MY OWN PRIMER or FIRST LESSONS in SPELLING AND READING. PREPARED FOR THE BOARD OF PUBLICATION BY THE R EV. JOHN P. CARTER. Lucile Clarke MEMORIAL Children's Library PREFACE. A wish has often been expressed, especially by the Colporteurs of the Board, that a cheap, simple Primer should be prepared for the use of the young, and of adults who have not enjoyed the benefit of early instruction. In compliance with this wish, a kind friend of the young and ignorant, who has devoted himself to the work of education, has prepared this little book, which, it is hoped, will proved a valuable aid to mothers and school-teachers, in imparting the first rudiments of knowledge. It is to be feared that many who understand the task of instruction, are not aware of the difficulty and importance of the work in which they are engaged. The laying of the foundations of the Pyramids of Egypt, or of the keel of the steamship "Great Eastern," shrinks into insignificance in comparison with the importance of teaching the humblest child its A B C. The difference is as great as that between immortal mind, and inert matter. How important then that the teacher should possess the indispensable qualifications of tact, patience, love, and perseverance! None other should attempt so delicate and difficult a task. May teachers and pupils alike find pleasure and profit in use of this little volume.THE EDITOR OF THE BOARD. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z & THE MUSICAL ALPHABET. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z exercise on the letters. show me a, b, c, &c. GOD IS LOVE. BAD MEN DO NOT LOVE GOD. A GOOD BOY WILL MIND HIS BOOK. AN AXE CUTS WOOD TO BURN. HE JUMPS FOR JOY. IF WE HAVE ZEAL FOR GOD'S LAW, WE WILL QUIT ALL BAD THINGS. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z EXERCISE ON THE LETTERS. SHOW ME A, B, C, &C. God is love. Bad men do not love God. A good boy will mind his book. An axe cuts wood to burn He jumps for joy. If we have zeal for God's law, we will quit all bad things. The box is full of toys. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z EXERCISE ON THE LETTERS. SHOW ME A, B, C, &C. GOD IS LOVE. BAD MEN DO NOT LOVE GOD. A GOOD BOY WILL MIND HIS BOOK. AN AXE CUTS WOOD TO BURN. HE JUMPS FOR JOY. IF WE HAVE ZEAL FOR GOD'S LAW, WE WILL QUIT ALL BAD THINGS. THE BOX IS FULL OF TOYS. THE GOOD GIRL IS KIND TO ALL. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z EXERCISE ON THE LETTERS. SHOW ME A, B, C, &C. God is love. Bad men do not love God. A good boy will mind his book. An axe cuts wood to burn He jumps for joy. If we have zeal for God's law, we will quit all bad things. The box is full of toys. The good girl is kind to all. Be thou in fear of the Lord all day long. My son, give me thine heart. Have faith in God. Be ye all of one mind. Cease to do evil; learn to do well. Love the truth and peace. THESE SIX LETTERS ARE VOWELS. a e i o u y THE REST ARE CONSONANTS. b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z ab eb ib ob ub ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf al el il ol ul am em im om um an en in on un ap ep ip op up as es is os us ba be bi bo bu by da de di do du dy fa fe fi fo fu fy la le li lo lu ly ma me mi mo mu my na ne ni no nu ny pa pe pi po pu py sa se si so su sy ta te ti to tu ty WORDS OF TWO LETTERS. am an as at if in is it of on or ox up us be he me we by my go ho lo no so do to SENTENCES. Be thou in fear of the Lord all the day long. My son, give me thine heart. Have faith in God. Grow in grace. Be ye all of one mind. Lord, help me. Fear not: I will help thee. Wait on the Lord, and he shall save thee. ban den din bat can fen fin cat fan hen pin fat man men sin hat tan ten win rat bad sad bla bra had boy ble bre lad coy bli bri mad joy blo bro pad toy blu bru bed bow bog bid fed cow cog did led how dog hid red mow fog kid wed now hog lid fled sow jog mid shed vow log rid LESSONS IN WORDS OF THREE AND FOUR LETTERS. and end ink old band bend link cold land lend pink hold sand send sink sold urn arm age ear burn farm cage fear turn art eat all churn cart seat ball ell out lad led bell sour clad bled ill out pan red pill rout span bred hap hip hop hat trap ship shop that See this good Girl. She has a Book. Does she love her Book? Yes, she does. Look at the Boy with his Hoop. How glad he is to drive his Hoop. LESSONS IN WORDS OF FOUR AND FIVE LETTERS. land plump lame bless bland loss blame rook lock gloss lack brook clock loud black reed lump cloud less breed We can not see God, but God can see us, and all men. If we sin, God will not love us. The Son of God will keep us from sin, if we ask him. Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long. The end of sin is woe. mound taste plain birth pound paste grain girth round haste chain mirth sound baste slain worth bear duck bean earth cow hen corn coal calf dove date sand lamb lark hemp rock frog quail wheat clay goat wren flax hill sheep hawk rye wind John new with will fly when made boys wind house blows fine girls hands kite here good them this die Here is John with his new kite. He will fly his kite when the wind blows. This fine house was made with the hands of men. Good boys and girls, when they die, will go to live in a house not made with hands. Will you not try to be good, and go to live with them? EASY READING LESSONS. THE BEAR lives in the woods. When he is caught and held with a chain, it will be safe for boys and girls to look at him. THE CALF plays near the side of the cow. Its flesh is called VEAL. THE DUCK can swim, and dive in the pond for food. THE HEN guards her young ones from the HAWK, and hides them with her wings. GOAT'S milk is good food for some who are weak. THE WREN is a small BIRD. She builds her nest in a box. THE LARK sings with joy in the fields. CORN and RYE make good bread. HEMP is spun and made into ropes. FLAX is spun and made into cloth. DATES and FIGS are fine fruits. COAL is used to burn. It keeps us quite warm. SAND is used to make glass. BRICKS are made of CLAY. The same great and good God that made me, made all these things! THE HOLY BIBLE God Jesus loved Christ Father word heart beings life that wisest tells things perish Son should taketh lamb THE BIBLE is God's holy word. It tells us that the great God who made us, and all things, is the wisest and best of beings. It tells us that God is our Father, and that we should love him with all our heart and do all his holy will. OUR PARENTS. thy love command children they pray honour blessing bless teach daily very save great giveth father clothes when obey mother sick buy upon parents How good is God to give us our dear parents! They love us very much. They buy us food and clothes, and take great care of us, both when we are well, and when we are sick. They teach us to read God's holy Bible; they teach us to pray to God; and they pray that God will bless and save us. THE SAVIOUR. When Jesus, the blessed Saviour, was on earth, some parents brought their children to him that he might bless them. His disciples blamed them for doing so, because they thought it would trouble the Saviour. But he said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." And he put his hand on the children and blessed them. AGAINST QUARRELLING AND FIGHTING. Let dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight For 'tis their nature too. But children, you should never let Such angry passions rise; Your little hands were never made To tear each other's eyes. Let love through all your actions run, And all your words be mild; Live like the blessed Virgin's Son, That sweet and lovely child. His soul was gentle as a lamb; And, as his stature grew, He grew in favour both with man And God his Father too. Now Lord of all, he reigns above, And from his heavenly throne He sees what children dwell in love, And marks them for his own. JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, came into the world to save the sinners. We are all sinners, and need his salvation. When he lived on earth he went about doing good, healing the sick, comforting the afflicted, and raising the dead. He did those great works, to show that he was equal to God the Father, and that he is able to save all that come unto God by him. After he died upon the cross for our sins, he arose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, where he sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. At the last day, Jesus will come with all his holy angels to judge the world. SPELLING LESSONS IN TWO SYLLABLES. actor fatal keeper action fable kindle Bible godly lady baker glory labour cellar holy maker crier happy music dial image nation dollar jury nature Little George loves to read his Bible. He learns a few verses in it every day, and repeats them to his father. I know that it shall be well with them that fear God. IDOL WORSHIP. There are many people in the world that do not know the true God, nor his Son Jesus Christ. We call them heathen. They make images of wood and stone, and call them gods, and bow down and worship them. Poor blind people! how we should pity them, and pray that God will send his ministers to teach them the gospel. abate obtain dismay admire pursue mistake below undo repay content define compare deny contract recall engage incline repent