GV 975 .Al P3 Jan-Feb 1990 PI uur 6 5th Year r January/February 1990 A P A T C H o f G R E E N IMPORTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES-PAGE4 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION T ANTURF Plow Vour Wau Through Winter s snow With Amturf MELTING SALT PER BAG M o rto n D e-icin g M o rto n D e -icin g M o rto n S o u th e rn C oarse M o rto n S o u th e rn C ourse C a lciu m C h lo rid e 80 lbs. 50 lbs. 80 lbs. 50 lbs. 80 lbs. $ 3.88 2.72 4.45 3.20 14.75 PER TON $ 97.00 108.80 111.25 128.00 PER PALLET $116.40 133.28 133.50 156.80 CALL TOLL FREE IN MICHIGAN BRIGHTON, Ml 1-800-482-3130 BRADLEY Ml 1-800-632-1998 AMTURF — FORMERLY COWBELL SEEDS SAME COMPANY — NEW NAME 2 £ Sm iALS PRESIDENTS MESSAGE «« «m -------------------------------------------------- ARE YOU READY FOR THE 1990’s? state universit y LIBRAR/ES During much of the 1980’s our local and national golf course superintendent chapters expended a great deal of effort in informing our members as to how we are “Professionals” or we are “Turf Managers”. We Golf Course Superintendents may very well be “Professionals”, but sometimes I am one superinten­ dent that doesn’t feel like one. As I look at the business of maintaining a golf course, I see the need for skills in management that were not included in my education. In the early 1970’s how could anyone envision computerization, time management, organizational ability, environ­ mental awareness, budget forecasting, public speak­ ing, writing, safety awareness, purchasing, legislative awareness, etc. as being fundamental to our business as growing grass and running a crew. It’s hard to believe that anyone over the age of 35 years could have forseen what was needed to simply take care of a golf course. The MBCGCSA Board will begin the 1990’s by giving all of our members the opportunity to edu­ cate/reeducate ourselves in the practical skills (Non­ turf) to do our job, and present ourselves in a Professional manner. Your Board will facilitate group "A PATCH OF GREEN” P u b lis h e d B ¡-M on thly by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION President TOM MASON V ice-President KEN DeBUSSCHER Secretary /T reasurer JON MADDERN Directors ED HEINEMAN JAY DelCAMP GARY THOMMES JIM ECCLETON STEVE KOLONGOWSKI CAREY MITCHELSON President Emeritus CHARLES GAIGE Editor TED WOEHRLE BLAKEMAN PRINTING CO., INC. Printed At Fraser, Michigan (313) 293-3540 discussions, writing, speaking, seminars. Your Board will attempt to meet the needs of public course members and municipal course members as well as private clubs. As a member of MBCGCSA you have the ability to ask any question, make any statement, provide guidance to the Board. But, you also have an obligation to participate. The MBCGCSA has as many talented and reknowned Superintendents as any chapter in GCSAA and it is essential that we make good use of this great resource. When you are asked to participate, please do and in a timely manner. Becoming President of this great association is something that makes me very proud. I want the ability to do something for my profession and my friends. Your Board wants the ability to help our members become all that they can become. Our members want to be educated and feel as though they are “Professionals”. Those outside our profession need us to be “Professionals”. Tom Mason If you have changed your address, please let us know so we can keep our addressing plates up to date. Present Address: N A M E A D D R E S S C I T Y Fill In New Address: S T A T E Z I P N A M E A D D R E S S S T A T E C I T Y M ail th is form to : A PATCH OF GREEN 31823 U tic a Road F raser, M ichigan 48026 Z I P 3 SPEECH BY JACK D. BAILS, DEPUTY DIRECTOR MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES for: 60th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference January 16,1990 Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. regulatory issues. I asked that the Department of Natural Resources be represented in this conference. We have found ourselves increasingly in conflict with golf course owners and developers, and under growing pressure by the public for tighter regulations of golf course development. It is my perception that this conflict and pressure are unnecessary. With relatively minor changes in management practices and development plans, I believe that you can avoid the potentially difficult times that lay ahead for the golf course industry. The focus of my discussion will be “tips” on how to work with the Department and suggestions on ways to increase public conference in the manage­ ment of golf courses. Chuck Wolverton and Tom Rohrer will follow up with a detailed explanation of Let me begin by assuring you that the Department of Natural Resources recognizes the importance of golf to the tourism and recreational industry of the State. We are involved in not only regulating the manage­ ment and development of golf courses, but also assisting in financing the development of public courses. The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and the Protecting Michigan’s Future Bond Program, administered by the Department, can be and have been utilized to assist communities in the purchase and development of golf courses. The Department also administers the Farmland and Open Space Act which has benefitted some golf courses by establish­ ing their property taxes as if the land was un­ developed. SUPERINTENDENTS FOCUS ON PROTECTING NATURAL RESOURCES The environmental impact of golf courses will be a major topic of discussion when golf course superin­ tendents gather at the 61st International Golf Course Conference and Show held in Orlando, Florida, on February 19-26, 1990. Sponsored by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), the conference and show will feature seminars, speakers and forums for GCSAA members to enhance their understanding of environmental management. More than 15,000 professional turf managers and other industry leaders are expected to attend the conference and show. Some of the environmental topics to be discussed are: water quality and conservation, integrated pest management, hazard communication, underground petroleum tanks and the storage, disposal and re­ cycling of chemicals. Expert presentations on these and other topics will be made during the Friday session on “Managing Today’s Environment.” A special government relations open forum will also be held at the conference. Attended by GCSAA members, federal regulatory officials and leading scientific researchers, the forum will detail ways to monitor regulation and inform and educate govern­ ment personnel on the day-to-day management practices at golf courses. 4 But, as I said, the DNR is coming under increasing pressure by the public to more stringently regulate the development and management of golf courses. I think this pressure is a result of a perception that golf course chemicals and fertilizers are polluting our waters and that golf course developers have a disregard for unique and fragile resources. Let me emphasize it is largely, I believe, a perception problem but one that must not be ignored by the golfing industry. While this concern appears to be growing, I have seen no corresponding response from the golf course industry. Permit problems with the DNR pale in comparison to alleviating the public concerns about your golf course operation or your plans for expansion. C O N TIN U ED PAGE 20 "F or Land's Sake-'Use Peat" â0XF0BD P£A7 CO. PROCESSED PEAT C u s t o m M i x e s 1430 E. Drahner Rd. Oxford, Michigan 48051 ^ COMPANY FRED LATTA • 313/628-5991 ANOTHER GREAT QUOTE ABOUT CENTURY GOLF TEAM! w C entury SUPPLIED US WITH A DESIGN FOR OUR COURSE.... I’D GIVE THEM AN 'A' FOR IT." 66We had a lot of quotes, but we chose Century for our fully automatic irrigation They’re good business p “I liked their service and we will stick with them. They’re always willing to help. You just give them a call and they’ll come out. It makes my life easier. 66Our course gets a real workout, but it’s in better condition today than ever before. CENTURY GOLF TEAM ■ The Dependability Irrigation People 5 Ken McRae Superintendent Edgewood Country Club Union Lake, Michigan Want to get a great quote on your course's irrigation system? Call Century Golf Team today! 31691 DEQUINDRE MADISON HEIGHTS 313 588-2990 3400 JEFFERSON S.E GRAND RAPIDS 616 452-4032 22159 TELEGRAPH SOUTHFIELD 313 358-2994 AN OPEN LETTER To: All Golf Course Superintendents From: The New Mexico Golf Course Superinten­ dent’s Association Subject: THE “ACHILLES’ HEEL” OF OUR WATER CRISIS 3. We wish to share with you a summary of our discussions/thoughts/ideas/questions on irrigation management with the intent of providing a catalyst that will result in focusing NATIONAL ATTEN­ TION on our ACHILLES’ HEEL as relates to The Water Crisis. 