SpartaN ~ .. :, •• :~ -:'" ~ ~ •• •• ..,. • • r '. I +( MICHIGAN Nov. 1948 SCHOOL OF STATE Vol. 2 No.1 ENGINEERING COLLEGE SUPER TENSILE MUSIC WIRE PLATED WITH PURE GOLD... developed hy American Steel and Wire Company Tenor banjo and tenor guitar players have long which American Steel and Wire spun into cables been plagued by unsatisfactory "A" or first to suspend the 8* mile bridge across San Fran- strings. This string, when properly tuned, is cisco Bay from San Francisco to Oakland, Cali- under such high strain that most wires barely fornia. This makes the new string the strongest reach pitch. At the request of the Mapes Piano wire of its size of any kind known today. String Company, the Metallurgical Department This high quality super tensile wire is pro- of the Worcester Works of the American Steel duced by a special combination of heat treat- and Wire Company, a subsidiary of United ments and exceptionally long and exacting cold States Steel, created, after months of research, a working. The result is a wire of 0.010 gauge with wire specifically for this purpose. This new wire a tensile strength of approximately 460,000 is made so strong that it possesses more than pounds per square inch. One pound of this wire twice the tensile strength, in pounds per square extends 3749 feet, or sufficient footage to pass inch, of cross sectional area, of the steel wire from nut to bridge on approximately 1500 banjos or guitars. This unusual wire is then plated with pure gold in order to prevent rust and to impart beautiful appearance. Opportunities This wire development is typical of the work being done in United States Steel Laboratories. But such research is only one kind of develop- ment to be found within the United States Steel industrial family. United States Steel and the steel indus- try are famous for development of men. ! '1 Have you seen our 01'}lOR~1't ~~ book "Paths of Op- ~t portunity in U.S » Steel?" Ask your t~ 'O.S.'S'tE1lL ~ Placement Officer ~. " about it. AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY. AMERICAN STEEl & WIRE COMPANY. CARNEGIE-IlliNOIS STEEl CORPORATION. COLUMBIA STEEL COMPANY H. C. FRICK COKE AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES • G£NEVA STEEL COMPANY • GERRARD STEEL STRAPPING COMPANY MICHIGAN LIMESTONE & CHEMICAL COMPANY. NATIONAL TUBE COMPANY. Oil WElL SUPPlY COMPANY. OLIVER IRON MINING COMPANY PInSBURGH LIMESTONE CORPORATION • PITTSBURGH STEAMSHIP COMPANY • TENNESSEE COAL, IRON & RAILROAO COMPANY UNITED STATES STEEl UPOU COMPANY • UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY. UNITED STATES STEEL SUPPLY COMPANY UNIVERSAL ATLAS CEMENT COMPANY. VIRGINIA BRIDGE COMPANY U NIT E D 5 T A 'T E 5 S TEE' L - ---------------------~~---------~~--------- Iess "d ead" .\\v;\IlS\ \\\ a\\ load 'fI\\\\ \\I -------------------------------- Here you see the Navy-Douglas D558 Skystreak-a dramatic demonstration of the structural advantage of magnesium. Strong magnesium alloy sheet is literally "wrapped" around the Skyslreak's powerful jet engine to form the entire fuselage skin aft of the pilot seat. This makes possible a monocoque structure which com. pletely eliminates the usual stringers, except for frames carrying concentrated loads. However, this is only one use of magnesium. It is also used for binoculars, typewriters, pruning shears-in fact, wherever flexible design properties as well as lightness and strength are desired, magnesium sbould be considered. Dow produces, in addition to magnesium and plaslics, more than five hundred essential chemicals from plants strategically located in Michigan, Texas and ~alifornia. Among these are pharmaceulical chemicals such as chloroform, Iodine and aspirin; also insecticides like Dowklor and DDT, which aid greaLly in increased agricultnral produclion. Dowtherm, the liquid heat transfer medium for use in processing plants, is another of Dow's producls, as is Melhocel, which is used in many industries as a binder, thickener, and dispersing and emulsifying agent. This, in brief, is some indication of how Dow serves agriculture, as well as ~~_P0W~~. industry and tbe public welfare in ~eneral; helping to maintain and raise sliII -''''''''.~ higher, the American standard of livmg. CHEMICALS INDISPENSABLE THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY • MIDLAND, MICHIGAN TO INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE Boston Philadelphia. Washington - Cleveland • Detroit • Chicago New York St. Louis • Houston • San Francisco • Los Angeles • Seattle Cow Chemical of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada 'I r, SpartaN ENGINEER EDITOR Table of Contents CARROLL F. AUGUSTINE BUSINESS MANAGER articles • WAYNE F. KARBER "Was Lame in Both His Feet" 5 Dean L. H. Miller EDITORIAL STAFF This IS WKAR-FM 6 Associate Editor Henry Darlington Joseph R. Whitney Illustrations Editor Serving America's Largest Industry - 8 Harold L. Robinson Vernon H. Baker StaR New Electrical Engineering Building - 10 Vernon Baker Carroll F. Augustine Henry Darlington Harold Fritz What is the Future for Highway Ann Kapp Irving Katz Engineers? - 24 Paul Kauchaukas Bernard Gray Eugene Mohlie Charles Paul Stanley Rudak Gerald Walter features • BUSINESS STAFF Editorial 4 Henry deGeus Alumni News -11 Leonard Karber We present - 15 Robert Noren Frank Siebentritt New Developments - 16 Campus News - 18 FACULTY ADVISORS Sidetracked - 28 J. M. Apple L. W. Donnel P. G. Gray A. H. Leigh The Cover This Issue: Photograph of main power and distribu- R. L. Paul tion s~itchboard in the new Electrical Engineering Building- F. W Piekert Story on page 10. Frontispiece: Antenna used for receiving information from a Photographs by light-weight device which transmits 28 items of information Steve Bransdorfer each 1/35th of a second from 3800-mile-an-hour-rockets. Bob Swanson -Courtesy of General Electric The Spartan Engineer is published by the students of the School of Engineering, Michigan State College. Editorial and Business offices, Room 512, Electrical Engineering Building, P. O. Box 468, East Lansing, Michigan. Price per issue, 25 cents. November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER 3 EDITORIAL ... OUR AIM Growing Pains are a part of any new organization and we don't claim any exception. It will take time and work on our part and honest criticism, by which we may index your accept- ance, before this publication is firmly established. The "Spartan Engi!,leer" is primarily a service orga.niza- tion and as a service organiiatio'n we have a twofold P!1rpose- to .disseminate engineering facts and act as an organ of communi- cation and persuasion through which the student engineer may become better acquainted with the duties to his profession and to himself. Textbooks, professors and staff members are for instruc- tion. Our first purpose then is not primarily instruction but rather to present straightforward semi-technical material written by students which will be of general engineering interest. Our second aim is to help overcome the engineering student's apathy towards anything that hints of extra-curricular activity. Even though there are over 2500 engineering students enrolled at State, our participation in constructive outside activ- ities and especially in our own organizations is not what is should be. We need, and should have, powerful student organizations through which we can first break away from the theoretical and learn to cope with the more practical and professional problems that we will someday face. Our Engineering Council, Profes- sional Societies, and student publications are just a few of the organizations that offer you this important supplementary training. C.F.A. "WAS LAME IN BOTH HIS FEET" DEAN L. H. MILLER A sad fact had been overlooked by all concerned. His teachers and associates swayed by personality and citizenship, his family by future prospects, had both failed to see the insurmountable handicap in the fact that he was lame in bot h his feet! ! Young men select an engineering career, at ti mes, in a similar manner. Perhaps they have enjoyed or been "handy" at repairing the family car. perhaps radio has been a hobby, perhaps some employment with a surveyor or contractor has been challenging, perhaps the work of the metallurgist or designer in the plant where you have been has looked interesting or even the income of some family friend has appeared pretty satisfactory. In some cases U nele Harry has a place for you to start; in others location, surroundings Dean Miller or personality have influenced you. These influences Ancient history has recorded for us the story may be fine and helpful. but-are you lame in your of the life of a young man born 3000 years ago who feet? might, but for the chance of time, have been today Engineering training stands pretty firmly on the an Engineering student at Michigan State College. two feet which we might designate as the science and The father and grandfather were prominent and the art. Educationally speaking science is represented well-known citizens of the community in which the in the Engineering curriculum by such fields as family lived. They were prominent in the business Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Thermodynamics, life of the community, took an active part in politics, Mechanics and allied subjects. Mastery of these sub- in fact held important offices at various times in the jects requires certain abilities, and these abilities government. More than that they participated in should be possessed in rather liberal amounts or the such educational features as the settlement afforded student should consider transfer to another field where and were in addition the religious