NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND DOCUMENT A. TION P/Ilag 0022 Sales Agent: Gaborone Botswana Book Centre Botswana P.O.Box 91 Telephone: 56364 Gaborone, Botswana A V"ILA8LE PUBLICATIONS SERIES: WORKING PAPERS No.n L. Wily The TGLP and Hunter-Gatherers: A Case Study In land Politics January 1981 No.l4 B.L.B. Mushonga African Small-scale Entrepreneurship with S~ial Reference to Bohwana March 1981 No.37 P.R. Spray Botswana as a beef exporter Jul y 1981 No.3! J.B. Opschoor Environmental Resources Utilisation in Communal Botswana Augulot 1981 No.39 K.M. Higgim. Women Farmers and their Training. An Evaluation of a Programme of Non- Formal Education provided by the Botswana Ministry of Agriculture (or Women Farmers at Rural Training Centres September 1981 No.4Q J.A. Van Vegten Man-made Vegetation Changes: An example from Botswana's savanna October 1981 No.41 C.R. Morgan Agricultural Cooperatives in Botswana February 1982 No.42 F. Inganjl Information and Documentation Services for Development of Africa: A case for Southern Africa April 1982 No.43 D. Nthoyiwa Population DistributIOn and its ImplicatiOn!> for SOClo-Economic ~velopment in Botswana May ] 982 No.44 Narayan-Parker Women's Interest and Involvement in Income-generating activities [kcember 1983 No.45 J.I.E. Breyer Supervised Classification of Land~t MSS for Mapping Flooding In the Lower Boteti Region, Central District, Republic of Botswana December 1983 SERIES: NIR RESEARCH NOTES No.3 M. Maribe and land availability and Arable Land Development in Southern Kgatleng October 1980 J.8. Opschoor No.4 L. Monare and The Marketing Structure of Kgatleng District April 1981 J.8. Opschoor No.5 N.L Jellenic and A Pain in the Neck: The Firewood Situation in South-Western Kgatleng, Botswana 1981 J.A. van Yegten No.6 D.L. Kgathi and Drought Impacts and Adaptations: SocIO-economic Aspects of the 1979 Kgatleng J.B. Opschoor Drought lme 1982 No.7 Z. Gobotswang Report of Pilot Evaluation. Mahalapye Development Trust June 1982 K. Rakorong and M. Segale No.8 A. Modungwa Report of Pilot Evaluation on Kanye Brigades Development Trust July 1982 L. Molefe and D. Ngwako No.9 J. Arntzen ASriculture and Resource Utilisation In Mosomane, Kgatleng Dlstnet. Botswana December 1983 No.11 J. Arntzen Firewood Collection in MosomaN!, Kgatleng District Botswana Qeocember 1983 No.12 A. Mot50mi An AnalYSIS of Council liVestOCk boreholes In Kgatleng District November 1983 SERIES: WORKING BIBLIOGRAPHIES D.L. Kgathi &- The Bngade Movement In Botswana: An Annotated Bibliography 1982 No.3 Q.N. Parsons f .J. Henderson Women In Botswana: An .Annotated Bibliography March 1911 No.1J. F .1. Henderson & Botswana's Environment: An Annotated Bibliography April 1911 No.5 No.6 M.W. Webb Feedback in Media Production in Botswana Adult Education In Botswana 1960~ 1980: An Annotated Bibliography February 1912 No.7 F. Youngman A Consolidated C~cklist of Theses and DIS$E"rtatlons on Botswana 1983 No.8 Q.N. Parsons A Gui~ to Periodical Articles about Botswana, 0965-1980> 1983 No.9 T. Modi!W.keng F. Hender50n Churches In Botswana October 1983 No.lO LT. Fako No.1) A.S. Khutsoane Directory of recent and on-golOg re~arch 00 Botswana September 1983 SERIES: SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS T.T. Fako (ed.) Health/Illness and the SOClo-cultural Backgrouod April 1980 F. Inganji (ed.) Report on Use of Information and Documentation for Planning and Declslon.MaklOg April 1981 Robert K. Hitchcock (ed.) Botswana'!> Flr!>t Ln'e!>tock Development Project and Future Implications June 1982 1983 National Institute for Education, Development and SOCIal Transformation Development Research &. Documentation and Foundation tor Education with Production (FEP) FOR THCOMING PUBLICA nONS SERIES: WORKING PAPERS n.d. An Electoral Study of Botswana Decalo n.d. The Shashe Bngades - A Management Survey Stellinga Aspects o( Flfewood Trade~tween Rural Kweneng and Urban Gaborone D.L. Kgathl A Socio-Economlc Persptttive SERIES: RESEARCH NOTES n.d. No.JO I. Mazonde Attitudes on Disabled In Botswana SERIES: WORKING BI8L10GRAPHIES n.d. No.tO T. Fako Health-Care delivery in Botswana n.d. No.12 Pia de pradal AMOlated 8llMiographyon Family Plaming 111