1. The absence of a strong rebuttal to articles in national publications written by prominent leaders containing the accusation “that Golf Course Superin­ tendents tend to OVER-WATER”, (not to mention numerous player complaints) causes us to wonder: a. Are we too “chicken” to respond when promi­ nent leaders make such outrageous statements? b. Do we believe this statement to be true? c. Are we content to say it must be someone else that the statements refer to? d. Or, are we ill-qualified in this irrigation man­ agement area of our profession and, despite our disagreement, find it impossible to intelligently re- ply?. 2. For the record, we believe the answer to the above is (d), and include ourselves in this sad, but solvable situation. QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS 1. The Irrigation Association, several years ago at a seminar we attended in Dallas, Texas promised to produce a consumers guide which would provide an in-depth comparison of irrigation products in the market place; the value of which is obvious — the absence of which causes some very real questions? 2. When have you ever seen an irrigation design/- plan that provided the following: a. Guaranteed uniformity of application and/or efficiency of application expressed as a PERCEN­ TAGE. b. Cost to apply, (for example), Vi inch of water based on local energy rates/water purchases. c. ACCOUNTABILITY of the designer as relates to system performance verified by testing subsequent Don’t Wait! Until you just fertilized and the temperature soars to 90° to discover your irrigation pumps and control system won’t last the season. Avoid those summer emergencies with a comprehensive pre-season maintenance inspection. COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE IS THE GOLF COURSE PUMP & CONTROL SPECIALIST 6 Call Ed McDonough at (313) 673-0100 For more information ClMfi COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE, INC. to system installation. d. Approval by manufacturers, (pump station and irrigation equipment) attesting to the accuracy of their equipment and its performance as specified on the plan as relates to water and power consumption? e. Guaranteed “as-builts” and complete instruc­ tions for system operation relative to demand placed on pump station/stations, guaranteed total ‘run” time based on “worst” condition: analysis of the control system and its capability for daily manage­ ment — strengths/weaknesses. 3. Name a Turfgrass School that really prepares a Turfgrass Manager in the thorough understanding of Irrigation Management — Pump Stations, Systems Hydraulics, Head Spacing, System Operation, Equipment Comparisons, Fundamentals of Equip­ ment Operation and related subjects. 4. When is the last time you, or have you ever, tested your irrigation system for: a. Uniformity of water application (catchment tests)? b. Performed night long (duration of system run time) pressure tests on battery powered graph recorders at key points on your golf course and in the pump station to determine uniformity of PSI/GPM supply and effective/effi­ cient use of pump station/stations? 5. Why do we continue to see the same sprinkler with the same nozzles on different spacing from one golf course to another (too often on the same golf course?) There can only be one spacing for a given nozzle set that is truly efficient — in addition, put those same size nozzles in a different brand sprinkler and there is only a SLIM possibility that it will perform the same — IN OTHER WORDS, the often used “or equal” is a MYTH! 6. Where are the COMPUTER PRINT-OUTS of water application profiles of the various brands of sprinkler heads, each with their various nozzle combinations at the various wide range of pressures that the manufacturers list in their catalogs? the expensive decisions we make for our employer in the absence of these PRINT-OUTS MUST RE CON­ SIDERED UNPROFESSIONAL! 7. We believe improvement/accountability in system designing and an overhual of most existing systems will yield between a 20% to 55% savings in water usage. RELIEVE! 8. Other than YOU; who is accountable for the performance of these expensive, complex and in most MOST CASES (IF NOT AT ALL) very inefficient and wasteful systems??? 9. Future discussions/concepts might well be en­ hanced by remembering that in total, an irrigation system is a piece of equipment or tool, among the many that we use with which to manage our golf courses. YOU would not consider using a tee mower to do the job of your greensmower; yet BOTH CUT GRASS. WHY have so many of us been content with systems that SQUIRT water instead of demanding EFFICIENT systems that can not only apply an even curtain of water, but have the controls necessary for effective management of same; seven days a week! 10. If you think because your system is new, therefore none of this applies to you — THINK AGAIN! IF YOU REALLY CARE and all this talk about a water crisis is not just a popular topic and so much hot air — THEN, GET INVOLVED — TEST YOUR SYSTEM — NEW OR OLD. SUMMARY We believe that the WATER CRISIS will soon put you and your water distribution system under the “microscope”. If you don’t believe. . check the direction and control in Arizona — already using words like system efficiency expressed as a percen­ tage. Soooo — we can sit back and hide — give “lip service” to the problem and await the inevitable — EXPOSURE for what we are — wasters of water! . OR — 1. Each Association give top priority to establishing an irrigation education and testing project. Help one another evaluate every system in the area. 2. Lobby for National — to recognize the need for research and education. 3. Demand “print-outs” from the manufacturer, on YOUR particular brand of equipment, with YOUR particular nozzles, on YOUR particular spacing, with YOUR particular pressures at the base of the head — then TEST & COMPARE — EVALUATE. 4. Urge Professors to incorporate, as an integral part of turfgrass management courses, comprehen­ sive irrigation management classes that will fill the void which now leaves us so grossly unprepared to intelligently cope with this water and energy waste. 5. Discuss the fact that; EVEN DROUGHT TOL­ ERANT TURFGRASSES W ILL REQUIRE IRRIGA­ TION! IN ADDITION : a. By improving the efficiency of water systems NOW — we can save 20% to 50% TODAY which will be a tremendous savings during the 5 to 10 years predicted for seed production of drought tolerant grasses; and, only then IF the 13,000 or so existing golf courses choose/can afford to over-seed. NUFF SAID We don’t have all the answers — but those we don’t have, we know where to look, what to ask and how to proceed. Please do not hesitate to write our Association and share what you find — we will be happy to share our progress to date. New Mexico GCSA P.O. Box 25363 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125 Wishing us all the very best in successfully elimina­ ting our “Achilles’ Heel” — The New Mexico Golf Course Superintendent’s Association 7 Nothing cuts like the Ransomes 5 gang reel team RANSOMES Fast-cutting, diesel-powered, all-hydraulic systems save time and money. M otor 350D ■ Kubota 38 HP Diesel ■ All hydraulic driven reels and lifts ■ 24" turning radius and uncut circle "0" ■ i r 6" width cuts 8 acres per hour For information or demonstration call Matt Turf Manager at: (313) 541-4660 8 Biostimulants Can Enhance Turf , Hardiness EXTRACTS INCREASE NUTRIENT UPTAKE By R.E. Schmidt, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy at Virginia Tech Interest in biostimulant materials for turfgrass management has grown in the past few years as research has shown that biostimulants enhance turf growth and tolerance to certain environmental stres­ ses. Results obtained from the fertilizer-biostimulant studies will have economic as well as environmental impact on the turfgrass industry. Although research pertaining to the use of bio­ stimulants for turfgrass culture is limited, the results are positive. As more knowledge is obtained, biostim­ ulation will become an important cultural practice in producing and maintaining modern turfgrass fa­ cilities. The main biostimulants that are under study on turfgrass at Virginia Tech are cytokinins (plant regulating hormones) and cytokinin-like materials. In the mid-fifties, cytokinins were first identified as a constituent of plants and have since been isolated in at least 40 plant species. At first, the cytokinins were thought to be associated with cell division and differentiation. More recently, cytokinins were implicated in reducing plant aging, Wholesalers Co., Inc. •As our name implies, we are a wholesaler of tires. •We are an established business, having been in business for over 19 years. •We deliver. •We have UPS service daily. •We guarantee what we sell. •We want your business. •We have a huge inventory of Passenger, High Performance Truck, Trailer, Motorcycle, Carlisle Lawn & Garden, Industrial Tires & Tubes, Shocks, Struts, Custom Mag Wheels and Accessories, all in stock for immediate delivery. ) ^rmstroimç^ (cônnmrâjj I i r e l l i EEÜ SEr^Lir 19240 West 8 Mile Road 3031/i Hawthorne Street Southfield, Ml 48075 Cadillac, Ml 49601 Phone: (313) 354-5644 Phone: (616) 775-6666 Thank you for your past and present business. J thus indirectly enhancing plant growth. Although cytokinins occur naturally in plants, con­ centration varies with species. Cytokinin concentra­ tion in seaweed is high and extractions may be used for exogenous applications to other plants. In addition, seaweed also contains low concentra­ tions of other biostimulants such as auxins, gibberellic acid and micronutrients. SEAWEED EXTRACT Seaweed extract containing cytokinins at approxi­ mately 175 ppm and applied at 1 gallon per acre has stimulated