/ ' ■:v [tyin Russian Drives on Kharkov and Rostov Gain Momentum • • is Brrrr, Heap Fold Northern Arm juncil Grunts Gains 17 Miles Ig984 to Two Michigan Shovels Out as Storm Continues in One Sweep IStudy Funds Hy Th ' \ Iro richer l.rt.jr themselves out of. the heavy two deaths and one ,„.lv $500 each as a snowfall. person un¬ sub-zero levels throughout tho 11 „ w a r (j K h a r k O v, big Highways, especially accounted for in 24 hours IbT l^1 ' "m'ol iction I.ist at Student <01111- night .splitting up fr:i « county al"l roads tributed to the storm. ar* at¬ fruit belt. Peach trees can sur¬ vive in temperatures as low as Ukraine uteel city, and fur- many ther compressed huge Nazi ar¬ |l!l ' , dmn two 1942 Martlt Except for a section along the Vf; IT,ain arteries, Western Michigan Lake shore, 14 degrees below, and readings were recorded from 15 to 19 de¬ mies in Uie northwestern Cau¬ ■)!* ."Vands 1 .etween the groups. —\f,~' - iii remained sub-zero temperatures were grees below in the county. casus in the drive on the Ger¬ Th„ inaii lurid, established late ' ' / <- *' , >"}(] ' clogged, how- prevalent throughout the state. The upper peninsula also was man anchor base of Rostov, a ■ by Student council to ever. The coldest spot in the state hit by the storm. Sault Ste, special Soviet communique said .gy Spartans who come Bittle hope was at Jackson where the read- Marie reported 11 degrees below tonight, ■ hack «> ^i. , ; t, cither during or was granted $500 was held out ing was listed at 18 degrees be- zero and Marquette 12, and . While the northern arm of the , , t o ■ in• y WSSF, with the residents, who already have suf¬ shivering low. Unofficial reports of 25 be- i snow fell in Marquette Tuesday I""1 army tlnv,n8 toward Khar- I h, 1,1 "ding students of all fered from the most bitter cold low in the railroad freight yards i for the 18th day this month Thej^ov was lighting within 79 pule* at Niles and 19 below in |of that big city, the southern arm ■ ■! imprisoned In for- wave this winter, for the.weath¬ rien Ber-j depth was reported at 31 Mi was given the rc- county came in. I inches captured Byelokurakinaj 115 I miles southeast of Kharkov This -4;M This action was represented a 17 mile advame Per in explanation of from Novo-Pskov, and a 6(1 mdo I^Sk'i-v ll'irry Bruhgcr, YM- westward sweep front the Mos¬ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 1r \ ■ president. He was presented cow-Rostov railway , council by .lack Bush, Fall Mardi (Iras head, and ! British mililary observers said ; president. 'the Roissians in two months had with the- loan | badly mauled and partly destroy¬ ed 89 Axis divisions, flo nt them Daily Student Publication of Michigan State College German. At full strength tuis would represent the demoraliza¬ VOL. 33Z.332 EAST LANSING.'MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2! tion of 1,335,000 enemy troops. ^ In the Caucasus the Red a, my SixRaiders ||,<:() I'ieree K'S |»|,.(|S).S' overran miles Proletarxkaya, ahou* -23 from Nazi held Snlsk, u London Defnsx. 0|„. pojnl key rail and air base 100 miles | southeast of Rostov II i irotn (Silsk that the Germans ha e Destroy School x.lkill„ A).liv). | been (lying in supplies to the 22 j Nazi divisions slowly being LQNDON. Jan 2(1 , wonderful thing. >" ' "/ " " t"" passed by live InterFraternity l he Caucasus, forcing them to .rn,,|„,- to those who have tried relatively small-scale attack It council at a 'meeting held yes- fall buck On Rostov which is meu- III. h it it taken in too large doses, ■ London at noontime today. aced-from the north and east by Take College was the worst blow suffered by! terday after ruxm. — - — — 411,v. hmirig. Russian armies operating |Hi41 ,;.it Itohert S. Linton, for London schools since the Blitz! xa,, p|ani proposed tjy 1 F C. close as 60 or 70 milts example. He mov¬ attacks began. ' president Doug Reeve, i. A 43 ■ Who Said ed to the country Only six raiders eluded Izm-, and Dean F T