% ^ * & .% a Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association LET THE EXPERTS AT J. J. DILL HELP YOU MAKE IT BUY DIRECT * SAVE MONEY GET FAST DELIVERIES Your budget will buy more — in chemicals and equipment to apply them — when you deal direct with Dill. As manufacturer, formulator and/or distributor, Dill can save you money. Consistently. Dill offers the most com­ plete line of quality turf chemicals in the midwest . . complete with appli­ cation instructions. Dill is headquarters for complete lines of: • Fungicides • Herbicides • Algaecides • Insecticides • Fog- gers • Sprayers. PROMPT DELIVERY throughout southern Michigan and northwestern Ohio, including weekly shipment via our trucks covering the Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Toledo areas. Call Dill collect for information, prices, and to place orders. (616) 3 4 9 -7 7 5 5 oj CARE TIP OF THE MONTH FOR F A L L A N D E A R L Y W IN T E R .............Order your snow mold control chemicals it’s now! Don’t wait until DECEMBER. Call us for newest developments and recommendations. VALUABLE CATALOG Latest edition, up-dated in all respects. Contains a wealth of in­ formation. Lists and describes hundreds of chemicals, pesticides and equipment for maintenance of grounds and waters of golf courses, parks, recreation areas and resorts. J. J. DILL COMPANY KALAMAZOO, Ml 49005 Gentlemen: Please send your latest Turf Care Catalog. Box 788 Dept. PG-4 . STATE . .Z IP . NAME ----- ADDRESS CITY____ 4 "A Patch of Green” 31823 U tica Road, Fraser, Michigan 48026 (313) 293-3540 P u b lis h e d monthly by the Michigan and Border C itie s G o lf Course Superintendents A sso cia tio n C irculation 750 Ted Woehrle, Oakland Hills CC Editor Blakeman Publications Graphic A rts /C ir c u la tio n A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S Double P age Spread............................................ $100.00 Back O utside P a g e ...................................................65.00 Full P a g e.......................................................................55.00 Half P a g e.................................... 35.00 Quarter P a g e ................................................................ 25.00 Eighth P a g e .................................................................. 12.50 Sixteenth P a ge...............................................................7.50 C la s sifie d Ad (per in ch )..........................................5.00 DISCOUNT RATES One Year 10 % THIS MONTH S ADVERTISERS American Research Corp. C. E. Anderson Co. Century Supply Corp. Certified Laboratories, Inc. Chipco Turf Products J. J. Dill Company Gunter Co., Inc. Arthur Hills R. P. Klein & Sons, Inc. Lakeshore Equipment Lawn Equipment Corp. W. F. Miller Garden Miller Sprinkling Systems (Sisco) National Chemsearch Corp. 0. M. Scott & Sons Company Wm. F. Sell & Son Turfgrass, Inc. Turf Supplies, Inc. Terminal Sales Corp. 3 MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION P R E S ID E N T TED WOEHRLE OAKLAND HILLS COUNTRY CLUB Birmingham, M ichigan Off. 644-3352, R es. 646-8512 TAM -O-SHANTER COUNTRY CLUB V IC E P R E S ID E N T GERALD GILL 3466 Walnut Lake Road Orchard Lake, M ichigan Off. and R es. 626-8325 S E C R E T A R Y -T R E A S U R E R BOB HOPE KNOLLWOOD COUNTRY CLUB 6330 Inkster Road Birmingham, Michigan Off. and R es. 626-6062 B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S C. H. WOLFROM, JR. D ETROIT GOLF CLUB Detroit, M ichigan 530 Kendry (R e s.) WESTERN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB ROBERT PRIESKORN 721 V enoy R oad (R e s.) D etroit, M ichigan Off. KE 1-1549, R es. 721-6648 ALBERT KALTZ MAPLE LANE GOLF CLUB Sterling H eights, Michigan Off. 268-2130, R es. 463-2892 DAVID S. MOOTE ESSEX GOLF CLUB P.O . B ox 130 Sandwich, Ontario Off. 734-7815, R es. 966-1617 GARY BARTSCH PINE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB P.O . B ox 216 Orchard Lake, M ichigan Off. 681-1322, R es. 476-5852 ROGER GILL R O YA L OAK GOLF CLUB R oyal Oak, Michigan Off. 549-7125, R e s. 573-6859 P R E S ID E N T E M E R IT U S WARD SWANSON PLUM HOLLOW GOLF CLUB 29642 W estfield (R e s.) L ivon ia, M ichigan Off. 352-2436, R es. 421-8049 The President’s Message As the season draws to a close let us count our blessings of this past summer. We in M i c h i g a n have been s p a r e d m o s t of the weather extremes that experienced by m o s t areas in the country. Sure, we had some tough times with too much rain and a little touch of hot weather, but basic­ ally our courses looked better at the end of August than at any time during my five years in Michigan. This is the time to plan on impro­ ving conditions for next year. Attend all available educational programs, get in some of our lively discussions — become a part of our proud group. involved Remember that we all benefit by education. Your president, Ted Woehrle 60 Years of Golf Capped by Ace “ If at first you don’t succeed, try, try . . . Something like that. So says Vic