MARCH 1952 Vol. 5 No.3 Twenty Five Cents A-nother page for How to keep a drill team from marking time The swivel on a drilling rig has to carry the tremendous weight of drill pipe that's often three miles long. To carry this load while permitting the pipe to rotate as fast as 250 R. P. M., oil equipment design engineers use Timken'" flat thrust bearings in the swivels. Due to line contact between rollers and races, Timken bearings have extra load- carrying capacity. True rolling motion and incredibly smooth surface finish of Tim ken bearings practically elimi- nate friction and wear. Costly breakdowns are prevented. --------------------------------------------------------- How swivels are mounted on TIMKEN@ bearings The Timken bearing used to carry the thrust load in this typical swivel is an on-apex thrust (type TT) bearing. A single-row (type TS) Timken bearing is used at the top position. Bearing adjustment is made with thin metal shims between the cup carrier and the swivel housing. --------------------------------------------------------- Want to learn more about bearings? TIMIEN TRADE-MARK REG. U. s. PAl'. OFF. Some of the engineering problems you'll face after graduation will involve bearing applica- tions. If you'd like to learn more about this phase of engineering, we'll be glad to help. For a copy TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS of the 270-page General Information Manual on Timken Bearings, write today to The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Canton 6, Ohio. And don't forget to clip this page for future reference. NOT JUST A BALL 0 NOT JUST A ROLLER a:::J THE TIMKEN TAPERED ROLLER D BEARING TAKES RADIAL ~ AND THRUST -@)- LOADS OR ANY COMBINATION "* 1. ORIENTATION The Westinghouse Graduate 2. Student Training Program INITIAL WORK was started more than 50 ASSIGNMENTS years ago. Through the years a. PRODUCTION 3. it has been improved to keep b. INSPECTION PRODUCT plUe with the growth and de- c. lABORATORY OR TEST ENGINHRING velopment of Westitlghouse. SCHOOL Experienced counsellors are always on call to help you establish bearings in plan- ning your career. ( 4. SPECIAL TRAINING ) The ENGINEERING Westinghouse AND RESEARCH OTHER ACTIVITIES Plan , Packing the equivalent of 27,000 hp at 700 mph in a 3,000 pound turbo- jet is an achievement that calls for a high degree of co-ordination and skill in research, engineering, manufacturing and application. Key to achievements like this at Westinghouse, we believe, is the science of man-power development through which we are able to place engineer- ing graduates in the right work ... to best utilize their education, training and talents most effectively. To help you find your best field, you would enter the Graduate Student Training Program, in which you get basic training; later special training; then, with the assistance of an experienced counsellor, placement in the field of your choice. In this way you get set for a successful future. For complete details about the Westinghouse Plan, send for our 32- page booklet-"Finding Your Place in Industry." G-lOl74 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT To obtain copy of "Finding Your Place in Industry",consult Placement Officer of your university, or mail this coupon to: YOU CAN BE SURE ... IF ITS Mr. F. E. Reiber District Educational Co..ocdinator Westinghouse Electric Corporation 306 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania ~stinghouse Namlee------------------ School Year' _ Street------------------ City, Zone-State---- March, 1952 Here we go again! "March 15th, Tax Day, is around the corner •.. and here I am, wrestling with Form 1040 again! You, too, I'll bet. "Sure, I gripe about it every year. Who doesn't? It's like yelling at the umpire. Or beefing about the weather. That's our privilege! "But this year's taxes really hurt. Now don't get me wrong .•• I believe in taxes. Can't run a government without taxes. And when it comes to our government spending money honestly and efficietltly for Defense, Freedom or Good Government ••• it can have the shirt off my back. "But down at the Republic plant I work hard for my dough. And, naturally, I get burned up when I read about a lot of money being spent foolishly by our govern- ment. That, of course, goes for all levels of government ... federal, state, county and local. They're all run on our tax money ••• yours and mine. "And when I say 'our' tax money, it reminds me that companies groan about taxes, too. They've got 'living expenses' same as we ". do, and taxes take an even bigger .