] ■òlW IY S cznd G olf Courses O.M.SCOTT fi. SONS CO. M A R Y SV ILLE O H I O Donated by: ED CROFT February, I960Ì . CONTENTS Introduction................................................................................. 3 Weeds............................................................................................ 4 Undesirable Aliens....................................................................... 5 Survival of the Strong................................................................ 6 Eternal Vigilance......................................................................... 7 Dead and Immature Grains..................................................... 8 Getting Rid of Weeds................................................................. 9 Preparation of Ground................................................................ 10 Let the Roots Breathe.................................................................11 Grass Grows Down as Well as Up............................................13 Sowing............................................................................................14 Mowing...........................................................................................15 Watering.........................................................................................16 Treating an Old Lawn.................................................................16 The Putting Green.......................................................................18 Fair Greens.................................................................................... 18 Shady Places ................................................................................19 Shady Place M ixtures................................................................ 19 “How to Know Good Seed”......................................................20 Crab Grass.....................................................................................22 Moss................................................................................................23 Dandelion.................. Moneywort............... Chick Weed.............. Ground Ivy............... Buckhorn Plantain.. Broad Leaf Plantain Scott’s Lawn Seed... Guarantee................. r"THE information in this booklet applies to 1 the golf course, as well as to the lawn. The golf course needs exactly the same sort of prep­ aration as the lawn except that larger tools, such as the plow, disc, spike tooth harrow, drag, etc. are used in preparing the ground. There is no great secret about golf course mixtures. Nearly everyone knows the grasses that are the most desirable. The thing is to sow seed that is free from weed seeds, dead and immature grains — the kind this booklet tells about. A given grass will not do well in all sections of this country; certain varieties do better in certain localities, and it is unreasonable for English seed concerns to claim that by simply sowing seed from Europe, the turf can be made as satisfactory in color and texture as those across the water. Some of the very grasses fchat do best there are unsuitable here where we mave too much sunshine, long periods of drought and severe winters. Different grasses must be used in this country if we hope to produce the best and most lasting turfs. 3 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED W eeds YY7EEDS are the yeggmen of plant life, the vv outcasts of the society of growing things, stealing and appropriating to themselves the fertility, moisture, sunshine, and room to thrive that are the birthright of what we sow. Assuming that their might affords them the right to dwell where they list, they elbow every­ thing else out of the way, and, if let alone, would soon establish their own undesirable community where it was planned only beautiful grass should grow. Particularly are they active in newly made lawns, frequently making it necessary to do all over again the work of first preparation. Always unsightly, they mar the effect of an otherwise faultless lawn. To eradicate them, once they are in residence, is arduous and expensive. The ideal lawn is the Oriental or Royal Wilton of the outdoors, and if we would have it as delightful to our eyes as its cherished indoor prototype, there must be no weeds to impair its beauty. In the making of a lawn no other problem exceeds that of the weed in vital importance. One way of speaking, all living things except animals may be called plants. Nature recognize^ no difference between weeds and useful plants^ man, judging their effect upon his interests, distinguishes weeds as “plants out of place.“ Weeds mean wasted labor and constant expense. 