A PATCH GREEN o f Official Publication of the Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course Superintendents Association LET THE EXPERTS AT J. J. DILL HELP YOU MAKE IT BUY DIRECT • SAVE MONEY GET FAST DELIVERIES Your budget will buy more — in chemicals and equipment to apply them — when you deal direct with Dill. As manufacturer, formulator and/or distributor, Dill can save you money. Consistently. Dill offers the most com­ plete line of quality turf A chemicals in the midwest . . complete with appli- cation instructions. is headquarters for complete Dill lines of: • Fungicides • Herbicides • Algaecides • Insecticides • Fog- gers • Sprayers. PROMPT DELIVERY throughout southern Michigan and northwestern Ohio, including weekly shipment via our trucks covering the Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Toledo areas. DIAL T O LL-F R E E (WATTS) 800-632*4057 » «S TIP OF THE MONTH \ y FALL/WINTER . . . Beat rising prices! Check your supply and order NOW! Don’t be caught next spring without needed chemicals for early and efficient application. VALUABLE CATALOG Latest edition, up-dated in all respects. Contains a wealth of in­ formation. Lists and describes h un d re ds of chemicals, pesticides and equipment for maintenance of grounds and waters of golf courses, parks, recreation areas and resorts. 1. J. DILL COMPANY Box 788 KALAMAZOO, M l 49005 Gentlemen: Please send your latest Turf Care Catalog. Dept. PG-4 NAME ADDRESS C ITY-------- . STATE. . Z I P . MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION P R E S I D E N T GEORGE W. PRIESKORN B U R R O U G H S F A R M G O L F C L U B 5341 Brighton Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 O ff. 227-1381, R e s. 229-9437 V I C E P R E S I D E N T CLEM WOLFROM D E T R O IT G O L F C L U B 530 Kendry B loom field H ills , M ichigan 48013 O ff. 345-4589, R e s . 338-6375 S E C R E T A R Y - T R E A S U R E R ROBERT HOPE, CGCS T H E LO C H M O O R C L U B 20740 Marter Road G rosse Pointe W oods, Michigan 48236 O ff. 881-8112, R e s. 884-8684 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S P IN E L A K E C O U N T R Y C L U B ROGER GILL 1894 Alton C ircle W alled L ak e, Michigan 48088 O ff. 681-1322, R e s. 264-6931 DON LA FOND B A Y P O IN T E G O L F C L U B 3635 Union Lake Road Union L ak e, Michigan 48085 Off. 363-0144, R e s. 363-1142 BRUCE WOLFROM, CGCS B A R T O N H IL L S C O U N T R Y C L U B 639 Barber Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 O ff. 662-8359, R e s. 663-9213 JAMES TIMMERMAN O R C H A R D L A K E C O U N T R Y C L U B 2474 L a fa y Orchard L ak e, Michigan 48033 O ff. 682-2150, R e s. 682-7234 WARD SWANSON P L U M H O L L O W G O L F C L U B 29642 W estfield Liv o n ia, Michigan 48150 Off. 352-2436, R e s. 421-8049 WALTER TROMBLEY, CGCS A R R O W H E A D G O L F C L U B 3130 Orion Road Lake Orion, M ichigan 48035 O ff. 373-5240, R e s. 693-2924 P R E S I D E N T E ME R I T U S GERALD GILL T A M -O -S H A N T E R C O U N T R Y C L U B 3466 Walnut Lak e R oad Orchard L a k e , M ichigan 48033 O ff. 626-8325, R e s. 851-7904 "A PATCH OF GREEN” 31823 Utica Road, Fraser, Mich. 48026 (313) 293-3540 Publ¡shed monthly by the MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC. Circulation 1,250 Ted Woehrle, CGCS, Oakland Hills C.C. Clem Wolfrom, Detroit Golf Club C o -Ed ¡tors Printed At BLAKEMAN PRINTING COMPANY Fraser, Michigan M O N T H L Y A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S D ouble P ag e S p rea d ...................................... $100.00 B ack O utside P a g e ...........................................85.00 F u ll P a g e .............................................................. 55.00 H a lf P a g e ....................................................... .. . 35.00 Quarter P a g e ........................................................25.00 Eighth P a g e ..................................................... 12.50 Sixteenth P a g e ................................................. 7.50 C la s s ifie d Ad (per column in c h )................ 