Mitchell; was for III'- I nir lor relaxation don's defenses and the school, j the purpose of allowing othcr- Air Corps Reserve '■ently, two miles in the heart of a residential sec- wise ineligible pledges to go ac¬ south of Okemos. tion, was smashed into rubble. ! tive. assuming they probably IY* stent however, he found Probably 30 heavily escorted J would not return to school next Will Be Iiiflueteri Ikmuell o,(cd in. Now he's raiders were bound for London j term. In many cases, a stu- Ipondri mi between peace and Note, lie didn't | and wulf 190 in all. at ... s , and least 13 Messersc Fockc- 1 dent's Ineligibility occurred hinitt! through unavoidable circum- Beginning April liwkcily. terday. 109 fighter-bombers were shot j ■ tann pointed out in.the WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 (AH) down by RAF lighters. . discussion, —Prospective aviation cadets Photo now in the Air Corps Entitled I. . , Start Laying Although the raid was rela- , The Dfoposc Mrs. Jason R. King said at St. i Reserve will he ordered to duly (lively small, it resultc the j brought uu Louis that the. nurse 'Peggy'' in0 lighters, campaign -was her sister, Lieut. \ tration's facilities his algebra class "if teachers the German fighter-bombers ap- wauld lav more ergs, students, ,,roached the coast at Reachy- Cossacks Perform Beulah Grecnwalt, formerly of i Kolla, Mo. A-hmitod amount of ti ght Lieut. Greenwalt,; training will be given, tonight's hav more food for | head, fanned out and headed who joined the army nurse corps ; announcement by the army aT U"'uiht straighL/or London at top speed, in Military Vein about five years ago. is believed j forces said. This is expected to I 0 j lo be met by RAF and Royal to be a prisoner of the Japanese improve the efficiency and in¬ . . fir Lifts Taboo Canadian air force fight era. • By JOAN MEYERS crease the output of regular ar¬ A boil t 53)00 persons braved my tlt.tht schools by providing i _JV 'ab.,, wa, on M S, has lifted campus and another 1 a-i-M., this!1 ",U ,Sn aK* 1U ''IIIOIIS I?..|.,iJllMH the rigor of0;; iS WSolomon* Troops Drive screening test to eliminate i hiong the College' auditorium f0 Hrmo|C J(IO llolll large percentage of failures at I In-the faculty members. With Axis I'oWt'lS nd enthusiastically receive the., • the irmy institutions. , t, married couples i The college courses ar<* ■wed to teach in the I SANTIAGO. Chile. Jan 2o imidiutive laorous performance of the oil (,lHt(UllCanul ex¬ Serge Jaroff and" his j pected to begin in April Schools a me department. | (AP> —Long after the original 'i bonis of. 34 stalwart Cossacks. ! WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 (AP) selected will include a number I Gn However, time indignation over Axis attacks on c Most outstanding thing about| —American troops,, relentlessly M participating in the CAA 1 Married things.1 Chilean shipping had cooled, ' nges all l'Olio was its dvnamic con- ] pressing a campaign to eliminate | program •met this time it is i Chile today broke off diplomat I Ttarhers necessitated by the It no trouule at all' enemy forces on Guadalcanal,! The name civilian pilot tram- j relations with Germany, Japan t r them to go from a sh it to j killed 1,032 Japanese in five: ";g, or "CPT," t» ix ing changed i lack of teachers, j and Italy and began the concen- '■ IB" ouplea teaching in tration of Axis nationals. whisper without lcsmg their ! davs of jungle warfare the navy 'o CAA war training service. It IE.".z i department are Mr. jc.i tonal quality. reported today wiI1 have ,wo Par,s' rhc fi'st j Present Juan Antonio Rios 1 Early in the program th Cos-1 in patrol skirmishes and in1 division will continue the pre— |«Ki I Mr, J„; ■i Mrs R,isscll Nye, . Mr, and j hist night obtained the support- ack aled'themselves to be comparatively large scale cn- ; e"1 courses for men expe.led o , I Mrs Heroertiioppe and Mf. and ; ing approval of the senate, by a company Which performed; gagcmenU .they advanced on eventually ;u tr. nspo.t U'cisinger. ', 30 to 10 vote, then signed tire a c.druvi ; Dilots or instructors. ith military precision and sang | the Japanese and wiped out J ifswucrors. »■ j decree to oust the Axis diplo , gusto. group after group in the ,h- five the In air the V—"forces, diviswr., A ••• Ilumpty Dumpty mats, who were to be handed ' „ , days ending Jan. 17. "new spc al passports later in the. day . >ee C OSS AC Kg—Page 4 ou -liilcatKin courses will oc c n- ' their Many of the engagements „ 0ar< of their so-called 1 — —— - were WW. . ,borC dl.Unce 2jBrsy IVeek," Sigma Kappa » - „ '"ret must 2* <■« to be carry wuh presented ttem"!! 45 Minute I ttrivly upon the! Show H ill Open , Henderson air field, base for | American planes which have I been bpmbing enemy positions «»■ III., ,, ifZtSSittSi: •' gingerly along PanHet-DZV. Defense I odor , on other islands and | shipping in the Solomons attacking area. TIME TABLE r mi ^ walk in lid"5 front ,ront ®* 0( U*e u,,. lnlon<; I'nion. EAST lye open from 10 to 12 a m. and l^crX7 IW whl . Wh,rh loPW'eW,d th* grouni By DAVE A spectacular variety show Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 5:30 p. m. every day except Fi<;litiug French Meet TODAY— one smashed! 1 t„nl„rC student talent, will Mortar Board. 7 p. ac. | featuring student .Miss Lull has asked women to British Near ■ | open the PanHell DZV defense volunteer for work in the booth Tripoli Sunporrh, Union llllincn TUC lllinr | booth at 4 p. m. today on the up on Fridays and Mondays. Any ! LONDON. Jan. 20 (API—The Alpha Phi Omega. 7: '0 p. m. lUnUtK L I HE WIRE p°r deck of the Union. Bob ,v. 1 ell, L.A. '45. master of ocrem, women interested in offering I Fighting French swarming Org. Room 1. Union their services should volunteer at ! nies for the program, announced the booth. i northward from Equatorial Af- PI Alpha. 7:3# p. m. _ U>\DO\, Ian ,# (Ap. r , ( yesterday. vSS S^SS£|s«is'#8r""S'' Org. Room 1. Union '.'-"si "boogie" .piar-> JSS "»«■« History Club. 7:3# p. m. |SrtclUrtfn Von Andm. reveal-' Singing ret-, Spartan Room, Union ■ Cer»aiv/S r°mmander *f the, playing and accordion music wd. fion protrrsm Lhis afternoon, ac- cording to Mullen. Posters have Tripoli, it was announced to- night, while the British reported Consumers Group. 8 p. m. : • > ». I,' 1 IA)K? f '"nrs In Tunisia, was'°Pcn the pn^gram. tne h'gn.ig... drawn by Mary Jane sinking 14 Axis vessels in the 115 Union Annex ■JU^u „ t,le Job by Fuehrer °t which will be a dedication ad- been Mediterranean in the first three (n-Jj ■ Hitler as a solution of a dress by CDC Chairman Manny c.-.U."°n Holmes. One hundred dollars worth of days of this week. Sigma Chi Gamma. 7.3# p.m. between his Mullen. It will be a 45 mmute . onBLo The juncture was announced Room 333. Chem^ Bid* War stamps have been purchased •,Pen' Walthe, Nehr- progiam, according to Edgell. the booih. Those shortly after the British had re¬ Town Girls, 12 noon |4*k Ti' v in o' all Mary Cabot Lull. PanHellentc by CDC toforbuy War bonds may ported sinking 14 Axis ships in Town Girls Lounge. Union W'if,a operations, and council, and Ed Kitchen, DZV. wishing also make out applications at the the central Mediterranean in the Excatlbur, 17 noon l«2c co-chairmen oi the defense booth. have stated that, the booth will booth."- j first three days.of this week. Hunt's Food shop k>: MIcfaiaAN STATE NEWS Pafe *+S Grin and Bear It MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ALONG THE Zta&rtH Incntnd on M J*bn4-ct*fc nt tlx poatofflefl. But Lantln», (round floor of mat win* of Uflldn Bulldln* Annrx, room Mteh. 09le« o. WINDING CEDAR Pobllahrd dnlly Mcaoi Sunday and Monday tnrirnfnw (lutlnir the rdhilar arhtfol By l.cn Barnes ya*r and Wrokly dh thllraday ittofnlnya durlnit aummrr acaa on by the atudenu of Member Aaaeelated Collealate Pref* rn *!f-, i" f," ""j'h Telephone- -Cullnte I'hone 8 1611 Ed 8-1511. Ed- ^ ,74 7 horlal Ofrlee—Ext. 269; Bualnee. Olllcn