. ... i 'hi ' "a m FIVE CENTS PKR COPY MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE, EAST LATttlNG, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. MAY 1, 1941 Today'* Variety Show thanks a lot! Students Petition To Receive T 37 Women Are Honor* To Have Ten Final Grade* Campus Numbers known for Its traditional friendly Do: you read before you sign? Can anyone sell you a gold briclf? Students of J. A. Foster, Eng¬ At Annual May Morning Ulatisliral Curve* South American spirit, the winding Red Cedar river. It. beautiful campus, and lish instructor, didn't believe it could be done, but will they be I jwinine curve. on or off a Baiul, Rhythm Tapping Ceremonies Beaumnnl Tower, which Is on the surprised when they .attend the futtttwi graph. »™ ««*» •»'«- Drama Arc Feultirew Site of Old College Hall, lint next session of their English class building of M.8.C. I and find they signed a petition to ^/^Ballachay, Yerno. Calif., A Variety show audience receive "FV as final marks in the |!^t recently when J. M. Bobbltt, Will gather in Fairchilil thea-l first public showing of Spartan hitchhikers' "Thsnk Von" raid, Foster prepared a harmless tes¬ Music Has Medieval Theme ' Epuotor ■ , in psychology, waa read- statistical increases and tor Saturday at 8 p. m. to see "fflelally accepted last night by Sludrnt council members. See Slu- 10 musical ami dramatic acts, i dent council "»ry, timonial sheet which the students were to sign if they were in agree¬ Barnes Named! Mortur Bnartl mid Tower Cont'd, senior and srphomore Wo¬ L»es in the birth rate. Bal- according to Don Buell, sponsor! ment with a certain type of long honornries, waived tradition today when they released EjL didn't quite get one num- term assignment. All but two of To Guide Glee men's for pulilicntion the names of the incoming members of their ■vr and called out: production f,,r the show. °' Council Drafts DM You Worry! the students signed the sheet. "Give me please." that feminine figure In addition to the 10 regular r, , r,. But the testimonial sheet was fastened over a petition request¬ Club In '4142 Organization* who were tapped at the May «- a m morning sing at ttwlay. Only previous nets, a post show will furnish en- h lll'll I<tl/kl1 Woll, Wr Didn't . , h Activities of Men's Glee club tertoinmcnt while the judges dp-- *"t" #dl"t IIOII ing "F" us a final mark in the 4 4 • ■ I in.licat inn nf their identity was \fassies of Spring liberate on the winner of the show. CI Bob Dean's orchestra playing tiro oCllCCltllCS II course, The petition further stated Michigan State students, women document of his own volition j — Despite the warning issued to thut the student was signing the | j^n jjarnes - - . wvill be under the leadership of Army All*AsOl |)R| given last evening when the present members of the two "One O'clock Jump" with Harry Announcement of final ulans for the State News staff were still without coercion by anyone. . | the coming- School to Be organization* serenaded wo- 411 ff»n»rtai i si . . Domination and election of class! ' ilowed to complete their plan* The purpose of the trick was to rei-ent election as president of the men's residence* in which incom¬ - Variety idiow miy" he ex ofTlcers and Unlon board and bonid members the presentation of an official members!j and and go Thursday issue.go toto print print with this, the demonstrate the ease with which group. The choice was revealed people may lie duped into signing after the election held Tuesday in Held Here ing member* live. The tapping ceremony was par^ changed for reserved seat ducats Michigan State hitch-hikers' All regular reporters, associate trick petitions, documents, and the old music building. Increasing Michigan S at the administration building "thank you" card constituted the editors, proof readers und critics lege'* role In the nation# h id I'd at Michigan State, college befl>re 11:45 a. m., Saturday. Ulysses Trembla.v, Lennon Ju¬ prime business of last night's are still out of town trying either program, the college will •acb year in honor of the medieval - Tickets may also be exrhanged nior wo3 elected vice-president. meeting of Student council. A to avoid any embarrassment which liaditional beginning of the new for reserved seats at Fairchlld theater Saturday evening before discussion was also carried on might be incurred in this issue, or, concerning u school ring. to be perfectly frank, to keep out Trio Will Head Don Spalding. East Lansing junior, will lake Barnes' place as secre- United States Army pr< ttirn .nit 25 000 pilot;, for rear. May I. The musical port of in keeping with Tuesday. May 6, was announced of sight until that head about the | - 1 tary; Andrew Filzmorris, Portland entury tradition as the nomination date, with the tow barns supporting a "Trlving JJPCWMI rCtC * | sophomore, will : Ouiilaume. Petoskey senior, in the follow Harold with chimes, madrigal singers; and Richards on the drums will open! rally scheduled for brass quartet. May IS. Pri- Cut" which appeared in the Tues- ; .