5.00 D IS C O U N T R A T E S : One Y ear 10% THIS MONTH'S ADVERTISERS Alfco Inc. Century Supply Corporation Chemagro Chipman Division of Rhodia W.A. Cleary Corporation J.J. Dill Company FDS Fertilizers, Inc. Golf Car Distributors Huggett Sod Farm, Inc. Lakeshore Equipment Corporation Lawn Equipment Corporation Lebanon/Agrico W.F. Miller Garden Company O.M. Scott & Sons Company Sprinkler Irrigation Supply (Sisco) Terminal Sales Corporation Turfgrass, Inc. Turf Supplies, Inc. USS Agri-Chemicals Wilkie Turf Equipment Company 3 Fall Fairway Fertilizer mmmmmmm mm mm® mmmmmmmmmmm Hit the fairways this fall with an application of this great new USS Vertagreen fertilizer and you're on your way to fewer turf problems next spring. This quality product is ideal forfall fairway fertilization because it has a high potash analysis., .and that means less winter kill. Potash works to toughen the grass, giving the turf healthy and hardy leaves that can better withstand the cold winter weather. Potash also helps your fairways resist disease problems such as dollar spot and brown spot. A soil test in the late summer or early fall will determine if your fairways lack this vital nutrient. And if they do, USS Vertagreen Fall Fairway Fertilizer is the answer because it's formulated with primary nutrients specifically for your area. See your USS Vertagreen distributor and he'll show you how this great new product can winterize your fairways this fall. Next spring you'll be glad you did. See your Vertagreen distributor Agri-Chemicals Division of United States Steel P.O. Box 1685, Atlanta, Ga. 30301 4 GCSAA names Palmer Maples Director of Education succeeds William E. Knoop, who resigned in July to join the faculty of Iowa State University in Ames. said, candidates In making the a n n o u n c e me n t , “ After an extensive Malpass of from investigation the country, we are t h r o u g h o u t thoroughly satisfied that Palmer will enhance the Association’ s ability to provide m e a n i n g f u l e d u c a t i o n a l opportunities for its members and the profession. He brings to the position a sound academic background, valuable practical knowledge and experience in the field of golf course management and a thorough understanding of the Association’ s structure and activities. “ We welcome Palmer to our staff and look forward to working with him to educational programs.” advance GCSAA’ s Palmer Maples Jr., Decatur, Ga., will be the new Director of Education of the Golf Course Superintendents Association (GCSAA), Richard Malpass, GCSAA President, has announced. of America Maples will join the GCSAA Head­ quarters staff in Lawrence, Kan., in December, following his resignation as golf course superintendent of The Standard Club in Atlanta, Ga. He Some 600 people helped the GCSAA celebrate its Golden Anniver­ sary at the Sylvania (Ohio) Country Club this September. The Patch of Green will feature a story on the GCSAA’ s “ Fifty Years of Progress” in the November issue, which we recommend reading before placing an order for one of these gems. 5 MBCGCSA Squad finishes second in GCSAA Tourney Lightening fast greens and huge oak trees proved too challenging for the Michigan & Border Cities GCSA Chapter Team at the 1976 Golf Course Superintendents of America Golf Tournament in Sylvania, Ohio, September 14-15, as they failed to successfully defend their Chapter falling by two strokes to the title, Mid-West from Chicago, 645 - 647. A s s o c i a t i o n Chapter Sylvania Country Club’ s fast greens and Glengarry’ s strategic doglegs placed a premium on shot making for the 208 participants. Both courses were in excellent condition, Sylvania’ s Paul Mechling and Glengarry’ s Fred Myers are to be complimented. Tuesday’ s first round, played in beautiful 90 degree weather saw Fritz McMullen post a 75, Ward Swan­ son 79, George Prieskorn 80 and Bob Prieskorn 88, for a 322 total and a tie for second place, but Wednesday’ s gloomy skies and rain would not let the local boys better their standing as Bob Prieskorn returned with a 79, George Prieskorn another 80, Fritz McMullen a 81 and Ward Swanson a 85 their 647 runner-up spot. Each for player r e c e i v e d a second place trophy and a $20.00 gift certificate. Chicago’ s Mid-West GCSA Chapter, paced by Bob Kronn’ s 73 - 76 - 149, gained top honors with a 645 total. The Old Dominion Chapter from Virginia placed third at 650. Bill Knox, of Sciota Country Club in Columbus, Ohio won the cherished i n d i v i d u a l USGA Trophy as (Championship champion posting a fine five over par 148 total. Fritz McMullen placed