Under Fire, the performance of men and machines depends on what they are made of. United States Steel makes the materials for the machines, whether it's a very tough armor plate, or heat-resistant alloy, or Stainless Steels. You might be interested in some of the USS steels developed specifically for aircraft and missiles: USS Strux, an alloy steel with close to 300,000 psi tensile strength primarily for aircraft landing gears; USS Airsteel X-200, an air-hardenable alloy steel with 230,000 psi yield strength for aircraft sheet and missile applications; USS 12MoV and USS 17-5 MnV Stainless Steels for high-speed aircraft and missiles; Stainless "W", a precipitation-hardenable Stainless Steel. New special metals, new methods for making them, present an exciting challenge. Men willing to accept this challenge—civil, industrial, mechanical, metallurgical, ceramic, electrical or chemi- cal engineers—have a future with United States Steel. For details, just send the coupon. BENDIX COMPUTERS... AND HOW TO FIGURE YOUR FUTURE AS A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Jet air line speeds bring new com- corporate size, Bendix ranks in the products include: Talos and Eagle plications to the problems the air- top 60 industrial firms (dollar sales) guided missiles; Doppler radar line captain must solve. Helping in the United States. In fiscal 1959, systems for aircraft navigation; him to prepare and follow his Flight Bendix sales totalled more than numerical control systems for Wan are two important Bendix® $680,000,000. An investment in machine tools; power steering and contributions: (1) The Bendix G-15 future sales was the $120,000,000 power brakes for automotive computer, which makes pre-flight in engineering expenditures. vehicles; nuclear devices; flight calculations of wind, weather, fuel, control systems for aircraft; satel- and load in seconds; and (2) air- DIVERSE PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH lite controls. More important to you, Borne Bendix Doppler Radar, which — The graduate engineer has a as an engineering graduate, are the chance to specialize with Bendix. vast numbers of new projects now gives the pilot instant, constant He can probe electronics, nuclear navigation data that previously re- being planned — projects to which physics, heat transfer, ultrasonics, you can contribute your knowledge quired continual manual calculation. aerodynamics, power metallurgy — and ingenuity. Similar Bendix scientific and engi- and a long list of other challenging fields. Or, he can aim for broader BENDIX IS SYNONYMOUS WITH ENGI- neering advances are geared to the NEERING—At Bendix, you can join entire modern industrial complex. areas of mathematics, research, ad- ministration, and management. an engineering staff of more than opportunities f ° r the engineering 12,000 people—5,000 of them grad- graduate are nearly limitless. CHANCE TO LEAD - Bendix is a di- uate engineers. BENDIXHAS24DIVISIONS,4 SUBSIDI- versified engineering-research- Bendix offers you a chance to ARIES-Coast to coast, Bendix activ-m a n u f a c t u r i n g firm. Bendix exercise your engineering degree ities are decentralized-and, at the in a real engineering capacity. See same time, generally adjacent to the your placement director or write to industries they serve. There is great Director of University and Scientific latitude in choice of work area for Kelations, Bendix Aviation Corpo- theyoungengineer. ration, 1108 Fisher Building, SI2E Detroit 2, Michigan. AND STABILITY - In terms of Getting beneath the surface of things... Room to grow should be your most basic requirement in seeking a position. This is where General Motors offers you an exceptional advantage. Depending upon your own capabilities and enthusiasm, you will find virtually limitless opportunity to move within a single GM division or to other divisions or to a staff activity. Fields of work at General Motors vary from astronautics to automobiles, household appliances to rocket propulsion, inertial guidance to isotope research—to mention a few. General Motors offers financial assistance to employees who wish to enter or progress in postgraduate studies. And undergraduates may gain from work experience in the summer employment program. Before you make your final employment decision, ask your placement officer about General Motors, or write to General Motors, Salaried Personnel Placement, Personnel Staff, Detroit 2, Michigan. DOW is tomorrow-minded product Publishing a complete list of Dow products—all 700 "tomorrow-minded" attitude. Dow currently supplies odd of them—is an elusive project. By the time such a number of chemicals and plastics materials to auto a list was off the press, new names would have to be makers—latex-based metal primers, antifreeze, uphol- added to bring the list up to date. The reason: develop- stery materials and brake fluids, to name a few. But a ment of new products is the order of the day at Dow, quick tour through Dow's two Automotive Chemicals every day of the working year. Laboratories would reveal that Dow will be ready with the right chemicals and plastics for the job, no matter These new P r o d u c t s are developed to meet the needs which way future automotive design goes! One under of the many industries Dow serves. Today's problems development, for example, is a chemical that cools the in manufacturing and processing must be solved, and, engine by continuous boiling. as these industries advance, new chemicals and materials One of the most outstanding success stories at Dow is will be needed to implement tomorrow's technology. At that of Separan>, a product developed to fit into Dow, research and development aim at anticipating industry's future. This chemical is a flocculant or these future needs . . . thus a "tomorrow-minded "settler" of solids in solution. Perhaps super floc- attitude toward products is always evident. culant" would be a better description because Separan The product group of Dow Agricultural Chemicals, for takes minutes to do jobs that formerly took days. example, has expanded manyfold in recent years Introduced in 1955, it has gained widespread recognition through a vigorous research and developmental pro- in mining, pulp and paper and other industries. gram. In the early '50's it consisted of two or three ness In such a climate of creativity and tomorrow-minded- new opportunities at Dow are constantly opening Products. Today it includes many varieties of weed up for people who have their eyes-and their thoughts kilers, fertilizers, fumigants, insecticides, feed additives -on the future. If you'd like to know more about the and animal health aids. A new crab grass killer has Dow opportunity, please write: Director of College recently made its debut, first in a series of new ' ag Relations Department 2426FW, THE DOW CHEMICAL chem products slated for the homeowner market. COMPANY, Midland, Michigan. Dow's work in automotive chemistry is typical of the Dean's Letter So much to know-so little time to learn! This seems a common theme of the freshman, sophomore, or junior in engineering. Many of the same students, as seniors, discover that in their cases the wording more adequately describes their situation if it is changed to: So much time—so little learned! Our modern scientific and technical knowledge is built upon foundations laid by earlier investigators and discoverers, who in turn built on even earlier scientific and engineering discoveries. To encompass the foundations plus our modern accumu- lation of knowledge is obviously impossible—one engineering society last year pub- lished 18,000 pages of material in one engineering field alone. How then do our leading engineers and technologists accumulate the vast knowl- edge of their technical areas required by their daily work? The answer is—only in rare cases do they have a detailed and intimate knowledge—but they do have a thorough understanding of the basic general principles of their field. They are able to develop a problem and its solution through application of general principles, rather than through application of special methods unique to that problem. They understand and rapidly apply the basic principles of engineering; conservation of energy, mass, and momentum, employ summations of forces, moments, currents, or voltages and a few others. They may not know the special method or short cut applicable to a particular problem, but they understand and can employ the mathematics and the basic methods of attack suited to a great many problems. Understand the general method rather than trying to memorize the specific case. It may be more valuable to you to understand the basic definition of a derivative than to remember that the derivative of d(l/x)/dx is — 1/x2. In your classes search for the basic principle which is applied in each subject area, and perhaps as a senior you can make your theme—"So much time—so much understood." -J. D. RYDER, DEAN of m i ch ig a n state university VOLUME 13 NO. 3 MARCH, 1960 FEATURES 18 THERMOELECTRICITY Newt Black 20 CAREERS ABROAD Herb Harman 21 PROBABILITY Raoul LePage 22 ENGINEERING EXPOSITION Reg Pilarski 25 RUNNING SCARED Everett Partridge DEPARTMENTS 4 Dean's Letter 10 The Editor's Mailbag 14 The Editor's Corner 32 Placement Directory 36 Over The Transom 40 Miss March Engineer 46 Alumni Notes 52 Sidetracked 56 Advertiser's Index Spectrum of skills built into Hamilton Standard products MODEL JFC 1 2 - 1 1 FUEL C O N T R O L is, typically, the result of the Hamilton Standard "task force of talents" concept now producing so many ingenious, space-con- quering devices for advanced aircraft, missiles and space vehicles. The unit above is standard equipment on the highly successful Boeing 707 Jet Transport. This light- weight (60 lbs.), complex (about 1200 parts), and sensitive unit delivers 16,000 gallons of fuel in 7 hours—sufficient to drive a car 240,000 miles—the distance to the moon! Incoming students like Frank G. can use their engi- neering knowledge immediately at Hamilton Standard by contributing, as members of small design, analysis or proj- ect groups to the development of a product. There is virtually no limit to the types of engineering background required at Hamilton Standard, and no limit to the chal- lenging applications that await these talents. Write to R. J. Harding, Administrator-College Relations, for full color, illustrated brochure: HAMILTON STANDARD A DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORP. BRADLEY FIELD ROAD, WINDSOR LOCKS, C O N N . complete instrumentation for NASA's Project Mercury COLLINS ELECTRONICS The reality of McDonnell's manned sat- tion systems, Missile and satellite tracking ellite will be a great milestone in NASA's and communication, Antenna design, Ama- exploration of space. Collins Radio Com- teur radio and Broadcast. pany is proud to participate in Project Collins manufacturing and R & D in- Mercury by supplying the complete elec- stallations are also located in Burbank tronics system, including orbital radio and Dallas. Modern laboratories and re- voice communication, a command system search facilities at all locations ensure the for radio control, a telemetry data system, finest working conditions. a Minitrack beacon system, a transponder Deacon system for precision tracking, and Your placement office will tell you when a rescue radio voice and beacon system. a Collins representative will be on campus. Collins needs engineers and physicists to For all the interesting facts and figures Keep pace with the growing demand for its of recent Collins developments send for Products. Positions are challenging. Assign- your free copies of Signal, published quar- ments are varied. Projects currently under- terly by the Collins Radio Company. Fill way in the C e d a r R a p i d s D i v i s i o n include out and mail the attached coupon today. research and development in Airborne You'll receive every issue published during communication, navigation and identifica- this school year without obligation. Paints, chemicals, glass, plastics, fiber glass . . . all these products have exciting family trees. And at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Com- pany, tomorrow's offspring promise to be even more intriguing. Look around you . . . at paint, for example. It's much more than mere color. Paint protects. It must be thoroughly researched and carefully compounded to withstand infinite variations of atmosphere, heat, stress and other conditions. Or look at chem- icals . . . their roles in the creation and development of textiles, metals, paper, agriculture, missiles, medicine. You name it; chemicals are there, making important contributions. Glass? These days, it can be made to remain rigid at blast furnace temperatures, withstand supersonic speeds, have the tensile strength of bronze. And it's much the same story for plastics and fiber glass. Everywhere you look—in architecture, industry, the home, everywhere—PPG products find new, exciting applica- tions with fascinating and challenging potentialities. Are you seeking a career that requires creative thinking, utilizes all your skills and know-how, offers a chance to learn the latest techniques? Then look into your enticing career possibili- ties with the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. Contact your Placement Officer now, or write to the Manager of College Relations, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, One Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania. Space wagons with nuclear horses THE EDITOR'S MAILBAG Dear Editor: With the exception of the first two bership labels him as a person inter- Thank you very much for the paragraphs, the write-up concerning ested in obtaining professional stature complimentary copy of the last "Spar- my own research is so much in error as an engineer. Student membership tan Engineer." A number of rather that I have to ask you what you in- indicates he has sufficient interest in serious errors were printed in the tend to do about it. It seems to me his chosen profession to train himself article on ultrasonics on page 24. I that this article could be damaging to meet its qualifications, and hopes am referring to the section on re- to the reputation of the publishers, to create for himself a career in this search conducted in this University. not to mention the impression readers field which will earn the respect of will get when they hear about such his colleagues and the commendation The article slates that monochro- fantastic research activities at