If you want to engineer a better world ... a great place to start is with one of the most diversified companies in the world. Westinghouse thinks its responsibili- ties are as big as its capabilities- tems approach to provide better medical care for more people. Ex- and that's big. ample: electronic equipment that And when you're in everything from lets nurses monitor the hearts of computers to urban development, to eight patients simultaneously. medical science, to mass transit, to Nuclear Power: Westinghouse oceanography - there's action. For leads the way in nuclear power gen- example ... eration. Seven nuclear plants in op- Transportation: Our computerized eration, 34 in various stages of de- transit systems can operate on a 90- sign. We're working on a breeder second schedule, and meet the reactor to keep us ahead. transportation needs of many cities. That's a sampling. We're just get- Urban Development: Our new con- ting started. If you'd like to help us struction concepts will provide bet- engineer a better world, talk with our ter communities across the country. campus recruiter. Or write Luke Projects are planned or underway in Noggle, Westinghouse Education 30 major cities. Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15221. An Health Care: We are using a sys- equal opportunity employer. You can be sure.. .if it's Westinghouse @ 1 January. 1970 To gain the competitive edge, the experts in downhill slalom have this advice: "Watch the time line-the fastest course line." "In the race against time, if a skier slips off and goes too low in the traverses, he'll lose precious seconds." As you look to your future course, watch for the company whose progress is on a time line with your own. Ask companies how their expansion and modernization programs stack up in their industry. Find out if you're interested in the markets they're interested in. If they have a position that fits the course you've set. Don't settle for salary and status quo. We don't. Pick a time at your college placement office. Let's discuss your future. The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Canton, Ohio 44706. Timken@bearings sold in 133 countries. Manufacturing in Australia, r------------------~ Brazil, Canada, England, France, South Africa and U.S.A. II On your campus ... II An Equal Opportunity Employer. I January 29, 1970 I I I A Timken Company representative would like to talk with you! ~------------------~ I I TIMKEN° IEGISTfRfO TRAOfMARI( THE T1MKEN COMPANY MANUFACTURES TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS, FINE ALLOY STEEL AND REMOVABLE ROCK BITS. 2 Spartan Engineer PARTAN . . engineer MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 23 NUMBER 2 JANUARY, 1970 STAFF FEATURES: PAGE Art Bell, III .......... editor On or About the Cover ........ 10 Dave Karrer Nick Bassel .... . . . .features editor Can Man Survive? 12 humor & art editor Nick Bassel Dave Karrer '" Bob Patterson .... . . advertising manager Class of 1969 Placement Statistics 16 circulation manager From Placement Bureau Publication .......... art assistant Superengineer ..............•............. 25 Aimee Colmery Geographical Distribution of MSU Engineers 33 Dave Borzenski art assistant From Placement Bureau Publication Mary Harvey editorial assistant SPECIAL FEATURE: ADVISOR: Interviewer Summary 22 From Placement Bureau Publication Mr. Alan Hoffman DEPARTMENTS: Editorial 6 Brain Sprainers 8 Engrineers 40 Member, Chairman: s~ Magazine Engineering Professor Associated Gordon College Smith Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Publisher's Rep.: Littell-Murray-Barnhill, Inc. 369 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. 737 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. Published four times yearly by the students of the COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, MICHIGAN STATE This month's cover, by Dave Karrer UNIVERSITY. East Lansing, Michigan 48823. The office is on the first floor of the Engineering Building, and Dave Borzenski, indicates that the Room 144, Phone 517 355-3520. technology of this day's engineer is SUbscription rate by mail $1.00 per year. Single copies 259'. rapidly increasing. Printed by Greenville Printing Company. 3 January, 1970 t:l ~ aua 11'.\ n D a o u - A7 . ••Chief right. NCR computer much faster! •• ~- ~ Although we haven't really tried to see what our computers could do with smoke signals, NCR engineers have made some amazing things happen. Consider our NCR printer, for example. The hammers are actually put into free flight, like ballistic missiles, and stopped by precisely adjustable controls. During their movement in free flight, they reach an accelera- tion many times as great as that of a rocket lifting off its launching pad. These hammers contact the paper less than 100 millionths of a second. I NI c [R~ If that kind of technology goes into our computer peripherals, consider the engineering of our computers themselves. Isn't this the kind of work you'd find interesting? See the NCR representative when he visits your campus. Or write: William G. Benner, Coordinator College Relations The National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio 45409 WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M / F '------- 4 Spartan Engineer Were not willing towaste It's tempting for a compan.v Keep them puttering away for months. ~ ou? to stockpile good people. at something or other. Often But we think that's an awful waste of time. At the crucial point iA your career. The beginning. So, the day you start working for Celanese is the day you start a productive, meaningful career. No long training pro- grams. No red tape. You'll learn the job as you advance in it. And you'll advance just as fast as you'll Jet us move you along. Frankly, our plans for the future won't let us waste talented people by keeping them stuck in a slot. If you have a degree in chemistry,chemical or mechanical