National Advertising Service, Inc. -Ext. 2«s. CtUttt PkbliJitrtKrfirrutiUlht Suhecriptton rntee—Sc P"r ropy; 18.00 PARTY when year cause is the time seasonpublicity editors around stories here of 4SO Magioon Ave. New Yon*. fJ.V. P'r year by mull; fl.60 rer year by more headaches than they ever cmueea • eo.me . to. • ... ra.acarl >«"™ year by college carrier to Of f non-studenta, •got from blucbooks. Everybody and his great aunt is putting on MKMHKK OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS a party or a program, and each The A*«>einOd Fr«s» is exclusively Untitled to the u*e for republication of all one is sure his event is of world- news dlMmtohes ercdited to It «r not other*he credited In thft P«P*r and aUo the i published therein. AH rlirhts of publication on special dWpatches hero- shaking import. r also i ed. All arc equally certain that FDfTOKIAI. STAFF the State News runs for one Mnnaylna Editor, sheldon moykh purpose—giving a lot of space to Editorial Director, l.KN liAltNES business Manager, JEAN WHlTlNtl their event. Some of them como WILLI AS JOHNSTON in angrily looking for "that WiSOwtir dumb cluck who didn't put our Faculty Adviser story at the top of page one. "Doesn't he know news when he sees it?" they scream at us. The Current Scene on W it r Training Two J)atcs—One Wo can Night remember when pub¬ licity committees were extra THE war manpower commissionebntact and army with and navy lifcfty committees sat up nights training staffs, in constant America's thinking up stories to get in the lending educators, are hard at work bn the administrative Today's campus column. One that some 01 them fabri¬ problems of the army-flavy plan for sending service fneti cated about Soph President Gar ♦o the colleges for technical courses. Hero are the steps Williams, '42, having two dates that have been, niid are being taken: (he same night got him in a lit¬ 1. In accordance wjth the order which specifies that the tle trouble. Which one of the method of selecting the colleges should lie determined by gals objected we never found out. but he wont around with a a board set up by Paul V, McNutt, the manpower director slapped look on his face for sev¬ has met several times with educators and the final rccom eral days. mendations of this committee are expected about Feb. t. If the genera) chairmen real¬ "Hon. spy request gracious pr rmission to enter 1 2. After the method of selection of colleges is estab¬ ized how important the publicity tone of Japanese communique •s in writing com. • committee is to success of their lished, the joint army-navy-WMC committee will actually activity, they'd appoint someone , • —report it has'/lite chauev to win fiction i • select the specific colleges. This committee, composed of who knows a little about it, in¬ three members of each arnry, navy and WMC, has been stead of their old dorm room¬ meeting several times a week for some weeks now. On mates,- or the captain of the soc¬ COUNCIL gate the Indepe! Association setup cer team, who's too busy to do (Continued from Page 1) Dec, 11, six dnys before the plan was announced to the work. of the organ'izaie •; any fund, Housing Director Ron term with a turn- public, the committee sent out questionnaires to all col¬ When this happens, someone Heath, faculty representative, leges to obtain n record of the exact facilities available. A from Publications row invar¬ painted a picture qf a definite 10 persons. committee member reports that practically all of these iably has to do the chairman's need for a loan fund now and Reporting on a job for him, which Is all right questionnaires have now been filled out and returned. The except that the honor, if any, after the war. tended in Ann A:i. "Most student loan funds have advocated the est.a joint army-navy-WMC committee is headed by Dr. Ed¬ has been bestowed on the wrong so many strings attached that no post war peace p ward ('. Elliott, president of Purdue university, and chief person. one can get at them now." he at Michigan Stun of the division of professional and technical employment So when you are pjeking pub¬ said "Winning the t» training of the War Manpower commission. licity chairmen, take some am¬ bitious underclassman from Pub¬ •And there will be a definite just as Important .. 