4 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED U ndesirable Aliens YY7EEDS increase the effect of drouth by tak- ing up water from the soil and wasting it by evaporation. Weeds are hardier and more prolific than other plants, for valuable plants have been bred to such a high point that they have less resistance than weeds that have had to fight their own battles for ages, conquering drouth, man and the elements, and continuing their travels around the globe. Weeds which a short time ago were unknown in American lawns have become prominent pests. Most of these objectionable immigrants were brought from Europe in grass seed and, as many of the grasses are grown for seed only in Europe, it can be seen that great care must be exercised in the purchase of lawn seed or trouble is quite likely to be sown for years to come. Weeds know how to fight and to propagate themselves. Nature equips the perennials with deep and spreading roots that resist the most severe weather. Annuals produce thousands of seeds each year. The seeds of some weeds are fitted with parachutes, sails, grappling hooks and Kntrenching tools and some shoot broadcast like •ursting shells when the pod is touched. Thus, it can be seen, that when a crop of weeds is main­ tained on the lawn the neighbor’s lawn is quite likely to be damaged by them. 5 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Survival of th e Strong E abhors waste spaces. If bare spots 1 ^ are left on the lawn, she immediately covers them with weeds, using her only means of pre­ serving the valuable elements in the soil that would otherwise leach out. All bare spots as they show themselves should be sown with good seed, especially on a new lawn, for every weed does harm by smothering out grass and attract­ ing insects—mosquitoes, ants, etc. A recent bulletin issued by the Department of Agriculture begins with this statement: “In a sense, farming might be called a warfare against weeds. . So powerful are weed enemies in reducing crop yields, which at the same time multiply labor, that the farmer should at every turn strengthen his position against them.“ . This bulletin like everything else that has ever been published on this subject, closes with the admonition that to be rid of weeds pure seed must be sown. Exactly the same thing applies to the lawn, which indeed is but a small farm. The farmer, however, can practice rotation of crops and cultivation as a means of keeping down the weeds. Obviously this is impossible in the lawn, so it is even more important that pure seed^ of strong vitality should be sown. If weedy! seed is used, the resulting weak plants are over­ come by the weeds sown with the seed, together with those already in the ground. 6 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Eternal V igilance 00D seed is often unthinkingly charged with a growth of weeds. This growth, however, may come solely from viable weed seeds which have been in the ground for many years. On another page we explain how to get rid of these seeds. Weeds sown with the lawn seed will germinate at the same time. They cause endless trouble and can be eradicated only by pulling. Eternal vigilance is the price of a good lawn free from weeds, except extreme care be used in the selection of the seed. Many a farmer harvests half a crop of hay be­ cause he is careless in the purchase of his seed. Weed seed cannot make a profitable farm crop and weedy lawn seed cannot make a successful lawn. While it may not be possible to have a lawn entirely free from weeds, yet by following certain simple instructions weeds may be reduced to such an extent as to be negligible. The following pages set forth the gospel of good sowing which for some years, we have been successfully preaching. They detail for you an effective plan of campaign against the Philistines already encamped in your dooryard, identifying and picturing the most dangerous of your enemies. They show you also what we are doing to insure a clean lawn from your next sowing. Surely it is less expensive to sow Scotfs Lawn Seed and thus avoid sowing and propagating weeds than to spend days of labor in their destruction. 7 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Dead and Im m ature G rains IN SELECTING lawn seed one needs to guard 1 against not only the presence of weeds but also the presence of grains that will not germinate or, at best will make only weak plants. A large amount of immature grains in lawn seed is equivalent to adulterating and an un­ satisfactory and patchy lawn can be the only result. Seed usually contains dead and immature grains for the reason that it has not been thor­ oughly cleaned; quite often, however, the germ­ inating power of the light-weight seeds of which lawn mixtures are composed is destroyed in the process of curing, though the grains retain their normal size and appearance. Experiment Stations have found that it is a common thing for clover seed costing $10.00 per bushel to really cost the purchaser 25% to 50% more, through the presence of waste matter. It is easier to pay good money for waste matter in lawn seed than in farm seed. Dead grains and those burnt in curing do not grow. Buying them means proportionate increase in the cost. One cannot afford to buy such stuff; much less to sow it. A seed is not a seed unless it will germinate. Under unfavorable conditions you may get a poor lawn from good seed, but a good lawn never did result from sowing poor seed. When the purchaser accepts seed that he knows contains 8 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED immature and dead grains, he should realize that he is losing money, for an undesirable lawn is sure to follow. The actual proportion of weeds and worthless seeds must be estimated before one can know the actual cost of seed. How to make this estimate is explained in “How to Know Good Seed.” When you buy Scotts Lauon Seed you will be absolutely sure that you are paying only for large, well matured grains that will grow. G ettin g Rid of W eeds YY7EEDS may be classified according