for victory MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ■ tritt Weather OKmO STATES WM bonds-stamps Daily Student Publication of Michigan State College Warmer today. east lansi.xg, Michigan. Tuesday. October 5, 1943 Russian Fliers Sink Six Nazi Traps Nazis at Ternioli Barges orsica Nean*s FleeingEncoiy lie I Army Forces Rivet ,\S j e's Labor Lost Near Gomel in Bilter Completion As Bastia Fails tn Tank Skirmishes Resistance Love labor—and all that ■ way, the efforts of Yankee Forres vtutf. ingenious obviously lonely LONDON, Tuesday, Oct. Prepare „tdicr did-'t have the desired 5 (AP)—Russian airmen, lo Outflank German* „„ !,:•» extra-military in- II' The soldier wired his apparently hammering the at Yolliiruo River •irl friend uho had been rather last German remnants flee¬ A I, LIED IIDQ„ neeli-rnt in writing him: "Been ing from the Caucasus to the vrrv bii - Lov^ Joe " (JIKRS, Oct, 1 (Al't- Friehtcned loveless by the mere Crimea, sank six more barges Allied offensive rollet sH.| of the telegram, the maid carrying troops and supplies ward along the entire didn't rent in the manner de¬ yesterday, while the Red ian front today, with amty sired. forced another from the Adriatic sea river near Go¬ mel and killed behind the enemy's lines en- nearly 4,000 Ger¬ ( hil>per Chipmunk mans amid bitter tank battles British eighth army bpectacular gain in n White Russia, Moscow un¬ •y... ■ _'"'II purchased stiffening German re- r.-tnk with a furnished gen- j | nounced early today, The Soviet B,ack spa . .,. The little men ,,iS() destroved more than was seen scam-! ,00 trucks nnd d'is, used a G Co T^lman battalion, sai< a midniL i ving the mor-j communique supple and a half his i ed by the Soviet monitor buried in the j there ! wasn't i cow there was as yet no official M report on what Berlin h j hinted—that the liberation i the Caucasus was in its in —l-rt's. I'huto i j stage. Datp s Test : In White Russia and .do French soldiers march into 1'aM.ia fnl lowing tfie devastat- ! | filing through a steady , l; | the Dnieper rivei luie oi t \\ j1 American troops of Lt. Mf'll f« II' VS J . V-12 ' Ukraine, bad wenthr; -,nd fi. - | German resistance definitely h ar Department mg aitilU ■r.v bombardment of pushed Mark W Clark's fifth army 132 milesforward from Benevenlo, Reports Joe kroll * from i slowed the Red army tor ' - ■ ,.f| release northeast of Naples, to v departments,' time since it launched ltv Tl A-B.. ,l,l..,l |-r.«« force an important crossing over .. as jhe date | successful summer offensive Missin«i in \elioii Allied to rces fashioned anoth- ; the Galore river and tonight • . tying test for hurl back the Germans 2tm nn er sport! hoi id at Adolf Hitler to- ' were in position to outflank any ■ • armv special-1to the Dnieper, the Moso day with tl ie fall oi Bastia in the i defense line the Nazis might at¬ . i. . run-ram and the! communique indicated. northeastei n corner of Corsica, 1 tempt to establish along the • mi V-12, Paul Three populated place-- wi virtually eumpleting conquest of j Volturno river, of which the ; the island. : Colore is a tributary. •> etary of the ori- captured bv the Russians itee. announced I tacking in the Vitebsk ■ Morocco r1 mountain warriors British armored patrols thrust¬ y*"'-rd:ti u s aimed at en-! where 300 Germans and stout enemy counter-attai were kill the Of!tumiers—entered citv, tiie ( •hlef cummeretal citv the j' inggaged northward from Naples in brisk clashes with en¬ the i •' to continue ncn- i also were reported on the int. of the N:i|lioleonic isle, at 10 a. j wasretreating enemy, but there yet fiv •• • at government I mediate Mogilev front. rent-h announced, fol- nothing to indicate Germans inend to tight that iho devastating artillery | anything " following indue-J The Russians now hold an lowing a )nlls more than a rearguard action in mod services, will | tack corridor only 10 to bombardm ent from which sen I shells plunging into i the j that area. ! tiiroughout the : miles east of the 200-milf ( muriit