3. The army is working with "panels of specialists"— lications row and you'll find co¬ need for student loan funds after war," he pointed < recommended by the Americnn Council on Education—to operation easier to get. plus an the war." "This college I, plan its curriculum. These panels consist of lpading edu¬ intelligent publicity effort. Resignation of Jprry Page as thought which ' cators in each field who have been called to Washington to And for those who grouse president of the almost non-ex¬ Ihing that doesn't r about not getting 60 inches of istent Independent Student As¬ campus," Hal C'i ui work out the study courses. So far a basic course and free type on their party, heed sociation was accepted by the attended the meet.: some advanced technical nurses have been formulated. the words of Prof A. A. Apple-- council. He suggested Frances Page, added. The army will put its college-trainees through a 12-week gate, head of the journalism de¬ Hamilton as his successor Crumley, Page, !' course, possibly consisting of 23 hours of classroom work, partment. He says. "The first, Don MacKenzie, ISA represcn Deaner. were ai 23 hours of supervised study, and 2 hours of military drill story on an event is news, the tative on Student council, siig committee to in\e second publicity, and the third gested that the office must pass bltitics of forming per week. advertising " down in succession. Only other ell at Michigan St . ■ A. Navy officials arc using an already established navy Also, please don't mention elected officer on campus todny Jack Weaver en advisory council on education for consultation on' their comps in our presence (unless is Del Ruthig, treasurer of ISA. of a cbmmittec to curriculum planning. This advisory committee is com¬ -you have some to give away). Some council members ques¬ ities of CDC and The word comps was mentioned mendations to Stint tioned the validity of his resig¬ posed of college presidents and was set up about a year in a publicity discussion about nation being accepted The meeting by Stu¬ rcci- ago to help the navy plan training courses for its college the Ag ball last fall, and evet dent council rather, than ISA night at 5 p. ui. in reserves. Men sent hack to college by the navy will study since we've been accused of and after a discussion, a room 3 of the Union com- for 16 weeks, and the plan of study will probably provide everything from twisting peo¬ mittce was appointed to mvesti- business will be d ple's arms for them to out and for a 60-hour work week, of Which 9 hours will lie devoted out refusal to print anything to naval science and drill, and the remaining 51 hours to without comps—both of which regular studies. The navy eXpetts to have its curriculum are entirely untrue. Pampas comment: There's a completed by Feb. 1. scarcity of ideas like the one on 5. Advising the army's "panels of specialists" and the free dancing in the Union on navy's educational advisory group is an all-over consulta¬ week-ends, contributed through tion group, composed of members of the Office of Educa¬ Union Board president Phil Althen It's sobering to think tion and the American Council on Education. . . . that a man* died on campus Although the army and navy are setting up courses and while preparing for war . . . will give periodic tests to check the progress of service men brings more strongly to us the nssigncd to the colleges, the actual day-to-day teaching fact that a lot of our friends are will 1)0 left to the discretion of the colleges themselves. risking death daily on battle- fronts . . . lack of repercussion on the Blue Key expose indi¬ cates that more guys had a guil¬ INFORMATION What, When, Where ty conscience than posed. we had sup¬ PANHELLEN1C DELTA GAMMA MU CLASSIFIED ADS l'.mHellenic council will meet Delta Gamma Mu. women's nt 7:30 p. m. in room 107, Union FOR SALE fencing honorary, will meet at Annex. ALPHA PHI OMEGA 7:30 p. m. today in the Women's Gym. - MAN'S ICE SHOES Sit.