A PATCH LET THE EXPERTS AT J. J. DILL HELP YOU MAKE IT * BUY DIRECT • SAVE MONEY GET FAST DELIVERIES Your budget will buy more — in chemicals and equipment to apply them — when you deal direct with Dill. As manufacturer, formulator and/or distributor, Dill cab save you money. Consistently. is headquarters for complete Dill lines of: • Fungicides • Herbicides • Algaecides • Insecticides • Fog- gers • Sprayers. Dill offers the most com­ plete line of quality turf A chemicals in the midwest . . complete with appli- PROMPT DELIVERY throughout southern Michigan and northwestern Ohio, including weekly shipment via our trucks covering the Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Toledo areas. DIAL TOLL-FREE (WATTS) 800-632-4057 cation instructions. ► sfU TIP OF THE MONTH FALL/W INTER . . . Beat ris in g prices! Check your supply and order NOW! D on't be caught next spring w ithout needed chem icals for early and e ffic ie n t app lica tio n . VALUABLE CATALOG Latest edition, up-dated in all respects. Contains a wealth of in­ formation. Lists and describes hundreds of chemicals, pesticides and equipment for maintenance of grounds and waters of golf courses, parks, recreation areas and resorts. i. J. DILL COMPANY Box 788 KALAMAZOO, Ml 49005 Gentlemen: Please send your latest Turf Care Catalog. Dept. PG-4 NAME ADDRESS CITY_____ . STATE_ .ZIP_ «S'X’VsJv'x / » /MICHIGAN AND BORDER I golf course^ CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS h ~ f \ M ICH IG AN 5 ASSOCIATION I SUPT. J PRESIDENT GERALD GILL TAM-O-SHANTER COUNTRY CLUB 3466 Walnut Lake Road Orchard Lake, Michigan 48033 Off. 626-8325, R es. 851-7904 VICE PRESIDENT GEORGE W. PRIESKORN BURROUGHS FARM GOLF CLUB 5341 Brighton Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 Off. 227-1381, Res. 229-9437 SECRETARY-TREASURER ROBERT HOPE, CGCS THE LOCHMOOR CLUB 20740 Marter Road Grosse P ointe Woods, Michigan 48236 Off. 881-8112, R es. 884-8684 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PINE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB ROGER GILL 1894 Alton Circle Walled Lake, Michigan 48088 Off. 681-1322, R es. 264-6931 DON LA FOND BAY POINTE GOLF CLUB 3635 Union Lake Road Union Lake, Michigan Off. 363-0144, Res. 363-1142 BRUCE WOLFROM BARTON HILLS COUNTRY CLUB 639 Barber Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Off. 662-8359, Res. 663-9213 CLEM WOLFROM DETROIT GOLF CLUB 530 Ken dry Bloomfield H ills, Michigan 48013 Off. 345-4589, R es. 338-6375 LAKELANDS GOLF AND C.C. JAMES G. VLASSIS 8760 Chilson Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 Off. 227-5441, Res. 227-6926 JAMES TIMMERMAN ORCHARD LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 2474 Lafay Orchard Lake, Michigan 48033 Off. 682-2150, R e s . 682-7234 PRESIDENT EMERITUS TED WOEHRLE, CGCS OAKLAND HILLS COUNTRY CLUB Birmingham, Michigan Off. 644-3352, R es. 646-6512 "A Patch of Green” 31823 U tica Road, Fraser, Michigan 48026 (313) 293-3540 P ub l¡sh ed monthly by the Michigan and Border C itie s G o lf Course Superintendents Association C irculation 1,050 Ted Woehrle, Oakland Hills C.C. Clem Wolfrom, Detroit Golf Club Co-Editors Blake man Printing Company Fraser, Michigan Graphic A rts /C ir c u la tio n MONTHLY ADVERTISING RATES Double P age Spread............................................. $100.00 Back Outside P a g e ....................................................65.00 Full P a g e ........................................................................55.00 Half P a g e ........................................................................35.00 Quarter P a g e ................................................................. 25.00 Eighth P a g e ....................................................................12.50 Sixteenth P a g e ................................................................7.50 C la s sified Ad (per inch)........................................... 