Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association LET THE EXPERTS AT J. J. DILL HELP YOU MAKE IT “agf’ptJi' BUY DIRECT • SAVE MONEY GET FAST DELIVERIES Your budget will buy more — in chemicals and equipment to apply them — when you deal direct with Dill. As manufacturer, formulator and/or distributor, Dill can save you money. Consistently. Dill offers the most com­ plete line of quality turf A chemicals in the midwest . . complete with appli- cation instructions. is headquarters for complete Dill lines of: • Fungicides • Herbicides • Algaecides • Insecticides • Fog- gers • Sprayers. PROMPT DELIVERY throughout southern Michigan and northwestern Ohio, including weekly shipment via our trucks covering the Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Toledo areas. Call Dill collect for information, prices, and to place orders. (616) 349-7755 VALUABLE CATALOG Latest edition, up-dated in all respects. Contains a wealth of in­ formation. Lists and describes hundreds of chemicals, pesticides and equipment for maintenance of grounds and waters of golf courses, parks, recreation areas and resorts. KALAMAZOO, Ml 49005 J. J. DILL COMPANY Gentlemen: Please send your latest Turf Care Catalog. Box 788 Dept. PG-4 NAME ----- ADDRESS C ITY_____ . STATE. .Z IP . ofGWfc TIP OF THE MONTH IT'S SPR IN G ................ Now is the time for broad leaf control with KLEEN TURF MCPP and 2,4-D AMINE. Spray now for leaf spot, F L O W A B L E MANEB is a good choice. Start now for broad spec­ trum systemic control — Call us for the newest developments and recom­ mendations. " A Patch of Green” 31823 Utica Road, Fraser, Michigan 48026 (313) 293-3540 Published monthly by the Michigan and Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association Circulation 1,050 Ted Woehrle, Oakland Hills C.C. Clem Wolfrom, Detroit Golf Club Co-Editors Blakeman Publications Graphic Arts/ Circulation A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S Double Page Spread................................... • 100.00 Back Outside Page..........................................65.00 Full Page..........................................................55.00 Half Page..........................................................35.00 Quarter P age.................................................... 25.00 Eighth Page......................... 12.50 Sixteenth Page................................................... 7.50 Classified Ad (per inch)................................... 5.00 DISCOUNT RATES One Year 10 % THIS MONTH’S ADVERTISERS A g rico (Bud Camp) Am erican Research Corp. C entury Supply Corp. C ow bell Seeds, Inc. J.J . D ill Company D olom ite Products Company Lakeshore Equipm ent W .F. M ille r Garden M ille r S prinkling Systems (Sisco) O.M. Scott & Sons Company Rhodia (Chipman D iv is io n ) Term inal Sales Corp. T urfgrass, Inc. T u rf S upplies, Inc. W ilkie T u rf Equipm ent Co. 3 MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION P R E S I D E N T O AK LA ND H ILLS COUNTRY C LU B TED WOEHRLE Birmingham. Michigan Off. 644-3352. Res. 646-6512 V I C E P R E S I D E N T GERALD GILL TAM -O-SHANTER COUNTRY C LU B 3466 Walnut Lake Road Orchard Lake, Michigan Off. and Res. 626-8325 S E C R E T A R Y - T R E A S U R E R BOB HOPE KNOLLW OOD COUNTRY C L U B 6330 Inkster Road Birmingham. Michigan Off. and Res. 626-6062 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S C. H. WOLFROM, JR. D ETROIT G O LF C LUB Detroit, Michigan 530 Kendry (R es.) ALBER T K ALTZ M APLE L A N E GOLF C LUB Sterling Hgts.. Michigan Off. 268-2180, Res. 463-2892 ROGER G ILL R O YAL OAK G O LF C LUB Royal Oak, Michigan Off. 549-7125. Res. 578-6859 GEORGE W. PRIESKORN 5341 Brighton Road (R e s.) Brighton, Michigan 48116 BURROUGHS FARMS GOLF C LUB Res. 227-1381 WILLIAM W. MILNE COUNTRY C L U B OF DETROIT 220 C.C. Drive Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Off. 881-8000. Res. 886-9319 DONALD LA FOND BAY PO IN TE G OLF C L U B 3635 Union Lake Road Union Lake, Michigan Res. 363-1142 P R E S I D E N T E ME RI TU S WARD SWANSON PLUM HOLLOW GOLF C LU B 29642 Westfield (R es.) Livonia, Michigan Off. 352-2436, Res. 421-8049 Tfeddy Temper We can’t do anything about Teddy Temper. But when weed, insects and disease show up on your turf, we have something for almost everyone of them. ChipcoTurf Kleen. Chipco Turf Herbicide MCPP. SUP’R FLO Maneb Flowable. Chipco Microgreen Liquid. Chip-Cal Granular. And Chipco Spot Kleen. Everything to help keep vour greens (and fairways) in the pink. From Rhodia Chipco Products. “He s not just another duffer. He s chairman of the greens committee. ” 4 The President’s Message [ Jk The door has been opened. L e t’ s walk through and make the most o f the opportunity to advance our profes- sion with the help of the GAM. The combined i M meeting o f the Michigan and Border Cities G olf Course