MSU. of his employers. Student member- matic light is broken up into its "com- ship, especially active membership, ponent colors." According to Web- Why doesn't one get a rough draft indicates to a prospective employer ster, monochromatic means having of the report before it goes to press? a healthy interest in professional de- one color. Also, the primary purpose Sincerely yours, velopment. of a diffraction grating was stated wrongly. Therefore, a diffraction grat- Walter G. Mayer Other benefits of student member- ing does not split monochromatic Assistant Professor of ship are the opportunities to obtain light into its c o m p o n e n t colors—it Research copies of the society's publications, simply produces a series of bright in- to participate in student meetings and terference lines, usually called a dif- Editor's Note: Both the editor and in the local senior-member meetings, fraction pattern. the author wish to apologize for errors and in some societies the opportunity made in the article on ultrasonics. It to convert his membership to regular The write-up goes on to say that is hoped that such errors will not this diffraction pattern is more com- membership without the usual initia- occur in future articles. tion fee. monly known as a rainbow. This is wrong. About the only thing the two Every engineering student who has phenomena have in common is that chosen his professional study area both are explained in any text on should seriously consider joining and optics—under different h e a d i n g s . I Dear Editor: becoming active in one of the engi- don't see how a number of bright neering societies represented on our straight lines even reminds anyone The Spartan Engineer has stressed the importance of taking part in the campus by student member groups. of a rainbow. At Michigan State these are ACS, activities of the College of Engineer- ing, but no one has taken time to AIChE, AIEE, AFS, ASAE, ASCE, The article then states that with the method mentioned it is possible list some of these activities or how ASM, ASME, IRE, SAE. to investigate the "characteristics of one might benefit from them. I would Respectfully, the velocity of light." This is wrong therefore like to say a few words Louis L. Otto, again; one measures the velocity of about the value of membership in Head of Mechanical sound. I am also very unhappy with the professional societies for the en- Engineering Dept. the statement that the "sound waves gineering students. take the place of a raindrop or any other prism," not only because I feel Practically all of the technical so- that a raindrop is not a prism. cieties organized by engineers for the collection and dissemination of tech- I have no idea how the application nical information in a particular field of the phenomenon described can be encourage affiliated m e m b e r s h i p in useful in investigating the "action of their ranks by students in engineering light passage through lenses and crys- colleges. tals." I cannot even correct that state- ment because it is a senseless com- Why should an engineering stu- bination of nice words. dent be a member of a professional society student group? Student mem- 10 Where do you want to work? AT N O R T H R O P you will be offered a wide diver- sity of over 30 operational fields from which to choose. You will apply your talents to the work you enjoy-in the fields best suited to your inclinations and ability. You will work with the newest and most-advanced research and test equipment. You will work with acknowledged leaders in their fields-men who are chosen for their capabilities and their skills in guiding and developing the talents of younger men. You will like the way they delegate authority and assure you of your fair share of credit for engineering triumphs. You will earn top salary. Northrop's salary structure is unique in the industry.With this growing company you will receive increases as often as you earn them, and these will be based on your own individual achievements. You will discover, too, that Northrop's vacation and fringe benefits are extra liberal. And you will continue to learn while you earn at Northrop with no-cost and low-cost education. At leading Southern California institutions, you will earn advanced degrees and keep current with the latest advances in your own chosen field. HE GETS COMPUTERS TO DIAGNOSE THEIR OWN FAULTS With the increasing size and complexity of modern computers, one of the most interesting problems that engineers face is the rapid and efficient location of failures within the system. The method which they have found most practical is to use the speed and logical abilities of the computer itself to make the diagnosis. Programming computers to perform this function is the job of Robert M. King. The Diagnostic Technique He prepares programs for the computer which actually simulate the deductive processes of a man investigating the faults of the machine. Each program instructs the computer to exercise various segments of its circuitry in a logical order. The result of each test is checked against the correct result, stored in the computer memory, of previous tests of the same circuitry when in proper working order. If the results do not agree, a mes- sage is automatically typed which indicates the failure and which component caused it. A computer is particularly adept at this job. It can take into con- sideration simultaneously a large number of factors. It can also work at very high speeds. Once a program is properly written, the computer makes no errors. Appropriately enough, diagnostic pro- gramming often aids in designing better computers. A Programmer's Background Computer programs are the result of ingenious applications of many intellectual qualities. Computer design and language are based on sound laws of logic. Therefore an important prerequisite is the ability to analyze complex problems and to deduce from them useful methods of solution consistent with machine requirements. If you think you might be interested in working in one of the many fascinating areas of computer programming, you are invited to talk it over with an IBM representative. The future can be as un- limited as the future of the computer itself. Editor's Corner If you aren't participating (actively) in at least one extracurricular activity, you should be. No doubt you've read this before! Don't think that editors of college publications and faculty members write articles and editorials of this nature just to fill empty space; participation in extracurricular activities is highly stressed because it's an important part of your college education. I was out in the "cruel" world for seven years before starting college. I drove a truck, worked in a steel mill, and was a flying officer for the United States Air Force. In these occupations I found that the two most important qualities employers look for are leadership and sociability (I'm sure you'll find this is true for most jobs). These qualities will not be ascribed to you on the day of your graduation; they must be inherent within you—a part of your personality. Getting your college degree doesn't necessariy mean that you'll be a suc- cess. You're in college to learn as much as you can about your chosen field of endeavor, but many other persons before you have done the same. Job knowl- edge is important but you will have to have that extra something if you wish to stand above the ordinary. That extra something boils down to being willing to accept responsibility and being able to get along with others. The best way to prove yourself better than ordinary is by participating in as many extracurricular activities as you can without having them interfere with your schoolwork. However, don't rationalize your way out of it by telling yourself that you couldn't possibly spare any time lest your grades fall a point or two! I'm a third term freshman who started last Summer term. I gained a posi- tion with the Spartan Engineer at the beginning of the Fall term and later in the same term, I was appointed to the Engineer Council. I participated in both activities—had fun while doing so—and my grade point average increased during the Fall term. You may be surprised to discover just how little time is re- quired for such activities. Participation in an extracurricular activity looks good on your academic record but more than that, it is usually a lot of fun. You'll find that most organizations are more than willing to help you help yourself by participating in their activity. If you're interested in working on the staff of a magazine or newspaper, come to the Student Services building. The State News, Spartan, Wolverine, and Spartan Engineer offices are located on the third floor. I'm sure any mem- ber of these publications would be glad to talk to you, and answer any ques- tions you may have. We of the Spartan Engineer invite you to come up to room 346 in the Student Services building and make any inquiries you wish. We would be happy to help you help yourself! REG PILARSKI F OLLOW HE EADERisnogame with Delco. Long a leader in automotive radio engineering and production, Delco Radio Division of General Motors has charted a similar path in the missile and allied electronic fields. Especially, we are conducting aggressive programs in semiconductor material research, and device development to further expand facilities and leadership in these areas. Frankly, the applications we see for semiconductors are staggering, as are those for other Space Age Devices: Computors . . . Static Inverters . . . Thermoelectric Generators . . . Power Supplies. However, leadership is not self-sustaining. It requires periodic infusions of new ideas and new talent—aggressive new talent. We invite you to follow the leader—DELCO—to an exciting, profitable future. If you're interested in becoming a part of this challenging DELCO, GM team, write to Mr. Carl Longshore, Supervisor- Salaried Employment, for additional information—or talk to our representative when he visits your campus. The word space commonly represents the outer, airless regions of the universe. But there is quite another kind of "space" close at hand, a kind that will always challenge the genius of man. This space can easily be measured. It is the space-dimension of cities and the distance between them . . . the kind of space found between mainland and off- , shore oil rig, between a tiny, otherwise inaccessible clearing and its supply base, between the site of a mountain crash and a waiting ambulance—above all, Sikorsky is concerned with the precious "spaceway" that currently exists be- tween all earthbound places. Our engineering efforts are directed toward a variety of VTOL and STOL aircraft configurations. Among earlier Sikorsky designs are some of the most versatile airborne vehicles now in existence; on our boards today are the ve- hicles that can prove to be tomorrow's most versatile means of transportation. Here, then, is a space age challenge to be met with the finest and most practical engineering talent. Here, perhaps, is the kind of challenge you can meet. Waltz Mill Experimental Reactor helps Westinghouse engineers solve problems The young engineer at Westinghouse isn't expected The new Westinghouse Testing Reactor at Waltz Mill, to know all the answers . . . our work is often too ad- Pa., provides engineers with complete facilities for an- vanced for that. Instead, his abilities and knowledge are alyzing the effect of nuclear radiation on various mate- backed up by specialists like those at Waltz Mill. rials, processes and designs. If a Westinghouse engineer If you have ambition and ability, you can have a is working on development of atomic fuels or the design rewarding career with Westinghouse. Our broad product of reactor components for an atomic power plant, he line decentralized operations, and diversified technical can count on help from the men at Waltz Mill. assistance provide hundreds of challenging opportuni- TheWestinghouse Testing Reactor is one of only two ties for talented engineers. such privately owned reactors in the country. It pro- Want more information? Write today to Mr L H. vides a high radiation field comparable to that of a Noggle Westinghouse Educational Department, Ard- working reactor, and in addition has special controlled more & Brinton Roads, Pittsburgh 21, Pennsylvania. environment loops for the study of radiation effects at high temperatures and pressures. Work presently being carried out here for other departments of the company inciudes studies of thermionics, crystal structure, and thermoelectric effects as well as the work on atomic reactor designs and fuels. EFORE 1970 you may be able B to heat your home in the winter, cool it in the summer, and provide your own electricity, all with one de- vice having no moving parts and un- der the control of a single set of dials. This prospect flows From the now- rapid advance of thermoelectricity: the direct transformation of heat energy into electrical energy and the reciprocal transformation of electri- cal energy into heat. It could permit the direct genera- lion of electricity from a coal fire, nuclear reactor, or other heat source without the need of intermediate ap- paratus. Inversely, it could make possible refrigeration and air conditioning di- rectly IV the flow of an electric current. The history of electromagnetism A year later Thomas Seebeck an- Thermoelectricity is not new. It is, began in 1820, when Hans Christian nounced his observation that a mag- in fact, just as old as the electro- Oersted reported his observation that netic needle held near a circuit made magnetic effects upon which electri- a magnetic needle is deflected by the up of two different conductors is de- cal technology is based. flow of current in a nearby conductor. flected when part of the circuit is heated. Unfortunately this promising dis- covery was obscured by Seebeck's own misjudgment. He thought he had shown that magnetic effects may be caused by a difference in tempera- ture. But his error had an important consequence. Seebeck's ignorance of the fact that his effect was electrical rather than magnetic in origin prob- ably changed the history of electrical engineering and electronics. For a long time thermoelectricity would have provided the best source of electrical energy since the only ma- chines for producing electric current were extremely weak generators. But this was not what happened. The rapid development of electro- magnetism diverted the interest of succeeding generations of physicists away from