tenth. Flight) the Marv London from O k l a h o m a captured Senior honors with a 165 total, while time champ Bob Prieskorn settled for second. four In the Club Officials and Asso­ ciates Flight, Frank Forier’ s 177 earned him top honors. the two Other M&BCGCSA members who enjoyed fine golf courses included Andy Bertoni, Bill Davis, Jay Delcamp, Bob Fauteck, Jack Lorenz, Chris Myers, Earl Prieskorn and Clem Wolfrom. Nancy Fauteck, Ginny Forier and Jean Prieskorn participated in the Ladies’ Flight. MIDWEST REGIONAL TURF FOUNDATION MIDWEST REGIONAL TURF CONF. FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 2, 1977 Purdue Memorial Union When Harry Truman was thrust into the presidency, at the death of F.D.R., Sam Rayburn gave him some fatherly advice: “ From here on out you’re going to have lots of people around you. They’ ll try to put a wall around you and cut you off from any ideas but theirs. They’ ll tell you what a great man you are, Harry. But you and I both know you ain’ t.” HUGGETT SOD FARM, Inc, / y SS^uSSrm i^/ Nuggett +11 Kentucky Blend Huggett's Shade Mix Warren's A-34 Warren's A-20 Bentgrass Sod 4114 E. MARLETTE MARLETTE, MICH. 48453 Phone (517) 635-7482 1977 GCSAA Conference To Explore Synergistic Approach To Turfgrass Management The most important turfgrass event of the year will take place in Portland, Ore., Feb. 6-11, 1977. It’ s the 48th International Turfgrass Conference and Show, sponsored by GCSAA. The theme this year is “ Turf Management - A Synergistic Approach. ’ ’ Brochures, which the should reach first part of GCSAA members October, describe some 60 speakers for 10 educational sessions and four pre-conference seminars, a tour of the Oregon grass seed industry, a tour of four Portland area golf courses, a pre-conference in Monterey, Calif., and more. tournament golf The Tournament will be Feb. 3 and 4 at Spyglass Hill and the Monterey Country Club’ s Dunes Course. The Ladies Tournament will be at the Rancho Canada Golf Club. All three courses incomparable Monterey Peninsula, and two overlook the Pacific Ocean. Complete informa­ tion will be in materials mailed to GCSAA members about Oct. 1. the are on The conference will attract some 160 turfgrass industry exhibitors and more than 5,000 golf course superin­ tendents, turfgrass managers, members of allied professions and other interes­ ted people. Besides educational attending sessions and visiting industry exhibits, conferees may take part in a welcoming Crab Fete and dance on Monday night and a traditional dinner- dance with entertainment on Thursday. There are also optional tours and a women’ s program. the For further information, contact GCSAA Headquarters, 1617 St. Andrews Dr. Lawrence, Kan. 66044 CHIPCO protects your turf from the world’s toughest critic... The golfer □ Chipco® Spot Kleen □ Chipco® M icrogreen Liquid □ Chipco® Turf H erb icide “D ” □ Chipco® S p reader Activator □ Chipco® Thiram 75 □ Chipco® Crab Kleen □ Chipco® Turf H erbicide M CPP □ Chipco® Buctril® □ Chipco® Turf Kleen RHODIA INC. AGRICULTURAL DIVISION Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852 7 Walter Wilkie elected to Young Presidents’ Organization Walter John Wilkie, Wilkie Turf Equipment Company, P o n t i a c , Michigan, has been elected to membership in the Young Presi­ dents’ Organization, Inc. (YPO ), a world­ wide educational association of more than 3,000 successful young chief executives who have become presi­ dents of sizable companies before the age of forty. The purpose of YPO is to help its members become better presidents through education and idea exchange. The Organization was founded in 1950. open The nucleus of YPO is the local chapter unit. Most of the more than 60 chapters in the United States and in 44 countries throughout the world hold monthly m e e t i n g s . Sessions are g e n e r a l l y to spouses and occasionally to their children. Members (YPOers) learn from each other and from an extensive range of expert year-round speakers local seminars, often at leading graduate schools of business, special meetings and conferences and Universities for Presidents. during The twice-yearly YPO Universities for Presidents are week-long assem­ blies which feature classroom and discussion sessions involving members and a d i s t i n g u i s h e d faculty. At Universities