< the post show. mnry and final elections will be j day issue, has had a chance to fvtvi in position of treasurer; und Robert TWELVE ARK TAPPED Henry Simons' (orchestra will I held Mav 14 and 21 respectively fade bom the minds of all the ; \ 4everal long wee! orchestra, will re.. Atianifementa may lie am ked in editing previous issues. Committee In chai se uf the hnn- 114 |()l|f filtlCl'll b> I Jean Grant, -Battle Creek; Mar- furnish the po t show finale. mode 111 a later date t.. hold elee-: ItmuUr stall members will re- quet will be Elolae Fox, repre- j migh die j KarPt jen*en. Grouse Pomte; Vlv- .nting to- develop, GIVE RIIYTIIM DRAMA liens fnr divisional council repre-1 turn to the office in time to put I renting Ihe speech majors: tan Kalmbarh, Gregory; Grace r other members of the and Tuesdn sentative, at the same time as the nut the Saturday issue. Tliey will May Stevens, Pi Kappa Dell. i organization will enter i Nahslnll, Flast Lansing; Betty 1 trented its presence; Sequence of acts compel it college hospital. j find nn loose end* to tie back to- j wuH made Tuesday ! Meakm. Detroit; Clara Emily Tom- Major Eldon Rosgart's trophies will l>egin with "Ixis Army officials emph; zed th.it i s€.lt. Rumberos." a South American j ' "Thank*' gether. What they will find will be i night at the eting of the partl- Hesireria; Carolyn TunstaU. Phi. Ihe subjects studied would not lie Detroit: Hollie !ed to the. •> clean office for the first time in i xipating groi Bob Merz, publi- Tupper. Otsego; tifled smirk was direct- band and rhumba number pvesrnt- . Master of ceremonies at the technical but instead would offer Helen Horn, lamsing. It wnc discussed. r<>dav marks ^ale held raeb year the annu, the contest. Jn former year# the limit for ex¬ [Dog Lover y of the May morning si penditure# was $10, but is the social burlesque to be given : „ ■ y ha* been made us In the exact Mr'ii Pui'inb* sion the direction of Will Judy, editor of by .South Campbell. ThetaChij ^ r * lo will do a "l.iltle Nell^" scene, und .>1^4, »;|ff |(> | |«>|«l J magazine, will be the •*h wifl be sold at through Ihe usual custom. Delia Sigma Phi will give a mse* of the i>an- .kcr at the Junior Ameri- ery act called "Ridiculous : Coffee Mav Under the direction jol ' * j quel and dance is Durdette Stnrnp- May 8 ForFFA rmary Medical associa- ^ ncg to be held in the A studen i.ftre •aner, Sodu* sophomor ihe Gower, Eaat I#in*ing j ley of the speech department. Schirra- to 8c Ii' it Hetty Jrnki, Ni..gar;i Fall#, auditorium Friday, Katlirvn Freeman , the r lie I Honor Group Give* NY Marjorie PnttlHcm. l^cana- !m Elizalwth Rnpp. Lm*ing: Mary ludy has had a varied To Give Reeilal •Unlo Ag * j SrliolurHliipH Ag Day Head IteinekuiK. Siduti. Ko«t triiiiMrg; Litit*mg; Grace Alice Smalley, :i inister, lawyer, and j senior Hester Myeri. a Liberal Art# from Hilladale, unnnl- Committees fn Flint- Ann Swanaon, LfTico:-Evelyn Kathryn Fn nn was ic ha# been interestetl in ft.h-.ng. Isunaing; Alice Van student from c Rosemary Darling! •n, motisly 'chosen by the Miehigun mp the World War and rman, Maigaiet Cla k, i State committee for the award of ; Aken. Eaton Rapid*. Patricia graduating pi Margaret Nehil v ill the $504) scholarship offered by the Wight. Cheboygan; Dorothy Wuer. • o r written more books May 2, at R p f.-i Detroit lien any other American , building auditors honor society, Pin Kappa Phi. tM'AKTET PI.AYS 4mong his more popular1 Mis* Freenlnn The program opened at 7 a. m, • Training the Dog." include a Prelut ; preceding ' in front of Beaumont tower With - World Likes Dogs." and q Minor by Bat . DiaryJ Sharp Minor. M- ilso been very active » Waltz in E Minn State Profs See Three Sides to Uncle Schirra. the follow 11 select iocs Sre played by It B. DttU- HONOR ARIES—Pate S will al*o play : Sam's Intervention In Hitler's War •iter and radio speaker lllPIIlUt* Will VUll , < k. "Calling a Man a j lor the^Left Har t>een delivered in al- tale in the union. | Albeinz, by Grii and the Bv PKOOY TROUT lis ssyt. Thnrrfrjrr. ihe mnln nh-j prevrntlnK n hostile pi.wrr (rorn 1 Fi tgrnphy will ictivitic#. Dr. C. C. DeWitt and Prof. R. Sweet of the vhem cut engineer- • am three sides to every f jeetive must be riafiimal defense.j gaining control of the Eastern Al-: Sa . ig deportment