5.00 DISCOUNT RATES One Year 10 % THIS MONTH’S ADVERTISERS C entury Supply Corporation Chemagro D iv is io n of Baychem Chipman D iv is io n of Rhodia W.A. C leary C orporation J.J. D ill Company Huggett Sod Farm, Inc. Lawn Equipment Corporation Lebanon/A grico W.F. M ille r Garden Company O.M. Scott & Sons Company Sprinkler Irrigation Supply (Sisco) Term inal Sales C orporation T urfgrass, Inc. Turf S upplies, Inc. USS A gri-C hem icals W ilkie T urf Equipment Company 3 TENTATIVE PROGRAM TENTH ANNUAL WISCONSIN GOLF TURF SYMPOSIUM PFISTER HOTEL, MILWAUKEE OCTOBER 29 & 30, 1975 II New Dial for ao IIJ toarsa SESSION I Welcome and T opic Introduction: - Wednesday Morning - THE PLAN Mr. A lb e rt Vrana, P resident, W isconsin GCSA The Great D ecision, Membership Acceptance and P a c ific a tio n , and the Enjoyable C lim ax: Mr. Jack A llis , Green Committee Chairm an, M ilwaukee C .C . The Grand Plan: Strategy, A esth e tics and L o g is tic s : Mr. Robert Trent Jones, G olf Course A rc h ite c t - Wednesday Afternoon - THE LEGALITIES SESSION II The Necessary E v ils - S pecifying and C ontracting the Work Mr. Fred Stewart, N ational G olf Foundation Job Inspection and M aintaining S p e cifica tio n s: Mr. H erschel M artin, G olf Course Superintendent, Ridgeway C .C ., Memphis, Tennessee Key Words in a Loose C ontract: The Superintendent as Expert W itness: Mr. James L . Johns, G o lf Course Superintendent, Lake Park C .C ., Germantown, W isconsin SESSION III - Thursday Morning - THE IMPLEMENTATION M oving, M ixing, and D raining the S oil: Mr. James L. Holm es, P resident, The Green Makers, Bryan New Ideas for an Old Irrigation System: Mr. Richard V ale n tin e , G o lf Course Superintendent, Merion G olf C lub, Ardmore, Pennsylvania P utting the Trees in the Forest - C orrectly: Mr. W illiam M ilne, G olf Course Superintendent, C.C. of D e tro it, Grosse P oint Farms, M ichigan Play Away - General Summary D iscussion Q uestions and Answers - Association Happenings “ The Gang’ 1 — at the annual picnic. Jerry Comeau and wife, Perry, maneuvering the winds at the annual picnic. 5 Left: Joe Szilagyi and wife, Mary, enjoying their retirement at the Golden Anniversary. Below: Andy Bertoni and wife, Evelyn, enjoying some of the lighter moments. Below: A list of past MBCGCSA presidents. Right: Bob and Jackie Hope. Left: Jim Timmerman looking over pictures and literature from “ Old Days” . MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE EIGHT P r o T u r f Helping the superintendent through tu rf research... I Controlled Release Fertilizers I Fertilizer/Pesticide Combinations SCOTTS • LELY • GANDY SPREADERS Finest quality turfgrass seed—Fairways • Greens • Tees • Roughs Scotts Windsor and Victa blends I Fungicides—Herbicides—Insecticides I Soil Testing-Weed & Disease Identification Ted Mulcahey T echnical Representative 7205 S. Jennings Road Swartz Creek, Mich. 48473 Telephone: 81 3 /6 5 5 -4 7 0 2 6 Add ®NEMACUR to the growing line of high-performance Chemagro pesticides that help keep your turf in top playing condition N E M A C U R 15% G ranular is a fast-acting ne m aticide that provides m onths of residual co n tro l of all m ajor tu rf nem atodes. R equires no in je ctio n — apply w ith a granula r ap plicator and w ater in. ®DYRENE fungicide. D YREN E con trols do lla r spot, plus all H e lm in thosp orium dise a se s— m elting out, leaf blight, leaf spot. Also co n tro ls co p p e r spot, stem rust, brow n patch and snow mold. Its small cost offsets the big cost of repairing after disease gets started. ®DEXON fungicide. Stops P ythium . This non-m ercurial fu n g icid e is also extre m e ly e ffe ctive