Swanson, who has been associated with the game of golf 60 years. Vic, in all his days as one of North­ eastern Michigan’s most r e s p e c t e d Superintendents has never had a hole- in-one. He’s witnessed a few, played with partners who canned their tee shots but never quite found the 4*4 inch opening himself. That was until Friday afternoon, July 28, 1972. Playing a friendly game with Bay County Golf Course’s present Super­ intendent, John Finn and Frank Ander­ son, Swanson saw his tee shot with a No. 5 iron pull right with a little draw take a couple of quick bounces in front of the pin on the No. 3 (par 3, 165 yards) and roll in. Other witnesses were right next to No. 3 coming down No. 5 fairway, all adding to the mo­ mentous occasion. The 68-year-old Vic, now retired but still serving as golf consultant for the Bay County links, started his links association caddying at the old Bay City Country Club at the age of 8. He played his first game that summer, and his enthusiasm for the Royal and An­ cient has never wore off. He later took over as Superintendent at BCCC, then at the old Bay City Euclid Golf Course, and more recently until retirement at 65, served in a similar capacity at Flint Golf Club. This was during the heyday years of the C a r l i n g O p e n and other major tournaments which brought top pro golfers to the Vehicle City, and words of praise for Swanson and his carpet­ like greens. — Bay City Times, Saturday, July 29, 1972 ARTHUR HILLS Golf Course Architect Tony Jacklin, Design Associate 7351 West Bancroft, Toledo, Ohio 43617 419-841-4580 Box 4086, Fort Myers Beach, Fla. 33931 4 August Meeting at Edgewood C.C contact f u n g i c i d e s to prevent the development of a resistant strain of disease. Vice President Gerald Gill, Super­ intendent, Tam O’Shanter C.C., pre­ sented Ted Woehrle a token of appreci­ ation on behalf of the Michigan and Border Cities members. Great weather, a great golf course, and a tremendous dinner at Edgewood Country Club was experienced by those attending the August 29th meeting. Ken McRae, host Superintendent, was once again the great host that he has always been. The business meeting was canceled in favor of several announcements of coming events and a round-table dis­ cussion on turf maintenance problems. Moderator, Dave Moote, Superintendent, Essex C.C. of Windsor, Ontario, dis­ cussed his fertilizer and c h e m i c a l program for 1972 which prompted many questions and discussions. One thing mentioned time after time was the warning against c o m p l e t e confidence in systemic type fungicides. We are encouraged to alternate with Quite a place — A golf course with it's own DOG HOUSE — you don’ t have to wait until you get home. 5 V ice P resident Gerald G ill (right) presents wall plaque to Ted Woehrle for his work during the 54th PG A Cham pionship. — Inscription below . IN APPRECIATION of the Outstanding Performance of TED WOEHRLE and his staff in presenting the Oakland in such Hills Championship Course excellent condition for the 1972 PGA N a t i o n a l Championship Tournament. We, his fellow members of the Michigan and Border Cities Golf Course Super­ intendents Association, in recognition of his achievement and the prestige he has brought to our organization vote him this token of our appreciation. Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association August 29, 1972 GCSAA Executive Director Named Mr. Conrad L. Scheetz has been named Executive Director of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Your Executive Committee recog­ nized the need for a sound association manager at the helm of the Headquarters office. Cliff Wagoner, C h ai rma n , Richard Blake and Palmer Maples, Jr. served as the Ad Hoc Screening Com­ mittee for this purpose. The Screening Committee, activated last February, had a Herculean task of narrowing their recommendation from the 300 plus applications received, plus those interviewed, to the one best q u a l i f i e d to serve GCSAA. In our opinion, they made an e x c e l l e n t choice. The appiontment has received full support of the Executive Commit­ tee. Our budget of $610,000.00, staff of twelve, and the multitudinous activity GCSAA Headquarters is involved with requires the services of a man well founded in association management, budgets, accounting, data processing, membership services and conference management. To acquaint you with him, Connie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in commerce and engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia. He has worked extensively with budgets and data processing as Head of Budgets for the Data Processing Division of Educational Testing Service in Prince­ ton, New Jersey. During the last seven years, Connie was Business Manager of the International Reading Associa­ tion in Newark, Delaware, which was experiencing a tremendous growth, both in membership (increased over 50%) and budget-wise (which quadrupled to over one millon dollars). 