will make a trip JOHNRON «(fJTf FPU'S ( KITH ISM , „rtumrnl: Ihr prn. con. and HOW TO HRIT.ND IT. 8. I laotlc," he says, and liolnlJ out | Jtl th* '"rt ,ha< «"» r"0,t t0 r"',v •* ; u' Michigan The next question la how ran ! »«• Britain Is necessary if the i Dye Will Greet Under . f,,'tece faculty MS", all sides! we best defend the United States? Molybdenum Co. quAtion land-lease bill is to become an ef- cc ball. Also h the Wire ,e ventam in Ftepresenlative of United Slate. According to Hunt, there are two the European eon- possible courses: entering the war '*vttve preserver of our democ-.imrapgement# are argument, no fkigland's :Ude or offeitng more rBf^' _ >n !' r airman, and Ma Conference " Hunt, prole,-1 limited aid to Britain but building 1 vvr rr"nr' ln 'or convoy purposes, say# Pattern, , "fvy Dr. Mane Dye. Johnson, whom Frr.ld.nl - - • briiadtrr-irnrrsl In ihr irmr it would have to be done with the ampus ( H. S. Patton, profca- Ion Ins. nil ill hot sr- n. #|ieaking for! Hunt takes each course aepar- I»#Kibility of being drawn into the und Richard Ode. chairman, Dkk physlrnlly hi f". '•>» tnomics, war" He feel* that the aid-to-| Hart wig,, und Bob McCauley, ».e- sssn'l vnunurr Ihsn nw>l >•" .n, intervention'^ and M. profe>#or of history I ately. Suppose the United State# enter# the war oh England's side, Ilrrtain policy which Congress endorsed, can W accomplish has j leviion of the queen, its j ' : —• alendar at science, speaking for | Feeling that the lend-lease bill purpose if the goods that are sent | rii Cfuff IL... Will i i,i the middle f^th. will lead to convoys, which will ini to Britain fail to reach their dc*- j I HO »7l4lll if I*. II ff III TOHAV— 'ike the word, lnola-1 turn lead to fighting, tie argue# t ntomub»(r club, 7:39 p. MU heavy ] tion, ' anv such thtng. Prof ;,mg. rm Hunt. "There isn't I (bit the pusent trend tn xid t# I'm lor non-inter- for non-»nicr-1 I BnUtn will result 1* the sending . pVlukc Farm Talks conference • Mua Rut! lecture i Home Ees S«?t New i -Two mrn In Uit agriculture dtv- Wyman and Miss Marie Bukovnc, . „ . , - mention " 8u.rl.ng wiU, th. .dtjif- | "1 •" «pediti(*«ry forve to h. ;.]• p. m.. tnei or the Amertcan |>eople. | mnlln.nl of Europ#. Hitler .... n I* . 1 ;'»1"n «° t*1' •"*" ,hl" tration; Mr#. Mslrclte 8. flhler* and ! Wik to nddrr,, profrssiimat club Mis* Katharine Hart, associate-!J . Hunt builds up his srgurnent. Their; defeated ""y^rmr wnt sgsmst fSail(|liet Dale I'eaplea rharck obricttv* ha. noticesbly not been, him, ..y, Hunt. H««n poinU . Pershing RUta*. ?-■ a. • dale, Thursday. May IS. i professor* of institution admini*■ j bu Id up on internsttonsl org...- I the <«ct thst . new A.E.J. would has'taen set for the Home Keo- A new w Parade (round ! IU,,4 ;,ke the Usgue of N.tion.,, —r meet with dusster. course, that we re- j C„M.' Harrison, research asso- tratron; and lub banquet to replace the I eiate in farm crops, will be the ! Oftsi.stant Mi*# Mildred Jones, of institution { Art exhibit. 2-S p. m. j itauun eeeond uftsixtant professor pre authorities - | hlooli m,g, um of the At* original date of May 8, according ; peaker in, Grand Rapids,; administratio An gallery, Moaie balk ,ne* won— U Krone lo Heart | lontie ocean >s a barrier, build an to announcement from the Home ' May 5, for the regular meeting cxrellent army and navy, and ex. Economics office, Dr. Abbie Mar- . . WftiiicH Will llrur KloriculturiBta lend Britain «!d after supplying Ustt. former hood of Home Fxo- j Orutui Rsp.d, fsim club, ine numics Dlvition it University of dinner will be-bold ut the Y.M.C A. llrft-tiM' I'lan Paul K. Krohe. Michigan Stale j our Wisconsin, will speak on "Home [the topic bl Harrison's speech Economic# in the Prdarnt Social! wiU )iC ,.Clty yBrn),r. i Mrs. Arthur Turner, of New X Order" at the dinner to be held at i * . , ■ Voik. nod tsmdon. louring for a „l PI Alpha floriculture fraternity, follow- 8:30 p. m. in the Union holtroom., c- ° Mly' ,hc 'arm volunteer defense 1.1.0, w.ll lie on ary recent election#. Hollie Tupper, general chairman j ugernent department, will rpeoit, campus May 13 talk to faculty to tng Announcement of the election r the banquet, announced chair- | tonight in )Katamasra> to the Cily : and * la it women. A luncheon of committees as follows: Farmers club. Dinner will be j will be bald on the Sunporch nf Came from Columbus, On from O. Heib Tnylor. Jean Hovdl, Jean served nt the llurdnk hoiel, Tlw: the Union building pretcding Mrs, H. PoeMTh, secretary of the fra¬ r, (Jinny Grave,. Betty , subject of the speeili will I* Turner's speech, ternity and a member of the Ohio x Hswemary Darlington, Low ' Some Factors Which Contribute; Itewrvebona for the luncheon State university Michigan Dottie Hitchcock and Jerry ' lo Successful Organtratlnn of u ; should I* made by calling rxien- Delta, . $t*te rirt'io-g' b»* 5 chapter, j Farm Hmtnesu." torn ?