and other conferences, the faculty and members explore facets of business (including management, finance and business ethics), govern­ ment and world affairs and self- improvement (the humanities, fine arts, psychology and education). topics Statistically, the average YPOer is 43 years of age, has a wife and three children. YPOers head a variety of businesses. The typical firm employs 300 persons and grosses $15 million annually. Television shows overseas are emu­ lating us. For instance in the Congo they have a show like our doctors’ shows, and it’ s called Dr. Wamba. It’ s the story of Dr. Wamba who saves up all his money to come to the United States and study. He studies medicine for five years and goes back to the Congo — and opens up a golf course. P r o T u rf ' Helping the superintendent through turf research... I Controlled Release Fertilizers I Fertilizer/Pesticide Combinations I Fungicides Herbicides—Insecticides I Soil Testing-Weed & Disease Identification SCOTTS • LELY • GANDY SPREADERS Finest quality turfgrass seed-Fairways • Greens • Tees • Roughs Scotts Windsor and Victa blends Ted Mulcahey Techn ical R epresentative 7205 S. Jennings Road Swartz Creek, Mich. 48473 Telephone: 313/655-4702 8 Keep your turf in top playing condition. Trust it to Chemagro. "NEMACUR 15% Granular is a fast-acting nematicide that provides months of residual control of all major turf nematodes. Requires no injection —apply with a granular applicator and water in. R DYRENE fungicide controls dollar spot, plus all Helminthosporium diseases— melting out, leaf blight, leaf spot. Also controls copper spot, stem rust, brown patch and snow mold. Its small cost offsets the big cost of repairing after disease gets started. "DEXON fungicide. Stops Pythium. This non-mercurial fungicide is also extremely effective in preventive programs to control cottony blight. It’s compatible with other turf pesticides. R DAS AN IT nematicide/insecticide. Broadcast DASANIT 15% Granular for control of microscopic nematodes that destroy turf root systems, cause grass seedlings to wither and die. Requires no injection that makes turf unplayable for weeks during spring and summer. Easily applied with any conventional granular insecticide applicator. Thorough watering leaches nematicide into root zone for maximum control. ®DYLOX insecticide. This fast-acting selective insecticide gives quick clean up of sod webworms. Dissolves readily in water for application with any type of spray equipment. R BAYGON insecticide. A carbamate insecticide that controls certain turf insects, including many species resistant to chlorinated hydrocarbon and organophosphate insecticides. Safe to Bermuda, zoysia, rye, clover, colonial bentgrass and other common varieties when used as directed. For great turf that gives your golfers great shooting, order these Chemagro turf pesticides from your chemical distributor. Chemagro Agricultural Division of Mobay Chemical Corporation. Box 4913, Kansas City, Missouri 64120. BAYG O N , D ASAN IT, DEXO N , DYLOX and N E M A C U R are Reg. TM s of th e Parent C om pany of Farbenfabriken B ayer G m bH , Leverkusen. D Y R E N E is a Reg. TM of M obay C hem ical C orp o ra tion . RESPONSEability to you and nature 7 6 5 9 B 9 11th Annual Wisconsin Golf Turf Symposium "LIV IN G WITH POA ANNUA SPECIES" OCTOBER 27 & 28 Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sponsored by: Wisconsin Golf Course Supts. Ass'n. & Milwaukee Sewerage Com. Cost: $20.00 To be or not to be? That is the question that has bothered superin­ tendents, green committees and golfers for l o n g e r than a n y o n e cares to remember. By and large our control programs in Wisconsin have failed or have exceeded our wishes and “ did in” some desirable turf types. This year’ s Symposium will seek to devise a better approach to manage­ ment of Poa annua. We will learn more about the many P.a. types. We will get an insight into failures (and successes) experienced control programs. Golf course superintendents will relate successful cultural programs for management and/or restriction of P.a. chemical in Well-traveled commercial men will summarize the P.a. programs throughout the Midwest and Northeast. These are the guys who suffer with the superin­ tendents in their area during Poa goa episodes. Finally, positive approaches to year-round P.a. management will be presented. greatly your golf course. These talks will help in your decision-making for Manage For? Manage Against? Manage Turf! THE PLACE The Pfister Hotel is in downtown Milwaukee at 424 East Wisconsin Avenue. Adjoining, sheltered parking is available in the hotel garage on Mason Street, one block north of the hotel. Limousine service is available from the airport. SPECIAL NOTES: 2. 