in p re ve n tive program s to con trol c o tto n y blight. It’s com patible w ith oth er tu rf pesticides. that makes tu rf unplayable fo r weeks during spring and sum m er. Easily applied w ith any con ve n tio n a l granula r insecticid e applicator. T horough w atering leaches insecticid e into root zone fo r m axim um con trol. ®DYLOX insecticide. The fast-acting se le ctive insecticid e gives quick clean-up of sod w ebw orm s. Dissolves readily in w ater fo r application w ith any type of spray eq uipm ent. ®BAYGON insecticide. A carbam ate in se cticid e that con trols tu rf insects, in clu d in g m any species resistant to ch lo rin a te d hydrocarbon and organo pho spha te insecticides. Safe to Berm uda, zoysia, rye, clover, colonial bentgrass and oth er com m on varie ties when used as dire cted. For great tu rf that gives you r golfers great shooting, o rd e r these C hem agro tu rf pe sticides from you r chem ical distributor. C hem agro A g ricu ltu ra l D ivision, M obay C hem ical C orporation, Box 4913, Kansas City, M issouri 64120. 7559B RESPONSEability to you and nature ®DASANIT nem aticide/insecticide. B roadcast D A SA N IT 15% G ra nular fo r c o n tro l of m icro scopic “e e l-w o rm ’’ nem atodes tha t de stroy tu rf root system s, cause grass see dlings to w ith e r and die. R equires no inje ctio n H T H E H GROWNG UNE FOR FINE TURF Left to Right: Chris Myers, Clarence Wolfrom, Gordie LaFontaine — discussing some of the old literature. The Wolfrom family of Superintendents. All three have been leaders in the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association. L to R: Clem, Clarence & Bruce. No synthetically produced fertilizer can compare with MILORGANITE G olf Courses Use More MILORGANIT E = jy ^ u T h a n A ny O th e r F ertilizer TERMINAL SALES CORP. 12871 EATON AVE. DETROIT, MICH. 48227 (313) 491 -0606 8 Cushman drops golf cars The m a n u f a c t u r e and sale of Cushman golf cars will cease after the current production schedule is completed in December, representa­ tives of Outboard Marine Corporation, Lincoln, Nebraska, announced in July. corporation president, from golf cars had declined for several years, with in 1974 and 1975. “ Increased low- priced imports has been a significant factor in this deteriorating profit picture,” he said. Charles D. Strang, said earnings competition l o s s e s foreign from Golf cars accounted for two percent of the corporation’s total sales in fiscal 1974, Mr. Strang said, and added that the e s t i m a t e d loss from the phasing-out of golf car production will not have a material effect on the corporation’s earnings. Company representatives said that commercial and turf vehicle produc­ tion was unaffected by the decision, and that parts and service for golf cars would be available for a minimum of seven years. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MIDWEST G R A S S CONFERENCE November 10th & 11th. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Vladimir's Hall, 28125 Grand River Ave., Farm­ ington Hills, Michigan 48024. Featured Speakers: Dr. K. T. Payne, Michigan State University, Dr. John Harper II, The Penn­ sylvania State University, Dr. Joseph Duich, The Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Dave Martin, Ohio State University, Dr. Alfred Turgeon, The University of Illinois. Registration Fee $25.00 (includes two buffet lunches). Make check or money order payable to Lawn Sprayers Association of Mich­ igan. Mail to 22663 Middlebelt Rd., Farmington Hills, Michigan 48024 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MSU TURF CONFERENCE The MSU T u rf Conference w ill be on Wednesday and Thursday, held January 21 and 22, 1976. 