leaders of the group. these traits are not such a prime requisite. We feel With such a cultured background it was of more that grades earned in these fields are a fair estimate than passing interest that the planning for the future of natural ability, and that below average grades in- was observed. His teachers had always noted that he dicate to us that these boys are not too well fitted for was an outstanding student who had won honors for competition in the Engineering field. The College many accomplishments. He could quote from provides a department of testing and measurements memory large portions of the Pentateuch, he was where anyone may get a thorough check-up and ad- well known for his orations given at many academic vice for future plans. celebrations, his grandfather had taught him and Engineering art is not so easily described. Roughly he was an accomplished flutist, and he had exhibited it may be described as the ability to visualize in three traits of leadership seldom seen in one so young. dimensions, to invent .for a purpose, to adjust for "Surely," the interested folks concluded, "he will maximum efficiency, to plan for future uses or to become one of our great leaders." best utilize materials at hand for the need of the day. The family planning took a somewhat diflerent In the vernacular it is referred to as "practice," "ex- direction. Junior, as a prominent member of the ancient counterpart of 4H clubs, had raised the prize perience" or "engineering judgment." The faculty lambs several times; his uncle, a successful landowner, estimates of your probable ability in the art of the had large flocks of sheep and could furnish the best profession appears as their judgment of your designs, of opportunity. Yes, a career as a shepherd was most laboratory reports and even your questions concern- desirable. Did it not furnish opportunity to see the ing pertinent themes. most beautiful of the Judaen rustic beauty, miles of it while f~llowing and attending the herds? Did it We are reminded that engineering graduates fail not provide great opportunity for developing a sound largely because of character defects, not for a lack bod y in the fresh air and sunshine ? Would he not of technical ability. It is good to be reminded, how- SOon become a partner in Uncle's business with fine ever, that the race is long and rugged and to win financial prospects? Would it not help preserve home coveted prizes you cannot be "lame in both your and political ties? Certainly this career as a shepherd presented the greatest opportunity. feet." SPARTAN ENGINEER 5 November, 1948 Th1S lS WKAR FM HENRY DARLINGTON, Phy. Jr. Since the early experiments of Major Edwin Armstrong, frequency modulation or FM has become increasingly popular as a mode of communication. There are several characteristics of FM which are primarily responsible for its present popularity. These characteristics will be discussed and compared with the conventional amplitude modulation system which has been used in broadcasting stations for many years. Several rather important general problems con- fronting the broadcast engineer are: 1. Fidelity or naturalness. 2. Natural and man-made interference. 3. Inter-station interference. 4. Maximum coverage. The FM system admirably meets and surpasses the AM system on the first three requirements. For a given power, an AM transmitter will have more coverage than an FM. On the other hand, many more FM stations may be installed without encoun- tering inter-station interference. Two outstanding features of FM are its fidelity and its lack of interference or static. Federal Com- munications Commission requirements specifiy that all FM broadcast transmitting equipment must be essentially linear throughout the audio spectrum from 50-15,000 cycles per second. If the receiver is of high quality, this audio range may be faithfully re- produced. The best AM systems cannot faithfully Telescopic photograph of the clover leaf antenna mounted reproduce frequencies above 5000 cycles per second atop a 260 -foot tower. and therefore, many of the higher tones and over- tones found in music and the voice cannot be heard. The simplest method to explain the fundamental The problem of static is practically eliminated with operation of any electronic apparatus is by means of FM. The FM receiver is so designed that if the a block diagram. Each stage or. part of the trans- signal reaching the receiving antenna is of at least mitter which fulfills a specific purpose in the overall operation of the transmitter will be represented by a certain minimum strength, interference will be a block or square in the diagram. Figure I is a simpli- virtually eliminated. fied block diagram of the WKAR-FM transmitter WKAR-AM has been in operation since 1922 on and some of its associated equipment. The diagram a daylight schedule as authorized by the Federal shows only the audio and radio frequency circuits. The various D. C. power supplies and control circuits Communications Commission. In order to extend are omitted for the sake of simplicity. its broadcasting day into the evening and to bring the listeners of central Michigan the many advantages of The heart of any transmitter is the oscillator. This transmitter uses a quartz crystal oscillator of FM, WKAR-FM has been added to the present facili- conventional design. The crystal is maintained at ties. a constant temperature by means of a thermostatic- The new FM transmitter which is located about ally controlled heater. The crystal oscillates at a fre- a mile and a half south of the campus was placed in quency of 209.491 KC. Radio frequency energy regular operation October 4, 1948. The transmitter from the oscillator is then fed through an amplifier occupies the same building as the AM transmitter, and into a special network. This network, known both being attended by one operator. The transmitter as a Scott connected transformer, changes the single is a 3000 watt unit built by the General Electric phase RF energy from the oscillator into three phase Company. RF at the same frequency. 6 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 6SJ7 6SN7 FROM IJUD/TOR/UI1 STUD/OS ,tlUDIO ,4UDIO /IMP ,Q/'1P QUARTZ 6SJ7 6SJ7 /{J/.3P CRYSmL c09.49IKC OSC/LL. ,LlI1P NETJIIORK FREQUENCY I1ULTIPLI£RS 8/5 6V6 6SJT 6SJ7 6SJ7 6SJ7 X.3 XZ X3 X3 XZ XZ .QNTENN,t) 9Q.5t1C1t:75KC 3OOOW/ITT 82S-:B 250W/ITT INTERNED. O()()WIITT CO,L/X'/AL T£ANSI1ISSI0N LINE POWEI2 POW£IC POWER /lNP. ,t)/'1p. .4/'1p. TOWER CONTROL ,L/UOIO FR£QUENCY /'1£TER ROON MON/TOR 1100(JU)TION /'10N/TOR LOUDSP£I:lK£R .4I1P IJUOIO /'10NfTOR HL/Z Fig. 1. Simplified Block Diagram The next block represents one of the unique electronic developments of recent times. General Elec- tric calls it the "Phasitron." It is a special vacuum tube which modulates or changes the frequency of the RF in accordance with the audio such as music or the voice. The theory of the phasitron is unique and very interesting but beyond the scope of this article. The purpose, then, of the phasitron is to combine the RF energy from the oscillator with the audio frequency in such a way that the frequency of the RF is changed in accordance with the instan- taneous amplitude of the audio signal. The output of the phasitron is single phase 209.491 KC :t not more than 175 cycles per second. This energy is then fed into a chain of frequency multipliers which increase the center frequency to 90.5 MC and the maximum deviation to :t 75 KC. From the multi- pliers the RF is passed through three successive power amplifiers, the output from the final amplifier being 3000 Watts. Amplifiers of this power which can operate at frequencies encountered in FM broadcast- ing are comparatively new developments in the radio art. Many design problems are encountered which wouldn't be found in lower frequency amplifiers as used in AM broadcast transmitters. Instead of using coils and condensers in the tuned circuits, the FM Rear view of the power amplifier and high voltage power supply. amplifier employs quarter-wave transmission lines, The final tank circuit with tubes in place can be seen in the shorted at one end. The final tank circuit consists enclosed box at the left. The unit on the left is the high voltage power supply. Continued on page 23 November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER 7 SERVING AMERICA'S LARGEST INDUSTRY VERNON H. BAKER, A.E. Grad. Another link in the chain of agricultural engineer- The extension service is in the hands of experi- ing progress has been forged by the dedication of the enced agricultural engineers whose full-time job is new agricultural engineering building at Michigan to convey to the farmer and others information on State College. engineering as applied to agriculture. Extension workers have access to the service drafting room where Engineers from all over the United States and plans of drawings are made of farm equipment, farm many foreign countries have travelled to the campus buildings, and experimental apparatus. Between the to see this new "dream" building which is the head- periods of July 1. 1947, and June 1. 