C O P Y R I G HT BY O. M. S C O TT ft S O NS C O ,. M A R Y S V I L L E, O H IO he perfect setting for any home is a Scott Bent Lawn of smooth, exquisite beauty. Thousands of these lawns are neighborhood show places from coast to coast. Many of their owners have won the top prizes year after year in home and garden contests. They have been quick to give their fine Scott Bent Lawns a major share of credit for these awards. Scotts Bentgrass has been producing outstanding turf for over 25 years. Its great value was first demonstrated on golf courses where the closely knit texture provides the uniform turf so essential for accurate putting. Although it is impossible to portray the full, rich beauty of a Scott Bent Lawn, the pictures in this booklet will give an idea of the wonderful framing it provides homes and gardens. The vivid color and fine texture of the gracefully tapering blades make a Scott Bent Lawn a joy to behold. It is a veritable carpet of grass with uniform color and fineness. Luxuriant Scott Bent Lawns are developed in remarkably short time. The seed sprouts quickly and the young grass spreads out to cover the ground completely with a solid mat of turf that leaves no room for coarse, ugly weeds. That is why Scott Bent Lawns look so neat and well groomed. Scotts Bentgrass is not particularly temperamental about its home. It turns on its charm without restraint from the northern reaches of New England, down through Pennsylvania and west to the Pacific coast. It will withstand extremes of cold but is not recommended for the south except in mountainous regions where summer This exquisite Scott Bent Lawn makes a restful retreat for the food-man, Mr. B. F. Hormel of Austin, Minnesota. famous climate is more moderate. There are many presentable Bent Lawns as far south as the Mason-Dixon line but Bent is most at home in the latitude of Philadelphia, Columbus, Omaha, Denver, and thence north into Canada. Soils of average fertility are satisfactory for Bentgrass but the heavier soils are usu- ally better than sands and gravels because they hold more moisture. Like any grass, Bent requires watering during periods of drouth it is to retain its brilliant color. It is only recommended where supplementary water is available. Even so, dur- ing extreme drouth years when sprinkling was prohibited, owners of Bent Lawns found that the turf revived beautifully when the fall rains came—even better than neighboring lawns of ordinary grasses. if Scotts Bent thrives in open areas receiving full sunlight or in lightly shaded spots. It is not recommended for dense shade or on steep slopes or for planting in those trying conditions of trampled, compact soil where no vegetation can possibly thrive. A 12-year-old lawn that attests the lasting quality of Scotts Bentgrass surrounds the beautiful Toledo Art Museum. Bentgrass is the only variety that thrives with close cropping. Those who like closely cut lawns will find that Bent responds to cutting at less than an inch, preferably twice a week with a seven bladed mower. All grasses, as well as flowers and other vegetation, are subject to attack by various insect pests and by fungus diseases. It is easy to guard a Bent Lawn against such damage. This is advisable, not because the damage is so much greater but because a Bent Lawn is so nearly perfect that any blemish in the turf is quite conspicuous. Pittsburghers are proud of the Cathedral of Learning and its spacious green lawns in which Scotts Bentgrass predominates. The attainment of a Scott Bent Lawn can be as easy and quick as you want it to be. Many have developed their Bent Lawns by sowing Scotts Bentgrass seed into present lawns. They find that the Bent gradually spreads out and takes over completely. Others prefer to start from the beginning by cultivating the ground and preparing a new seed bed. In either case the preparations are the same as for sowing ordinary seed. The one difference is that much less of the Bent seed is needed because there are many more seeds to the pound—eight million in fact. That means Scotts Bent seed goes twice as far. Three pounds is ample to start a brand new lawn on 1000 square feet (50 ft. x 20 ft.) while as little as a pound will help thicken an established lawn of that size. This attractive in Westchester tea house County, New York• A touch is found high on top a pine achieved in the carpet of brilliant turf provided covered of natural perfection by Scotts Bentgrass. mountain is A portion of Bent seed is contained in our standard lawn mixture called Scotts for Sunny Lawns. Additional Bent can be developed in the lawn by mixing one pound of Scotts Bent with five pounds of Sunny Lawn seed. Scotts Bentgrass can be planted any time during the growing season but, as with other grasses, early spring and early fall are the best times. Experience with Bentgrass for over a quarter of a century has led us to this conclu- sion: The same care given an ordinary lawn to keep it looking its best, will make a Bent Lawn look even better. Any extra attention to Bent will be readily reflected in a display of beauty far beyond the capacity of ordinary grasses. In Ohio's capital city the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lazarus is made doubly inviting by this expanse of Scotts Bentgrass. O. M. SCOTT and SONS COMPANY Marysville, Ohio Ridgefield, Ne w Jersey There are many like this one located superb Scott Bent Lawns throughout New England, on the Shore Road out of Boston at Monument Park in Swampscott, Massachusetts