to the * * length of time they live as, annuals, bien­ nials and perennials. Lawn owners are particularly interested in the annuals and perennials, or seed plants and root plants. The annuals growing from seed produce flowers, bear seed and die all within a year. Perennials propagate themselves both by roots which stay in the ground for years and by their seeds. It is important to know under which head the different weeds come and their habits in order to remove them from the lawn and keep them out. Annuals should be prevented from seeding and perennials from forming new leaves, roots and underground stems. Any weed may e eradicated if the nature of its growth is under- tood. Plants take in most of their food through their leaves. The perennials, such as dandelion and plantain store some of this food in their large SCOTT’S LAWN SEED fleshy root stocks. The first growth in the spring, particularly the flowering stems, draws on this supply of nourishment. The plants are then in their weakest condition and should be attacked when in full bloom before the seed has time to mature and the plant has begun to re­ plenish its food supply. Some weeds will produce a million seeds in one year, so one of the most important things in getting rid of weeds is to prevent their seeding. Under the different weed illustrations we give the best methods for disposing of them. However, the important thing to consider is that by keeping grass in you keep weeds out. Mow frequently and use fertilizer in the spring and well rotted manure in the fall. By sowing Scott’s Lawn Seed or any other seed known to be pure and to contain strong well developed grains, much of the trouble of destroying weeds may be avoided. Preparation of G round 'T H E two important considerations in the prep- A aration of a new lawn are the quality of the soil and the quality of the seed. Good soil is neces­ sary because no seed will make a satisfactory lawn unless the soil will furnish moisture and heat, and allow the circulation of air. Nearly all soils, reasonably fertile, contain the essentialJ^k plant foods, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These are insoluble, and are not released un­ less a sufficient amount of humus (decayed vegetable matter) is in the soil, so that moisture 10 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED may be retained and chemical action take place to release them. Soil conditions should be such that the lawn may take care of itself whether there is too much water or too little. Drainage re­ moves the surplus water and humus retains moisture for use during the dry time. Drainage is to most soils like fresh air to a poorly ventilated room. Let th e R oots Breathe r_P H E oxygen in the fresh air, penetrates the soil, 1 and is as necessary to plant growth as it is to human beings. If soil is not naturally well drained tile should be used. On account of building operations the ground about a house is apt to be in an unfavorable con­ dition for the making of a lawn. All waste matter such as stones, large clods, etc., should be removed and the ground carefully leveled. This can easily be done by driving pegs at intervals and using a level and straight edge. Top soil should be added to a depth of three to six inches. If the subsoil is very heavy clay, the surface soil should be deeper. Soil obtained from a cultivated field is best, for it should be full of humus and contain less weeds. Soil brought from another place should be spread evenly over the entire surface; otherwise the lawn may present a patchy appearance. Certain ;rasses are congenial to certain soils, and different hades of green may result. This condition is often discernible on even the oldest lawns. If there already is a rich top soil, it may be removed, and replaced after the subsoil has been leveled. 11 A w SCOTT’S LAWN SEED The top soil should be raked and rolled until the upper inch, in which the young plant will get its start, is as fine as ashes. As the grass grows, long roots shoot out, so conditions below this depth should be suitable for their development. Have all the top soil mellow, but made firm by rolling. Rolling both ways reveals inequalities of the surface easily adjusted by the use of the rake. Hollows are likely to hold the water and either prevent germination entirely, drown out the young plants, or cause the mature grass to be killed by freezing and thawing in the winter. The rolling makes a firm seed bed and allows the soil fluids to be brought up by capillary attrac­ tion. If there is no capillary attraction plant foods are carried down by the rains and cannot be brought back to the surface. Frequent raking ventilates and warms the soil, and, more important still, kills the young weeds as they sprout. It should be kept in mind that all soils are naturally full of the seeds of indigenous weeds. If some time is taken for preparation, and the raking is done as the weeds come up, conditions for a good growth of grass will be much improved, as in a short time all surface weeds will be killed. Weeds that are still deeper in the soil will take a longer time to germinate than the grass and will be choked out, providing that seed composed of strong, quick \ germinating grains has been used. The very fine soil acts as a blanket for the coarser soil beneath, prevents the escape of moisture through cracks, and assures quick germination. 