inns stores and tiie tioats! While the rain as well as ene¬ 'r. . j mel-Vitebsk railway mi nation will be Rusisn, and have reached in Wti in which tiie Germans were try- 1 my delaying action and demoli¬ " ■ it,, n. f tions slowed the assault above e ' army and navy j Dnieper river's east bank fr ' ' | i is designed to below Gomel to the Zupor>>. Only a few isolated remnants i Naples, tiie weather improved of the Ge t mans remained seat- sufficiently for American bomb i> and general j sector on the big bend in •lis to resume their 1 ' to-iired for the pro- southeast. They are within tered alon e the beaches and blasting of thev were t.oti»g Nazi communications. training. Stu- j tillery range of Kiev. l'k>s mopped ■ > • up b;y American Rangers i ' •- "a. ages of 17 and j capital on the high west p., quickly and Krone!h motorized and shock ent high School j and in the east bank suburb- More Than 40 Enemy la. will be grad-' Dnepropetrovsk. detaelimerits which had been from Untied States 1. 1944. will be I ! j The Fr< •rich communique said A meriean If arships identification Danish Saboteurs • ■vith a pamph- j that the 'whole western coast ALLIED HDQ. IN THE and northi •i n part of Cape Corse, j SOUTHWEST 1 nrmetion, may essel's uffice in Intensify Action Del ! the northi ■in tip of the nland, s Luri. day, Oct. 5 PACIFIC, Tues¬ (AP)—American bee i building. Li i (fields warships intent on thwarting the STOCKHOLM, Oct. 4 s i popular army commanded the more than 40 of the craft. ■ 'vr will hold its a militant answer to Germany s Allied operations in its later One of the Japanese gunboats ■■I 'be year in room attempted purge of the 10,000 phases, in which the Corsicnn also was sent to the bottom un¬ -• audUtorium Oct. Jews in Denmark. patriots were reported to have der heavy shelling from surface ! I" witness a one- killed thousands of Germans and The Free Danish Press service ; State, pin; units of Adm. William, F. Hal- ■Minui-t," and to hold captured many. sev's South Pacific naval here said one of the heaviest ! mentations •li. VIII" and force, i-acquainted ses- bombs ever used by saboteurs Gen. Douglas MacArthur wrecked the important power j "Othello nounced today. an¬ His sim Helet Kroll, a costume play station at Borenberslev in the Governor Sets Health Indications were that the ' f the French revo- | now a sophomo at State barges carried full loads of ene¬ Jutland area. Another station at u h Marjorie Cran.- Nibe was damaged and explo¬ Week for Oct. Ml my troops. A spokesman at Gen¬ Harbor senior, and sions wrecked portions of a troop Lillian Gisli Replace eral MacArthur's headquarters, 'rdshorst, Holland barracks at Loekken on the Skag- LANSING, Oct. 4 (AP)—Gov¬ however, said there was no im¬ ernor Kelly today proclaimed ' e leading roles of arrak coast of Jutland where | ^trulilCr Oil Serif's mediate report on the probable and marquis the period ending Oct. 11 as number of soldiers annihilated re- A mmor male char- large contingents of Nazi troops picture ' Wartime Health week. in the two actions. are assigned to guard against a . Lillian Gish. vet been cast and "In the 18 months following ■ r.'.unced at a later possible Allied invasion. actress and recent star oi une Pearl Harbor, American casual¬ ties on the world's battlefields Rradbury, President of the Detroit so¬ freed producing wheels and tues j -r on the iecturc totaled 78,235 in dead, wounded, missing and prisoners of war," TIME TABLE • nde over the meet- id be open to any- and t^a^rSorrS: ta.nment series, announced yes- the same proclamation said. "In the period, civilian casualties '' d in student dra- facturing war materials near te.rdy, in the United States numbered Miss Struther was forced to -ludio group is bas- Copenhagen. 