gv 9 7 5 .A l P 3 H ov-D ec 1 9 8 9 November/December 1989 v ar 6 4 th Year A P A T C H G R E E N seasons reetings OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION 2 1989 ANNUAL MEETING President Charlie Gaige, Superintendent of Lake­ lands Golf and Country Club, called the Annual Meeting to order on the evening of October 17, 1989 at the Maple Lane Golf Club. Forty-seven voting members were present for the annual election and the name change proposal. This was the largest gathering of voting members in recent memory. Jon Maddern, the Secretary/Treasurer, started by reading the minutes of last year’s meeting and giving the treasurer’s report which showed a healthy $45,711.22 in the treasury. Of course there are still some unpaid obligations to be made. Committee reports followed after several introduc­ tions. Host superintendent Paul Kolbe was intro­ duced as well as owner Pete Roehl and they were thanked for their fine hospitality. Also introduced was Ed Hock, the newly-hired superintendent of Grosse lie Golf and Country Club. Welfare Committee chairman Jon Maddern an­ nounced that two deaths occured this year; Jack Slikboer of Dominion Golf Club and Norma Benham wife of member Don Benham. A moment of silence was given in their memory. Jon was also responsible for the MTF liaison and the Association Policy Book. He announced that the Turf Conference this year will be three full days and that the Policy Book will include past winners of the C.H. Wolfrom Classic, the John Walter award and the Superintendents Chapter Golf Championship. Jim Eccleton, chairman of the Education and Special Olympics Committee’s reported that fifty-six players participated in the Special Olympics Tourn­ ament and they contributed $4,225.00. He also thanked the tee sponsors for their efforts in making this such a success. Ed Heineman, co-chairman of the Scholarship Committee and chairman of the Christmas Party, Industrial Relations, and By-Laws Committees an- nouced that this year’s Christmas Party will be on Friday, December 8, 1989 at the Lakelands Golf and Country Club. Steve Kolongowski, chairman of Membership and Historian Committees reported that we now have 321 members. Gary Thommes reported on his committee responsi­ bilities which were Golf Day - he reported raising $23,000.00 this fall at Oakland Hills, Golf Shirt Committee - he still has a good selection of colors and sizes and he reported good results in the Golf Show where we hosted an informational booth and a putting contest. It afforded us good publicity and exposure. He thanked his assistant David Pawluk for building the green that provided the challenging contours for the contest. C O N T IN U E D PAGE 24 "A PATCH OF GREENM P ub l is he d B¡-Monthly by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION President CHARLES GAIGE c ; : Vice-President TOM MASON Secretary /Treasurer JON MADDERN Directors MiCMIG KEN DeRUSSCHER ED HEINEMAN JAY DelCAMP GARY THOMMES JIM ECCLETON STEVE KOLONGOWSKI President Emeritus KEVIN DUSHANE Editor TED WOEHRLE Printed At RLAKEMAN PRINTING CO., Fraser, Michigan (313) 293-3540 INC. 3 61 Join us for the st INTERNATIONAL GOLF COURSE r CONFERENCE & SHOW February 19-26, 1990 Orange County Convention/Civic Center O H a n d o ' F lorid° lu, STATE UNIVERSITY L lftaA PIFC ---------------------------- POND DREDGING SPECIALIST O ff Road Trucking Wide Track Bulldozing Shore Line & Land Developm ent Grading SWEETCO INC. 313- 437-1830 South Lyon, Mi. 48178 218 Audubon A Short Wrap-Up Of The 1989 Golf Season By James M. Latham, Director Great Lakes Region USGA Green Section A recap of the 1989 golf turf season is difficult because it was so varied — from sheer disaster to disappointment to downright delightful, depending upon where you were at what time. It was a year of opportunity for many because of an apparent return to the usual Midwestern climatic patterns and for others because Mother Nature suddenly eradicated Poa Annua in places few superintendents would dare to try. At some time during the winter, golf courses from Michigan to Montana experienced classic winterkill of Poa annua and perennial ryegrass. This phe­ nomenon can be expected locally in almost any year, but seldom has it been so extensive. The greater Chicago area, for example, missed the experience by less than 60 miles, but the six states to the north, east and west, were extensively blessed (?) with this cheap Poa annua control process. It seemed to work this way: • The soil was frozen. • There was a thaw and the meltwater was retained at the turf surface (even with sand greens) in depressions, on gentle slopes or even flat spots where Poa annua dominated in the past. • The temperature dropped suddenly to well below freezing. • Ice formed in the saturated crown tissue of the bunch grasses and destroyed cell structure. To make matters even worse for some superinten­ dents, the thin green cover materials did not prevent damage. The only escapes in the epicenters of winterkill were greens (etc.) which retained snow- cover or those covered with thick, excelsior mats. Comments by superintendents who used covers: • The thin covers may have aggravated the situation by broadening the day/night temperature spread. • The thick covers probably kept the green surfaces from thawing. • Medium thickness covers on top of a rather heavy, late, topdressing apparently gave enough insulation to prevent surface thaw or refreezing. This situation was compounded by very poor growing conditions in early spring which defied attempts to reseed. Even Poa annua seed germination was minimal. The superintendents who perservered with multiple reseeding operations now have bent- grass in quantity where it has not been in a long time. By initiating maintenance operations which keep it competitive, they can use Poa annua suppressants to their best advantage. Otherwise, the spring miseries will return to plague them again and again. Substantial losses of perennial ryegrass occured in South Dakota and Wisconsin underlining their un­ reliability as a primary golf turf species in this latitude. They apparently need backup by Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescues or some type of more winter hardy grass. There are, of course, exceptions to those loss patterns, but they were rare at the courses visited during Turf Advisory Service tours this year. In some instances, I simply confirmed the superintendent’s statements that it was impossible to predict the episode and that normal maintenance operations could not prevent this kind of winterkill. It became evident that agronomics must play a larger role in golf turf management so that bentgrass can become more competitive to help Poa annua controls become more effective. Now that we have the means to suppress Poa annua aggressiveness, it is possible to reestablish bentgrass and/or Kentucky bluegrass in key areas, but it’s imperative that they compete or the cycle will begin again. Some other strange events took place this season. The sudden appearance of mini-fairy rings on the greens at a couple of courses was one. At about the same time, similar rings elsewhere disappeared