12 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Grass Grows Down as Well as Up YY/HEN building for a permanent lawn, too much trouble cannot be taken to make con- ditions just right, both above and below the sur­ face, for grass must grow down as well as up. Plenty of plant food means that the grass will have a vigorous root system, making it able to withstand the drought and heat of late summer and the alternate freezing and thawing during the winter. It will be ready to make a quick and satisfying growth in the spring. If natural top soil cannot be obtained, it must be made. It is imperative that a goodly amount of well rotted stable manure be supplied, as fresh manure often contains a large number of weed seeds. A very tenacious clayey soil may be greatly improved by adding sand or sifted coal ashes to the depth of about one inch, which breaks up the clay, and permits the circulation of water. Lime makes clay ground more friable, and is an important addition to almost any soil, as it neutralizes the acids, which are caused by de­ composing organic matter and the loss of lime and alkali salts in drainage water. It should be applied at the rate of ten pounds to one hundred square feet. Where soil is very poor, dn addition to the manure, or top soil, it is wise to add five pounds of bone meal per one hundred square feet. Sometimes it is im­ possible to obtain good stable manure, or top soil, and while nothing will take its place for 13 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED permanency, five pounds of sheep manure applied to each one hundred square feet will be of great benefit. Sandy soils require the introduction of an extra amount of stable manure, or green manure Several inches of rich top soil should also be added with bone meal and lime. More frequent watering, of course, is neces­ sary, as sandy soil has little water holding power. The removing of a nurse crop like oats or rye often has a bad effect on the young grass, and in a dry season it absorbs the moisture badly needed by the grass. Therefore, we do not recommend the sowing of anything but lawn seed. Sow ing “ IN procuring seed for establishing a lawn, too A great care can not be exercised. Pure seed of high germination is of great importance in secur­ ing a good stand of grass. Pure seed is the key­ note to a clean lawn, providing the work of preparing the land has been effectively done. Too much cannot be said in favor of securing pure seed.” (Bulletin 494 “Lawn Soils and Lawns,“issued by theDepartment of Agriculture.) Scott's Lawn Seed is PURE SEED. If the ground is carefully prepared and Scott's Seed is sowed there is but little chance of fa ilu re ^ ^ so little that we willingly assume the risk of th ^ ^ P seed growing. See our guarantee on page 27. Lawn seed should be sowed on a calm day. Sowing can be more uniformly done if the seed is 14 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED divided into two equal parts, sowing one part north and south and the other part east and west, with the hand rather close to the ground. It is not a bad plan to mark off the lawn in four or five foot strips, sowing one at a time. A thick stand of grass chokes out the weeds. A thin stand gives them an opportunity to establish themselves, so that it hardly pays to sow spar­ ingly. About 100 pounds per acre should be used on a large lawn. On small plots where there is shade from house and trees one pound to every 15x15 feet is not too much. Seed may be sowed at any time, except during the winter. Many prefer autumn sowing, but it is usually more convenient to sow in the spring After sowing, the surface should be carefully and lightly raked, that the seed may be slightly covered. Next use the roller. It is well to water freely before rolling, provided the water is put on with a fine spray and the surface is allowed to dry so that the soil will not stick to the roller. After going to considerable expense in the prep- aration of the ground, it surely would be unwise to risk the sowing of poor seed. Scott*s Seed is guaranteed. M owing YY7HEN the new grass is two or three inches ™ tall, it should have its first clipping, with the ^mower blade set high. Grass should never be Fallowed to grow much taller than this as the vitali­ ty is taken from the roots and their growth is re­ tarded, preventing the formation of a thick sod. It is a mistake to let grass go to seed; nothing can 15 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED be more harmful to the lawn. Mowing should be done regularly, but not so often in dry, hot weather, as the roots require the top growth for protection. It is unnecessary to remove the cut grass unless it has been allowed to grow luxuri­ antly, except during extremely wet weather. After the first mowing a light roller may be used to good advantage. There is no better practice than frequent rollings, especially after rains. W atering (CONSTANT watering causes soft to become ^ sour, and prevents chemical action. During normal weather very little sprinkling is necessary. Frequent light sprinkling brings the roots to the surface for the moisture, where they are readily killed by the hot sun. Nature’s plan of a thorough soaking at intervals is better. One good soaking a week is usually sufficient. This causes the roots to go down deep, as they should. The sub­ soil rather than the top soil should be full of water. T reating an Old Lawn P )IG out the weeds, use the dandelion killer and scratch the surface vigorously with a sharp rake. Grass will not be injured by hard raking. If necessary spade up the bare spots and prepare them as for a new lawn. Use sifted ashes or sand on heavy soils. Rake in bonei meal, sheep manure, or well rotted stable ma­ nure. Lime, too, will be found of great benefit in remaking an old lawn, except where white clover If at the same time grass grows vigorously. 