1. Make your room reservation by the card j October 13, u s i n g enclosed. There will be other I groups at the hotel and our rooms are held only until this date. Let us know if you’re coming by filling in the other card. Food guarantees are strict and we must give the hotel a count five (5) days in advance. Don’t forget to Continued on Page 13 No synthetically produced fertilizer can compare with MILORGANITE Golf Courses Use More MILORGANITE^tt Than Any Other Fertilizer TERMINAL SALES CORR 12871 EATON AVE. DETROIT, MICH. 48227 (313) 491 -0606 10 T O R O Toro Debris Handling Equipment for 1977 Two m achines m one Makes cleaning a breeze With the Toro Vacuum/Blower you can clean up to a quarter- acre In less than an hour. The 5-horsepower vacuum has a 30" vacuum head that rakes in leaves, twigs, and even cans. For better vacuum action, It has a flexible rubber lip on the vacuum head and seven height ad­ justments. The heavy duty bag can handle seven bushels and has a sturdy metal zipper. The vacuum is available in hand-propelled or self-propelled models, and with an optional attachment, hitches to the back of a tractor or rider-mower. Both Toro vacuum models can be converted to a leaf blower in about 5 minutes - without costly optional equipment or tools. Just take off the vacuum head, attach the special discharge chute, rotate the impeller housing, and raking becomes a breeze! As a blower, It uses a 100 M.P.H. “ jet stream” to blow damp or dry debris into an easily bagged pile. The air discharge chute converts to straight ahead or side use, too. And, there's an optional hose kit to get In and out of . . . corners and tight places. The two and only Toro Vacuum/Blower. It's a product of over 60 years of experience in lawn maintenance equipment. WILKIE TURF Equipment Company P.O. BOX 749 • PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48056 1050 OPDYKE ROAD • PHONE (313) 373-8800 11 Featuring CUSTOM BLENDING to suit your needs! DISTRIBUTOR of quality chemicals by the WHtoi C O R P O R A T I O N S O M M E R S E T , N. J. Fungicides, Herbicides, Specialty Products F A L I____ PMAS (10%) SPECTRO BROMOSAN F E R T IL IZ E R S M A N U F A C T U R E D BY The Andersons CALL FRED SPEIER ( 3 1 3 ) 6 8 1 - 9 3 3 6 “ Premium Products 5324 W. BLOOMFIELD LAKE — Economically W. BLOOMFIELD, MICH. 48033 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MICHIGAN AND BORDER CITIES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION? Fill in the questionaire below and mail to: BOB HOPE The Lochmoor Club 20740 Marter Road Grosse Pointe Woods, Mi. 48236 Off. 881-8112, Res. 884-8684 NAME OF INTERESTED PERSON D A T E _______ MAILING ADDRESS________________________________________________________ C IT Y ___________________________ S T A T E ________________ Z I P _______________ Or you may contact the next golf course supplier who calls on you and give him the information needed for appl¡cation. 12 Wisconsin Symposium Cont. place a stamp on each card. THE REGISTRATION FEE fee registration ($20.00) Your lunch, 2 cocktails and re­ includes f r e s h m e n t s served W e d n e s d a y afternoon and coffee at the breaks. By popular demand, dinner is on your own. EXTRA SPECIAL Remember that any funds in excess of expenses are c o n t r i b u t e d by Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association to the O. J. Noer Research - Foundation. INFORMATION For further information contact any Association member or Bob Welch, Milwaukee Sewerage Commission, P. 0. Box 160, Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154. Telephone: (414) 764-2300. Sincerely, James M. Latham, Jr. Chairman Symposium Committee Fungicides 3336 Turf Fungicide A broad spectrum systemic fungicide that prevents and controls all six major turf diseases. Bromosan Turf Fungicide The newest broad spectrum sys­ temic fungicide for those persistent trouble areas. • Caddy • PMAS (10%) •Cad-Trete • Spotrete Herbicides MCPP MCPP Plus 2.4-D Methar 80 Methar 30 AMA Plus 2.4-D AMA (Super Methar) Specialties All Wet Clear Spray Tru-Green Grass-Greenzit ^Granular Turf Fungicide #Spectro WHO C O R P O R A T I O N P .O . B o x 1 0 , S o m e r s e t, N .J . 