9 CHIPCO the most effective arsenal ever assembled to protect your turf □ Chipco Spot Kleen □ Chipco Microgreen Liquid □ Chipco Turf Herbicide“D” □ Chipco Spreader Activator □ Chipco Thiram 75 □ Chipco Crab Kleen □ Chipco Turf Herbicide MCPP □ Chipco Buctril □ Chipco Turf Kleen RHOCHA INCORPORATED AGRICULTURAL DIVISIO N Somerset, New Jersey 08873 think greens when I want to play?” “ Why does he always have to aerify the “ It seems that every time I get a day off he closes the course to carts and I have to walk.” “ Here it is Monday afternoon, the only day I can play, and he has to pick this time to water the fairways!” Do you know who these people are talking about? That’s right — you! To some members -it appears that the only reason they have a “ greenskeeper” is to interfere with their enjoyment of their golf game. On the other hand to hear some super­ intendents the only possible reason for the Existence of ‘their’ golf course is for them to maintain it. Let’s turn my introductory remarks around to the superintendents’ viewpoints talk, you’d “ They won’t let me aerify my greens and they’re so compacted the water just rolls off.” “ They want to use carts today and the ground is so soft they’ll ruin the course.” “ These members are unbelievable. They want me to stop watering just so they can play golf.” The point I’m attempting to make is that some club members think the superinten­ dent just gets in the way and vice versa. It is true that in most instances the pro­ ceeding remarks are exaggerated. There is however, room for improvement in the area of communications for most superintendents by FRANK GREEN and their club membership. This can be done at greens committee meetings, at general membership meetings or in various ways throughout the year. Many invaluable aid superintendents have bulletin boards located in the clubhouse. These are an in informing members when greens are to be aerified, when an overseeding project is planned or when any major maintenance activity is scheduled. Another way of letting members know what’s going on is through pictures or slide presentations. Many times you’ll hear the comment “ what has he done for the course” or “ it was in better shape three years ago” . If you have slides or pictures you have all the proof you need. Show the members what you personally have done to the golf course. Show them what you intend to do. Show them too, things you’ve seen at other courses thay you might like to try on yours. It’s amazing how much easier people are to talk to when they are con- confronted with documented facts. These are several methods of keeping the membership informed. There are many others. In this day of intense competition from meighboring country clubs and golf courses the best people to have on your side are your own club members. They won’t side with you though, unless they know what is going on. - FAIRWAYS - . 4% W.I.N. . 6% W.I.N. . 6% W.I.N. 12-4-8 . 18-0-9 . 18-5-9 . 20-5-10 30-3-10. - GREENS - 16-0-8 . . 10% W.I.N. 18-3-12. . .6% W.I.N. with Iron Sulfate 10% W.I.N. 45-0-0 Dutch Brand Urea C A LL FRED D. SPEIER ( 313) 681-9336 “Finest quality ingredients — economically priced. 5 32 4 W. B L O O M F I E L D L A K E W. B L O O M F I E L D , M I C H . 480 3 3 10 TORO Flood Centralized Up-Top Controls Auger/lmpeller Engage independent Key-Lectric® Start Throttle Control Handies 3 Forward Speeds, Pius “ Safety” Reverse 12 volt automotive battery Fully Winterized 10 HP Briggs & Siratton Synchro-Balanced” Engine Oversize Discharge Chute Extra-Large 14" impeller Fan Intake Drum Auger Heavy Duty Pneumatic Snow Tires with Wide-Track Stance Pivoting Scraper Blade The TORO 1032 Snowthrower Two-Stage, 10 h.p., 32 Inch Swath W IL K IE T U R F E q u ip m en t C om pany 1050 OPDYKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48056 (313) 373-8800 n 50 Lb. Net Weight LEBANON G m to y G u A