forget remind redeem SPELLING LESSONS IN THREE SYLLABLES. abatement enticement confinement enjoyment refinement employment retirement contentment PAPER is made of old rags, washed clean, and ground in a mill. GLASS is made of sand and potash melted together in a furnace. LEATHER is made of the hides of animals by tanning. CLOTH is made of cotton, or wool. HOUSES are built of wood, stone, or brick. SHIPS are built of wood and iron. perfect perfection invent invention object objection select selection adopt adoption SPELLING IN TWO AND THREE SYLLABLES. namely timely baleful lamely lively baneful tamely nicely careful lately homely hateful barely lonely direful safely sorely useful finely solely hopeful likely basely faithful Oh that it were my chief delight To do the things I ought; Then let me try with all my might, To mind what I am taught. For God looks down from heaven on high, Our actions to behold, And he is pleased when children try To do as they are told. delegate absolute animal elevate attribute admiral penetrate amplitude capital perpetrate aptitude nominal renovate gratitude annual desolate attitude manual perforate latitude gradual PLOUGHING plough ploughing beautiful grain sunshine according ground harrow shovel-plough bread eater farmer heads promise yellow weeks carpet prepare The farmer ploughs the land to prepare it for the seed. After ploughing, the large clods are broken with a harrow. When the seed is cast on the land, the soil is covered over it with a harrow, or shovel-plough. Then God sends snow, and rain, and sunshine, which make the seed grow. At first it looks bright and green like a beautiful carpet. In a few weeks after the heads form on the stem, the colour turns to a light yellow, richer than gold. When the wheat is cut, the grains are threshed out, and some are saved for seed, and some are taken to the mill to be ground into flour to make bread. Thus doth God give bread to the eater, and seed to the sower. SPELLING AND READING LESSONS. afford begone repine arose behold beyond define oppose control remind resign compose comport desire confine impose import provide domain dispose support subside proclaim expose report confide ordain suppose invoke decide detain propose TEA is the dried leaves of a plant, which grows in China and Japan. COFFEE is the fruit of a plant which grows in Turkey and Arabia. SUGAR is made by boiling the juice of a plant called sugar-cane. It grows in the West Indies, and in other warm countries. LEADING THE BLIND little mountains beautiful eyesight distress enlightened flowers goodness understanding See this poor old blind man! He cannot see. He cannot look upon the beautiful sky, nor view the mountains, nor admire the green fields, and the gay flowers. He knows his friends only by the sound of the voice; he cannot see their faces. How very kind is this little boy to lead the poor blind man! If he should walk by himself, he might fall and be hurt. But this good little boy will lead him safely wherever he wishes to go. We should always be kind to the aged, the poor, the blind, the lame, and all that are in distress. But though the blind cannot see, yet they may praise God for all his goodness, and pray for his Holy Spirit to open the eyes of their understanding. And we should thank God for our eyesight, and pray to be enlightened by his grace. SPELLING IN THREE AND FOUR SYLLABLES alphabet apparent advertise capable beginning bombazine durable commander afternoon forcible prohibit humankind glorious republic disappoint different replenish understand reverend dilemma entertain interest invention discontent CHILDREN, LOVE ONE ANOTHER Two little girls, who were cousins, being at play, began to quarrel. But very soon, one of them said to her cousin: "Do we not know that Jesus Christ died for us?" Why then should we be angry with each other?" Then they ceased quarrelling, and loved each other again, when they thought how great was the love of Christ for them. abdication complication adoration application combination imitation admiration nomination inclination habitation provocation meditation navigation consolation dedication palpitation termination revelation gravitation animation consecration A man may see figures upon a dial, but he cannot tell how the day goes unless the sun shines we may read many truths in the Bible, but we cannot know them savingly till God by his Spirit shines upon our soul. INDUSTRY shining honey flower opening account gather mischief skilfully improve labour healthful every How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From every opening flower! How skilfully she builds her cell, How