«l by Monday, May 12. ,? tm n?rt»<»n*« «irgaruz»»a>n. ioChmif Reds Shut Out Munitions: Russian—Nazi Break Seen Transportaton of war materials through Russia has U. forbidden by a decree issued Tuesday night by the Socj-j government. Included cn the "banned list" arc munition.', aircraft parts and accessories, machines and tools f„v mak; ] ing munitions, explosives andr I — * poisons. Transit of'■gt In an attempt to regain i other hours during the Istrikc ■>,„ goods will be strictly regulat¬ .-n riarrt termor, than dictment of college graduates is that they ed also. Russia's act will cur- hsl( I lack a sense of responsibility, that they're tall flow of war goods into Ger¬ ™Wr.j stdl relying on someone else to watch over many, It is believed, and gives in¬ dications of a severing of rela¬ them. By holding stodents responsible far Frtmt the Dintaff Side •" themselves and their fellow schoolmates, by decks, after conversion, thcmi air¬ tions between the two totalitarian Please Patronize Our Ac Femininity is having its day. removing faculty supervision, an honor sys¬ planes will scout the North enter the Atlantic for submarines. Today as Mortar Board and Tower Guard tem nullifies this charge. Mr. Arger, traffic engineer combat zones of the continent Another development In the plan are tapping those womei who have proved Lansing, will speak at a meeting without violation of the Neutral¬ outstanding according to the standards of those organizations, the women staff mem¬ Why not cheat? With the dollars you to take over the French luxury pay out in four years of tuition, fees, board, liner Normandle a* another air- Incidentally, the cf the American Society of Civil ity act, President Roosevelt told Engineers tonight ot 7:30 in Old* a press audience Tuesday. This, GIFTS room and books you couhl start a business, enrft carrier. rank the Canadian rum-runner however, does. not necessarily bers of the State News are offering tangible take a trip abroad, buy a Packard. Normandle will be u*ed not by mean that -hips have or will be TO MAKE YOU "I'm Alone'' 2S0 miles off fhe Lour the U. S. Navy, but will be under results of their work by publishing the edi¬ Evidently you decided that college was Henry Morgenthau as pnrt of the isinna coast in the Gulf of Mexico. hPLASH PARTY— sent there, he stated. torial part of this issue without the aid of Student club is sponsoring a According to Harold R- Stark, MOTHER HAPPY the best place to invest four years of your Coast Guard. It will be the big¬ Immediately a terrific howl went the masculine element. up Irom the British. The Canad¬ mixed Splash party In the wom¬ chief, of naval operations, units of life, and ffljOOO of your dad's money, your gest vessel used by any Coast the American patrol are already Mathers' Except for a word of thanks to the powers trust fund, or your labor. Justifying'that Guard In world history. ian Government protested, ex- en's pool Friday, from 7:39 to » p. m. For those who do not care 2,000 miles out in the Atlantic. Day, May 11 The Normandle was secretly de¬ that he for offering us this opportunity, decision requires interest and careful appli¬ to swim, a meeting will be held in Further freedom was granted for signed by the French for convers¬ thefe is little more to be said. The issue will cation in the courses you take. Every time ion into an aircraft carrier. A huge the end the sinking of the vessel the student parlors of Peoples convoys yesterday when the sen AFTERNOON ate foreign relations committee speak fir itkelf. you write a test from formulas on your cuff deck was built rv that it was submitted to International ar¬ refused to introduce a resolution BAGS bitration. Supreme Court Justice We hope. or a card under your stocking you are cheat¬ could be quickly changed Into an Van Uevanter was the arbiter for prohibiting the uae airplane landing defR7~Two ele¬ ing yourself of your paid right to learn. Ev¬ vators were even installed ot each the United Slates, and Joined fTofwn Ihmttred ery time you copy a lib report or buy a term end of the ship for the hoisting of ing that the Coast Guard had Lieut. Col. Samuel D. Pepper, paper you miss the whole point of a course plsnrv ex¬ Board anil Tower Guard are tap¬ ceeded its authority in chasing deputy director of the State Selec¬ and waste about $15 in tuition, books, and NAZI HI SPARINE TACTICS the "I'm Alone" beyond one hour's tive Service, yesterday