engineering, industrial engineering or accounting, we have a lot to offer you. like interesting projects. Rewards based solely on performance. How far you go, of course, depends a lot on you. On your ability, imagination, and a little plain hard work. If this sounds like a company you'd like to work for, please write to: John Kuhn,Manager of University Relations, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10036. &. CElANESE An equal opportunity employer January, 1970 5 Editorial The image of today's engineer is biased, and completely ignores those qualities of professionalism we strive for. When I tell someone I'm an engineering student, their immediate thoughts are math, computers, blue prints, calculations, and equations. Granted these are important in the making of an engineer, but they are only tools of a trade and not the finished product. The view I take the most offense to is that we are all "walking automated problem solvers", which instantly eliminates any human qualities or individuality. I feel we're being confused with technicians whose job is as close to automated as possible, and this comparison should be silminated and the "true engineer" concept brought into the light. We do the designing, planning, preparation, research, and sometimes even the selling while the technician builds what we create. I don't want to knock the technician, for his job is vital; I only want the engineer to have his rightful place in today's society. This change of opinion cannot be brought about through a bloody revolution, a strike, a protest march, or even by publicity. The only way of letting the world know a "real engineer" is to be one and never stop. The true engineer is a real, live, thinking, breathing, working, and human person, and this is the image we must put forth. 0 6 Spartan Engineer Venture: Purify water with the fiber thatmade men whistle. Nylon. Reverse osmosis. A fiber that started making girls' legs more beautiful some 30 years ago. And a process that's been around a lot longer. But when Du Pont scientists and engi- neers look at them in a new way, they combine into an idea that can change the world. Reverse osmosis is a purification pro- cess that requires no phase change. It's potentially the cheapest way to desalinate water. Du Pont's innovation? Hollow, semi- permeable nylon fibers much finer than human hair. Symmetrical, with an outer diameter of .002inch and a wall thickness of .0005 inch, with an accuracy of manu- facture maintained at close to 100%. Twenty-five to 30 million of them encased in a precisely engineered unit 14 inches in diameter by 7 feet long. The result: a semipermeable surface area of about 85,000 square feet-the size of a 2-acre lot-and up to 10,000 gallons of desalted water per day. So far' 'Permasep"@ permeators have been used experimentally to purify brackish and polluted water, and in various industrial separations. But the potential to desalt seawater, too, is there. So Du Pont scientists and engineers are even n.ow working toward improved fibers, units and plant designs that shou Id make it possi ble to get fresh water from salt at a price that any town or nation can afford. Innovation-applying the known to Du Pont Company,Room7890.Wilmington, DE 19898 discover the unknown, inventing new Pleasesend me the bookletschecked below. materials and putting them to work, using o Chemical Engineersat Du Pont research and engineering to create the o Mechanical Engineersat Du Pont ideas and products of the future-this o Engineersat Du Pont is the venture Du Pont people are now engaged in. o Accounting, Data Systems,Marketing, Production For a variety of career opportunities, Name _ and a chance to advance through many fields, talk to your Du Pont Recruiter. Or University' _ send us the coupon. Degree' .Graduation Date. _ Address; _ City, ,State Zip_ .... : : An Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F) L ~I Ventures for better living. 7 January, 1970 BRAIN SPRAINERS There are two numbers formed of the same two digits in reverse order. The sum of the numbers is 33 times the A man is on a bridge from A to B, 3/8 of the wa'y across difference between the two digits, and the difference from A. He hears a train approaching A at a rate of 60 between the squares of the two numbers is 4752. Find mph. If he runs towards A he will meet the train at A; if the numbers. he runs toward B the train will overtake him at B. How fast can he run? A garrison had bread for I I days. If there had been 400 In a series of games, Jim beat Frank and John; Frank more men, each man's daily share would have been 2 beat Joe, Tom and John; Joe beat Jim and Tom; Tom ounces less; if there had been 600 fewer men, each man's beat Jim and John; John beat Joe. Rank the players daily share could have been increased by 2 ounces and according to their winning ability. the bread would have lasted 12 days. How many pounds of bread did the garrison have? Answers on page 40. GROWTH As the nation's fifth largest municipal utility, the Board of Water and Light is growing. Our new Delta Power Generating Plant with an ultimate capacity of 1,500,000 kilowatts is an example. Scheduled for completion in 1972, Delta will turn out more thanthree times the combined power of our present generating stations. As we expand our facilities, more top engineering personnel will be required to provide the knowledge and planning to ultimately serve the Lansing area community. The use of electricity doubled in the last decade. If this trend continues in the next ten years, the Board will probably do as much building and work as it has in the past 75 years. We have the challenge for a young engineer to work and grow with the Board of Water and Light. When you start considering an engineering future, visit the Personnel Department at 123 West Ottawa, Lansing, Michigan. BOARD OF VVATERAND LIGHT Serving Lansing since 1885. 