6 I know you join me in welcoming look forward to Connie aboard and working with him for the betterment of the Association. - Robert V. Mitchell, CGCS GCSAA President Future GCSAA Management Seminars Dates for three of the four remaining locations selected for presentation of the GCSAA Management Seminar I on financial and budgetary procedures are announced by the GCSAA Education Committee. Locations are as follows: Columbus, Ohio — October 25 & 26 Washington D.C. — November 15 & 16 Hartford, Conn. — December 6 & 7 Chairman Ted Woehrle explained that the selection of dates was based on results of questionaires sent to chapter officers in the areas where the seminars will be held. In describing the two-day seminar, G C S A A E d u c a t i o n Director Paul Alexander explained that participants can expect to study balance sheets, cost analyses, budget preparation and controlling costs. Students will also have the opportunity to learn the vital “ hows” and “ whats” of budgeting and w r i t i n g budget reports in precise, understandable financial terms. The registration fee of $60 includes all training sessions and reference materials, two luncheons and refresh­ ment breaks. Fees and all expenses for GCSAA Management Seminars are tax deductible (see Treasury Regula­ tions 1.162-5). HOWARDFoursome One 9 two, three, four necessary operations are accomplished in a one pass w.th the all new Howard Turf-Quaker... (one) it provides complete relief of compaction; (two) opens the turf to water and nutrients; (three) permits easier movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide; (four) removes excess thatch. The result... total turf aerification for healthier turf in all seasons. This total aerification is accomplished by the unique auger- like blade pattern exclusive with the Howard Turf-Quaker. Unlike conventional slicing equipment its blades not only slice the tu rf... they also shake it vigorously from side to side right down ^ to its roots, aerating it and leaving it open to receive all the water and nutrients it needs. Turf-Quakers are available in 60" tractor mounted models for fairways and large acreage work and 23" self-powered hand controlled models for greens or lawns, M odel “ E ” . . . a brawny, hard working Turf-Quaker designed for heavy duty applications. For 35-60 H P tractors. Model “P” Turf Quakers (not shown) available for normal soil conditions. . . for tractors up to 40 H P. S O W A R D ] Write or call us today... ask about TTrrYTTrTTTTTl the Howard “ Foursome"... no other machine can do as efficient a job. M odel “ 350” . . . hand controlled, self-powered Turf-Quaker. Designed for greens and lawn maintenance . . .2 3 ' wide, 6.2 H P. Wm. F. Sell & Son, Inc. 16555 TELEGRAPH ROAD TAYLOR, MICHIGAN 48180 TELEPHONE: 282-5100 Acid Era in Turf Management from ‘THE ROLE OF LIME IN TURF MANAGEMENT’ Published by the TURF SERVICE BUREAU, Sewerage Commission the Rhode Sulphate of A mmo n i a Controls Weeds: The fad to dose turf with sulphate of ammonia and control weeds and clover by producing an acid soil with it was based on the early results obtained on the lawn fertilizer plats at Island Agricultural Station. During the first years of the experiment the plats receiving sul­ of ammonia were weed and phate clover free in contrast to the more weedy nitrate of soda plats. Both received the same amount of nitrogen. The soil on the sulphate plats was more acid, so it was given credit for eliminating clover and weeds. Golf Clubs Were First to Put Acid Theory into Practice: Golf clubs were the first to make practical use of the Rhode Island experiments. They tried sulphate of ammonia on greens and it performed a miracle. Clover and weeds disappeared like magic, turf density increased, and grass became dark green in color. Enthusiasm increased to a point where many turf authorities frowned upon the use of any other kind of nitrogenous fertilizer, and strongly condemned the use of lime. The Acid Era Died with the Grass in 1928: The reaction came with the disastrous hot, humid and wet summer of 1928. Wholesale loss of grass occurred throughout the North. All the on many turf on every green disappeared over night courses. The first impulse was to condemn sulphate of ammonia. When reason finally prevailed it was realized that soils can become too acid supposedly acid tolerant bent grasses. Lime came back into favor. Although slight acidity may be advantageous, turf authorities now concede that the maintenance of a dense turf is even more important in the control of clover, weeds, and poa annua than an acid soil. the for The Rhode Island Turf Fertilizer Plats: The Rhode Island lawn fertili­ zer test plats were started in 1907 and in 1942. The results are concluded summarized in an interesting manner the 55th Annual Report of the in Station. It states that turf on the nitrate of soda plats was unsightly because of its un-uniform character and invasion of weeds. The ones fertilized with a combination of nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia were very