denied ac¬ ping women this morning who embody the maintenance. The use of airplane* in spotting cusations that the draft act is Ideohrdf their organizations trusting that submarines in fhe North Atlantic bleeding Industry. He said that was worked out partly ns a resUlt they will carry on and improve upon the of Nazi tactics in locating British Works done by their respective groups. Membership in Mortar Board and Tower Guard must mean s great deal to college PRINT vessels. For some time the Nazis have used airplanes to spot convoys, then British radioed their loca¬ Home Ecs and Hotel Ad stu¬ dents will have a combined so¬ women as evidenced by the fact that over tion to nearby submarines, usually cial meeting tonight at 7:15 in the 1,000 women turn out annually on May 1, to fit lying in nests of three or four, awaiting signals. Little theater. Secretary of Commerce Je**e at 7 a. m. to view the ceremony. Wlicn Uie submarines attack, Tower Guard, which limits its member- By Dorothy Hauler one usually acts as a decoy and I And Here's I Hotel administration s< 'Jones, In an address before the amuial meeting of th? United draws the British warships off to will hold a round table discussion ship to 25 anphomore women, plans esch What States Chamber of Commerce, pre¬ year to carry out a project which will prove I War one side, while other Nazi subs drive in for the kill. That, plus the They Think tonight at 7;30 in the Union un¬ der the dicted a public debt of at least 90 leadership of E. Moran, billions as qompared with 47.2 valuable t» Michigan State College. Out¬ With the dark side of the war ledger turn- fact that 20 or 30 merchant ves¬ t : : 1 manager of Morton hotel in Grand billions now. J ore* also express¬ standing among their activities cf the past imr,itself towards the men in our families sels now travel Ui a convoy train, Rapids. Topic for the evening ed the opinion that the armament the calendar of events designed to and among: our frienda, women also have t\ is one reason why ship casualties yenr was aid In the coordination of campus activities. large part to play in defense measures. j will be "Practical Hotel Problems. the 40 billions estimated, program will cost much more than Mortal' Board selections are marie on the While the rampant interventionists are clamoring for the quick destruction of forces e business, de- j Bcerup to Join TVA j Soft coal mines in the Appala- STATE NEWS staff, DC'CMID 14)JOII1 17/1 COAL MINER TO REOFEN basis of the following qualifications; . congratulations on your re- ! Work WOTK Ah An Dt'HIlglltT "A Mortar Board must exemplify what opposing the democratic nation and the strves ceiving the "Pacemaker" award j Drttignrr I ^»an will be reoper.ed today, ~ j ;• I lowing the 400.000 employes to the'College thinks its senior women should equally insistent isolationists arc denying from the Associated Colleflate! r D H-'-'mp. instructor in civil l0tum t0 work atu.r a M-day lie. She should he one unto whom students the nation's right to mind anyone's business; ")v Ptess. I hope pi idr in the State 1 cnitircerinx, will leave May 12 t 1 p iS,,. Miners tn both northern and faculty instinctively turn with confi¬ except its own, our men are l»eing shunte New. will lie shaicd by all, tlw* work ns a dcsiRntr on the TVA at unit southern districts will receive freshman reporter or ad salesman, • Knoxvllla. Tcnn. He la a erndu- a SI prr day wage Increase, dence that her opinion will be fair, high back and forth in the wordy controversy. «s well as by junior and senior ed- !11"" a' Ohio State uixl curne thee negotiations between toned and her judgment steady, A satirical writer once pictured American itors. Michigan State in September, southern producers and the i "Activities are important in so far as they democracy as a country of little people who The winning national rccogni* ' 1940. will he continued. show service, lait they are not nll-ini|>ortnnt. blustered with words, who were big in their The woman is chosen for the quality of her talk but accomplished nothing except n little work, not for an accumulation ot offices, furor in a tea-pot. It is not the office she holds, but her gen¬ Women. Ton, Have a Job erous and intelligent interest in other peo¬ But k't that l»e as it may. We of the back¬ ple, a sincerity and initiative ill the wurk yard fence and the tea-table conclave have which is at hand to be done. more to do than live up to our reputations. Very truly yours, "She should be of constructive influence It Is up to the woman of our nation to keep Ralph Norman, in her own group and have the courage to up the morale of its men. Department of Fubli- catkms. stand