16 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED grows sparingly a lack of plant food is indicated, for clover must have lime but gathers nitrogen from the the air, grasses do not have this abil­ ity. Use fertilizer. Here it is especially im­ portant to use high germinating seed. Rake in and roll. All lawns are improved by the use of well rotted manure after the grass has become dor­ mant in the fall. If put on too early it is likely to stimulate the growth and cause the grass to be easily injured during the winter. In the spring or at any time during the summer sheep manure or bone meal may be applied at the rate of five pounds to every one hundred square feet. Oc­ casional light seeding is necessary because many plants die out. After the frost is out of the ground a careful raking with an application of manure and seed will be found beneficial. If the lawn is in very bad condition, usually it is necessary to make it over again. Big Rapids, Mich. “ The seed I used, which I received from you was very satis­ factory, and on very poor soil I have received a satisfactory catch*' R. J. P A R R , Ferris Institute. same. “Seed arrived in good shape and I ’m enclosing check. for I thank y°u f or y°ur promptness, also the most excellent seed. Please ship by express 400 pounds of Lawn Grass seed. B ill to Fairmont State Normal School.” E. L. L I V E L Y. 17 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED T he P u ttin g G reen HTHE Putting Green must be dry and have a A dense, close-knit, springy turf. Drainage should be carefully considered and in many cases the subsoil is of such character that an engineer should be consulted. Specific directions cannot be given here. Little or no tiling is needed with a loose, open subsoil. The texture of one that is heavy and sticky may be improved by the addition of ashes. To insure a turf that will stand continuous trampling, the top soil must be thoroughly firmed and plenty of plant food must be sup­ plied. The grass will grow too rank if the soil is as deep and rich as for a lawn. The grasses used should be fine leaved, low growing, and, above all things free from weeds. The more vigorous they are the sooner a satisfactory turf is made. A strong, viable seed, under right conditions produces a root system that can make use of enough plant food to hasten growth and make a strong, drought-, heat- and cold- resisting plant. Do not clip too closely during hot weather. Except early in the spring a light, rather than a heavy roller should be used. Sand applied to a depth of the fall is helpful on most soils. Fair G reens to 34 inch m TTHE same general methods employed in the 1 preparation of lawns are used for making fair greens. Here it is especially important to sow 18 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED pure seed free from weeds for the broad leaves of weeds are always slippery and make a poor play­ ing surface. As all our mixtures are practically free from seeds of weeds, they are especially de­ sirable for Golf Courses. Shady Places EXPERIM ENTS have shown that an elm tree ^ in the midst of paved streets and cement side­ walks gave off to the air 260 barrels of water each day in summer. As this water was drawn by means of the roots from a distance, surrounding lawns were robbed of moisture and fertility. This characteristic of trees is often more injurious to grass than the shade from them, and proves that the soil under trees must be constantly fed with fertilizer or manure. Drainage is also important as the charged water from the rain washing the leaves and bark is held in the ground for a long time and has an injurious effect unless immediate­ ly carried away. Seed should be sowed fre­ quently. Shady Place M ixtures A MIXTURE for shady places must be com- * * posed of the grasses that respond to these particular conditions. These seeds are more expensive than those for sunny places. We use i great care with these mixtures, but cannot guar­ antee them. 19 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED “ How to K now Good Seed” need not know all about Lawn Seed to quickly see which is the most free from weed seeds and waste matter, and which shows the largest percentage of germination. Spread equal quantities from the separate samples received on pieces of white paper. to one side waste matter—weeds, Scrape chaff, etc. Compare the waste from the different samples. In a mixture of seeds it is not easy to identify all the weed seeds, but it may be assumed that any seeds of unusual shape are the seeds of weeds. Dock and Sorrel are triangular like a beech (Bad weeds but not il­ nut; color brown. lustrated.) Buckhorn for all the world like a coffee grain; brown. brown. brown. Broad leaf plantain, flat and irregular; black. Crab grass, oval, flat on one side; greenish