slightly acid, and the turf was satisfactory. “ Winter-kill” became bad in the sulphate of ammonia plats. It was in the spring of 1938. The soil was strongly acid, pH 4.0. By raking the plats severely to remove the dead grass, turf was re­ stored so there were few vacant spaces Next Page first noticed No synthetically produced fertilizer can compare with MILORGANITE G o l f C o u r s e s U s e M o r e M ILO R G A N ITE T h a n A n y O t h e r F e r tiliz e r TERMINAL SALES CORR 12871 EATON AVE. DETROIT, MICH. 48227 (313) 491 -0606 8 by the end of the growing season. Recovery of the injured area was very slow in 1939-40-41. Three times more dead grass accumulated in the acid soil (pH 4.0) and there was twice as much on the moderately acid plats (pH 5 to 6) than on the alkaline ones. The turf became “ sod bound” as a result of the matted surface. The grass on the sulphate of ammonia plats was damaged severely by lead arsenate and sodium arsenite used for worm and weed control. Little or no injury occurred from the use of these chemi­ cals on the alkaline, or the slightly acid plats. The concluding statements about “ classic” plats which were these plowed down in 1942 are illuminating: of ammonia era’ the discovery of a “ The plats that received sulphate of ammonia continuously as the source of nitrogen rather than nitrate of soda remained free of weeds and it was from the results of these tests that the ‘weedless' lawn’ dream was realized by long sought fertilizer that would grow grass and kill weeds. This gave rise to the ‘ sulphate in turf culture. But as more research was further observations undertaken and were made, found that con­ tinuous application of either sulphate of ammonia or nitrate of soda were inadvisable, due to the high acidity produced by the sulphate of ammonia, and the alkalinity produced by the nitrate of soda. However, sulphate of ammonia, when mixed with an equal weight of limestone to prevent the soil it was from becoming more acid, proved very satisfactory, and was also superior to nitrate of soda in maintaining desirable turf.” Soils are Acid Neutral or Alkaline: The chemist divides matter into three groups based on reaction. Substances are acid, neutral, or alkaline. Vinegar is acid, salt is neutral, and soda is alkaline. The degree of active acidity, or alkalinity, is expressed by pH (potential of hydrogen). The scale is from 0 to 14, with 7 as the dividing point or neutrality. Figures below 7 represent and higher ones alkalinity. Each figure differs by a multiple of 10, so pH 6 is 10 times, pH 5 is 100 times and pH 4 is 1000 times more acid than neutral. Soils fall in the range of pH 4.0 to 8.5, but more commonly within the narrower limit pH 5.0 to 7.5. Most plants grow best in the range of pH 6 to 8. increasing acidity, Active and Potential Acidity: The acids which are bad for plant growth exist in the soil solution as soluble acids, and are referred to as “ active” acidity. The pH is a direct measure of it. An acid soil also contains insoluble acids which are the potential source of soluble acids. “ Potential” acidity resides in the silt, clay and humus fraction of the soil. A sand and a clay soil may have the same pH, but more lime must be used on the clay soil because of its greater potential acidity due to its high content of the clay separate. Sand is mostly quartz, which is inert. Continued on Page 17 Ra in ^ B ir d, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO MEET THE MOST DEMANDING WATERING REQUIREMENTS OF ANY GOLF COURSE. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS (3 1 3 ) 5 4 3 - 7 7 3 0 3890 WEST ELEVEN MILE ROAD B E R K L E Y , M I C H I G A N 4 8 0 7 2 9 The Importance of Water Management by FRED V. GRAU, Consulting Agronomist College Park, Maryland many s t r u c t u r e s . Rocks are split asunder, one of the soil-forming factors. Water evaporates and, in so doing, absorbs heat and cools the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration is the device by which green plants cool and create a more pleasant atmosphere. Water is LIFE! Death comes when there is a scarcity or an excess. Floods killed 500,000 Pakistanis in minutes; Pakistani parents repaired the popu- loss in just 40 days. Deserts speak eloquently of the loss of life when water ran out. Old prospectors managed water very carefully because it was Life! We recall the Rime of the Ancient Mariner — “ Water, water everywhere — nor any drop to drink/’ We are using water at a prodigious rate. By 1980 we can expect water usage to equal re­ plenishment by rainfall, snow melt, glacier melt, dew and all other forms of water return. Where do we go from here? Overpopulation is not likely to be blamed for loss of life but lack of water could be the real cause only because there are too many people who are using and wasting too much water. In southeast Asia there is a village where the only source of drinking water is 9 miles away. Only women carry water and one wife can make one trip a day. This forces the man to