after a couple of years in residence. Why? How? The black layer syndrome hasn’t gone away, either. The sporadic rainfall pattern had a great deal to do with this — probably. Soil oxygen is still the key to prevention and cure. Internal drainage and the elimination of spongy organic layers by aeration and topdressing are necessities. And remember that black layers aren’t new. O.J.Noer commented on black, odorous soil profiles in greens over 50 years ago. They were just harder to see at that time. Supplying the anaerobic organisms with oxygen by applying potassium nitrate or similar materials will help to reduce immediate damage, but that is simply treating a contributing factor and not the cause. The cause of black layer in sand, clay or stratified profiles is usually an excess of water. The non-capillary (drainage) pores or air spaces are filled with water. Buried thatch becomes a saturated sponge. Layers of anything restrict the downward flow of water which pulls air into the soil after it. And let’s not forget that plant roots need oxygen, too. It seems that more clubs are accepting their greens’ Stimpmeter readings of 8 to 9 feet. A high percentage of the membership are enjoying that speed. There is also the realization that juicing the surfaces up to 11 feet from 9 for a member-guest event destroys the home course advantage. In other words, maybe speed-need is the figment of the imagination of would-be Tour-ists and not the will of the bill-payers. There are, of course, clubs in which the majority of the members want tournament class greens at all times and are willing to pay for them. That’s fine with me as long as they realize that fast greens are, necessarily, firm and that fast, firm, greens should be accompanied by fast, firm fairways and the level of management they require. The bottom line is a golf course that equates to 18 very large greens, mown at C O N T IN U E D PAGE 29 4 WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. 1050 Opdyke Road - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 (313) 373-8800 W e a t Wilkie TaRp E q u ip m en t Diuision, Inc. to o a ld like t o ta k e t b e o p p o R ta n ity d a tin g th is sp e cia l tim e op t h e y eaR , t o e x te n d o a R h e a R tp e lt g R a tita d e helped t o m a k e th is o a R b e s t y ea R W ith o u t yourz s a p p o R t a n d co n p id e n ce , c cooald n o t h a a e en jo y ed t h e s u c c e s s coe did to t h o s e op you coho We pledge t o y o a , o o r a a la e d c u s t o m e r s , oarz contínuG Ó epp oR t t o m a k e 1990 a n e o e n better y ea R forz oil o f a s . Thanking Yoa Sincerely, Wilkie T a R p Equipment Díoísíon, Inc. For Details Call: BRIGHTON -3 1 3 /6 3 2 -5 6 4 0 LOCAL 800/482-3130 WATS BRADLEY — 313/792-2241 LOCAL 800/632-1998 WATS AMTURF form erly Cowbell Seeds TURF GRASS SPECIALIST MIXES and BLENDS • Reel Compound • Edging • Landscape Supplies • Tools • Chemicals • Fertilizer Quality Service Prom pt Delivery 6 GCSAA UPDATE Sent to “A Patch of Green” by William R. Roberts, CGCS - Director of GCSAA I trust the 1989 golf season has treated you well and that as things wind down, in the northern climates anyway, you are getting ready to enjoy the upcoming Holiday season. As you may know, the 1989 Fall Board of Directors meeting of the Golf Course Superintendents Associa­ tion of America was held in Orlando, from October 26 through October 29. This session was, in my opinion, an extremely productive time which will help GCSAA continue its progressive direction for the future. We have continued to enhance our role as a true leader in the golf industry and are looked to, on an ever increasingly frequent basis, for opinion and expertise. It is, quite frankly, a most gratifying time to be involved, at any and all levels, with GCSAA. Once again, it is my intention, with this “update”, to highlight some specifics from our October meeting and to solicit your comments as we move toward our annual Conference and Show in Orlando. (Editor’s note — February 19-26, 1990) BUILDING COMMITTEE — Specification plans are being finalized in preparation for the bidding process as GCSAA looks to a major investment in its own future through the construction of a new headquarters building overlooking the newest Alva- mar golf course in Lawrence, Kansas. The $4.2 million building will allow the association to keep pace with the rapid growth we have experienced over the past four to five years and, perhaps even more importantly, will allow for continued expansion of staff and services well into the next century. This exciting commitment to our future will undoubtedly be of primary benefit to our members and to the industry. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE - Chairman Joseph G. Baidy, CGCS, reported on Committee activities including the meetings of the Technical Resource Advisory Committee and the Publications Commit­ tee. These committees deal with a variety of issues but find a primary importance in providing input to the staff of GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT maga zine. In helping to determine ideas for the magazine editorial calendar, the technical integrity of the magazine is insured and GCM readers can be assured that timely topics will be available. The Publications Committee also has responsibility for input to GC- SAA’s Awards programs and as a result of that input GCSAA will be presenting its 1990 Distinguished Service Award to William Bengeyfield, National Director of the USGA Green Section and to Thomas Watschke, Professor of Turfgrass Science at the Pennsylvania State University. Also, the Committee recommended that the Leo Feser Award, presented for the outstanding article written by a Golf Course Superintendent, be presented to Mr. Ted Horton, CGCS, Director of Sports and Grounds at West­ chester Country Club, and Ms. Mary Medonis, Assistant Superintendent at Westchester. The Award­ winning article, entitled “Employee Safety on the Golf Course”, appeared in the April, 1989 issue of GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT magazine. The Publications Committee has also recommended to the Board of Directors that GCSAA host a Newsletter Editors seminar at Headquarters in Law­ rence next Spring. This exercise will, in my opinion, not only provide some valuable insights for those who produce chapter publications, but will also allow for a substantial dialogue between some of our associa­ tion’s primary communications and our association staff. PUBLIC RELATIONS — The discussion centered on several topics covered at the Public Relations Com­ mittee meeting in September including the thrust of GCSAA television advertising vis-a-vis the media analysis provided by Bernstein-Rein, the need to pursue joint public relations efforts with PGA and, possibly, CMAA and the recommendation that the name of the organization be changed from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America to the Golf Course Manager’s Association. Further, the Board continued to focus on the need to explore the inextricable link between public relations efforts (perception), government relations efforts, education