~:~,... "?"""'" bite out of their income than ... ~ ....~ th d f .,\:<~~::<:::::::;::,~:"" "':;:t ey 0 out 0 ours. - -<~::.:: .. --. "What's left of our pay, we call .<-£,,:;:..~~ .... :" savings. What's left of a company's ..:,,:...::-i;!fi'-.:.~ esses, and in selection and application and continue to grow. And we are I:." 0/) 0/) 0/) 0/) 0/) >. innovators; we pioneered many basic of of correct instruments in industrial '-'l developments ... are pioneering Work u ...c u E ~ .~ 'Eu - -- -- plants. Other openings are in re- ~ u ;, " u u >. ~ - ..c ..c:: ..c others, and will continue to do so. ~ ~ search and still others in engineering development ofL&N products. Also Personnel-wise, the Company's '-'l U -U beckoning are production, advertis- policies are modern and progressive. Engineering - - - - - - Research ing, inspection and other operations. We have long had group insurance, Sales Engrg. - - - - - - - - - - - - Advtg. - - - - - - LEEDS & NORTHRUP CO. Mfg. INSTRUMENTS • AUTOMATIC CONTROLS • FURNACES Name _ 4915 STENTON AVE., PHILADELPHIA 44, PA. Course _ Allanla BaRan Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Delroil Hortfonl HouRon los Angeles New Yor" PiIIsburgh San Francisco Sea"'e St. louis Tulsa Street _ Agents in PrincipalCountries Jrl. Ad ENTIIJ) City ~~tatc _ 43 March, 1952 MAY 9 and 10 Make Plans Now to Attend the Fourth Annual ENGINEERING EXPOSITION IIENGINEERING FOR A STRONGER AMERICAn PRESENTED BY THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE W J\ TER 'g ~, ~.. ,/' ,';?'"/"'~':'/'. STILLS Sumula Cum ill> ~. il I .~ .. ~:::::p; Barnstead Laboratory and Indus- trial Water Stills are the proven standard of the scientific and Laude ... in thf! science of anti-friction industrial world. They produce Wheels turn faster and men work more efficiently water of unvarying consistency in every industry because of anti.friction bearings. and unmatched purity. Easy to Over 100, sizes and And every industry knows and uses 1l!\[;S[fP Ball and operate, easy to clean, they pro. models to meet any Roller Bearings. pure water require- vide pure water at low cost. ment. This acceptance of 1l!\[;S[fP has been built on its abil- ity to help put the right bearing in the right place. * ll~fnste8d * 5KF INDUSTRIES, INC., PHilADElPHIA 32, PA. STill & !HE 45 Lanesvill • IIIL1ZEIII'U. ~o~F~ lIER BEARINGS e Terrae e, Forest Hill s, Baston 3 I, Mass. Spartan Engineer THE HYDROSTATIC TEST Nobody can buy a length of cast iron pipe cast iron pipe installed today will live up to or exceed unless it has passed the Hydrostatic Test at the foundry. service records such as that of the 130-year-old pipe Every full length of cast iron pipe is subjected to this shown. test under water pressures considerably higher than Cast iron pi?e is the standard material for water rated working pressures. It must pass the test or go and gas mains and is widely used in sewage works to the scrap pile. construction. Send for booklet, "Facts About Cast The Hydrostatic Test is the final one of a series of Iron Pipe." Address Dept. c., Cast Iron Pipe Research routine tests made by pipe manufacmrers to assure Association, T. F. Wolfe, Engineer, 122 So. Michigan that the quality of the pipe meets or exceeds the re- Ave., Chicago 3, Illinois. quirements of standard specifications for cast iron pressure pipe. Few engineers realize the extent of the inspections, analyses and tests involved in the quality.control of cast iron pipe. Production controls start almost liter- ally from the ground up with the inspection, analysis and checking of raw materials-continue with con- stant control of cupola operation and analysis of the melt-and end with inspections and a series of accept- ance and routine tests of the finished product. Members of the Cast Iron Pipe Research Associa- tion have established -and attained scientific standards resulring in a superior product. These standards, as well as the physical and metallurgical controls by Section of 130-year-old cast iron water which they are maintained, provide assurance that main still in service in Philadelphia, Pa. SERVES FOR CENTURIES 45 March, 1952 * STAFF POSITIONS Open on The SPARTAN ENGINEER * Apply Third Floor, Union Building. Especially • LEROY' Lettering equipment is standard in drafting rooms FRESHMEN everywhere. No special skill is needed for perfect, regular lettering and symbol drawing. There are LEROYtemplates in a variety of alphabets and sizes, as well as for' electrical, and welding, map, geological, mathematical and other symbols that the draftsman needs. 