0 8 8 7 3 WANT THE FINEST TURF IRRIGATION SYSTEM? ? Use the compiete J-M turf irrigation . Some of our most beautiful and best cared for environ­ ments are golf courses. We can help make the good ones better and keep the great ones g re a t. . . easily, in fact, automatically, with the complete Johns- Manville turf irrigation system. Ü3Î CALL YOUR SISCO MAN TODAY! Jim Vince — Mike Byrnes — T— - 3 1 3 -3 9 8 -2 2 3 3 - SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SUPPLY COMPANY 1316 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, Mich. 48067 E N G I N E E R E D R A I N 13 COUNTRY CLUB TURF PRODUCTS 50 Lb. Net Weight LEBANON (burttu/Càé F E R T IL IZ E R A DIVISION OF LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION THE BISHOP COMPANY LEBANON, PA 17042 A New Outside Appearance - Same Dependable Quality Inside! <«— QuAtu/CM FERTILIZER Good Names To Grow By Call your Country Club Distributor or James L. Camp, (219) 485-6828. Mercury Ban Lifted GCSAA LEARNS EPA HAS LIFTED BAN ON MERCURY FOR WINTER DISEASE. Apparently, a settlement has been reached between the EPA and M a n u f a c t u r e r s of p e s t i c i d e s c o n t a i n i n g Mercury - with Golf Superintendents coming out the real winners! Use of pesticides containing mercury were reinstated for the control of winter turf d i s e a s e s with two restrictions: (D its use will only be allowed by professional golf superin­ tendents or persons under their super­ vision; and, it cannot be used within 25 feet of water where fish can be taken out for human consumption. The settlement provides for producers to phase out manufacture of mercurial pesticides used to treat summer golf turf diseases. (2) The easing of the ban is particu­ larly noteworthy because of the active role played by many local chapters including our own, GCSAA’ s Govern­ mental Relations Committee and the Industrial Advisory Council. Petitions and letters expressing the superin­ tendent’ s reasons for opposition to E PA ’ s initial ban were instrumental in bringing about the revised policy. This is yet another example of the important role your professional associations can and do play in speaking on the issues of the turf industry and turf manage­ ment. In a democratic society like ours, relief must come through an aroused popular conscience that sears the conscience of the people’ s representatives. — Felix Frankfurter Professionalsim means consistency of quality. - Frank Tyger The 18 hp Turf-Truckster Chassis The 18 hp Turf-Truckster (available in 3 and 4-wheel chassis models) can be equipped with PTO and/or hydraulic system packages. Rear chassis are identical and handle the same accessories. The rugged air-cooled 4-cycle engine is specially built for turf-type operations. Transmissions (auxiliary transmission standard) giving variable speeds (6 forward and 2 reverse) and fast acting governor mean less down shifting than required with competi­ tive models. Wheel-type steering. Disc-type parking brake on drive shaft. Equipped with box hold-down latches and rear tow hitch. Three-wheel model seats one and has 17-foot turning circle. Four-wheel model has added stability, room for two and turns in a 23-foot circle. (#54777) 4-wheel 18 hp Turf Truckster chassis (#50777) 3-wheel 18 hp Turf Truckster chassis GOLF CAR DISTRIBUTORS 1980 W. Wide Track Drive (U.S. 10) CUSHMAN TUFIF-CARE EQUIPMENT Pontiac, Michigan 48058 Phone: (313) 338-0425 15 Pity the Middle Class For years, the greatest fear in a man’ s life was to be poor. It was about the worst thing that could happen. But gradually, In fact, that’ s changing. nowadays you can get subsidiary housing, health, and dental care, university scholarships and various other welfare benefits, provided you’ re poor enough. All you need to enjoy many of the advantages of life is proof that you are disadvantaged. Nobody can complain about that. It’ s human and kind; however, in curing poverty, society has created another problem group, and that’ s middle class. Nobody wants to be middle class anymore