efforts, communication efforts and research efforts as we continue to deal with the issue of the Golf Course Superintendent and the environment. Specifically, it should be noted that it was the consensus of the Board of Directors that an associa­ tion name change to the Golf Course Managers Association may not be prudent at this time. Survey work done by association staff in 1987 showed that no one clear focus in terms of a new title/name could be identified at that juncture and it was felt that the supposition was still valid currently. TOURNAMENT - Chairman Randy Nichols, CGCS, updated the Board on tournament activity noting that, to date, approximately 400 entries, out of a maximum 600 entrant field, had been received and processed. He also reported on the strong support and favorable comments received from last year’s partici­ pants regarding the new tournament format and indicated that several other procedural changes being initiated this year would only enhance the strength and efficiency of the tournament process. C O N T IN U E D PAGE 25 7 Tired of the high cost of maintaining your vehicles? CHECK OUT THE HIJET! * Cut-a-way * Full cab with guard bars * Full cab with steel doors * Tipper with full cab and guard bars * Tipper with full cab and steel doors * Lift pick tipper with steel doors * People mover * Security patrol unit PFEIFFER L /M DAIH ATSU (616) 949-7800 2424 28th Street, S.E. Grand Rapids, m i 49508 Tom Elliott 8 New Video Tape Illustrates Environmental Benefits of Turf, Supports PLCAA Foundation (Las Vegas, Nevada, November 6, 1989) A new educational tool, a vidoetape titled “The Value of Turf — For Today and the Future,” is now available for the turf industry. The 10-minute tape was premiered at this year’s Professional Lawn Care Association of America (PLCAA) annual meeting and show. The videotape is available through PLCAA’s Education and Research Foundation. Funds from sales of the tapes will support PLCAA’s work with educational and research-based programs. The pro­ gram is sponsored by Ciba-Geigy’s Turf And Orna­ mental Products, which funded initial production and duplication of the tapes for the foundation. “We’re pleased to support some of the breakthrough research that’s going on in turf today,” says Bill Liles, director of Ciba-Geigy’s Turf And Ornamental Pro­ ducts. “This videotape should really get the founda­ tion up and running.” The videotape features interviews with three top turf researchers: Dr. Tom Watschke, Penn State University; Dr. Harry Niemczyk, Ohio State Univer­ sity; and Dr. Marty Petrovic, Cornell University. Their comments, combined with the new informa­ tion about turf, illustrates the positive effects turf has on our environment. The videotape is designed to help turf professionals more effectively address customer concerns about chemicals, the environment and groundwater. Scenes include home and commercial lawns, golf courses, sports fields and sod operations. “Research and education are key to the future of professional turf care, and PLCAA’s Education and Research Foundation can go a long way toward advancing knowledge in the field,” says Bob Earley, chairman of the foundation’s fund-raising comit- tee. “Support from important members of the turf industry like Ciba-Geigy will help the foundation expand the boundaries of knowledge about turf.” For more information about “The Value of Turf — For Today and the Future,” or to order copies, contact PLCAA at 1-800-458-3466. GUESS AGAIN The evening TV weather forcasters said last night there was a 60 percent chance of rain today. This morning’s Chicago Tribune gave the same report — a 60 percent chance of showers. But, guess what? It was a most beautiful day, and not a drop of rain. Sixty percent? Come on. Perhaps we should go back to the old way. On the farm my Dad would arise early, look up in the sky and check the cows, chickens, and the birds, then wet his finger and stick it into the air. He could tell how much humidity was in the air by how fast his finger dried and, of course, which way the wind was coming from. When the birds weren’t rehearsing their symphony or were unusually quiet, he knew that inclement weather was on the way, and referred to it as the, “lull before the storm”. And, if the crows seemed to be flying erratic, it was certain to storm shortly. If the cows huddled in a group close to the barn, a thunderstorm was inevitable, and on its way. Also, one of his many quotes (all in Plattdeutsch, the Low German vernacular language of his ancestral north­ ern Germany heritage) was, “When the cows chase flies with with switching tails, a thunderstorm to drive them away, never fails”. And if the chickens were reluctant to leave the hen house, “donner and blitzen” would soon announce the coming of rain from the dark approaching clouds. His consolation to hot days and muggy uncomfort­ able evenings was, “When the winds blow over the stubble of harvest fields, the hot days to cooler evenings will have to yield”. And some of his other quotes were, “A sun of morning red, I can tell, will put water in the cistern and the well”. Or “A evening sun, red, bright and clear, will tommorrow bring hope, relief and cheer”. His prediction for Ground Hog was, “If he doesn’t see his shadow there or here, it will be for farmers a super corn year”. And of hoarfrost (or white- frost as he called it) on the ground, plants and roofs, he would say, “Rain will wash away, Jack Frost’s work and play”. And on a dewless summer morning his comment would be, “Lack of dew on stalks of corn, will be refreshed by tommorrow ‘morn”. And he was right more often than he was wrong. And there were always the pesky flies. Now let me tell you, those little rascals knew hours ahead of time it was going to rain. They would hang around the windows and doors and stick to one’s self, and sting and bite with the voratiousness of a piranha. A sure sign of rain. And whatever meteorology information my Dad couldn’t get from the animals, he was filled in by my Mother’s corns and bunions, or the hired hand’s rheumatism. As I recall, he was right 90 percent of the time. Now, maybe it’s because the weather service guys and TV weather seers don’t have access to animals and flies to observe. Or, maybe they don’t eat the right kind of breakfast or something. But, with all their modern equipment, not to mention satellites, it seems to me they could at least come closer than 60 percent. My Dad sure did. Edwin Wollenberg from “The Bull Sheet’ 9 Reader Feedback EDITOR'S NOTE The articles appearing in the “A Patch of Green” do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. We present articles for their informative value — it is up to each reader to evaluate the information presented. A Patch of Green Mr. Ted Woehrle, Editor Dear Ted: I just read “Thoughtful Tree Planting” by Paul Vermeulen (USGA) in the September/October issue of “A Patch of Green”. The guidelines, for the most part, seem to make a lot of sense and are well thought out. . . with one notable exception. In guideline number eight, Mr Vermeulen advises us to “. . . try to limit the number of different species as much as possible. A