thermoelectricity. Metals offered no significant ther- moelectric effects, and metals were the only conductors used in electrical engineering for the next 100 years. Seebeck's mineral semiconductors, which we use today in thermoelectric generators, were ignored throughout this period. The Seebeck effect be- came a curiosity, relegated to the last pages of physics text books. For a century the marvelous pos- sibilities of thermoelectricity remained asleep. But in 1926 a U. S. engineer named Lars O. Grondahl showed that an oxidized copper plate conducts an electric current easily in one di- rection, but offers a very high resist- ance in the other direction. Thus, if an alternating current is passed through such a plate, the cur- vent will flow, for all practical pur- poses, only in one direction. In effect the plate becomes a rectifier. Soon afterward it was found that when such a plate is heated, a cur- rent is produced. This discovery at- tracted the attention of physicists to the large class of materials with low electrical conductivity which we now know as semiconductors. Investigation soon disclosed that such substances possess many other (Continued on Page 42) (Right) Long-mission satellites and mannedspace vehicles of the future will be able to tap a limitless supply of electrical energy by means of a solar-powered thermoelectric genera- A model of a solar-powered therm- oelectric generator, designed by a Bowing and a Westinghouse engineer, indicates the system is a practical source o f electrical power in outer The generator weighs three pounds and measures 20 inches in length. It is capable of converting the energy of the sun into 2.5 watts of power- enoughtooperate a radio transmitter. ENGINEERING CAREERS ABROAD New MSU program provides opportunity for travel and responsibility O NE of the many questions an en- gineering Student asks himself just prior to graduation is:Am I ferent from those he is normally ac- customed to. He is not just an engi- neer in a new environment, but is a construction to the so-called "back- ward people." These natives lived in thatched huts and shanties made of adequately prepared for the technical representative of a country as well paper and wood which the engineers job of my choice? Another—will I be as an industry and a profession. It is proceeded to demonstrate were far able to find work in the geographical most important that excellent rela- inferior to the solid American homes, location which I desire? Still another tions are maintained at all times, not not only in construction but in cost - a r e there any jobs a v a i l a b l e in only for international r e a s o n s , but and beauty. Although not completely Foreign lands? The answer to all of also for maximum efficiency in the sold, the natives had several of these these questions Is probably yes if that primary job of being a good engineer. homes built, which they promptly student is enrolled in the Engineering agreed were s o m e t h i n g they had Program for International Service at The program for p r o v i d i n g the never seen the likes of before. All Michigan State. background in international service was perfect, until the first typhoon depends much upon the student and struck; the thatched huts and inferior The program started at M.S.U. ill his advisor. The choice is made as shanties swayed in the wind, while the Fall of 1959 after considerable to the geographical area of employ- the beautiful American-style homes research and planning by the College ment some time during the first two were leveled and the modern equip- of Engineering and the College of years at M.S.U. The course of study ment d e m o l i s h e d . Perhaps a little Science and Arts. It is designed to following depends upon this choice, foresight on c l i m a t i c conditions or give the student wishing overseas as- whether it be Arabia, Japan, India, education in a way of life might have signment, and an engineering educa- Spain, Latin or South America, or prevented embarrassment and con- tion, the opportunity to have both in some other distant land. During the siderable loss. a minimum length oi time. A gradu- third year, a basic understanding of ate of this program will receive a particular foreign cultures is obtained, Opportunities o v e r s e a s for good Bachelor of Science degree and a along with the first of two years of technical personnel are unlimited as Bachelor of Arts degree, the combina- language. every field of engineering is in great tion of which will adequately show demand, w h e t h e r it be with the his potential of being a good engi- The fourth year, nine credits of United S t a t e s G o v e r n m e n t or an neer in a foreign land. history are taken in order to gain an American corporation. Large petro- Basically, the c u r r i c u l u m follows adequate u n d e r s t a n d i n g of how a leum industries are constantly looking the normal engineering requirements particular country of people have pro- for all types of engineers with suffi- for the first two years, providing the gressed through the years. The ma- jor portion of the fifth year is spent cient background in foreign languages necessary m a t h e m a t i c s and science and customs to cope with the never- fundamentals. The following three studying social, economic, political, geographical, and/or religious condi- ending problems in locating, building, years, the student takes electives in and maintaining petroleum companies liberal arts along with the courses in tions. All of the courses combine to give the engineer the means for effec- in the Middle East and South Amer- his particular field of engineering. ica. American automobile industries tive communication which is even Another big question which arises more important in a foreign land, are found in almost every country in at this time concerns the necessity than right here at home. Every course the world with engineering challenges for taking all "those extra courses"— in addition to the specific field of similar to those found in the United Why must a person spend time to engineering which is taken will help States. Research and development in learn customs, traditions, and history? to make the man more adaptable and electronics is g r o w i n g r a p i d l y in Of what value are they? more ready to accept the challenges Europe in conjunction with concerns One must remember that when he which he will encounter. both here and abroad. One of the is outside the United States, he is a greatest d e m a n d s for engineers is guest of the country he is in and must A true story is told of a group of with the construction industry; build- comply to rules, customs, and tradi- engineers who returned to a Pacific ing highways, airports, dams, power tions which may be considerably dif- island soon after World War II to generating stations, ships, hospitals, show modern t e c h n i q u e s of home (Continued on Page 44) PROBABILITY: DIMEISIOI OF REASON M EN reason more than they read, yet they choose to teach their children the i n t r i c a c i e s of written ity, and political theory? That great genius and mathematician, LaPlace, understood many. Reflect for a mo- able chances which are constantly at- tached to them, there is a great ad- vantage in following these principles language w h i l e v e r y y o u n g , and ment on the import of his statement: and serious inconvenience in depart- leave them to the uncertainties of "Doubtless it will be seen here with ing from them: their chances, like experience to develop reason. interest that in considering, even in those favorable to lotteries, always the eternal principles of reason, jus- It is a moot question whether the tice, and humanity, only the favor- (Continued on Page 30) incubation period of young minds should be allowed to extend beyond the grade school years. Certainly no one can deny that many high school seniors lack the power to reason effec- tively. Perhaps those who draw up the secondary school curricula are fearful of handling such subjects as Logic, Probability, Examination Of Meaning, and others for which the homework is primarily mental gym- nastics. They may feel the students to be incapable of handling these ideas, but I suspect their greater fear is that they could not properly han- dle the student's ideas, as a result. The question of how soon young People should be confronted with some of the tools of decision, they will need for the rest of their lives, is one very pertinent to our discus- sion, though I will abandon it im- mediately after p o i n t i n g out that Probability analysis is applicable to question, and indeed, is implicit in any decision which can be made con- cerning it. The point being that probability concerns more than dice, coins, and billiard balls (though it is often dis- cussed with these as models). Indeed, its study is undertaken because it is so pertinent to the pre-occupations ° f mankind, and because it is so descriptive of t h e v e r y reasoning Process by which man makes his de- cisions among the infinite alternatives open to his every act. Can you see probability situations at work in questions of human moral- T ENGINEERINGEXPOSITION WELVE years ago, a group of With 2,'a horse-power engines are en enterprising engineering students tered in the race b) eligible organ- organized the first engineering expo- izations. The liisi drivei to complete sition held at Michigan State ' niver the 5 0 l a p s a r o u n d t h e COUTM ><• sity, which was then Michigan State ceives a trophj and sometimes • Ida College. Neediest to lay, the exposi Iroin the Engineering Queen, The lion w a s a s u c c e s s and has b e c o m e an queen of the exposition Is chosen bj annual affair, it is the largest free, the engineering students from • * Beld MAY 1960 annual engineering exposition in the ol five linalisls selected by knights midwest and attracts an estimated ol Saint Patrick. She is crowned at 20.000 visitora each year, the midget auto race and her court An emphasis is placed on student is also presented. participation and the feature of the All good things must come to an exposition is the student exhibit. This end ,HHI the Engineering Exposition gives students an opportunity to ex- hibit the projects which they have comes to an end in the best ol fashion developed and attempts to accom- with the May Hop. During this gala plish two things: I) to honor those event, there will be the presentation who have created the project! on ex- of the outstanding senior awards, the hibit; 2) to motivate other! to explore dubbing of new Knights of Saint pected student exhibits for the com- The industrial exhibits are planned are a fighter plane or rocket from which should be of interest to every- Patrick, and the p r e s e n t a t i o n of the methods of science. Student ex- prizes to student exhibitors. ing exposition. to show some interesting engineering the Air Force and the experimental one. One of the departmental exhibits hibits in the past have been com- prised of things such as radio trans- Prizes are awarded for unique ex- accomplishments w h i c h have come "air car." last year was a radar speed and car The dates for this year's Engmeei mitter! and receivers, miniature as- hibits and any club, society, or in- about recently. In the past, there volume recorder. ing Exposition are May thirteenth sembly lines, plastic sports car body, dividual may enter the competition. have been such things as rockets, All the engineering departments, and f o u r t e e n t h . Plan to put your etc. An electronic brain which plays For further details, contact Rodger missiles and computers on display. including applied mechanics, get into The midget auto race is popular books in "mothballs" lor those two tic-tac-toe and a wrist watch size FM Winn at ED 2-8611 or Ed Daniels The plans are just in the making for the "act." The MISTIC computer is with both the youngsters and the days and go to the Engineering Ex- transmitter are but a few of the ex- at ED 2-3563. this year but some proposed exhibits to be displayed and demonstrated, oldsters. Hand built midget racers position and enjoy yourself. (Left) One of the industrial ex- (Right) Dr. L. L. Otto, may be hibits sponsored by the various en- seen in the thick of the activities. He gineering departments. Several such acts as official starter, chief mechanic exhibits are expected for this year's and advisor for the race crews. All exposition in May. cars have identical engines, so the skill of the driver and race crews are important. A.S.M.E. went on to win (Below) The JETS exhibits are very the race. popular. These exhibits are planned and built by JETS Club members (High school and Jr. High students). A S you go about prospecting for a job, many interviewers will in- quire, "What are you?" What they mean of course, is, "Have you com- pleted certain prescribed courses in a formal curriculum which will lead people to think of you as a chemical engineer—or a mechanical or an elec- trical engineer or a chemist or a nuclear physicist?" A much more significant question is, "What are you trying to become?" This is important, because all your life you will keep on becoming. In doing this, you of the present generation will h a v e to s t r u g g l e against a particularly serious handi- cap. I don't mean a recession in busi- ness, for the economists' graphs for the future all zoom upward. By 1965 we shall have 25 million more peo- ple, $100 million more gross national products, 115 million more kilowatts than we had in 1955. is the fault of someone else—an in- ized that he had been taken. He Any one of you can have your competent boss or a stupid assistant. stormed down to the Dean, shouted choice of at least ten jobs now and Perhaps you have seen the early that he had never been so insulted in for some years to come. stages of this mental disease already his life and refused ever to teach that You can expect your wife to work, in some classmate or even—perish the course in economics again. too, so that your combined income thought—in yourself. Whose respon- We barely cared. What did eco- will allow you to have two cars, even sibility was it that you didn't get nomics have to do with engineering if no babies. much out of that course in English anyway? We rather c o n g r a t u l a t e d You need take no thought for the or differential equations or heat trans- ourselves on having e l i m i n a t e d a future, for you will be protected by: fer? Was it actually the fault of that dusty nuisance from our solid 8 A.M. lousy instructor . . . or of the class- to 5 P.M. schedule. I suspect, how- 1. medical, surgical and hospitali- mate who wouldn't lend you his note- ever, that my classmates have had to zation insurance book the night before the exam? Or Study economics quite a hit over the 2. unemployment insurance could it just possibly have been your thirty years since. 