8 Spartan Engineer \Vhen you've got a company that's run byengineers, this is 00at it looks like. Four-fifths of our management Many of our technical staff at Hughes-Fullerton are continue graduate studies under engineers. So we're technically company-sponsored educational oriented. As the chart shows, 27% programs. Each year, advanced of the staff are assigned degrees are earned this way. engineering or scientific tasks in To develop sophisticated Support for fellowship programs our field of large information information systems, we need a has steadily increased. In 1959, systems. Another 24% have wide range of technical disciplines. three Ph.D. and 15 M.S. Fellows technical support assignments. This 1968chart gives some idea of were supported by Hughes- We're set up so that draftsmen our requirements. One man in Fullerton. During the 1969/70 draft; technicians work at lab five has a Masters or Doctorate in school year, 29 Ph.D. and 50 M.S. benches; and engineers engineer. his specialty. Fellows are being supported. V> ~~~~ <> ;:: -.J ~~ M~~~ ! ~ 3M V> Q", e ~~ ~~ f..)- ~~~~ ~ 0- ~ ~ ~~s V> ~~ g Q ~ BACHElOR 640 71 99 81 83 16 990 993 MASTER 154 11 19 12 19 2 233 237 PHD 12 I 4 7 6 2 32 32 TOTAl 8D6 89 122 110 108 20 1255 1262 Current activities include: phased-array frequency-scanning radar systems; real-time general-purpose computers; real-time programming and systems software; displays; data processing; satellite and surface communications systems; missile systems; and tactical command/control systems. For more information on opportunities at Hughes-Fullerton in Southern California-and to arrange for an interview with Staff representatives-contact your College Placement Office. Or write: Mr. D. K. Horton, Supervisor, Engineering Staffing, Hughes-Fullerton, P. O. Box 3310, Fullerton, California 92634. r------------------, I I iL HUGHES J i Campus Interviews February 16 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY An equal-opportunity M/F employer' U.S. citizenship is required. 9 January. 1970 ON OR ABOUT THE COVER a new decade has dawned on our world recently and as this issues' cover of Spartan Engineer indicates that the technology of this day's engineer is rapidly increasing. The Engineer literally holds the world in his hands. The sliderule is the tool that we engineers must use to accomplish the tasks we have set out to conquer. Of course we realize that without a little ingenuity and originality, roads will no longer go through mountains, engines will no longer get smaller yet more powerful and computer circuit boards will no longer become more complicated yet easier to operate. MSU engineering students must do their part in making this world a better place to live. We must not be content to sit back and mechanically manipulate equations and problems. We must wade through the math and manipulations and beach ourselves on the physical principles at hand. These principles must be embedded firmly in our minds if we are to use imaginations to accomplish tasks. If all you want is grades then I believe that you're in the wrong boat. I'm not trying to bring down grades, but if you get a 4.0 in an engineering course and you didn't take anything away with you-some scrap of knowledge and experience-then you've failed in my eyes. If we are content to lean on our laurels and past experience in any course, what a waste! Don't be afraid to be challenged by some course, what good are you in the future if you can't face or accept a challenge that is new and different to you? Sure, you're brains get racked and you have to work myriad problems that seem meaningless but again I reiterate that you must try to pursue knowledge at all expense. Don't get bogged in mathematics. Try to find the principle, secret, key, tenet, source, origin, nature of the thing and do your thing on it ... and good luck. 0 David R. Karrer 10 Spartan Engineer RC~s many-tentacled computer does time sharing plus regular computing. It'sa generation ahead of its major competitor. Once there were only monster See if it's not more efficient to because communications is what computers that did big batch do the same work on your own .,...-_ RCA is famous for.It'll keep us jobs like payrolls. Octoputer. And get batch --: ahead of our competition. Then came the whirling processing, too. One It can keep you ahead dervishes of time sharing that more thing.The Octo- of yours. Step up to the let a lot of people work at once. puter concentrates Octoputer and shake Now there's a new kind of on remote computing hands hands hands creature that does time sharing because that's what hands hands hands ... you're going to need and batch work together. So lots of people can use it ~ efficiently. -that's where the industry is going. Ren COMPUTERS It's the Spectra 70/46.The We got there first Octoputer.There's nothing else quite like it on earth or under the sea. The Octoputer's arms are long and strong. It sits in the middle of your company and reaches helping hands out in all directions. Suddenly, your company works harder. More of your people use the com- puter-solving more problems, finding more facts, writing more programs. And it does your big batch jobs in its spare time. The Octoputer does a real armload of work for a hand- ful of change. Check the bills from your time- sharing services. For career information visit your College Placement Office. 11 January, 1970 Nick Bassel C~I1~~I1 ~:r-V.Y~? 