1948, more than quarters in Michigan for the application of engineer- 15,000 blue prints and plans were sent to farmers ing to America's largest industry, Agriculture. and others interested in agriculture. Ideally located on the South Campus, close to other agricultural buildings and just a short walk to What Is Agricultural Engineering? the main campus, construction of the agricultural A number of engineering and agricultural stu- engineering building was started in the summer of dents have asked this question recently. Agricultural 1946 and completed in the spring of 19.48. Built engineering is the application of engineering to rural at a cost of about $800,000, in the collegiate gothic architectural design, the building has a total floor living and to the production, transportation, and pro- space of over 60,000 square feet (about 1 Y;; acres). cessing of farm products. Three main activities are carried on in this new building: teaching, research, and extension work. During the winter term of the school year 1947-48, 1200 students were enrolled in agricultural engineer- ing classes. Of this number, 100 students were major- ing in agricultural engineering; 30 were minoring in this field; 21 students were working toward a Master of Science or a Doctor of Philosophy degree, and the remainder of the 1200 were agricultural students tak- ing courses in agricultural engineering. Excellent facilities are available for teaching in class rooms and laboratories. Class work is being given in the following laboratories: rural electrifica- tion. refrigeration, food engineering, farm machinery, research, wood shop, metal shop, farm structures, land development and irrigation. The departmental library is open to students and will soon have a comparatively complete selection of books and per- iodicals on subjects of engineering as applied to agri- culture. This library is a branch of the main campus library. The research laboratory (9,000 sq. ft.) is the headquarters for departmental agricultural engineer- ing research. It contains a machine shop, tool room, welding equipment, and other miscellaneaus equip- ment used for building experimental apparatus. The new cream cooler being tested on the farm. Already a number of unique devices have been de- veloped in the laboratory. Among them are a special Agricultural engineering is a single profession; sugar beet seed planter with fertilizer attachments, its parts are interwoven and bound together because a frost prevention machine, a low cost cream cooler, a all apply to a single industry. As a recognized pro- vacuum harvester, and an experimental mixture of fession, agricultural engineering is one of the young- concrete and corn cobs to produce a low cost build- est. In 1907 the American Society of Agricultural ing material having better insulation properties. Engineers was founded at the University of Wiscon- 8 SPARTAN ENGINEER November. 1948 son, and in 1910 the same institution conferred the first degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering. The present national headquarters of ASAE is located in St. Joseph, Michigan, with a membership of about 2650. The professional curricula in agricultural en- gineering offered by the different institutions are strikingly similar, and that is because experience has shown what it takes to train a well-qualified agricul- .;. , " tural engineer. The curriculum for agricultural engi- neers should be designed to include such basic engi- neering subjects as mechanics, hydraulics, thermody- " namics, machine shop, and electrical engineering, with physics, chemistry, and mathematics included. Agri- .~ ' ,- ..... cultural engineers should also be well trained in cer- ' ,'.:" '..' tain agricultural subjects as soil science, bacteriology, farm crops, horticulture, and dairy. With a background in basic engineering, agricul- tural and agricultural engineering subjects such as t l.>.' '. ';.,---- The experimental sugar beet seed planter, These are farm power and machinery, farm structures, -'- farm power and machinery, rural electrification, farm rural electrification, soil and water control and con- structures, soil and water conservation, and food pro- servation, and food processing. cessing, the agricultural engineer should be as well Many agricultural engineers are in public employ. trained in the fundamentals as any other engineer. In past years, more than one-half of the members It should be pointed out here that the agricultural of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers engineering subjects just mentioned must be of a were public employees. The trend now is toward high caliber, in no way inferior to the "basic" en- a much greater employment of agricultural engineers gineering subjects. There is every reason to justify by industry and other private agencies. as much mathematical and technical treatment of the In public service agricultural engineers may be subjects of farm power and machinery, irrigation and employed by: land development, and farm structures as for the State Colleges subjects of electrical machinery, mechanics, and United States Department of Agriculture hydraulics. Tennessee Valley Authority Opportunities in Agricultural Engineering United States Department of the Interior Soil Conservation Service Agricultural engineers have five major divisions R.E.A. Cooperatives of agricultural engineering in which to choose a major field while in college and after graduation. Continued on page /4 . ' -~ -- --,-.' -~~~~: ..... -~W..;-_ .• Ml !=-i-1 1 6A!'J ST.>H, ",;.~;':.".~':.,J SPARTAN ENGINEER 9 November. 1948 NEW ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING CARROLL F. AUGUSTINE, E.E. Jr. Building Layout Most of the heavy machinery used in laboratory courses is installed in the four machinery laboratories and the transformer and servo mechanism lab on the first floor. The two outstanding wartime applications of servo control. the ball turret and the directional radar antenna. will be used to demonstrate operating principles in this new field. On the same floor is an x-ray room lined with ten inches of solid con- crete and equipped with a new Westinghouse 150 kilovolt x-ray machine. The unit will be used mostly in Industrial Electronics courses to take x-ray pictures of metal castings. This equipment will be available for use by small Michigan industries. I. Electrical Engineering Building . .. Five stories of the latest word in everything elec- ..- 0' trical. the new Electrical Engineering located just west of the band shell on the banks of building .-. t~; O' the Red Cedar, is the newest addition to the school of engineering. The new building is included as part of the -I! 'J general expansion program at Michigan State Col- lege, but the idea that the Electrical Engineers have a building of their own originated twenty years ago. Dean BisseI. who was Dean of Engineering in 1928, first suggested that an extension be built onto aids Hall for the Electrical Engineering Department. Plans were drawn but final approval for the new wing was never granted. In 1940 Professor Baccus, now head of the de- Professor Corey (standing) gives Charles Meyer (center) and partment. and Professors Cory and Osborn began Ralph Robinson a few pointers on the use of the cathode ray oscillograph. work on plans for an entirely separate building. Elec- trical Engineering had grown into a vast field with On the second floor there are two Industrial subdivisions in radio, electronics, and power. With steadily increasing enrollment existing facilities were Electronics labs. two circuits labs. a reading room, just not enough. Four complete sets of plans, the and a large shop where equipment will be built and end result of painstaking work and study by the maintained. The reading room is large, very attrac- Electrical Engineering Department, were completed tively designed, and will make available a large stock before the final plan was submitted to :F>resident Han- of engineering periodicals. nah and the now retired Dean Dirks. Two years ago President Hannah announced that Radio and Communications labs are on the third the new building had been approved. In the early floor along with two electronics labs, one measure- spring of 1947 ground was first broken and the steel ments lab, three class rooms and a computation room. framework was. completed in near record time during The Radio and Communications labs are complete the summer. The brickmasons started working last with every piece of equipment that the "Electron December and just nine months later the department Chasers" might conceivably find use for. began moving into their new headquarters. Thorough The fourth floor has one ultra high frequency cooperation between sub-contractors resulted in the lab, one illumination lab, a relay and control lab, very short construction time. four class rooms and a design room. 10 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 prerequisites for success, the new building will soon become a center for electrical research. The highest level, the tower, will serve as a demonstration place for radio, television, and radar. The campus amateur radio club is using part of the space for their station W8SH and when it arrives, Navy type ASG radar gear will be installed and oper- ated from the tower. Building Cost Equipment is still being installed and wired, but when the last sub-contractor leaves before next Janu- ary, the cost of the building and new equipment will stand at about one and one-quarter million dollars. A unique, but expensive, technical feature is the ti central control system. Voltages and currents of In a class in DC and AC circuits, fundamental concepts are in- vestigated in preparation for more advanced courses. Left to every description are generated at a central point and right, Ernest Kamis, Instructor Byron Main, Joe Eckert, wired into twenty-five separate main switching panels Clifford Hrcksel and Ray Gale. located in the various laboratories. These main panels control a multitude of smaller outlets used by the stu- The four graduate research and the two general dents at the testing tables. The fact that in one of research labs on the fifth floor offer opportunities for the circuits labs there are 8,500 feet of wiring tied the