Chick weed, round, flat, very small; reddish Dandelion, oval, one end pointed, rough. Some weed seeds like Chick Weed, Dandelion, Moneywort, Ground Ivy, etc., are so small that a magnifying glass will be helpful. To make a germination thoroughly moisten two blotters; place both in a plate with seed between them. Cover with another plate, upside down, to prevent evaporation. Keep the test, 20 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED blotters moist, but not in water, and as near the temperature of 70 degrees as possible. Some seeds will germinate quickly, while some require nearly two weeks for germination. Decision as to which seed to accept should be based upon the following points: Least number of Weed seeds. Least number of Blasted grains. Greatest strength of Germination. The absence of an adulterant (very light chaffy seed). Inasmuch as very little money could he saved in sowing poor seed, why ta\e any chances? It is always safe to sow Scott*s Lawn Seed, and the price is no higher than for medium grade seed. Dresden, Tenn. “ The seed you sent me last August has proven entirely satisfactory and I now have a terrace that is the envy of all. This terrace is right on the main road between this town and another, and it is admired by every one. The recent very cold spell however, affected it for a few days, but the late warm rains have brought it out and it looks as pretty as a sixteen-year-old girl.” J. L. H O LB R O O K. Granville, Ohio. “ The Blue Grass seed was the best we have had for years. The Shady M ixture was ju st what we needed and gave us a good heavy sod before the hot summer sun got at it. It is coming on fine this spring.” D E N N I S O N U N I V E R S I T Y . 21 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Crab Grass T H IS annual grows so closely to the ground that 1 it is usually untouched by the mower. Where- ever the stems strike the ground a new root starts. The seeds germinate in June or July, the plants soon crowding out much of the grass if the season is extra wet and the grass plants weak. At the first cold weather the leaves of Crab Grass take on a rusty appearance. The first frost kills it entirely, leaving an unsightly lawn. There are 1,088,000 crab grass seeds in a pound, so even though the old plants are dead. 22 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED there are sure to be plenty of new ones the next season unless care has been taken to remove the seed stems before the seed has formed. To remove them, when the crab grass begins to spread, take a sharp tooth rake and yank up the close lying stems so as to bring them within reach of the mower. Set the blade as low as possible. Repeat the raking and mowing until you are satisfied that the work has been thorough­ ly done. Close mowing without raking simply makes matters worse. Very young plants can be pulled by hand, but this is a tiresome job. Sow grass seed. Use fertilizer or rotted stable manure to thicken the lawn grass. M oss presence of Moss indicates either a poor, cAiiausted soil, incapable of supporting a good crop of grass, or the lack of proper drainage, which causes the soil to become sour. A heavy application of lime well raked in will soon destroy moss, but it will return unless the soil is enriched, or drained, or both. 23 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED D andelion THHE commonest and most difficult perennial to 1 kill. Cutting, even below the surface, increases rather than decreases the number, as this often causes the crown to be split, and several new plants to spring from the old roots. If a table­ spoonful of salt or gasoline is applied where the root is cut off the dandelion will die. Asi this method may be burdensome where the* plants are numerous, we the Dandelion Killer the next page. On larger badly infested lawns con­ illustrated on recommend 24 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED to six hundred square success has been derived iron sulphate, siderable from spraying a solution of two pounds to a gallon of water, at the rate of one gallon feet. This should be applied several times during the sum­ mer. The spray adheres to the broad leaved weeds, but runs off the narrow leaved grasses. It should be kept in mind that spudding by itself means that two dandelions will grow where one grew before. A very small part of the root will cause a new plant to start. to D andelion Killer use of this Killer saves much uack breaking work. The tube is filled with gasoline, the plunger being applied the heart of the weed. One application of a tablespoonful of gasoline kills most perennials. Kero­ sene may be used, but with more care, as surrounding grass might be injured. It is surprising the amount of weeds (any kind) that can be killed in five minutes with a nickel's worth of gaso- line. Price $1.50, postage paid. cp i Dayton, Ohio. Your seed was very satisfactory. W ill send you order later.' T H E J O H N R. B U C K CO. Landscape Gardeners. 