neat she spreads the wax! And labors hard to store it well With the sweet food she makes. In works of labour, or of skill, I would be busy too; For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do In books, or work, or healthful play, Let my first years be past, That I may give for every day Some good account at last. FIGURES AND COUNTING THE GOOD LITTLE GIRL A little girl was once passing by a garden in which were some pretty flowers. She wished very much to have some of them. She could have put her hand through the fence, and taken some of them, but she knew this would be very wicked; it would be stealing. So she would not take them, but went to the lady who owned the garden, and asked her very politely to give her some of the pretty flowers. The kind lady told her, she did right not to take them without asking for them, and then showed her all the beautiful flowers in the garden, and gave her a fine large nosegay. If this little girl had taken the flowers without leave, and had been asked how she got them, she would most likely have told a lie to hide her first fault. And then she would have committed two great sins, stealing and lying. And then, when she went on her knees to pray at night, how very unhappy she would have been, thinking that although no one else knew her sin, yet the great God her heavenly Father knew it, and would be much displeased with he. God sees all we do. He loves us when we do right; but he does not love us when we disobey him. 1.How many days are there in a week? Answer. Seven. 2.What are their names? Ans. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 3. What is Sunday called in the Bible? Ans. The Sabbath day, or the Lord's day. 4. How should we keep the Lord's day? Ans. We should remember to keep it holy. THE GOOD LITTLE BOY A little boy about seven years old, was on a visit to a lady, who was very fond of him. One day, at breakfast there was some hot bread upon the table, and it was handed to him; but he would not take it. "Do you not like hot bread?" asked the lady. "Yes," said he, "I like it very much, ma'am." "Then, my dear, why do you not take some?" "Because," said he, "my father does not wish me to eat hot bread." "But your father is a great way off," said the lady, "and will not know whether you eat it or not. You may take it for once: there will be no harm in that." "No ma'am, I will not disobey my father and mother. I must do what they have told me to do, although they are a great way off. I would not touch it, if I were sure nobody would see me. I myself should know it, and that would be enough to make me unhappy." This little boy would not disobey his parents, although they were absent and might never know it. He was a noble boy. But if this was right, how very careful should we be not to disobey our heavenly Father, who is ever present with us, and whose eye beholds us at all times! FIGURES, COUNTING, &C. FIGURES AND COUNTING 1.How many months are there in the year? Answer. Twelve. 2. What are their names? Ans. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 3. How many days are there in each month? Ans. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Except February alone, Which has but twenty-eight in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine. PRAYER. Good children will pray to God at least every morning and evening. We should thank God for his constant goodness; and ask him for his mercy and love. Our Lord has taught us to pray, saying: Our father, which art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. PRAYERS IN VERSE.--MORNING PRAYER. Now I awake and see the light, 'Tis God that kept me through the night. To him I lift my voice and pray, That he would keep me through the day; If I should die before 'tis done, O God! accept me through thy Son. Amen PRAYER ON GOING TO BED. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take; And this I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen. FIGURES AND COUNTING DIVISIONS OF TIME 1. How many seasons are there in the year? Answer. Four; namely, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. 2. Which are the Spring months? Ans. March, April, and May. 3. Which are the Summer months? Ans. June, July, and August. 4. Which are the Autumn months? Ans. September, October, and November. 5. Which are the Winter months? Ans.December, January, and February. 6. How many hours are there in a day? Ans. Twenty-four. 7. How many minutes in an hour? Ans.Sixty. 8. How many seconds in a minute? Ans. Sixty. 9. How many days in a month? Ans. In some thirty, in some thirty-one. 10. How many months in a year? Ans. Twelve. 