take more wives who can then supply the family with sufficient water. Water runs downhill and finds its own level. A hose filled with water is a simple device for levelling and staking an area for zero grades. As water moves it erodes and carries impurities with it. It is very i m p o r t a n t to reduce erosion to a minimum so that our sources of water may not be unduly contaminated. Water is a universal solvent. It disolves rocks and minerals. It carries plant nutrients in solution. It may form 90% of the weight of green plants. Water is an essential constituent of every living cell. Water freezes. When it freezes it expands. Pressures thus created burst 10 Water boils and passes into the air as steam or water vapor, one of the many forms of water. Water is a chemi­ cal reagent entering into and becoming a part of infinite number of chemical reactions. Pure water exists only in the labor­ atory. Good drinking water may be “ pure” in the medical or pathological sense but the “ goodness” of drinking water is created by dissolved minerals and impurities. “ Pure water” is flat and uninteresting. Water has tensile strength similar to some kinds of steel. It would take a pull (force) of 210,000 pounds to rup­ ture a column of water one inch square. Desalination (de-salting) of brackish water is gaining ground. Cost is now the big drawbackl In Texas during a drought water sold for 50<£ a gallon. In New York not long ago you got water with your meal only if you requested it. On Long Island there are some 7,000 Recharge Basins V2 to 34 acre in size, 12-15 feet deep with porous bottoms- that collect water from highways, roofs, shopping centers. The water soaks into the soil, recharging the ground water and keeping out the salt water from the Sound. In life we have a closed cycle of water, oxygen and carbon dioxide with hydrogen atoms going back and forth where needed, all driven by sunlight, the ultimate source of power. In South Africa they are “ milking” Continued on Page 15 RAKES TURF AND VACUUMS IT CLEAN RAKEOVAC FROM TORO [. I Anderson To Arrange For A Free Demonstration Call: PHONE: 353-5300 23455 TELEGRAPH ROAD SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48075 The Mode of Arsenicals Action in the Soil by CECIL F. KERR, Chipco Turf Products Manager pollution of lakes and streams. Arsenicals are widely distributed in nature. Soils contain naturally arsenic values from 0.2 to 40 ppm. Arsenic is very similar to phos­ phorus. F a c t o r s w h i c h affect the behavior of phosphate in the soil will also affect the behavior of arsenate. Phosphates and arsenates are either fixed or abosrbed by p l a n t s . F i x a t i o n is greater in a fine silty c l a y c o l l o i d a l soil. Chelated iron and zinc i n c r e a s e fixation of arsenic. The addition of iron and zinc to the soil will decrease available arsenicals by i n c r e a s e d arsenic fixation and should insure a more gradual removal of Poa annua. Liming the soil increases the dis­ placement of phosphate by arsenate. The availability of a r s e n a t e s and P2O5 is increased as the pH increases as the pH increases to pH of 7. Some crops are injured by concen­ trations of arsenicals, especially on light sandy soils, however, most plants thrive on accumulations of arsenicals. The yields of peas, radishes, wheat, potatoes, turnips, sorghum, soybeans and cotton are increased on heavy soils, such as Davidson clay loam, even with applications of 1000 pounds calcium arsenate per acre. High levels of phosphate will over­ come arsenate by antagonistic action. Increasing phosphate levels caused less arsenic to accumulate in the plant. Both phosphorus and arsenic accumu­ late in surface soils. Neither phos­ phorus or arsenic appreciably leach in the soil. They do not contribute to 12 Bent, bluegrass, zoysia, bermuda and fescue grasses are e x t r e m e l y tolerant to arsenical formulations. Most researchers tri-calcium arsenate for Poa annua, crabgrass and and soil insect control. recommend There is no acceptable substitute for tri-calcium arsenate for effectively controlling Poa annua. All other ma­ terials seriously injure bent. Over­ seeding is not possible with most other chemicals. Professional golf course Superin­ tendents have a thorough knowledge of their soil type, pH, phosphate level, zinc and iron requirements and are now able to compute the approximate arsenic needed to control Poa annua in their soil by atomic absorption spectrometry. With repeated applications of tri- calcium arsenate, small amounts of arsenicals become available to the plants, gradually removing Poa annua over a period of years. Control is main­ tained with light annual applications (2 to 3 lbs. 48% tri-calcium arsenate per 1000 sq. ft.). Golf Course S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s throughout the United States have, for years, safely used tri-calcium arsenate on an individual prescribed basis to to control Poa annua, crabgrass, chick- weed and harmful soil insects. They manage