F O L L OW T HE R E C O M M E ND A' T I O NS of T H O SE W HO K N OW our Few people realize that early A u t u mn is the ideal time for seeding lawns. T he cool, moist weather of A u g u s t, September and O c t o b er stimulates the healthy growth of new seedlings. T he following summer finds the grass plants sufficiently matured and well established to con- tend with the hot, dry weather and peshy weeds. T hese benefits have been determined by test plantings at the United States Experiment Stations as well as practical plantings by home owners seeking more beautiful turf. G r e a t er D r o u th Resistance Fall seeded grass develops deeper roots, enabling it to draw on a larger volume of soil for water. W h en hot weather arrives, these roots are firmly established. T h i c k er G r a ss C o ol autumn evenings encourage grass to tiller or stool out, thereby forming thick, spreading sod with a long healthy blade growth. F e w er W^eeds Fall seeded grass has about 4 months growth before lawn weeds start in M ay or June. Consequently, it can better compete with such objectionable weeds as Dandelions, Plantain or Crabgrass. M o re U n i f o rm G r o w th Fall rains are slow. T h ey do not wash the dirt away and are favorable to a higher germination. Fewer bare spots remain to mar the lawn. " L a te summer seedi ng will generally give best results." —Penn College. State "Regrettable that home owners don't take much interest in starting a lawn in the f a l l . "— U. S. Dept. of Ag. " L a te A u g u st and early September most favorable for seeding new lawns."—Michigan State College. Research Backs T h e se Statements "Planting trials show seeding c e s s f u l . " — AJ ew York Agricultural in fall usually most suc- Experiment Station. " M o st favorable period for seeding lawns is late summer and early fall."—TV. J. Ag. Experiment Station. "Pall seeding much preferred to spring seeding. Septem- ber most favorable m o n t h . " —O h io State University. Shade M i x t u re 1 lb. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. IO lbs. - - - - - - - - $ - - . 75 (2.15 3 . 50 6 . 75 - - - $ Scott's L a wn Seed .60 i lb. 1 - 75 3 Iks- 2 . 75 5 lbs. 5 . 25 10 lbs. Scott's Creeping Bent 1 . 65 4.70 Scott's T u rl Builder 1 lb. 3 lbs. - $ - - - - - 10 lbs. <25 lbs. 5o lbs. 1 00 lbs. - - - - - - - - $ 1 . 25 <2.25 3 . 75 6.50 O ur clerks will be glad to show you lawn and Turf Builder — the t e st Scott's Lawn Seed insurance known,