139,500 dead and 13,950 injured cancel her appearance scheduled e-hmen and sopho- While the Germans blamed as the result of accidents, plus for Oct. 12 because of illness, Orchesls, 5 p. m. ■uts but juniors and the Jews for the sabotage and 34.056,000 cases of illness in¬ Crowe said. Dance studio. Women's gym Rave that as one reason for the volving disability of a week or , , _ , equally welcome. welcome. -From Hollywood to Broad¬ P and N meeting, 7:30 p. m. • speech and dramatics I purge, Danish refugees said the longer." Struck,,- "■'ill way" will be the subject of Miss ' Room 1. Home Ec building speak briefly at roundup of the Jews instead Health week Is sponsored by m^cti "" Gish's lecture. She will speak «ien are Civilian and army halting efforts to hamper the war in College auditorium Tuesday pharmacists, to place emphasis Judiciary board, 6:45 p. m. knd. specially invited to at- effort would add new impetus evening at 8:15. on simpli hftlth- rules. Dean of women's office to the Danish opposition. Tuesday, October 5. im MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page :»e Two two • — Grill and Bear It . . Bv Lichi MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Spartans Tr em, W.-.l.»«-l»y m .1 r«- • Mlrh)K»n Stat. coll«*« A* w ai Kv ANNE COWAN tf..k.r A«»""at.d Cell.iri.t. Pr«e- Telephone—Colin*. Phone B-1IU. W- —- Hfn at •uteri MtitAKA nwrnmoN _ stitution In the United States »«««_| devoted exclusively to the eds —— cation «»t women in medicine. II h ill's Veil* San ice Aids Students ,„,r ,,, which Detroit, was Maj. spent sever Vi WKAU, Michigan Stale liege's ratlin station, took an- ,t.nt vundcibut«. a graduate ,. ... ox;.,,i,Sinn estcf.lav when it begun its state'- engineering tir!lt. with d • services of I'ross Association, |h* c'^8«' in news service ol the Associated 1 less. player, cadet colonel '< ,U, saa,™ includes a 15-minute morning news ROTC unit, and president ot ' class. Ko minute rounilup ol the s news at <>.•><> senior t h< I'mpto plus background material tor uat , p. pews j,nigrum, maior aehievi ment in the hislory id' the radio J"' , ,v „ r»,ooo watt station. It is the largest inde- ] , rndtn station in the country, and also one ,,,. riiusic mjor stations in Michigan. M« .. 14 1 new . hradeast.s from the station have been to. rowdcr ' ,I twin datlv Irom Lansing. The dilliculttes ol days A',dw,'\::7z;r,,!vr::: artattgi tneot prompted lite new system whien u, i.i I ed v est erd;i\ . ' »*! , , L .1. Coleman i ; I" I mmetuled m he muter- Ala. INFORM ATlOJi What, When, Wl ,i „i,i„i„ing this service for Michigan State and J i ills oii rumpus. nr. vmatk wfinKsiior— THE LESS SAID Hy . . NEVA AC KEIOIAN . . F ' these day- iwa.le o aiid t .11; he it «IK : IIE*1S— Try-outs f»r Orthosis held this week, accord: < IfOSs ( OI NTUV— Siurley Thaver secretary ran Me luesdav and Thursday- Co K p. m. in the dance Women's m are ope" women. A long list at tC inc. Kg rt m- n' .'.'o' tHd'at^ <)I;1:."k. • frah-rnity. Stanley SU pnitz n id ,, hot. Clog:'., M-cluuan i mural cotball Tl Hot loothall , ,.lllire Keep to,•lb.,II and will keep studc nts mtei upoosed to late i • .inpott iit t*s crec" lmMjI ,t uc forecast just that N'mr g \ tlL.. ha' My y int. - the Inneh'ght SPAKs to start thei 111-!. boot tram t 1JI44 «i; Pocket Folio • ■ the presidential « teat-is will tu- near Kirst it w lsV t!u";il»Woti tin:-lush C11 v>i ill X ■ ^ a Oct 18. The fourth term proo rum : iind the t ialized «' urio n s k»» nui. illy c- fur last 1 Upon ^laiiuatD-n i. v• pubii<«•r t prophiejies isi' of the AST dales ot the g»»v< ,i|,(,|- • mnven- k of practice t on. and now W candi weeks of tr^iniivn. she will bo a petty otY.eor Uurai ii.i-s. For Pictures tied. In two >.\s he w-yinto !•> •i un a^ain. I)ou»thea Smith, a graduate diould he pre- Willkie qualiftei- hi- •-t '.trrno'it • of '.'tit. ha> joirual t.-io l\ ra- ... You can cany i8 of youc favonte pictu- a rood a Iter- t » say that he wv uld like to run ilia v'enti ol airlnn1^ iri Wa-u:lyu (21 > by 3L-j in thts compact, pocket sic ! for Spartan tin thf 1\ i puhiicai:vi ticket pro- ton. D. C . wheiv she will be an leather foiio. Unfolds to stand out on yOv vniiiu* the party would uAl'Vpt associate editor of t:ie P.