inquisitive engineer to work by himself. In fact, in with this system indicates its complexity. The future plans cal1 for extensive research along many custom built panels alone added 30.000 dollars to different lines. If good facilities and equipment are the overall expense. ALUMNI NEWS R. J. Waalkes, M.E. '42, has returned to M.S.C. Harold McGrath. and William Wiseman, M.E. to do graduate work in the field of heating and venti- .40. are now with the Buick Division of General lating. After graduation, Mr. Waalkes worked with Motors in Flint. the Chrysler Corporation in Detroit for I year, did Carl Rush, M.E. '47, is assistant City Engineer repair and conversion work in the Navy for three of Midland. Michigan. years, and then returned to Chrysler. From Novem- Gene Stissen. Ch. E. '42, is doing Chemical En- ~ ber, 1946, until he returned to Michigan State, he gineering work with the Dow Chemical Company. I served as technical secretary of the National Warm Charles V. Kilburn, M. E. '39, is with the Kulh- Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association. At man Electric Company, Bay City, Michigan. the present time Mr. Waalkes is teaching a course in The following alumni registered in the Dean's internal combustion engines in addition to his gradu- office during Homecoming, October 16: ate work. Marshall Houghton, '26; Robert E. Lenz, '47; Another alumnus and faculty member, James Webster L. Bowler, '32; Charles F. Derr, '47; Har- Anderson, M.E. '43, has .recently received his Mas- old Neumann; George H. Mead, '40; Robert J. ter's degree here. His graduate study was in the field Buzenberg, '40; Don Clark; Bruce LaFrance, '46; of heat transfer and fluid flow. Rodney Perry; Fred M. Southworth, '42; Floyd Samuel Carapel1a, Met. E. '44, read a paper on Guest. '46; Pat Guest. '46; John Shedd; Leanord the iridium-bismuth phase diagram at the National Sobkowsk y; Frank Foster. Metal Congress and Exposition in Philadelphia, Marion Surls, Met. E. '29, is now located with the Charles C. Kawin Company, in Chicago. ALUMNI- Send information and photographs that you W. C. Dent, Met. E. '42, is a Foundry Engineer would like to have appear in this feature to and part owner of the Midland Iron Works, Mid- the Alumni Editor, P. O. Box 468, E. Lansing. land, Michigan. 11 November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER THE SOCIETIES spoke on the advantages of membership in the student ASCE, the service of the placement bureau of the Association of General Contractors and an open in- vitation to the ten annual meetings of the Downtown Engineer's Club. The second speaker was Mr. Carl Haussman, C.E. graduate of M.S.C. and now affili- ated with Christman Builders. At another meeting, Mr. L. A. Davidson, well- known Lansing building and road constructor, talked on road and bridge problems and the requirements for the present program of road maintenance and construction in Michigan. Plans for the Activities Carnival and possible location of an organization room were discussed. On November 4th a regular meeting was held with the wives of the C.E.' s invited. Movies shown at this meeting were "Driving the Alva Adams Tunnel," "Building the George Washington Bridge" and "Highways Ahead." On November 16th Mr. Harry Ward, Deputy Highway Commissioner, addressed the chapter on "Advantages with the State Highway Department." Movies were "Irrigation and Conservation." The ASCE display at the Activities Carnival was Officers of the Engineering Council. Left to right-Charles arranged by Bob Wargowski and Jack Ryan. Storms, Secretary; Gene Mohlie, President; Jack Osgood, V ice President; Emmet More, Treasurer. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TAU BETA PI AGRICUL TURAL ENGINEERS M.S.C. was the second institution in the Claiming a 50% membership of under- United States to accept the Tau .Beta Pi as ~~~~ graduate Agr. Engineers, the M.S.C. Chap- an honorary society. At the present time ~ ter has the following student officers: Presi- Prof. Merton M. Cory of the E.E. depart- dent, Donald N. Feather; Vice President, Allen K. ~ ment is President of the National Society of Gillett; Treasurer , Vernon E. Clark; Secretary, the Tau Beta Pi. Garth O. Hall. Faculty advisor is James Sterling Boyd, Prof and head of the department of Agr. At present this chapter includes twenty-nine stu- Engineering. dents with thirty initiates beginning November 4th. One of the projects of the Ag. E.' s is the comple- The officers of the society include: George W. Michel tion of their club room in the new Agr. Engineering (sr.), as President; Charles H. Single (sr.), Vice building. Furnishing the room is another problem. President; Robert W. Jurgensen (sr.), Recording Secretary; Melvin Nuechterlein, Corresponding Sec- retary; Prof. Leonard C. Price, Treasurer; John C. Bullock (sr.), Cataloger. The ASCE announces the largest ', " membership of its history at M.S.C.: 87 members. The faculty advisor is Prof. ~ Chester L. Allen. Officers of the society are: President. Paul T. Spelman; Vice- president. Robert J. Wargowski; Treasurer, Denton S. Montrose; Secretary. Raymond W. Crovella. The first meeting this fall term incl uded over 100 people whose enthusiasm was very eviqent. Mr. Harry Conrad of Christman Builders and Contractors A.S.C.E. Officers. Rear, left to right-Henry Schwabe, Leonard Kline, Denton Montrose. Seated, left to right-Robert and Contact Representative for the National ASCE Wargowski and Paul Spelman. 12 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 It was also announced that, instead of having AMERICAN SOCIETY OF the usual fall Agr. E. dance, the Ag. E.'s would back MECHANICAL ENGINEERS the Engineering Association Dance Saturday, Janu- ' An enthusiastic group of future Mechani- ary 29. In addition, the Aggies plan a fall outing to ~~~ cal Engineers attended the first fall meeting .". .~ be on Saturday, November 13th . • of the A.S.M.E. Ross Christian, President At one meeting Prof. Crabb, supervisor on the of ASME, opened the meeting and introduced Mr. Hydrologic Research Project, gave a talk illustrated Leonard Price, head of the M. E. department. Mr. with slides. Price gave a short talk on the history and purpose The largest project that the ASAE's will parti- of the society. At this meeting eighty new members cipate in this year will be to assist in the Summer were welcomed. Conference of the ASAE which is held at a different At another meeting, Mr. L. A. Hope of the G. M. school each year. Among the usual plans for the research laboratory division spoke on the Mechanical conference is the publication by the host school of Measurements of Torsional Vibrations. Mr. Hope the National Student Journal. Men elected to the explained induction of stresses by torsional vibra- staff of the Journal are: Edi tor, Glenn Peterson; tions and the instruments used in vibrational meas- Associate Editor, Henry Hose: Business Manager, urement with the aid of a projector and the assistance Harold Dunn: Circulation Manager, Al Gillette. of '''Vince'' Sylvester. . This year's officers inel ude: Presiden t, Ross W. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Christian; Vice President. Vincent A. Sylvester: CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Treasurer, Clifford G. Hecksel; and Secretary, Paul The M.S.C. Section of the A.C.S. began B. Reish. Mr. C. V. Ip is the faculty advisor. + .~.: the school year under the direction of student ,,'.' ,~. ~ officers as follows: President, Kennett: Vice President, Richard A. Hiscox; Secretary. Charles S. Sisler; and Treasurer. WilliJm S. Springer. Randell W. Ludt. Wilbur The Faculty Advisor is Prof. W. The "aiches" at one meeting saw a mOVIe, "Water, Water, Everywhere," based on a water softening device known by chemists for sometime Left 10 right-Guest speaker, Mr. L. f. Hope, Clifford G. lleskel. Chaing V. lp, Jesse M. Campbell, Leonard C. Price, Paul fl. Risch, Vincent A. Sylvester and Ross W. Christian. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL + ENGINEERING This duo organization listened to a guest speaker early this term. Mr. Adolph W. • Rauth, head of the Consumer's Power Test- ing Laboratory !n Jack~o~, Michigan, spoke on "What Engineenng SOCIetIes Have to Offer to Engineers. " The A.LE.E. and I.R.E. lists two hundred and Tau Beta's plan for neuJ crop of initiates. Left to right-Melvin eight members this year. Officers of the group are N uechterlein, Robert Jurgensen, John Bullock, Charles Single, and George Michel. as follows: Chairman, William R. Carlyon; Vice Chairman, Clare K. Tubbs; Secretary, MacRoger but not used commercially until recently. It is the Doolittle; Treasurer, William Rupple; A.I.E.E. replacement of ions, an adsorption process. Secretary, MacRoger Doolittle; I.R.E. Secretary, Roy The following meeting was a double feature, a A. Paananen. Faculty Advisor is Charles E. Goodell. speaker's dinner at Hunt's Tea Room and a talk by On November 17th a meeting was held in the Mr. E. C. Croker of the Arthur C. Little company Auditorium of the new E. E. building. Mr. George On "The Chemistry of Odors and Flavors." Chute, Application Engineer from the General Elec- On November 3rd, 7 :30 P.M., a meeting was tric Co., Detroit, spoke on "Industrial Applications held in Morrill Hall with Mr. George Holgrum, of Electronics." engineer from the Shell Oil Co. 13 November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR dance are Henry Schwabe and Jack Osgood. The ENGINEERING EDUCATION possibility of an Engineer's Field Day in the spring A society not so well known to the student but term was discussed but no decision was reached at very active on the campus and nationally is the this meeting. A.S.E.E. This is composed entirely of faculty peo- ple in Engineering and Science departments. At The Activities Carnival Chairmen attended this M.S.C. this society includes one hundred and three meeting representing their various societies and final members. Officers are as follows: President, Harold P. Skamser; Vice President, Donald S. Pearson; Sec- plans were made for the exhibits. retary, Donald J. Renwick; Treasurer, Charles A. Miller. The program committee composed of Denton D. McGrady, James R. Burnett, Paul J. DeKoning, M.S.C. RADIO CLUB Kenneth A. Campbell, have announced the pro- By far the most helpful. active, but hetero grams for the year. The fall term activities are: group is the M.S.C. Radio Club. Many in the November 4th: Speaker was Mr. Otto Hall. organization are members of the American Radio President of the Michigan Society of Professional Relay League. At certain periods, and during emer- Engineers on "The History and Development of State Registration of Professional Engineers. gency, during the day messages are originated, relayed December 2nd: Prof. A. W. Farral1 will review and delivered. There is always someone in the trans- his paper on "Agricultural Engineering" published mitting room; either a new member learning code or in the April. 