Lentswe La Lesedi and Lightbooks Publishers are pleased to announce the publi- cation of an exceptional new title that has been in the making for some nine years. It covers writing, and film, on the Khoe and San of southern Africa, some of the writing going back 150 years. It will prove a most invaluable resource for anyone interested in the region, in minority cultures and peoples, and in indig- enous peoples. As a primary resource it will also contribute to informed debate on current issues in these areas. Wide-ranging entries in the bibliography include Lentswe La Lesedi the areas of linguistics, anthropology, art, social relations, development, history, health, history, education, women, environment, music, religion, land tenure, government policy and culture, to name but a few. As a resource for researchers in the areas of southern African peoples, or minority groups generally, the publication should prove invaluable. More About the Book This volume of The Khoe and San Bibliography lists over a thousand annotated bibliographic en- tries covering the social sciences, languages, and history, as well as publications from national and regional San organisations. Short abstracts of each entry are linked to a list of keywords and authors. This is the first written presentation of a project based at the University of Botswana, the long term objective of which is to collect and make available to the public all contemporary written documen- tation on the indigenous peoples of southern Af- rica, known as Bushmen, San, Khoe or by group names corresponding to language communities. All the entries listed can be consulted in full at the library of the University of Botswana. The Compilers Shelagh Willet is a librarian with extensive experi- ence in bibliographic research. Stella Monageng was, at the time of research, Deputy Director of Information and Research Services at the Univer- sity of Botswana Library Services. Sidsel Saugestad is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Univer- sity of Troms0, Norway, and Janet Hermans is an anthropologist, editor and consultant with Logis- 256pp 248x187 2002 ISBN: 9912-71-26-0 tics Consultancy. Availability The book is available through our international distributors the African Books Collective in Oxford, UK, www.africanbookscollective.com (price US$41.95). Availability in southern African is through selected book- shops (please order through your local bookshop if there is no stock). STOP PRESS: Volume 2 is to be published in September 2003 For further information and other LIGHTBOOKS publications please see our web site at www.lightbooks.net LENTSWE L A LESEDI (PTY) LTD PO Box 2365, GABORONE, BOTSWANA TEL: (267)3903994, FAX: (267)3914017, E-MAIL: PUBLISHER@LIGHTBOOKS.NET, WEB: WWW.LIGHTBOOKS.NET