turfgrass as an anti-pollutant, as a basic oxygen producer and as a prime erosion control agent. The prescribed usage of arsenicals eliminates unsightly weeds and harmful insects on golf courses c r e a t i n g a beautiful environment, enabling our population to enjoy both nature and recreation. CHIP-CAL" TRI-CALCIUM ARSENATE full and a line of Turf improvement products for use by the Golf Course Superintendent. Including: • BUCTRIL* BROMOXYNIL • TURF KLEEN •MCPP Chipco Turf Products New Brunswick, NJ 0 89 0 3 L o c a lly A v a ila b le Through: Terminal Sales Corp., 12871 Eaton Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48227 (313) 491-0606 13 BUCKNER SPRINKLERS & AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS OUR SPECIALTY: IRRIGATION FOR THE MIDWEST Our 1972 General Catalogue Contains Hundreds of Items for Irrigation Write or Call for your Copy Today! Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Co. Division of A. J. MILLER, INC. è ?LAJCO E N G I N E E R E D R A I N DETROIT AREA 1316 N. Campbell Road Royal Oak, Mich. 48067 (313) 548-7272 CHICAGO AREA 1738 Armitage Court Addison, III. 60101 (312) 629-7730 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION? Fill in the questionaire below and mail to: N A M E O F I N T E R E S T E D P E R S O N D A T E a l b e r t k a l t z Maple Lane Golf Club Sterling Heights, Michigan 48077 Ph6ne: Off. 268-2130, Res. 463-2Ü92 M A I L I N G A D D R E S S ________________________________________________________ C I T Y ____________________________________ S T A T E _______________ Z I P _____ Or you may contact the next golf course supplier who calls on you and give him the information needed for application. 14 Water Management Cont. the clouds to obtain water. Huge nylon nets are suspended on tops of moun­ tains to c o n d e n s e the moisture in clouds that pass over but never drop any rain. Microorganisms need water. There are times when soil pores b e c o m e clogged with the bodies of living and dead microbes. This is true especially when water is present continuously in excess. Soils become more friable when they enjoy cycles of wetting and drying. Soils that are continuously wet become “ sour” and unproductive. Only the anaerobic organisms persist — the ones that create substances toxic to grass. It is not possible to “ partially wet” a soil. Irrigation consists of saturating the surface to a depth determined by duration and quantity. With drainage and percolation water moves downward pulling air into the soil pores. Roots of grass must have oxygen. With continued p e r c o l a t i o n and plant usage the “ saturated” soil moves into the “ field capacity” range where plants grow best. With no further water applied as rain or by irrigation all available water is used and we reach the “ wilting point.” Some plants die very soon after this — others can tolerate days and weeks at the wilting point and return to normal upon resumption of irrigation. In preparing for this paper I re-read USD A Yearbook on “ WATER” ; Turf M a n a g e m e n t by Musser; Turfgrass Science, American Society of Agronomy Monograph No. 14; many bulletins and a delightful book, “ On the Shred of a Cloud” by Rolf Edberg translated from the Swedish. I urge each one of you to re-read all you can on the subject of WATER. We don’t have much time left. A baby born today will polute 3 million gallons of water in his lifetime. Providing food, goods, and services for this baby will polute another 30 million gallons. Hawaii As a nation we are running out of water! We must learn to conserve it, to reuse it, to recycle it as never before. is blessed with an abun­ dance of good water but turf is being ruined by the excessive and wasteful use of water. Now, with automated water systems, we anticipate an even greater misuse of water. We can only hope that those who manage these new systems will exercise restraint. A new system of “ Drip Irrigation” now being practiced in C a l i f o r n i a claims to use 60% less water with superior results. We can hope to adopt something like this to turf. An example of water management can be cited on a course in the Mid Atlantic area. Two years ago it was mostly soggy Poa annua with some struggling bent and bluegrass. With minimum irrigation, the introduction of new ryegrasses and improved blue- grasses, and a slow-release fertilizer program we now have nearly solid blue- Next Page GUNTER CO., INC. D-12495 DIXIE HWY. HOLLY, MICHIGAN 313-634-4812 6 O --------------------------------------- GOLF COURSE 1 CONSTRUCTION C O M P L E T E G O L F C O U R S E C O N S T . R E M O D E L IN G E X IS T IN G C O U R S E S IR R IG A T IO N S Y S T E M IN S T A L L A T IO N C O N V E R S IO N O F E X IS T IN G S Y S TE M S 15 CALL LAKESHORE COLLECT (216) 651-1600 FOR ALL YOUR TURFGRASS SUPPLIES - QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST - - CHECK OUR PRICES - LAKESHORE E Q U IP M E N T & S U P P L Y C O . 