Superintendents Association and the G olf Association of Michigan held at Oakland H ills Country Club last month was one o f the best efforts put forth in a long time. We were able to tell our story to about the people for the in operation Michigan. The story was told in a professional manner and our mission was accomplished. automatic irrigation that are responsible the g o lf courses o f I would like to take this opportunity to thank the officia ls o f the GAM for i their participation in this educational endeavor. I would also like to thank the panel members for their time and effort in preparing their portion o f the program. You should be proud o f your presentations. should have interest. This Now that we have established our the golfing intentions o f educating community, we little trouble in the future in preparing other subjects o f type o f meeting could be very helpful during times o f stress during the golfing to discuss mutual problems. season This would also its e lf to the discussion o f new products and ma­ terials for the maintenance o f our go lf courses. lend Your President, Ted Woehrle Joint Meeting with GAM Huge Success Oakland H ills Country Club was the site o f the meeting on Automatic Irrigation as presented by the GAM and the Michigan and Border C ities G olf Course Superintendents Association. Wednesday, April 4th, was the date that 175 interested members o f the golfing community came to hear the latest on the subject o f automatic irrigation systems for the g o lf courses o f Michigan. The kickoff was presented by Dr. James Beard o f Michigan State and he covered the Subject o f “ Why Water?” He gave us many reasons for watering and the influence o f the water on the Continued on Next Page Left; Jim Standisti, Executive Director, GAM. and Mr. Charles Chapman, Honorary Chairman, Greens Committee, GAM and member of C.C. of Detroit. 5 Joint Meeting Cont. well being o f the turf. He covered the proper the turf during hot days and the reasons for using the proper amounts o f water at the right time. timing of syringing facing Next B ill Milne, Superintendent o f the Country Club o f Detroit told us about “ The frustrations o f the Superin­ tendent” . B ill discussed the many problems the Superintendent daily, as he must make the decision o f what to water, when to water, and how much to water. He delved into the many problems facing the Superinten­ dent concerning labor. He pointed out the difficu lties in obtaining reliable help. The difficulty of conveying your message to the night water man was also discussed. B ill also mentioned how difficult it is, and sometimes how impossible it is, to water exactly the way we want to. Our next speaker was Jim Vince o f Irrigation Supply Co. the Sprinkler telling us what is presently being used in the Michigan area in the way o f irrigation equipment. He mentioned few Clubs are the fact presently the interest in automation was present. This is one of the main reasons for this meeting. An attempt was being made to help the interested people in avoiding some o f the pitfalls that other areas had found themselves in. that very automated but that Speaker Jim Vince, Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Company. dent C.C. of Detroit and Dr. James Beard, MSU. The next speaker to appear on the program came to us all the way from California. He was the National Sales Manager from the Rain Bird Manufac­ turing Corporation, Glendora, C ali­ fornia. His message was to tell us how to go about automating our systems but without going into the “ nuts and bolts” o f the actual installation, His presentation in another part o f this issue. Walter Wilkie followed with his outstanding covering “ Lessons We Have Learned” . The information presented was the result presentation is covered Continued on Page 8 Left to Right: Speakers Ernie Hodas, of Century supply, and Ed Shoemaker, of Rain Bird Mfg. 6 Agrico puts you eighteen Agrico Country Club fertilizers will help you get the most out of your up on the competition, before the golf course... the most people, the most wear, the most green. We've spent a lot of time developing a custom-tailored program for your golf course. We sincerely believe that it's the best there is. If you want a greener, competition even begins thicker golf course, use Agrico. And you can stay eighteen up all year long. Agrico Representative: Bud Camp Phone (219) 485-6828 See your Agrico Country Club Products Distributor 7 uni earliest recollections fitful scarcely higher in intelligence than the minute tenant o f that mimic wilderness, our are o f grass; and when the fever is ended and the foolish wrangle o f the market and is closed, grass heals over the scar which our descent into the bosom o f the earth has made, and the carpet o f the infant becomes a blanket o f the death. forum Grass is forgiveness o f Nature - her constant benediction. Fields trampled with battle, saturated with blood, tom with ruts o f cannon, grow green with grass, forgotten. Streets abandoned by traffic become grass-grown, like rural lanes, and are obliterated. Forests decay, harvests flowers vanish, but grass is perish, Continued on Page 10 carnage and is ' Dr. James Beard, left, discussing the program with Walter Wilkie, of Wilkie Turf Supply and speaker on “ What We Have Learned.