1,s up to us. Man, alone of all living creatures, threatens the balance and self-regulation of nature. The world we've made is everyone's responsibility and everyone's shame. Fish cannot survive in our poisoned waters. Smoke stacks belch pollutants and poisons into the air. Cars without end fill the air with carbon monoxide. The green areas are being systematically devoured by concrete and asphalt. Mankind is choking in his own garbage. The breast milk of American mothers now averages .2 parts per million of DOT, four times the "safe" level the U. S. Government allows in cows' milk for human consumption. The smog in the air of certain cities is so severe that it burns the eyes. Millions of acres in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, and Illinois have been ruined by strip mining, a technique which leaves a wasteland behind. The water table is dropping rapidly in many parts of the country. Two hundred square miles of Lake Erie are completely inert of oxygen. Then there is thermal pollution. If we can't pass on to future generations the gift of sweet, song-filled air on a summer morning, we will give them sonic booms and wall to wall pollution. If we can't leave them clean lakes and streams, we'll teach them how to make a fast buck. Then they can always swim in the chlorinated waters of their own pools. Though our detergents are killing the lakes and rivers, we'll leave them a legacy of whiter, bolder, brighter laundry ... at least, some of them. The population of the earth is 3% billion people and at the present rate of growth it will be almost double that by the year 2000. This fact in view of the fact that we can't even feed all the people alive now. Then one must consider the quality of life. How much malnutrition, how much overcrowding and discomfort renders life intolerable? Is subsistance living? We are the authors of our own misfortunes. No one wants to turn the clock back on all the benefits and advances of our technological age. However, the challenge is to channel our technology to benefit all of nature, instead of destroying nature for the temporary comfort and self interests of men. The problems won't go away on their own. Unless famine, over population and pollution are effectively and universally attacked, the human situation will soon become intolerable, not only becauseof acute shortages of food, but as a result of a general deterioration of the natural, social and political environment. Old differences and self interest must be set aside in the struggle for the benefit of all people. All people, all industries, and all governments everywhere must cooperate to solve the massive problems ahead. Problems in which we engineers can playa key part. Ours is a shrinking world. "The politics of ecology will replace both Marxism and Capitalism." o 12 Spartan Engineer The engineer who wants to tackle today's most challeng- electric power dams, flood control facilities, airports, roads, ing engineering/construction projects can find the oppor- hospitals, family housing and special application manufac- tunity he's looking for with the Corps of Engi- E - turing plants. Plus a host of stimulating research neers. As the world's largest construction/engi- ngl neers: projects. DThe Corps is career headquarters for neering organization, the Th Corps takes on really big and b- t e Iggest oppor unl Y moveinanddothings,getin- -t the engineer who wants to exciting jobs-like NASA's - Apollo assembly building, ISWI -th the wor Id's Iarges tvolved, expand his horizons- starting right now. If that one of the world's largest - - / t. t- sounds like you, write to us structures. Corps projects engineering eons rue Ion today. We'll tell you all span the entire range of about the advantages of a modern construction engineering; hydro~ gro Up civilian career with the Corps of Engineers. Corps of Engineers Department of the Army Washington, D.C. 20314 An equal opportunity employer 13 January. 1970 New career opportunities tional and technical assistance; infrared testing and Command/ in aerospace/electronics on-the-job training; logistic Control systems. Included are assistance and solution of design of analog circuits, digital There are no walls around you, equipment problems in the field. logic, switch/relay logic and no ceiling above you when your electro-mechanical packaging. career is aerospace/electronics. Engineering Writing Responsibilities extend from And Hughes Field Service At Hughes, technical staff concept to final fabrication & Support Division is an ideal members prepare technical and evaluation. place to start. You can capitalize publications and instructional Reqttirements: now on your abilities and devices for the operation and B.S. degree in Electrical training. Get valuable and varied maintenance of electronic Engineering or Physics. experience quickly. And keep systems. Assignments are varied progressing steadily toward your and provide a wide range of Campus Interviews career goals. systems-oriented experience. February 16 Our Division objectives are Technical Training For further information to assure maximum utilization on the career opportunities Hughes Technical Training and operational efficiency of high- available at Hughes Aircraft prepares both civilian and Company, please contact your performance electronic equip- military personnel to operate and College Placement Officer ment throughout its life span. maintain advanced electronic or write: Significant projects include: systems. Instructors work directly Mr. R.]. Waldron, Communications Satellites; Auto- with customers to evolve Hughes Aircraft Company, matic Test Equipment; Airborne special training devices, plan field P.O. Box 90515, Fire Control Systems; Airborne Los Angeles, Calif. 90009. training programs and prepare Communications Systems; and courses for use at customer bases. Training Simulators. r------------------, I I Design Engineering Areas of interest: Design Engineers develop : HUGHES:J I L I Field Engineering sophisticated training simulators, HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY Responsibilities include: automatic checkout and test Equal opportunity M/F employer. providing maintenance, opera- equipment, inertial guidance, U.S. citizenship is tequired. 