FERTILIZER TURF PRODUCTS A DIVISION OF LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION THE BISHOP COMPANY LEBANON, PA. 17042 A New Outside Appearance - Same Dependable Quality CcMtv/C¿u/> FERTILIZER < Good Names To Grow By Call your Country Club Distributor or James L. Camp, (219) 485-6828. ABE YOU INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION? BOB HOPE Fill in tile questionaire below and mail to: — | f 1 , J y § Grosse Pointe Woods, Mi. 48236 Off. 881-8112, Res. 884-8684 The Lochmoor Club 20740 Marter Road NAME OF INTERESTED PERSON D A T E _________ MAILING ADDRESS_____________________________________________ C IT Y ________________________________ S TA T E ___________________Z IP ___________________ Or you may contact the next golf course supplier who calls on you and give him the information needed for application. 12 55 Years of Dedicated Service and Still Going Strong Sylvester “ Ves” Reaume, veteran golf course employee at Grosse lie C.C. just finished his 55th year of employment with the Club. In 1918, at the age of 13, he began by hauling water to the men building Grosse lie, with a pony and cart. His pay was 25 cents per barrel - two barrels per day. In 1919, he began hauling cinders from Wyandotte for fairway construc­ tion. He began w o r k i n g on the permanent grounds crew at the Club in 1920 and has been there ever since. His pay from 1921 to 1927 was 30 cents per hour. Hugh Ross was the Sylvester “ V es” Reaume proudly sits on his tractor as Superintendent Jack Lorenz looks on. He is still going strong after 55 years of service. Greenskeeper at that time. Archie Reaume was Superintendent from 1927 to 1962 when Jack Lorenz took over as Superintendent. “ Ves” still plays a pretty good good game of golf. He cuts rough for Jack on a part time basis. “ Ves” lives on Gross He with his wife Marion. Congratulations to the Reaume family for their dedication to the game of golf. HUGGETT SOD FARM, Inc. V W v V W holesale G row ers o f U U U U b QUALITY LAWN TURF NUGGET +11 KENTUCKY BLEND HUGGETT’S SHADE MIX WARREN’S A-34 WARREN’S A-20 BENT GRASS SOD 4114 E. M A R L E T T E (517) 635-7482 M A R L E T T E , M IC H . 4 845 3 13 Do you remember when? You’re old enough to remember the real America if you can remember when you never dreamed your country could lose. - When you left your front door open. - When you went to church and the preacher preached from the Bible. - When a girl was a girl - when a boy was a boy - and you could tell them apart. - When even the word ‘Socialism’ was - When the poor were too proud to take a dirty word. charity. - When a nickel was worth five cents. - When you bragged about your home­ town - your state - and your nation. - When the flag was a sacred symbol. - When this Government stood up for Americans. - When a man who went wrong was blamed - not his mother’s nursing habits or his father’s income. everyone knew right from - When wrong. - When things were not perfect and you didn’t expect them to be. - When people still had the capacity - When sick meant that you were not for indignation. feeling well. - When people expected valued what they had more. less and - When everyone was not entitled to an annual wage whether he worked or not. - When a man’s word was his bond. - When America was the land of the free and the home of the brave. Anonymous Reprinted from NAC Newsletter, Washintgon D.C., May 31, 1971 i j NOW IS THE TIME! • TO PREPARE FOR FALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHUTDOWN. • TO MAKE PUMPHOUSE REPAIRS - INCLUDING SUCTION SCREENS, PIPE, CHECKVALVES. • TO UPDATE YOUR PUMPING PLANT WITH A TANK, JOCKEY PUMP OR PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE. • TO ADD SPRINKLERS IN AREAS ON THE COURSE SUCH AS DOGLEGS, BANKS, ETC. WHERE BETTER