- in-d. Dinlnir taMr. walnut, n. w. »!i*hUy T»-!c- Leather Photo Frame? >h«n* B1246 aft, r 7 p m . i in tha Alpha Phi Omega pledges will CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH . at 7 p. m. in room ill, (larry Pictures That Are meet Classes of Conversational FOUND To Union Annex. Spanish wilt be held today in HOUSEHOLDERS ASS'N rooms 103 and 104 Union Annex an automatic pencil Dear to You The Householders association will meet today at 2:30 p. m. in from 3 to 6 p. m. Only students JfTt" >'i ; room 103, Union Annex. who have had one term or more ""* * ""** Handy pocket sizes in tine leathers beauti¬ of Spanish are eligible. LOST PISTOL TEAM fully embossed in gold and natural saddle SILVER KOSAKY HEADS- Profcably All mcmbert of the pistol team In Inn UwUwr ca«r. Lml Jan. l». Call leathers. Singles find doubles. rhould appear in full uniform ot St 141. Ruth F*(*ra. 6S-fi4 Demonstration hall at 7 p. m. to HEAVT 91LV KR -Owtfcation fcrati- day for the Wolverine picture. Wt. Sprnrr Krlly written un on* aid*. Call K4M7 If found. fi* J-HOP COMMITTEES There will be a meeting of trt! J-Hop committed chairmen todav at 7:30 p. m. Ih rbom KM. Uriioh No) Annex. The. intermission com¬ HicbtO* mittee will meet at 3 p. m. in-the At* ;»»»« ,V »%i« * i* < * *t»v > *»t A*«... M Jfc A M A* n ) r;nM Thursday, January 21, 1943 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS r Pace ' ;-i Eight Bouts Slated Today Rejuvenated Spartans tare Defiant V. in Chicago ■ . ■ V in College Boxing Meet Fight stttifflhafl frt thd StatfeK z y— i i Yi. under ,u ? their belts, the Michigan state Spartans will bear down i in earnest n,st win ! White, Dan Pjesky, Pat Peppier, 'tilt, indicates that tonight in a last; ; and Jack Cawood This group! have a buttle on . produced just about aif of the ! working back as a regular. Spartan points and was most Good RalMlaiidlfn- Stone his will hands ■:!;l workout before boarding the i potent ort fast breaks. If Van Jtulcnendcnt LoOf) , The ball handling and bassing News all-college boxing tournn- ent slated for this evening will | * I «i i nn , a8.° '. a c,ash wjlh i plans to Use them together Sat- I of Deihl and Pjesky, along with „ at ° U university Saturday:! urday, they will probably em- ! their scoring ability was the fea- wind UP the preliminary bouts decide the contestants who Opens in Splurge ! n'8ht- By virtue of its high-powered ! plov the fast break ! ture of the Spartan attack Deihl Veteran Fred Stone, who was in particular worker! the ball in 55 to 24 win over Dearborn ha-1 forced out of the ill slug it out urday. This afternoon's bouts in the finals Sat¬ o f High Storing game because ' so well around the hoop that the yal training school Tuesday, the of a cold, will have plenty to Sailors were Pondering just ex- ..ill begin at 5 p. m. in the vur- State five has sliced the pre- i worry about if Cawood is kept! actly Where it came from The independent basketball i game iKids thut were Once *, i y boxing room. very much i at the center position. Up until Little Roy pegged the ball bc- loop will get into its second day j against it to where the dopesters in the other semifinal bouts of action this evening after the! rate it an even chance'of win- j the Dearborn game, Stone was : hind his back to Teammate {ought yesterday, the' toughest | a fixture in the lineup but the i White as a navy man was paw- battle of the day was in the league opened last' night with"'"8' ! way Cawood handled himself tog spare for the ball that lust heavyweight division that found close and high scoring games. > Finding a new combination : ar<*>nfl ,hc pivot lane in that wasn't even close Ward Vicary scoring a decision Best tilt of the nine-contest' muc-wmi'sv ,, -Pj*nty - "l punch, Coach Ben • # ' . • Ward Foe. Foe lead the card wes Alpha Chi Sigma s 21 : Ya" '} y,'}c n,ay ,lavt' the s"Iu* 1 lollll S/Jf//#'II I: o\ cr I 'arsily W restler. .