14 Spartan Engineer At NSA, our successes depend on yours. Because of the nature and scope of the National Security Agency's mission, our successes are in direct relation to your achievements. At NSA, we are responsible for designing and developing secure/invulnerable communications and EDP systems to transmit, receive and analyze much of our nation's most vital information. The advancing technologies applied in this work are such that they will frequently take you beyond the known and accepted boundaries of knowledge. Consequently, your imagination and resourcefulness are essential qualifications for success. The Career Scene at NSA: ENGINEERS will find work which is performed nowhere else ... devices and systems are constantly being developed which are in advance of any outside the Agency. As an Agency engineer, you will carry out research, design, development, testing and evaluation of sophisti- cated, large-scale cryptocommunications and EDP systems. You may also par- ticipate in related studies of electromagnetic propagation, upper atmosphere phenomena, and solid state devices using the latest equipment for advanced research within NSA's fully instrumented laboratories. MATHEMATICIANS define, formulate and solve complex communications-related problems. Statistical mathematics, matrix algebra, and combinatorial analysis are but a few of the tools applied by Agency mathematicians. Opportunities for contributions in computer sciences and theoretical research are also offered. COMPUTER SCIENTISTS participate in systems analysis and systems pro- gramming related to advanced scientific and business applications. Software design and development is included, as well as support in hardware design, development and modification. Career Benefits: NSA's liberal graduate study program permits you to pursue two semesters of full-time graduate study at full salary. Nearly all academic costs are borne by NSA, whose proximity to seven universities is an additional asset. Starting salaries, depending on education and experience, range from $9,169.00 to $15,000.00, and increases will follow systematically as you assume additional responsibifity. Further, you will enioy the varied career benefits and other ad- vantages of Federal employment without the necessity of Civil Service certifi- cation. Check with your Placement Office for further information about NSA, or write to: Chief, College Relations Branch, National Security Agency, Ft. George G. Meade, Md. 20755, Attn: M321. An equal opportunity employer, M&F. Campus Interview Dates: February 9. 10. 11 where imagination is the essential qualification. 15 January. 1970 Summary of Majors Requested From information published By the Placement Bureau by Employers Number of Jobs Available College Graduates Requests Per Graduate Agriculture 208 310 1.49 Arts and Letters 243 213 .87 Business 607 1439 2.37 Communication Arts 215 259 1.20 Education 1578 5430 3.44 Engineering 303 2349 7.75 Home Economics 139 26 .18 Natural Science 252 1031 4.09 Social Science 323 358 1.10 Veterinary Medicine 87 5 .05 BREAKDOWN WITHIN THE ENGINEERING COllEGE Average Monthly Number of Salary - 1969 Jobs Available Major Graduates Graduate Requests Per Graduate Agriculture 6 $ 810 46 7.66 Chemical 30 849 400 13.33 Civil 59 809 298 5.05 Computer Science 17 812 76 .4.47 Electrical 89 825 533 5.98 Mechanical 85 819 593 6.97 Metallurgical 10 819 153 15.30 Systems Science 7 789 2 .28 16 Spartan Engineer What keeps dynamic young engineers like Jim Bregi and Jeff Quick at Ford Motor Company? UThey tell us to do it ... not how to do it!" "The real world is out here," says ate engineers. His day might in- gineering degree to good use, Jeffrey Quick, Product Design clude anything from solving a see our recruiter when he visits Engineer in our High Perform- problem in thermo-dynamics to your campus. Or contact Mr. Rob- ance Engine Department. "These helping hire a new engineer. "I ert Farmer, College Recruiting aren't academic problems ... not don't know of another job that Department, Ford Motor Com- when you've got someone waiting would have allowed me to move pany, American Road, Dearborn, for a solution!" ahead as fast as this one." Michigan 48121. An equal oppor- "My job is to make Jeff's de- "They're completely flexible," tunity employer. signs work," says Jim Bregi, says Jeff. "Whether it comes to Manufacturing Engineer at the trying something new or chang- Dearborn Specialty Foundry. ing job assignments. You get to "Between us, we have a lot of playa part in your own destiny. I responsibility, but that's what see people getting ahead fast ... makes this job so challenging." I wouldn't be here unless I were After only three years with Ford sure I could, too." Motor Company, Jim is Super- There are opportunities to visor of Foundry Facilities with a "move ahead" in every field of section of eight people working engineering at Ford Motor Com- pany. If you want to put your en- ... has a better idea for him ... including three gradu- 17 January, 1970 Will 01iD tam you into an orgaaizatioD roboll These soulless creatures who do and think only what work in chemicals, aluminum, packaging material. sporl- they're told are an anathema to Olin. ing arms and ammunition, brass, paper and energy sYS- We want humans. The best we can get. tems in 60 locations throughout the country. We want people who think. And say what they think. For more information, see your Placement Officer or People who can still dream. And wonder. And get mad write Mr. Monte H. Jacoby, College Relations Officer, Olin, when things foul-up. 120Long Ridge Rd., Stamford, Conn. 06904'~II.n Specifically engineers, chemists and business majors to The best thing we have to offer you is you. " Olin Is a Plan lor Progress Company and an equal opportunlty employer 1M& Fl. 18 There's one in every crowd. A Doug King, Doug also benefits from his avocation. For who'd rather do something than talk one thing, he's more patient. More Xerox: about it. By vocation, Doug's a Manager (Test Engineering) for Xerox. By avocation, a teacher of functional illiterates. By understanding of society's so-called problem children. He knows why they are what