("TA desk or dresser, is IlOt jUSt his ideas about domestic tv.» News, monthly pubio al.v»n *>> ijk t wiru-ty a»1 in- See TUG I^isS SAID—Page .1 airlines. tramuiat spurt It is a rc.,1 rc- "*50 M,W! : , fell, -,y . It ,s ,.e-in c not just a to.c'lu-r bunch of for a SMTi : • I; I ...-.ball SCI iiumage as in / * s 1XCITINGLY TIAMID FOR ROMANCSI t spoils has uwaut in Uio All sizes in frames for travel or home use k> past wocd, leather and metal. Each of these campus teams is ben - headed by • a member of I !he regi, college coaching staff, STORE HOURS: ft A. M. to 5:30 P. M. those w ho worked with Spartans in the past. The teams will be really playing football and not 107 South /Q Near Mir his -3 just playing only lor the glory of Mason 6. "tsr* jM^e/urnjcumL At*. > •- The Ave campus teams, former Gtrrs Junior ROTCs, Vets, civilians STARTS THURSDAY—EDGE OF DARKNESS leather goods and two AST teams, will meet M 1 C H 1 u A N .-tuber 5, 1943 STATE NEWS Page Three In'/mria! • of M. Aerial Attack Needs KiiiiM (i i, ,!Former Fascigtg U) Bc 0„t by Mini... filing Before Irish Game llvurv Iiombns <>l ltallan Keorgamzat 0 j. >olrr Dame Team Salunlay LONDON. lladoglio Promises Democratic (»< -ruinetit jherin« ! >ct. I) »ml)in»» 4 (AIM i j?v Jerry I.iska and mtftin.M Bv Daniel De Luce >day against Ihc im Midi.. Oct. 4 (AP)—Michigan's Wolver- Mill city,i ITALIAN HIGH COMMAND HIKJ. IN ITALY. n, f. J ,1VN ARB- >! , \ notwithstanding, would do well to give 1. other tar i (Delayed) (AP)—Premier Marshal Pietro Hadoglu. •! - ;:,Yk a lilieral shot in the arm in prepara- many If \mtll and • •peril clared today that the new Italian government emphatic- - 7 temporal al the fiercest attack ht com- ! til meetings II.i /MILK the Iohvi, turn si »dly a | w ww *■■■„■ --as shades uf i at,d yellow, we sit armj t1 ''•'•! turning a bright shade <>t gu : ISarioglu. i,tp (>f i that's all our own . . . No. it i. mging "• *' j something we ;ite. but env, dilTic ulto i part, i j all the gals who are di ;u:c round those big new "jnols ' Nazis ,J Marvel McGirr. Alpha C her chunk of glamour ii i . Chap- Curt Adamv. Doha f i events tin ; Yr''s"'1'! who is now in Florida with : grand <•• n t n®fd" j eye on a pair of at my an m Marvel's sistt into It iiv a""32 20 | wings s wingS ' ' • Mar*el'8 s:st,,r Al" . . . Intei'tioiis nn.v Chi, Dorothy Martin, : ! from Johnny Mai ktuim. i Cln . . . Johnny's in Te: j the United States eaval | Fran McCieevrv Alpl another token-tot being a diamond i i <>i11 j Karnsworth. Signr. t j Jackie Sharkofl. ' . p .. ai Xi, has taken a I Overett "Swcd Joe Nelson. mod Jim Bihbins : at-1 third strike -Ml-1 lures Feri'lci the foi mi lUiu i | Women's j l l McCai on't be hard il l :. 111 ; Spoils IB VI \UY K \V HAilt ii i Hi . Comes date will r.M' t» \v f t. j Kap| i ding ring, placed on her j by l.aFi ve Hamilton, ATC i a sophomore here i i t ■ • ill• •Kin' v S'-rir: I sending her best wi-hos i Lt. U ill (l/tni II ill: 1 j i Kimberli VVashingfo . Film l.frluri' : j is living i 1 —1 inn Shim s JI • 11- lor ( i h. In all. ; Special Art Class Planned ■ |Hisses j A special Saturday mot out 'Vreck and ' | 1'v yards. i 12 wins o| dl be: ' age w ; !). Prof. Alboi t ('hi -1 J- UK ll>^ S\1I) j—das, to A i1 0 2) j dren, will lie under tin d, adding cm. '• "■ pub- Uon of Miss Alma Cinch sistant professor of art > lot of will work with mimed ' facially water color, poster pain strayed and craft materials. Have u "Coke"r Come, be blessed and be happy I . • 1 ed to I in 1940 Dance Scheduled for l nion an party First in a series of 1 1 sginning I dances will be held Suturdaj •' bn :r i the Union ballroom from 0 ; niiminj I to 12 midnight. aCmrd r: j Merge Graff. Detroit jutm nRj Tip ' e na- ; .. poitun it- licity chairman for Union bw i some Tickets will go on sale 1 ; the war row at the Union desk. Til t Jh and formal dance is open h> dl II stop J former ilians, ASTs. aircrewmen ROTCs. "Coke's Coca-Cola 11 I'dscy Your Unit in It's natural for popular nanus to acquire friendly abbreviations. That's why you hear Coca-Cola called "Coke'. ir rushing costume with a carna- or baby mum tucked behind ...from Idaho to Iceland Hare a "Cote", says the American soldier in Iceland, and in three words he has made a friend, it works in Reykjavic as it does in Rochester. 