-imp m the first round but Vic- to 17 win over Flxworth house |- f'on, I" ,hc .Coring question. •/''''»« ^p'lllllh . ,,i v landed a hard right to the with Don Pidgeons on a red-hot Working together tor most of , . j rj /> i . • I i . i,, id m the early seconds of the scoring spree. The Alpha" Chi tho stc"n(l half was the new- t-O IjVU I V SOOII f Ol' Actll'P Dllt ,.( ,,nd to start the points coming ' , ace whipped in 18 points to out- u,lt' quintet of Roy Deihl, Ollie his way. score the entire Elsworth qtiin- John Spalink, varsity 175 his record vlwle on i.Orting Charles Gomery, 155 pounder, tet. me of the fnttghcrt rt rrux'ti- , pound grappicr, won his .bout Spurt an lloxers . ,, ,,n a TKO over George Strcb- Champs U'ln ; fion in the country The climax against the Michigan Wolverines- i |,nv in the smoothest exhibition Lost year's champion, DZV cinching a win for Coach Fend- of the season in his sophomore (,f good condition and boxing brotherhood team, had an easy W ill Hold Heels tey Collins and his teammates in ; scoring a fat! over ckill of any bout so far. Gomery time of it with the McCarthy A. Tracy Young of Oklahoma A , the last var.-ity match the lanky js , two-fisted freshman who C., rolling up 58 tallies to thfc H itli Gra'nd Rapids boy will perform and M. m the toughest mntch on like ready material for losers 13. Pete Panos<~ Fen (",inch A1 Kawal's varsity in due Crane. Bob Janea, and Vincc. Top Teams as a Spartan for the duration. ,, . , . , , the Spartan schedule last eason. At present. Coach Cofllns is in Coach A1 Kawal and his flght- Yesterday John reached the | doqb,. u, ,vh„m the •. aran« Sight Mrox were all equal in the DZV ing men will invade the 'ho#- age of 21 and felt the call of hi heavyweight Harrison' Hughes, fighting for , , .. ,„ position w'H go. country ahead of his desire tr Mike P7.V, took a TKO from Bernard Hathaway, sophomore "et,' stay in college liis desire for is the most likely contender but 7.i i i» in the 145-pound class to •enter paced his club with an 8- the active duty lead h.m into mak- r.isily Win his second bout of polnt total. history of tin- sport i;, to hold ,hc ls st,n ,v|d,., . to true ing application for . disrni ' !,ioct. At 105 pounds, Jack challenge However, the junior DZV One trip into Virginia and vi¬ from the advanced ROTC dr i The absence of Spalink fi M.f.ns decisioned Chuck Res- team, the Comets, stole all parfment here and transfer t point- cinity in the Spartan !me-tip will (oi la in a close match. early February will the getting honors when they ioiled regular army Jack Warner jolted David bring the Spartan glovers into strongly telt in future mate! over a hapless Rinky Dink club, the land where Spalink m.as a iimior Liberal According to teammate- .and p., I v.ith-straight lefts constant¬ 70 to 2. Footballer Bob Otting collegiate boxing was born. Arts student in the college this coach, his loss to the team will ly oi win a decision In -the 127- netted 24 points to take individ- Virginia university is emernbercd as the year and was competing in h'» M>l. 1 P.M.—Vicht. r-» P.M. - ORPHEUM - " STARTING FRIDAY So you're going shopping 1 If ycu'ro TODAY AND FRIDAY wise —in ccmiy shoes and Archer stockings. There's miles cf wear in ever/ pair ... to bring you home as vzell- dressed as you left. All occasion weight? m singing Wing Colors. —SATURDAY. ONLY— t.ioncl Atwill bit. RX" - Patrlc Knowles In "THE STRANGE CASE OI m 1.15 - 1.65 and "MEXICAN SPITFIRE'S BABY" with Lope ffiup m Ul"X ■ jMU ntt. SI NDAT MONDAY TL'ffSDAY WEDNESDAY rT - ■ ^ - m Mills Dry Goods Company "w*W£l INSf 111 SvmXh WaJiinglon .