11. How many years in a century? Ans. One hundred. EASY SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the first man? Answer. Adam. 2. Who was the first woman? Ans. Eve. 3. Who was the first murderer? Ans. Cain 4. Who was the first martyr? Ans. Abel 5. Who was the oldest man? Ans. Methuselah 6. Who built the ark? Ans. Noah 7. Who was the most faithful man? Ans. Abraham. 8. Who was Abraham's child of promise? Ans. Isaac. 9. Who was the meekest man? Ans. Moses. 10. Who was the most patient man? Ans. Job. 11. Who wrestled with the angel? Ans. Jacob. 12. Who led Israel into Canaan? Ans. Joshua. 13. Who was the strongest man? Ans. Sampson. 14. Who killed Goliath? Ans. David. 15. Who was the wisest man? Ans. Solomon. 16. Who was cast into the lions' den? Ans. Daniel. 17. Who died to redeem us? Ans. The Lord Jesus Christ. 18. Who is Jesus Christ? Ans. The eternal Son of God. 19. Who was the mother of Christ? Ans. The Virgin Mary. 20. Who was the beloved disciple? Ans. John. 21. Who betrayed his master Christ? Ans. Judas. 22. Who denied his Lord and Saviour? Ans. Peter. 23. Who were struck dead for lying? Ans. Ananias and Sapphira. 24. Who was the first christian martyr? Ans. Stephen. 25. Who was the chief apostle to the Gentiles? Ans. Paul. 26. Who were the four evangelists? Ans. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. DUTY TO GOD AND OUR NEIGHBOUR. Love God with all your soul and strength, With all your heart and mind, And love your neighbour as yourself: Be faithful, just, and kind. KEEP THE SABBATH HOLY. A Sabbath well spent, Brings a week of content, And strength for the toils of the morrow But a Sabbath profaned, Whatsoever is gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN VERSE. 1. Have thou no other gods but me: 2. Before no idol bend the knee. 3. Take not the name of God in vain: 4. Dare not the Sabbath day profane. 5. Give friends and parents honour due: 6. Take heed, that thou no murder do. 7. Abstain from words and deeds unclean: 8. Steal not, though thou be poor and mean. 9. Make not a wilful lie, nor love it: 10. What is thy neighbour's do not covet. FIRST QUESTIONS IN RELIGION. 1. Who made you? Ans. God. 2. Who redeemed you? Ans. Christ. 3. Who sanctifies you? Ans. The Holy Ghost. 4. Of what were you made? Ans. Of dust. 5. What doth that teach you? Ans. To be humble and mindful of death? 6. For what end were you made? Ans. To serve God. 7. How should you serve God? Ans. By believing on his Son, praying to him, and obeying his commands. 8. To whom are you to pray? Ans. To God only. 9. For what things are you to pray to God? Ans. That he would bring me to Christ, renew my heart, forgive my sin, and keep me from evil. 10. What will become of you, if you die without seeking and obtaining these blessings? Ans. I shall be banished from God with the wicked, and be shut up in hell. 11. What kind of a place is hell? Ans. A place of endless torment. 12. Where shall you go at death, if God brings you to Christ? Ans. I shall go to heaven, a holy and happy place, where I shall dwell for ever with God, and Christ, and all holy beings. 13. What is God's promise to the young? Ans. "They that seek me early shall find me." PAUSES AND POINTS IN READING. , Comma. ; Semicolon. : Colon. . Period. () Parenthesis. - Hyphen. '" Accents. -- Dash. ? Note of interrogation. CHRIST ON THE CROSS. PIERCED and bleeding, lo! I see One twixt earth and heaven depending, Fainting in death's agony, While his blood in streams descending Tells me that the hour is nigh,-- Christ the Lord submits to die. Sinless Lamb of God! For me, Guilty cause of all thy anguish, Didst thou hang upon the tree, And in mortal torture languish? Dearest Friend and King divine, Ne'er was pain or love like thine! I have but one offering, One alone I can tender, To the cross my heart I bring, All I have to thee surrender; Living, dying, thou wast mine, Living, dying, I am thine. "It is better to get wisdom than gold." Gold is another's, wisdom is our own; gold is for the body and time, wisdom is for the soul and eternity. Let that which is most precious in God's account be so in ours. MULTIPLICATION TABLE BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD. THE INFANT READER, or Easy Lessons in Reading for little Boys and Girls. Square 16mo An admirable help to parents and teachers in instructing their infant charge. MY OWN HYMN BOOK. Illustrated with fourteen engravings. Square 16mo The hymns are numerous, well chosen, and simple. The wood-cuts are the very best of the class, and will please the eye of even practised judges in such matters. It deserves, and will no doubt receive, a wide circulation.