'Trade Mark@ SOPHOMORES KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. UT.1867 NEW YORK • HOBOKEN, N. J. Chicago. St. Louis. Detrait • San Francisco. Las Angeles • Manlreal * DAIL STEEL PRODUCTS CO. Incorporated 1913 Manufacturers of Metal Stampings and Assembly Work LANSING I, MICHIGAN 46 Spartan Engineer What's Happening at CRUCIBLE about tool steel f{)r~jn~s Whether 1Y2pounds or 7 tons ... forgings get the same sensitive handling Cruciblc's rcputation as thc specialty stcel leader is built on a devotion to thc smallest dctail ... rc"ardless of the size of the order. t:> These forgings are good examples of Crucible spe. cialists at work: CHM-2 l'lustic MlIld FlJ,.gin~ (14,(1(1(1 fJ(JlJlJ(ls) This CSM-2 plastic moM stcel forging was made Hex M -2 Hi~h Speed Steel IJisc Fllr~illg from a 25,000-pound ingot. This block will hc hcat-trcated and worked to (1% pllunds) producc a mold for the nHlIIufacturc of large plastic Pancake forgings such as these arc used extensively by parts. Thc finished weight of the forging is 14,000 small tool makers. Extreme care is tnken in the prepara- pounds. And it is the largest mold forging yet produced tion of the slug stock. by Crucible. The upsetting insures proper flow lines. Mill- ing cutters, genr shnvers fJJ~illl'e,'in,g se,'vire i,vi,illIlJIe and similar cutting tools Crucihle's engineering service is geared to meet your t hat require maximum research and development problems. If you use spccial toughness, coupled with forgings, or any spccial purposc steel, check with Cruci. the best cutting ability, ble. Crucihle Steel Company of America, General Sales are made from thesc and Operating Offices, Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. forgings. CRUCIBLE first name in special purpose steels 52:J18M4 ~ r~ ~ Midland Works, Midland, Pa. SpaUlding Works, Harrison, N. J. Park Works, pittsburgh, Pa. Spring Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. National Drawn Works, East Liverpool, Ohio Sanderson-Halcomb Works, Syracuse, N. Y.• Trent Tube Company, East Troy, Wisconsin 47 March, 1952 A Scotchman and an Irishman were on board a ship M.E.: "How did you puncture that tire?" bound for Scotland. E.E.: "Ran over a milk bottle." Scotchman (catching sight of his fatherland): "Hurrah M.E.: "Didn't you see it?". for Scotland!" E.E.: "Naw, the kid had it under his coat." Irishman (riled): "Hurrah, hell." Scotchman: "That's right, every man for his own country." * * * Dutch: "Hey, rabbit, what are you doing in my ice * * * box?" Live Rabbit: "Ain't this a Westinghouse?" Once a dog walked by a tree Dutch: "Yes." Said the tree to the dog Rabbit: "Well, I'm westing." "Won't you have one on me?" "No," said the dog As quiet as a mouse, * * * R. K. S.: "What is a gram?" "I've just got through having Stupe: "One of those little brass things that looks like one on the house." a collar button." Chern. E's Note: * * * * * * Prof.: "Wise men hesitate, fools are certain." Always measure out cyanide solutions in graduates, Engineer: "Are you sure?" never in a pipette. If you use a pipette, there won't be any graduate. Prof.: "I'm certain." Englishman No.1: * * * "Sorry to hear you buried your * * * wife, old man." "You don't know your own capacity, Sam." Englishman No.2: "Had to, dead you know." "What proof have you of that, Joe?" "You walk up to the bar optimistically and walk away * * * Teacher: "In what battle did General Wolfe cry, "I misty optically." die happy?" Johnny: "His last one." * * * "I can't marry him" Mother, he's an atheist and doesn't believe there is a hell." "Marry him, my dear, and between the two of us we'll convince him." ENGINEERING GRADUATES CONSIDER YOUR FUTURE IN AIR CONDITIONING /UFKI/f "Western" chrome-clad steel tape-accurate, durable WITH THRne Trane, a leading