continuous vegetation scheme is often the trademark of many of America’s highest ranked courses.” As an example, Mr. Vermeulen cites Oak Hill as having a “continuous theme of oak trees from the first tee through the 18th green.” When I came to my present job here at St. Clair Shores I was given the task or rebuilding the old Lakepointe Country Club. . . a course that had its origins in late 1920’s. What I found when I arrived was a parcel of 120 acres with hardly a trace of any trees. It turned out that the owners of the Lakepointe Club followed advice similar to guideline number eight. They did almost the same thing that Oak Hill has done. The only difference was the Lakepointe’s selection was the American Elm Tree. Too Bad. When I first got into the golf business in 1964, I came from a background of finance and, as a stockbroker, had always advised my clients of the wisdom of diversifying their investments. . . “don’t put all your eggs into one basket,” I warned. Too bad Lakepointe Country Club didn’t follow that advice. Very Truly Yours, Jerry Comeau Manager, St Clair Shores Country Club Editor’s Note: Thanks for the letter. I couldn’t agree with you more. TREE TRANSPLANTING LARGE TREES UP TO 11” DIAMETER ARMSTRONG LAWN AND TREE, INC. “YOUR EVER G R EEN S SH O U LD BE M O VED N O W .” 44275 W hithorn Sterling Heights, M ichigan 48078 731-5550 264-8803 10 W W I Our best to you! PROMAKK pT^-.. -1.» ':^ -•» *jr. ¿uff'V Ev M% , .' Model PAL ^ > - • 5 ; Aerial Uft7Traife> (fop) Model 400 . Log & Brush Chipper (center). Model R-T8 . \ K' r r ' , / Stump i'ftodt Grinder (bottom) a t * * * w « e e - r e ' a l e d x s t f o x rt\u a n c e \n^en d uV'W !e^ o tV e e ^ v0ols< »nave 40 w e t y t t " u n o s se^ dO'N0 art** a corT1 Pro ^ ’s ate Pr° sU)VdV ^ " 'aD'e a" caPaC'^ ' 6Se«U'^ Ple,e me frat rrva^e Call 731-7240 WEINGARTZ “WE SERVICE WHA T WE SELL ... 1945 46061 VAN DYKE, % Milo North of M-59, UTICA Tues.-Fri. 8:30-5:30; Sat. 8:30-5 HOURS: Mon. 8:30-8 MICHIGAN'S LARGEST LAWN A OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT DEALER \aV\o° teed 360 aCWcap 10 n' 12 The annual GCSAA convention is the biggest show on earth for golf course management professionals. It’s your chance to meet your peers from all over the world, exchange views, make invaluable contacts and discover what’s new in techniques, equipment, products and theory. It’s the largest trade show in golf course management, with booths by virtually every supplier in the business. And it’s a learning experi­ ence, too, with sessions and presentations by leading industry specialists, progressive fellow superintendents and outstanding university researchers. Once a year it’s the one place to be for anybody who cares about keeping golf green. ^ ¡¡¡¡¡¡^ WE KEEP GOLF GREEN. 913- 841-2240 13 ED STESNEY HONORED AS “SALESMAN OF THE YEAR” AT NATIONAL SALES MEETING ED STESNEY, second from rig h t, accepts ''S alesm an of the Y e a r" Aw ard from Ransomes, Inc. Ed Stesney of Ideal Mower Sales in Ferndale, Michigan was recently honored as “salesman of the Year” by Ransomes, Inc., one of the world’s leading manufacturer’s of commercial turf equipment. Stesney was selected from among hundreds of distributor personnel selling Ransomes equipment in the U.S. and Canada. The award was announced on August 21 at the Ransomes National Sales Meeting held at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. At the same meeting, Ideal Mower Sales was recognized as Ransomes “Regional Distributor of the Year”. THE PACKAGE OF SEEDS I paid a dime for a package of seeds And the clerk tossed them out with a flip. “We’ve got ’em assorted for every man’s needs,” He said with a smile on his lip, “Pansies and poppies and asters and peas! Ten cents a package! And pick as you please!” Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store, And the dimes are the things that he needs; And I’ve been to buy them in seasons before, But have thought of them merely as seeds; But it flashed through my mind as I took them this time “You have purchased a miracle here for a dime!” “You’ve a dime’s worth of power which no man can create, You’ve a dime’s worth of life in your hand! You’ve a dime’s worth of mystery, destiny, fate, Which the wisest cannot understand. In this bright little package, now isn’t it odd? “You’ve a dime’s worth of something known only to God!” These are seeds, but the plants and the blossoms are here With their petals of various hues; In these little pellets, so dry and so queer, There is power which no chemist can fuse. Here is one of God’s miracles soon to unfold, Thus for ten cents an ounce is Divinity sold! Edgar A. Guest Regain Control Of Your Golf Course Irrigation System If you want your golf course to sparkle with the beauty and playability golfers expect, then you need the BEST irrigation system you can find: Toro’s Netw ork 8000 is that system! The Network 8000 features: - Water And Energy Savings - Flow Analysis - Visual Control - Two-Way Communication - Monitors Satellite Status - Driven By Evapotranspiration Automatically Let us demonstrate it, we’ll show you exactly what it can do for you! Call Jim Koziatek Today (313) 373-8800 WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. TORO 1050 Opdyke Road - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 - (313) 373-8800 14 The new Floyd/McKay Deep Drill Aerifier - An old idea, reborn. w. |r i W / ' eft*.' A great way to get deep penetration without tearing up the green. 15 Now fairways have no excuse runners so they can be sliced before they lie down. The Turf Groomer helps you develop lush, vertical turf for your fairways. And the LF-100 delivers a greens-like cut for that smooth, consistent trim that’s the envy of the industry. Its heavy-duty 22" reels follow ground contours closely to show off each fairway’s features. On-demand 4-WD for an even more productive fairway mower. Shift from 2 wheel drive to 4 wheel drive Finally, you can condition your fairways the way you condition greens. Introducing the Jacobsen fairway. A fairway that’s conditioned, not just mowed. Conditioned so that grass stays upright, allowing the golf ball to sit up for a better lie. It’s another Jacobsen first. The Jacobsen fairway, brought to you by our patented Turf Groomer.