened to remove large particles. The presence of only 5 percent silt and 3 percent clay in a sand can impede drainage. A laboratory can precisely test for purity. Shape. Angular sands, rather than round sands, are preferred for bunkers. An­ gular sand will shift less frequently TREE TR A N S P LA N TIN G LARGE TREES UP TO 11" DIAMETER ARMSTRONG LAWN AND TREE, INC. "Your Evergreens should be moved now." 44275 Whithorn Sterling Heights, Michigan 48078 14 731-5550 264-8803 Home:731-2148 under the weight of a golfer. Fortunately, most golf courses are now receiving angular sands. The majority of sand for golf courses comes from beaches, river beds, and igneous and sedimentary rock deposits. Desert sands are most likely to be rounded. Wind-borne sand particles scud along the ground colliding with each other, bouncing off obstructions, and wearing off their rough irregular­ ities. Eventually, smoothed and round­ ed, they approach a perfectly spherical shape and may keep it without further wearing for millions of years. It was once believed that sand grains were rounded while washing down river beds, but laboratory experiments showed they are too light-weight to abrade each other in water. Evidently, most of he rounded sand grains in the world have been exposed to wind abrasion at one time or another. There is relatively little reason to believe that sand ex­ tracted from a river bed would be rounded, and a lab test can provide complete assurance. The laboratoiy determines shape subjectively by feel and visually with a microscope. Composition. Sand composition varies greatly. Most sands, however, contain quartz, the most common form of silicon dioxide, or silica. A hard, quartz sand is preferred in bunkers, since quartz resists weathering and retains its original shape permanently. Many clubs select sands based on appearance without considering compo­ sition. For example, some clubs select limestone sand because of its brilliant white color, even though limestone sands are subject to weathering and the fine particles released during weath­ ering affect the playability and the maintenance of the sand. Limestone sand surfaces are too firm for explosion shots. This firmness is caused by the cementing action of the softer grains. The fact that many cart paths are constructed of limestone material at­ tests to the strength of the cementing action. However, this is not nearly so much of a problem today because bunk­ ers are raked more frequently by me­ chanical power rakes. More frequent raking keeps limestone sands from becoming firm. Dolomitic limestone sand is less subject to weathering, but CONTINUED PAGE 17 15 " Serving you better , ^ • • V. ^- "'*■ ., v v J - . J ;■• V'"! ■*•<.. With QUALITY----- MALLINCKRODT LEWIS FORE PAR CLEARY COUNTRY CLUB CHICOPEE Upjohn FOX VALLEY Chipco diam ond shamrock Yankee cyclone PBI Gordon Aquatrols Turfgrass Products PanaSea SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 Phon«: Ar«o 313 437-1427 G E N E JO H AN NIN GSM EIER T i i r ^ r r s D I S T R I B U T O R S A d iv is i o n o f An d er s on Sa le s & Ser vi ce , Inc. FOR MORE THAN 25YEARS THE AREA’S BEST FULL-SERVICE CUSHMAN DEALER SALES*SERVICE»PARTS*LEASING THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT AT THE RIGHT PRICE 1980 W. WIDETRACK PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48058 Sales 8t Leasing Service 8i Parts 338-0425 338-1590 the professional’s partner T h e ^ £ £ £ ^ Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division P.O. Box 119 Maumee, Ohio 43537 Ohio: 800-472-3220 Outside Ohio: 800-537-3870 With 27 field-proven formulas we may have more solutions than you have problems. Distributed by: LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 £ P.O. BOX 500 SERVING ALL OF MICHIGAN! (313) 348-8110 16 Sand, cont. still it should not be considered if a quartz sand is available. Some clubs use manufacturing sands in their bunkers, such as those used in glassmaking. An example is a glass sand from the Devonian Oriskany Sandstone deposit, located in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. This sand is 99 percent quartz, with a desirable white color. Nevertheless, it is just as important to have these sands evaluated as any other to ensure proper particle size. Color. The contrast of white sand with green grass creates a scene of great beauty. A white sand is preferred, par­ ticularly for television and for golf courses that hope to attract players who are passing on nearby highways. White sand surely attracts the eye but, on a sunny day, the reflection of light from a brilliant white sand can affect the golfer. It is harder to find and hit the golf ball with the glare from brilliant white sand. This is especially true for golfers with eye problems. Light tan sand is considered by many to be more natural and better from a golfer’s view­ point. Angle of Repose. Every material has an angle of repose. This is the angle with the horizontal at which a material will stand when piled. The angle of repose will vary with particle size distribution, particle shape, and moisture. The angle of repose may help predict sand b- ehavior on flashed bunker faces, the probability of fried egg lies, and reten­ tion of foot-prints. This test, as of yet, is not done on bunker sands. Research is currently underway with this new variable and may be included in future bunker sand evaluation methods. Handling Sand Once the sand is selected, it should be inspected for contamination upon ar­ rival. Many times a delivery truck will bring sand to a club immediately after hauling a load of coal or another sub­ stance. If the sand is not directly placed in the bunker by the delivery truck, provide for proper storage. Dump the new bunker sand onto a concrete or asphalt surface, if possible, and thereby avoid soil and debris from entering the sand when loading from bare ground. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE uim.F.seii & Sonine. JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT282-5100 * LOADERS A TRENCHERS* MOWERS * ROTARY CUTTERS * BACK HOE DIGGERS * BACK FILL BLADES * POST HOLE DIGGERS 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR Complete line of Material Handling & Farm Equipment Tractors Equipment * SWEEPERS SINCE 1923 RENTAL SALES - SERVICE COUNTR/&LUB greenskeeper Professional Turf Products — Hom ogenous G ranulation — High M ethylene Ureas (W .I.N .) — Balanced Feeding — Fits Your Budget Ôxinùtt/Gùé Pall Fertilisers Availible include: C.C. 8-4-24 C.C. 13-25-12 C.C. 16-8-8 C.C. 18-4-10 C.C. 18-5-9 C.C. 29-3-5 LEB A NO N C H E M IC A L C O R P O R A T IO N 1-800-637-2101 P.O. Box 647 Danville, IL 61832 P.O. Box 180 Lebanon, PA 17042 1 MILE SOUTH OF EUREKA 17 S fam ctt 'HunA&tieA, FORMALLY TURF SUPPLIES, INC. Let’s Talk Weed Killers! We stock the Proven Best. Roundup 1-5 gal — NoResidue inSoil Sideswipe HHS-1 00— Roundup Appl icator Dow Formula 401-55 gal — 46%2-4-D Acid MCPP-K-4 5-55 gaI — C lover Chickweed cntl. Banvel 4S 1 gal - D icamba -creeping weeds Trimec 1-30gal — Synergistic Effect Trimec (Bent) 1-5 gal — Bentgrass Formula Super D Weedone 1 -55 2-4-D plus D icamba Adjumecl gal—Increased Weed Control Foam Fighter 1 qt — 2 squirts control foam Vapam5gal —Soil Fumigant Dacthal 75 WP24# — Crab, pre-emerge HyvarX.L. 1-30gal — All vegetation kill KEN, DAVE. & GEOFF WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR ORDER 6900 Pardee Rd. Taylor, Ml 48180 (313) 291-1200 18 Sand, cont. Traditionally, sand is hauled to bunkers with maintenance trucks from the stor­ age area. Oftentimes the trucks cannot move in and out of certain areas, and it becomes necessary to shovel the new sand from the trucks. Moving sand into bunkers by truck or shovels causes a soft sand. It usually takes between 90 and 120 days and plenty of water (rainfall or irrigation) for the sand to set up properly so that golfballs will not become bouried in it. A faster and better method of transferring sand is with a gunnite machine. This machine blows sand under high pressure through a hose up to several hundred feet into the bunkers. The force is such that it compacts the sand during the place­ ment and eliminates the problem of a buried lie. Removing Poor Sand Avoid placing a good bunker sand over a poor bunker sand. It is always best to start from scratch. If a bunker sand with a particle distribution of lA to 1 millimeter is placed over a larger sand, the old sand will shortly come to the surface with raking. The finer sand will filter through the coarse sand, produc­ ing the original condition. On the other hand, many older clubs have bunker sands that have become contaminated with silt and clay. These sands become hard if they are not raked frequently. Water will not move through them to drain lines. If the bunkers constantly fill with water, silt and clay will continue to work up into the sand, causing it to become increas­ ing dirty. Under these circumstances, it is always a good idea to replace the sand and clean out or install new drains. Add fresh sand to bunkers whenever the sand depth has decreased below a minimum of four to six inches on the base or two inches on the face. This is usually required every three to five years. Redistributing the sand from low areas to high areas will often suffice. Summary Many existing bunkers are filled with a poor playing quality sand. Through laboratory testing, proper handling of the new sand, and removal of the old sand, better apearance and playability of bunker sands will result. Good bun­ kers are an asset to any golf course. Investigate for best results! HAHN SPRAY-PRO 44, IT WORKS. ANDWORKS... AND WORKS... Greens or fairways... the Spray-Pro 44 with its big high flotation tires to protect your turf, converts in minutes to a Sprayer, Spreader, Aerifier or Utility Bed. Designed for easy on, easy off switching and year ’round service. This “crew” should be working for you the aerifier... Hydraulically controlled from c erator’s position. Cultivates a full 42 inch width. Cleanly penetrates to 3 inches, depend- booms. Fingertip control of apply seed, fertilizer and lime 20 to 40 f t Up to 500 ing on soil conditions. Optional all spray system functions, Slicing Blades to open the soil lbs. per minute, with a minimum of turf disturbance. the sprayer... 160 gal. poly tank, 3-section Precise rate settings for a Reinforced steel, 1500 lbs. boom for 18-1/2 f t cover- uniform pattern. Top dress capacity. Converts to dump age. Spray with 1,2, or all 3 sand in 12 to 20 f t swath, bed with addition of Hydraulic Package, the spreader... the utility truck bed... Sold and Serviced by LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 46845 W. 12 MILE ROAD NOVI, MICH. 48050 P.O. BOX 995 (313) 348-8110 19 M O T O M O P This new machine removes from 800 to 1,000 gallons of water per hour from turf and other surfaces. Jacobsen's Motomop removes water by a revolving cylinder covered by a highly absorbent foam blanket over the wet surface. Water is transferred from the blanket to a holding tank, then pumped to the place of discharged selected. The self-propelled Motomop has a 5hp Briggs & Stratton gas engine which also powers the discharge pump. Two models are available, the Motomop 30 - 800 gal./hr, and the Motomop 40 - 1,000 gal./hr. W .F . M ill e r S m e &n[tompany 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 " A Patch of Green” 3182(3 U T IC A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC H IG A N 4 8026 DEPT, SOIL & CROP SCIENCES TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ATTN: DR. JAMRS BEARD 77840 U S P O STA G E PAID! P E R M IT M O 37 bEARD COLLECTION