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PASSARGE Translated and edited by Edwin Wilmsen The Bushmen of the Kalahari and Other Papers SIR CHARLES REY Edited by Neil Parsons & Michael Crowder ~onarch of All I Survey: Bechuanaland Diaries 1929-371988. 160 mm x 240 mm. b&w illus. Hardback ISBN 99912-60- 00-5. Price: P35. UK Rights: James Currey Publishers, London. US Rights: Lilian Barber Publishers, New York ISAAC SCHAPERA with Introduction by SIR CHARLES REY A Handbook of Tswana Law and Custom Facsimilie reprint ofl938 1st edition. 1995 in press. ISBN n!a World rights outside SADC: . RICHARD WHITE Livestock Production and Pastoral Production on Communal Rangeland in Botswana 1993. 180 x 240 mm. 72 pp. ISBN 99912-60-20-X Price: JAMES ZAFFIRO From Police Network to Station of the Nation: a Political History of Broadcasting 1927-1991 in Botswana 1991. 240 x 180 mm. 108 pp. ISBN: 99912-60-14-5. 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Price: Biblioeraphies The Botswana Society Index to Publications 1969-1989 Compiled by Q.N. Parsons & R.K. Hitchcock 1991. 180 x 265 mm. 72 pp. Paperback ISBN 99912-60-08-7. Price: PIO Pre-Colonial Botswana: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Sources Compiled by Barry Morton. Series: Botswana Society Bibliography of Botswana Part II. /994. 165 x 245 mm. 67 /J/J. illus. Price: P25 195