u[}={]~ ~(QJlr~Wffi\[Mffi\ ~(Q)(Cm~u\f P.O. BOK 71, Gaborone Botlwlna GENERAL INFORm TI01~ The Botswana Society exists for the purpose of encouraging interest, scholarships and research in the Natural Sciences, the Humanities and the Arts. Particularly where such subjects are related to Botswana. In pursuit of these aims, the Society: a. publishes an annual volume entitled "Botswana Notes & Re<:ords" which is distributed to members and subscribers throughout the world. b. publish/'S other Occasional Papers, of a scholarly nature, which are made availabie to members at preferential prices. c. arranges occasioQ,Sl conference/sympot;ia, the reports of which are published and made available to Dlemhers at preferential prices. d. arranges regular monthly lectures upon subjects within the scope of the Society's interests. (N.B. These lectures are advertised in the Daily News and in the quarterly Newsletter.Qf the Society). A regular Member (Resident in Botswana only) receives oDe copy of Botswana Notes & Records for each y,>ar in which the annual memb~rship fee is paid. A Life Member receives one copy of each annual edition of Botswana Notes & Records from the year in which Life Member- ship is taken out. A Subs~rib(r receives one copy of Botswana Notes & Records for each year in which the annual subscription has been paid • ....... . Established," assoclatlon with the National Museum and Art Gallery Journal: lIollwana Notel and Records Il3