'Round the .globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that re¬ freshes—ha become the ice-breakcx between kindly-minded strangers. Drm BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OS THI COCA-COLA COMPANY Vf The Sororities' Florist The COCA-COLA Bottling Company of Jackson Tuesday, Oct oh, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page Four Recorded M a s i c British Suffer Setback THE WOMAN'S WORLD Programs Pitt a tied By LEONE SEASTROM from Germans on Coo of Musical Interlude, a program recorded music for campus judiciary board students, will continue to ' be ohs, Saginaw Junim will be announced ] Judiciary board will hold its held this year on the Union sun swl first meeting at 6:45 p. m. today Yugoslavia Armies Tear Up Enemy Port ami Rail porch from 12:15 to 1 p. m. in the dean of women's office, SWL will meet (..< Communications in Balkan Bottleneek as Monday through Friday. acrordtng to Chairman Lorna the Spartan room .. This noonday event is Super¬ Jean Bail. Mason senior. according to Pre- .'. Fresh Eighth Army Troops Arrive vised by Miss Phyllis Rykala, Members of the board include Rowlette, Detroit East Lake senior, who announces presidents of all dormitories, man women a:. LONDON, Oct. 4 (AP)—Striking in strength l>y sea the selections and supplies ex¬ and representatives from Pan- tend the meeting' and air, German forces have wrested several strong- planatory and historical com¬ Hellenic council, co-ops. and of! coming year will i. ments throughout the program-. points from the British on the island of Coo in the Italian Records, chosen from the col campus houses. Dodecanese, the Allies acknowledged today, but in Yugo¬ Tentative Pro lege music library, arc featured big sisters I slavia determined patriot* the program. Selections cho¬ armies heavily engaged the Orientation on this week are as fol- OR campus big sisters wbo do for Mammoth Office sen for not have their report sheets Nazis on a long, irregular Schedules Maheuj) should pick them tip at the AWS | Declared Too /(/•' front. office between 4:30 and 5 p. m. WASHINGTON. - The counter-assault upon Con. Exams This Weeh I today. Co-Chairman Pat Fisher, —The treasury's ma 23 miles long and the second j Evanstnn. 111. junior, announced. tax program, intend largest island of the Dodecanese Makeup tests for all new stu¬ I The sheets are to be turned in lying near Turkey, \yns a minor dents who missed the first i Eiiday at the big sister table in | another 10.500.0un i" but measurable setback in the week's orientation examinations j the Union. | come tax payers, re I tobacco smokers auc Allied campaign in the Aegean, have been scheduled for this 1 Fnim Pi-Pu.-y freshman orientation liquor and soda p> and the Middle Fast command week. The following list is a ' Ih.Rnwy announced that "the lighting 'schedule of the examinations: !>,ll,i»v Women's organizations as well ! j died a-borning tod Rep. Doughton Wrgk lVHiifwy continues." English test—Wednesday. 4 I as their leaders will be intro- | a quick look at Bombing Reported p. m , room 1, Home Economies FriH.y ! duced to freshman women dur- i which would inn , A strong air armada punished building. German invasion boats all day j ing the orientation class from 2 ! cent the governor Psychological test Thursday. ! until 3 p. m. today. Chairman | take from person.,': Sunday, when the landings be 4 jv m., Music auditorium. • Jane Camming. Detroit junior, ! proclaimed it to, gan, and big bombers includ¬ Reading test—Friday, 4 p. :o . Harriman Reaches London announced yesterday, I for the taxpayers t, ing Liberators and Halifaxcs Music auditorium. j Each activity leader, introdiic- : time. winged out to bomb the airfields In order to complete the per¬ LONDON. Oct. 4 (AP)—W. led by Miss Cumming. will give Since Doughton at C'alato on Rhodes and Herak- Avcrcl! llarriman. ncwly-namcd ! a brief outline of her prganizn- ' of the house ways manent record of each student, lion in Crete to weaken Nazi air all the examinations must be U. S. ambassador to the Soviet I lion. The same program will be I committee, throng suppott of their island drive. taken. The appointment fo.