10237 B E R E A R O A D C L E V E L A N D , O H I O 4 4 1 0 2 YOU’ RE ENTITLED TO THE BEST golf course CHEMICALS (You’ll get it - and more!) HERB CARSON AMERICAN RESEARCH CORP. 11840 MAYFIELD AVE. L IV O N IA , M ICHIGAN 48150 (313) 522-2400 - EXT. 2401/2402 Turf Care the GRANULAR WAY Controlled Release Fertilizers Fertilizer-Pesticide Combinations Fungicides/Herbicides/lnsecticides —• — Granular Spreaders LELY/SCOTTS/GANDY Turfgrass Seed High Quality/Wide Selection ProTurf Charles Crowley 1120 Jefferson Street Lapeer, Michigan 48446 Phone; 313/664-8266 Water Management Cont. grass fairways with no Poa annua. It took courage to let the fairways get dry but the Poa annua died and the other grasses held on. Water, when needed, was the secret of success. In 1946 Jim Watson started his work on water on turf under the late Prof. Musser. His Ph.D. thesis summarized four years of work which said in effect, “ Water is needed only so fast as the soil will absorb it." About the time aerification became feasible and we learned how to cultivate turfgrass soils to let more water into the soil. This was a big step forward in Water Man­ agement. Drought years in 1963, 1964 and 1965 in the Northeast created an up­ surge in the installation of irrigation systems. Water was thought to be the answer to the problem. A survey con­ ducted in 1968 by Dr. Harper, Penn State, showed that irrigation produced a whole new set of problems. 77% reported decrease in Kentucky blue and red fescue. 81% reported (some indicated 90 to 100%) Height of cut had to be lowered. 78% said that mowings were doubled. 22% said that mowings were tripled. Weeds increased, there was more thatch buildup, new grasses had to be intro­ duced, renovation became necessary, fungicide use increased, and fertilizer requirements doubled and trebled. in Poa annua increase Water provides films around solid particles which act as a lubricant. With traffic the soil particles become re­ arranged in the d i r e c t i o n of more compaction. Pore spaces were reduced from 33.1% to 6.1% in one study. The weight of the non-compacted soil was 68 pounds per cubic foot. After compac­ tion the same soil weighed 112 lbs. Roots of turfgrass have been found at considerable depths when there is good sub-surface drainage, where the soil is permeable and water has been used in moderation. In California the roots of Merion bluegrass were drawing moisture below 3 feet. Roots of bent- Next Page 16 Wafer Management Cont. grasses on putting greens have been found to be active below 12 inches. The secret is p e r m e a b i l i t y , good drainage, and good water management. “ Water as Needed” includes syring­ ing to bring g r a s s e s out of a wilt condition. A quick syringe with cool water provides cooling and life-saving oxygen. More oxygen is dissolved in in cool water than in warm water. Per­ haps one great failure of automatic irrigation systems is the ability of the turfgrass manager to syringe all areas quickly early in the morning to wash off dew and water of guttation. Guttated water (that which is forced from open­ ing in the plant by root pressure during the night) contains rich nutrients which is ideal for the growth of fungi. When left on the plant there may be burning of the leaves when the moisture evapo­ rates and the salts are left behind on the leaves. Syringing washes these nutrients into the soil where they are recycled through the plants. Acid Era Cont. Phosphates Most Available in Very Slightly Acid Soil: The availability of applied phosphate fertilizer is reduced by soil acidity. Truog says the critical point is 6.2. When the soil is more acid, the phosphoric acid is precipi­ tated as relatively insoluble iron and and aluminum phosphates, rather than the more mobile calcium salt which is formed when the soil reaction is above pH 6.0 to 6.2. Acidity Increases Solubility of Trace Elements: The solubility of the trace elements such as copper, man­ ganese, iron, etc., increases as soils become more acid. Copper poisoning of the turf when Bordeaux mixture was used for disease control was aggra­ vated by the use of ammonium sulphate to increase soil acidityrAn application of lime would have precipitated the copper and reduced or eliminated its toxicity. Over-liming, especially with hyd­ rated lime, may depress turf growth. Next Page 17 R.P.KhinGSons, Inc. TURF EQUIPMENT Serving Eastern Michigan Blades Broadcasters Chemicals Fertilizers Rakes Rollers Seed Seeders Shreaders Sprayers P.V.C. Pipe & Fittings Reliable & Fast Service for Jacobsen and Toro Equipment. Please call us for Prices & Literature 54 Brown Street C roswell, Mich. 48422 373/679-2700 679-2701 TURFGRASS, INC. 365 WOODLAND DR. SOUTH LYON, MICH. 48178 PHONE: 437- 1427 PROGRAMS FOR FINE TURF T o p - D r e s s i n g C h e m i c a l s C r a s s S e e d F e r i i I i z e r S o d F u n g i c i d e s H e r b i c i d e s S t o l o n s G e n e r a l S u p p l i e s I n s e c t i c i d e s E U G E N E D . J O H A N N IN G S M E 1ER C O N S U L T I N G A G R O N O M I S T FOR THE LATEST & BEST CALL TURF