UNITED STATES ÇOLF ASSOCIATION ÇREEN SECTION Southeastern Office Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station T I F T O N, G E O R G IA S O U T H E A S T E RN T U R F L E T T ER i ßv Ä /S' 8. P. Southeastern Director ROBINSON Vol. 2, No. 3 1955 FR Ci GOLF CLUBS î> SOUTHEAST II DIGATE HEED FOR FERTILIZATION RESULTS OP SOIL TESTS Take Guesswork Out of Fertilizer Applications Soil Tests as Indicators» The f i r st Turfletter discussed the purpose of soil testing, how to take soil samples, and stated that soil tests are used to determine the need of grasses for plant elements» Other requirements for good growth as weed, insect, and disease control; proper moisture; good drainage; etc», must be satisfied before plants can make proper use of plant elements» Soil tests should not be considered as a cure-all, but only as one of the steps used to determine grass growth requirements. The Important Five Percent. " ' Plant nutrients are obtained by grasses from the air, water, and s o i l. The s o i l, however, furnishes only about 5»0% or less of the total elements. is this very small percent which is often the limiting factor in the production of turf grasses. Soils in the Southeast, generally, are low in nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, c a l c i c, magnesium, and in some areas, various minor elements as zinc, iron, manganese^ etc» To maintain good turf these elements must be supplied by f e r t i l i z e r s» Proper f e r t i l i z a t i on of a soil to supply the needed elements, then, is very important» Soil tests point the way to a good f e r t i l i z er program» It The foundation for the f e r t i l i z a t i on of grasses was laid in 1840 when a German, von Lie big, f i r st e xplained the nature of plant nutrition» Even though f e r t i l i z e rs have been manufactured for about 100 years, the need for applying elements to plants was recognized by ancien t people who used fish, bones, and etc» In marrjTcases f e r t i l i z e rs are the turf producers best defense against poor turf grass What are the F e r t i l i ty Requirements of Your Soils? Golf Clubs Located on Sandy Spoils or^ Along Coastal Areas Need— Phosphorus» Ninety-five percent of a ll greens tested had an adequate to excess amount of phosphorus present© Potash« Lime« Twenty-five percent of a ll fairways needed more phosphorus« Seventy percent of the greens and f o r t y - f i ve percent of the fairways needed additional potash« More lime was needed on twenty-five percent of the greens and forty percent of fairways« Golf Clubs Located on Loamy Soils as Upper Coastal a in Need — Phosphorus« Additional phosphorus was needed on thirty percent of greens and seventy percent of fairways« Potash. Lime« Sixty percent of greens and seventy-five percent of fairways need potash« Twenty-one percent of greens and f i f ty percent of fairways need lime« Golf Clubs on Clay Soils as Piedmont jArj^s J'^dj-- Phosphorus« Ninety-five percent of the greens had a plentiful supply while f i f ty percent of the fairways needed phosphorus« Potash« Sixty-five percent of the greens and no fairways needed potash« Lime« Fifteen percent of greens and thirty percent of fairways need more lime« All Soils Need A Continuous Supply of Nitrogen—TEB KEY T OSGOOD TURFJ The amount of nitrogen needed according to tests in each area is not given« Nitrogen is quickly exhausted from soils by leaching, plant growth, etc., and, Therefore, must "be replaced frequently to maintain a good turf grass cover« Of a ll the elements~"applied To soils"" for ^grass growth nitrogen is the rost important« Knowing the nitrogen requirements for turfgrasses in an area w i ll help to overcome the lack of good t u r f« Where Can Soils Be Tested? Actually soil tests are no better than their interpretation« For best results interpretation and f e r t i l i z er recommendations should be made by trained personnel« Most State Agriculture Experiment Stations have soil testing f a c i l i t i es available for golf clubs« In some cases the f e r t i l i z er industry is equipped to run proper tests« Tests can be obtained at the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station by addressing samples in care of this o f f i c e« Always take samples and label as indicated in the f i r st 1954 t u r f l e t t e r« Southeastern Turfletter US G A G R E EN S E C T I ON Mr. 0. J. Noer Milwaukee Sewerage Contrassi on Box 2079 Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin . . Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R. U. S. POSTAGE TIFTON, GEORGIA l%c PAID Permit No. 46