3. severance pay own shying away from the responsi- I have a responsibility right here 4. profit-sharing bility of disciplining your own mind that I want to fulfil]. II I tail, I could to work at the problem day after day? 5. pension say, "Well, alter all, what can you 6. Social Security When I was a student chemical expect of young folks today? They engineer at Syracuse University, one have been spoiled by lack of dis- You have it made. Why worry of the courses required in the senior cipline at home and in school. They about anything? year was economics. It was taught by just don't give a damn." What I a professor from the College of Busi- actually should say to myself would This is a truly serious handicap. I ness Administration who came over think you go farther and have more be something like this, "Partridge, to the College of Applied Science on why didn't you get across to those fun if you run scared. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at students? Perhaps you weren't using By running seared I don't mean a 10 A.M. for an hour that he must their language. Perhaps you couldn't state of panic. I do mean a state of have dreaded. get inside their minds." mind which keeps saying to others of As engineers we were proud of our That attitude might well be con- your own p e r f o r m a n c e , "I should carefully nurtured cult of uncouth- sidered by some instructors who take have thought of that," instead of ness. We also looked down on Busi- their own responsibilities too lightly. "Well, you didn't tell me to." ness Administration because that was where all the boys who flunked out Because I feared I might not be If you do accept responsibility, in- of engineering went. So we had the tuned to the proper wave length for evitably you will feel the weight of it usual unthinking, undergraduate fun reception by you, I asked the last on your mind. You will worry about with this utterly humorless professor three recruits to our training course making the right decision, you will of economics. for field engineering services to sit wonder afterwards if you did. You One item was the fictitious stu- down with me one afternoon some will feel uncomfortable. dent we registered under a name I weeks ago. They suggested several wish I could r e m e m b e r . Anyway, little messages I might transmit. They Nobody likes to be uncomfortable. say that out on the job: So the majority of men, including, every time the solemn professor called unfortunately, some who call them- the roll, there was laughter. After 1. You can't just "cut classes" selves engineers, seek security rather some five weeks during which we when you feel like it. than responsibility. Their ideal job is used all the usual ruses to report our 2. You can't depend on your room- one where everything that goes well imaginary classmate present—in the mate to carry you through some is obviously a result of their good infirmary with sleeping sickness, or on his honeymoon—the professor real- (Continued on Page 44) work, but everything that goes wrong March, I960 HEY READERS!! The Spartan Engineer would like you to express your opinion on this and previous issues. We want to know what you feel this magazine should contain, what features or departments should be added or dropped, whether you desire more articles on local engineering activities. Those persons returning this ballot or reasonable facsimile within thirty days will receive their next issue free of charge. What is your favorite department? (number in order of your preference) Dean's Letter Editor's Corner Over the Transom Miss Engineer of the Month Placement Directory Sidetracked Alumni Notes Letters to the Editor What type of articles are you interested in? (number in order of preference) Engineering Research Projects Research Projects from other Colleges at MSU Technical Articles Semi-technical Articles Engineering Activities All Campus Activities Faculty Sketches Features on Prominent Alumni Articles on other Disciplines such as Management Articles on Placement Bureau, Scholarships and other campus services Local Engineering History Are there any of the types of articles or recurring features (p. 26) which you feel should be dropped? If so list them below. What is your opinion of the current articles? GOOD FAIR POOR What specific types of articles or subjects would you like to see included in future issues? What are your suggestions for improving the Spartan Engineer? Name Address - Major, Dept., or Curriculum •- I would like to hear from readers of the various groups which we reach (Universitv Students, Faculty, Alumni, High School Students, High School In- structors, and Staff Members of other E.C.M.A. Magazines reading this). I also welcome letters making specific comments or criticisms which you are not able to cover in the above ballot. Letters received in time will be printed in the next issue. Ballots and letters may be sent to the Spartan Engineer, 346 Student Serv- ices Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. The field has never been broader The challenge has never been greater Engineers at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft today are concerned with the development of all forms of flight propulsion systems—air breathing, rocket, nuclear and other advanced types for propulsion in space. Many of these systems are so entirely new in concept that their design and development, and allied research programs, require technical personnel not previously associated with the development of aircraft engines. Where the company was once primarily interested in graduates with degrees in mechanical and aeronautical engineering, it now also requires men with degrees in electrical, chemical, and nuclear engineering, and in physics, chemistry, and metallurgy. Included in a wide range of engineering activities open to technically trained graduates at all levels are these four basic fields: ANALYTICAL ENGINEERING Men engaged in this activity are concerned with fundamental investigations in the fields of science or engineering related to the conception of new products. They carry out detailed analyses of ad- vanced flight and space systems and interpret results in terms of practical design applications. They provide basic information which is essential in determining the types of systems that have development potential. DESIGN ENGINEERING The prime requisite here is an active interest in the application of aerodynamics, thermo- dynamics, stress analysis, and principles of machine design to the creation of new flight propulsion systems. Men en- gaged in this activity at P&WA establish the specific per- formance and structural requirements of the new product and design it as a complete working mechanism. EXPERIMENTAL ENGINEERING Here men supervise and coordinate fabrication, assembly and laboratory testing of experimental apparatus, system components, and devel- opment engines. They devise test rigs and laboratory setups, specify instrumentation and direct execution of the actual test programs. Responsibility in this phase of the develop- ment program also includes analysis of test data, reporting of results and recommendations for future effort. MATERIALS ENGINEERING Men active in this field at P&WA investigate metals, alloys and other materials under various environmental conditions to determine their usefulness as applied to advanced flight propulsion systems. They devise material testing methods and design special test equipment. They are also responsible for the determina- tion of new fabrication techniques and causes of failures or manufacturing difficulties. such an argument hinges upon the portion of all outcomes b, is equal to PROBABILITY supposition t h a t , in d e a l i n g with the fraction a / b . (Continued from Page 21) events so complex as to be without Example: The town in which you the power of examination by scientific live has three local newspapers. One end b) prevailing in the midst <>l the methods designed to predict with cer- day you are in a hurry, and instead vacillations of hazard." tainty their outcome, it may be as- of asking for your favorite publica- Our present day sociologists can do sumed that the infinite variables at tion, you tell the newsboy: "Give me no more than observe and correlate work nullify their effect on each a local." Clearly, your probability of events, with a view to discovering other, so that no particular one of receiving your favorite is 1/3. Your empirically these respective favorable the total possible outcomes, to the probability of not getting your favor- probabilities, though they are never event, is more likely than any other. ite is the difference 1-1/3 = 2/3. In assigned a numerical value. Thus, it would be absurd to take, as general, unity minus the probability a general expectation, the tendency of an outcome represents the proba- It is my hope that this presentation for a tossed coin to turn up heads will stimulate your interest in proba- bility of not realizing that outcome. always, unless the coin were heavier bility. The calculus of it is worthy of on the tail's side. your inspection; the associated philos- ARGUMENT 2 ophy has the power of reason itself, With the aforementioned thoughts Probability of a Choice of Out- and Is an unfailing weapon against in mind then, my reason for denoting comes. the confusion of our time. the fundamental concepts of proba- Definition: If the probability of It might be well to define "proba- bility theory bv the titles ARGU- MENT 1, ARGUMENT 2, etc., will realizing outcome A equals p, and bility" as being synonymous with "the that of B equals r, then the probabil- fraction whose numerator indicates be made clear. The analysis of any problem in probability theory ulti- ity of realizing either A or B, but the number of SPECIAL outcomes to mately falls back upon this most basic not both, is equal to (p + r). an event, and whose denominator in- dicates the number of all different theme to the entire study, namely Example: Suppose the probability outcomes possible. that: "we assume that all forces at of a bonded plant guard lying is work in the determination of the thought to be 1/307, from previous Of course, this is the probability outcome of an event are devoid of experience. In addition, the probabil- of the SPECIAL, outcome, subject any tendency to resolve themselves to ity of his being asleep on the job to the interaction ol all possible out- a favored single outcome, as regards is 1/262, also from previous experi- comes considered. Thus it, for ex- those non-composite outcomes of the ence. Then the probability that he ample, the probability of a shotgun simplest nature." These simple out- will be guilty of either of these errors pellet striking a mallard duck at 40 comes might be the side turned up of judgment, and thus be worthless yards (assuming perfect shooting) on a tossed coin, or die, or perhaps as a protector of plant property, is were 3 71, it would he most probable the disorderly changes in direction of equal to the fraction 1/307 + 1/262. that a load of over seventy pellets the path of a water molecule. Com- This is a risk incurred by the plant. would be sufficient to kill the duck. posite outcomes might include pairs If, in the course of his flight south, of sides turned up in the throw of ARGUMENT 3 the duck could expect to be fired two dice, or the finite sequence of upon by twenty expert gunners, his changes in a molecule's path of mo- Probability of a Compound Out- chance of completing the trip would tion. come (of i n d e p e n d e n t simple out- be very slim indeed (roughly 11/'25). comes). In the terms ol our definition, roast It is interesting to note that the Definition: If the probability of duck would be a SPECIAL outcome principle of the " A r g u m e n t from outcome A, to an event, equals p, to the last perfect shot. Ignorance" has been extended, as a and that of B equals r, and if the Probability is a restricted ratio, the separate discipline, to probability con- taking of either A or B will not alter value of which must not be less than siderations of a highly involved na- the probability of the other, then zero (impossibility) and not more than ture. Its sole use often results in very the probability of realizing both A one (certainty). Negative probability good approximations to the probabil- and B equals (p) (r). is meaningless, and a p r o b a b i l i t y ities of events, as determined by more greater than unity would indicate rigorous and extensive methods. The Example: C o n s i d e r t h e uneasy that you were interested in possible success of this method is limited, thought that there exists a probability outcomes to an event which were however, by the twin facts that its of 1/17 that I am in serious error more numerous than all possible out- application is highly intuitive and in some part of this analysis. Let us comes, which is clearly fallacious is not consistent in its application further assume that the probability reasoning. by even so few as two individuals that the editor also holds a similar skilled in its use. misconception about the same point The sum of the probabilities of all is 1/83. The probability that the error mutually exclusive outcomes to a par- Now that we have touched upon a will get into print is then 1/(17) (83). ticular event will be unity. This in- few of the more critical notions of the However, the probability of our be- dicates that you expect the event to theory, it is likely that an examina- ing speedily informed of the same, have some outcome of the ones you tion of the probability Arguments, in the next mail, is much, much have considered. In this respect it mentioned earlier, will at once bring higher—to be sure! may be easily observed that failure the substance and power of our study to include all possible outcomes to an into sharp focus. A very striking example of the event may well render the computed rapid diminishment of the probability probabilities incorrect. ARGUMENT 1 of a compound event is that en- countered in the determination of the It is a curious fact that the analysis Probability of a Simple Outcome. probability of a repeated event. A of p r o b a b i l i t y theory begins with Definition: The probability of an simple extension of the Definition of what may be called an "Argument event, of b different outcomes, hav- Argument 3 yields the formula for from Ignorance." The reasoning of ing outcome a, where a comprises a (Continued on Page 38) 30 What's ahead for you... after you join Western Electric? Anywhere you look — in engineering and other profes- tunities for career building within research and engi- sional areas — the answer to that question is progress. neering Western Electric maintains its own full-time For Western Electric is on a job of ever-increasing all-expenses-paid engineering training program. And complexity, both as the manufacturing and supply unit our tuition refund plan also helps you move ahead in of the Bell System and as a part of many defense your chosen field. communications and missile projects. These two assignments mean you'll find yourself in the thick of things in such fast-breaking fields as micro- wave radio relay, electronic switching, miniaturization and automation. You may engineer installations, plan distribution of equipment and supplies. Western also has need for field engineers, whose world-wide assign- ments call for working with equipment we make for the Government. The opportunities are many - and they re waiting! You'll find that Western Electric is career-minded .. . and you-minded! Progress is as rapid as your own indi- vidual skills permit. We estimate that 8,000 supervisory jobs will open in the next ten years-the majority to be filled by engineers. There will be corresponding oppor- March 14 April 8 April 15 Gen'l Motors (summer) Grosse Pte. Public Schools Dow Chemical Jet Propulsion LAD. Lansing Public Schools Glidden Co. Dearborn Twp. School Dist. # 3 P. R. Mallory Cooper Bessemer Corp. Wyandotte Public Schools Plax Corp. Michigan State Hwy. Dept. Radiation Inc. Kovtan & Ristou White Plains Public- Schools April I I April 18 Peat, Marwick & Mitchell Lu C. Moore Co. March 15 Hilton Hotels Gen'l Motors (summer) Oscar Mayer U.S. Gen'l Acct'g April 19 let Propulsion Lab. Philco Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. General Elect. Credit Corp. Hot Shoppes Industrial Research Products Warren Consolidated Schools Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Zurich American Ins. Co. Union Carbide Consumer Prods. Co. Royal Oak Public Schools General Motors Jefferson Schools - Monroe March Hi Travelers Lake Odessa Community Schools April 20 Procter & Gamble (summer) Coast & Geodetic Survey-U.S. Dept. oi Armstrong Cork Grand Rapids Public Schools (lommerce Hot Shoppes Texas Co. April 12 Cleveland Public Schools Cen'l Motors (summer) General Motors Northrop Corp. Hess & Clark (summer) Sears, Roebuck & Co. Alexander Grant UARCO Cadillac Motor Co. April 21 Detroit Public- Schools Seidman & Seidman Foof Mach. & Chem. Corp. Zurich American Ins. Co. Corning Glass Eaton Mfg. Co. Hilton Hotels Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Oscar Mayer Potlatch Forests, Inc. Michigan Bell - Women U.S. Gypsum April 6 Johnson & Higgins Ins. April 22 Moon- Business Forms Touch, Ross, Bailey & Smart Arthur Andersen Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Caterpillar Tractor (Cordite Co. Roseville Public Schools S. S. Kresge Employers Mutual Ins. Co. Proctor & Gamble Warren Consolidated Schools Ernst & Ernst Armstrong Cork April 25 U.S. Army Audit Agency Kenosha Public Schools Pontiac- Public Schools Royal Oak Public Schools Cary, Indiana Public Schools April 13 Latnphere Public Schools Haskins & Seels April 26 Oakland, Calif. Public Schools Stouffers Carson Pirie Scott Lever Bros. Godwin Hts. Public Schools Marshall Public Schools Michigan Bell - Women Scotts Duncan Hint's Colgate - Palmolive Co. Birmingham Public Schools Upjohn Co. Davison Community Schools Montgomery Ward April 27 Price Waterhouse Transitron Electronic Corp. Perfect Circle Rochester, N.Y. Public Schools April 7 Utica Public Schools Burrough's Lybrand Ross Bros. & Montgomery Fraser Public Schools April 28 Herpolsheimer's Armour & Co. Bank of America General Electric- Stouffer's Caterpillar Tractor East Ohio Gas Battle Creek Public Schools Harris Trust & Savings Bank Arthur Young & Company April 14 Fields - Jackson April 29 Westinghouse Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Stauffer's Stouffer's Battle Creek Public Schools Shell Oil Co. - Marketing Kalamazoo Public Schools Dow Chemical Chevrolet Gear & Axle Div. Lever Bros. May 2 Burroughs - Research Center Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Y.M.C.A. Parma Public Schools (Detroit Branch) Lansing Public Schools Associates Investments Allied Chem. (summer) Equitable Life Assurance Co. Chevrolet May 3 Birmingham Public Schools Walled Lake Public Schools Detroit Public Schools He's an Allis-Chalmers Engineer He has confidence born of knowing where he's going and how he's going to get there. The graduate training program at Allis-Chalmers helped him decide on a specific career — and he had a choice of many. He knows his future is bright because Allis-Chalmers serves the growth industries of the world . . . produces the widest range of industrial equipment. He is confident of success because he is following a suc- cessful pattern set by Allis-Chalmers management. "we need... men who can write . . . or learn to write; cover fast-breaking news around the world; develop into editors running top business and engineering magazines." ROBERT K. MOFFETT Assistant to the Editorial Director McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Buck" Moffett is looking for engineering graduates in that field—and what it may mean. who can come up as fast in business and technical In line with this, you may also be interested in the journalism as he did himself. McGraw-Hill Tuition Refund Plan. All of our editors Buck was trained on Business Week, Factory, and have the opportunity to continue their education in Fleet Owner, handling everything from rewrite to field their chosen fields. The company pays half the cost. assignments. With experienced McGraw-Hill editors Physics, economics, aerodynamics—whichever will to show him how, he rose rapidly from trainee to help you go the furthest in your career. assistant editor to associate editor to managing editor Is writing experience required? It helps, but if you of Fleet Owner. like to write—and engineering is your profession— Now Assistant to the Editorial Director of McGraw- that's the main thing. Hill, he's looking for engineering graduates who want Buck Moffett will cover as many colleges as he can to rise to the top of their industry—in publishing. in person. Ask your placement director when he'll be at This is no job for the engineer who wants to spend yours. If he hasn't been able to get your campus on his his life in a corner on one part of one project. You work itinerary, write direct.Tell us about your background, with the n e w . . . the experimental... the significant. college record, outside activities and why you would It will be up to you to interpret today's advanced be interested in a career in engineering journalism. developments for thousands of readers. Whichever Write to: Assistant to the Editorial Director, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc., 330 West Graw-Hill m a gazine you're assigned to, an indus- try will be looking to you for the word on the latest 42nd Street, New York 36, New York. ity, which depend on adequate sup- ply of engineers; development of new fields of engineering and technology. The increasing demands for high intellectual capacity in many profes- sions, coupled with national emphasis on science, raises questions of the availability of sufficient quantities of highly (nullified manpower for engi- neering. The report concludes that two ob- jectives must be s o u g h t : available manpower must be utilized effec- tively and the future supply made sufficient for expanding needs. EMC advocates several more specific ob- jectives: better utilization of engi- neers and technicians; improved edu- cation at all levels and teachers' working conditions; increased recog- nition of engineers at the national level; permitting e n g i n e e r s to dis- charge their service obligation as either civilian or military as the pub- lice interest may require; improving p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s of engineering A liberal arts education won't pro- a cohesive working facility for the through students, parents, counselors duce any better executive than other training and discipline of the stu- as well as government and industry; types of education. In fact, another dents." intensifying support of major guid- kind may provide the best training ance p r o g r a m s of the Engineers' "It is my firm conviction," Mr. Council for Professional Development for a career in management. Carliss concluded, "that in a world and the Junior Engineering Technical "The problem of the manager," where scientific achievements exceed Society. said O. S. Carliss, director of engi- the wildest imaginings, the engineer- neering for the Yale and Towne Man- ing school provides the young men ufacturing Company, "is to obtain with the wealth of experience they group success in a field where the need to manage—for the best use of individual and his contributions are mankind—the developments yet to paramount." The best way to develop come." the executive judgment, foresight and objectivity to bring this about is E N G I N E E R I N G MANPOWER through an engineering education. AND THE NATIONAL INTEREST Education is an inward matter. —As anticipated undergraduate engi- Forma] training only points the di- neering enrollment registered a de- rections for further study. However, cline in the fall of 1959, for the sec- the study of science, which is an in- ond consecutive year. Data from the tegral part of an engineering educa- Office of Education reveal a 5.4% tion, and the basic humanities back- drop to 234,000; freshmen down 3% ground which an engineering school to 68,000. Graduate enrollment in- provides, gives the prospective man- creased 7.5% (to 35,000), compared ager a start in knowledge of people, with an increase of 17.5% in 1958. of communicating with them and in The implications of this enrollment the discipline of thought necessary trend are reviewed in a report just to plan and complete projects. released by the Engineering Man- power Commission. Because of the Decisions which must be made to- enrollment drop and lower retention day are, in many cases, technological. rates, the graduating classes for the "It is possible to invest as much as next five years will average 37,500 a billion or more dollars on a single missile before it has even been re- compared with pre-1958 predictions duced to successful practice." If we of 43,000. are going to use efficiently the results Against this supply trend, EMC of basic scientific data, we need men points to trends of increased demand of vision who also have a basic un- for engineers: increasing population; derstanding and appreciation of these startling growth of technical man- data. power during the 1950's, and pro- jections of continued growth in the "The engineering school draws to- 1960's; rising industrial recruiting gether science in its pure and ele- goals; projections of rapidly rising mental form, the liberal arts in their Gross National Product and its close best forms, and combines them into relationship to increases in productiv- Stabilized in orbit, the space vehicle is pre- pared to perform the functions for which it was designed. With experience, you will establish your reputation as a professional engineer and will thus be qualified to assume more and more technical responsibility. At McDonnell — young engineers will find the opportunity to train for the particular type of work they enjoy most: to assume increasing re- sponsibility as they become ready for it; to have their efforts carefully, fairly, and impartially evaluated; and be compensated accordingly. Learn more about our company and com- munity by seeing our Engineering Representa- tive when he visits your campus, or, if you prefer, write a brief note to: Raymond F. Kaletta Engineering Employment Supervisor P.O. Box 516, St. Louis 66, Missouri to determine the probability of select- one of t h e rings (not knowing PROBABILITY ing at random the two-volume work, whether it is the same one or not) if only two books are to be taken and this too is a diamond. Still later, [Continued from Page 30) a thief is surprised in the house, who from the shelf. The probability of the probability of an outcome of this outcome is, by the above, equal escapes capture. A quick check dis- probability p b e i n g r e p e a t e d "n" to the product of the probability of closes the theft of one of the rings. limes. The probability of this repeti- choosing Part I on the first try (1/12), What is the probability that the thief tion equals (p)". by the probability that Part II will has made off with only a glass imita- be chosen on the second try (1/11). tion? Suppose, for Instance, that every- This equals the fraction (1/132). But, one on the M.S.U. campus is com- Since we know at least one of the just a minute! We could just as well rings was a diamond, we know that pletely Faithful in accurately passing have chosen Part II first, and then on to one individual what they have either both rings were diamond, or Part I, for our problem was to de- one was diamond, and the other learned from talking with another, termine the probability of getting with a probability of 99/100. How glass. In two previous drawings we both, regardless of order. This second had drawn a diamond each time. The many persons would have to pass alternative, for choosing the volumes, along a particular message before it probability of this occurring under has a probability of 1/132 also. Thus, the first assumption (both diamond) would most likely be incorrectly applying Argument 2, we arrive at a passed to the next? Since the tiling is unity, since we then had no alterna- probability of 2/132 or 1/66 for the tive but to draw a diamond. This we arc alter is the number of per- choice, and this is the probability of sons required to reduce the probabil- same probability under the assump- getting both Parts I and II. We could tion that only one ring was a diamond ity of correct passage ol the message have computed this result directly below 1/2, clearly the equation is equal to 1/2 times 1/2, or 1/4. by taking the product of 2/12 by Thus, by the above, the probability (99/ 100)" = 1/2 will