PULl BOTSWANA .IOlJRNAL Of AFRICAN STUDIES Vol.! No.1 ~ of the Univ~rsity in a Developing Country~ N.O.H. Setidisho (The ReCtor). How the Traditiona.l World-view persists in the Christianity of the Sotho- Tswana, ~ Prophets and Women in Nigerian Tragedy, M. Melamu (Botswana. High Commissioner, Lusaka). The Qualificative in Tswana, E.S. Maloto (Department of African Languages, vaS). The Impact of Christianity on 20th Century Black South African "'riting, ~ (Department of English, VaS). Considerations on the African NationaJ Question, ~ (Department of Sociology, UBS). Vol.J No.2 Public Examinations and Educational Advance in Botswana, M. francis, (Department of Foundations of Education. vaS). Origins of the Tswana, L. NRCOORCO. (Department of History, VaS). Some Findings on the Origins of Political Parties in Botswana, R. NenRwekhulu, (Department of Political and Administrative Studies, U8S). The Structure of East "irlcan Age-sel Systems CMasai, Arusha, Nandi and Kikuyu), ~, (Department of HistOl"Y, UaS). The Institutionalisatioo af Military Rule (The Case of Togo), S. DecaJo (Department of Po Iitical and Administrative Studies, UBS). Literature and Politics among Blacks in South Africa, M. Mzama~1 (Department of English, UBS). Vol.2 No.1 ~ghts in Botswana.. Lesotho. Swaziland and MaLawt, R. Weisfelder (Department at Political Science, University of Toledo). Critical Approaches to the Population Question, An African Perspective, ~ (Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria., Nsukka). The Implications of Pegging the 8ots ....ana Pula to the U.S.DoUar, O. OchienR (Department of Economics, Makerere University). Notes 00 the Effects of Management Techniques on Croup Performance in Businas Organisations. ~ CDep¥tment of Accountancy. UCB). Colonisati.on by Conc~ion. Capitalist Expansion in the 8echuanaland Protectorate U85 _ 1950, O. 5eloJwane (Institute of Adult Education, UB). Constraints on a Pre-colonial Economy. The Bakwena State c.1820 - l&&', F. Nan"ati (St. Peters CoUege, Oxford University). The 1896-97 Southern Rhodesian War Reconsidered, H. BhiJa (University of Zimbabwe). INTERVIEW. In Retrospect. A Conversation with Meyer fortes. A. Blljra (EJlCttutjve Secretary, CODESRIA) and K. Prah (Dt-partment of Sociology, Juba). ~ Educationa.l Management by OBjectives for &otswana; Focus on Teacher Education Martha Tyler John (Department of Education, Mid.American Nazarene College, Kansas), The Migratory labour System and the Social Conditions of 8lS Mjgrant '-orkers on the South Afdcan Mines, Domini.c Milaz.i. (Department of Sociology, U8) Research Information and ~ntation Services Coordination in Southern Africa, Francis Inganii (Oocomentalist, National Institute of Development Research and Documentati.on, VB). it~~~tg;;f:,.preference and Fertility in Soutt\.-Western Ni.geria, Ghui M. FarOOQ. Ha 1 Ekanin and ~ (University of Interview with Prof. J.F. Ade Ajayi. Kwesi K. Prah (Depertment of Soc:ioJOIY,Juba). ~ Labour, Force Participation and Unemployment in lObatse, Nesim Tumkaya (University of Botswana) •• C~ative Aspect of the Legal Framework for the Control of the Insurance Business in 80tswana and Swaziland, Pete" N. Takltambudde (Head, Law Department. University of80tswana). SpatiaJ Patterns of Development in Tropical Africa: Policy Implications from the Zambian E"ample, Thando O. Cwebu (Department of Environmt!'ntal Science, University of Botswana). Botswana's Beef Cattle E-.ports: Establi$hrnent of a Reserve Industry c. lCJOO..l921tMichael Hubbard, (Department of Economk$, Un,versity of Botswana). ReJ~&ionand Politics in an African Chiefdom: Th~ Mothowagae Secession Revisit atony SetsW ncweUst: .. i~ pWticuIar reference to the novel. Go sa ...... 3ame:t Moi_ l\JniYet"l.aty of Hotsw-> A&icoft 510 __ La ... Y!tW c.o. _ (Unl ..... ty of _-' A- ...... __ Ci~Act. ....... _ T__ ~of_-' 1M