“ 8 “ Next in importance to the divine profusion o f water, light and air, those three physical facts which render existence possible may be reckoned the universal beneficience o f grass. the sunshine among the Lying buttercups and dandilions in May, in CALL LAKESHORE COLLECT (216) 651-1600 FOR ALL YOUR TURFGRASS SUPPLIES - CHECK OUR PRICES - - QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST - LAKESHORE E Q U I P M E N T & S U P P L Y CO. 1 0 2 3 7 B E R E A R O A D C L E V E L A N D . O H I O 4 4 1 0 2 Joint Meeting Cont. o f a nationwide survey that Walter conducted last year concerning the thoughts o f Superintendents that had operated automatic irrigation systems over the last year or two. What changes would they make. What didn’t they like about their present system. What did they like about it. Other questions were also discussed and we w ill be covering these in future articles. Lastly, we discussed the economics o f an automatic irrigation system. This subject was handled in an excellent manner by Ernie Hodas o f the Century Supply Corp. He covered many o f the questions that the audience wanted to hear. It was determined that an auto­ matic irrigation system is expensive but well worth the money because the water is put into the hands o f the Superintendent and he w ill be able to do a much better job o f maintaining the turf with this new tool. The mem­ bers w ill be much happier and the course w ill be more beautiful. FEED A TREE 20 FEET TALL IN JUST FOUR MINUTES . . . lobe*/ Terminal Sales Corporation 12871 EATON AVENUE □ DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48227 PHONE (313) 491-0606 or YOUR GOLF COURSE DEALER How Do We Go About Automating Our Irrigation System by ED SHOEMAKER, National Sales Manager, Rain Bird Manufacturing Corp* people involved: In the successful installation o f an automatic irrigation system there are many designer, manufacturer, distributor, contractor, go lf green chairman, and board o f directors or owner as the case may be. A ll play a very important role in this process and we all see our individual role from a different viewpoint. superintendent, course Four blind men were “ viewing” an elephant for the first time: The first was feeling his tail and said, “ I see a rope.” The second was holding onto Grass Cont. immortal. Beleaguered by the sullen hosts o f winter it withdraws into the impregnable fortress o f its subterran vitality and emerges upon the so lici­ tation o f spring. Sown by the elements which are its ministers, servants, it softens the rude outlines o f the world. It the deserts, climbs the inaccessive slopes and pinnacles o f mountain and modifies the history, character, the destiny o f nations. invades is vigilance expelled but which Unobtrusive and patient, it has immortal vigor and a g g r e s s io n . Banished from the thoroughfares and fields, it bides its time to return and when relaxed or the dynasty has perished, it silently resumes the throne from which it has been it never abdicates. It bears no blazonry o f bloom to charm the senses with frag­ rance or splendor but its homely hue is more enchanting than the lily or the rose. It yields no fruits in earth or air, yet should the harvest fail for a single year famine would depopulate the world.” Anonymous 10 a leg and said, “ This is obviously a tree.” The third was leaning against the side o f the elephant and said, “ It’ s a w all.” The fourth was being encircled by the trunk and said, “ I ’ m being attacked by a cobra.” This is typical o f how we all describe events and situations from our own viewpoint. As a manufacturer o f irrigation equipment, it is our role to provide you with the best possible hardware to perform the functions that you specify. Specifications for minimum performance would include: - A d e q u a t e capacity for peak (1” to 2%” per week moisture use depending upon area conditions). -All watering to be done between 9 PM and 6 AM. -Automatic syringe capability for: 1) cooling o f greens during hot weather, 2) disease control, wash o ff dew, 3) frost control. These are typical of the type of specifications for minimum performance that you should establish. As a marketing organization our role is completely different. Here we see ourselves helping you stay out o f the “ traps” . There are many possible traps and pitfalls in a major under­ taking such as