turfgrass foliage and development. From our experience, it appears that seaweed extract via a cold water process is more active than when extracted with a hot water process. Evidently, high temperatures denature some of the biostimu­ lants. In addition to the hormonal activity of seaweed cytokinins, seaweed has been thought to play a role in chelation of metals to give soluble complexes and C O N TIN U ED PAGE 22 E lite T u rfgrass S e e d M ix tu re Triple Play is the unique blend of ryegrasses that has been care­ fully selected to meet specific needs for seeding Athletic Fields, Lawn Areas and Golf Courses. Triple Play contains the elite turf-type ryegrasses of PENNANT, MANHATTAN II and STALLION. Triple Play will produce a beautiful dark green color with excellent heat and drought tolerance. Seeding Recommendation 5 to 7 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Turf Chemicals Inc. 1011 E. Main P.O. Box 451 Owosso, M ichigan 48867 Phone: (517) 725-7145 FOR ALL OF YOUR FERTILIZER, CHEMICAL AND GRASS SEED NEEDS 9 MICRONUTRIENTS FOR TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT By Dr. Roy L. Goss Puyallup Research and Extension Center Extension Agronomist-Emeritus Washington State University The health and vigor of turfgrasses and their ability to endure stresses are totally dependent upon their environment and management programs. The factors of soils, temperature, limited growing season, rainfall and humidity are a few of the environmental concerns. Many factors make up management pro­ grams and, although there are close interrelationships between these factors, this discussion will attempt to bring out in some detail the role of micronutrients. THE SOIL FACTOR Any discussion of micronutrients is more meaningful once we have considered the soil factor. Several aspects of the soil factor are briefly discussed as follows: Texture. Soil texture, being the percentage composi­ tion of the components of sand, silt, clay and organic matter, can vary from sand to clay. Clay, organic matter and, to a much lesser extent silt, are the components that determine the cation exchange capacity of a soil. The cation exchange capacity is an expression of the potential of this soil to hold plant nutrients. It is important to remember that only ions with a positive charge are attracted to the exchange complex on clay and organic matter particles. Like­ wise, it must be noted that most of the micronutrients are cations and are held closely on the exchange complex. When we compare the ability of sand to hold nutrients as compared to clay, there is no compari­ son. Basically, sands have little or no cation exchange capacity; hence, no nutrients are held or bound on the exchange complex on the surface of sand parti­ cles. Another factor in determining the availability of micronutrients to turfgrass plants is the soil pH factor. Micronutrients are notably more available in the acid ranges than they are in the alkaline ranges (pH over 7.0). Soils with very high pH values can frequently develop micronutrient deficiencies. Al­ though iron is not usually considered as a micronutri­ ent, it is a classic from the standpoint of deficiency symptom where iron is literally bound by the high pH factor and is essentially unavailable to the grass plant. One other factor worthy of mention with respect to the soil factor is the leaching rate of nutrients with 10 respect to the texture. The leaching rate is considered to be the rapidity with which water can pass through the profile and carry nutrients with it. Obviously, sand particles, being much coarser with much larger spaces between them, will leach or drain significantly faster than heavier soils with fine particle sizes. Structure. The soil structure is simply the arrange­ ment of the soil particles. When soil structure is destroyed, there are few if any air spaces available and most of the root zone is composed of noncapillary (water containing) pores. Even when structure is not destroyed, the soil is well aggregated, and the drainage rate is normal for that particular textured soil, the drainage rate of sand is significantly higher than that for a heavier soil containing reasonable amounts of clay, silt and organic matter. For this reason, the leaching of nutrients, including micro­ nutrients, would be significantly faster in a sandy soil. Depth. The depth of the soil becomes the final factor with respect to nutrient storage. Obviously, the greater the depth of profile, the greater the root system that can be developed and explore more area for nutrients including micronutrients. MICRONUTRIENTS Any practice or program that severely restricts the root system of the grass plant can significantly influence the uptake of all nutrients including micro­ nutrients. Extremely close mowing induces a very shallow root system thereby restricting the root system to a very shallow profile where the nutrients can be removed, although at a slightly lower depth there may be adequate plant nutrients. Even when we are sampling soils for laboratory testing at a depth of 3 inches, this may be an unreliable test since the root zone may be restricted to the upper 1 inch where the nutrients have been removed; whereas there is literally a banquet awaiting the root system at a depth of 3 or 4 inches. Factors other than mowing height that will influence the root system and rooting depth would include soil compaction and poor drainage. When oxygen is restricted to the root zone, there will be little or no root development, which C O N TIN U ED PAGE12 fo" d,",e \o 40 tt e-rtSSSS-**'- g r o 40 « . - i S S S '°°'Satt,o<- » ? and 9 '0'i', |c 1o>P«'e'" - * co" pro'roa^’s . ^ e V\ne a*8 ’'¡ J sWtdV ° ' f t n a iao9!o io V ^ e- UP w e *'" ri \o9 sP'ut6\oP easV a° d 9 usP' ,de\s \pat rr\a^e pr roo( Call 731-7240 WEINGARTZ _ “WE SERVICE WHA T WE SELL 1945 46061 VAN DYKE, % Mile North of M-59. UTICA HOURS: Mon. 8:30-8 Tues.-Fri. 8:30-5:30; Sat. 8:30-5 MICHIGAN'S LARGEST LAWN A OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT DEALER 11 MICRONUTRIENTS, CONT. restricts the ability of the plant roots to absorb plant nutrients. Most soils have adequate supplies of these micronutrients since the plant requirements are relatively small; however, certain sandy soils and those with extremely high organic matter levels may be deficient in certain micronutrients. The modern trend in putting green maintenance includes the use of high quantities of sand. In some instances, the entire root zone up to 12 inches is composed of pure mineral sand with no organic matter amendment. Micronutrient deficiencies can occur on root zones of this nature very readily. It should be pointed out before any discussion of micronutrients also that high levels of many of these micronutrients can become toxic to the grass plant, notably ions such as boron and copper. Visual deficiency symptoms of micronutrients is often misleading and before remedial treatments are begun, the turfgrass manager or golf superintendent should have soil or tissue analyses conducted to verify the presence or absence of micronutrients. For example, a sulfur deficiency can very closely resemble both an iron or nitrogen deficiency symptom. Boron. Very small amounts of boron are usually found in soils except in arid regions and are required in extremely small amount by grass plants. Boron availability is very limited in alkaline soils but is readily available in acidic soils which may account for its deficiency under highly leached acidic condi­ tions. The function of boron, although not well understood, is more in the meristematic (young growing points) and in leaf tips. is a very Copper. Copper deficiencies are very common in highly alkaline and/or organic soils. Sandy soils can also be deficient in copper since they have little ability to retain this nutrient. Copper is very toxic when it occurs at levels greater that that required for plant growth. Copper is very essential in a number of enzymatic systems within the grass plant and can result in the death of the grass plant if the deficiency is severe. Molybdenum. Molybdenum important factor in the enzymatic system that functions in the reduction of nitrate. Deficiencies in molybdenum can result in accumulation of nitrate in the plant with impaired protein synthesis and can possibly lead to toxic concentration of nitrates. Molybdenum is re­ quired in very small amounts and, unlike a number of other micronutrients, is more available in the alkaline range due to its solubility at these pH values. Manganese. Manganese is required in very small quantities by the turfgrass plant and its solubility is partially controlled by acidic soil conditions and anaerobic conditions. Due to this very factor, man­ ganese becomes significant in the formation of black layer due to the combinations of sulfide ions and manganese ions which results in a black precipitate. Manganese is very important to the turfgrass plant in chlorophyll synthesis and is involved in a number of other enzymatic systems as well. Zinc. Zinc is required in small amounts and is associated with a number of enzymatic functions. It is believed to be associated with certain growth Toros Greensmaster 3000, Give Your Greens The Kindest Cut The Greensmaster 3000 is designed with their cutting units isolated from both the