1948, Journal of Engineering Educa- a licensed member operating. Moving into new quar- tion. ters in the tower of the new E. E. Building, recently, It is also announced that Prof. J. M. Apple will has restricted their transmission but they'l1 be back direct the teacher training course. on the air when the gear is squared away. Of the ten top officers in the club, eight hold their own M.S.C. METALLURGICAL SOCIETY license. A mere infant of one year but rapidly becoming The station call is W8SH and under F.C.C. a "permanent party," the Met. E.'s drew seventy-five regulations is held in Trusteeship by John G. Nau- students in October to see three technicolor sound man. Faculty advisors are: William M. Nellis and movies titled, "Copper," sent from the Anaconda Robert F. Nelson. Student officers include: President, Copper Mining Co., New York, N. Y. ; "Unfinished Edgar G. Nessman; Secretary, Arthur D. Craig; and Rainbows," sent from the Aluminum Co., of Amer- Treasurer, Richard A. Goldfogle. Regular business ica; and "Golden Horizons," from the Ampco Metal. meetings are held Thursday of every week. Ine. Mr. R. D. Chapman, research metal1urgist for the Continued from page 9 Chrysler Corporation, wil1 be on the campus the third week of November to speak on "the Factors In Industry: Affecting the Choice of Automotive Steels." Mr. Trade Associations Chapman is a former M.S.C. graduate of the class Farm Equipment Manufacturers of '37. All interested persons are invited. Farm Equipment Retailers The Metallurgical Society plans a display show- Building Materials Manufacturers ing some of the features in the study of metallurgy. Food Processors This display was part of the Activities Carnival in- Electrical Equipment Manufacturers terests. Public Utilities Companies Student officers of the Met. E.' s this year are: Private Engineering Practice Chairman, Sheldon'Smith; Secretary-Treasurer, Wil- Foreign Service liam So'Fixcus; and Council members, John Disantis, John Milne, and Ted Borden. Faculty Advisor is Prof. Robert L. Sweet. MICHIGAN STATE ENGINEERING HELP WANTED ASSOCIA TION At the first meeting this fall, officers for the asso- ciation were elected for the remainder of the college Our staff is expanding but your waistline year. The officers are: President, Gene Mohlie; Vice won't if you work for us. Come and see us. President, Jack Osgood; Treasurer, Emmett Moore, and Secretary, Charles Storm. The date of Saturday, . Room 512 in the Electrical Engineering Bldg. January 29th, was set for the Engineer's Bal1, to be held in the women's gymn. Co-chairmen of the 14 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 WE PRESENT Some old buildings belonging to the American Board Mission were loaned to the University. From humble beginnings in 1938 with 150 students, the University expanded-by 1942 12 new buildings were erected and the enrollment rose to 650. Life at the University was not easy by any means; it was hampered by lack of funds, a great shortage of food Me. Y. C. Lin. C.E. '30. staff C.E. department. and, in 1940, by inflation. Students and faculty alike devoted their spare time to planting food. Mr. Y. C. Lin came to Michigan State College Some of the supplies and laboratory apparatus, in September, 1926. from China. After receiving particularly the bulky pieces had to be left behind his degree here. Mr. Lin returned to Fukien Christian in Foochow. The city was first occupied by the University where he taught surveying, mechanics, Japanese for about nine months toward the end of strength of material and mathematics. Mr. Lin also 1941 and the beginning of 1942. Very little dam- assisted in the difficult task of moving the University age occurred at this time but during the second occu- to the hills. pation in October 1943 things were quite different -Foochow was destroyed. All the property was Fukien Christian University is located in Foo- destroyed, as well as the water supply and electrical chow, a city on the coast of China. This region was wiring in the school buildings. The gas plant for in great danger of attack from the Japanese; there- the Science Hall was gone. The school museum, with fore, it became imperative to move the University inland. ' its pottery, antiques and large collection of books, was gone. Foochow was gone. Travel in China, always fraught with hardships One thing remained-the University in the hills. and ~ncertainties in peace-time, became a major prob- It was now time to move back; the time was Decem- le~ III war-time. One of the difficulties of transpor- ber, 1945. Mr. Lin was in charge of moving the tatIOn. was caused by the topography of this section supplies and equipment. Three hundred sampan ?f Chllla which literally rises from the sea. The land (small river boats) were propelled down the river IS very mountainous and the rivers are rapid and with bamboo poles. These boatmen were skilled in steep, so steep in fact, they seem almost perpendicular: traveling through China's rapid rivers; only one Lack .of funds and suitable equipment only added to mishap occurred on the way down-a good record, the difficult moving task. Most of the transportation fT' considering the number of boats and the swiftness a~l.!tIes were used by the Chinese Government for of the river. While it took one month to go up, milItary purposes. However, four river launches with it only took eight days to come down. In about double diesel engines were obtained and the long three months everything was moved-apparatus. hard journey commenced. dormitory furniture and library; even the temporary About 150 students, 30 faculty and staff mem- wooden buildings were torn down and moved. These bers, as well as some of the more important and less building sections were placed on rafts especiall y made cumbersome pieces of laboratory apparatus were taken for the purpose. on th e tnp. . The launches brought them to Yemping, It was hard and sometimes uncertain but that about 130 miles inland. Supplies and passengers were trip from Foochow to Shaowu was a means of saving transferred to trucks, as the remainder of the journey the University-a never-to-be-forgotten adventure. had to be made by land. SPARTAN ENGINEER 15 November. 1948 NEW DEVELOPMENTS shaft passes it. This counter has been electrically timed and checked and found to have an accuracy of one-half of one percent. If during testing a part is broken a photograph is instantly taken of it. When the double concentric screens that line the pit are hit by a broken part a circuit is closed operating a mercury lamp for the ex- posure time of one five millionth of a second. X-RAY AND TELEVISION COMBINED A combination of x-rays and television may help in the detection of defects in thick castings and other metal structures used in industry, Dr. William D. Coolidge. noted x-ray authority suggested in a recent talk. When x-rays are now used. either to examine the interior of a piece of metal. or to look into the human body. radiographic methods are employed. shadow pictures on photographic film or on a fluoroscope where the x-ray image is formed and made directly visible by fluorescence. The viewing of the fluorescent screen by television has often been suggested, but even the most sensitive camera tubes (image orthicons) This tiny electric motor is unusual in that it has been built have not given satisfactory results in medical applica- "inside OUI." Developed for Army Ordnance's Proving Grounds, tions. High x-ray intensities may be used in industry Aberdeen, Md., by the General Electric Company, it is rated to get the sufficiently high illumination of the flor- one-tenth-horsepouJer at 80,000 revolutions per minute. The escent screen necessary for the television camera. Con- positions of the rotor and stator in the motor are the reverse siderable time could be saved in the inspection of cast- of the usual arrangement. hence the term "inside OUI." ings by development of such a system, the time lag between exposure of the film and developing would TESTING GAS TURBINES be eliminated. The television receiver would be In its work on gas turbines the Boeing Aircraft located away from the x-ray tube and offer protec- tion to the operator who would be located behind a Company propulsion laboratory has developed an thick protective wall. intersecting testing device. In the testing of turbine components. parts are placed in a special pit and turned at a high rate of speed. RAM AND PULSE JET DEVELOPMENT The pit is made of several layers of steel plate and contains heating coils of nicrome wire that pro- The possibilities of the ram and pulse jet engines vide similated operating temperatures up to 1750 for aircraft have started many development projects. degrees F. Engines of this type are a practical reality for guided missles and now we are about to see their use in man The article to be tested is atrached to one end of carrying craft. One of the first applications is the a shaft which is driven by a compressed air turbine. use of ram jets in the McDonnel-Air Force helicopter. The complete unit is then lowered into the test pit "Little Henry." a one-man five hundred pound heli- and the air removed by a vacuum pump. The article copter. is then rotated at speeds as high as 100.000 R.P.M. In jet helicopters the jet units are set in the tips One end of the drive shaft is painted half black of the rotors and provide a not very efficient. but an and half white. A photoelectric cell focused on the extremely light, SOurce of power. In mQre conven- end of the shaft. transmits an electrical impulse to a tional aircraft the jet units are mounted in the tips recording instrument each time the black part of the of the propeller. 