™ The Jacobsen Turf Groomer is a unique fairway con­ ditioning system. Its exclusive design lifts horizontal 16 for lying down on the job. with just a pull on the control. The added traction helps deliver a flawless cut on hill­ sides that other units can’t reach. Up-front wing mowers for superior visibility and productivity. Holding a closer line is now easier than ever. And your operator can take full advan­ tage of the 100" cutting width. Our unique up-front configuration allows better access to all mowing units for emptying catchers quickly and making mower adjustments easily. True lightweight mowing. Your turf thrives with less compaction thanks to extra- wide, low-profile turf tires that produce the lowest ground pressure in the industry. And, all four wheels roll on a different track for even less compaction. Built to last. For longer, trouble-free life on your fair­ ways, count on the LF-100 for its proven, rugged chassis, durable and simple hydraulic system and liquid-cooled diesel engine. And the LF-100 is backed by your Jacobsen distributor for dependable parts and service support. Ask him for a free demon­ stration. Attractive lease and finance plans are available. Or contact: Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc., 1721 Packard Ave., Racine, Wl 53403. © Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc. 1989 J-11-9 TEXTRON Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc W .F. MILLER COMPANY TURF & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 25125 TRANS-X, P.0. BOX 605 NOVI, MICHIGAN 48050 (313) 349-4100 17 E A R T H W O R M S : Beneficiáis or Pests? By Karen Delahaut and C.F Koval Department of Entomology University of Wisconsin-Madison Earthworms are found in a wide range of habitats throughout the world, having adapted to many different soil types as well as to lakes and streams. Earthworms — often called nightcrawlers, garden worms, red worms, or, simply, worms — are a valuable resource to many people. They provide bait for fishing, a source of protein for food, and most importantly, they play a unique and important role in conditioning the soil. With the advent of chemical pest control, however, earthworms have become non-target recipients of many pesticides. Some of the most effective pesticides are broad spectrum in action, and they may inadver­ tently harm earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms. Earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida and the class Oligochaeta, which consists of over 7000 species. Their bodies are long and tube-like, tapering at both ends and ranging in length from one to six inches. Another characteristic of the phylum Annelida is a segmented body, including an enlargement of several segments to produce the clitellum, a glandular organ used for reproduction. Earthworms are hermophro- dotic and homosexual, and thus they may function as either a male or a female during reproduction. Self-fertilization does not occur. Although one acre of soil may hold up to eight million earthworms, most people pay little attention to these productive and beneficial animals. They mostly go unnoticed from day to day, unless a heavy rain forces them to the surface of the soil, an angler needs some bait, or their casts disrupt a game of golf. Builders of Soil Earthworms benefit the soil in many ways, primarily due to the physical and chemical effects of their casts and burrows. Earthworm casts, consisting of waste excreted after feeding, are composed of soil mixed with digested plant residues. Casts modify soil structure by breaking larger soil particles into finer granules. As plant material and soil passes through an earthworm’s digestive system, its gizzard breaks down the particles into smaller fragments. These fragments, once excreted, are further decomposed by other worms and microorganisms. Earthworm casts can contribute up to 50 percent of the soil aggregates in some soils. Cast production is most abundant in spring and fall when earthworms inhabit surface layers of the soil. 18 During this time, 20 casts per square foot of soil surface are not uncommon, and as much as 40 pounds of casts per 1000 square feet per year have been recorded. Under conditions of extreme tempera­ tures or moisture stress during the summer and winter, earthworms migrate downward into subsoil horizons. In irrigated areas, such as golf course greens, fairways, and tees, this behavior may be altered and earthworms may not migrate during the summer months. Thus, their activity may be regard­ ed as a problem requiring management. Many species of earthworms deposit their casts beneath the soil surface within their burrows, where casts contribute to pedogenesis. Species that excavate permanent, vertical burrows, however, deposit their casts on the soil surface, where they play a greater role in soil profile development. In addition to benefitting soil structure, casts also provide nitrogen in a useable form for other organisms that decompose organic material on the soil surface. This interaction stimulates an accelerated decomposition rate, which helps reduce thatch buildup. Soil Fertility Enhanced Earthworms are also important to nutrient avail­ ability of the soil. As they feed, they deposit digested organic matter and minerals along their burrows in the form of casts, a rich source of nutrients placed in close proximity to the plant roots growing through the burrows. Comparative analyses of casts and surrounding soil have shown that casts contain five times more nitrogen, seven times more phosphorus, eleven times more potassium, three times more exchangeable magnesium, and one-and-one-half times more cal­ cium. One explanation for this dramatic increase is that earthworms liberate nutrients from the mineral soils that would otherwise remain unavailable to C O N T IN U E D PAGE 21 CLASSIFIED AD WANTED Used Golf Car’s. No Dealers. Call 517-697-5809. Ask for Randy. ANOTHER GREAT QUOTE ABOUT CENTURY GOLF TEAM! * C entury was h ere RIGHT AWAY AND ON A TIGHT TIME FRAME... WHILE THE OTHERS WERE HEMMING AND HAWING.» we called “When for bids, Century was there first, with what we needed. Century designed the irrigation system, supplied all the materials and helped us trouble­ . shoot “Warranty service? They come out and take care of it right now. Everyone in their entire organization has been responsive and responsible... from the people in their offices to top management. Steve Vasher Chief of Golf W ayne County, Michigan Want to get a great quote on your course's irrigation system? Call Century Golf Team today! 5379 WALNUT AVE. DOWNERS GROVE, IL 70515-4178 312 515-8555 341 LIVELY BLVD. ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL 70007-2077 312 640-6660 CENTURY GOLF TEAM ■ The Dependability Irrigation People Worried about selective tall fescue control? Buy a 10-pack today! And, stop worrying! LESCO TFC™ Herbicide is the first product to provide selective spot control of tall fescue in Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, fine fescue, bahia- grass and bermudagrass without digging or spot­ treating with a non-selective herbicide. A water dispersible granule, LESCO TFC is convenience and accuracy in a 10 pack. Order today! Nationwide • (800) 321-5325 In Ohio • (800) 686-7413 u r e a « » ) LESCO, Inc. 20005 Lake Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116, (216) 333-9250 Always read and follow label instructions before using any chemical product. COREMASTER 12 AERATOR 1200 BUNKER & FIELD RAKE 3 3 2 5 PROFESSIONAL TURF MOWER 20 "EARTHWORMS," CONT. plants. Another factor is soil microbial activity within the casts, which promotes rapid transformation of soluble nitrogen into microbial proteins, thereby reducing the leaching of available nitrogen. In soils populated by earthworms, accelerated decomposition of organic matter and an increase in available nitrogen results in greater numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Phosphorus availability also increases, due to earthworms’ ingestion of phosphate rock