traction unit and the grass baskets. This unique design feature gives you a precise, uniform height of cut for superb appearance and playing characteristics. FEATURES: OPTIONS: 16 hp Kohler engine 17 hp Mitsubishi diesel Advanced hydraulics 5, 8 or 11 blade cutting units Centrally located controls Low compaction tires - Thatching reels - Powered spikers - Bedknives - Rollers & scrapers - Backlapping kit - Variable speed kit WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. Call For Your Demonstration Today TORO 1050 Opdyke Rood - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 - (313)373-8800 12 hormones and auxins and deficiency can affect leaf development. Iron. This element is probably the one most deficient in turfgrass management programs. The deficiency is most often associated with insolubility rather than an absence of the element. Iron is most deficient in alkaline soils or those high in manganese, zinc and certain other elements. Iron can also be deficient in soils with extremely high levels of phosphate; there­ fore, excessive applications of phosphate should be avoided. Other deleterious effects of excessive levels of phosphate, especially with their effect upon Poa Annua and seedhead formation, have been noted; hence, phosphate levels should be kept to a minimum plant requirement. Iron is not a constituent of chlorophyll although it is extremely important in the formation of chlorophyll. Chlorine. Although the role of chlorine is not well understood today, it has been accepted as the last essential micronutrient. There is little information available on the level of chlorine to be supplied, but rarely has there ever been observed any deficiency of chlorine. In general, the chlorine ion exists as an impurity in a number of fertilizers; therefore, there are frequent applications of chlorine, generally re­ sulting in no deficiency. SOIL AND TISSUE ADEQUACY OF MICRONUTRIENTS It has previously been stated that the availability of micronutrients is strongly regulated by the soil reaction (pH). Only a very few of our nutrients are more commonly available in the alkaline range; hence, we should carefully guard this factor closely. In general, turfgrasses will respond better when the soil pH is in the mildly acid range. In general, the writer has not observed any problems with nutrient availability in bentgrass or Poa annua putting greens with pH values as low as 5.5. Bentgrasses usually respond very favorably to pH ranges between 5.5 and 7.0. It should be advised, however, that Kentucky bluegrasses perform best at pH values near 7.0. It is extremely difficult to find in the literature and in textbooks anyone brave enough to spell out soil values and tissue values for micronutrients in turf­ grasses. These factors have been fairly well identified in many of our economic agricultural crop plants, but rarely does any refer to the turfgrass plant. The author has searched the literature carefully and has come up with what he considers the best range of micronutrients for turfgrass management, both soil levels and tissue levels. Some of these values have been taken from soil testing laboratory handbooks, but the most important factor is that these micro­ nutrients have been “road tested” for a number of years in the Pacific Northwest and we feel very comfortable with these values to prevent micro­ nutrient deficiencies. The following table shows these values which can be used as a guide, from my point of view, anywhere in the United States. C O NTINUED PAGE 15 TREE TRANSPLANTING LARGE TREES UP TO 8 ” DIAMETER ARMSTRONG LAWN AND TREE, INC. “YOUR EVERGREENS SHOULD BE MOVED NOW.” 44275 Whithorn Sterling Heights, Michigan 48078 731-5550 264-8803 13 Becoming a Certified Golf Course Superintendent isn’t easy. Getting to the top of a profession never is. You need five years’ experience before you can even attempt our rigorous written test. And your golf course has to undergo a thorough review as well. highest standards of keeping golf green. But if you and your course measure up, you’re granted the title that’s recognized as the definitive symbol of professional excellence: Certified Golf Course Superintendent. To keep it, you have to keep up with the state of the art by taking at least 30 hours of continuing education every year It’s tough. But it’s worth it to anyone dedicated to the WE KEEP GOLF GREEN. 913-841-2240 14 density of the turf has diminished? In this event, the only practical way to determine the micronutrient deficiency is either by tissue or soil test. The above table will be of value in helping to determine these deficiencies. In taking tissue tests, however, the operator must be extremely careful to collect a good representative sample of the tissue, it must be clean with no soil particles, and the container (basket) in which the clippings are caught must be very clean with no fertilizers apparent and they must be properly handled all the way to the laboratory. Likewise, the same advice is applicable for soil tests. The soil test will also be a good means of determining micronutrient deficiency provided you take into account the soil reaction — whether the soil is acidic or alkaline. There is no question that on sand profiles micro­ nutrients will be limiting if not supplied. For this reason, we have tried to develop a formulated fertilizer that supplies extremely small amounts of micronutrients with each application and can essentially be used every time a putting green or sand-based sports field is fertilized. This fertilizer formulation has proved very successful for practition­ ers in the Pacific Northwest for approximately 5 years at this point and we feel it is doing a good job on sand root zones with no deficiencies ever having been observed under this program. In conclusion, we must keep reminding ourselves that there are 16 nutrients that are required for plant growth, three of these being available from air and CO N TIN U ED PAGE 24 MICRONUTRIENTS, CONT. TABLE 1. MICRONUTRIENT SOIL AND TISSUE ADEQUACY LEVELS. NUTRIENT Boron Copper Molybdenum Manganese Zinc Iron Chlorine TISSUE LEVEL 9.0 ppm 17.0 ppm 5.0 ppm 41.0 ppm 20-40 ppm 280 ppm Unknown SOIL LEVEL 1.3-2.0 ppm 1.6-3.0 ppm 0.2-0.4 ppm 30.5-50.0 ppm 5.1-8.0 ppm 25.0-50.0 ppm Unknown Now that we have covered the academics of the subject of micronutrient adequacy for turfgrasses, let’s be practical. How does the average golf superin­ tendent or other turfgrass managers determine micro­ nutrient deficiency? Visual symptoms are quite often extremely misleading. We have already mentioned the fact that sulfur deficiency very closely resembles nitrogen deficiency. Possibly phosphate deficiency can sometimes be confused with sulfur deficiency or deficiency of other nutrients. In general, phosphate deficiency is a purpling of the grass tissue and is quite easy to diagnose. But other times it can be somewhat misleading and possibly results in slow growth rate. Deficiencies symptoms of magnesium very close resemble those of calcium and can be confused. Now, let’s consider a very practical aspect. What happens when a nutrient availability is such that a deficiency symptom is not distinct, but the growth rate and TAYLOR (313)946-8686 GRAND RAPIDS (616)784-5330 COREMASTER 12 AERATOR 1200 BUNKER & FIELD RAKE 3325 PROFESSIONAL TURF MOWER 15 Paver Installation Retainer Walls Retail Sales Repairs LLIERE ECORATIVE TONE INC. 4454 22 Mile Rd. Utica, MI 48087 Phone: 739-0020 ****EUR0PEAN ELEGANCE WITH BRICK PAVERS**** *CARTPATHS ‘ DRINKING FOUNTAIN PADS ‘ DRIVEWAYS ‘ RETAINING WALLS ‘ PORCHS *PATIOS *WALKWAYS *POOL DECKS *STEPS RED RUN COUNTRY CLUB — Royal Oak, Michigan S.D.S. has installed over 100,000 square feet of interlocking concrete pavers in various golf courses throughout the state of Michigan. Be­ ginning with the engineering, into the in stalla ­ tion to the everlasting endurance that only pavers maintain. With interlocking concrete pavers, your golf course can be unique and on PAR with the best courses in the United States and Europe. The System To Unlock Your Creativity! DECORATIVE & DURABLE RETAINING WALLS M ichigan's Largest Interlocking B rick Paving C om pany SOULLIERE DECORATIVE STONE is the ONLY 4-TIME NATIONAL AWARD WINNING PAVER COMPANY IN NORTH AMERICA. Being selected as the authorized installer of the 1985 U.S. OPEN at Oakland Hills Country Club makes S.D.S. #1! BLOOMFIELD HILLS COUNTRY CLUB — Bloomfield Hills, Michigan STEPS & PORCH CAN BE INSTALLED BY OUR PROFESSIONAL & EXPERIENCED MASONRY STAFF. LET OUR COURTEOUS & EXPERIENCED STAFF ASSIST YOU IN ALL YOUR PAVING NEEDS! 