occasionally with a minority group. We cannot limit our scope to brother John, She must lie cApahle of making Mortar who was drafted last week, or to Bob, the the «ir Hoard such that people will say, 'You can man we intend to marry, who enlisted in the j bntJ*h, > go to Mortar Board Tor liacking in any cam¬ air corps and was sent off to Texas, Georgia, j TOWN TALK" pus project which is forward looking fur or any of the other training centers. In-;time, The young man's hat of the the high standards of Michigan State Col¬ stead, we must remember that the army and nut q«< season! Swagger shape lege and its women.'" its selectees are made up of many "Johns" j f"rJot^,"1 with three-t<-ne foUle-l and "Bobs" who are performing the same bunds. Blue-gray, tail and duties all over the country. 1 (hwloWc itf# (BVAsioclated Qrnm - Collegiate Press) 'tlSriTEs During a recent national Associated Women Students, represent at convention of Assnciatwl Women Student*, representative*: ives nugrren. "All over the land professors and other old from those from those asaociations considered deeply associations considered deeply. Other smart hats, $2.06, : women tiro talking about the ptvsent gen- the effect the the defense effect the program will have on defense program on $11.05, $3 Sfer'jy cratiqn of the young an soft and luzy, nietli- men and women of college or university age. men and women of college or university age. ocre shd f«t. ilaybe the young or# soft. It Diacmuwd lJatbig kMI is also true (hat all generations of the young Among the problems they discussed was ; Afp have in thvir timos leen described as degrn- Hw" inevitable quration T»f entertainment WEATHERALL ' •nrt* ^ """ *Wer* nbnut them. In the his- and dating. Their final recommendation was t»ry of the world there has not licen H-gen- that college Women should date draftees; Em# quality poplin jackets, p M, ;|:-'ration in whici) the old' were prepared to with the thought in mind that they arc men Kclaa-treated. Rain repel¬ ® admit that the young were as strong as they just like hose they care for, lent, wlnd-reistant. Full S jpjjl were When they were young. It is the eter- We, as any other woman, would hate tipper front and two zipper j| & ml excuse for stiff joints in the presence of to think cf our men without feminine com- pocket*. |M| the supple. It Is the ancient vanity of ntem- pstiionship fey an entire year. And with $3.95 IjJili dry oyer manpower. The young certainly the proposed extension of service for emer- A.'i'" have Uteir faults, Titey may not Iw as smart, gency imrposes the proldcm would uodonht- ; hong-sleeve sport shirt in brave,.energetic, strong as their elder* who edly become mi re acute. gabardine. $2; "Fuji" Am¬ HIkm want to be defended by them would have Men do not become mechanically degraded erican silk, $2.60; Oraugo it'!') them be. Hut the old folks were young once when they enter an army camp unless the Blossom Olauese Shirts. $2. Many other new items also ajtd. being young, not free from faults, sentiment ot the nation makes them so. Wej cf sportswear eery moder¬ ihi '"-The young have always, as the old folks re- ean, if wr will, avoid this toeliug by helping ately priced. Balal SivA aid P°ried1it. been soft and the eld folks, as the out with their entertainment and accept- j Hoped the young would believe, have ing them as approved member* of our own; Lsji always been wise. Tltat's the rule, but communities. MAY BROS. Euj&jl America ueeil not be frigiitened now if our Job I* Easy "Ik# • 1, 1911 - -f "£a£« 'Zi,f Voisinet ' Btfekeyea Totlay WAA Coif Michigan State's pel,, offwoGame* ) attempt to make i< pvil Maintaining leading positiona in when they i^eet the BllckP,B the A golf ladder after the first J weekend. The base- week of competition are: I/wralne afternoon atjColumbu,, o. ! OUt tO Voislnet, Alpha Gamma Delta, After the* meet r « tor feels that the lack of i their 4 to S defeat suf- first; Ruth Mae Hirsch. Chi Ome¬ Staters the polo teaic ZJ right handed battera to ga, second; Helen Gerstrikler, Al¬ the University of Ill r against Michigan Tuea- .. -1 frop lift handed pitchers waa one Marcus is expect!,,* , Conch John Kobn will arm of the hiajor reasons for State's pha XI Delta- third. r, Replacing Mary Jane Riker in competition from the Sixteen Men Coed Sees Spry Spartans Mfijw Lm(m Store! defeat Tuesday. As a result Roy glegation which Chlopan will lake over the dutlea four'h place is Betty Ritzema, Al¬ is , of the best in the m d 1:10 p. pha Omicron Pt, who has moved As the team was v.