COVERAGE IS REQUIRED. CALL YOUR SISCO MAN TODAY! Jim Vince - Mike Byrnes - Tom Kennedy - Warren G ulick - 313-398-2233 - 1316 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, Mich. 48067 E N G IN E E R E D R A IN 14 WRITE FOR COMPLETE SPECIFICATION SHEETS ® Agri-Chemicals Division of United States Steel P.O. Box 1685, Atlanta, Ga. 30301 Pythium Prevention At a recent Greater Washington GCSA meeting at the Country Club of Fairfax Dr. Houston Couch, noted pathologist from V.P.I., told the group of a economical program of pythium prevention that I would like to pass on to all our Mid-Atlantic members. Dr. Couch advocated a late spring application of ZlNEB or PARZATE C of 4oz/M followed by two week inter­ vals of 2oz/M application for the remaining summer months. This old stand-by chemical is still of value for its former uses of algae and helminth control. Dr. Couch stated the use of Zineb or Parzate C will not prevent all attacks of the multitude of varieties of pythium disease; what it will do though is slow the disease down to where SP or Koban can be applied to stop any outbreak or pythium before any serious damage occurs. In that the killing speed of a pythium attack can be devastating we can’t afford to disregard a program. SP and Koban are extremely general preventative use and Zineb or Parzate C are both reasonably priced fungi­ cides. Dr. Couch did mention we still might consider the use of the more expensive for Thoreau, as he was dying, was asked if he had made his peace with God. “I have never quarreled with Him/’ was his reply. Make it happen AgricoCountry ClubW orks T * ■bRFCRASS M ore Efficiently. Beautiful tun is no accident TURFGRASS, INC. Phone: Area 313 437-1427 16 Pythium Prevention Cont. expensive chemicals for a preventative program on any bothersome greens with a past history of pythium outbreaks. A recent USGA GREENS SECTION from Holman Griffin, dated bulletin June 20, 1975 stated the following: “ Although the weather conditions may not be conductive to outbreaks of pythium spp on your golf course at present we are receiving numerous reports from both lowland and mountain areas of the Mid-Atlantic attesting to the devastating effect of this disease in a very, very short time (loss of 50% of the turf on some putting greens in less than one hour under ideal condi­ tions for the disease’s development, especially with free water present.)” following from Kenneth Quant, editor of Verdure, the Chicago land GCSA newsletter. The is It rookie-of-the-year honors. “ A new fungus disease has made its appearance on the Chicago scene and already it appears to be a shoo-in for is called pythium graminicola and it can be controlled very easily with Tersan SP. (Koban would probably also do the job.) That sounds easy, but the problem is that pythium graminicola symptoms do not look anything like the symptoms of pythium ultimum, the normal pythium we can expect in this area. In fact, the symptoms look very much like those associated with Red Leafspot. The to turf begins turn y e l l o w i s h to brownish as if it were starved and begins to thin out rapidly. There is no grease spotting or distinctive mycel- * lium, only a severe thinning of turf. Spraying with any of the leafspot fungicides will only slow the disease down, it will not stop it. So if you think you have Red Leafspot, and you can’t seem to stop it, try some Tersan SP or Koban.” The problem of identification now If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll get a lot of advice. 