17 FROM TEE TO GREEN. ___ and HAZARDS IN BETWEEN. Trap & TopdrEssing Sands CONTROLLED TO USGA SPECIFICATIONS GREAT LAKES TOPDRESSING SAND IS AVAILABLE IN TRUCKLOAD QUANTITIES ALSO AVAILABLE —TRAP AND SPECIALTY SANDS EVANS MINING CORP. 1900 RICHMAN ROAD - SMITH'S CREEK, MICHIGAN 48074 1-800-332-3294 367-3021 GCSAA NEWS GCSAA BREAKS GROUND ON BUILDING The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) broke ground January 12 for the construction of their new $4 million headquarters complex. GCSAA President Dennis D. Lyon, CGCS, said that the groundbreaking ceremony was an important step for the future of GCSAA. “We’re excited to see the building becoming a reality,” Lyon said. “This new facility will allow us to keep meeting the needs of our growing membership for many years to come.” Joining Lyon in the ceremonial “first shovel,” were GCSAA Vice President Gerald L. Faubel, CGCS; GCSAA Secretary/Treasurer Stephen G. Cadenelli, CGCS; GCSAA Executive Director John M. Schilling and Mayor of Lawrence Robert Schumm. Part of the building’s planned 40,000 square feet will be a state-of-the-art educational facility. An extensive periodical library and advanced audio/- visual equipment will aid the GCSAA education staff in the growth and development of their programs and seminars. “It will allow us to bring GCSAA members here to Lawrence to attend educational activities in a facility that is custom-designed to meet our instructional needs,” said Colleen Smalter Peder­ son, GCSAA Director of Education. An eye-catching feature of the new headquarters will be the surrounding landscape. In addition to being situated on a championship golf course, the building will be highlighted by fountains and a wide variety of shrubs and flowers — approximately $300,000 worth of professionally designed landscap­ ing. The landscape will tie in closely with the look of the neighboring golf course. “We wanted the landscape to reflect the professional quality that our members maintain on their golf courses,” noted Schilling. The building design was completed by PKG Design Group, P.A., a Lawrence architectural firm. At the ceremony, Schilling announced that R.D. Anderson, Topeka, had been selected as general contractor for the project. Construction of the building is set to start by the end of the month. Schilling said plans call for the building to be ready to occupy in about 13 months. The new site is one mile west of the current GCSAA building, which has been located on the Alvamar Golf & Country Club since the association moved to Lawrence in 1973. Despite the relocation, the new headquarters will still overlook an Alvamar course: a new 18-hole championship layout being designed by architect Ken Kavanaugh and developed by Alvamar owner Robert Billings. The new course is also expected to open in 1991. 19 J - U - S - T 313-291-2838OShemin IT TO ME Nurseries i« FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF: . NURSERY . CHEMICALS . FERTILIZERS . TOOLS • IRRIGATION One SVtop f-ìoi ircf, DNR SPEECH, CONT. So, allow me to spend a few minutes giving you some “tips” on working with the DNR and some advice on overcoming your potential problems. First, I want to outline the commitments the DNR has made to provide information which will assist golf course developers and managers in avoiding environmental problems. The DNR promised to produce a permit application guide for use by golf course developers. We have provided this guide to MSU for publishing in the Conference proceedings. Chuck Wolverton will be discussing this guide in his talk. The guide will provide information needed to complete applications for construction of a golf course. By August we have committed to providing information on dealing with water quality issues and guidelines for the use of chemicals. What is needed in addition to these efforts is a compilation of currently available research and turf management information to develop a Best Manage­ ment Practices Manual for golf courses. We believe the golf course owners and developers would be well served to collectively invest in the development of such a manual and the Department is prepared to assist in technical review. is to avoid wetlands completely. The Some tips for working with the Department: First, Wetlands: While the information in the permit manual will be very useful to avoid development permit problems, the very best advice that I can give you law provides that wetlands can only be filled, dredged, or drained when no prudent and feasible alternative exists and where unacceptable impacts to aquatic resources will not occur. In very few cases will you be able to meet these tests. If you do meet the test, you will be required to “mitigate” or replace the lost wetlands. The cost of replacing the lost wetlands, in many cases, will be more expensive than avoiding them in the first place. There are many excellent examples where wetlands have been integrated into golf course designs adding character to the course thereby eliminating the need for permits. If your development project requires State permits, then the DNR, by law, must insure that certain standards are met — including that the project will cause no pollution, impairment, or destruction of air, land, water, or related natural resources. So, the first and most important rule is to avoid construction in regulated areas like wetlands. Second, construct adequate buffers around lakes and streams. Avoid creating runoff directly into a river and stream. Design fairways so they drain into fairway depressions or into a wetland for treatment. sheminÒ nurseries I ................. W INC HORTCULTURAL DISTRIBUTION CENTERS 6900 PARDEE ROAD TAYLOR. MICHIGAN 48180 (313) 291 1200 CONTINUED NEXT COLUMN 20 POND DREDGING SPECIALIST Off Road Trucking Wide Track Bulldozing Shore Line & Land Development GradingSWEETCO INC. 313-437-1830 South Lyon, Mi. 48178 218 Audubon You can get more powerful grub control than Chipco Mocap 5G. But it gets lousy gas mileage. RHONE POULENC INC. AGROCHEMICAL DIVISION RHONE POULENC BOB DUGAN Chipco Turf & Ornamental Specialist P.O. BOX 398 ROMULUS, MICHIGAN 48174-0398 (313) 782-0323 LOW COST DAMS SEA WALLS RETAINER WALLS WOOD • PVC VERTICAL INSTALLATION • STEEL BRIDGES MINIMAL OR NO DAMAGE TO COURSE american marine shore control 313-623-9495 21 Now, let me turn for a second to what I think you can do to address the perceptual problem that golf courses are contributing to pollution. While it is apparent that golf courses, at least in several areas of the State, have organized to promote and market their facilities, there has been no corresponding effort to create an organization which can disseminate information on the standards for environmental management and inform the industry on emerging environmental and other regulatory issues. I believe is is imperative that golf course owners organize themselves to do several things: 1. Develop guidelines for best management practices for use of chemicals. Move the industry toward using chemicals when the conditions warrant not because it is “The first Monday of the month.” Tailor nutrient applications that meet the needs of turf grasses and do not exceed the retention capacity of the soils. Choose chemicals that meet the control levels needed for pest management, that do not leave residues that are persistent and biomagnify. 2. Begin to build the necessary documentaion as an industry that your chemical and fertilizer use is not polluting either ground or surface waters. We think the research has been done to demonstrate that golf courses can be managed without creating problems — it needs to be organized and disseminated. 3. Move toward the application rates and types of ¥ chemicals which are non-mobile and quickly bio- degradeable. Make these chemicals the standard for the industry and minimize their use through inte­ grated pest management programs. 4. Begin to educate your users to expect and accept different conditions. Roughs do not have to be kept green and lush. The course does not have to be maintained so that balls are never lost. 5. Anticipate that water use, both surface and groundwater, is going to be an emerging issue that needs to be addressed. The golf course industry should expect that your use of water will be of lower priority when measured against other existing tradi­ tional uses of water. Reduce your course’s depen­ dence on water by moving toward drought-resistant grasses, and by designing your course take advantage of the moisture holding capacity of the soils. 6. In areas of the State heavily dependent on golf tourism, begin regular dialogue with the community. The committee, like the one created in northeast lower Michigan, will help to reduce conflicts and concerns. Begin this dialogue before the controversy arises. to Golf courses are almost always constructed at sites that were previously undeveloped. Whether in urban or rural areas, there will always be those people who oppose a golf course development because it will change historical land use patterns in their area. The CONTINUED PAGE 23 EXTRACTS, CONT. increase plant uptake of micronutrients. One of the most biologically active synthetic cy- tokinins is an adenine derivative known as benzyl- aminopurine, referred to as BA. We have obtained enhanced turfgrass growth with BA applications less than one ounce per acre. In our studies, BA was more effective as an anti­ aging material than an agent for promoting turfgrass growth. Possibly by delaying chlorophyll degradation, the increased efficiency of photosynthesis caused when enhancement of growth was associated with BA. TRIAZOLE FUNGICIDES In our work, too, systemic triazole fungicides, propicanazole and triadimefon, applied at 4 to 20 ounces of active ingredient per acre, have produced turfgrass growth responses similar to turfgrass treated with natural or synthetic cytokinins. Therefore, we refer to these fungicides as cytokinin- like materials. However, these triazole fungicides have been reported to act as inhibitors; that is, they affect plants as plant growth regulators do. At low concentrations, the mode of action of the systemic triazole fungicides is the production of a precursor to the biosynthisis of cytokinins. Possibly the lower concentrations of cytokinins interact favorably with plant metabolism and stim­ ulate rooting. Our research was initially designed to enhance the root development of transplanted sod. Sod that could grow roots rapidly into the underlying soil would be less affected my moisture stress. Under conditions of root stimulation, the sod would be less dependent upon irrigation and better supplied with nutrient uptake. Also, areas sodded with biostimulant-treated turf could be used sooner than areas sodded with turf not biostimulant-treated. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The use of biostimulant-treated sod would be pragmatic in situations where the turf was destroyed because of activities such as rock concerts, home shows or motor crosses and had to be sodded for an athletic event on short notice. Results from our studies have shown over 500 percent enhancement of rooting from seedling grasses foliarly-treated with cytokinins or cytokinin-like ma­ terials under greenhouse conditions. In the field, rooting enhancements of 200 percent have been obtained with transplanted sod, foliarly- treated with biostimulants. Because of the sod enhancement obtained with applications of biostimulant, additional studies were designed to ascertain if sod strength enhancement could also be achieved with biostimulant treatment to enable early sod maturing. Our studies showed root mass difference between biostimulant-treated turf and non-treated sod, but not until four to six weeks after treatment. An additonal four weeks was necessary to obtain an C O N TIN U ED PAGE 24 Worried about selective tan fescue control? Buy a 10-pack today! And, stop worrying! LESCO TFC™ Herbicide is the first product to provide selective spot control of tall fescue in Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, fine fescue, bahia- grass and bermudagrass without digging or spot­ treating with a non-selective herbicide. A water dispersible granule, LESCO TFC is convenience and accuracy in a 10 pack. Order today! Nationwide • (800) 321-5325 In Ohio • (800) 686-7413 f t LESCO, Inc. 20005 Lake Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116, (216) 333-9250 1— ri-----T~Fi— i— 7T------------------------ 22 Always read and follow label instructions before using any chemical product. wm.F.seii & Son,inc. SINCE 1923 RENTAL SALES - SERVICE ★ LOADERS ★ SWEEPERS ★ TRENCHERS ★ MOWERS ★ ROTARY CUTTERS ★ BACK HOE DIGGERS ★ BACK FILL BLADES ★ POST HOLE DIGGERS JOB TAILORED EQUIPMENT COMPLETE LINE OF MATERIAL HANDLING & FARM EQUIPMENT 262-5100 16555 TELEGRAPH RD. - TAYLOR CALL 1 Mile South of Eureka FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED SPECIALIZING IN GOLF COURSE WORK. TREE TRANSPLANTING YOUR TREES OR OURS TREE REMOVAL, TRIMMING, SHRUBS, POWER STUMP REMOVAL. Visit Our Nursery at 6220 GRASS LAKE ROAD, MILFORD, MICHIGAN 48042 DNR SPEECH, CONT. environmental concerns often become the hook for State or even Federal involvement in what otherwise would be a local land use decision. Protection of wetlands, ground and surface water, flood plains, and habitat for threatened and endangered species are issues that must be addressed in any development — the sooner they are satisfactorily addressed in the planning process, the less likely they are to become the hook for those who are really opposed to the change in land use. Finally, there are no guarantees that if you follow all the right steps the Department will issue a permit — the permits we issue are not like local building permits, electrical codes, etc. It is not just a matter of conforming to standards — it requires, particularly in the case of wetlands, that a demonstration be made that the project has met all the criteria for an exception to a State and Federal law that protects this valuable natural resource from filling, dredging, or draining. Again, my best advice for dealing with wetlands in golf course construction is to avoid them if at all possible. Golf courses provide valuable open space in urban settings and outdoor recreation opportunities. In rural and northern Michigan, they provide an essential element of our tourist industry with a low intensity land use that can complement other natural resource values. On a final note, the best defense is often an offense. In the case of golf course design, and operation there are actions that can be taken to enhance the quality of life and add permanent environmental protection. Too often golf courses have been designed and managed as rather sterile environments consisting of well manicured, exotic grasses that require intensive chemical treatment to control diseases, and animal pests. The water hazards, sand traps, trees, shrubs and roughs often have an artificial look that is obviously the result of efforts to either make the playing of the game easier in some cases or by adding barriers to increase the difficulty. Wildlife management is thought by too many golf course operations only in terms of eliminating pests such as moles, skunks, gophers, ground squirrels, mice, and even Canada geese. Designing and oper­ ating a golf course to also control pests eliminates the habitat and food supply for more desirable wildlife. Conversely, you can design and operate golf courses that enhance the habitat for certain wildlife species which enrich the out-of-doors, recreation experience most golfers are seeking. Even in urban settings, habitat for a broad range of birds and mammals can be provided that are not only attractive and interest­ ing to your consumers, but also help control unwant- C ONTINUED PAGE 25 23 EXTRACTS, CONT. increase in the sod strength. RESPONSES DIFFER Turf species responded differently to different bio­ stimulants. The biostimulants we worked with in­ creased root and shoot weight, number of leaves per plant, total number of buds initiated and photosyn­ thetic rate of Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass. Materials that most consistently enhanced growth and development of Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass were the cold water extract from Ascop- ayllum nodosum seaweed and the triazole fungicide, propicanazole. Propicanazole was the most effective biostimulant that we have applied to tall fescue. The cold water seaweed extract appears to be the best biostimulant to enhance morphological and physiological development of warm season grasses. Seaweed extract negated some of the effects of cold temperatures on bermudagrass. Zoysiagrass was best able to tolerate dessication when treated with seaweed extract. OUTLOOK POSITIVE Our most recent studies show that all of the biostimulators tested were effective in enhancing Kentucky bluegrass foliage and root development under low soil moisture. Research is continuing in this area. We are encouraged that our preliminary results indicate that the use of biostimulants could favorably influence the plant-soil moisture relationship and enhance the quality of turf grown under droughty conditions. In addition, studies are being initiated to determine if biostimulants can be used to reduce the amount of fertilizer needed, especially nitrogen, for turf culture. It has been reported that less fertilization was required to maintain production of several crops other than when biostimulants were applied. However, the use of biostimulants should not be considered a remedy for mismanagement or im­ proper turf culture practices. Improper use of biostimulants or anticipation of unrealistic results will likely cause dissatisfaction to the turfgrass manager. From THE GATEWAY GREEN, Mississippi Valley GCSA Newsletter MICRONUTRIENTS, CONT. water, N, P and K from fertilizers, calcium and magnesium are available from liming materials and sulfur is available from any number of sources including elemental sulfur materials. The other 7 considered to be micronutrients must be supplied in very small amounts where required and on a frequency that the plant does not become deficient. From HOLE NOTES Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association Top Dressing . . . An Important Part Of Fine Turf Management TURFCO Fine turf management must include top dressing as an indispensible part of an overall program. In order for the top dressing process to be effective, it must be applied properly. Turfco Mete-R-Matics are designed to distribute top dressing evenly at a controlled rate. Mete-R-Matics feature: ■Tow Type ■18.3 cubic ft. hopper ■ 60" spread width ■ 8 mph ■ 9" brush diameter • 4, four ply turf tires - Self-propelled -11.5 cubic ft. hopper - 31 1 /2" spread width - 2.5 mph - 5 hp, 4 cycle engine - 5, two ply turf tires WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. Call Today And $ave TORO 1050 Opdyke Road - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 - (313) 373-8800 24 TURFGRASS INC. Serving you better with. . Technical information Fungicide programs Free timely delivery ... Quality products Fertilizers Chemicals Seeds Spreaders & Sprayers Golf Supplies The A ndersons, Lebanon C o u n try Club, N itro fo rm , Turfgrass D u p o n t, A m p e l, C ib a -G e lg y , W .A. C le a ry , C h lp c o , D a c o n ll, M o b a y , Elanco, NAIAD , Dow, M onsanto, Bio G re e n s k e e p e r, A g rl D ia g n o s tic s , M a llin ckro d t, N or-Am , Riverdale, Pana Sea, M iller, A grl-P lex 4X N o rth ru p King M edalist T u rf P roducts C yclone, Spyker, Back Pack, W heely, S pray-H aw k Lew isline, Par Aide, Standard, Fore- Par, Yankee, U nited S tockm en, Chix, Fox Valley Safety Equipment M ine Safety E quipm ent Soil Management G rid System, TerraFlow , TerraB ond, TerraC over Markers Richway, Blazon 1-313-437-1427 Office 1-800-521-8873 (Michigan Only) Rich Locke Douglas Johanningsmeier Keith Richards Gene Johanningsmeier DNR SPEECH, CONT. ed pests by competing for food and space or by directly preying upon them. A few well designed and properly located nest boxes can attract blue birds almost anywhere in lower Michigan. Song birds of many varieties uncommon in adjacent subdivisions, may find golf courses in urban areas particularly attractive. If you are fortunate enough to attract an owl, or hawk, to your golf course the need to artificially control rodent pests may be reduced substantially. While it may be difficult to attract certain desirable mammals in truly urban courses, suburban courses and those in rural and northern Michigan have the opportunity to create habitat for both game and non-game species. The northern Michigan tourist golfer is often just as excited about the white-tailed deer, bobcat or elk they observed in the rough along the fairway of the seventh hole as they are the birdie they scored on the 18th. Water hazards are often created on golf courses when none exist naturally. Rather than designing them with no natural buffer and manicured turf to the edges resulting in over-enriched, blue-green algae ponds, they can be natural settings that provide nesting, feeding, and resting areas for migrating waterfowl including ducks, geese, and shorebirds. Where practical and compatible, golf courses can provide added recreational benefits particularly dur­ ing the non-golfing seasons of late fall, winter and early spring for hunters, trappers, birdwatchers, hikers and cross country skiers. Encouraging use by non-golfers may well expand the community support for a golf course. The Department of Natural Resources cannot require the creation or maintenance of wildlife habitat except in rare instances where it is in mitigation for the destruction of a protected resource like wetlands. However, I believe it is in both the short term and long term interest of golf course owners and mana­ gers to design and operate with an integrated wildlife management plan, as well as an integrated pest management plan. By doing so the golf course industry may turn its critics into its champions. In summary, avoid disturbing wetlands in the design and construction of your courses, take the initiative to develop a manual for best management practices, and finally, go on the offense by creating wildlife habitat that will benefit your operation and visibly demonstrate to the public the positive contribution golf courses can make in preserving and enhancing environmental values. 25 NEWS CLIPS FROM university ofQ\ I F ! P H PUBLIC RELATIONS AND INFORMATION TURFGRASS CAMPAIGN OFF TO A FLYING START The $1.5 million fundraising campaign for the Guelph Turfgrass Institute, announced at a new conference in Toronto today (Jan. 24, 1990), is off to a flying start. George M. (Mac) Frost and his wife Beth, who have owned and operated golf courses in the Toronto area since 1946, have donated $500,000 to the campaign. “Such money that is raised by the campaign will provide the institute with a research and information centre that will serve as a focal point for the Canadian turf industry and the public,” said Ron Craig, president of the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation. “The new centre will provide services to alleviate some of the pressures caused in recent years by the housing boom, increased demand for open park space and more outdoor leisure activities,” he said. Frost said that the donation “is a result of a long-term involvement in turf and greens main­ tenance and an appreciation of the importance of ecologically sound turf research and practices.” Over the years, with the help of partners and his wife, Beth, Frost developed Brookwood Golf Course, Parview Golf Club and Spring Lakes Golf Course, which was recently sold. Established in 1947, the Guelph Turfgrass Institute conducts research and extension acitivités, and sup­ plies information on turfgrass production and man­ agement to all sectors of the industry. The centre will house world-class facilities for research and educa­ tion, policy development, conferences and for public access to publications and computer-reference ma­ terial. A computer will link the facility with turfgrass centres around the world. “Most people take healthy lawns, sports greens and city parks for granted,” says Chris Ball, director of the Institute. “But environmental concerns about lawn-care chemicals, frequent watering restrictions and increased use of public playground areas demon­ strate the need for continued research into new varieties of turfgrass, as well as new production and management techniques.” The Institute is a joint project of the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the University of Guelph. Noting Guelph’s expertise in the natural sciences and agricultural research, university presi­ dent Brian Segal expresses satisfaction in “working 26 co-operatively to enhance the turfgrass industry that is so important to our province and our country.” Bill Ingratta, OMAF’s program manager for horti­ culture, says his ministry is pleased with the Institute. “We believe we are building a centre of excellence in Canadian turfgrass education and extension.” Recent research carried out by the Institute focuses on turfgrass management and renovation, weed control and growth regulation, pesticide residues, soil and nutrition and turfgrass seed production. For more information contact Ron Craig at 416-836- 0988 or Andrea Mudry Fawcett in media realtions at Ext. 3839 at the University of Guelph, 519-824-4120. Franklin D. Roosevelt started his career as a lawyer in New York. One of the first cases he was retained to represent was a particularly difficult civil suit. The opposing lawyer, a notable orator, did well in his pleadings before the jury. However, he made one big mistake: he talked on and on for hours. Roosevelt, noticing the inattention of the jury, decided his strategy. When his turn came to sum up his client’s side of the case, he merely said, “Gentlemen, you have heard the evidence. You have also listened to my distinguished colleague, a brilliant orator. If you believe him, and disbelieve the evidence, you will have to decide in his favor. That’s all I have to say.” Within five minutes the jury returned. It had ruled in favor of Roosevelt’s client. From Bits & Pieces, November, 1984 B t s i n b u t o r s , 5100D fllranb JfUlier (313) 349-7779 Jliixom, ^icljigan 4 8 096 (800-888-7779) Midwest’s Largest Stocking Dealer For R & R PRODUCTS QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS TORO RYAN NATIONAL ______________________ REEL SHARPENING COMPOUND______________________ HAHN-WESTPOINT RANSOMES FORD JACOBSEN ROSEMAN YAZOO CUSHMAN MOTT EXCEL FLVMO — POWER PRUNER — AaB-SORBOIL EMULSIFIER CALL US TOLL FREE 800- 888-7779 ONE STOP SHOP FOR YOUR SUPPLY ITEMS FLAGS — POLES — RAKES — CUPS RICO MFG. EXCELLENT QUALITY PERSONALIZED TUBE FLAGS SOLID FIBERGLASS POLES WITH SOLID IMPREGNATED COLOR FIBERGLASS RAKE HANDLE, FOAM FILLED TO FLOAT (14” or 22” RAKE HEAD - ONE YEAR WARRANTY) PUTTING GREEN FLAGS, POLES AND CUPS WE ALSO HANDLE LEWIS AND PAR AIDE AND STANDARD BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU BETTER — SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE Don Benham (Benham Chemicals), receives award for excellence in sales and service of Lebanon fertilizers from Randy Rogers, mid-west manager for Lebanon Country Club. MSU ACCEPTS DONATION — Century Rain Aid president Ernie Hodas (left) presents a check on behalf of Century Rain Aid to Dr. Jack Kelly (second from right), chairperson of the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University. The $100,000 check encompasses pledges, Rain Bird irrigation supplies for the MSU Horticultural Demon­ stration Gardens, and pumps donated for the Han­ cock Turf grass Research Facility. Also shown are Hodas’ wife Shirley, daughter Barbara Dingus hold­ ing granddaughter Lauren and professor Will Carl­ son of the Department of Horticulture. couwrvtcujb 18-4-10 w /üi n a i a d Great new combination product for more efficient use of irrigation water for healthier turf and turf growth. Special small homogeneous granular sizing for even distribution at lower Nitrogen rates. Assures you even/balanced dispersion of nutrients and Naiad. IDEAL N-P-K RATIO WITH PREDICTABLE SLOW RELEASE THAT PUTS DOWN 1# N AN D Ioz. NAIAD /1000;O R 1/2# N & V20Z. NAIAD/1000 — FAST, EASY AND EFFICIENT. FERTILIZER 18-4-10 with NAIAD TO TA L T U R F C A R E A division of Lebanon Chemical Corporation P.O. Box 180 • Lebanon, PA 17042 CONTACT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR CALL 1-800-233-0628 WATER/SOIL PENETRANT- WETTING AGENT 27 OSBURN