- tuft; pitching. up from sixth position. Pat Brady To Get Ring Do Spring Sprinting 'rom North Campbell still retains their own horses ale Duncan, Prank Pellerin, mounts provide" fifth place. use .. •Marc Miller, Mauric Blister, Don able starting pitcher , versi'ies of Ohio sv, VMachmann, Casey Klewlckl, Joe encounter with High-rankircpositions 'n group B include, fu'-t place, Marg Pit Madi- Awards Mcrocki, Will Davis. Howie Ladue. and Miller are "So this is spring footbull longer. East Mary Mayo followed Wy Davis, Paul Derrlckson, Roy over the catching duties at pan, Leo Knlkowicz, A! Jones, >n. practice," we exclaimed, view¬ by Betty Mankin, South Williams; Games of nine H.. Young, Steve Jakubowskk ing the future heroes bicy¬ Carol Long, South Campbell; Mary The team will take in a major Prank Mekules and Bill Fltzslm- ague game at Comlskey Park be¬ Only Major Boxing cling on their backs. "Don't The men In the front line bent E. Childs. North Campbell, and played every week , nrtms have been slated to go on fore it returns late Sunday night. lirttrr (iocs to over, I guess so as to try to dash Mary Jane Albright. Kappa Delta. ants, until May 12 they art enough tjie Madison trip. too?" between the legs of their oppo¬ Ziirakowxki Ins reducing "Wall try not to be so confident nents on the opposite line. this time us we were In the ninth Scarcely had the "Signals, 101. 102, 103." The Itining ot the Michigan game when Kennedy Pitehes Sixteen men will receive varsity boxing awards for the 1941 sen- mouth when they. players charged furiously Into aw thought we had It all sewed each other; the ones in back were tip," said Coach Kobs. No-Hil Triumph son, Coach 'JBunhons announced around on One foot with their today*. William Zurnkowski, Rich¬ bodies bent over. Well! thla la at a disadvantage aa they had to WMTAM HAVE LEAD Tn the outstanding game of the mond sophomore, is the only boxer amazing, but only a climb rather than fall on the pile. The Spartans led from the very It's a wonder they weren't alf kill¬ intramural hardball tourney, the who will receive a major letter next the men began Itilt Inning against Michigan when DZVs triumphed over the Bean this season. ed. Once a man missed the pile Willie Davis singled and moved entirely and ran 'way down the last night by a 16 to 0 score be¬ Minor letters in boxing will go that balance on round bottoms like heme on a couple of errors by the field before anyone could slop him. hind the outstanding no-hit pitch¬ to Captain Joe Cestowski, Charles baby toys. Another wasted his Wolverine After thet first scramble it ■Once again the Michigan Stale ing of Bill Kennedy. Clark, Everett Davidson, Clyde energy pushing a white wooden The S.A.E.s defeated the A.E.Pi'i Glenn >und the field with was understandable why several • • team put on a barrage In the fifth , by a 10 to 0 tally behind the one- Reid, Carl Thompson, and narvey Menter^ Earl, Football certainly men retired from the immediate Inning when Chlopan singled, Xle hit pitching of Glen Deibert ir Trombley, captain elect. looks different In the spring! vicinity by climbing up on a high Wtckl walked a fid Mekules batted In two runs. the fraternity Intramural base¬ Freshman boxing numerals will There were about 20 to 40 men ball tourney. Not to be outdone be awarded to Charles Calkins, on the field; I couldn't tell Just One funny thing that YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SAVINGS With one man out In the Inning Mekules gave up a Delta Sigs inflicted a 9 to 3 James Clark, Charles Corey, Frank exactly how many there were be¬ was the men in the striped shirts, defeat upon the Delta Chls Deaner, Robert Bowser, Beryl Sal¬ cause they wouldn't keep still, end after each of theae performances, CAMERAS and an Infield single. The next bat-' John McCormick taking over the isbury and Charles Shimer. they all looked so much alike that would yell, "Where's the left tac¬ tar up sent a line drive to second, making two outs, but a wild throw hp Duncan broke up the attempt at a double play. A two bagger mound duty. The six major letters which In the Independent circuit, the be awarded for wrestling go to Dairy Club won out over Block Charles Hutson and Benny Riggs, 1 got mixed up. Two styles kle? What happened to that left tackle?" Thla aeei on and Bridle by a 12 to 10 tally. co-captains, Burl and Merle Jen¬ I Harms drove over the w used, the majority being John Foster pitched for the win- nings, William Maxwell nnd Le- and SUPPLIES us A polios in navy built-up-at- land Merrill, captain elect. Ihe-shoulder eweaters and tan The Vets defeated the Newman Minor letters in boxing will be breeches. Of course nature should club by an 8. to 2 score with Don awarded to Michael Dendrinos. be aided as much as