17 Fungicides 3336 Turf Fungicide A broad spectrum systemic fungicide that prevents and controls all six major turf diseases. BromosanTurf Fungicide The newest broad spectrum sys­ temic fungicide for those persistent trouble areas. • Caddy #Granular Turf Fungicide • PMAS (10%) •Cad-Trete •Spotrete Herbicides Specialties MCPP MCPP Plus 2,4-D Methar 80 Methar 30 AMA Plus 2,4-D AMA (Super Methar) All Wet Clear Spray Tru-Green Grass-Green zit CORPORATION P.O. Box 10, Somerset, N.J. 08873 TURF SUPPLIES INC. 6 9 0 0 Pardee Rd.,Taylor, Michigan (313)291-1200 DON’T EVEN THINK OF B U Y IN G ............... GRASS SEED FERTILIZERS FUNGICIDES W ITHOUT C A LLIN G 291-1200 TURF SUPPLIES INC. 6 9 0 0 Pardee Rd.,Taylor, Michigan (313)291-1200 Your Best Set ' ' f o r IRRIGATION 8PRINRLER SUPPLIES RAINBIRD-NELSON-SAFE-T-LAWN BUCKNER - MOODY -SK IN N ER PIPE & FITTINGS — PVC — Sewer & Drain (Corr) — Polyethylene — Galvanized — Copper — Aluminum PUMPS AND PUMPING STATIONS COMPLETE IRRIGATION — Systems Design — Specifications — Budget Estimates WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS CENTUM SUPPLU CORP. 3890 W. Eleven Mile Rd. Berkley, Mi. 48072 RAIN-AID DIV. 22159 Telegraph Rd. Southfield, Mi. 48075 (313) 543-7730 (313) 356-9137 Pythium Prevention Cont. adds more complications to living with this disease. The above quote from the Chicagoland Newsletter applies equally here in the Mid-Atlantic area. I had three greens showing the above symptoms and I applied several leaf spot fungicides to those three greens. After a week of no improve­ ments I applied S.P. after noting the other typical pythium brown patches developing within my collars. All disease immediately! Unfor­ stopped tunately I miss-diagnosed pythium for leaf spot and consequently Pm still plugging out the diseased centers . of the stricken greens. These three greens were old poa greens with poor air circulation and very poor drainage - ideal conditions for pythium. Dr. Couch also advocated picking up all grass clippings from the collars and removal of thatch buildup within > the greens, as a mechanical preventa­ tive for pythium. from ‘BULLSHEET', December, 1974 YOU KNOW WHAT? . . . YOU AND ME DO ALL THE WORK! The population of the United States has now reached the 200,000,000 mark. A practical mathematician calculates it this way: Half of the total is under 21-leaving leaves 100.000. 000 to do the work; There are > 70 million over 65-leaving 30,000,000 to work; Government e mp l o y e e s , 24.000. 001-that 5,099,999 people to work. The m i l i t a r y has 5,600,000 in service-leaving 399,999 to workl Another 203,000 are in hos­ pitals and sick-leaving 196,999 to * work; Jails are housing 101,000 leaving 95,999 to do the work; People lost or missing total 54,000-leaving 41,999 of which 41,997 are bums, protesters or agitators. This leaves 2 / YOU AND ME TO DO ALL THE WORK? (Editors note - You get busy, Pm going to Florida.) 18 cWow!c 4tyull ve-tyoot Wide Model-&M S Turf Sweeper by juRF-vSc I ; » i * PICKS UP EFFICIENTLY * FULL 5' SWEEP * HUGE HOPPER CAPACITY * EASY DUMP * FLOATING SCOOP * EASY TRANSPORT * LOW MAINTENANCE * PICKS UP WET OR DRY Engine: 14 HP Frame: welded structural steel Hopper: 5 cu. yards Welded steel construction Overall: Width 5'-4" CALL FOR A DEMONSTRATION LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 520 W. 11 MILE ROAD ROYAL OAK, MICH. 48068 TELEPHONE: 313-398-3636 19 J A C O B S E N TURF EQUIPM ENT The only truly heavy-duty blower now available, the Model 40’s powerful 250 m.p.h. blast easily blows leaves, light snow, grass clippings and trash into windrows — saves up to 70% on sweeping time. An excellent means of clearing dew in minutes from work or play areas for early morning mowing or recreation. 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 GARDEN AND LAWN EQUIPMENT COMPANY TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 "A Patch of Green” 31823 UTICA ROAD FRASER, MICHIGAN 48026 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - SERIALS EAST LANSING, MICH, 48823 U S POSTAGE PAID! PERM IT NO 37 * .