THE UNIVERSITY' OF ZAMBIA INSTITt1rE FOR AFRICAN STlJDm.s (formerlY' Rhodes...Livingstone IIlStitute) P.O. :aox 900, L\lSa.lI;a,Za.mbia PUBLICATIONS : African Social Research (bi ...annual journal) Za.mbian Papers (annual ) Cl)lI!/lIUnioatiolls (annual) :aookS AFRICAN SOCIAL RE3EARCH No. 28 December 1979 Economic Spheres in Pre.;.Colonial 11a Society by Robin Fielder Law and. Social Change: A Case Stl,ldy in the Customary Law of Il'lheritance in Zamb.ia by Mphanza P. Mvunga Liability of a Paramour in Damages' for .Adultery in Customary Law by Huna Ndulo Book RevieWS SUESCRIPl'IONS : FULLSU1lSCRIPl'IONSentitle subscribers to receive two issues of African Social Research and one issue each of Zambian Papers and Communications per a.nnum; post ;rree. Rates are~ East and Oentral Africa K20.0Q United States and Canada. Institutional ~30.00 Personal ~25.00 United Kingdom and ell;lewhere £10.00