\»mur —AIM —Also HMII Sfre«« Margaret Lock wood in Harry Langdon in tee tCCXKWT-bttM K*m>B»rt'ci«KUll A GIRL MUST LIVE" rVTks WkAtHNcl triK fci.I'Hri LANSING. MICHIGAN "DOUBLE TROUBLE" ' i nits; sm - - sagyr' ——— HBMi Hey Engineers - Don't Forget SEMI-FORMAL ADMISSION $2,00 ENGINEERS BALL TICKETS ON SALE AT JANUARY 23rd UNION BALLROOM OLDS HALt tiny mix and his BAND """ " in ■iim - r i Thursday, January 21. 1943 M I C HIGAN STATE NEWS Page Four Army Air Forces May Take MSC Teachers After W inter Term tive:; State By DEE DEARING Army air corps representa¬ recently visited- Michigan campus to interview fac¬ ulty men between the ages of K — THE — PRE - INVENTORY 35-69 for possible army teacher material, Dean L. C. Emmons WOMAN'S WORLD SALE revealed. The army needs teachers bad¬ ly and spring'term when enroll¬ By NEVA ACKEBMAN X ment is decreased, there will not be as much need for teachers in Dormitory Officer^ departments that are not consid¬ Continuing the plan begun ered vital to the war effort. last term, dormitories will be From that group of instructors, hostesses for an exchange dinner the army , air corps — — is .planning -jtfor officers tonight. Carol Ed- to obtain some of Its teachers, rmonson, LA. '44, and Shirley Furnishings From Our Regular Stock Emmons said. The del Rickerd, H. E. '45, are in charge. nuttec. The armed forces have found All dorm presidents will meet dean an j A strelzoff and Mr. and A Smith The\guest list will Include ancLMrs. H. B. Dirks. M— HATS and Illinois, (with 121 ' Acnes McCann, Mr. and Mrs. L. LIMITED NUMBER OF FUR FELT G Miller, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. De- ; Witt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allen. AIR RESERVE : Mr. and Mrs. L-. S. Foltz of the Values From .'{.95 to 10.00 .\... engineering department, and Dr. ,. (Continued \from Page 1) _ _ „ ,, , K *. Mltfhel!/3Un o( men. and NOW Of prospective \aviation cadets ; his wife. Prior to their entry into regular j xiie hntlroomwlll be decorated AAF schools. The number will i j,y cartoons lampooning cngi- dopend on the amount of equip-1 neering in every phase and imm¬ 1.89 Each inent available. \ ner. However, the slide ruler, "At the present time a large! T square and protractors will be number of these men are in the j in evidence, but they won't be in Army Enlisted Reserve, awaiting a usable form, Chilikos added. SPECIAL GROUP SPECIAL GROUP call to active duty. It is expect- ,il that these men will be called Miners Note to Return SWEATERS in the near future and assigned!to Work After Strike 100 colleges TltOllSEKS to approximately Heavy Shaker Knit selected throughout the country WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 20 localities where flying fields i < AP)—Stomping, shouting ntin- in are conveniently available. The i ers launched a new back-to work 4.95 4.95 collcyes .-elected will be an I movement in Pennsylvania's Will tie R nounced as soon as the -list is } strike-bound hard coal fields to- completcd." i night. Nearly 3.000 workers - ALSO (!) _ j voted to comply with President ert A. _ , ti] General "lav Trvouts _ ; Roosevelt's order that they end ' their three-week-Old unauthorT LEISURE COATS - ROBES - LOUNGE CO A'l Mich., b •an [ i zed walkout by noon tomorrow. AT * bon Studio Theatre will hold gen- The executive committee of "e eral play tryouts today at 7:15 i the United Mine workers district e* p. in. in room 49 of the College l, in which all of the strike- REDUCED PRICES The fleir-, auditorium, according to Mrs j i loscd mines are located, warned ** err,. William B. Whitakcr. Mrs i that all strikers who defied the fcftt W hi taker is assistant to DIrectoi President's order would face Don Buell. "dishonorable expulsion, forth¬ befort with" from the union. Under 'wte. At that time, students from *«»rii Prof. Buell's class of jlirectmg the union's closed shop contract win clioose their casts for 10 with operators, an expelled (Ba member is barred from the ** I. one-act plays to be given this mines. term. " '.r v.-'