because the middle class has an awkard amount of money - too much to be eligible to live as well as the poor, too little to live as well as the rich. The middle Instead of class wage earner is caught in be­ tween. living downtown (like the rich and the poor), the poor sap has to buy a crummy lot 35 miles from town because that’ s all he can afford. Then he spends the rest of his life trying to pay his bills, educate the kids and meet the mortgages be­ cause nobody will help him out. If poverty gets any more attractive, this is the sort of things we may run into at the office: “ Mr. Goodie, I wonder if I could speak to you for a minute?” “ What is it about, Smedley? I’ m busy.” “ It’ s about my salary, Mr. Goodie. The finest tool still needs a man who knows how to use it. — Napoleon Hill FORE-PAR MANUFACTURING CHICOPEE MANUFACTURING CO. 3M ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS AGRICO FE R T ILIZ E R S FOX V A LLE Y MARKING SYSTEMS E. I. DUPONT ( ACTI-DIONE PRODUCTS VELSICO L CHEMICALS CONTAINER DEVELOPMENT CYCLONE SEEDER COMPANY MALLINCKRODT CHEMICALS 16 . 0 TURFGRASS, INC. Phone: Area 313 437-1427 I w o n d e r if you could give me a decrease.” “ You had a decrease less than a year ago.” “ I know sir. I wouldn’t ask if it were not important, but I sure could use less money.” “ What size decrease did you have “ I was hoping for a $25 cut in , in mind?” salary.” “ Twenty-five dollars! That’ s a big slice, Smedley. What have you done to merit it?” “ I’ ve worked for the company 23 f years, Mr. Goodie, and I have never let you down. My work has always been I up to standard.” “ I realize that, Smedley, but $25? Wouldn’t you be satisfied with a $15 * cut? We have budget problems right now. We’ re already below last year’ s salary figures, and I hear the union is furious taxwise!” > “ Mr. Goodie, a $15 cutback is better than nothing, but my wife and I , had our hearts set on a $25 decrease.” “ How about $20, Smedley?” “ If I made $25 less, Mr. Goodie, we’ d be eligible for an apartment in f city’ s new development, the one * downtown with a pool, sauna and tennis courts. Besides my son would qualify for a government scholarship, and we could get his teeth fixed.” this condition. “ You drive a hard bargain, Smedley. * You win. You get your $25 decrease on If your work slips, 1 you’ ll take a $10 raise, no questions asked. And Smedley, will you invite me over for tennis and a swim some into your new \ night when you get place?” “ Bless you, Mr. Goodie. Certainly I believe the poor should share I Sir, with the less fortunate.” Grass stains can be removed from fabric by sponging the stains with de­ natured alcohol or carbon tetrachloride. Rub until the stains disappear. 17 T) NOW YOU CAN PHONE US for fast Order Service o r Messages for our Sales R epresentative alfco P O BOX 267 MARIETTA. O H IO 45750 OHIO CUSTOMERS: 1-800 282-9714 ALL OTHER STATES: 1-800-848-9740 MICHIGAN REPR. RALPH GRESS TURF SUPPLIES INC. 6900 Pardee Rd.,Tay lor, Michigan (313) 291-1200 DON’T EVEN THINK OF B U Y IN G .......................... GRASS SEED FERTILIZERS FUNGICIDES WITHOUT CALLING 291-1200 TURF SUPPLIES INC. 6900 Pardee Rd.,Taylor, Michigan (313) 291-1200 LAKESHO RE EQUIPMENT & S U P P L Y CO. D I S T R I B U T O R 8c F O R M U L A T O R GRASS SEED - FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES-FUNGI Cl DES-HERBICIDES REPLACEMENT MOWER PARTS REPLACEMENT TIRES LESCO Products Price Quotation On Request C A L L O U R N E W O F F I C E 300 So. Abbe Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 (216) 323-7544 M I C H I G A N C U S T O M E R S Call Toll Free: (800) 321-7423 We’re the WATER MOVING SPEC IA LISTS ... and we’ll help you put it all together An engineering staff to consult with you irrigation systems design & specifications, and budget estimates. The largest selection & stock in the midwest: PIPE & F IT T IN G S : PV C «Sewer & Drain (Corr.) Polyethylene •Galvanized Copper •Alum inum Pressure Reg. Valves «Elec. Valves Pressure & Flow Switches Controllers PUMPS & PUM PING S T A T IO N S EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISED DISTRIBUTOR RAIIMBIRD NELSON SAFE-T-LAW N/MOODY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 3890 W. 11 Mile Rd., Berkley, Mich. 48072 (313) 543-7730 22159 Telegraph, Southfield, Mich. 48075 (313) 