yield the re- 1/11, as this would be the probabil- sults. that both rings were diamond equals ity of each selection from the shelf (l)/(l + l/4) or 4/5. The probability How many persons would you sup- being one of the part-volumes. that only one was a diamond equals pose could pass on the message be- ( l / 4 ) / ( l + l / 4 ) or 1/5. These of fore the probability of its being ARGUMENT 5 course total to unity, as they cover altered rose to greater than one-half? all possible cases. Would you judge that number to be Probability of an event whose one thousand, three hundred? Our cause is suspected to be among sev- The p r o b a b i l i t y that the thief cars might not be so susceptible to eral, but has not been ascertained, would have drawn a diamond, under rumors circulated among large groups as evaluated from available evidence. the first assumption, equals unity (1). of people when we learn that 69 is Definition: Here, suppose that all His probability of such a draw, un- the number of persons most likely to der the second assumption, would be possible causes to event Z are A, B, honor the accuracy of an idea, while 1/2 (as he is drawing one special C, and D. Then note that certain more than 69 would be increasingly object from a group of two objects). probable to err in the passing-on of events have occurred which lead us to suspect unequally the existence of His probability of drawing a diamond the same. causes A, B, C, and D. We deduce would then be equal to (4/5)(l) + Keeping in mind that the probabil- that these certain events had a proba- (l/5)(l/2) or 9/10. The probability ity of an individual not being born bility a of being caused by A, b of that he stole only a glass ring is then on a specified day of the year equals being caused by B, c of being caused a slim ( 1 - 9 / 1 0 ) ' o r 1/10. .364/365, you might use the ideas of by C, and similarly for D. Arguments 2 and 3, to discover the Then, the probability that A was ARGUMENT 6 number of persons required to com- the cause for these certain events prise a group, such that the probabil- Probable Advantage. equals a / ( a + b + c + d ) , and similarly ity of two of them being born on the for B, C, and D. Further, we observe Definition: The probable advantage same day is greater than 1/2. that the probability that a new event of acting in expectation of a certain Z would occur under A alone equals event of probability p, in hope of a ARGUMENT 4 reward r should the event occur, is a', and under B alone equals b', etc. equal to (p)(r)-(l-p)(L), where L Probability of a Compound Out- come (of interdependent simple out- These conditions being known, the is your loss as a consequence of the comes). probability of event Z occurring as a event failing to occur as hoped. This result of eihter A, or B, or C, or D, should total zero in a fair game. Definition: If the probabilities of is equal to the fraction whose numera- events A and B are so related as to Example: You and I are to take tor equals (a)a'+(b)b'+ turns at throwing a pair of dice, with cause us to infer from the occurrence (c)c'+(d)d', and of one of them that a change has re- the stakes determined as follows: I whose denominator equals a + b + c sulted in the probability of the other, + d. shall agree to pay you 25 for every then the probability of both events A total of two that you throw, and and B occurring together, is the prob- Example: Suppose you are shown you have agreed to pay me 5 for ability of the first-taken, multiplied by two rings which appear to be exactly every total of seven, with no loss the probability newly assigned to the the same. Perhaps both are glass, or to either of us, should we fail to second-taken (as a result of the taking one is glass and one is a diamond, or make our totals in turn. Thus, my of the first). both are diamonds. You are invited expectation in the game minus yours by their owner to inspect one more will be my probable advantage. You Example: Let us assume that you closely. You do so, and discover that want this to be negative, or at the have on your bookshelf a matched it is indeed a diamond. You pass the most, zero. Arranging the numbers set of like-bound "Harvard Classics." ring to its owner, who admires it These total 12 volumes in all. Two 1 thru 6 in the following fashion will himself before replacing it in a box point up the fact that of the 36 of these volumes are Part I and II with the other. Some moments later, of a particular work. It is required combinations in which the dice may you again have occasion to examine (Continued on Page 48) Where the fuels of the future are born! From time to time, we are asked if gasoline burning, highly-reliable solid fuels has been a and oil today really are better than they were realcontribution to America's missile program. five or ten years ago. People can't see the Since our first research laboratory opened difference, smell it, or feel it. 69 years ago, research scientists of Standard Oil and its affiliated companies have been re- The answer is an emphatic yes. And this sponsible for many major petroleum advances aerial view of Standard Oil's research center —from making a barrel of oil yield more gas- at Whiting, Indiana, is graphic evidence of oline to discovering a way to revive almost-dry the extensive research work that goes on be- wells. Each process had the effect of adding hind the scenes day in and day out. billions of barrels to America's oil reserves. Thousands of research experts—chemists, At Standard Oil, scientists have an oppor- engineers, and technicians—work together in tunity to work on a wide variety of challeng- Standard's modern laboratories, improving ing projects. That is one reason why so many present fuels and lubricants and developing young men have chosen to build satisfying new ones for cars that will not be a reality careers with Standard Oil. until about 1965! Rocket fuels, too, are being developed. Standard's development of clean- MISS MARCH ENGINE Suzanne Mary Staron Home town: Charlotte, Michigan Age 19 Dorm: East Yakeley Specs: 5' 6" Blond Hair Brown Eyes 39 - 26 - 38 Major: Speech Correction Hobbies: Music, plays accordian. piano, and trombone THERMOELECTRICITY (Continued from Page 19) remarkable properties unknown in metals. Upon these properties are based the transistor, and the solar battery. But semiconductors have the dis- advantage that their efficiency drops off at high temperatures. Therefore, they do not appear practical for use at the very high temperatures needed to attain efficient thermoelectric power generation. Recently scientists have discovered a previously unexplored class of ma- terials which offers promise for ther- moelectric power genertaion at high temperatures. They are known as mixed valence compounds. Essentially a thermoelectric con- ductor is an electron pump which uses heat energy as its driving force. Heating one end of thermoelectric material causes the electrons within it to crowd to the cool end, where they build up as an electric charge or voltage. Joining together two materials which differ in the magnitude of this effect, and heating their junction, causes a continuous flow of electrons through an electrical device con- nected to the cool ends of the pair of materials. In order to obtain electrical energy ED DISBROW exemplifies the opportunity to grow with a young, from a steam engine, one must con- growing company. Now District Manager of the Dunham-Bush Minne- apolis office, he supervises widespread engineering activities of a group struct a furnace, a condenser, a steam of sales engineers representing a multi-product technical line. boiler, the steam engine, and a dy- Engineering degree in hand, Ed went to work for Heat-X (a Dunham- namo. This is complex and expensive Bush subsidiary) as an Application Engineer. Successive steps in the equipment. Dunham-Bush main office and as Sales Engineer in the New York territory brought him to his present managerial capacity. Today, for small power require- A member of Belle Aire Yacht Club, Ed leads a pleasant life afloat ments when one needs only small and ashore with his wife and two boys. amounts of electricity, thermoelectric Equally satisfying is Ed's job. In directing calls on consulting engi- generators can compete with steam neers, architects, plant engineers, wholesalers, contractors and building engines. And for very low power re- owners, he knows he's backed by the extensive facilities of Dunham- quirements (as in radar, telegraph, Bush laboratories. You can see him pictured above on a typical call, inspecting a Minnesota shopping center Dunham-Bush air conditioning and telephone communications) ther- installation. moelectric generators provide the best Ed's success pattern is enhanced by the wide range of products he solution. represents. For Dunham-Bush refrigeration products run from com- In U.S.S.R. thermoelectric genera- pressors to complete systems; the range of air conditioning products extends from motel room conditioners to a hospital's entire air condi- tors are rendering effective practical tioning plant. The heating line is equally complete: from a radiator service in many places that otherwise valve to zone heating control for an entire apartment housing project. The Dunham-Bush product family even includes highly specialized heat would not have electric power. transfer products applicable to missile use. The Russians use the generator to obtain from the heat of an ordinary kerosene lamp enough electrical energy to power a radio set. Sucn thermoelectric lamps are produced by the tens of thousands in the U.S.S.R-, and are in wide use. Of course our greatest source of heat now going to waste is the sun (Continued on Page 46) Reaching into a lost world ...for a plastic you use every day Massive creatures once sloshed through endless swamps, feeding on huge ferns, luxuriant rushes and strange pulp-like trees. After ruling for 100 million years, the giant animals and plants vanished forever beneath the surface with violent upheavals in the earth's crust. Over a long period, they gradually turned into great deposits of oil and natural gas. And today, Union Carbide converts these vast resources into a modern miracle-the widely-used plastic called polyethylene. Millions of feet of tough, transparent polyethylene film are used each year to protect the freshness of perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. Scores of other useful things are made from polyethylene . . . unbreakable kitchenware, ahve with color . . . bottles that dispense a fine spray with a gentle squeeze . . . electrical N a t i o n for your television antenna, and even for trans-oceanic telephone cables. Polyethylene is only one of many plastics and chemicals that Union Carbide creates from oil and natural gas. By constant research into the basic ele- ments of nature, the people of Union Carbide bring new and better products into your everyday life. CAREERS ABROAD taking water from the river went out of service, the entire plant operation (Continued from Page 20) must inevitably be shut down. He convinced his boss and his boss's boss bridges, and schools. The United and so on all the way up the line to States Government, without a doubt, the president of the company that a hires the greatest number of qualified second big pump should be pur- engineers for placement with Nato chased. But the p r e s i d e n t took a and Seato allies in just about every long look at the cost and said "No." phase of engineering imaginable. Not many months later the critical pump failed. The mill shut down. The opportunities for technical ex- perience, travel, and positions of high The young engineer was promptly responsibility are there for the person called to the president's office to ex- with adequate education in both en- plain why the water s u p p l y had gineering and foreign studies. Another failed. As tactfully as he could, he big advantage in accepting an over- pointed out t h a t he h a d warned seas assignment is the attractive re- against the precarious dependence on muneration received for the sacrifies one pump, had even argued with the made in some of the geographical president himself for the purchase of locations. Despite all the glamour, a spare, and could therefore scarcely there are some places where living be blamed for the catastrophe. "Yes," conditions are extremely difficult, and roared the p r e s i d e n t , "but if we a person must know what to expect. needed that extra pump, it was your Those willing to accept the chal- job to convince me!" lenges of foreign employment in en- When I stated in my thesis that you gineering must seriously consider the go farther and have more fun if you new program for international serv- run scared than if you feel secure, I ice. The benefits received will be re- mean both points. Let's consider why warding in experience, travel, respon- you go farther. sibility, and money. Any inquiries regarding the pro- Here is an equation attributed to gram should be directed to: J. D. Dan McQuaid, who calls himself the Ryder, Dean of Engineering at Mich- cowboy engineer: igan State University. V= A- S In words this reads: "The value of RUNNING SCARED any position is equal to the ability of the individual to produce, minus (Continued from Page 25) supervision." problem on which you are Strangely enough, industry is al- stuck. ways looking for men to whom it can pay more money. Such men must 3. Everything isn't in the books. have a value for A - S that causes 4. Don't expect things to happen them to stand out from their fellows. overnight. Sometimes an individual who does 5. A training program isn't just a not have exceptional ability to pro- necessary evil to be gotten over duce goes ahead of an inherently as quickly and painlessly as more able man simply because the possible. average fellow r e q u i r e s so much 6. You don't have to compensate supervision that he is actually less for your inferiority complex by valuable. telling the boss the first week Do you know what happens then, what to do and how to do it. even in some cases after the super- 7. The s h o r t a g e of e n g i n e e r s visor or manager has carefully ex- doesn't guarantee a good, con- plained the whole situation? The in- tinuing job with a future. herently more able man who has 8. You have to assume responsi- been bypassed goes around mutter- bility. ing under his breath about eager How much can be expected of an beavers who spend all their time engineer is illustrated by the experi- trying to make themselves look good ence of