the construction o f an automatic irrigation system. T R A P NO. 1 - Inadequate Budget leagues. Superintendents Football coaches who do a poor job of recruiting are in low paying jobs or are soon replaced if they get into the big and green chairmen who can’ t sell their program an adequate budget w ill soon be in trouble. It is not necessary for you to do all o f this selling yourself. Consultants, manu- Continued on Page 13 recruit and THENEW SANDPRO time in half. Because one man with a Sandpro can rake an average of 15 traps an hour. Easily. That means your whole course is finished in four to And you ve got better looking traps in the bargain — five hours. cleaner and dressier. The Toro Sandpro more than cuts trap maintenance The professional trap maintenance machine is here at last, and it’s called the Sandpro! Wilkie Turf Equipment Company The Anderson Division 23455 TELEGRAPH RD., SOUTHFIELD, MICH. 48075 • PHONE: 353-5300 11 Remember . Well . . How Good Your G o lf Course Looked When You L a s t Used . . . G & F? Borden’ s Famous G & F (Greens & F airw ays) is A v a ila b le in M ichigan A gain for ’73 . . . IN NOT JUST ONE, B U T SIX G & F’s - TO G IVE YOU ULTRA-MODERN, HIGH ANALYSIS, NON-BURNING FERTILIZERS IN SUPER-UNIFORM, DUST-FREE PELLETS. GREENSKEE” GREENS & FAIRWAYS " THE GREENS GREENS & FAIRWAYS GREENS TWO COMPLETE SEED INVENTORIES Merion Baron Winter Green Fylking Nugget Norlea C O W B E L L TELEPHONE W A YLA N D 61 6-792-2241 GOLD TAG SEED QUALITY BLENDS Special Mixes for your ( W A YLA N D 1 M IC H IG A N B R IGHTON V M IC H IG A N 1 49 3 4 8 ★ particular need S E E D s / l N C O R P O R A T E D 48 1 1 6 / ----------------- ■ B RIGHTON 3 1 3-2 29-616 9 G R A N D RAPIDS 6 1 6 -8 77-461 4 15 Preserving Wood-Here’s the Latest Foot bridges and out o f bounds markers seem to present a perpetual maintenance problem to the grounds­ keeper. A structure begins the process o f deterioration from the moment o f its installation. A ll building materials are to deterioration and eventual destruction and man con­ stantly strives to retard or eliminate the process o f deterioration. subject Irrigation System Cont. complete, accurate control o f when you water and how much you water each time. This w ill enable you to concentrate on important green grass. aspects Superintendents who produce uniform, healthy green go lf turf are well paid and happy in their work. the other growing o f are is G olf courses traditionally beautiful and rustic and are land­ scaped with esthetics in mind. Wood structures blend w ell with nature and naturally are usually the preferred for g o lf course structures. material Coincidentally wood inexpensive and easy to work with by maintenance crews; but, wood rots and is attacked by insects such as termites. This is a problem, but one that can be elimina­ ted. The wood preserving industry has the solution - pressure treating with the wood preservative Osmose K-33. We all want our wood structures to last. This means saving dollars. Wood that is pressure treated with Osmose K-33 w ill last in the ground or out of it and even when immersed in water. Next Page SISCO SALESMEN at your SERVICE DON VOS has worked w ith pumps and piping system s for the past eight years. H is experience can be valuable to you. Autom atic irrig a tio n is his s p e c ia lity for any tu rf grass area. Don tra ve ls the Western part of M ichigan and w ill g la d ly stop by your course. C a ll Kalam azoo 616-381-0506. Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Company, Division of A. J. Miller, Inc., 1316 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, Mich. 48067, (313) 548-7272 Chicago (312) 629-7730, Kalamazoo (616) 381-0506, Columbus, Ohio (614) 888-1782 E N G I N E E R E D R A I N 16 Preserving Wood Cont. It will last at least as long as masonry or metal under the same sort o f use conditions. Perhaps you are already familiar with pressure treated wood, or maybe you have seen it utilized on guard posts along our State highways. Osmos K-33 pressure treated wood presents a beautiful silvery green color that blends w ell with the land­ scape. Wood pressure treated with it to handle, odorless and is clean fume less, is not injurious to humans or animals, is non-corrosive to metal fastenings, is not slippery, w ill not rub o ff or come o ff on clothing or skin, is somewhat fire retardant, and can be readily stained or painted. However, it need not be painted. It has many uses around a golf course. To name a few there are: Fence and Fence Posts, Out o f Bounds Marker Posts, Bridges for players go lf carts and maintenance equipment, Retaining Walls, Edgings, Shelters and Comfort Stations, Boardwalks, Stairways and a host o f other uses such in-the- ground swimming pools, docks, patios, etc. as maintenance free situation. it creates a very Anytime pressure treated wood