particles and the consequent movement down burrows of phosphorus-containing casts. Further­ more, an abundance of earthworms means an abundance of decomposed organic matter — decom­ position is limited only by the amount of material available, not by earthworms’ capacity to ingest plant material. Aeration and Drainage Earthworm burrows, too, exert both physical and chemical effects on soil. Burrows are of two types. Temporary burrows are made by earthworms mov­ ing from one feeding site to another. Permanent burrows are homes to individual worms, are usually more extensive, and are open to the surface, allowing the resident earthworm to select the most favorable microclimate for feeding. Permanent burrows are fastidiously kept clean by earthworms removing casts, organic matter and soil that have washed in. As they burrow, earthworms excavate networks of passageways throughout the soil, which improves the soil’s porosity. Up to two-thirds of all soil pore space is estimated to be the result of earthworm burrows, which can increase a soil’s moisture-holding capacity — in some cases by as much as 400 percent. Because of the large diameter and low surface-tension of most burrows, they also serve as drainage systems during irrigation and heavy rainfall. This may account for better mixing of soluble nutrients throughout the soil profile. Earthworms also act as effective agents of soil aeration. As they penetrate the topsoil and proceed downward into the subsoil, they may increase the soil-to-air ratio by eight to thirty percent. Earthworm Attrition With so many benefits to the soil accrued from the activity of earthworms, why are they given so little consideration when pesticides are selected, pesticides that ultimately bring them harm? Pesticide registration guidelines initially placed little importance on the potential impact of pesticides on non-target species. This has changed dramatically in recent years, and the Environmental Protection Agency now gives considerable attention to the impact of pesticides on earthworms and other non­ target species during the registration process. Use patterns that negatively impact non-target species are unlikely to obtain registration; in fact, at present there are no pesticides registered by the EPA specifi­ cally for earthworm control. Lack of knowledge is another problem — the applicator is often unaware of the detrimental effects that various pesticides have on earthworms. To be sure, the acute effects of various pesticides on earthworm distribution and abundance have been the topic of very little research in this country. Even less is known about pesticides’ chronic effects on earthworms. Another explanation may be linked to the increasing popularity of the game of golf during recent years. To meet the demands of greater use, more sophisticated means of pest control — and more advanced chem­ icals — are needed to maintain tees, fairways and greens under heavy use. Finally, early chemicals with broad-spectrum pesticidal activity and long-term residual effects, such as chlordane, resulted in the chronic reduction of earthworm activity. A single treatment could hold earthworm numbers in check for multiple seasons, depending on soil type and climatic conditions. By comparison, pesticides in use today are generally less toxic to earthworms; consequently, earthworm ac­ tivity is more noticeable. Pesticides and Earthworms Toxicity to earthworms varies widely among types of pesticides classified by use — insecticides and related compounds, fungicides, herbicides, fumigants and vermicides. Two groups of pesticides are ex­ tremely toxic to earthworms and most other soil organisms — fumigants, such as chloropicrin, di- chloropropane, and methyl bromide, and vermicides (designed intentionally to kill worms), such as am­ monium sulphate, lead arsenate, and mercuric chlor­ ide. Herbicides, at the other extreme, pose relatively little threat of earthworm toxicity. Their modes of action are directed toward plant regulation, and physiological processes of plants differ significantly from those of animals. This leaves fungicides and insecticides responsible for the most extensive pesti­ cide impact on earthworms. Insects, like earthworms, may be beneficial inhabi­ tants of the soil in that they decompose organic matter; they may also act as predators or parasites to harmful insects. However, they can also be serious pests and must be maintained below damaging levels. Root- and shoot-feeding insects, which pose the greatest threat to golf course turf, are presently managed with organophosphate and carbamate in­ secticides to reduce their populations to non-injurious levels. However, a determination of non-injurious population densities is purely arbitrary. As illustrated in Table 1, many of these compounds present a toxic threat to earthworms. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE "WORMS/' COIMT. Insecticide Toxicity Earthworms are generally susceptible to carbamate compounds, which will significantly reduce their populations. Carbaryl, a carbamate pesticide often used for insect control, acts as a cholinesterase inhibitor, thereby producing long-lasting immobility and rigidity. Bendiocarb (Turcam) and propoxure (Baygon) are two other carbamate insecticides that cause paralysis in earthworms at normal dose rates. Carbofuran, another carbamate, is also very toxic to earthworms. Moreover, a sublethal response, char­ acterized by weight loss, delayed clitellum develop­ ment, and absence of cocoon production, has also been observed at recommended rates of carbofuran application. Organophosphates are the most widely used class of turf insecticides. They have been successful in con­ trolling white grubs, mole crickets, chinch bugs, and sod webworms, to name a few. Of the organophos­ phates, ethoprop is the most toxic to earthworms. In contrast, chlorpyrifos, isofenphos, and trichlorfon are considered non-toxic to earthworms when applied at normal dose rates. Understanding how particular classes of biocides act upon target species may yield insights as to their effects on other living organisms. Organophosphates, as well as carbamates, mimic the structure of the acetylcholine molecule, an important component in the transmission of nerve impulses across synaptic gaps in many animals. Cholinesterase, an important enzyme in the nervous system, is responsible for the destruction of acetylcholine once a nerve impulse has crossed the synapse, thus preparing the synapse for another impulse. The presence of organophosphates or carbamates results in the phosphorylation of cholinesterase, thereby suppressing the destruction of acetylcholine. This results in a continuous firing of nerve impulses across the synapse, which is manifest­ ed as tetany. is hyperexcitability, Because the axillary neuromuscular junctions of insects and lower animals do not contain acetylchol­ ine or cholinesterase, organophosphate and carba­ mate insecticides act instead on the central nervous system. The result tremors, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually death. Experi­ mental evidence shows that long-term disruptions of the