SUPPLIES,inc 6900 PARDEE, TAYLOR, MICH. 48180 • Agrico Country Club Fertilizers • NEW DuPont Tersan 1991 (Benlate) • The 3 other Tersan Fungicides, plus Daconil 2787, Acti-Dione & Fore! • The Best in Bulk Grass Seeds • Weed Killers, Insecticides, Sprayers and 1 inch Hose. (313) 291-1200 GOLF COURSE CHEMICALS Donald Benham NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH CORP. 5589 Abington Road Birmingham, Michigan 628-1111 You Can RELY ON L A B O R A T O R IE S . IN C . FOR TURF CHEMICALS CALL ARNIE COLLENS 2 7848 K E N D A L L W O O D F A R M I N G T O N , M I C H 4 8 0 24 P H O N E : (313) 4 7 7 -4 5 9 5 18 Acid Era Cont. The lime makes all the trace elements iron, manganese, copper, such zinc, i n s o l u b l e and hence unavailable. But the other extreme of too much acidity may create a defi­ ciency of calcium and magnesium. as etc., effect upon Soil Granulation Depends Upon Soil acidity has an Reaction: Marked the physical adverse condition of loams and heavier soils. The minute silt and clay particles exist as separate individuals in acid soil, but form compound granules in the presence of calcium. The granules act like larger particles in their effect on soil s t r u c t u r e , but retain the desirable chemical properties of the colloidal silt and clay particles. Stabilizing Action of Silt and Clay: Management is simplified when the soil contains a small amount of the silt or clay separate. Both have acidic and basic properties and are great soil stabilizers. Both containing a little clay or silt tend to resist change. It is the reason for the slow and gradual change in reaction following applica­ tions of acid fertilizers or lime. The c h e m i s t calls this p r o p e r t y the “ buffer” capacity of the soil. It is a wise provision of nature. Except for this buffering ability, plant growth and crop production would be a trying and difficult task. Some of the soil fluctua- caused by foolhardiness of man might be too violent for the plant to survive. Humus Has Beneficial Buffering Action: The soil humus has a high buffer capacity, and is similar to silt and clay in that respect. This fact is often overlooked. The effect on water-holding capacity and on soil structure are the ones usually stressed. ignored or Acid Soils Occur in Humid Regions: Acid soils develop where the annual rainfall is more than twenty inches. Calcium and magnesium are leached out of the surface by the rain water as it passes down through the soil. A high rainfall and a low content of in the parent material make calcium conditions for the creation of ideal strongly acid soil. Model-tyM 5 T u rf Sweeper by j u RfT S ck c Now!c4 SFull cftve-ffoot Engine: 12 HP Frame: welded structural steel Hopper: 5 cu. yards Welded steel construction Overall: Width 5'-4" * PICKS UP EFFICIENTLY * FULL 5' SWEEP * HUGE HOPPER CAPACITY * EASY DUMP * FLOATING SCOOP * EASY TRANSPORT * LOW MAINTENANCE * PICKS UP WET OR DRY C A U L F O R A D E M O N S T R A T IO N (31 3 ) 398 - 3636 LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 520 W EST 11 M IL E R O A D R O Y A L O A K , M IC H IG A N 48068 19 MODEL =U00 SPECIFICATIONS: SEEDER 548-100 Aero-Blade Specifications...........See 548 Aero-Blade above. Seeding Width...........................................................................48 in. Hopper....................................................................100 lb. capacity. Frame.........All welded steel, hopper bolted to seeder frame. Seed Spacing.................................................. .... .3 in. seed rows. Seed Agitator......................% shaft, chain driven from discs. Feed Roll...........Cast and matched with gear and feed gate. Seed Housing Gear..................................................................Cast. Feed Gate....................................................................................Cast. Seed Tubes.......................... 16 tubes with rubber connecters. Power....................................................... Ground driven by discs. Drive .......................................................................................... Chain. Drive Discs. .12 in. steel with spring scraper to clear tubes. Dirt Scrapers........................ Spring loaded keeps discs clean. Bearings.................................................Sealed and self aligning. Flo-rate Gauge.........Adjustable— for flow rate and seed size. Shipping Weight.................................................................... 400 lbs. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Seed Flow Speed U p............. A 57 pitch sprocket is available which doubles the rate of seed flow. W. F /HillerGARDEN AND LAWN EQUIPMENT COMPANY BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 "A Patch of Green” 3 1 8 2 3 U T IC A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC H IG A N 4 8026 ( O U S POSTAGE ) — PAID I PERMIT NO. 37 Dr. Ja n e s jj. Board Department of Crop Michigan State University? h a s t Lansing„ Mich, 488*? S c ie n * J P H