NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS PULA is ajournal devoted the study of Africa, particularly Southern Africa. We welcome clearly expressed contributions from scholars all over the world. Articles which cross disciplinary boundaries are most welcome. Articles should be original contributions, not previously published. If an article is under consideration for publication elsewhere, this must be clearly indicated by the author at the time of submission. Articles which are simply descriptive and lacking in analytical content, or are too specialized to be appreciated by scholars in other disciplines, are not likely to be accepted. Articles submitted will be referred to referees, at least one being expert in the appropriate field of scholarship, before acceptance by the Journal. Articles should be in the range of four to six thousand words, with an abstract at the beginning of 100-150 words. Articles should be written in continuous prose without numbered or bulleted paragraphs, though sub-headings are welcome. Tables and figures should be included when absolutely necessary, and should be serially numbered from I onwards. Authors should submit three copies of their article for consideration. The copies should be typed double-spaced. Notes (if any) should be serially numbered from I onwards, and listed at the end of the paper, followed by an alphabetical list of References cited in the text and Notes. (Please do not use automatic footnoting or embed Notes or References as hidden text on the diskette.) Any author's acknowledgements should be placed as an unnumbered note at the head of the Notes. Bibliographic citations within text and Notes should be abbreviated (author and date plus page numbers)-as in: (Tlou, 1973: 123-24) or, Tlou (1973: 123-24). Citations in References should be in the following general format: Books: Blaikie, R .. & H. Brookfield (1987) Land Degradation and Society London: Methuen Articles: Mosothwane, M. (1996) 'An Assessment of Botswana Pre-Service Teachers' Altitudes towards Environmental Education' Mosenodi (Gaborone), 4 (2): 27-36 Chapters: Kimambo, I. (1974) 'The Eastern Bantu Peoples', 195-209 in B.A. Ogot (ed.) Zamani: a Survey of East African History Nairobi: East African Publishing House & Longman (for Historical Asso- ciation of Kenya), 2nd edn Unpublished: Molojwane, M., & S. Chilwa (1994) 'The Efficiencies of the Destitute Programme in Botswana' Paper presented to [Botswana Government] Inter-Ministerial Drought Committee meeting, Francistown, 13-15 April 1994 [copy in University of Botswana Library I Archives: Cape Archives, Cape Town-OPB 1/2: D. Moodie to Gregory, 10 Dec. 1823 On acceptance of an article, the author must supply a fully corrected copy on stiffy dis- kette. Please provide one file version in RTF or plain ASCII format, as well as one in a common (i.e. at least three years old) DOS or Macintosh format-preferably Word or WordPerfect. Articles should be submitted to Editor, PULA. National Institute of Research. Private Bag UB 00708. PO University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. Lentswe La Lesedi Publishing tben,e odd people wbo pl"ove. tbat it eaD be 40De iD BotswaDa SION Oll LENTSWE LA UsED! (PrY) LID Pub".".,. ,