nervous system, such as excision of the brain, indicates that respiration is not dependent on muscular contraction as in insects. Rather, it is the circulation of blood by rhythmic peristaltic muscle contractions that is affected. Thus, organophosphate and carbamate insecticides are believed to cause death by anoxia, not as a function of respiration but as a function of reduced blood circulation. in earthworms Fungicide Toxicity Of the numerous fungicides registered for use on turf, only those in the benzimidazole class have CONTINUED NEXT COLUMN 22 Chipco* Mocap’ 5G. For turf managers who are serious about grub control. BOB DUGAN Chipco Turf & Ornamental Specialist P.O. BOX 398 ROMULUS, M IC H IG AN 48174-0398 (313) 782-0323 uim.F.seii 8 Sonjnc. SINCE 1923 RENTAL SALES - SERVICE ★ LOADERS ★ SWEEPERS ★ TRENCHERS ★ MOWERS ★ ROTARY CUTTERS ★ BACK HOE DIGGERS ★ BACK FILL BLADES ★ POST HOLE DIGGERS JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT COMPLETE LINE OF MATERIAL HANDLING & FARM EQUIPMENT 282-5100 CALL 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR 1 Mile South of Eureka ^ Shemin Nurseries ONE STOP SOURCE FOR CHRISTMAS PRODUCTS CHRISTMAS TREES . CUT . LIVE . TABLETOP . DECORATOR TREE STANDS & ACCESSORIES • ROPING • WREATHS . GREENS . SPECIAL LIVE DECORATOR PIECES . PICKS, CONES, LIGHTS CALL PAUL OR BETSY 313- 291-1200 OR FAX YOUR ORDER 313- 291-2838 23 demonstrated any remarkable toxicity to earth­ worms. This class includes benomyl, thiabendazole, thiophonare-methyl, and carbendazim, which is a metabolite of benomyl, and thiophonate-methyl. These compounds are used as broad-spectrum pro­ tectants. Their mode of action is primarily systemic; the ester metabolites of these compounds interfere with DNA synthesis by disrupting microtubule for­ mation, which results in delayed mitosis. In addition to the acute toxicity of the benzimid­ azoles, other, sublethal effects, have been noted in treated worms, including reduced feeding, retarded growth rates, reduced cocoon production, and re­ duced nerve conduction velocity. Carbamate fungicides will exert the same toxic effect on earthworms as do their insecticide counter­ arts, though their mode of action on the target pathogen may be entirely different. The thiocarba- mates most often applied include various thiram products — Bromosan WP, Bromosan F, Lesco Thiram, Spotrete, and Thiramad, to name a few. Although the abundance of earthworms may be affected by relatively few turf pesticides, earthworm distribution and behaviour may be altered to a greater degree. Litter and surface soils treated with certain pesticides have a repellent effect on earth­ worms, and this reduces the breakdown and incor­ poration of organic matter the subsurface horizons. Benomyl and carbendazim are particularly lethal to earthworms and also exhibit this repellent effect, which results in the avoidance of feeding in treated soils. Consequences include reduction in the amount of available nutrients in the root zone, decreased porosity and aeration of the soil, de­ creased waterholding capacity, and poor drainage. into Managing Earthworms Earthworms, though often regarded as an annoy­ ance by golfers and golf course superintendents, also provide several benefits to turf, as we have just seen. Reduction in the number of earthworms, whether intentional or not, can have a detrimental effect on both the physical and the chemical properties of the soil. Therefore, to maintain good soil structure capable of sustaining optimum plant growth, it would appear that attempts should be made to reduce the application of biocides known to adversely affect earthworm populations. Clearly, the earthworm and its presence on the golf course raises many more questions than there are answers. Earthworms are generally thought to be beneficial; however, as with any other species, populations which are too high or out of place may warrant control actions. Currently there is insuf­ ficient data to determine at what levels earthworms CONTINUED PAGE 27 ANNUAL MEETING, CONT. Jay DelCamp reported his Golf Committee super­ vised several events that produced the following winners — State of Michigan Champ, Jim Eccleton; C.H. Wolfrom Classic, Jim Koziatek; and Michigan and Border Cities Champ, Gary Thommes, Low Gross and Paul Kolbe the low net champion. Jay was also chairman of the Publicity and Awards Committee. Ken DeBusscher was chairman of the Education, Scholarship and Picnic Committees. Being chairman of the Education Committee involves making ar­ rangements for meeting sites and speakers. This year found us at Bay Pointe, Salt River, Essex, Tam-O- Shanter, Knollwood, Red Run, Bald Mountain, Indianwood and Maple Lane. The Picnic was held at Kensington Park where 130 attended a fun day for the family. This has become the highlight of the year. If you missed it, plan on attending next year. We guarantee that you and yours will have a great time. Once again, Special Thanks go to Ernie Fuller for his generous gifts to ensure that a good time was had by the kids. Thanks, Ernie. Kevin Dushane reported that his Committee on Ethics was quiet this year and that all is going well with the Editorial Committee. He did ask that members consider writing articles for A Patch of Green. President Charlie Gaige turned the meeting over to THE ELECTIONS ©lathe LARGE AREA TURF SWEEPERS George Prieskorn to conduct the election of officers. The results were — President, Tom Mason, superin­ tendent Birmingham Country Club; Vice-President, Ken DeBusscher, superintendent Wabeek C .C .; and Secretary/Treasurer, Jon Maddern, superintendent San Marino Golf Club. Newly-elected Directors were Carey Mitchelson, superintendent Country Club of Detroit; and Jim Eccleton, superintendent Arbor Hills C.C. who was reelected to a second three-year term. Kevin Dushane retired from the Board as President Emeritus; Charlie Gaige is replacing him in that capacity. NAME CHANGE DEFEATED The suggested name change was soundly defeated 37 to 10. It was agreed however that the study will continue and when the committee feels that another attempt should be made, it will be presented. New Board for 1990, L-R — Carey Mitchelson; Kevin Dushane, retiring from Board; Ken D eBusscher, Vice- President; Jim Eccleton ; Ed Heineman; Steve Kolongowski; Charles Gaige; Jon Maddern, S e c./T re a s.; Tom Mason, President; and Jay DelCamp. Olathe Sweepers Feature: - 24 HP Onan engine - Adjustable hitch - Control panel at operator position - 7 1 / 2 cubic yard hopper - Remote hose attachment - Unitized all welded trailer frame - Front pivot point for contours - Individually replaceable brush sections - High flotation tires Call today for a Free Demo WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. TORO 1050 Opdyke Road - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 (313) 373-8800 24 Country Club Greens Grade Fertilizers Gold Cup quality for great-looking greens, tees & fairways. • Small Homogeneous Granulation • Less Mower Pick-up • High Methylene Ureas (W.I.N.) • Four Unique Formulations 18-4-10 90% Org. 8-4-24 30% Org. 18-3-12 70% Org. 18-0-18 80% Org. .ifflMNMIU GREAT ON FAIRWAYS