16 SPARTAN ENGINEER November. 1948 The General Electric Company has built a Michigan, this new powerhouse, known as the $100,000 development center for the design and test- "8-90" engine, will be installed in the 1949 models. ing of jet helicopter components. The center contains The principles of the engine were developed by a large dynamometer set in a circular pit for the test- Charles F. Kettering. noted GM research engineer. ing of engines mounted in the tips of helicopter blades who worked with the idea of increasing the indus- and also facilities for static testing. try's average compression ratio of 6.5 to 1. An ex- Proponents of the new type power system seem perimental model was finished in June. 1947. with to think that it will find many uses in both the mili- a ratio of 12.5 to 1, consequently necessitating ap- tary and civilian fields of aviation. p.roximately 100 octane gasoline with a subsequent fuel saving of 30 to 40 percent. Inasmuch as oil compa'nies were not able to produce this gasoline in quantity, the compression ratio of the new Olds- mobile engine was adjusted to the maximum for present premium fuel. The engine as it is now being built, operates at a ratio of 7.25 to 1 and requires only an 86 octane gasoline. As compared to the old in-line type. there is an increase from 115 HP to 135 HP in the power rating and an increase in fuel economy of about I mile per gallon. Behind the production of the new engine is the new, well-engineered layout of the plant which was 'p developed from a large scale model of every opera- ".11 '1 . ~ ''''l(' ~~l.<~~..=~ « ~~.; .,oc:l;~ __ ..• tion. New to the automobile industry are transfer- type machines which are capable of multiple opera- ~'*.t!':#'.4 t ~!f~ tions with only one operator. Capacity of the plant Charles F. Kettering, noted GM research engineer, (second from right), and S. C. Skinner, General Manager of Oldsmobile, is 30 engines an hour. Latest inspection machines Lansing, inspect the three-dimensional model layout of the new for the close tolerances of the Kettering engine check Oldsmobile engine plant. and classify the diameter. roundness, taper and bell- mouth of cylinder bores in a matter of seconds. GENERAL MOTORS V-8 ENGINE Oldsmobile's progress in the direction of high- Latest General Motors research into the realm of com'pression engines of increased efficiency will .u~- high efficiency engines is being incorporated into the doubtedly prompt other manufacturers to take SImI- new Oldsmobile high-compression engine. Now in lar steps in renovating their power plan ts for production at the newly equipped plant in Lansing, passenger vehicles. COMPLIMENTS OF A MEMBER S. A. E. Conversion Factors Quantity 299.8 Volts Potential diff erence __ 1 Statvolt 10 Amperes h h __ "' __ ••• h h. __ .. Curren t __ __ __..__ '.-- -- .. 1 Abampere ~~:~~~~~c~~.~.r.~~ I nd uctance :.:. : :: __ __ __ . . 1 1 1 Abcoulomb Statohm Stathenry 10 Coulomb 8.988xlO11 Ohms 8.988xlOll Henries 1 Abfarad 109 Farads Ca paci tance .. h h __ .. .m. .. --.-- -- 453.6 Grams Mass 1 Pound h •••••• __ ._ •••• 1 Foot 30.48 Centimeters Length __ __ "" ._ . 13,826 Dynes F orce .. 1 Poundal h m __ __ ••••• m 1 Foot-pound 1.356x107 Ergs Energy , work. __ __ : . .. .m 745.7 Ergs/sec. Power __ __.__ __ __..__ __ __ .. 1 Horsepower 1 B.T.U. 252 Calories Quantity of heat __ . 17 November 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER o 0 0 0 o 000 CAMPUS NEWS o 000 o 0 0 0 DEAN MILLER NAMES RADFORD NEW MSC PUBLICATION Dean L. H. Miller recognized the fact that the The first issue of METHODS ENGINEERING NEWS Engineers were not utilizing the full benefits of the was mailed in October to approximately 2000 Michi- representatives on campus for the purpose of inter- gan manufacturers. This new publication, believed viewing graduating seniors. He therefore created a to be the first of its kind, is being distributed to the new department to expedite the placing of these small manufacturers of the state. This group, em- seniors. To head this department, Dean Miller ap- ploying between 25 and 300 persons, has been pointed Prof. Stanley S. Radford, Eng'r. Drawing, selected because it was felt they are large enough to in addition to his teaching schedule. give thought to Methods Engineering, but probably Mr. Radford has been in industry throughout not large enough to warrant full time use of a man the larger cities in Michigan holding responsible jobs in this field. and knows most of the policies and proceedures of According to Prof. James M. Apple, originator these interviewing companies as well as many of and editor of the publication, this bulletin will serve their representatives. as a medium of exchange of information for the Mr. Radford states that the largest problem is small industries of Michigan. It will offer informa- to get the student to the interview and that too many tion on such subjects as time and motion study, overlook this important service. The largest fault plant layout, materials handling, and production in the past has been the failure of the student to control. remember the interview. The second fault was that Feature articles will be of such a nature as to be man y times seniors failed to know of an interviewer helpful to manufacturing men, while other depart- being on campus. This year with the number of ments of the bulletin will be devoted to the sources graduating seniors amounting to about 700 it is of information on operating practices, based on cur- most important that every advantage be taken of , our placement bureau. rent periodicals, books, manufacturers questions and answers. literature, and t I 00 Jo MUNSON ARCHITECT FOR MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Including Such Buildings as Natural Science Building Agricultural Engineering Building Electrical Engineering Building Berkey Hall Stadium - Macklin Field 409 Wilson Building Lansing, Michigan 18 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 METAL STAMPINGS Dependable Left to right-Leonard C. Price, Dean, M.E.; W. G. Gude, .... Editor, "The Foundry"; R. L. Sweet, Prof., Met. E., M.S.C.; J. E. Coon, Packard Motor Car, Detroit. FOUNDR Y CONFERENCE NOTES From all Kinds of Material Foundrymen from throughout Michigan and from the Four Michigan Chapters of the American Foundryman's Society met October 1 thru 2, 1948, .010 to % inches Thickness for general session in 111 Olds Hall. This is spon- sored annually by the M.E. department. Its purpose is to bring men together who are actively interested 440 Ton Capacity in foundry problems, to discuss common concerns, and to present the newest and best thinking of authorities in the field. Bed area up to 50 x 72 inches The surprise and highlight of the conference was the unexpected appearance of E. W. Horlebein, Vice with 30 inch stroke Chairman of the A. F. S. and President of the Gibson ~ Kirk Co. of Baltimore, Maryland, who spoke on policies of the A. F. S. also MILLER APPOINTS NEW DIRECTOR Dr. C. C. DeWitt, formerly Chairman of the AUTOMATIC ROLL FEED PRESSES Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer- ing, has been appointed Director of the Engineering Experiment Station. In addition, his new duties will include genl'ral supervision of graduate study and • '.' research in the Engineering School. He will continue to be the representative of the Engineering School on the Graduate Council, and will retain his professor- ship in chemical engineering. Dr. DeWitt, a native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of the University of Michigan, has been connected with educational work in chemical and metallurgical engineering in Michi- gan since 1927. Prior to that time his industrial experience was concerned with the manufacture of DAIL STEEL PRODUCTS CO. iron and steel, organic chemical manufacture, and the development of high-speed electroplating. He is a 750 E. Main S1. re?istered professional engineer, the author of many sCientific papers, dnd holds a number of United States LANSING 1, MICHIGAN Patents. Dr. DeWitt also holds membership in the National Honorary Scientific Societies: Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Iota Alpha. His fraternity is Alpha Chi Sigma. 