they are-and what they can be. For engineers instinct, an unabashed do-gooder. "\ just feel that if one person can be effective- At Xerox, we like people like Doug King. Engineers who can see beyond who think really effective-it's better than 100 people sitting in a meeting." The wish being father to the deed, Doug engineering. Engineers who can feel for humanity. Engineers who seek additional outlets for their talents. of more than involved himself in inner-city programs and Rochester's Business Opportunities If you're this kind of engineer, we'd like to talk to you. Your degree in Engineering •• Operation. Doug teaches adults with less or Science may qualify you for some engineering. than a sixth grade education to read-on a 1-to-1 basis, just teacher and pupil. He intriguing openings in a broad spectrum of developmental and manufacturing area! went about this in the same professional We're located in suburban Rochester, way he tackles his daily work. He first took New York. See your Placement Director a course in how to become a teacher. for a copy of our brochure and for the Now, he's training fledgling instructors. date of our scheduled campus interviews. On the business side, one of the persons Or, write directly to Mr. Roger under his wing had never been anything VanderPloeg, Xerox Corporation, P.O. more than a janitor. Doug helped him Box 251, Webster, New York 14580. secure a franchise from a national rug- An Equal Opportunity Employer (m/f). cleaning company. It's successful, too. As Doug puts it: "For the first time in his life, this fellow finally has a stake in something. And he knows if he needs help or advice, it's there for the asking." XEROX 19 January, 1970 *CEllING AND VISIBILITY UNLIMITED At Pratt & Whitney Aircraft "ceiling and visibility unlimited" is not just an expression. For example, ..... the President of our parent corporation joined P&WA,only two years after receiving an engineering degree. The preceding President, now Chairman, never worked for any other company. The current President of P&WA started in our engineering department as an experimental engineer and moved up to his present position. In fact, the majority of our senior officers all have one thing in common- degrees in an engineering or scientific field. To insure CAVU*, we select our engineers and scientists carefully. Motivate them well. Give them '.:\,'1. . ., the equipment and facilities only a leader can provide. Offer them company.paid, graduate educa. tion opportunities. Encourage them to push into fields that have not been explored before. Keep I •••• 1<., \ them reaching for a little bit more responsibility than they can manage. Reward them well when they do manage it. Your degree can be a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in: MECHANICAL • AERONAUTICAL • ELECTRICAL • r CHEMICAL. CIVIL. MARINE. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING • PHYSICS • CHEMISTRY. METAL. I lURGY • MATERIALS SCIENCE. CERAMICS. SCIENCE • ENGINEERING SCIENCE • ENGINEERING MECHANICS. Consult your college placement officer-or MATHEMATICS • STATISTICS • COMPUTER write Mr. William L. Stoner, Engineering Department, I Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Connecticut 06108. CAVU* might also mean full utilization of your technical skills through a wide range ot challenging f programs which include jet engines for the newest military and commercial aircraft, gas turbines for industrial and marine use, rocket engines for space programs, fuel cells for space vehicles and terrestrial uses, and other advanced systems. U Pratt & Whitney Aircraft DIVISION OF UNITEO ;:iRAn CORPORAnON EAST HARTFORD AND MIDDLETOWN, CONNECTICUT An (Qual OpportuMy (",poyer WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 20 Spartan Engineer I January, 1970 21 Excerpts From "PLACEMENT MANUAL" of the Placement Bureau FEBRUARY 5, 1970 Square D Company JANUARY 29, 1970 Babcock & Wilcox Standard Oil Company of Columbia Gas System Services FMC Corporation - Chemical California Corporation Division Consumers Power Company Goodyear International FEBRUARY 11, 1970 Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. IBM Corporation Bell Systems Detroit Edison Company Miles Laboratories Continental Aviation & Emerson Electric Company Mississippi Valley Structural Engineering Corporation General Dynamics Steel Company Dow Chemical Company General Electric Company Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co. General Telephone & McDonnell Douglas Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co. Timken Roller Bearing Company Electron ics RCA Westinghouse Electric Corp, NASA - Lewis Research Center Standard Oil Company of New National Security Agency Jersey JANUARY 30, 1970 Olin Mathieson Chemical Co. Consumers Power Company FEBRUARY 6, 1970 Philco-Ford Corporation - General Dynamics IBM Corporation Consumer Electronic Div. General Electric Company Inland Steel Company Gulf Research & Development Inland Steel Container Company FEBRUARY 12, 1970 Company I nland Steel Products Company Bell Systems Westinghouse Electric Corp. Kelsey-Hayes Company Caterpillar Tractor Company Ortho Pharmaceutical Company General Telephone & FEBRUARY 2, 1970 RCA Electronics - Service Corp, Borg-Warner Corporation Roche Laboratories NASA - Lewis Research Center Borg-Warner Corporation- Roy Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. - Philco-Ford Corporation - C. I ngersoll Research Center Research & Development Consumer Electronic Div. Dow-Corning Corporation FEBRUARY 9, 1970 Sinclair Oil Corporation FEBRUARY 3, 1970 Baxter Laboratories, Inc. Xerox Corporation Alcoa Bell Systems Dow Corning Corporation Bendix Corporation FEBRUARY 13, 1970 Electronic Communications, Inco Collins Radio Company Bell Systems International Telephone & Monsanto Company Caterpillar Tractor Company Telegraph Motorola Semi-Conductor General Telephone & Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. National