EVEN AT LOWER RATES WONT SPECKLE LIKE BLENDS TOTAL T U R F C A R E 1-800-233-0628 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED SPECIALIZING IN GOLF COURSE WORK. TREE TRANSPLANTING YOUR TREES OR OURS TREE REMOVAL, TRIMMING, SHRUBS, POWER STUMP REMOVAL. Visit Our Nursery at 6220 GRASS LAKE ROAD, MILFORD, MICHIGAN 48042 BILL ROBERTS, COIMT. EDUCATION — Chairman Randy Zidlik, CGCS, noted that preparations for the annual conference were progressing well and that GCSAA would, once again, be offering an extremely strong, focused educational opportunity for attendees. Topics to be covered will include, in six concurrent sessions, “Critically Evaluating Your Needs”, “Golf Course Management Techniques, Part I and Part II”, “Managing Today’s Environment”, “Southern Turf- grass Management“ and “Water Quality and Distri­ bution”. Also being offered will be two major speaker sessions, computer usage group meeting, government relations forum, educational forums presented by allied associations including the golf course architects and golf course builders and the GCSAA Green Section program. These programs are offered, of course, in addition to 38 one and two day seminar opportunities. CERTIFICATION — Chairman Zidlik reported on the overall progress of the Certification program which has now realized 1041 Certified Course Superintendents, with 70 certified to date in 1989 and an additional 154 in process. This compares with 944 Certified Golf Course Superintendents at this point one year ago. MEMBERSHIP — Chairman Randy Nichols noted that 565 new member applications had been received and approved since the Spring Board meeting includ­ ing 117 “Class A”, 139 “Class B” and 109 “Class C”. These totals were helping to push GCSAA member­ ship rapidly toward the 9,000 member mark. Mr. Nichols also reported on the September committee meeting and received the topics discussed including enhanced chapter relations, membership promotion activities, membership services, merchandise pro­ gram, membership classifications and the commer­ cial use of GCSAA’s logo. I believe, again, that a great deal was accomplished at the Fall Board of Director’s meeting and that things are well focused, not only for the short-term including the upcoming annual Conference and Show, but also for the future. In my opinion this is a result, to a great degree, of increased input to the Association through the committee process and for your involvement in that process you have our thanks. If I can answer any questions or offer any clarification regarding this report or any other matter, please give me a call at your earliest convenience. 25 Nothing cuts like the Ransomes 5 gang reel team RANSOMES Fast-cutting, diesel-powered, all-hydraulic systems save time and money. Motor 350D ■ Kubota 38 HP Diesel ■ All hydraulic driven reels and lifts ■ 24" turning radius and uncut circle "0" ■ 11 '6 " w idth cuts 8 acres per hour F o r information or demonstration call Matt Botsford or Ed Stesny, Turf Manager at: ( 313) 541-4660 26 "CRAWLERS/' CONT. become pests. In addition, a scientifically based benefit: pest ratio has yet to be determined. Alternative management options need to be devised and the feasibility of such options evaluated. Chemi­ cal compounds can be developed specifically for earthworm control, but they may have greater adverse effect on non-target organisms than pesti­ cides registered for insect or pathogen control. All of these issues should be addressed and research carried out to answer the many questions that have arisen over the understanding of earthworm ecology. Literature Cited Bal, Robert C. & L.L. Culture. Curry and Impor­ tance of Earthworms. Cooperative Extension Service — Michigan State University, 1977. Bouman, H. & A J . Reinecke. “Effects of carbofuran on the earthworm Eisenia fétida, using a defined medium/’ Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 38:171-178, 1987. Lee, K.E. Earthworms — Their Ecology and Rela­ tionships with Soils and Land Use. Australia: Aca­ demic Press, 1985. Satchell, J.E. ed. Earthworm Ecology — From Darwin to Vermiculture. Cambridge: University Press, 1983. Tashiro, Haruo. Turf grass Insects of the United States & Canada. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987. Ware, George, W. Pesticides: Theory & Application. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman & Company, 1978. Zoran, Mark J., et. al. “Teratogenic effects of the fungicide benomyl on posterior segmental regenera­ tion in the earthworm Eisenia fetida.” Pesticide Science 17:641-652, 1986. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Richard Moen for his editorial assistance in the writing of this article. Karen Delahaut is a graduate student at the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Madison where she is studying for a master’s degree in IPM. Preceeding article from, The Grass Roots, November/December, 1989 PESTICIDE 1. Vermicides Relative Toxicities to Earthworms of Some Common Pesticides. TOXICITY LEVEL TOXICITY LEVEL PESTICIDE III. Insecticides & Acaracides (continued) TABLE 1 Am m onium sulfate Very toxic on acid soils only Mowrah meal Toxic with low environmental hazards II. Fumiqants Chloropicrin Methyl brom ide Metham sodium D ichloropropane/ Dichloropropene Very toxic at normal rates Very toxic at normal rates Very toxic at normal rates Very toxic at normal rates III. Insecticides & Acaracides Organochlorines: Chlordane Thiom azin I sotos Disulfoton Fenamiphos Chlorpyrifos Isofenphos Malathion Menazon Phosalone Terbufos Trichlorfon Moderately toxic Slightly toxic at normal rates Slightly toxic at normal rates Slightly toxic at normal rates Relatively non-toxic at normal rates Relatively non-toxic Relatively non-toxic Relatively non-toxic Relatively non-toxic Relatively non-toxic Relatively non-toxic Toxaphene H eptachlor Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isobenzan Very toxic, used for earthworm control Very toxic, used for earthworm control Very toxic, used for earthworm control Toxic at high rates only Toxic at high rates only Variable toxicity at dose rate Variable toxicity Carbamates: Aldicarb Bufencarb Carbaryl Carbofuran Dithiocarbam ate Methomyl Oxamyl Tirpate Very toxic at normal rates Very toxic at normal rates Very toxic, used for earthworm control Very toxic Highly toxic at normal dose rates Highly toxic at normal dose rates Highly toxic at normal dose rates Highly toxic at normal dose rates Organophosphates: Ethoprop Fensulfothion Phorate Fonofos Karathion Methyl parathion Very toxic at norm al rates Very toxic to some species Very toxic at normal rates M oderately toxic at normal rates Moderately toxic M oderately toxic IV. Fungicides Very toxic at norm al rates Benomyl Carbenzadim Very toxic at normal rates Thiophanate methyl Very toxic at norm al rates V. Herbicides All are relatively non-toxic at normal rates but some may be toxic at rates used to com pletely suppress plant growth. 27 EVANS MINING CORPORATION GREAT LAKES MINERALS, CORP. 1900 RICHMAN ROAD - SMITH'S CREEK, MICHIGAN 48074 1-800-332-3294 367-3021 28 ¿B&(E Btsirtlmtnrs, Jlttc. (800-888-7779) (313) 349-7779 JUtxom,