INDUSTRIES Custom Top Dressing Blends 0 Michigan Sphagnum 0 Canadian Sphagnum 0 Sandy Loom Topsoil 0 Reed Sedge Peat ♦ TDS 2150 Dune Sand ♦ 540 Best ♦ Local Mason Sand Trap Sand 0 Best 530 0 Local 2NS Sand 0 Local Mason Sand Other Materials 0 Cart Path Slag 0 Pea Pebble 0 Decorative Boulders 0 Parking Lot Stone Call for details (313) 292-4140 Ask for Dick, Rick or Tim 5850 PARDEE TAYLOR, MICHIGAN 48180 28 AUBURN HILLS, MICHIGAN — The Toro Com­ pany announced that it has become the founding sponsor in the development of the Shrine Gardens, located on the grounds of the Professional Golfers’ Association World Hall of Fame in Pinehurst, North Carolina. The Garden was created to recognize golf course superintendents service and contributions to the game of golf. No wonder all of America’s Top 10 courses rely on TORO irrigation* You too can have a Top 10 course with Toro’s new VT3 Video Controller. With this controller, learning a special computer language or passing an engi­ neering class is not a pre-requisite. Your system can be made to do a far better job, with greater control, all at less cost (will retrofit to your systems field wiring.) Let us demonstrate it, we’ll show you exactly what it can do for you! Call Jim KoziatekToday 1050 Opdyke Road - Pontiac - Michigan - 48056 - (313) 373-8800 29 (313) 373-8800 WILKIE Turf Equipment Division, Inc. m *as rated by Golf Digest TORO APOLOGY FOR THE PRINTER The inaugural issue of the “A Patch of Green” magazine was printed in February, 1971; I don’t know under whoose inspiration the magazine was started, but over 20 years later an idea come to fruition has .become a stalwart publication for members of the MBCGCSA. A publication in which these members can look to as the bond that brings them together and cements them into a truly professional organization. It is the voice of the membership — a forum for the ways and means, the hows and whys and the do’s and don’ts that each participating superintendent (and staff) feels is necessary for the successful operation of a golf course. In short, the idea that became the “A Patch of Green” is adding permanence to the thoughts and ideas of the organization for which it is the official publication. Printed matter and its dissemination is an enduring form of communication that transcends an other­ wise world of temporary and erasable information. Tapes can be recorded over or played and replayed until unusable. Computer discs can be cleared of thousands of bytes of information in the flash of an electric shock. The paper that the “A Patch of Green” is printed on is not wholly acid-free, but is a fine paper stock that will just about guarantee that the life of this article will outlive the writer and its readers. (Newsprint is one of the highest acid-content papers and therefore, supposedly, one of the least endur­ ing, but, recent garbage dump research has found readable newsprint from decades ago — rock solid credence to the long-lasting ability of printing) And, no matter how many times this magazine is read; and by no matter how many eyes, you’re not going to destroy it by “reading it out.” In the period leading up to the American Revolu­ tionary War; before the “shot heard ’round the world ”; revolutionary fervor “was in the minds and hearts of the people” protesting various proclama­ tions issued by George III and his parliament led by Prime Minister George Grenville: October 7, 1763 a proclamation limiting the land which the colonists could expand into; the Navigations Acts proclama­ tions of 1763; 1764, the Sugar, or Revenue Act, taxing molasses brought into the colonies from outside crown properties; the Quartering Act of 1765; and the most hated proclamation, the Stamp Act of 1766. This final act subjected the colonists to being forced to buy stamps and place them on most printed matter, including, among others, playing cards and diplomas. The act gave rise to the now famous cry: “Taxation without representation is Tyranny.” The Stamp Act was repealed, but too late as the events of the coming years took place. Now, if some periwigged Britisher had stood on the docks of Boston Harbor and just yelled out these proclamations people would have definitely gotton angry. But when they read these proclamations, printed with the permanence that lithography has, they forged a nation free and of the people whose lasting legacy lives on today in the writings of Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Benjamin Franklin. These men and others led the call for freedom through pamphlets and news­ paper articles distributed throughout the “member­ ship” that was the thirteen colonies. Sure, the new American States were won with the rifle and generalship, but it was the printed word that not only enduced the revolution but gave it its togetherness and much needed cohesive nature. How else could the patriot in Georgia know that the colonists in Philadelphia were united with him in the struggle for independence unless he could read the names of those who thought as he did? from The invention in 1440 of metal moveable type in his shop and the legacy of the printed word that Johannes Gutenberg’s Bible reads grew through every word that goes into the “A Patch of Green.” Whether announcing an upcoming seminar or ads in the classified section, “A Patch of Green” is an anchor in a sea, er desk, of drifting information. The articles in its pages are for you, the reader, and it is for you that they were written. It is, therefore, your magazine. The editors and authors are sharing ideas and thoughts so as to bring them, lighter than air, imprinted onto paper heavy with ink. Heavy, which brings us to the real purpose of this “Par-ring Shot” — Advertising rates are to increase with the next (March/April, 1990) issue of the “A Patch of Green.” This is the first increase since the “A Patch of Green” went to its current 8 Vi X 11 format, May, 1985. The new rates will be: Full page, $185.00; Half page, 115.00; Quarter page, 75.00; Eighth page, 55.00; Sixteenth page, 40.00; and classifieds to 15.00 per column inch. To those non-advertising readers of the “A Patch of Green” we remind them that now more than ever, is the time to Patronize Your Advertisors. Remember, they foot most of the bill for the costs that go into publishing “A Patch of Green.” Blakeman Printing Company Incorporated wishes to continued thank patronage. the MBCGCSA for its Inspiration for preceding article from “An Apology For Printers,” The Pennsylvania Gazette, for the week of June 3 to June 10, 1731, by Benjamin Franklin. 30 The Ryan G A 30 beats the competition in versatility, speed and precision. Ryan continues to set the standard to which others compare. The new Ryan GA 30 is designed to aerate golf greens, tees, fairways, sports turf and commercial grounds. With a flexible aerating pattern ranging from 1" X 2Vi to 5" X 2Vi', you can aerate from 5,625 square feet/hour up to 28,125 square feet/ hour. The GA 30 is not only faster on the green, but with a transport speed of up to 6 mph, it gets you off the golf course twice as fast. It’s a tractor and aerator in one compact, durable riding machine. Ask for a convincing demonstration today. R Y A N BUILT TO LAST Haton equipment âkrtnce & &>aleö 151 N. PERRY PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48058 (313) 858-7700 31 Introducing the all-new Jacobsen LF-100, the 5-gang designed to increase your lightweight mow­ ing productivity. The wing mowers are up front for better visibility. So the operator can hold a closer line—even at mowing speeds over 5 mph—to take full advantage of the 100" cutting width. This unique, up-front configuration also gives better access to all mowing units to quickly empty catchers and make mower adjustments easy. Heavy-duty reels deliver a greens-like cut. New heavy- duty reel construction provides extra strength for long life in demanding fairway conditions. The fully float­ ing, 22-inch steerable 7-blade reels are heavier, to follow ground contours closely, for that smooth, consis­ tent Jacobsen cut that’s the envy of the industry. True lightweight mowing. Newly designed low-profile turf tires produce the lightest ground pressure, and the rear wheels roll on a different track than the front, so your tender turf thrives with less compaction. And the wide 4-wheel stance offers excellent traction, increased stability and a tight turning radius. Built to last. The LF-100 has a proven, rugged chassis, a durable and simple hydraulic system and liquid- cooled diesel engine for a longer, trouble-free life on your fairways. What’s more, the entire machine is backed by your Jacobsen distributor, so you’re never far from depend­ able parts and service support. See all the LF-100 differences. Ask your Jacobsen distributor for a free demonstration. Attractive lease and finance B « J A C O D S E INI plans available. Or contact: TEXTRON Jacobsen, 1721 Packard Ave., Racine, Wl 53403. € Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc. 1988 Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc _ —^ ^ GARDEN AND LAWN EQUIPMENT 25125 TRANS-X NOVI, MICHIGAN 48050 ,(A Patch of Green” 3 1 8 2 3 U T I C A R O A D F R A S E R , M I C H I G A N 4 8 0 2 6 U S POSTASE PAID j PERMIT MO 3 7 MICHIGAN STATE IBXCBBSXIT LIBRARY - SERIALS EAST LANSING, MICH. 4 8 8 2 3 ó