25 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED M oneyw ort throughout rT ,HIS perennial is often miscalled Wandering A Jew. It propagates itself both by seeds and by the joints of the stems taking root where It is a persistent they touch the ground. grower, seeding early and the season. When once it has become established it is an endless undertaking to remove it by hand. Frequent applications of hot brine will do much to subdue Moneywort. Small patches may be killed by covering with tarred paper or boards for several weeks. The most effective way, however, of getting rid of this tenacious plant is to improve soil conditions. Use p len ty ^^ of lime, raking it thoroughly into the soil. A fe w ^ ^ days manure. further trouble will be experienced. later, fertilize, or apply rotted stable If possible to put in drain tile no 26 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED C hick Weed f^H IC K WEED is similar in appearance and ^ requires the same treatment. The flowers of Chick Weed are white and star shaped. Money­ wort has conspicuous yellow flowers. G round Ivy pretty plant, but out of place in the lawn. A perennial of the same creeping habits as Moneywort and Chick Weed, but even more aggressive. Use the same methods in destroy­ ing. Often it has been found necessary to spade up and cultivate spaces that have become entirely occupied with Ground Ivy. Flowers reddish blue. 27 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED B uckhorn P lantain '""THIS perennial which is becoming very com- A mon in lawns can be destroyed by the use of the Dandelion Killer, or by spudding out. It is necessary to remove only the main root, which is not deep. Buckhorn is more at home on light poor soils, so one of the best ways of keeping it out is to enrich the ground. 28 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Broad Leaf P lantain ^A L L E D White Man’s Foot Steps by the In- ^ dians because unknown until introduced by settlers. Unlike the Buckhorn Plantain, it is more annoying on rich land. The same methods should be used in its destruction. A good system in removing Plantain as well as other weeds is in width, taking all the weeds as you go. After removing, lawn seed should be sown. Use the killer. to mark off strips about three feet 29 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED IN THE foregoing pages we have told what to 1 avoid in purchasing Lawn Seed; that is, weed seeds, blasted grains and other waste matter. We believe that Scott’s Lawn Seed contains less of the above than any other mixture and for this reason will go at least 25% farther than others. As there are several thousand bushels of ordinary seed harvested where one bushel is produced that can be cleaned free from weed seeds and blasted grains, it is a very easy matter to procure supplies of cheap seed, but it takes considerable experience in selection and cleaning to be able to furnish Lawn Seed that can be guaranteed. However, we take such exacting care in the se­ lection, cleaning and grading of our seed and we are so thorough in our tests to prove the growing power of our seeds that we assume full respon­ sibility for every shipment that goes out from our house. A trial sowing will convince you that Scott’s Lawn Seed is all we claim for it. GUARANTEE CONSIDERING unfavorable weather and im­ proper soil preparation, it is not customary to warrant seed to grow. However, many years of satisfactory experience with our seed convinces us that it will grow if given a fair chance; we will therefore, replace without charge any seed that does not GROW. This guarantee, of course, does not apply to seed sowed in places that are badly shaded (see Shady Places). 30 SCOTT’S LAWN SEED Mr. Walter J . Travis, Garden City, Long Island, N . Y. New York City. Dear Sir:—/ learn that you are interested in the construction of a new golf course at Garden City. I am interested in a company who own some property near Garden City, besides residing on Long Island; I feel the improvements of this character must help the island. M y object in writing you is to suggest if you have not already purchased seed for your new course, that you investigate the seed furnished by 0. M . Scott & Sons Co. of Marysville, Ohio. Our company has been buying seed from them for several years and we found it much superior to any other seed we have tried. As a member of the Board of Governors of the Brentwood Golf Club I recommended the seed to that club for trial last spring and demonstrated its value. Notwithstanding the long drought during the summer months, we had a remarkably fair greens the entire summer, though the seed was not sown until M ay. I would be glad to have you come to Brentwood and examine the turf that we have secured from the use of this seed in a remarkably short period. I think a lest by germinating the Scott Seed in competition with others will satisfy you that it is exceptionally good seed and absolutely free from weed or any other objectionable seed. I have no interest whatever in the Scott Company, but feel their seed is entitled to this endorsement. Yours Very truly, e . h . M cW h o r t e r . Philadelphia, Pa. “ The lawn grass seed which I purchased from you last year |u)a5 very satisfactory; it seemed to produce a better grade of grass than I have been able to get from other grass seed in previ­ ous years. I can use the same quantity again this year to good advantage to fill up bare spots in the lawn. How soon would it be well to sow this seedP” J A M E S G. R IC E 31 » Now ’tis the Spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now, and they’ll o’ergrow the garden And choke the herbs for leant of husbandry. —Shakespeare PROCTER & COLLIER PRESS CINCINNATI