possible in Ellison pitching for the Vets. and David Pletz. William Frel- the matter of appearance, but In a tight game, Robert Snxton berger win also receive a mnjot these men really looked topheavy pitched the Phi Chis to a victory managers award, The others were dressed in chic- SPORT GLASSES rer FarmHouse by a 1 to 0 tally. Freshman wrestling numerals s'.yled pin stripe shirts—tailored Robert Toles was the winning will be awarded to Captain John One also hod a whistle which look¬ pitcher for the Beta Kappas as j Marrs, Louis Brand, Douglas ed an official I wondered why th« NEW ALBUMS ARGUS CANDID CAMERA WITH they defeated the A.T.O.S by a 10 Brown, Marvin Davenport, Rich' othei s didn't get one. OF FAST 4.5 LENS aid Hanley, Edward Leach, John :> I score. Wells A and Wells C were At last the Apollos got tn lines, VICTOR 98 and one began ahouting his head] torious in the Inter-Wells off. "Come on now, let's get go¬ RECORDS competition Wednesdny night. ing. Cive it all you're worth. PtANO MUSIC 00 Wolverine, Illinois Netters Let's go, let's go." moved. At this But nobody point a lovely new pig¬ a. tieIrs. Alk. M-tl 15 skin ball was brought forth. It really seemed a shame—It would BRAZILIAN MUSIC Invade Campus This Week Went Mayo Pace* BROWNIE CAMERA By Mnrjorle Row #.A.A. Softball THE WHITE currs OP Spartan netters will seek their drat home victory of the Went Mary Mayo overwhelmed I.YNN FONTANNK season as they entantfle with University of Michigan squad North Hall by a score of 24-3 yes¬ rsl Melting FRANK BI.ACK ■85 - terday afternoon In the women's Alb. DM1U—S3.&9 on Thursday nnd on Friday, oppose the University of Illi¬ jS MM nois ncttnen. softbnll intradural play, Carol 35i Michigan, fresh from n decisive 8-1 triumph over the Uni¬ versity of Chicago, will prob- Kayhill led thf sooting with two doubles and twp singles for a per¬ fect day at bat, IN F MAJOR—OF. M Kindle* A Alb. National Mvn». SPECIAL! DH-HMIJI ably iinve Tobin, Hummel', Spartan aggregation will I'orter, Stille, tinmen and first celery Watch Oyntala BlIDD'S MUSIC Johnson for the singles line- a three.) ear-old rivalry .when WlfflJt v WAIT they meet fbe tffijVersity of Illl- IKHJSK | up; with Tobin und Hammctt, nois.A'i Iitay afternoon. Porter and Stlllc, nnd Gumnn and ! 'We yrip bf facing practically Shape 20c No. 127 FILM ARGUS CANDID CAMERA making up tile doubles j,n entirely EVERETT'S. IM | Jtall, as he During the six years of competi¬ tion State has been victorious only unce. In 1P3H. 23c ■srHi25— According to Coach rla Drilling will probably fill the is ..(Nancy Kelly Stars v. T.. Announcement No. 1 position with Cupt. Fred 111 -'1 1 OUrllO Naney Kelly of North WiJUnms We are pleased to announce thai Mr. l,eon Mal.v, hair is in first place as u result of in¬ tramural tennis play during* the Hlylial of Chicago, hax joined our staff of skilled beau¬ beginning of the week, Peg Haz- tician*. Mr. Mal.v sperlalixe* in Permanent Waving— MOVIE FILM. ."»(! Feet ' Mthough he is still uncertain, fl^ton, sports manager, announced | Coach Ball will probably send a today. Betty Jenks of North hall Hair Styling—Hair Culling nnd Tinting. new doubles combination into the holds second place, followed by t tilt. Drilling is slated to team with flhirley Dodge, Independent. i Perkins und Herman with Mnx- June DeVries of East Mary | well in an attempt to steady the Mayo has climbed up to fourth 1 weak Krausc and spot in the State team. place, with Mat y Lou Dodge, Kap¬ Harris will play to- pa Kappa Gamma, holding down SUPER S HOVIE CAMERA fifth place honors. Jean Scavarda, Zetn Tuu Alpha, FREEMAN'S BEAUTY SALON is still at the top of the B ladder. 111-111 M. A. C. PHONE 4-14 Elaine Andres, Sigma Kappa, has moved up from fourth place to second. Dorothy Marsh or Alpha Chi FILM SPLICER .-.29-1 Omega is in third, Dorothy Pek-' elder, Alpha Omicron Pi, is in fourth, and Eleanor Word, Alpha Gumma Delta, holds down fifth HEY, THEREt . position. — The fellow with the canoe patlille* - that** CLASSIFIED who we're talking lo. Haven't you forgotten ■something? Your girl friend won't be very 98c comfortable if you don't provide a pillow for her. We have aonic dandy FILM EXPOSURE METER MICHIGAN STATE PILLOWS PROJECTOR REEI-S that are not only comfortable but attractive. Covered with woolen (eh, they ran I dry-cleaned if eoiled and the color fade. They make a GaUrd.tw- Fail* I room, and for a gift tn yonrarlf or a friend, eonaider a Michigan Stale pUfew. They ran be had at prieea ranging front 81.75 - 82.65 iron nunc mm mm DEPT. OF MORGAN STATC COLLEGE SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. • Fret Parking Lat la Bear • WE. Mirk. H