a man, now retired, who to the boss! worked for many years for one of the My second point was that it is large steel mills in the Pittsburgh more fun to run scared than to feel area. As a young engineer in the secure. Let's not interpret that as a utilities department, he was made re- plea that you develop ulcers at thirty. sponsible for all plant water. Full of vim, he checked the entire com- But if you feel responsible, you will plicated distribution system, discover- feel that you really count for some- ing, to his horror, that if one pump (Continued on Page 46) BLUBBER ORRUBBER? It looks like a whale, but it's actually a For qualified bachelors, masters and king-size collapsible container for carry- doctors, career opportunities are today greater at DuPont than ever before. ing liquids and powders. Bags like this There is an interesting future in this are made of fabric woven with DuPont vigorous company for metallurgists, phys- "Super Cordura"* high-tenacity rayon icists, mathematicians, and electrical yarn, coated with DuPont neoprene syn- and mechanical engineers, as well as for thetic rubber; capacity: 3,000-20,000 chemists and chemical engineers. gallons. They are among the most dra- If you join Du Pont, you will be given matic and practical advances in indus- a project assignment almost at once, and trial packaging. you will begin to learn your job by doing Du Pont has made many contributions it. Advancement will come as rapidly as to this field and to practically every kind your abilities permit and opportunities of business or industry you can name. develop. DuPont personnel policy is based on our belief in promotion from Naturally, all this diversified activity within the company on a merit basis. creates many interesting jobs. Jobs in research. Jobs in production. And jobs If you would like more information in sales and marketing. Good jobs that about opportunities at Du Pont, see your placement officer or write E. I. du Pont de contribute substantially to the steady Nemours & Co. (Inc.), 2420 Nemours growth of DuPont and the people who Building, Wilmington 98, Delaware. are the company. RUNNING SCARED (Continued from Page 44) DanielJohnson ('58) is assistant Herbert E. Ziel ('15) is hospitalized engineer for the City of Albeit Lea, at the present time, but says that he thing. That is a way that most of us Minnesota. His wife, Sylvia Bates, is expects to be around again very soon. humans need to feel. teaching kindergarten In the local Hi' lives at 694 Clynn Ct, Detroit If you feel responsible, it helps to school system. Their address is 819 2, Michigan. fix your thoughts on the thing for Bridge, Albeit Lea. a o " which you are r e s p o n s i b l e , which © o o Arnold M. Hopperstead ('20) is makes for mental health. The man Clifford Holforty ('50) is a consult- busy helping to produce better con- who shuns responsibility easily gets ing engineer In the Oakland County crete and also running a concrete to thinking about himself more and area. He lives at 2783 Hillendale Dr., laboratory. He lives at 418 Huron St., more, so that he enjoys life less and Rochester, Mich, Prior to opening his Lansing, Michigan. less. own office, he was chief structural a o ° engineer with Linn Smith Associates, It has always seemed to me that John E. Dean ('30) is head of the there was an impressive psychological Inc.. and before that he was assistant electrical engineering department at truth behind the Biblical statement chief Structural engineer with Eberle Colorado State University. He has that, "He who loses his life shall M. Smith Associates. Inc. He also been granted a year's absence to gain it." I would paraphrase this as: worked for Victor Gruen Associates. work for General Electric in light "He who loses himself so completely Some of the projects he has worked military electronics in Utica, N.Y. in living that he identifies himself on include the Ford assembly plant at Manwah, N.J.; the Northland Shop- o o a with what he is trying to accomplish, ping Center; the Wiley Groves High William A. Beck ('39) lives in Hud- really lives." School in Birmingham; Pontiac son, Ohio, at 7602 Sugarbush Trail. Northern High School and housing He is working for Dow Chemical and projects in Benton Harbor and Kala- Magnesium and describes Hudson as mazoo. "More like a New England village THERMOELECTRICITY o o o than anything in New England." He (Continued from Page 42) Ward R. Shedd ('02) writes from is now a commander in the Naval 719 Ashland Ave., Rockford, III. reserve. itself. If we could effectively harness 0 0 0 0 4 4 all of the sun's heat that strikes the Lee 0. Benner ('12) lives at 615 M. H. Dennos ('43) is a salesman earth, we could produce over a mil- Riley St. in Lansing, Michigan. for the Sehenectady Varnish Com- lion times more power than all of the O 0 O pany, and lives in Glenrock, N.J., at electrical power produced today in W. R. Collinson ('18) has retired 133 E. Gramercy Place. His family the er.tire world. from his construction company in includes daughters Anne 13; and Let us consider thermoelectric solar Midland and lives on a farm. "Never Mary Christine, 10. generators. Preliminary experiments miss a football game," he writes. o o e indicate that small t h e r m o e l e c t r i c O 0 O William Gokay, Jr., is gas distribu- units are entirely feasible, even allow- L. I.. Beltz ('21) is chief engineer tion engineer for the Consumers ing for the cost of large steerable lor (he Ford Motor Company. He Power Company in Lansing. He and mirrors necessary to concentrate the lives at 20721 Meadowbrook Way, his wife Nancy, ('52) and their two sunlight. Lathrup Village, Michigan. children live at 341 Clement Rd., O O 6 Lansing 17, Mich. Such units could be used to pump Forest McFarland ('21) is executive o o o water from underground wells and assistant chief engineer for Buick irrigate desert land. This possibility is Division of GM. He lives in Flint Edward Umiker ('50) is chief plan- important: irrigated deserts are the at 3000 Westwood Pkwy. ning engineer for the New York State highway division. He lives in world's best gardens. o o o Kenmore, New York, at 497 Traverse The transformation of heat into Harold J. Plumb ('21) is an engi- Blvd. neer for the Consumers Power Com- electricity is only half of the story O O 9 pany in Jackson. He and his wife, of the thermoelectric cell. It can also Florine (Folks), ('20) live at 210 N. Floyd I. Backus, Jr., ('53) is senior transfer energy the other way and, Durand St. dynamics engineer for Convair Astro- serve to either heat or cool. o o o nautics in San Diego, California. He and his wife Gloria (Wieland) live Now thermoelectricity is unfolding Avery J. Reading ('24) is employed before our eyes. It is only in the last by the Nalco Chemical Company in at 3284 Mobley St., San Diego. Their first child—a son was born this year. few years that we have recognized Western Springs, Illinois. He was re- the significance of this method or cently elected president of the Asso- o e a energy conversion. Recently, develop- ciation of Track & Structure Sup- John O. Cheney ('54) is an electri- ments in the U. S. have been rapid pliers, an organization composed of cal engineer for the Alpha Corpora- 140 firms supplying products to rail- and are thought to have outpaced tion in Richardson, Texas. His ad- foreign progress. roads in the U.S. and Canada. He dress is 1212 Ashland Dr. and his wife, Marie (Tracy), ('26) *> o o In both industrial and consumer live at 4609 Woodland Ave. applications experts believe that ther- «* P O Karl Kraub ('58) is an assistant moelectricity will h a v e its greatest engineer in transmission engineering impact in making possible new and H. C. Rockwell ('25) is president for American Telegraph and Tele- of the Row Motor Sales Company different products, rather than in re- in Grand Rapids. His address is 265 phone Company at Cincinnati, Ohio. placing existing items already well Manhattan, S.E. His address is 6409 Heitzler Ave. established in the factory, business (Continued on Page 50) establishment, or home. Earth's attraction for a lightning bolt? + or —.which is up? A resonant phenomenon? A singularity in a field? What is the nuclear "glue" for like charges? A better comprehension of charge is important to Allison because energy conversion is our business and charge is one keystone for this conversion work. Thus we have a deep and continuing interest in elec- trons, protons, positrons, neutrons, neutrinos—charge in all its forms. In its investigations, Allison calls upon the capabilities within General Motors Corporation and its Divisions, as well as the specialized talents of other individuals and organ- izations. By applying this systems engineering concept to new re- search projects,we increase the effec- tiveness with which we accomplish our mission—exploring the needs of advanced propulsion and weap- ons systems. profit has flourished. This is one ex- But, if these errors are equally PROBABILITY ample of a case in which unfair ad- probable in magnitude, and equally (Continued from Page 38) vantage may take on very favorable probable as they are plus or minus, consequences, for all concerned. then their sum is zero. fall, six of these will yield a seven, whereas only one will yield a deuce. All of this leaves untouched the Then, (n)Z = A + B + C + . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 first dice may fall vastly important study of the prob- 6 5 4 3 2 1 second dice may fall ability of measure, from which we So, Z = ( A + B + C + . . .)-(n) is 7 7 7 7 7 7 the dice may total get the important "probability curve" the most probable value. so well liked by students generally. The probability of my getting a Yet, while we don't wish to immerse It is my feeling that we never seven in any throw equals 6 36. The ourselves in this expansive topic so know anything perfectly, least of all probability of your getting a deuce late in the discussion, it may serve probability. There are problems using in any throw equals 1/36. My prob- our purpose here to prove the fact only these basic ideas that would able a d v a n t a g e is then (1/6(5) — that the arithmetic mean of several probably be i n c o r r e c t l y evaluated (I 38X25). Clearly, I have a slight measurements on a quantity is indeed nine times out of ten (figuratively edge. You would do well to demand the most probable true value of the 30',' for each deuce that you throw, speaking, of course). If we are very quantity. The proof is simple, uses skilled in the basic ideas, however, in which ease (l,'6)(5)-(l/36)(30) = 0, an idea we have already discussed, and neither of us has unfair ad- and can see a pattern to the whole and points up the basic similarity vantage. body of general p r o b a b i l i t y situa- of all probability problems. tions, we are less likely to mis-apply All of the six Arguments have been Suppose our measurements on a the theory on the basis of this, than concerned with an analysis of the Structure of simple, simultaneous, se- quantity, of true value Z, are desig- if we had spent our time investigating quential, and finally profitable events, nated by A, B, C, . . . Let A be in a few problems of an isolated nature. as regards the probability of their error, from Z, by an amount a', B by b', and so on. Let there be (n) Those of you who are really inter- occurrence. The last of these leads to interest in such topics as quality measurements on Z. ested in this topic would do well to control, and profit control, whereas elect either the 201 or 301 course in Then, (Z-a') + (Z-b')+(Z-c') + . . . statistics. Each of these serves a dif- some of the former ideas lend them- = A + B + C+ . . . selves to game theory. Of course all ferent interest in the subject, while of these provide the basis upon which Thus, ( n )Z-(a'+b'+c'+. . .= either will provide you with a good the business of selling insurance for A+B+C + . . . understanding of the same. EXCITING FIELDS OF INTEREST FOR GRADUATE ENGINEERS Diversity and strength in a company offer the and other electronic controls and instrumen engineer a key opportunity, for with broad knowl- • Missile Systems—has delivered more accessory power edge and background your chances for responsibil- units for missiles than any other company. AiResearch is also working with hydraulic and hot gas control ity and advancement are greater. systems for missile accessory power. The Garrett Corporation, with its AiResearch • Environmentol Control Systems — pioneer, leading Divisions, is rich in experience and reputation. Its developer and supplier of aircraft and spacecraft air diversification, which you will experience through conditioning and pressurization systems. an orientation program lasting over a period of Should you be interested in a career with The months, allows you the best chance of finding your Garrett Corporation, see the magazine "The Garrett most profitable area of interest. Corporation and Career Opportunities" at your Other major fields of interest include: College placement office. For further information •Aircraft Flight and Electronic Systems —pioneer and write to Mr. Gerald D. Bradley... major supplier of centralized flight data systems ALUMNI NOTES (Continued from Page 46) Eddy J. Gunnison ('05) is past 82 years old, retired, and "enjoying very good health." He has a large yard with lots of flowers and does fancy The wood carving as a hobby. He lives at 527 Cedar St., N.E., Grand Rapids 5, Michigan. o o o Arthur D. Peters ('05) has retired Indispensable after inure than 46 years in the rail- road service. He and his wife Cor- nelia (Fisher), (w'07) live at L180 Summit Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio. o o o Man Grover C. Dillman ('13) is in Florida for the winter. His address in the Sunshine State is 120 63rd Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. Walter H. Niedermeier ('35) is manager for industrial products of the Shell Oil Company. His address is 11739 Serama Drive, St. Louis 31, Missouri. SOMETIME WHEN YOU'RE FEELING IMPORTANT O O 0 SOMETIME WHEN YOUR EGO'S IN BLOOM Mark Frank ('27) and his wife, Esther (Samson) (vv'28) live at 440 SOMETIME WHEN YOU TAKE IT FOR GRANTED Chesterfield in Birmingham, Mich. YOU'RE THE BEST QUALIFIED IN THE ROOM He is an engineer for the Pontiac Motor Division of CM. O 0 O SOMETIME WHEN YOU FEEL THAT YOUR GOING John Boyko ('37) is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of WOULD LEAVE AN INFALLIBLE HOLE his engineering consulting company, dealing in industrial equipment. He JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS is also active in church work, and is AND SEE HOW IT HUMBLES YOUR SOUL on the Christian Business Men's Na- tional Hoard, the hoard of Christian Service Brigade National Camping TAKE A BUCKET AND FILL IT WITH WATER Association, the hoard of directors of the Detroit Bible Institute, sponsors PUT YOUR HANDS IN UP TO YOUR WRISTS committee of the Youth for Christ and vice president of World Wide PULL THEM OUT AND THE HOLE THAT REMAINS Christian Literature, Inc. Profession- IS A MEASURE OF HOW YOU'LL BE MISSED ally, he is a member of the Society of Mechanical Engineers, and has presented technical papers in Detroit before the Society. His address is YOU MAY SPLASH ALL YOU PLEASE WHEN YOU ENTER 10238 Beaconsfield, Detroit 24. His YOU MAY STIR UP THE WATER GALORE oldest son, William, is attending State. BUT STOP AND YOU'LL FIND IN A MINUTE a © o THAT IT LOOKS JUST THE SAME AS BEFORE Lt. Col. Donald P. Appling ('37) is education services officer at Oxnard AFB, Calif. He lives at 90 Leman THE MORAL OF THIS IS QUITE SIMPLE Dr., Camavillo, Calif. o a o DO JUST THE BEST THAT YOU CAN Adelbert H. Zink ('38) is a project BE PROUD OF YOURSELF BUT REMEMBER engineer for the Dow Chemical Com- pany in Midland, Mich. His address THERE IS NO INDISPENSABLE MAN! is 707 Ashman St., Midland. o o o Matt E. Nuttila ('25) is supervisor of motor vehicles for Cities Service Oil Company. He lives at 109 85th Avenue, Richmand Hill, New York. 50 RCA REPORTS TO THE NATION: REMARKABLE NEW PHOTOS UNLOCK MYSTERIES OF SUN'S SURFACE Special RCA Television, operating from stratosphere, helps get sharpest photos of sun's surface ever taken Scientists recently took the first, ground to view exactly what the tele- sharp, searching look into the center of scope was seeing aloft. This accom- our solar system. It was achieved not plished, it was a simple matter to by a missile, but by a balloon posted achieve precise photography directed from the ground by means of a separate in quiet reaches of the stratosphere. RCA radio control system. The idea was conceived by astrono- mers at the Princeton University Ob- The resulting pictures reveal sun- servatory. They decided that a floating spot activities in unprecedented detail. observatory — equipped with a tele- They provide the world with important scope-camera— would offer a stable information regarding the magnetic disturbances which affect navigation "work platform" from which sunspots and long-range communications. could be photographed free of the distor- tion caused by the earth's atmosphere. The success of "Project Stratoscope" But "Project Stratoscope" encoun- is another example of RCA leadership tered an unforeseen and major obstacle in advanced electronics. This leader- on its initial flight. A foolproof method ship, achieved through quality and was needed for aiming and focusing dependability in performance, has al- the telescope of the unmanned observ- ready made RCA Victor the most trusted atory. Princeton asked RCA to help. name in television. Today, RCA Victor television sets are in far more homes A special RCA television system was than any other make. devised which enabled observers on the SIDETRACKED Then there was the ill-humored An ROTC officer approached a He kissed her in the garden, civil engineer who always built cross young man sporting a neatly fitting It was a moonlight night, roads. green uniform and asked, "What's She was a marble statue, o o o the eighth general order?" He was a little tight. I like an exam "I don't know," the fellow admitted. o o o I think they're fun "Do you neck?" "Have you ever been out for drill?" I never cram "That's my business." I never flunk one "Nope." "Ah—a professional." I'm the professor 0 0 0 "Don't you know enough to say o o o 'sir' either? What outfit are you in?" Dean: "Didn't you get the letter They say that girls are minors until we sent you?" they are IS; then they are gold- "Me, I'm the Coca-Cola man." diggers. O 0 O Frosh: "Yes, sir. I read it inside and out. On the inside it said you are ex- Girls are just like cigarettes—a fact pelled; and on the outside it said One oil man to another: "Hear you must a d m i t —You can't enjoy 'return in five days'; and here I am. you brought in a dry hole last week." them fully until you get them lit. 9 ft • Second Oil Man: "Please! Let's o o e There are only two kinds of park- just say I brought in a long, thin ing left on the campus—illegal and swimming pool.' What They Mean When They Say: no. O 0 O See me after class—(it has slipped o o * my mind). Prof: "Well, what did you think Recent tests in the physics depart- of the course?" Pop Quiz—(I forgot my lecture ment prove that grasshoppers hear notes). through their legs. When a tuning C.E.: "I thought it was very well fork was placed near a grasshopper, covered. Everything that wasn't cov- I will derive—(formula has slipped my mind). it was found that in all cases the in- ered during the semester was covered on the final!" sect would hop. There was no reac- Closed book quiz— ( M e m o r i z e tion to this stimulus, however when 9 0 9 everything including the footnotes). the insects legs were removed. Young man transferring from Engi- 9 9 * Open book quiz—(Oil your slide neering to Journalism would like to rules and wind your watch). "This college turns out some great trade in good study lamp for com- fortable bed. Honor system—(alternate seats). men." O O O "When did you graduate?" Do odd numbered problems—(the Johnny hopes to make the news. even numbered problems will be on "I didn't graduate. I was turned He wants to fill his father's shoes. test). out." o o <• Mary hopes to do much better- Briefly explain-(not less than 1000 - N o w go back and read the rest She wants to fill her mother's sweater. words). of the magazine. REQUIRED SAFETY FACTORS in steering arm assured by designing it to be forged By designing with forging, a truck manufacturer can count on the required safety factors, with minimum "beefing-up" of parts to offset unknown internal structures or non-homogenious materials. You, too, can achieve results like these by designingwithforgingswitherat the start or on re-design. The benefits of forgings are equally impressive, whether you make home-workshop equipment or dissel engines. Forgingsstartasbettermetal...are further improved by the hammer- or high pressure of the forging process. Write for literature on the design, specification, and procurement of forgings. Since its inception nearly 23 years ago, tier will advance at an accelerated rate. will be made of the moon and the plan- the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has given The preliminary instrument explora- ets and of the vast distances of inter- the free world its first tactical guided mis- tions that have already been made only planetary space; hard and soft landings sile system, its first earth satellite, and seem to define how much there is yet will be made in preparation for the time its first lunar probe. to be learned. During the next few years, when man at last sets foot on new worlds. In the future, under the direction of the payloads will become larger, trajectories In this program, the task of JPL is to National Aeronautics and Space Admin- will become more precise, and distances gather new information for a better un- istration, pioneering on the space fron- covered will become greater. Inspections derstanding of the World and Universe. METALS...the challenging heart of tomorrow's progress Today the metals industry is poised at the gram second to none in the industry, designed threshold of its most exciting advances. New to give you a broad Company-wide perspective needs for metals yet undreamed of . . . revo- that will aid you materially in selecting your lutionary developments and production tech- permanent assignment. niques . . . new modifications and applications of the basic metals . . . all spell opportunity To maintain its leadership in metals tech- for enterprising young metallurgists and engi- nology, Bridgeport is embarking on a major neers. Now is the ideal time to enter this chal- program of expansion and product diversifi- lenging field, and lay the foundation for a cation that will provide practically unlimited richly rewarding career. opportunities for professional achievement and rewards. To learn what this can mean to your future, ask your placement director for a copy Bridgeport Brass Company offers a uniquely of "Careers in Metals with Bridgeport Brass", thorough and diversified grounding in all as- or write direct to Mr. F. J. Finsinger, 30 Grand Pects of metals from A to Z . . . Aluminum to Street, Bridgeport 2, Conn. Zirconium. Here you will find a training pro- Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are needed to fill vacancies in several editorial positions on the SPARTAN ENGINEER. Training in technical jour- nalism is available to all interested engi- neering students who desire experience in the publication field. Come up and chat with us in Room 346, Student Serv- ices Bldg., any class day. Perhaps you, too, can reap the rewarding benefits of this extra-curricular activity. How to look out a window before the building is up r \ feature of The Comstock, San only points out the location of a Francisco's new co-operative apart- possible apartment on a scale ments on top of Nob Hill, will be model, but shows you the view the spectacular panoramic views from your window as well. of the Bay area from their picture Photography rates high as a windows. master salesman. It rates high in How could these views be spread other business and industry tasks, before prospective buyers—before too. The research laboratory, the the building was up? The devel- production line, the quality control department and the office all get opers, Albert-Lovett Co., found the work done better and faster with answer in photography. From a photography on the job. gondola suspended from a crane, color photos were made from the Whatever your field, you will positions of the future apartments. find photography can save you Now, the sales representative not time and cut costs, too. Technical Training Programs at General Electric Q. Why does your company have train- third year of the Advanced Engineering edge in dealing with customers. After ing programs, Mr. Abbott? Program. completing orientation assignments in Then there is the two-year Creative engineering, manufacturing, and market- A. Tomorrow's many positions of major Engineering Program for those graduates ing, the Program member may specialize responsibility will necessarily be filled by who have completed their first-year in one of the four marketing areas: appli- young men who have developed their assignments and who are interested in cation engineering, headquarters market- potentials early in their careers. General learning creative techniques for solving ing, sales engineering, or installation and Electric training programs simply help engineering problems. service engineering. speed up this development process. Another avenue of training for the In addition to on-the-job assignments, In addition, training programs provide qualified graduate is the Honors Program, related courses of study help the Program graduates with the blocks of broad ex- which enables a man to earn his Master's member prepare for early assumption of perience on which later success in a degree within three or four semesters at major responsibility. specialization can be built. selected colleges and universities. The Furthermore, career opportunities and Company pays for his tuition and books, Q . How can I decide which training interests are brought into sharp focus and his work schedule allows him to earn 75 percent of full salary while he is going program I would like best, Mr. Abbott? after intensive working exposures to several fields. General Electric then gains to school. This program is similar to a the valuable contributions of men who research assistantship at a college or A. Well, selecting a training program is have made early, well-considered deci- university. a decision which you alone can make. You sions on career goals and who are con- made a similar decision when you selected fidently working toward those objectives. Q . Just how will the Manufacturing your college major, and now you are Training Program help prepare me for focusing your interests only a little more sharply. The beauty of training programs Q. What kinds of technical training pro- a career in manufacturing? is that they enable you to keep your grams does your company conduct? career selection relatively broad until you A. The three-year Manufacturing Program consists of three orientation have examined at first hand a number of A. General Electric conducts a number specializations. of training programs. The G-E programs assignments and three development assignments in the areas of manufacturing Furthermore, transfers from one Gen- which attract the great majority of eral Electric training program to another engineering graduates are Engineering engineering, quality control, materials management, plant engineering, and are possible for the Program member and Science, Manufacturing, and Tech- whose interests clearly develop in ° ne nical Marketing. manufacturing operations. These assign- ments provide you with broad, funda- of the other fields. mental manufacturing knowledge and Q. How long does the Engineering and with specialized knowledge in your Science Program last? particular field of interest. The practical, on-the-job experience A. That depends on which of several offered by this rotational program is sup- avenues you decide to take. Many gradu- plemented by participation in a manu- ates complete the training program dur- facturing studies curriculum covering ing their first year with General Electric. all phases of manufacturing. Each Program member has three or four responsible work assignments at one or Q. What kind of training would I get more of 61 different plant locations. on your Technical Marketing Program? Some graduates elect to take the Ad- vanced Engineering Program, supple- menting their work assignments with A. The one-year Technical Marketing challenging Company-conducted study Program is conducted for those graduates courses which cover the application of who want to use their engineering knowl- engineering, science, and mathematics to industrial problems. If the Program mem- ber has an analytical bent coupled with a deep interest in mathematics and physics, he may continue through a second and