manufacturer of air conditioning, heating, ventilating and heat transfer equipment, is seeking qualified engineering graduates for interesting careers with its sales and home office staff. Those selected will join the Trane Graduate Training Program at La Crosse for an intensive training course that will prepare them for responsible positions in La Crosse or in one of the company's 80 sales offices. The training period is financed by the company to make the trainee self-supporting. Men who have com!lleted the Trane Graduate Train- ing Program have established an interesting pattern of success with the com!lany. Included in this number are the president and numerous other company officers managers of a majority of the sales offices and hom~ Tough, narrow (one-quarterinch) office sales divisions. steel line. Easy-to-readchrome-dadfinish, Trane has continued to grow steadily and at a rate consistent with financial stability. Annual sales have has jet black markings on chrome-whitebackground. increased fourfold in the last ten years. Yet, the com- Line is extra heavy (.020" before multiple plating). paf!Y contin?es to deyelop new products for new fields Marked 10thsand 100thsft., or feet,inchesand 8ths. to Increase Its potentIal business opportunties. Based on past ~ecord and future possibilities, Trane An especiallydurable tape mountedon a sturdy frame offer~ Y0l!outst~ndmg opportunities in one of the fastest with extra long,self locking,windingdeviceand hardwood growing industrIes. For more information write for the brochure "The Trane Graduate Training Program" It carryinghandle.Furnishedwith 2 leather thongs. contains full details as well as a complete financial r~port of the company. BUY /UJ:KII! TAPES, RULES, PRECISION TOOLS at your Technical Supply Hause THE TRANE COMPANY THE LUFKIN RULE CO •• SAGINAW, MICHIGAN LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN 154 132-138 Lafaye"e St., New York City. Barrie,Ont. 48 Spartan Engineer Engineering has a precision tool in photography HATEVER YOUR BRANCH of engineering, you11 find pho- W tography an increasingly valuable aid. With it you can picture lightning-fast operations-or extremely slow processes -at speeds suitable for study. You can capture Heeting instru- ment traces, study internal stresses in machine parts, examine metal structure and do countless other things. The application of photography to engineering problems has become a specialty in itself. This has led graduates in the physical sciences and in engineering to find positions with the Eastman Kodak Company. If you are interested, write to Business and Technical Personnel Department, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester 4, N. Y. Here high speed motion-picture photography shows a cavity in a column of water produced when a 5-mm rod was shot through it at 12.2 meters per second. By taking the pic- tures at 3200 per second and project- ing them at the standard 16 per sec- ond, time is "magnified" 200 times. Five Ways to Begin Careers with General Electric ~ ~~I. 4It '-~~ ,- ~::'-'. ~~ ... - 1. TEST ENGINEERS PROGRAM-gives engineering graduates 2. BUSINESS TRAININGCOURSE-open to business administra- opportunities for careers not only in engineering but in all tion, liberal arts and other graduates .. .for careers in accounting, phases of the company's business. Rotating assignments plus finance, administration. opportunities for further classroom study. 4. CHEMICALAND METALLURGICALPROGRAM-offers rotating assignments and studies for chemists and for chemical and metallurgical engineers. If you are interested in entering one of these five basic General Electric programs after graduation, talk with your placement officer and the G-E representative when he visits your campus. Mean- while, send for further information: • On Test, Chemical and Metallurgical, and Physics Programs, write to Technical Personnel Services Dept., Schenectady, N. Y• • On Business Training, write to Business Training Course, Schenectady, N. Y• 5. PHYSICS PROGRAM-the gateway by which physics majors • On Manufacturing, write to Manufacturing begin G-E careers. Program graduates have gone into such fields Personnel Development Services Department, as research, development, manufacturing, design, marketing. Schenectady, N. Y. GENERALe ELECTRIC