is favorable used economic though pressure treated wood costs more than untreated wood, the useful value o f the wood is so increased that it actually costs much less. Even L et us take Out-of-Bounds Marker Posts for example. A 2” top diameter by 5’ long post untreated costs about 60$ each. The same post treated with Osmose K-33 costs 80$. The untreated posts w ill usually last no longer than 5 years. That is 12$ per post per year. The K-33 post w ill last about 40 years. That is only 2$ per post per year; and this comparison does not even take into account the labor o f replacing the untreated posts on a Next Page TURFGRASS, INC. SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 Phone: Area 313 437-1427 New insecticide from TUCO for programmed care of turf and ornamentals THE MA K E R S OF A C T I - D I O NE ® F U N G I C I D E S 17 I ( I ? Turf Care the GRANULAR WAY Controlled Release Fertilizers Fertilizer- Pesticide Combinations Fungicides/Herbicides/lnsecticides —• — Granular Spreaders LELY/SCOTTS/GANDY Turfgrass Seed High Quality / Wide Selection (^Sœtrs) ProTurf Charles Croley 1120 Jefferson Street Lapeer, Michigan 48446 Phone: 313/664-8266 YOU’ RE ENTITLED TO THE BEST Call Us For Your Needs GOLF COURSE CHEMICALS I (You’ ll get it - and more!) u Herb Carson Marvin Rothman AMERICAN RESEARCH CORP. 11840 MAYFIELD AVE. LIVONIA, MICH 48150 (313) 522-2400 Ext. 2401/2402 18 Preserving Wood Cont. regular basis. We think anyone who has used Osmose K-33 pressure treated wood has quickly found out how big a budget stretcher it can be. Osmose K-33 Pressure Treated and Plywood is Lumber, Timber, in a multitude of readily available lengths. Almost any re­ sizes and quirement you might have can be satisfied by a phone call. Osmose K-33 wood in Detroit, Michigan at the plant o f Currier Lum­ ber Company. Their phone number is: (313) 365-5200. is produced Satan and the Superintendent Old satan sat with face so grim And muttered, “ What’ll I do with him? He’s sure to find this place a bore With the life on earth he’s had before!’’ And then while shaking his horny head He opened his ledger and this he read: “ John Doe — Superintendent of Greens, A man behind the golfing scenes — Had sixty years of toil and strife Pleasing golfer, manager, pro and wife! His job included keeping the greens Planting new turf, repairing machines. Fighting diseases, insects, defeat Battling rain, humidity, heat. Fixing water pipes that break thru the ground Changing all markers and mowing weeds down. He worked all the day — studied all night, Trained all new men in the ways that were right. blue. Knew the diseases; ’Till his face would turn Not only a scholar and teacher was he, But an ambassador of good will — and publicity. Records he kept; watched budget allocation — On him depended the course reputation. And tho heading a project whose value was high, Credit and praise went to some other guy. Griping and moaning he got every day But seldom a raise in the old take-home pay!’’ Now here he lies, his days they are thru— “ Tell me,’’ said satan, “ What hell can I put him to?’’ After sitting and thinking for quite a while His face broke out in a great big smile; The best known hardship he could deem Was to send him where all was calm and green! -from FINGER LAKES GOLF COURSE SUPT. ASSOCIATION ELECTRO-DUMP OUTSTANDING VERSATILITY Now you can expand your ca p a b ilitie s without the burdon of additional ca p ita l expenditure. T h e H olland Electro-Dum p is design ed to u tilize your present tow ing equipment to provide you with a ll the advantages of a dump truck . . . at a fraction of the cost! L et us provide you with a dem onstration of the capa­ b ilitie s o f this remarkable p iec e of equipment! 520 W. 11 MILE ROAD ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN 48068 LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION TELEPHONE: 313: 398-3636 19 Now, Front Mowing for Fine Turf F-10 MOWING TRACTOR JACOBSEN designed the F-10 just for mowing your fine turf areas with mini­ mum manpower. Because all mowing units are ahead of the tractor wheels, you won’t have wheel tracks or streaks of uncut grass on fine turf. Operator has full visibility of all mowers without twisting and turning . . . . a distinct safety feature. Individual hydraulic controls let oper­ ator adjust width of mowing swath to mow between trees and obstacles. With 7 mower units, the F-10 cuts from 45 to 62 acres per 8 hour day. Hydraulic sys­ tem raises and secures mower for safe transport. Travels at speeds up to 30 mph. Handles safely on hills and slopes, too. THE NEWEST MOWING THACTOH FON MAINTAINING THE FINEST TONE IN THE WORLD GARDEN AND LAWN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 MA Patch of Green” 31823 U T IC A ROAD FRASER, MICHIGAN 48026 MICHIGAN STATE U NIVERSITY LIBRARY • SERIALS > . IAKSING, M I. 48823