19 November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER TEXAS SIZED CONVENTION The 1948 National Convention of Tau Beta Pi held at University done up in Texas-sized The convention of Texas, Austin, Texas, was style from start to finish. was planned to get the maximum L Beginning Its 35th Year of mixing, fellowship, business, and entertainment into three short days; the boys from Texas Alpha really showed us just how full you can pack twenty- A of Successful four hours. From the minute the delegate was met at the train or plane and given his Texas-sized badge that proclaimed him to anyone within thirty feet N Stamping Service to the time he had to leave, he didn't have a dull moment. Business at the convention was handled right on S schedule and with a minimum of confusion. Engi- neers can do it, in spite of the fact that such ticklish subjects as full membership of women into the I organization and changes to the constitution among the many items on the agenda. In addition, a lot of helpful ideas as to chapter projects and were N practices were gleaned from the chapter coordination sessions and the frequent bull-sessions. But enough of the serious stuff. The entertain- G ment surp;:ssed all hopes that even the most wish full thinker had dreamed up. The first evening was spent at Barton Springs where we all were treated to a real Texas barbeque which included "liquid" refreshments of several kinds. They served more meat per serving S than the average housewife can afford to buy up here for an evening's meal. After the meal. a magician, a choral group, dancers, and movies wound up the T evenIng. Friday night brought a banquet which was fol- A lowed by a semi-formal dance. Getting blind dates for some eighty fellows would be a job for any man but the Texan they put in charge of getting them for the dance was up to it. He had sent blanks earlier M in the summer on which you were to request the size, shape, speed, ete., of the date that you wanted; how he found them, no one will know. And no one had Serving P a gripe. In fact, Prof. Cory of the E.E. Dept., the national president of Tau Beta Pi, seemed to like them all so well that he was cutting in on everyone Manufacturers of AGRICULTURE I EQUIPMENT that even came close to him. Saturday afternoon between Texas and Arkansas. brought a football game Texas managed to INDUSTRIAL N EQUIPMENT pull it out of the fire, 13-7. It was hard to realize that football would even be played as eagerly as they did in that 90 degree plus temperature. DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT G The convention wound up that night with an- other banquet that had for a main feature, a steak the size of which you only have dreams of ever seeing. LAWNMOWERS 1159 Pennsylvania c No matter where we went those three days, no matter what we did, we were made to feel welcome, Continued on page.23 Avenue Lansing, Michigan o 20 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 ------------- - Mechanical Contractors for .... HEATING PLUMBING POWER PLANTS VENTILATION AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL PIPING REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Established in Lansing Since 1922 720 E. Shiawassee St. P. O. Box 298 LANSING MICHIGAN J oruis Engineering WORKS .:. ..•• .... Engineers and Fabricators of Steel Products .:. .... .... JARVIS ENGINEERING WORKS Lansing, Michigan 901 River Street 21 November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER lJllDEll DROP FORGE COMPANY Established 1910 Incorporated 1923 Alanufacturers of HIGH GRADE DROP FORGINGS 2830 South Logan Lansing 3, Michigan Telephone 4-5403 Z{) IF YOUR MIND IS GETTING DENSE AND YOUR TEMPER'S GETTING CRANKY, GET UP OFF YOUR PENTS AND BREAK OUT YOUR SUIT AND HANKY Z-o ZOo '!too 100 Make Plans For ... The Engineer's Boll JANUARY 29 22 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948. Continued from page 20 just like those boys from Texas tell about no matter where you meet them. And just to remove all doubts, this report on the convention was not written by the Texas Board of Pushing Texas Ahead ... if there is such a thing ... but just by a D .... Yankee who had a whale of a time in Texas. No. 2 VERTICAL GEORGE WILLIAM MICHEL, President, Tau Beta Pi, MilLING. Michigan Alpha Chapter, Convention Delegate. MACHINE LIGHT TYPE Continued from page 7 The Brown & Sharpe Light Type design provides of a quarter wave line with a "lighthouse" type tube a light sensitive milling mounted in each leg at the open end of the line. Heat machine that permits ease dissipated by each tube is carried away by air forced and rapidity of handling- yet insures the high degree up through each leg of the quarter-wave line. of accuracy necessary of a The Antenna milling machine for tool- room or general purpose The output, 90.5 MC :1:75 KC at 3000 watts. work. Smooth working con- is then transferred to the antenna by means of a trols and mechanisms give coaxial transmission line. The antenna is mounted faster operation with less On the job shown above the work effort and fatigue. Conven- is quickly positioned for cutting on top of a 260 foot tower, making the entire struc- ient control grouping and several adjacent surfaces. ture 300 feet tall. The FM antenna- is a directive the swivelling spindle head array. that is, it concentrates or focuses the energy give the machine outstanding efficiency for both set-up and operation. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence I, R.I., U.S.A. in a path perpendicular to the tower. Such a system directs the radiated energy where it is most needed instead of in the up-and-down would only be wasted. directions where it The antenna is popularly BROWN & SHARPE ~ known as a "clover leaf' antenna due to its clover leaf shaped elements. The antenna was designed by the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Monitoring and Trouble Shooting In order to facilitate rapid diagnosis of trouble LANSING within the transmitter. a series of trouble indicating lamps have been provided. These lamps are con- DROP nected to various overload relays, door switches. ete., and are normally lighted. If trouble should develop FORGE in one of these strategic points the corresponding lamp would be extinguished, thus immediately localizing COMPANY the trouble. Adequate safety from high voltage shocks has been provided by door interlock switches. The transmitter is provided with an auxiliary unit which is used to keep a constant check on the .:.. :. overall performance of the transmitter. The most important function of this unit is to indicate the difference between the center frequency and the as- Steam Hammer Forgings signed frequency. The center frequency must always Board Hammer Forgings be kept within the Federal Communications Commis- sion tolerance of :1:2000 cycles from the assigned fre- Forging Press Forgings quency. In addition, this unit serves as a percentage modulation indicator and an audio monitor for the control room . WKAR-FM is licensed to operate on unlimited ... time. The present schedule is from 7 :00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. The entire installation was made during the 1024 S. Logan Lansing summer of 1948 under the general supervision of Mr. Norris Grover. chief engineer of WKAR. November, 1948 SPA R TAN E N G I N~EiE R 23 What Is the Future for Highway Engineers? By BERNARD GRAY, General Manager, The Asphalt Institute 1 •• The article in the April issue of AMERICAN However, I am also certain that a low which many highway departments are obliged HIGHWAYS, by General Anderson, of Virgin- salary is not the basic reason for not entering to operate, and which have grown with the ia, dealing with the current shortage of high- highway work. Not onlv are highway engi- years. way engineers, should indeed make everyone neer students few in number but civil engi- stop and think, We have been all aware neering majors constitute only about IS per The young engineer is not unaware of this cent of the present graduating classes. In my situation, and he does not propose to enter that it was difficult to obtain competent men own college, only 5 per cent are civil engi- a kind of work where, as soon as he advances in sufficient numbers to permit preparation neers, as contrasted with an entirely different to a reasonably good job, say district engi- of plans and the direction of construction at the desired rate, but to some extent this con- situation 25 years ago. Recently there were neer, he runs the risk of being demoted or two good openings in our organization and fired every time the State has a new governot. dition was assumed to be of temporary nature I requested the College Placement Service to Now in making this comment I know that and at least partly related to the disruption of war, The statistics presented indicate very recommend some fellow alumni. Not a single there are many States where civil service pro- clearly, however, that the shortage is not tem- one was available who had the needed back- tects against discharge, but in some of these porary, but on the contrary has been develop- ground of experience. States it also militates against advancement. ing for some time and is only now becoming and the young engineer is familiar with that Reference has been made to the fact that situation too and therefore looks elsewhere evident in its real proportions, highway departments lose men beca~se they for a career. In talking to a lawyer friend of mine about seek greener pastures. That is true, and I think it is not only to be expected but in It is too bad that in some way the public the matter, he expressed considerable curiosity addition it is desirable, provided we can have cannot be educated to the waste involved in as why such a shortage had occurred. On every year a new group of educated young the constant turnover in public work brought every hand he had seen