Security Agency Electronics - Service Corp. National Cash Register Company Naval Weapons Center Grumman Aircraft Engineering Pure Oil Division (Union Oil Radiation, Inc. Corporation Company of California) Standard Oil Company of Motorola, Inc. Texaco, Inc. California United Aircraft Research Lab. FEBRUARY 16, 1970 The Upjohn Company FEBRUARY 10, 1970 Celanese Corporation Bell Systems Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. FEBRUARY 4, 1970 Bendix Corporation W. Ro Grace & Company - Alcoa Collins Radio Corporation I ndustrial Chemical Group I BM Corporation Dow Chemical Company Hughes Aircraft Company Interlake Steel Company Monsanto Company Naval Research Laboratory Standard Oil Company of New National Security Agency The Shell Companies Jersey Naval Weapons Center Texaco, Inc. Northern Illinois Gas Company FEBRUARY 17, 1970 U.S Steel Corporation o Republic Steel Corporation American Oil Company 22 Spartan Engineer Chrysler Corporation York Air Conditioning APRIL 6, 1970 Control Data Corporation Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. Vick Chemical Company Mobil Oil Corporation The Shell Companies FEBRUARY 27, 1970 APRI L 7, 1970 Geological Survey - Water Spartan Electronics FEBRUARY 18, 1970 Resources Division American Oil Company Naval Ship Research & Dev. APRIL 8, 1970 Amoco Chemicals Corporation Naval Weapons Laboratory American Oil Company Control Data Corporation TRW, Inc. - Systems Group I BM Corporation Ford Motor Company Vick Chemical Company Mobil Oil Corporation APRI L 9, 1970 NASA - Marshall Space Flight MARCH 2, 1970 IBM Corporation Center Cameron Iron Works Pratt & Whitney Aircraft - Chevron Chemical Company APRIL 10, 1970 Division of United Aircraft Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc. Corps of Engineers - Dept. of the Army FEBRUARY 19, 1970 MARCH 3, 1970 liT Research Institute Armco Steel Corporation Naval Civil Engineering Lab. Automatic Electric Company APRIL 15, 1970 Chrysler Corporation MARCH 4, 1970 Cadillac Motor Division (GMC) Ford Motor Company Humble Oil & Refining Company Pan American Petroleum Corp. Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. Texas Instruments, Inc. Naval Ordnance Station APRIL 17, 1970 TRW,lnce General Electric Company " MARCH 5, 1970 Ortho Pharmaceutical Company FEBRUARY 20, 1970 Humble Oil & Refining Company Idaho Nuclear Corporation Sperry- Rand Corporation (Sperry APRIL 20, 1970 LTV Aerospace Corporation - Systems Mgmt. Division) Geigy Chemicals Corporation Missile & Space Div., Mich. Texas Instruments, InCe MARCH 6, 1970 APRIL 22, 1970 Humble Oil & Refining Company Army Tank - Automotive FEBRUARY 23, 1970 Command Baxter Laboratories, Inc. MARCH 10, 1970 Caterpillar Tractor Company APRIL 23, 1970 General Motors Corporation Factory Mutual Engineering Army Tank - Automotive ;.'~ Association Command MARCH 11, 1970 International Harvester Company General Motors Corporation Miles Laboratories, Inc. Naval Weapons Center - Northern States Power Company Dept, of the Navy FEBRUARY 24, 1970 MARCH 12, 1970 Baxter Laboratories, Inc. General Motors Corporation International Harvester Company NASA - Goddard Space FEBRUARY 25, 1970 Flight Center Philco-Ford Corporation - Chevrolet - Flint Aeronutronic Division Manufacturing Philco-Ford Corporation - " Honeywell, Inc. Hooker Chemicals Corporation Communications & Naval Air Test Center Electronics Pennsalt Chemical Corporation Structural Dynamics Research Schlumberger Well Services - Corporation Research & Development MARCH 13, 1970 FEBRUARY 26, 1970 Naval Ship Missile Systems Continental Oil Company Engineer Station FMC Corporation - The New Products feature will appear again next issue. Instead, we introduce Hydrodynamics Div. a summary of interviewers appearing LTV Aerospace at the Placement Bureau for the rest Lawrence Radiation Lab. of this school year. Vick Chemical Company 23 January, 1970 Do you think a bright young engineer should spend his most imaginative years on the same assignment? Neither do we. -l That's why we have a two- You may select special- year Rotation Program for ized jobs, or broad systems- graduating engineers who type jobs. Or you can choose would prefer to explore several not to change assignments if technical areas. And that's VJhy you'd rather develop in-depth many of our areas are organ- skills in one area. ized by function- rather than Either way, we think by project. you'll like the Hughes ap- At Hughes, you might proach. work on spacecraft, communi- It means you'll become cations satellites and/or iacti- more versati Ie in a shorter cal missiles during your first If you qualify, we'll arrange for time. r------------------, I I two years. you to work on several different (And you r All you need is an EE, ME assignments ... and you can salary will L : HUGHES J i HUGHES AIRCRAf"T COMPANY or Physics degree and talent. help pick them. show it.) AE"O.,.ACE DIVISIONS Some of the current openings at Hughes: ~-------------------------, I I Microwave & Antenna Engineers For additional information, I I Electro-Optical Engineers Microcircuit Engineers please contact your College Placement Director or write: I I CAMPUS I Space Systems Engineers Mr. Robert A. Martin I I INTERVIEWS Missile Systems Engineers I Guidance & Controls Engineers Head of Employment I I February 16 Hughes Aerospace Divisions I Spacecraft Design Engineers I Contact College Placement 11940 W. Jefferson Blvd. I Weapon Systems Engineers I Office to arrange interview Culver City, California 90230 I Components & Materials Engineers I appointment. Circuit Design Engineers U.S. Citizenship is required I I Product Design Engineers An equal opportunity employer I L ~I 24 Spartan Engineer H4V£ YOU £V£R WOJVfER£D WHEN roOD GfT A (J/ANCF IO (jSE ALL THAT (£9(/) MATH? g;~7IP ~~ '(;,., ..1';..1..' -:::W /J "fO.f••. @ ~ 1 1 JOI NED IN PfOf¥tESS . ..AN D 102l ,tiS . 5PECIAL 6UEsr STAR . . ~. q Of 8£ S...