356-9137 341 Lively Blvd., Elk Grove Vill., III. 60007 (312) 640-6660 DO YOU WEAR GLOVES? on It is recently. Do you wear gloves when handling pesticides? The p e r s i s t e n c e of pesticides the hands of some occupationally exposed people was studied found that chlordane and dieldrin have apparently persisted on the hands of a formerjl pest control operator for at least two years. Methoxychlor, and malathion persisted for at least seven days on the hands of a fruit and vegetable grower. Parathion was found on the hands of a man two months after his last known c o n t a c t with it. Endosulfan, TDE, Kelthane, Dacthal, Trithion, Imidan, and Guthion may have persisted on the hands of some exposed workers from 1 to 112 days after exposure. captan Think about this the next time you wonder if you should wear gloves!!! Reprinted from the University off Connecticut Greenhouse Extension Letter. With the election just around the cor-j ner, we thought you might enjoy the following stories. Two Massachusetts senators got into an angry debate. One told the other he could go to hell. The man thus con­ signed called on Calvin Coolidge and asked him to do something about it.] Replied Coolidge, “ I’ve looked up the law, Senator, and you don’t have to go there.” 5>JC Following a campaign speech a young | man rushed up to Senator Everett Dirk-< sen and said, “ Senator, I wouldn’t vote| for you if you were St. Peter!” Dirksen eyed the young man for a I moment, then said: “ Son, if I were St. I Peter, you couldn’t vote for me because you wouldn’t be in my district.” 18 The New ‘Turf-Bio from Turf-Vac Now there’s a fairway blower that is completely self-contained. A unit that can be towed by any vehicle from a tractor to a pickup truck because no power takeoff is required. Even though the Turf-Van *Turf-Blo is compact and light weight, it delivers a tremendous stream of air. A stream that can be quickly deflected from side to side without moving from a tractor | «* « High flotation pneumatic tires reduce tire marking, heavy duty blower features the same engineering know-how that goes into eveiy Turf-Vac product. Contact us or your nearest Turf- Turf-Vac distributor for a demon­ stration. And, ask about the Turf-Vac sweeper line. They’re great companion pieces to the all-new Turf-Vac *Turf-Blo. ‘Patent applied for General Specifications: Engine: 12 HP Tires: 13 x 6/5 x 6 low pressure Frame: 3" 4.1 channel Turbine: Abrasive resistant steel, direct engine drive. Air direction: Blows from either side. Controlled by lever. Height: 36" Length: 51" Width: 42" Shipping Weight: 450 pounds Accessories: Electric start, battery. TURF-VAC A Division of TSI, inc. 1717 Four Mile Road, N.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 (616) 364-8441 or 364-0719 LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 520 W. 11 MILE ROAD ROYAL OAK, MICH. 48068 TELEPHONE: (313) 398-3636 19 , SPECIFICATIONS: Sweeping Width Pick-Up Frame Hopper Capacity Dumping Bearings Gear Box Universal Drive to Reels Reel Timing Wheels Tires Hitch Height Adjustment MODEL PULL BEHIND SWEEPER ....................................60 in. Mechanical, 2 reels-counter-rotating rubber fingers. Rugged angular steel, all welded joints. Hinged to power head, angular steel frame, galvanized steel skin riveted to frame 5 cu. yds. Self dumping, activated by three point hitch. Sealed and self-aligning. Heavy duty, 45 hp Heavy duty Chain (60) runs in lubricant. Cham: connects reels for counter-rotating interlocking feature Castor type—rear Pneumatic. 16 x 6.50—8 (2). 3 point, standard tractor hook up Pre-set at factory, for other than normal conditions skid shoes can be raised or lowered For fine adjustment (0-% in.) use adjustable top link on 3 point hitch. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Thatcher-Thinner Front Rear Roller Attachment Replaces standard skid shoes. Curb Broom Bag Attachment Replaces hopper, (factory installed) material is collected in burlap bag Capacity: 1V? cu. yds. W.F. Miller Equipment Company 1593 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48011 TELEPHONE: (313) 647-7700 "A Patch of Green” 31823 U T I C A R O A D F R A S E R , M IC HI GA N 48026 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY - SER IALS EAST LAN SING, M ICH . 48023 U S POSTAGE PAID; PERMIT MO 37