great activity with men entering public work to serve at least about purely by political changes. For a huge equipment and he had just assumed that a number of years and learn what it is all highway department alone it runs to millions highway engineering must be very well paid about. Not every engineer by temperament of dollars. Just suppose a railroad or an work. As a matter of fact when I mentioned to be a good administrator in the higher industrial corporation fired or demoted all the starting salaries in many States he was brackets of public service, nor are there suffi- its key engineers every two or four years. still of the opinion that lawyers began for cient positions to take care of all the qualified not because they weren't capable, but just less, and furthermore that they had put in men as they develop in capacity with the because they didn't belong to some party or three or four years more college work than years. The very fact that industry and con- because politico Bill Smith couldn't run them? most engineers had done. Well, that con- tractors supplying the highway field are able They wouldn't last long, because that kind versation started me to make a little more continually to employ trained engineers, is of an unstable employment condition could study of the situation, and as suggested in a proper encouragement to the many who not produce results. If we do not establish General Anderson's article, I asked myself find after their apprentice period that their our public service on a level above petty poli- whether or not under present day conditions talents run in that direction. tics, we can not hope to continue to attract I would enter the hil(hway field of engineer- ing. Knowing what I do about the business, the kind of engineers needed, similar to the Not only that, but in the long run such I still believe that I would, but if I only knew ones who built the present system, and who transfers force laggard legislatures to a proper what the average student in college knows I are largely maintaining it today. appreciation of the necessity for retention of am afraid that I would be looking for oppor- trained men in public work and that they We, as an engineer group, whether in pub- tunities elsewhere just as the record indicates. cannot expect to continue to be served on a lic work or on the industry side of tDe fence, With regard to my own college, while I philanthropic basis. Recently, in making a are largely to blame for this condition and it knew from previous talks with the Dean of new addition to our staff, I asked the State is high time that we did something about it. Engineering that the highway courses were Engineer if he would have any objections. He The so-called American way of life is depend- not particularly popular, nevertheless I was was definite in saying that he was distressed to ent very largelv upon engineers and engineer- surprised that not a single graduate in 1948 lose the man, but on the other hand he ing, and it will only require the right kind planned to become a highway engineer. And thought his resignation might help to bring of action to gain for engineers the recognition yet in times past this college has graduated home to his Legislature the need for salary that their contribution to the welfare of soci- many outstanding engineers who thave been adjustments. I am glad to say that, in this ety merits. Wh~n we complain about the fact instance, some increases have been recently that graduate engineers do not enter highway quite successful in this branch of engineering. made. work, we should remember that it wasn't Of course I must admit that with $ 280 per month being the minimum wage accepted by In addition to salary increases, there is too many years ago that we were graduateS last year's graduates, it was a little difficult another adjustment that must be accomplished and that it has been in our hands to protect to persuade a man to start in a highway de- in order that men will be induced to make our position and see to it that other groupS partment at $200 per month or even the highway engineering in public service a car- did not usurp perogatives that properly belong lesser rate paid in some states. eer. I refer to the political handicaps under to us. The Engineer's BoU -------]ANUARy 29 ------_ 24 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 OPEN: New Fields ~ Explore! A N Allis-Chalmers scientist seeks new, rt better ways to reduce low-grade ores ..• . . . another hurls lightning at giant transformers to test abnormal stresses .•• . . . another catches "wolf whistles" from the sun for clues to better power trans- mission! The whole history of A-C is one of far- flung research and pioneering ... of revolu- tionary advancements in almost every field of science and industry! " " " Whatever your chosen field-electric power, hydraulics, processing, machine de- sign or production-you'll find unequaled opportunities in Allis-Chalmers' broad range of operation! SPARTAN ENGINEER 25 November, 1948 ?:ltree ?:ltoliSllltd [~~I~[[~~ Will Kead tlte Spartan E 1) JJ J 1) E E Jl Yon can reach them hy advertising in these pages * * * 26 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948 Partially visible at far left is a new 2,000,000-volt X-ray machine at B &W for making certain that welded seams in pressure vessels f6r large boilers, refineries, and chemical proc- esses meet industry code specifica- tions. It is the largest X-ray ever built for this important purpose - eight times as powerful as the average hos- pital X-ray. Long years of this kind of engineer- ing foresight and initiative has linked the B&W name with numerous other significant pioneering advances in many fields of industrial activity. Yet for all its 80 years, B &W has never lost the art of having new ideas -a good reason why technical gradu- ates can look to B&W for excellent career opportunities in research, engi- BABCOCK & WILCOX neering, production, sales and other THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. vocations. 85 Liberty Street, New York 6, N. Y. COMMERCIAL RADAR '.' .:. '.' MORHEAT CORPORATION Here's good news for you former navy radarmen! The fishing fleet is Manufacturers of turning to the new equipment. Typical example is the experience STEEL WATER TUBE BOILERS of the tuna boat, Normandie, which was able to operate with war-surplus for radar when other ships were fog- bound. It has made bait fishing pos- sible in dense fog as well as entering Domestic and Commercial Steam and and leaving the harbor on schedule. Trials are being made to locate by radar swarms of birds that indicate Hot Water Heating the presence of fish. New commercial-type radar is be- ing installed on many boats which will reduce maintenance greatly. Antenna dome of this new installation looks like a round cheesebox and contains Industrial Processing some of the equipment immediately 700 East Kalamazoo St. below it, thus eliminating much of LANSING 12, MICHIGAN the bulkiness of wartime sets. November, 1948 SPARTAN ENGINEER 27 First little pig entered bar, climbed on stool and ordered a beer, couldn't SIDE TRACKED • • • • finish it, so left. Second little pig-same . Third little pig, the smallest of the three entered bar, had difficulty Bookstore Salesman : "Young man, Caller: It your mother engaged? climbing on stool but did and ord- you need this book. It will do half Little Boy: I think she's married. ered 2 beers. The bartender was as- your college work for you." tonished and asked him, "How come, Engineer: "Fine, give me two." * * * since your brothers couldn't finish Marriage is like a hot bath ... By * * * the time you get used to it, it's not so even one beer?" It's all right to tell a girl tha t she "Oh," was the reply, ''I'M a little hot. has pretty legs, but, don't compli- pig that went wee wee wee all the ment her too highly.-Hi A fellow we know has a broken Ya'll. * * * way home." Do you know what good clean arm that he received for fighting for fun is? * * * a woman's honor. It seemed that She was only an architect's daugh- No. What good is it? she wanted to keep it.- ter, but she had designs on everybody. * * * * * * * * * He: Why wait 'till we get home to tell me - ... IS "Is my face dirty or it my imagination?" whether you'll marry "Your face is clean, me or not? but I don't know about She: I'm scared. This your imagination." is the very same spot father proposed to my * * * She: Do you want to mother. stop the car and eat, He: What about it? Sweetheart? She: Well, on the He: No, Pet! way home, the horse ran away and father * * * was killed. Upper Crust: A lot of crumbs held together * * * by their OWn dough. Jean: '']'d love to go to the Engineer's ball. * * * Bob: That's the way Sign in the Engineer- to get there. ing Library: "Low con- * * * /'1, T. U 7}" F: 5. versation permitted." * * * There was a young lady named Then there was the absent-minded Well built gay-deceivers Banker fly that couldn't remember what it Who slept while the ship was at May turn to retrievers- did with its specks. anchor. Strong men of uncommon restraint; She woke in dismay But you risk disillusion When she heard the mate say, * * * And utter confusion "Now hoist the topsheet and She was only a gear maker's For though they look real, they ain't. spanker." daughter, but - she could outstrip them all. * * * * * * * * * Demure young thing: What kind of Kiss. Fran : Would you think it was an officer. are you? Interval. Telepathy if we were thinking the Officer: I'm a Naval Surgeon. She: I'll bet you're a bugler in the same thing? R.O.T.C. D.Y.T.: Dear, how you Doctors Dick: No. Just plain good luck. do specialize. 28 SPARTAN ENGINEER November, 1948