~w EI PfCTEO '4~ ~IAJI(Y "FArStJ"CONtpAJ{j \' M ()f. JJ IJ) (, lISTENS TO HIS FAVOetTE ~ADIO ~o6fIJN\. ... ~ January, 1970 25 DR~~ ~OlL (1'L 1l TL 1L TL) BuGLf 50upo5 trIO - TI' - rco .1A) A~t) IAfoll ,I THE ~E,Jr IJJS. OF S~'IJJ (oMes THr ILL I.t~ T ~'OCA S MAS1£1. OF lNf Sl, DE tilL£", ,1A~tJ ~ FI ft f) FIJJSrEt(,J4L · (800) -Z wAS JfA5 T (,(11'" OlAf Po V titoc.IISH£S JJJD SII-et 0" T TO SilO" it itiftE 'I~ NI QQ,,, .,-ffE Wlfl./J 1.~oPtOIAJ 11 IS '(fJJ CQ(j1. o}ll . AGAI~! ~I4GUEL .,.H~r , Olp An Equal Opportunity Employer 39 January, 1970 AN ENGINEERING PRIMER Jane is running to the Home men for this thing." Did you arrive at State not Economics Building. "Why is that?" asked the new knowing anything about our College She is changing her major. man. 01 Engineering? This beginning reader is designed to start all future "Some of the boys have to hold engineers off on the right foot. III. See Tom. Sam. He doesn't go for that kind of Tom is an English major. amusemen t either." I. See Johnny. See Jim. Johnny is a freshman He is learning program computers. how to Jim is Tom's roommate. Jim is an engineering major. s~ Hear Tom call Jim See Johnny in the Prep uncultured. Question: What's a Michigan State Room. Hear Jim smack Tom. University marriage proposal? He is punching out his See Tom hit Jim with a Answer: "You're gonna have a program deck. book of Thoreau. what?" It is 9 a.m. Tom is screaming, He is punching his first card. The deck is twenty cards long. It is noon. "Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, over and over. Kant, Spinoza," s~ Jim is setting up a laser Johnny is punching his For her first week's salary the beam. twentieth card. gorgeous secretary was given an He is pointing it at Tom. Johnny is going over to the exquisite nigl1tgown of imported lace. Don't, Jim! printer. The next week her salary was raised. Too late. He wants to print out his Tom is now energy. program deck. See Johnny cry. The printer is ripping his cards to shreds. s~ EE: "I hear that the A young engineer got a job in a administra tion is trying to stop II. See Jane. remote mining camp. On his first day drinking?" Jane is majoring in Electrical off, he approached his boss and CE: "That so? First thing you Engineering. asked, "Say, boss, what do you do know, they will be trying to make Jane is a girl. around here for amusement?" the students stop, too." Jane is pretty . She is an engineering major The boss replied, "Well all of us usually watch Sam, the cook, drink a .. because she is the only girl gallon of whiskey, gasoline, and red in all of her classes. pepper juice. I t's the funniest thing Answers to Brain Sprainers on page 8: The boys all like Jane. you ever saw. Why don't you come She is the only girl they ever along?" ]. The train is traveling ] 5 mph. see. 2. The garrison had 49,500 Ibs. of The young engineer was obviously See Jane in the laboratory. bread. shocked. "No thanks," he said, "I See the two wires coming 3. 48 and 84. don't go for that kind of out of the machine. amusement." 4. The winning abilities of the Jane is grabbing the wires. players from highest to lowest is: "Well," answered the boss, "I sure Hear Jane scream. Frank, Joe, Jim, Tom and John. wish you'd come. We really need six 40 Spartan Engineer This is the image of a chemical engineer. Making our products. Making our chemical engineering done in other processes work. Inventing new prod- people's plants in collaboration with ucts, better processes. Lucky there are their chemical engineers. If it could be chemical engineers who love the life. done by merely jolly salesmen, we'd But some promising ones suspect be- use merely jolly salesmen. fore graduation that working on those This kind of chemical engineer lives products and processes year in and in a bigger world than the chemical year out with the same faces in the engineering image implies. It's easier same places could prove-shall we say to avoid professional obsolescence if -tiresome? the scene changes daily. Give up chemical engineering then Intrigued prospective chemical en- -while there's still a chance? gineers should drop a line to: ABSOLUTELY NOT! EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY This is to break the news to chemi. Business and Technical Personnel cal engineers contemplating anything Rochester, N. Y. 14650 so foolish that marketing the stuff may 'l::k An equal-opportunity employer be more enjoyable than making it. Marketing is that branch of chemical engineering which relates what we can make to what others can use. It is .. w If you're the kind of engineering student who can't stand the thought of someday sitting at the same desk in the same office day after day, then you're one kind of engineer we want. The kind of engineer we want for a career in technical marketing. Engineers in this field spend most of their time out in the field. Systems sales and application engineers are always on the go. Talking with customers, selling products and systems. Solving other people's problems. To do that, you have to understand a lot more than engineering. You have to understand people and how to communicate with them. And that can be one of the toughest jobs there is. Does it sound like a job you're up to? Then maybe General Electric's Technical Marketing Program has a place for you. Or places, rather. You might start out in upstate N ew York. And move on to southern California. Or Atlanta. Or Minneapolis. But wherever you decide to move with GE, you'll be learning the business. Learning in months what it takes some engineers years to learn. Our Technical Marketing Program is the one way .to get away from it all and, at the same time, get ahead. GENERAL. ELECTRIC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . Formore information about technical marketing at General Electric, please write to Educallonal Relations and RecrUiting, Room 801T, General Electric, 570 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022