- one union, landed here late today presented during the Saturday I tax bills must go. e ■ The Yugoslavs, eager to speed of these tests take precedence by air from the United States I morning orientation class. the day of li'wration. battled the over classes, laboratories and and will proceed to Moscow re; ■ j cd ' unlikely that th anything remotely i Nazis on a front from northeast¬ all other activities, according to soon as IPs nomination is con¬ ern Italy in the frontte .I Prof, Paul Drcssel. secretary oi firmed by the senate. j tower guard alumnae I get to first base, 350 milt Tower Guard alumnae of 1042- j1 speculation that air the rientation committee During his stay here Harriman Yugoslavia, broadening theii | will give his attention to foun¬ j 43 will meet tomorrow in the passed this ye. r v. - 'more than half tli, lodgement in the lower section j Invest In Victory—Buy War dation work for the forthcom¬ j Union at 6:15 p m . according l> administration ask, of their homeland and tearing ing tripartite conference. 'Alumnae Chairman Sheila Sym- Bonds and Stamps. Up German port and rail com¬ munications in the bottleneck , where the Italian peninsula meets the Balkans. Eighth Army Mrnaces at Thev struck a with rising power time when the German It ink in that area of the Balkans was being increasingly menaced by j | j Ready for R the landing of fresh troops of [ Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mimlgom ery's eighth army on the Adn I Rushing season, which is in full swing now, atie sheen of Italy at Termoh Tlic German high command I . demands that you be dressed just right. Have conceded that the struggle was you started to get ready for a party and discov¬ continuing against "Commune t i guerrillas" in northeast Italy, ered that you had nothing appropriate to wear? and claimed annihilation of Yu Then why don't you come in and see us? We goglav forces of unstated m/o south and east of Trieste. have a complete selection of now fall dresses in Adminis!ration Sucks up-to-the-minute styles. Defeat of Draft Bill WASHINGTON. Oct. 4 (APi The administration, seeking a crushing defeat h* the Wheeler hill to stop drafting pre-war lathers, pictured expanding navy needs today as meaning that next year these men mav be called on heavily for service. Senator 11 II of Alabama, the 11, ■•hip, opei th nate attack on a bill bv Sen. t, , Wheeler (D-Mont.) t , postpone father inductions un¬ til Jan. I, told questioners that officials have estimated that it will he necessary to draft 446,000 lathers to moot army navy needs tor the remainder of the present year. CLASSIFIED ADS help wanted ArritAunvK ten, ,1 n -i.-l opfninos- u,ri- »p.i l>v Mi.hlrar, Tube- |! All sizes, patterns Aaaou iation to do typing. short* and colors. »*».,!. . Ieru ,tl work. *11tl oth. r ««M j..h» j $8.95 . $19 95 ■wiry. Pnrt «>r full time work. 403 S«y j nour Aw., LatiMtiK. Phone 44541. |I •»<; O- HOY WANTED. Have 2 r<*>d old Mreepinit. Apply Town Col bit e Sb v Km! Lansing. 27 BOYS WANTED. Have 2 Rood old cwtxbliAhud Detroit F. IV daily rout**. Open in Kjm*t LnnainR Route* art free. No cm»h deposit* iMfrtisa.ry, Phone 4-302C or come U» off lee. 217 8. Grand. Laii*titip. 27-SI Visit our accessory department just inside the for sale Washington avenue entrance VIOUNS 3 fin,, old Very reasonably priced. 9.3739 COAT-—Black mistake 20. Blna** call 8-4288. Chattel field taken by at Haw* Kappa Garama Sept. 27-28-29 MILLS NEAR COLLEGE DRUG No. 2. tan Also sportswear - lingerie - millinery . yard goods wallet containing: Identification, money, and check. Reward. Bat Jones, g-3337 or 421 Abbott Rd. 27 U