PULA BOTSWANA JOURNAL Of AFRICAN STUDIES Editor: Prof. L.D. Ngcoogco Editorial Prof. M. Crowder Mr. E. Kupe Board: Mr. F.K. Ingan;i Dr. D. Milazi Dr. R.K. Jones Prof. M.A. Oommen Prof. S,I.A. Kotei Ms. K. Raseroka Vol.l No.1 The Role of the University in a Developing Country, N.O.H. Setidisho (The Rector). How the Tradi.tional World-view persists in the Christianity of the Sotho- Tswana, G. SetiJoane Prophets and Women in Nigerian Tragedy, ~ (Botswana High Commissioner, Lusaka). The QuaJificative in Tswana, E.5. Moloto (Department of African languages, VBS). The Impact of Christianity on 20th Century BJack South African Writing, ~ (Department of English, UBS), Considerations on the African National Question, ~ (Department of Soci.ology, UBS). ~ Public Examinations and Educational Advance in Botswana, M. Francis, (Department of Foundations of Educationy UBS). Origins of the Tswana, L. N~conRco, (Department of History, UBS). ~~~e:i~d~~f~ on the Origins of PoUtical Parties in Botswana, R. NenJtwekhulu, (Department of Political and Administrative The Structure of East African Age-set Systems (Masai, Arusha, Nandi and Kikuyu), F. Morton, (Department of History, UBS}. The [nstitutionalisation of Military Rule (The Case of Togo), S. Decalo (Department of Po Iitical and Administrative Studies, UBS). Literature and Politics among Blacks in South Africa, M. Mzamane, (Department of English, UBS). Vol.2 No.1 Human Rights in Botswana, Lesotho, SwazIland and Malawi, R. Weisfelder (Department of Political Science, University of Toledo). Critical Approaches to the Population Question, An African Perspective, O. Nnoli (Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka). --- The implications of Pegging the Botswana Pula to the US.Dollar, O. OchienJ1;(Department of Economics, Makerere University). Notes on the Effects of Management Techniques on Group Performance in Business Organisations, M. Kibuka (Department of Accountancy, UCB). Colonisation by Concession. Capitalist Expansion in the Bechuanaland Protectorate 1885 _ 1950, O. Selolwane (Institute of Adult Education, UB). Constraints on a Pre-colonial Economy. The Bakwena State c.1820 ~ 1885, F. NanJtati (St. Peters CoHege, Oxford University). The 1896-97 Southern Rhodesian War Reconsidered, H. Bhila (University of Zimbabwe). lNTE.RVIEW. In Retrospect. A Conversation with Meyer Fortes. A. Bujra (Executive Secretary, CODESRIA) and K. Prah (Department of Sociology, Juba). ~ E.ducationa.1Management by OBjectives for Botswana; Focus on Teacher Education Martha Tyler John (Department of Educa\.ion, Mid-American Nazarene College, Kansas). The Migratory Labour System and the Social Conditions of BLS Migrant Workers on the South African Mines, Dominic Milazi (Department of Sociology, U8) Research Information and Documentation Services Coordination in Southern Africa, Francis fnRanii (Documentalist, National [nstitute of Development Research and Documentation, UB). Family Size Preference and Fertility in South-Western Nigeria, Ghazi M. Farooq, Ha I Ekanin and Sina Ofelade