VOLUME: 9 No.2 1995 ISSN.0256.2316 BOTSWANA JOURNAL OF AFRICAN STUDIES L-K. J. Mwansa T. T. Fako K. Frimpong Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. A. Datta Dr. R.K. Darkwah Dr. P.K. Jain Mr. T.L. Maruatona Mr. L. Molamu Mrs. S. Monageng Prof. G.c. Mrema Mr. F. Ubogu Mrs H.K. Raseroka THE EDITOR Dr. Thabo T. Fako SUBSCRIPTIONS The rates are as follows: Botswana P20.00 per copy Other US$20.00 per copy Payment should be made by banker's draft in Botswana currency. Orders may be sent to the following address: The Director, National Institute of Development Research and Documentation Private Bag 0022 GABORONE Botswana Telephone 356364 Fax 357573 Table of Contents Editorial Note Poverty and The Environment: Dimensions of Sustainable Development Policy K. Osei-Hwedie 1 Comparing Land Policy and Resource Degradation in Botswana and Zimbabwe P. Mufune 21 The Seven-Year Drought, Household Food Security and Vulnerable Groups in Botswana T. T. Fako and L. Molamu 48 The Need to Institutionalize Life-Long Environmental Education in Botswana J. Mutanyatta 71 Fencing Botswana's Commonage: A Recipe for Environmental Disaster or Conservation? O.D. Selolwane 90